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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 14, IZZ3. I TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION, TODAY'S Member of the Potato Combine Exposed by The Journal Are Rushing to Cover -Gang Will Very Likely Be Dissolved as Growers Are On. MOriE ROUTE MARKETS A GREAT FIRMUESS WILES CHEESE Market Stronger With Local Ar rivals Heavier and Demand : :v ! Showing, Increase. STRAWBERRIES WILL.; . v "COME FASTER SOON Potato and Onions Firm at Yester 1 day's Rise-Eggs Steady With For tner Prices Maintained Salmon f Season Opens Tomorrow. ,V ; rm Strict. April M-Th principal feature ef tb Port U ad wholesale markets today srei k Utrawherry getting larger. ' ' Orange BVkit cleaae up fast. - ' , -"rat flrnaieae 'ncned im etu.a. .j. laoA Bale of hatter at oaot.tloae. Potato and on too Itrm at rlae. Car oraagea setose sar'e arrrrala..4.:..., Baliaaa esaaua open loeaorruw Bwoe. : Kgge are hoMIag Mt tertr. . peultrr arrirale fleA aaceiieot ajariet. . ; Kewtoat doing sop eaarket. Bering lam be ara coming feeler. - a 1 .... WlaJ la With arrtrala ehnwlng Juet a bar tscreae the local rlwMa starlet la la weir a"w nxlar. for eome tlma t bar, baa been sjore small atorka than demand waraated ana) the Mlt' ,a 4b . Imt-crtaOoa' ot hearr aeppllee free the eoalh. Kxi. mux km ar atitl comta here from that directkm. hot thavolnroe aot aa lan a a week ego. The better quality t tb local ebeeee ba canard ewH 4 ran to exiat bit ww a the two prodnct. Tba prbv 'cipal eIl art swwciit at for-Hat aa fact, practically -ell tba aelr ar of tba grade. Young Aeiertoae ara nelectel aad etorks la tats Una ara oalta liberal. -The market eon. Mail unchanged aa far aa price la cuBrcrneU. err rood enrtertone. Salee ara quit aa hoary , a tba anppiiee. " . - - - tram MUM. point, thrra beta bat Htthj call ' from tb rtly brad for aatalda batter. City creamery aianufaeturera report a larger ' of aale. bill atorka there are considerably larger - nd mom altll peet tb pries to drop te - I lat -earlr .the . cowing week. :.' , " la th rt market tti tai ta yaat ateady. The rlty and country trad purehaaad Ita Baiter auopltea aad tber araa bot Hula demand ttvm low aoorra rwmj . .una. .11. nU aroBBd ITe. wltB aome aaiea a Jrao- tloa blfber aa prerhmaly reported. ' Poaltrr ilada a better aal in tba local mtr 'keta. Rerelpta ara briinalnf to abow a alo . . . 1 1 MakUJ fh Mrreaae.: mm.-xmm- pt-. r"". " , " rrao 10 rieaa up - alabt. Tbora la a allht Inereaae la arrtrala f aprhvra. Demand ailll. beat la tlila line. . Frkaa frartkmaJly . uacbaonrd. Strawbtrry Sappliaa Oattlnc HaarWr. . : Soppllea of California atraorbanie tn tbu market ar abnwlnf aom mrreaae. Veaierday about half a deaen rratee arrlred onder refrla. aratloa aad wara dlapoaed of at S2W a bo. Lanter arrtrala ara due tna anioa weea era arlree are eiperted to ehoer cenalderabl drop. Plfteen eratea- at California berrlea paHed rhrah aa route tn tba aoand today. Adrlce from fcieal pomla mdWat that tbera will b quit a ,tary prodocttoa la thai auta thii aeeaan. KTeryvbera tb planla are In bloaoota and ta amne -aarta th reea berrlea bar al ready appeared. ' t ' A ear of oranrea waa among tba antral nt th day. Iluppllea atlll amalL altboifh mta rerelpta hare been quite liberal. rrte a eoanaaoi m m.w m . Sprlac Lamk Ara Ceminf Eaaiar. ' - - la the rroat etreet markata aprlna lamb ar knh a lanrer aBoearaare. tba arrtrala t ereaamc quite materially. Tileten. aenta la tb aeaerat nrhm today. Market aoraewhat mdlf . f c f .u t. hue e 1 .1' . ; .' ' nreeeed real and hoaa relala then- former fall etreafta and prWa ara but - frartlonally -haated. The high fltur m Teal M doom H. but the full limit m atUl on In draaeed hoaa. Praetlrally no mutton la now mnlaf aad quota- - ttona to -that M will lmreaftaa-omlnaI j 'Salmon Seaaaa Osaa Tomorrow, ' ' Toraorrow at the noon hour the aalmoa aaaaaa fnr Orwaea will open alone tba Columbia aad ' Willamette -rlrera. The marketa todav kaee fair euoollee nf flab from tba Haetameata. but . prtoaa are it 111 toe high for general eoaaamp. .tloa. A drop m prlrae m looked for Mood if ' moramg. Other turn with tba .eiceptloa ( halUmt etlH aearea. Craba, too. ' Tatatoe aad Oniaw Tlrm at Biaa. Althoagh by no meana -eirtted the tone la Both the potato and colon marketa la aery firm at me no qaotea exeiaarreiy by The Journal . yeaternay. - Member of tba potato eombtb art ret f mnch wmiled leat the nrodnrer ehaBea to eeeare their hantea and ar dlaektlmlng any connection with the troet organlaarloa. Soma of them have eome out tnto tba open and tre "offering frartlon orer the arrerd nrtra. Tble oiay yvmu'ij mois la loa aiaaoiuiioa Of tb wmMwi. Ma oihee to flltaallna The trade para tb following prlree ta Pmat etreet. Price paid prodacer ara leaa regular rata, Flear aaS Taadi 1 1 WHBAT Club. teV: red Baaalaa. 