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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
7112 , OHZCOII DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 14. , 1SC3. ". journal : "WmtM'Mcs ' TKDI AHY CLAESIFICATIOM Five Cents Per Llae - No ni taksa tot "less than lSe'nor day. htm wards, u a rule, constitute line, at each Um la charged regardless ot the number of warns. WAA4LY -.BAlft f tneiartons -ftnclgdlng on Sunday lim) fO CENTS par 11m per Hk. . . . .. . HOKTHLT BATE (Including all i Sunday Issues) 1 ixr Una per month. ADViATIAL-WAiiTS nnt be la Journal bnalneoe efnee by la e'etock WMk days snd br 10 s'elock Saturday molnlt far ,ne sunuay issue, Co secure eiaasiaosaon. DISPLAY BAIiS given spun appUcstion at wftanWSJa : THE JOURNAL v ;V , BRANCH OFFICES y ; ADTxxTxantnrat Win b received at regular ntn-efflce rstes. Following la a lln ( suthorlssd (rata wbe will forward your edvsrtlss Mat ia time for publication la .the next ;- xTOBTH BIBB. A. Preston, druggist. Twenty-third aad Tburman atresia. Nob-Hill Pharmacy, WO OUsaa etreet. corner Twenty-Orat. . - A. W. Allan, pharmacist. Sixteenth aad Marshall streets. . ' McOommon'a Pharmsey, Nineteenth aad Washington atraata. . T. --. SOUTH 'stub. 1 B. r. Tones Co., druggist, riant aad lbbs atraata. ,. " Cottsl Drug eonpany, first and Oraat atraata. Fablsn Brarlfy, dnifrlat, 400 Jaffaraoa street, corner Tenth. - . Bettsun's pharmacy, eorner Sixth aad Harrison strests. . Plum mar rrug company, MO Third atraat. jusoiaon. w. I. tor, druig lat, aoraar Oraad avenue aad Best, Burnalde atraat. Nichols A Thompson. US Kuaaall atraat, aornar Alblns ' avenue. Jancks Drug company, aornar Hawthorns and Grand avenaea. W. 0. Cabla, druggist, coraar Holladay avenue aad Larrebee atraat, aaar ataal bridge. .... 7 R. A. ' Wnaan, 181 Crand " arenas. aaar last Morrison. .. - a. W. Ball. SDS Bast Seventh atraat. earner Stephens. Tuttla pharmacy, 8SJ Mississippi aveaee. somas - Shaver atraat. : . . KIOVXiJrD. r. t. Qark, drogglat, 100S Mortk Caion xmrrusx. " " '-. J. , TTortk pbarmadat, fM Batanoat trsat. . . '1B00ZLT1T. ...t'.-: ;.--.r . Brmklra Pharmacy company, PowaQ aad MllwaokU atraata. . , -' A1LZTA, 0UO0V. Arlata pharaiaer. Mora and fsata atraata. - . gEXXWOOS.' Baoatork'a pbarmary, ooraar Fnattlki araaoa aad Saat Iklrtaaath atraat. . At. 70BM, UJotfa pharaiac7. ., : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. v. tT8 AOslOO tn Snnayalda only ft3B. At tha . -rwraain Ulrica, raiiaraoa , m Btawart, roS BALK a-mom cottar a and lot. 1 block from lnMa ara. - laaiulra Ami Yambll) at.. DON'T ailaa thU barraln, IWO. half raah . loe, ftralt trea: room foa? 4 Mr ottfM, taaaaaaaaak AI1 lilk XWka& BP.aV 111 -- BKNDBRBON-aOOTT LAND OOMPANX. . If yon ara look in for aubarbaa aoma cood iaraatmant doa t fail to call on aa raU' 1 lira to that ma la City Vlaw Park; 8-roaoj . aonsa io ax, ruv: lernia.- UKNDKBSON-SCOTT LAND COM PA NT, 01-A03 Vsntan. Wdff. LOTS ritTJ That la what yoa rrt tf yon . hay this w-raom bona; nouaa can't ba bollt tnr nrira aakad for tha woo la proBarty, ad draaa at S4, cara JoarnaL - . FOR SAUii FARMS. ' 1H acraa AU rood laad, aU fenced aad croaafenced; tB acraa cuUlratcd, 3B acraa r, aura .vary aaay to (at Into cultlTattoa, IT ' . acraa la bearing orchard, aWoom kooaa,' t . mooa aaraa aoa Mtaouaoa, apruic watar, I , boraaa, I cow a, aoma chlckaoa. DO tona hay, , farat tools, avi astlra from a good town ia ' ' Yamhill eoontjr. All. aoaa now far 8,U00. 100 acraa All good land; 40 acraa now la sop, ana bousa. good baraa, orebard. atc v 1 k ml lea from railroad, oalr 4 miles from good oounty seat towiv la Wlllametta Tal ley. Prlc. only S.aoo. . 2N0 arras All good 'laad; 190 acres culti vated, T-room houss, barn, other bulldlnga; acres In orchard, running watar, 4 miles ' fmaa Bstacsda earlina; might take a" amall farm aaar fortland, aa part pay. Fries a0 1 par a era. - . no arras AU choirs laad: TO soras rnltU " Tated, floa booss and bara orchard, a rholc ; larnt, crop ana tooia. aaar vtooonTar, waaa " tnstoo. Id.OUO. Ilk acres AO n laad; 111 acraa Caltt vated. 