7c: hlae atem. : adley. g7e. ' ml pv Km A aoa no Miia nj v. . u t a w ' ' ' ' ' "tOEN Whom. I2T.001 araeka4. flS.0t ant RTB S1.S8 net awt " ' 'T OAT Prodaoer' arko Rat 1 while, m,Mt j fray, 27.00. FLOUR New eaetera Oregoa Detente. IA arm a.: atraicnta, 3 eiport, $2.00t.00; Hey, 3 &S: graham. V. ta.KO: whala wheat. I8.TS; rre. IKle. .V00 beleaV ga.Ve. . hniXSTt'FrS Bran. IIT.W per ton: mid dHnge. 129.00; aborta. eonajy, 20.00: tlty. RAT Prouurera' pHee Timothy. Willamette alley, fancy. ItOOoQllOO; or dl aery, TOOQ 00; aaatern Oregon. tl4.0OQlg.0ui aili.I t 0.00; chner. o.OOa.W: grala. ao.fiOm a wo; eneer. an.oo. " - ,. atter. Xgga and !Wltry. i cream".": lT. " k tTTKB--Clty creamery, aiie;.: ontalda Soi4--1 ft'"rga, candled. ITe. - - - - t- una ( u lav. lO?I Toung America, loci Cheddar, IBc; California POCLTRI MtaM ehlekena. IXHeHc per lb fancy kana. 14ijUHc Ik; rooetera, old. lv44i 'l! 'Jl..1- J'e yra, Jo- pee tb; broiler. Stc per lb; docka. 16c par lb; geeee. lOHAlIe per lb: tarkeea. lnatia. . per lb; dreeaed. Sir nee lb; equnbe, 2.T013 W) . nor aoax meeooa. gt.ou aee ane Beaa, ' Waal aad HMeaT - 106 Orq-tcm, prime) to cswiceV I.I.C1 dm! arr-aifim lot w'aahlnatiM aV. . " MOHATR New. (a.10e, a-. euH. HEKPHK1NS abeartng. IS1 eaehi abort wool. 25t0e each; medlnm aouL KneTh. . a.., Ami YfUAiai no . . --' CHITT1M BARK her lb. RIDES Dry, Ne. 1, f lb an a. lu JTte fr lb; dry kip. "a. J. ta Ik fbe. 14 arr rmu. 1.0. 1. vuoer o Rie. IM; eaTted bldee, ateera. aauad. an loa and eeae. I0llc: oawe. SATURDAY PRICES IN V , . THE WHEAT MARKET ay . -, . . . : May 4 Chicago I .7B Minneapolis . . ,77H . 4 -Winnipeg -..rt iiaQ e Milwaukee) .... ,7?h fit. LouI.... .7B e Kansas City.,. .'(HA "iHilath .0 "4 B July .7B VaK 4 New Tork..... ITi,r .'San Francisco., 1.21 , . . - -.- 4 Derwmlycy. ; i . .. q . 4k . . ah JOURNAL'S DAILY - . TIPS ON MARKETS 4 T" Bw-Sveratnc- " Farrolf. ' q - Tho poultry market - has bean 4 very poorly supplied the , paat 4 week. It has not had ona 000 p d whera It nqedod 10, and we truat 4 that shippers will send-mora of 4 them awhile prices are food. : Hona ara sejllnf at 14 and 14 cents, with old roosters at 11 4 cents. Broilers and fryers are In 4 good demand at about 21 centa ' 4- per pound and the market wants "mil It can vet, but wants none d of less than one pound to the 4 bird, none smaller, ducks are ah sun v nrm ' at 11 . cents anve.- . Oeese ar also pretty nrm at iw ay cents. ..Turks are very Hrm for hens at 17 and II cents alive. 4 : and - fat '. dressed hen turks are ' 4 4 very firm at tl and X cents, it - 4 will soon ' be time to set hens - d) 4 and to- fill Incubators (a. good .. 4 4 many are working now) and we 4 e trust that lots of poultry will be raised. It will all be needed a bv the rapidly growing cities of 0 the northwest It Is the farm- 4) ers wife who sets thro or four 4 hens where ana intenaea aoiiing ay but one who makes the big dlf- 4 ferenca In th production of 4 poultry.-' - T" (HHe; ataga and halle. auuad. aQte; kia. 10 to go ina, vci eair, aoeao. aaoer .0 .m. greoa, auaalted. 1 leaa: cane, lc nor 10 maa; KMhlH.. mmltmA mmrti gi Keli.TS: drv. oaca. f 1.00tl.60; colt hlora. KafnOci goat akin. common, each. . lOUleci 'Jgora, eaca, xocsj fl.00. . .... rratta aaa vagetaaiaa. POTATOCS Beet aorted; I5c per each: pro ducer' prtce for ear lata. 70c par cwt: orduutry, tiMUNWnMMf price uregoa. no. i. ii.iu. producer' price. No. 1, $I.W)igl.2S; No. t, li aerltc. NttlOr ner lb: onion eeta. 7c. fancr uarel. txtOi aeedilng. $2; banana, 4,K dc par it: lemona. cnoice, j ou per 7iti mi n hn. limM kfevteai per 100: lanaer'iaee. fl.35; ploeapple. Mexican, fif: Hawaiian, ffl.oo. V B'ial A p Lr:a Taratce. new. ioc per oace earrota, S07Se ckr beeu. pwy.o pe eack: Oreeon radlabea. SB doe: eabbase.. Calirw- oia. - aa as -wi. .. aeniiera. - 41 lb California foinatoe. t.2.t; Meitran. ' $2,011 (tl.3A: naranlDe. BOcClll.00: autng oeaaa. we; cauliflower, 2.ft .per crate: green pee, lie par Kt boraeradlab. eTe per ih- ..rirhAiM nee 00a: Boinou Ulrace. II. 7.1 per . boa: celery, , 44.00 bee crate: . asmnklaa.' Ike: aaoaah. Ic: anroata. Se ner lb: rranberrtee. Jerarra. 114.00 ear bbls-rooe bay and Tillamook, 410.00: eepara- rua, aliromta, ntmi . per id; uregon. ioa doeen buerhea; rhubarb, Oregon, 4c per lb i.tuack, 75CWI1(I0 per box; green onion.. Oregon, 30e doaea bunchea; kotbonae eucanv here. 43.50 dneen. DRIED FRUITS Anplee, ' evanoretad.- IIA too in: aprlcou. isqidc per in: peaceaa, in-iu IXe nor lh: aacka. Me par lb leaai urnaee. to to. 40. Wc 4t . drop, aa aaeb etxteeaih emai!er elae; tea. California black. gQTe per lb: Callfn-nla white. tte ner lb: data, goldaa, 4c par Ih; tarda. tl.SS par IS lb bos, .. Orooariea. Bute. Eta. , " HHOAB Sack beat Cuba.' $T .0B; powdered. 5 BOr fralt - grannlated, 45.80: dry granulated, HM; taut. A. .YM: beet granuUled, 45.00; extra C. 43.40: golden C 450: . O reQow, 4S.10; hbfc. 10c; H bbla, the; hosea, 50a ad eaaea en aack haaia. leaa SBe per ewt tor aaah. to aay: mapie. I.eiioc per in (Abo re price applr tb aalee of leaa than ear lota. Car lots at special prices sahjeet ta luctna ttona.) . . HON bt go. 80 per crate. COFFEE Peckere brand.' 114 tg. SALT-Coara Half" e-rouno. Km. tT.fNI nor ton; Uble, dairy, 60a. in no; too. 410.TR: Im- rtea l.lTerpool. . ooa, giT.oo; 100a. aid no; :4a. 114 00: extra tna. bbla. 2a. he. loa. M.BOdf 4.50; hulk. MO lb. 44.00fl4.00; aacka, ItOa, aniRaa-. rjeertiool lnmn met. tlt.B0 art ton! 40 lb rork 47.00, 100a. I4.T8. ' GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. THe. RICB Imnertel Janan. No. 1. Set Wa. e. 16"ac: New Orleans head, ye; Ajar, 4c; Weole. ne. j BEANS Smart white. tt.T6O4.0f)! lerga white. I.1.IS: pink. t2.TR: byoa.l4.o0i tlavaa, $5 75: Mexican rede, 4 He. NITTP Peanuta, Jamboa Se per Tb; Tlrginla, IHT.e per lb; roaated. 8".e per lb) eoenanuta. tnttOOc per doa: wa'iHam. 15411RH per Iht ptnenut. tOUUHe par Ih: hickory auta. we ner in; cnratnnu, eaetera, lnrjiBe per ini Braxtl ante. 14c o-r lb; Alberta. 14014c per lb: fancy paeaaa, UH4)lSHe almond. 14H4J lBHe. ' .... ,"t . ' Velnts. Ceal OiU, Xta. ROPE Pur Maalla. 14Aei ataadard. UUtt etaal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral naeaa. 1BK ser gal; water wblte. Iron bbta, 14c par gall wooaea, itc pee gai; aoaaiigui. liu-aeg, tlUe per yalT OASOLINI a-dfg, caaea U par g gai. iron 11a iv per gai. BENEINB eVdrg, tie 1S".c per gal. caaea hoc, pes, gal, kraa eases S9 par gal. wondia bM T.c per sal TURPENTINE Is hbla S3e ner eaL ' WH ITg LEAD Toa lots. Te per Ib SOO-a lot. Se per lb; leaa Iota, 44e per Ih. WIRE NAII-iS peeeeut baala at 4J.KS.' UNSEED OIL Pure raw. la t-bbl lota, one: IL Pure raw, eaaea. BSc bar a 1-hbl lot. Me: eaaea. Me Bar sal: reaalna kettle- boiled, eaaea, 60 per gal; -hbl fcra, He; 1-bhl lot, p.V per gal: ground rake, car lota, 1x0.00 par tool lnai than ear lota. ISO on per tea. meat, riaa aaa grenaiana. FRESH MKATB Front atroat -Beet - ataera. 4(oe per In;-cow, Io)4e per h hoga, block, aVjC per lb; parkera. ft We par lb; bulla, 4Bc par lb; real, extra. Ti,e per tb: ordinary, nettle per lb: poor, bQSe nor lb; mutton. raury. nBe per in: lamoa. lie. BAMS. BA6oN. ETC. Portland sack flaran hama, 10 to 14 Ilia. per lb; 14 to 18 lb., ner lb: hreakfaet bacon. IdHAlgUa oer lb: picnic. 10c per lbi cottaae, 10e per lb; regular abort clear, anamoked, 10e fmt Ih; amoked. 11 o per lb; clear backa, anamoked. iW V ; aeaoaeu, nai per iu; union Delta, 10 to IS Ina, anamoked. Be per lh: amoked, per lb; clear brill, an. nuked. 11 per lbi amoked, lto per ll; ahouldera, se per lb. LOCAL laki Kettle leaf, 10a, Hue per lb: 6a. 12H per Ih; 60-lb tine. MWc oer lb: Steam rendered. 10a. HWe par lb; 6a, into per Ih; coinponnd. 10a. TUe. CANNED SALMON Colombia river, l ib tall II. AO; Mb tall. (2.TR; fancy, lib gata.; H-lh fancy tat. tMn: fancy 1-lb or. la, j 74; Alaaka ulla. pink, S6Ot0 red. $1.00; aomiaal t. tall. 42o6. riRH Rock end. 7C per m: Bonndeea. Be nee Ih: halibut. Ac oar Ih: craba. II .AO oer doe: atrlprd baaa, lift par tt; catSah. Te pee lb; aalmon, froarn Or per R; freak ontalde aalmon, 13H per lb: herring, Se per lb; aolea, Be per lb; abrlmpa, 10c par lb; parch. Be per 10; mart eon, re per 10; tomcod, Ta par lb Columbia rleer amalt. Se per Ih: allrer amelt. Tc per lb; lobelera, lAc per lb; fresh mackerel. ne per id; crawnea, sue per doe; Sacramento bed. e per lb. OYBTEBS-aboalwater hay. ner aaL tBSS: per aack. M.T5. CL1M8 uardiheu, par pas, 92. 00; clam. $2.00 per boa.' MOHAIR POOL DOES .