40 acraa rich bottom land. 0 acraa beaTardam, right at railroad "station; good bulldlnra. aaar Wood bam, Oregon;, a fin arm. Fries 45 par sera. - 540 acres. Boaaa aad barn sad other tm- . proTementa la Una coonty, Oregon 1 a soap I at 12.000, BnNKM BAKKB,-"r v tlT Ablngtoa bldg. gO ACRB8. all In cnlttratkm, 10 acres winter eats, amall family orchard, garden land.' good ' 4 room booss, good horn, woodsbsd, cMeksn- bnnao and other mtlMlnrs; miles from canine (Batarada)! au.700; 1,000, balaDca 1 long tlma. per cent. 82H acraa. ha caltlratloa. ' good bjsns and barn aad all stber nacaaaary nnUdlngs, Sood fanes and cross fences. OA apple trees, pear, M cherry, prans. one good team horaaa, harnaea, wagon, plow, harrow, cultl . rator, TB chickens, 1 good brood sow, 6 rows, : all household, goods; 12,000; terms; Wash- . Inrton county. 44 acres. Vt teWtlntn7 snlBi beaeerdnSi: ' family orchard, ballrttnga, good spring: land i lies fins In cots at foot of tableland; " h Braes. 8 good cows, t dosen chickens, 1 new plow, 1 new cultivator and other things too nnmerons to mention; $1,700; terms; Wsab . lngton county. .r namllton bldg.. Third St., near Washington. M ACRES 10 miles from' Portland, near 8na nyalde, Clackamaa eouaty; 40 acres nsder eoltlTatloo, T-rooca honao and other good buildings, T acres of orchard, all under fence, . good road from city, only I miles from street- rar and new Salem road will pass along this ' plaes, possibly cut off about I acre; It Is a i . splendid home for $6,000. Including stock sod Implements snd good terms can be bad. 10 seres, nesr streetcsr, T-room booss, all ' oader cultivation, all In bearing fralt of dlf .. f ereat k Inda, all under fanes, closa to tha .city; $3,200, good terms. ; , ' OTTO A CROCK ITT, ' ' . A , S45H rV'ashlngtoa St. , " , BEST RANCH OP JTS KIND IN OREGON 1.000 acres In Douglas ommty; H mils rtTerfront, good bouaa aad .other good out . - bulldlnga, So-80 bottom land and nnder plow, . balance rollng bat good deep soli, affords good pastors the whole year. Is covered with good oak snd Sr timber. Is well watered and caa ba bought f $8 per acre by aaylng $3,000 down, bolaaoa long time. And a large list farms and ranches to select from. OTTO CROCK KTT, . . ., . . .' S46 Waahlngtoa at. .- ' BOMKHEKKFRS STCDT THIS ADI $2,400 M arrea, 1 mils from railroad. 40 miles from Portland: 80 acres nnder plow, 7 25 ready to grub and 8$ acres of valuable timber oak; crop In, good boose snd bara, ., S horaaa, cows, S bogs, chicken, buggy, wagoo, toots; sll fnrnlrnrs la kooao. In fart, .. all ready to go to work without sxpenso. Thla la a farm that woa't atay am Ihe market tsngs terms. . " , HAGEMANlf BLANCHAKD, -1 Hflh at. BOWKSKBKKRN. TAKB NOTK (Kn Sa-scra farm, 85 miles from Port , Istid; 85 seres under plow, falrle lorel, good , soli; kooaa of T rooms, good barn, T cows, T t-year-olda. 1 boll. 1 ealrea. boraaa, eelta. 8 wagons, S harrows, t plows, mower, fannlng-mlll and all other tools nersaarT-t rsn the farm. Jusr think at It, only 2,500, aad terms at thatl . HAORMANN BLANCHARD, 1 Plftk at. PON 8ALB gloo par acre. cleared laad In he great r ' belt a along the Colombia river. In 1 ee ( - Iva. Apply frog 10, Lyls, FOR SALE FARUS. Apple, Jtesl-- W acres, dH'mllas from Bood Blver; 1$ aeros tillable snd sores under cuitlvatlon, . b-room bouae, Urrs bars, mila la scboui. m. s. l. fries s.ouu; tar ma. . v m, A7p ihjwv wa. . . ' - "J I.I. V, , w acres tillable, 8 acres under cultivation. 100 fruit trees, part la full bearing, no building, S shares water stock; beautiful building alia overioosiag us voiuaiDia river, rrics .',uuu terms. $H seres, t miles from Bood Blver; t seres In strawberries, a-room houae, good well: would nisks a baautUul aamauu; kosua. Frlca $1.2u0. -- 85 acres In upper Bood Blver valley near . mount iiuoa postuixice; a acrss niuier culti vation, level, fins suple land, plenty of water, ' fair bnlldlngs.' good surround lugs; this' kt a bargain. Fries 81.400: terms, ho seres la the heart of U nood River valley, nesr tha now re II road i school, poat of tli-s and stores aaar. 14 acres In baa ring orcnara. vernier varieties, no jHiuuiiiga; ooo ( verlook this barcaln. Price aa.OUO: terms. 