- : .N0T WANT TO SELL (Special Dlapatch to Th Journal.) Dallae. )r Aorll 14. The Polk I'mnlt Ifn. hair aaenciatkm pool haa reruaed tba bigheet hid of a:l-c on Ita wool holding of 40.000 pom-da. lcal men were tlie alftieet hhluera. Portland bid aa hhrh aa 80c. The eonimttiee fiwmed to aril tlie molialr eon. lata of H. -L. Feuton. U. W. Myer and 0. MrBea. and waa reiineaard to bold for S3c. There waa a larva attendance of nirmaera and farmera. i , ' I C0TTA0S 0B0TB POOL SOLD. (Special Diapatch to The Jour aal.) Cot tan tiror. Or., April 14 The farmer near (ottaxe tirore hare been bringing In tuetr mohair wool for the pact few day. It waa all placed In a pool and 06 Thnraday waa aold at public ancthw, bringing 20 1-IBc per pound. There were nearly 10,000 pounda in the pool, and It la the Urgeat amount anld here at any eoe time, xlanr rancher here will da more catenate goat ratal aa It bfinga a good profit. : TJBITID STATES OOTIBBatEBT B0BDS, New Yorlr, AprU 14 Gorernaieat bonds'; Ara'. Bid. Aak. reglateted. 1!0 : 104 lOS, iwig instZ lftoa uh ..... in lnT inatt 1"T losil; IPiS isnai--1M5 1.11V .... ' I in .... ltWVt 104 104 do coupon Three, realatered ia -oeoann , . j . n . Two, amall honda Fonra. reflalered do oauH. , . , , , raira, rettetrred ita enup-in pi.rHct nf Columbia S ofia! I'hUlpphw 4.. 14 4 104 in' 104 111'. 1X1 iioi HIGHER PRICES IN STOCK r.TARKET General List rvloves Upward on Brilliant NewsLargest Cain ' Y Made in Anaconda. '. BANK STATEMENT IS ; i . CONSIDERED FAVORABLE Coppers Rise Swiftly .With Advance of One and a Half in Amalgamated Gold Imports .Reported Heavy, but News Not Confirmed. v KET GAINS. Anaconda ........ 8 katy Amalgamated ....'IH Atrhtauo h so prererrea.,... , i N. x. central .... vax ei eounary.... do uraf arred .... at Penneylranla people a uas .... Preaaed Btl Car.. do preferred..... Paclfle Mall Rep. Steel, pfd... Bock laland ....... do preferred ..... Sugar H Smelter m ea. preierrea.... iv Colo. Fuel C. A M. W 4 Cheeapeak 4 Colo. Bouth Southern Railway.. Southern Pacific... do let )fd.,.. 1U do 2d nfd...... IV 1W. T. d..... 2t4 !!!?::: I r ... 1 Frleco, 2d pfd..... 2 Denrer ........... Brie ............. 4 Tea B Paclfle Union Pacific oo an pra..v... 1 LenhiTllle ..?.'... 1 Central Leather ... 1 U. B. Steel Mctropolltas . .... 1 do preferred rrsxlo. " 7j i Mleeourl factne... - u LocomotiTe . NET LOSSES. . Baltimore ..... hi. North Americas a.. , U Brooklra ..." U Heading St. W S.-WVB.. Tenn. Ooal 7. t Whwonatn Central.. M Canadian hm S , S 1 Fad. Smelt- nfd.. U Norfolk H Wall Street. New York. A Mil 14 The atock market eloeed atrong. . Tba hank ' atatement being much better than axnacted added to the eon Arte nc which preralled. Th bank exhibit luaay waa tna beat lu a long time. There are rumor of large gold tmiiorta. but aa ret only a amall amount haa beaa confirmed. The action of the market la gratifying. .. Settle- ment of money ra etc wouja would likely be a bull mm ene- eanraa." - Official quotations by Orarheck, Starr Oook company: MI IF OESCBIPTIOM. Anaconda Mining Co... Amal. Copper Co Atrblaoo, com......... do nref erred 2Tm 111 Am.. Car Fonnd,, eoea.. 44-f44if4tH w prererrea.,.....,, Am. Sugar. 00m. ....... I8il40t4 Liu; m. Bmelt., eom. ...... do nraferred Baltimore A Ohio, com. do preferred..... Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. 111 1UJ4 ST'A Canadian Paclfle, com. . . 1W1 11 im. at Alios, eom.. Chi. It tit Wet, cool. 21 78 "4 61 "6V4 int.. Mil. Bt. Paul,.. Chi. A North., com Chesapeake a Ohio.... Onto. Fuel 4 Iron. com. Colo. Sooth., earn,. do 2d preferred ....... do let nreferred .. Delaware 4 Hudnoa.... . K. 0.. com do preferred... Erie, com do 20 preferred.,... do let nref erred 78 14 TSta Illinoia Central Loularllle Naahellla.. Metropolltaa Street By.. Manhattan By Mexican Central By...'.. Minn.. Bt. P. A Bta. M. 174 V, 14014 1T4174', IJ Mlaaouri Padno. . .. .. a.. t T., com do preferred T2W New York Central...... 14 i4" Ootton Oil Federal Hmeltara........ Norfolk B Weatara. 00m. North American........ Pennayleanla Ry...,... 1044 sss (WVa 100 141i 141 r. u., l. a c. 1.0 Preaaed Steal Car, ceaa. . do preferred Paclfle Mail 8 team. Co. Beading, eom 86 ii 100 444. 130 do 2d preferred do let preferred...... Rep. Iras Bteel, com. do preferred. . ....... r Rock laland, com do " preferred ......... . SontherB Hallway, com.. do preferred Southern Pacific........ St. L. a 8. F.. 2d pfd.. Bt L. A 8. W., com.... - do preferred Texas Pacific Tenneeaea Coal A Iron. , Tol.. Bt. L. 4 W., eom. en 14 40i 100 V eS 40 I SOU sou UdIos Pacific, com..... do preferred. . . .".v;vr. 1.1T, 168i 17 vit 48. tHV Centra 1 Leather, con.,, do preferred 40 V. b. tiuDDer, 62K CS S2W do preferred... . B. Steel Co., eom.... do d re erred 42 42'. 108 V, 108 Wheel, a L. K.. com... I4 do 2d preferred do let preferred Wlaconatn Central, eom. do preferred W cetera Ctitoa Tel..... Waba.b. prd -. Am. Loromotlee. ....... National Iead 29Vi 2 27 V. 42 U 4V Total aalea for day. aaO.tOO afaaraa. . y ... 1 ax rsABcisco atnrara exokaxoe. Saa Fiaaclteo, April 14. OfSdal closing: Bid. Mid. Belmont ..... I S.KTH . .iT . .22 :.- !. . IM National Bank..! .64 Denver . 1.70 Kcllpaa 1.12V, erM Bar l.W Bull Frog ..... ,20 Htelnway .40 Coa. CaL-Va.... Ml Ophtr 4.87H Mexican ....... 1.15 Caledonia 88 Exchequer .43 Norcmna ........ LIU - Gold Crown 40 Great Bead..... : .60 . Heacue .14 Black Batte Bx. .04 Tramp ... .. 1.18 .. Oold Belmont.. .Ml aah Boy . . Home ....... Oohicn Anchor Im- Butler ... McXamara . . .. .TS .. 15 2.87 V, .64 .. .41 .. S.OO .,18.00. .. .0 .. .OT .. .IT .. .14 ,30 .. .24 .. .14 .. .44 Midway .. ... Montana .... North Star ... Ohio Ton. Kiten. . Nevada .... Went End.. 1 Adama Atlanta .... Bluebell .... Boolhe ..... 'olumbla Mt, ( Vmuuer . . . . Moutgomary ... giina,et ...... Hceptr ....... Manhattan A .2 .60 . " .15 ' .2d , .88) ,B7 .IDA ' .10 Dlanwndfleld lHxIe ' OB (loMfteld ...... .48 Jumbo ...... 1.72MiiRarier llnmprey Jumbo F.xten. 17 Iiexter-........ Kendall ' .84 (Irann - .19 lOold Wedge .... , .XI llono Star ..... .. .82 ot. Bend Kxten. Mohawk . ... .20 . Bed Tup .... l.MVVOt. Bend Annex. .12 1.17V4ICrewnt 2T Sandatorm - ".llrer Pk;k , St. Ira ..... ,Z4 uowooy , .is 1 U.8S . I Jumping Jack. .ST - SAB rBABCTBCO LOCAL STOCXS. .. , Sas Fraaehco. April 14. Official closing: 01a. aaa. Contra Come Witer. ..,...,.. an v Spring Valley water 87 S 18 . SI MS 12V, so', JS Mutual Electric..,. lant Powder.. Hawaiian Commercial.... ii.tiv.rif ' llonokee near Hutrhlnaon Sugar. K. ... .. Onomea Mar I'aauuan euiger. ,, i ...... Makawell Sugar.., nlon Sugar.. Alaaka I'ackee' ...... M 104 ..... st: .'104 V, ..... s allfornl Fruit.. ........ California Wme.......... .. 0 L . h!i 108 Aaanclated oil Pacific Statea Telephone Oceanic Steamabtp. ...... POBTtABp BABX STATIkTEBT. Clearing .1810.100 41 ., 47.734.BJ Balaacee ' Mosatary Bataa. Kew York. April 14. Sterling: Demand, 4S4i CO day. UM, I IfJ IV1IEAT PIT After Buying Flurry, at Opening Which Put Maytd Eighty- , -; One the Market Reacts. ' CHICCO OPTIONS - - ;" . U FIVE EIGHTHS LOWER Sellinf Pressnrs - Naturally Carried Prices Off During the DayShorts Cover Early Stiff Values Rule in Cash Corn Bull Sells Oats. . - BELAT1VB WHBAT VALUES. . j - :- Clnae - Ckwe " : Cloae '' . ' Sat. Thur. - IIMI.V ' Leas Sat. Mar.........t .TBU S I jaiu.Btl.14tL .OUH July.. ........ .tB - .7PHB A7A 8pUmbr... .7Vi .74 i , Chicago. April 14. After a baring flurry at the opening which pot May wheat te lie there was aboot le reaction from th top at the cloae. Thla can be regarded aa a natural and healthy raaetloa m a market which had made almeal eteady advance for aa entire week. The Satur day eeeaton naturally brought selling tn the way of erenlng no tradea. With maanlflcenr crop proepect In toe eootbweet and no adreree coodlttone to regard to the (ceding of tb new crop In the norihweat a yet, beara aeem ta find great aocooragemn is the onttoo. . .. Stiff Oaak Oara Prioaa. Vary atlff caah prlcea are belne naid for corn aa 1 eon a oa oiner muuacnei cestar. certainty the weather la 'not e faeorabla feature aa re gards tba next crop. Oieareaeee for tho day were orer tuO.Ouu noebela. Foreign market are deoendlns laraelr on American earn and moderate clearance fur the week are likely t bring atlff prlcea from the other aide after the Bonnay. Tba aitnatlos continue atrong with llxht conntrr offerlnaa aad rood domaatle and foreign demand. . . . Salllag by Boll Leader. The weather aian waa ratbar nnfaTorable thla morning and mora rain la predicted Is .the oat region. Tho bull leader waa credited with sell ing enough to take tb edge off the market tble morning. Offerlnaa were weU takes by seneral commlaaion-kona orders. . Hog Baa SiaappatattBg. ' la pro. ta loo packer were doing very tittle today. Soma of them anld moderately ea the early advance. The run of hoga la disappoint. Big and prlcea at the yard strong. Wood buy- g ej -tne present proapeeta. title la 1 naotatKma D7 Orerback, . Starr A uooae company: - . rv n bat, High. . Low. Open. May. uiy. .BO" .7t : CXIBKf. i.44'4 OATS. Sept. Hay..... -J' .40 July..... Sept..... May...., July...... 83M ji : Sept.,... AO .S0 MBSS POBK. May...., IS. IS 14.40 14.1S 1S.10 - 1S.40 -14.SO LARD. . 