40 acraa la Jackaoa coonlr, near Central Point, on county road, B. Jr. D. and about Hi ml lea from school; all (meed aad under cultivation, 80 acres heavy black aoll, 4o0 4-raarjld sddIs trees, (lultaen baraa snd Baa. V nett SeedlUuia; T5 cherry trees, all kinds of huh iruiia, pi sea m au in crop; a mrgs aprinaa on piace, gooa aoass, nam sad oat- puiiauure; eounaanco ot oatranga lor stock. Pries $4,800: H down. .., . , LANOlLI.E RAND, ":'- , T8 With t. i. . iFarms . aid ..Farm ; Laid . T5 acraa. T miles from Vancoorer; IS acres , ciearea ana m orcnara, nu acres good timber, fine large bonao and Other bulldlnga; very - cheap at $3.00. . ' ' 200 acres, 20 miles from Tsnconver; fins rich loam, nearly nil level, about 40 seres cleared and fenced, good o-romn boose, -large ' oarn ana oiner ouuuinge, tfuu (nut trees, mostly spplee; half ailUlon test good saw nnd piling timber; pries $3,500. . HO scree, 10 miles from -Vancouver: . all swale loam, all level, 50 acres cleared, all fenced,' 00 cords osk wood. Small orchard, Iood ft-room bonao, Urgs barn sad ether bulld igs; K mils to good town; price $5,000. WHj seres fins land, all cleared eicept 0 acres, sll level, 400 fruit trees snd lot small fruit, good a room bouaa, good bara OOiOO and . other buildings; near good town; price $4,000. 100 acres, good -bottom snd loam, 80 acres ciearsa, wg 'Douse, email orcnara, pure well watered: hi mila from railroad, 18 miles trout Vancouver; nrlce 82.200. 1i acres, neerly sll swale. aU level; t ' allies none railroad station, l muea from Vancouver; sib per acre. T5 acres.- o miles from Vancouver! no fan- nrovemeata. soma good timber; price 81.250. . e vera i una sereags rracia ciues to Van couver from 820 per acre up. " WASHINGTON A ORBOON RBAXTT CO., 2Ti3H Waahhurton at., Paetland, (h--, " and 800 Mala m Vanooovar, Wash, SFECl'LATOBS 0B IIOME8BBKER8 ' Tbs sdminiatrator of a lamhirr cwmry -aststa has plaoad 400-aere farm with ns ta sell st $U sa aero; fto acres cleared, balance wood snd pasture. Thla will bear the closest Investigation. It kt aa Ideal stock farm worth ral thousand mors than price aakad. HAOKMANN BLANCHAfU, r. 1 rifth St. ' f . . TWO MONBY-M AKKBS. A beautiful 80 acre ranch, all kt a fclgk state of cultivation, first-class buildings; . A miles oat, lyt miles to ears: will soon bo another motor line muen nearer; easy terms. A two-acre chicken ranch, bast money-maker sf Its slaa In tha county; good land, good bondings, wall watered; near ears, 2V miles nnt.-. ' , . OBUNDT-afHLBATH CsX, , - 245vs klorrlson st. . - - . FOR SALB Psrm. 46 acres, near Bearer ton. all nader cultivation except jo acres oc goon timber, good bonao snd bara, all cholcs land', will tska a boose aad lot In Portland ta part payment. Parttralara of I. S, Taylor, rood 815 Marquam bldg. . r '- FARM FOB SALE " ' 84S scree neer lmii. on Clear creea ; 10 acres In cultlvattoa, 80 acres oaatnra, a-room bouse, largs barn nnd other buildings, good orchard, crop, tool and machinery, at $27.60 per acre; ons half down, sals nee st 6 per cent. LOUIS FRANK, Oregon City, Route No. 8. ACRBAOB Stock ranch, farm Bear Bataeada foe SSIS; cerme to suit uajvr; nca euji. 0 ownsr, David BrMenstlne, Estacada, Or. UOMKREEKERS We bars a few choice re linquishment bomesteeaa ana limner ciatme in the White Salmon volley. A. W. Be tee A Co., Whits Samoa. Washington. STAMP artnga tA-page eatalorae of oountry sands. Burr-rsaaoa cv-, ou jaootapanery il, Baa rrancteeo, Csl. ,,. . ;.- 110 ACBBS. SO clearad. sens beaverdam. boaaaa. ' bam, orchard. 3 creeke) 10 ml lee writ of Portland. Wlncran, Meaverton, rants a. FOR SALB ISO aeros land, watered, IS miles from Vancouver; good roaaa; i,wi, rwo thirds eaah. balaaco time without Interest. Owner, L 22,, ears Journal. . . 820 ACBBS wheat - laad ta Morrow county. Oregon; all la wheat, well ana noz nouee sna all fenced l bargain. Alvord Alvord. 13 Morrison at. - - , $18 PES ASRB. 80 acres No brash, all fenced. Cabin, room IZXIS. view Si ina wmamf,,- Columbta rtTera, 18 miles west of Portland; land In this vicinity sold for not tea than $30 to $40 per acre; Al soil; terms. $1,000 cash, balance S par ceat; aa agents. ,. 