1 - S.7I - -7- S OT S.7 t an 00 s.a BHOBT BIBS. July.... May.. ...:s.7t S.S7 ... too s. g SO t.ts . s er '' 8MB 4 86 July.. Sept., May.,...; I TS r 1.74 $ ST July , S S I M t SO sept,.:..; s.ts . : PBIalABT ' BBAIaT, KOTZaTEVX, '', . ,, Chicago, April 14. Primary receipt: ' . .Tody .-Tea-rage . , . Bneh. Rnab. Wheat j.... ............ 54.nno ' gos.000 Corn 604.000 " 140.000 Hhlpmenra: . . - Wheat ......'....v.......;. S4S.0rin - im.000 Oars . 1.114.000 7RO.000 Amencaa clearance! wneat. T.evB bnahela; en. 433.800 bnahelai eats. 317.464 baahela. fkmr, 30,147 semis. 1 rr;-'jr, SAB rAB0ISC0 OBAIaT ItAXXBT. Saa FrBrteo, April 1A OftVI prleest J'. WHEAT. . ; ' Open. Hhrh. . Low. Cloaa. : M.3 lit acec-BBiuvT.... av-- Amym a-avs v BABLBT. My 1.14'AB f.. ..... i.wn ieeemDr,. .. jn m Jt r 474 ADDED WEAKNESS III THE SPRING LAMB MARKET ' Sellers Finding It Hard to Obtain Prices Hogs and Cattle Still Quoted Strong. Portland TJnkm - Stockyardsl April 14. Un- atock receipts: t aawae. vain, onevp. Todar S JT l e eex ago....... 4 ... ... Bug Month ago . ...... 17g 2S .' ... Year ago..... 74 1.160 Added weakneae la Burring Toe eprmg lamb market, and althoagh prlcea sre nominally un changed It la suite hard to obtain tb printed notation, cattle and hoga firm. General eep market good. Same price. Todar 73 koreea ame n. Official Meeaiart peace : llnge Beat aaatern Oreeon, S7.2S: - Markers nd cblna fata. 46.73; stockera and feeder. .o0. . . , . J cattle Beat caerera irregon areera, S4.7SS1 .00; heat cows and belfrra. 4 614.00; llalit nd medium ateera, 44.S6e44.00; light eowa, tl.Atmt 76: etockerg and, feeders, 44.10e4.26i alls. . ' Sheep Wethers. SHe: mmba. 7e! mixed sheep, Oe; ahors aheep. Sc. Calree Oood Teal, 160 to SOS Peond, (V4J 4c; rough and keary, 4Q5c. r XABTXBB H0OI XIOaTIB. Chicago, April 14. Lieeatock recelpta: . . J.. . . Hora. Cattle. Ihoen. Chicago 4.UU0 . 100 1,600 Kaaaaa City , 800 160 Omaha 6, DUO ' 100 ..... Uog atrong, ... higher. . Prlcea; Mixed, t4.6uuS.4S: good. .; rough, o.iKii 4.36; light. So.ai0S.67Va J Cattle Steedy. htieep atrong. e t BOtTOB OOPPIB KAAKXT. Boston, AprU 14. Official copper etealngi ma. Hir. Adrenture Allone ,. Atlantic . Bingham . I 7.0SH Qnlncy ,.fl)6.00 40.60 .... tl 20 .... etl.OO Shannoa 7.26 Tamarack ., 10. 00 : Calumet 7).0O Trinity , 12.12", I nlted Copper, ss.oo . Itah 4 87i. Victoria S.87V4 Winona .t,.., 8.00 WolTorine ... 180.60 - H. S. Mining... 61.28 . Term. Cop.... 4M.O0 Boetod Coa... 23. 7S Cel., A Arte.. 116.00 Cal. A Pltta.s. 20 00 ' f S. a Pitta.. 84 00 A Pitta a Dsla. 20.37 ta Junction ., assa Centennlel . . , 34.76 Copper Range. Paly Wat..i Pranklls ...... Oreene Con... Oranby ...... Mae Nevada Cos.. Nortk Butte.. Eaat Butte .. Bntta coala.. Old Domlnioa. Oeceola ...... Parrot' ...... 14.76 IH 75 1.12H 8.87 18.60 00 . V) ' 11.60 84 26 4A.00 1IM. 00 40. BrW TOXX BABX STATIstZBT. Kew York. April 14. Bank atatement 1 . Ineraaao. Beaares Reeerve, $27.8H8.I24 Mas TJ. B................. 7.4T0.4K) 23,i4.2i0 44,7) Bfit.Mio lana , . , Specie .... I.eaie .... Iiepoalt .. 31,67.7O0 ............ '24,104 Clrcula ties e Deere ea. 11 SHARP REAC Cm. I .7B...7UB TOlZ . 70 If .T . . . ..7114" .49 ' ".44U .45 . .4KT4 - .44414 - -44VJB .saii ".smt Al .. .tl ; " 1S.10 r 14.80- S. S. SC.ATM Jsscl ; Baomre Tteketi Haw. OTTatSABTSaUr 4MIU atOtm. Krorn Seattle at t p. m. for Ketchi kan, Juneau, Bnagway, White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. ' , 8. S. City of Seattle, April JC , ' S. 8.. Humboldt. April lt-li. ' 8. 0. CotUge City (via Sitka). AprU 19. . aT.asTa mxavmvaon. 8. 8. Bpokana, June 1-11; July S-Iti August S. . ' TOM BAjr snaAjroisoo sniOT. rrora Seattle at t a. ra.; Umatilla, April 2-11; Queen, April l-XI; Senator, AprU Vottlaat OfSoe, S4S WaaUaa-iom at. " . at. us. rama. . rt, Aa. - a B. BTOAJTV. O. W. 4U IB- Market n. Baa rrajxeisoo. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlands tTnloai Lear. . , Arrira, TellowaUa Park-Kanaae Clty-at. Louts Special for Chahalla. Centralla, Olyaa- 61a, Uraye Harbor, Boata nd, Tacoma, .Seattle, S po ke ae, Lewie toa, Butte, Bil ling, Deaear. Omaha, Kaa aaa City, St- Loal aad Sootheaat. daily .......... . North Coast United, elee. trie lighted, for Tacoma, lam.;: 4:St pa Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Mlaneapolia, Bt, Veal aad the Eaat. dally Puaet Boaad Limited, to ... S:00pa TMis for ,. (iaremr-nt. Chahalla. Cea trails. Tacoma aad Seattle . only. - dally. ...... ... 