44S Sherlock bldg. v FOR. SALE One of the best little farms la Tsmhlll county, wits mis years crop sna farming Implements, 10 hesd of cows, 1 work teem, 1 brood sow with pigs. 12 head of Angora goats, sew room boose, area barn, with other outbuildings, mutual phons snd rural malL For further Information address M 40, care Journal. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALB or exchange for vacant en betr ban lota: Horse, hsrneea, ngni wagon, gooo rig, for amall farm; slso sow,' fresh aaxt month. O. B. Rache, S blocks south Montsvllls sts- P0R SALB OR EXCHANGE grocery store la HlllsDoro, Oregon; reason w swuins, '"-r-IntereeU -else where. Address 1, A. Mss stnger, HlUsboro, Oregon. . EQUITY Denver Income property for ranch. Ulobo Investment tjo., oo ewwiw oi HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR 8AI.S Handsome Stndebsker nnebont: si. most new. apply rosier m m.mwr Fifth snd Everett sm. FOR CIIBAP- new baggies, 1 good BOTee. I eta aatf-ees,. FOR SALE TIMBER. Ws have easb buyers for Urge sad small trscts ef good Umber la Oregon, Waahlngtoa ar California.: -. - ' .. . .. Phona Mala 8808. 81T-18 Fentoa bldg. WB have a few choice homestead claims m Waeco ana nnsrmsn, w - " timber eUlme, yellow plno. over S.0OO OUO feet. Write to sa for full parti coUra. Hud eon Land Co., The Dalles. Or. CERTIFIED scrip, any else .pieces: lowest prices. W. u. UOWSU, OOO waooer ws 14,000,000 FEET of Sr and cedar, bandy to log, ckoe to togging stream, rsssonsoia. taoyi First st., room 2. , FOB SALB SO acres timber land aaar sawmill; a barge la. unman notei. FOR 8ATJ5 ISO acres timber near Coos bay railroad, ' " phoB ,' , n'lmmaiiis FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TWO $88 Ellsrs piano cert I flea tee cheep. noma, ib(u unoonta sr., nuawi, vr. FOR SALB Hlgh-grads old piano, upright, good. condition, very caesp i easa or laotaumenia, Photw East IMS. FOR SAL Oae atom, kitchen, stove, table, bed complete. Bird, g rugs. . tooioog t wita tools. T52 Michigan svs. 00 NEARLY new solid ssk dining chairs tor gl.xi eecn. cost sx.oo mnntnn sgei stso s large quantity or reetaarant, hotel and sea- I oral bouse sola furniture at a groat aacrlflce;T will aell on tlma payments.. Apply John Oks, Tlma Auction Co- at Uanld ft Co.. southwest corner Front and Barns loa eta. FOR SALE Slngls wood bed, spring Snd mat- trees. 52; bursas fa. 218 Montgomery, eor, Foarth. . APR Dlenold. double dorr, good ss new; wlB rraoo roe emeu one. neetarn asivsgs ve, SZT Wsshlngten et BOOKS beaight, sold and evrhenged at tbs Old Book store, zap xamaiu at. m WW; ;i: i..i .i. in i; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB OR BtNT NBW AMD SBCOND HAND SEWINO MACHINES. STANDARD ; 8 SWING MACHINB AGENCY H O. J Oft a xmo z A al til li. nr. , . ' BILLIABD AND POOL tables for rant or for sale on easy payments. TUB BBXN8WICK-BALKE fOIXaUfDEB CO. - 48 Tklrd aC, Fortlaad. STEAM heating plant, soluble tor apartment aoosst soap; will laaa purcnaao prico rant. 102 Fourth at. WB eeed furniture and will pay full Tama. Phone Pacific TBS. Westers Sslvsgs Co OCT Washington st. WESTERN OREOON MININO A MILLING CO. basdniiartersi stock for sals aad Information at too rirai st. raona saaia iwto. SHOWCASES AND FIXTUBES mads to order: second-hand goods' for ssw. caratoa s -Strom, 80 Conch St. Phona Clay 8T1. MANUBB by wagonload or oar load on 0. W. P. B.J. rsonaaj a.aat aotn. - - SHOW esses, counters Sztnras bought Bold or k I n . ' . 1 v. ,Vt Waak. ingtoa at. racine tvo. FOB SALB H-foot Utmch, eapaclty 14 per sons, equipped wits s-ooreepower ray awva onglns, oomplete, appurteuaaeea of tha vary beet. Inquire 810 Finest. - WB print yonr name OS SO calling cords, proper else sad style, saei sou ouaioaee euros, i. A. W. Schniala Co., 228 Flret. PorUand. Or. BOLDBN'H RHhWMATIO Ot'RB- -8UTS enrs tor rheumstlam. Sold by an droggista. FOR SALB Fine e rater coaater and ahelvlngl alas doors and earn; caesp. aus roorui sa. $1.50 FOB 80 reaaar 100 aw set pea aaeda. Be; an Kinds Bowers sna Tegetsois aeouo aoa aoaabla. Mala 1181, 8 to 12 a. m. . FOR SALE Second-hand upright boiler, suit- abls for wood saw. , rostsr nieiear, ruta and Everett sts. FINE saw top boggy, only' 805; also new wegon. Portland Ware bouaa a Transisr vs, 842 East Waahlngtoa St. w FOB SALE Good dry-llvs 4-foot Sr wood in two-cora orders sr mors, si par eord. delivered and plied st residence, so yea will see thst yoa have jour measure. Hoover, 818 Watar at. Phono Mala afiO - - $69 EILERS plana certlAcata ebaap. . Fbons sissc ivix. FOR SALB Portable 8 h. p. angina aad boiler; guaranteed; one intra its value, v. a. a-ig-. gott, lawyer, d Mulkey bldg. ' . " LAW LIB BABY U. S.