1 ... . 4:30 pm Twin City Rxneaee for Ta- . 4 40 pa coma, Seattle, Bpokana, Heliaa. Butte. St. Paal, ' ' Mlaaeepolla. Lincoln, St. " " ' Joeeph. Kanaaa City. ' Oma- ' - : ha. St. Louie," without - , change of ere. Plrect coa- - '-, nectlone for all somts - - - - . - - . Cast and Soatheeet, dally. . 11:48 pm 10S pa A. D. CnAttUTtin. smarast Uenerel Paaee. per Agent SSS Morrlaoa etreet, eoraar Thb-aL Portland.. Or. ...... - .... Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. tTaloe ' Deport Par Msger. Baisler, Clot, kan.. Weetport Cllftoa, Aatorla, Warren too, . na val. Hammond. Poet ate. Lsere Arrtre - ana. Oearbart Park, Seaalde S:00ta - TiOS pa 11 :3 SB sas pa seearia ana seaanora, ex- aaa oatiy . ..... ,....... AH traloa dally J. 0. MA TO. 0. P. snd V. A Astoria. Or. STBWABT. Commercial Agaat. 1 Alder rmamm main soak - - - -Ola! rosea Smploys. , . ' : Ot-the-thousands arho ara eannlneacl In Unci Sam's postofflceg tho veteran la John D. Strassburg, the oldest man In service on ths list. Hs is still at work in the Loulsrllls postofflce, where ha haa been amproysd IS ysara on March 14. It waa on that day In 1S4I that he applied to the postmaster of Louisville and waa given a position. Ha baa been witn tna local office evsr alnea and has never tost a day save 00 laava of ab sence. ....i-. Mr. Strassbura waa born In Oermane and had Just come to America when ha secureo; tnia position. On Juns t hs will ba years old. . Ha la aa active ss ever and expects to work for Uncle Sam for years to coma... . ........ Those who want to draw tha sa limit on government emrjlovaa ahnnM have a look at Mr. Straasbura-.handling ana uiau in vuw xximsruis omce. BeTwnty-BeTsm Tears a Tus tikes . . Prom ths London Dally Chronicle, ; vary latereetmg flgnre le the Bar. Blchard Bymar. the oMeet Waaleyaa alslatar la the oywrA Da Dob Wiat Cam. YdM Do? , To entertain your friends in your own home.. 'Are you an accomplished pianist? Are you a tal- ' ented singer? - Are you possessed of great reading or dramatic ability? : Probably not, for these ; are the exception, not the rule. Do you ever run a little short of conversation and wish you had , some little diversion for. those friends you wish ' to entertain? No doubt you 'do, and here is the -very thing you have been looking ior. It is a want and a necessity as well as a luxury for every ' home and through this ".- ' , .' . . , - ... .. :.'.' UNPARALLELED FREE OFFER The Journal is now enabled to present to each of its readers, old and hew, one of -these rich . toned instruments ; ''':". ".-, V,y ; ; " : ":v- " i 1 ' ' ' ;" '- ' "' ? A $7.50 Columbia Graphophbiie Absolutely FREE '' .;' It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would so like to possess,-and it is so simple in construction your little child can easily operate it. This is a reduced reproduction, of the f 7.50 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE, It cannot be bought for less. r . ' : y MAIL THIS COUPON TO THE JOURNAL TODAY - or inquire at . "Columbia" Phonograph Co r 371 Washington Street , , nd get in line for one of the graphophones. ----- - TN( COMPOftTABIX WAV 2 Cverbz. Trains Dy 2 tha Orleatal Limited, the Past at a """" VIA SBATTLB AND SPOKANB. Dally. . Dally. ' i - Lear a. Atrlfe. Portland time scfcednle : To and froa Spokane. St. Pas!, Mlnnegpolle. IHiluth sad all pulaU Eaat TU Seattle 4:80 a im mm UM pm ' 4.60 pa . To and from St. Paul, Mtnnaapoll. Doluth . and all points Eaat " eU Spokane 4:18 pm -1:00 m Srrsat ' Vartkars Stasaaktp Oa. Bailing from .Seattle far Japan aad China porta and Manila, carrying pa, ' seagers aad freight i . . B. a. Mlnaeaeta, April tt, , ShB. XhmtM, Junl 7. . - . H , BIPPOB TtlSIB BAISHA ' : (Japan Mall Steamahtp Co.) 1 S. S. Shinaaa Mara will aall froa Seettlo snout May -It-for Japaa and China porta, . carrying pa aee ng era ssd freight - .Per tickers, rate, berth leans ttooa. ate., eall oa or addreea JX. DICK 40V, 0. P. T. A., it Third St. Partiaji. Orsgea. Vaaae KaJa 440. A L,AS RA PAST AND POPULAR STBAMSHIPS - ..-,-. - Leave Seattle - , . "jryrrggOB," Ayrfl it, it, s u, "DOLPKIB," April SS. . "SIAiaO," Apru SS. . CAIXIMO AT : :- ' Katcklkas. Janean. Douglas, Balsas. Skag. way. Connacta with W. P.-A Y. rouU fur AUIa. DewsoB, tasasa. home, etc.; - Pot ..AH Soatleaetera Alaaka Ports. . . . Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaaka, ..Tll.a U ....... O .Tlnam 1 ' "Totem Poles." XXB ALASXA B. S. CO., Frank Weolaay Ce Afenr. tflt Oak at tland. Or. ;ii:ii:fi!;M: Opera (lag IS Paaaangar Btaamers far' SAN FRANCISCO and Lss Angela direct. Bt-dally aaretca. . .. ., VBBIB, Sis. leoraga, so. v. . n w euawauis Ana. pa. . aee laiaa , "REGULATOR LINE" The DaBes, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co..: Raats ' leave Portland and The Dalles dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m.. arriv ing aooui s p. m., carrying iroigm anu rissenrers. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. . Sock root of Alder st, wortlaadi raot of Court st, Tba BaUsa. , . Vkone Mala S14, rortlaasd. world, whs eompletes his ninety eereata year tontorrow.. Ckwe npna 77 yearn of work aa a winterer save left hla wonder fully Tlawooa. coneinertng his yeera: indeed, hla exceptional vitality la atteeted by the- fac that he recorded hi vote at the recent general election.. With a Siibscriptibntto The COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE received , the Highest Award at the "SL Louis .'World's Fair,' 1904 Paris Exposition, 1900. COUPON Of The Journal, '- t; . " ' : V Fifth and-Yamhill Streets: , . , v; ; Please send solicitor to" my address tiTexplalfi FREE : GRAPHOPHONE OFFER. ' - Name....... ......... .'...a.. ... ; ':.'. r 1 ' - a ' Address ....,...... ,,..'. OaTcfiori 3 UiUUiilUtU 3-r-trsIaf to the East DUy-3 . Tkiwags Pull ma a etasdard and tnariat alaea. Ff"Bae dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spkae r SJaeplng-oass dally to Baassa rtty. fT!'. rocllalsg ahalraar (ma tree) ts "e ku dally. Caio Depot teen. Arrive. iiZ ao-rortiana "paal foe V.. ' Huatliigtoa., dly. : SlSS gat .n Flyr for Bailers Waahiuton. Walls' Walla. Lewijton. Cease d'Alas ana . anrfMN,?Br" f0. dally.. S:llpa SKm Atlantic g, p,. tnr th Kart "a Hsntlarton. dally 818 pa Till a .COI.rMBIA BIVBB DIVISIOB. ' .,..r,'orl aad way potato, eouaaettng WltB for llwaco and North Beaes, eteames """A'h-et dock, learea S p. ah, 4ally. .IT" hBday; Batnrday. 14 p.. ss. Arriraa ahoat-S a. a., Sunday. , VAMHILL BIVBB ROCTB. ' eor Da T toa omm. r-1 ,. ..a v. ..kin - Balata, (teamers uU aad Modoe. A ah -at. 4ock. mlttinal. InIh t. . T..:,"- -j Pt aundsy twau water Bee. sx. sally, eseagt SuadayV ' ..' . i ,Pns.b BIVBB BorrraV iTT. LI",."m- 'an., aad way points froa C;."1 . Spokane and Lewie. It! r",, 0 s. m.. or spaa arrlral Trala -Art4 Ticket Office. Third and Weehlngtoa StS. Telephone Mais T'8. ; f. W. STINOBB. City Ticket Agawb A- la CBAia General Paaaangar Ageat east SOUTH TTnloa Rt.tUa.. r - Laar. . Arrive. Orerland Sim a TV,ln ior aaiem, Hoaebarg, Aah . .. . lead, Bacramento, Ogdea.- - , , San Prnnclera, Stoektos, ' . ' Loa Angelea, Kl Paao. Kew Orleena and tha aaet 8 S0 aa 5:SSpa wp"a warn connerra ax Wood bora dally except ' ' j Sunday with train for. . .. . t ; Umi.1. . 1 . . . ... ow ne.iua. norinraeio. Weedllng and Natroa.... S:4S pa T:tS 401 Rugana paaaenffer eon- neere t Wnodhnrs with - --' ., , ' V?1LA "4 "'. r l.wa iu. a...... ...... .... -.TT. jn - , . n. roeealii paaaenger. ....... T:80 am' Mpa Sheridan paeaensee.,...M 4:B0pm t:t8 aa Poreat Orore peaaner. . 1110:48 -m- 111:60 pa : Dallr. Ilnaiie eseerit itnBday. JCFFRBSON-8TBKBT STA1.014. , ' (. For Dallaa aad Intermediate point dally 4:18 p. m. Arrlee Portland 10:10 a. m. . For time card of Oewego euhurhea traias apply at City Ticket Office, or etatlon." TV-ken to Xaatera polar and rirope alee Japan. China. Honorala and A a 11 a. -. .City Tlcset vrnea enrner inira an nam Ingtna afrceta. Phase' Mais TtX - 0. W. STINOBB, , A. L. CBAIfe, City Ticket Agent. . . ... -. Oea. Paa. Agent. uaqmap rhos D Vnonfop tMCaillWl VIIUJ. IVe nlIVIIVVI . FAST TIME. XTT THS OOLTTMBIA THE fmit TXI Uf . TUB UMHM.U aiai xja. Leevee Oak -etreet dork : T .a. m. Moadaya . , . BWla... mmwi-mm a. ITh. weilllCBUarv . . .... ------- - - Dellea 4 p. a. . " imwmm The Oallea 7 a. a. Toeadars. Thara- daya and Batsrdaya. arriving Portland a P. Offlc aaa wnarx ioox van - nren, , rm Main 2011.. OAAaiS liaaLaaiiBi avi.i S. S. F. A; imbiirn k ' For Cobs Bay, Buraka and Sas tasciaea. Next aalllng froas Portland'. 'Monday, April 18. Kelt sailing from Sea Praarlsoo. Sat, April SI. V. L. OBEBNOTJOB. Agt. . Oraswick Peak Bo. A Pboss Mais 14U ' INQUIRY . J.., ..... . I Q loot m. saaatl -J I laftl soijfxi Of t v.