-Pao. L. B. A. and S. W. Keuta. and textbook a; ore 4O0 vole. aecUonal bookcases snd of Acs furnlturs; cash or real sststs. J. J., care Journal. FOR SALE A modal B Oadlllao satemoMle: extra tiros, la an pa. etc. ian no seen sag demonstrated nt W. H. Blddls's, 15th aad Alder sts. FOR SAI.B Chlckerlng grand piano at a eacrl. flee; will tska upright in pari payment. loOO,0' 8eoa4 "4 Morrtaon, Faona Paclfie FOR SALB, CHEAP Bicycle; will trade for email printing press. Aoaress as an, journal. FOXTERRIERS for sale) both sax. Inquire 411 Spencer st.j Montavuia. i - - ARCTIC soda fountain for sale st a i bargain. 1ST rTont, OCT.. xanuiii ana inyior. FOR SALB A pointer bitch, liver and white. 11 months pio; or irsos tor gentleman n so- cycle, iszs assc isyior eu . FOR lack of cash I wUI sail s pair of" big strong mules, uail it yon want a nig nar- gajn St., tvooae e runutaxo - ouars, u avoaw Salmon. S-RRATBD hurry at a bargain; prico $80. --Call 887 L'alon a vs., aortn. i-nono bco ovsm. ma SALE S necond-hand Blaaoe. la cuss con on t loa. naaress at as, corn sonrnsi. PERS0NALT MMR. ANNA LUCKEY AND MRS. B. WOLFS sole ageata for af me. Grahsm'a Hydro-Vscn treatment and bust developer. This U tbs most scientific treatment for removing ' wrinkles and facial blemlabes; slso for boat development. No need of having .wrinkles say more. Patients received, with board and treatment. Full line ot baths. BaUsfsction guaranteed. Teetlmonlals from leading . phyeldsna. . IS Langs Hotel, Sixth aad Washington ste. Phono Mala 2011. GRADUATE maasepr win go to yonr boms ana give xrostmenii missennon gives. 2609. ' . BTJITS pressed while von wait. 80c. Ladlee' skirts pressed. Sue. Gilbert. 1064 Sixth St.,' nexi 10 vjuelia, t nniia racun auss. DR. W0RLEY BENJAMIN, tbs Foot Specialist, B80H Waahlngtoa St. Boon 80s. Bore toel made aeaad. . . 1 . ' V- . :-. , t' , ... .' BINO CHOONO. Importer of Ctilneae root medKTOTJRES appendicitis; no drags oy knlfs. Dr. Eva einea; sells Chinese ten thst la certain core for sll diseases. 181 Second net. Yamhill and Taylor, DBTECTTYB AGENCY Confidential gat lone ; reports msds on sny individual Imal. Bess or property 1 missing rel a tl vee located; bad debts eollected; r bargee roooonsbtci ear. ' reepoadancc solicited. Oregon Detective ' Service, efftras CI 4-815 Colombia bids 808 Washington st. Phono Meln BUS. BACKACHE and kidney or Madder din cored whb Oregon- nernot-Triai- alas 101 la stampa, plnmmar, 200 Third et, ' AOS WBT FEET era danawreon. la sbaolntaly waterproof. Wshfoot bUeklng MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Boborts Nerve Globules. Ons month's treatment, $2: I - months, 88; sent seenrety eesled by malL Agents. Woodsrd, Clsrko ft Oo.. Portland. Or. :ES, Pa I mo Tablets msks yon sleep perfectly; they core nervous neea and make yon et roast price 50e a box, 8 boxes $2.60; gnsrsatsod, 11 druggists, or address Brooke Drug Oo., 87 ortk Third at.. Pertlsad. Oregon. FREB to out of town natrons, ear latest cata . logos of faery work, pillow tops, tester ' nieces, shirtwaists snd novelties. The Needle Craft Shop, t8i srsshlngton at.. Portland, Or. ANY man or woman rsn bo strong- snd happy . by aalng Bsxtns Ptlts. the greet tonlet price it a box. 8 boxes $8, with fall guarantee, d drees or call J. A. Clemenson. druggUt. eor. Second end YasibtU sts.. Portland. Or. HIGH-GRADE portraits: onodnl offer tor few dayai cabinet elss. cards or folders. 15 for $H: quality aad work the boat. D. - M. Stevens. 80S woednesgk bids.. eVtb and YamhllL . ... BALM OF FIOS for sll female di 828 - Beet BehnonL Phono East "FORBIDDEN FRUIT," "A Oay Lothsrio" ""tory of s Slsvs." "Fanny, Bill." "Agnoo." "Woman of Ptro.b SOe each I UatS free, ft W. Srhmals Co.. 228 First St. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlas bldg.l Isdxes days, gentleman nights. Main laaS. DR. O. V. KETCHCM enroa promptly private) nlsiaeos. kidney, nervooa, ekln snd .special j female tronblee. Call or write. Red Cross btopanosry. corner Third and Ash ate. Pheae Psrifto Sol. - SCHOOL books sad aU kinds of books hosurht. aold and eaehanged. Joosa Book Storo, 281 Alder at. - - DISEASES OF WOMEN snceeaafally teas ted 1 , aiaternlty carae eared for, private koepltal; trained nnraos: cooeultatkm free. Dr. At. . wood. 880 Morrison sL,. room $. Fhons Hood 885. , BACH BLOBS, don't vroeryj we'll asw yoa bat. tone oa and da year mending free; don't swear: .we'll iron yonr shirts snd collsra to fit yonr seek. Try us. Orsnd I -sundry Oo., : ITth aad Qnlmby sts. Phone 1488. LADIES' Tnrklah baths, mssssgs, bydrlatrls parlors: etrictly 8 rat -class place 1 for ladles only. Flat A, 881 Waehlsgtea st. etwees Ittb aad ITth sat. .. ,.. PERSONAL. GENTLEMAN wishes aeqaslatsncs yoaaat Udy having amall meena or owa home; object .. matrimony. Address Bus 61. city.- . DB. M. T. COLB, 848 East 82d St.; meternlty easee; dlsaasea ot women. Fbons Tabor 111. THE 8TKWART-LINPELL PARLOKS. room 10, Langs hotel. Sixth snd Wsehiugtuo. remove sll facial blemishes; expert electrolysla. manlrnr Ing. shampooing electro face and ecalp mat sage; moles snd wsrts removed. Tel. Main 5117. . , . . DOTJ.'S HOSPITAL Bepalrlug aad dressing. 881 YsmhlU st BOI.DBN'S R1IEI MATIU CURE Sors enrs for rbeumattsm. Sold by sll druggists. WANTED To eorrssnond with soma good wom en, s widow ar spinster, under 88 years old. thst would like to hare s homestead; there , te one adjoining mine that I will locate the . right party on tree of charge. For further - particulars write to B. N. Melvln, Fisher, Oregon. A WORKING man, 8T. with some moans, wishes 4 i 1 ."'' Weet, giauinaony. Box 1215, ATTORNEYS.' A. H. TANNER, attorney, 80S Commercial '. Second aad Waahlngtoa fta. Pboao Mala 542. J. 8. WINCHESTER, artoroey-at-law. notary. eo w sainsioo oiag. roons facioe ZSXT. ART EMfORIUM. PBorilMWOB tU- UkX-METRE, -848 -AMer. Portrait aad landscape artist and teacher. 'ARCHITECTS. B. H, MENOES. -Architect, 118 Socond. St. ASSAYERS. OARTIN OTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. and atoatana amay urnco. loa Mornsoa st. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY COOK Motor Car Co.. P -enth snd Alder Agents for Cadillac, Pierce.' Greet . Arrow snd Stsvsns-Duryea motor -cars; sas ohlnes rented, repaired snd stored. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KlUlAal. 100-111 Seeond at. Blank book mennfectnrera; agents for joass Improved Leoee-Leaf ledgers;- see the saw - Bnreka leaf, the beet ea the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 8. ' BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Everett St. Largest butchers' supply bouae on the coast. BATHS MASSAGE. YOUNG lady gives vapor, alcohol snd medicated baths. Parlor ST, 2d8Va Stark St. TWO young ladles give message, tub and vapor baths. HOVl Fourth St.. aor. Waahlnrton. ' MADAMS VA8HTT, magnetic heeler; whlakey ana tooerco nam is cured; run una ot nsuis. Room a. Som Third St., eor, Taylor. . -- MISS RAYMOND gives baths gad maeeege treerments. The ooamos, Zo8u Morrison st. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES sny one owe yon money 1 -, We oolkjct nao oents ox sll aioos. wortnwestern Law a Collection Co., 122 Grand are,, rooms 14 sod IS, Cltlsene' Baak bids. Cat thla ant. Phono Beet 8045. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. . PROF. NORMAN. CONSCLT THB BEST IT WILL PR0TB THE CHEAPEST IN THB END. Without asking a question I toll every In cident of yonr past, present snd future life; bow -to gain your desires In Wive, marriage, divorce, richness, wealth, etc.; locates lost wills, deeds, mortgsges and absent friends: I. tells yon how to tell If your mine eon tains ore, ou or gas; tee -wiuia rosea or ail. 828 Aiuxy bldg. aso Morrison, our. Third. OBMONDK. the greet Egyptlss seer, removed to 228H Washington at.; readings every day ssd Sunday, 50c, 81, $2; by mall. $2; letters witnonr. res ana a lamp not answnroa. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's .reading palmist, . sstroloser snd clslrvorsnt. 16V Seventh ax.. opp. notet roniana. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBUBN ft FLOTD Carpenters, Joiners snd carriage wora. as ota at. t none racine sios. CARPED -CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant so tha coeat, Iortag end Harding sm., tele .- hbw. Vee SiiA I '.pnata mmA Ma,a . sewed snd laid: both steam snd Istsst earn- . preesed air process: r . avatlnf mattresses snd Trainers a epecmny. ANITA RY carpet cleaning, en ft loa and eoaa- pteasea an comblaed; carpets cleaner, ea (oat wlthoot removal. Msln 6534. Mala 8200. J. HUNTER, steam carpet aad mattress cleaner. ' 680 Jefferena. Pbono Main 214. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. at. A." 0CNST ft CO . ' ' , V. ' " ' '" . : DUtrlbotoTs of nNB-CIOAHS. - Portland. Orerou, CHIROPRACTia Hogan. oil I Union avo. TeL Weodlawa BT. COAL "AND WOOD. CBURCHLBY BROS. Save removed from toot Devle at. to 428 Kearney at., near lltfct Is new the largest woodysrd la the city, carry, lag all klnda ot wood aad ooaL Main 881. CORDS of No. 1 hard wood, worth $5.80 and so.zo, mnet go witnm 8 days st n.zo orr; price $4 28 per eord In 4-toot length snd $5 sswed. , 489 Commercial St. Phone East 810. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers ta eordvceod, eoal end green snd dry slsbwood. B. B. aad Ai bins a vs., S blocks east sf ferry. East BT4. WESTEBN Feed ft Fori Co.. on Front, botween uiissa sad uoyt, seeiers ia ail aiaoa or kooeo eo la sad blacksmith seals. . Paoos Mala 101S. , STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers tn ooai oardarood and dry elabwood. rheno Bast 48. OREOON -FUEL CO All kinds of eoal snd 808 Aider at, Phoae- Mala 00. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water St. Wood and seal. Phone Mere Sana. CLEANING AND DYEING. Fwrtlsnd Steam Cleaning ft Drains? Works; pres. uesi nsttsr m oonnoetion. 211 4 Lb. rsauie aui. CLOTHES cleaned snd preesed $1 per month, unique Tailoring uo.. say wsssington St. B. VCT TURNER, profeeeional er ssd eleaaer. BOB Jeffersoe at. Phono Meln 2512. . SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles' snd men's cleaning and pressing, goo Waaa. Pse. nil. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE arorkerr and slaasw Free l. negeio m i.., iiiu 10 T"vi rirtn. eor. rrtars mu CAFES. THB OFFICE 2ns Weehlngtea st, phone TT1. Bamoel Vlgneeus. 1 11 III aim 1 aim 1 1 1 iae3iaBaaaawMnmaaenaaaaana COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVEBDINO ft FABBELL, produce nad eemmle. 010s saerrneats. 140 grout eu, roruana. vr. Pnone Main ITS. - CHINESE REMEDIES,. MRS. DR. 8. K. CHAN cures privets snd female d lessees with herbs snd roots; remedies na no ises; no operations. 282 Clay St., eor. Third. DRESSMAKINO. FB1CES way lew, gnarsntes satlefactloei. Madams Angeles. Phone Panne 343 Fifth St. Btors open srenlngs aad Ssadava, ELECTRICAL SUPPUES, NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENaiNEERINO) Company. 4 Seventh at., Portland. O. K. for every i 1888. 1 PACIFIC ELECT BIO CO Btixloears, eentrse. , tors, repairers, electric wiring, euppltas. S4 First, eor. Stark. Main ana. K. H. Tats. mgr. 'furnaces. BOTNTON werm-akr furnaces ssvs' fuel. 8: CL Beyer Farnace Co.. 2M Second. Main 401. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON . Fnmltnrs. Msaafaeturtng Companaw Msoufaeturara af . turnlturo luff . tea , trade. Portland, Or. . . .. FURNITURE manofartnrlng aad epartel ardera. L. .Ravaaaky'a furniture factory, ST0 Front at C. W. LINES BBO.. 24 2d St. Porn I tore repairing, pecking and shipping. Main 8121, FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND. WIRE a' F lenders St., eor. 8d. - IRON WORK Pboao Mala SuOO, GROCERS. WADHAMB CO.. wholesale greeera, facturers and sommlsalen morchanta. : aad Oak eta.' Fenrtk ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlaelon and vjeodsee n ebaste. Front and Davie etc.. Portland. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES.' GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and marine: "Little pedal' gasollns launch. $1D5 soeond-nsnd eloctrlg kiauncneo ena nunc. ta , BEIER80N MACHINERY 0O. 182-4-8 Morrises -et. - GRINDINQ. K. B. KARLS0N CO., expert grinders. A- seny, corner a.ignin. rsone racine lie. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, American plant $8.18 par day, BELVEDEBB: European plan) 4th aad Alder sts. THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorne eves. HAY AND GRAIN.' B. . COOPER ft CO. Potatoes, feed Sour. - 128 Union .ave. Pboao East 181 T. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicits oooortnnltr-' osote prices iS 1st st .eor. Alder. Mala 1884, INSURANCE. J AS. MoT. WOOD, anrnlovartr liability and I: dividual accident snrety nonae or su siaon. Phone 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LOCKSMITH. t. H. RICHARDSON. Inekamltt nnd repairing. SST Bnrnalde. racine 1008. MAGNETIC. HEALING. arfcawTns' ON B free treatment to sny ons suswVuliig this sa I- n. ttarr sna i. msmona, isv Seventh et. Phono Msln 4178. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHOKN, punll of SBTCIK. vtolta toacner. ntnaw iso nixtn. iei.- aiais svoa. MACHINERY. . THB H. O. ALBBB tXl.. Beeond hand maehlaarr, sawmills, ste. 248 Orand are. BIPPBLY ft MYERS. machtnUta aad alee. . trlctaret electric elevstora. electrical maohln cry end raaollne engines a specialty. JB4 Oek at. Pboao Mala 1820. BOAT snglnea, geeollne, Sheffield marine: sny , speed; best msde; tight price; In stock; as exhibition; running In ea tearoom. Call Flrsl snd Stark sts. Fairbanks. Mores ft Co. MONUMENTS. NBU ft K1NG8LEY, 288 First at., Portlands leading marble and granite works. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. -A28-8 Mohawk bldg., cor. Mitriaoo and Third. Ladlee or Gentlemen. No Publicity. If yoa borrow I to yon nay back It yoa borrow SliS yon pay bark If yon borrow $30 yon pay bark If von borrow. 850 von nar back 81.88 a week. 1 II 85 a week. ; $2.00 a week. $3.00 a week. FaytuenU suspended la - esse of slckaasa. Strictly Salary Loans. , THB CRESCENT LOAN CO. "" 428A Mohawk bldg.. cor. Morrtaon and Third. MONEY TO LOAN, . On Improved city property or for tnrtldTng purposes, for from 8 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay sll sr part of loss after two years. Loans approved from plana ssd money advanced ee building progreaaaa; amrtgages tsken up snd replaced. FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent. -243 Stork at. THB STAB LOAN CO. Any Salaried employe, rage earner, son get oa kls note, without mortgage Month. V4 Month. Week 00 Rene to ns 818.88 sr 88 on or 88.88 00 Repay to-ns 8 8.85 or $5.85 sr $1.85 0O uapay to a s.ow or o-w e.wv 210 McKay -bk.g. CONFIDENTIAL loans en Sslsrtes, Insurance pollrtee, plasos, furniture, wareaouss re celpm, etc. I sny deserving person may secure n liberal advance, repeylag by easy weekly or monthly Instollments. NEW BRA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, - 208 Ablngton bldg. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest permeate; offices In 58 principal cities; save yourself money by . getting our terms flret. TOLMAN. 228 Ablngton bldg.. 108V1 Third st, MONEY to loss on reel, personal and collateral earorltyi apodal attention to enettei morr- ftgeai no tee bought. C. T. Pallet, 804-8 entoa bldg.. B4 Sixth at. HIGHLY respectable piece whore ladles sna Ets can borrow money on ainmonos una elry. Collateral Loan Bank, 288 Wash ton at. Phono Black Tt. MONEY to loan en' Clackamas county lands. B. F. and F. B. alley, BOO laamocr 01 ism LOWEST rates on furniture snd pianos. Ke st ern Loan Co., 44P fberiocx oiag. rseinaxiia. MONEY TO LOAN on sit klnde ot seenrtty. William Holl, room a, wsshingxon oiag. SEVERAL tboassnd dollars to loss at 8 par cent, city property: puvsts. x o, jota-oat. - TO LOAN Sums to suit on chattel security. R. A. Frame, 814 the Maranam. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIZ A NORTHS'' P. 415-18-1T Deknm blngn Third snd wsaningron ns. . mono Main 848. Exsmlnstloos tree. THB very beet lady osteopath In town. Dr. la, O. alonnaon. suits in. BeHlag-Hnrech bldg. DR. PIERCE, osteopath, vibration and the new light. SlVa Third St.. raoos rscuut eni. DBS. OTI ft MABEL AKIN. 408-4 Maeleay bldg. mono racitic iwwo. . wea. toe ami. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. BUTLER 88 rVMcerd bldg.) Main 187. PLUMBERS DONNBRBBBO -ft KADEMACHER. aealterg p lumbers, as ronrtn ox. Hots p no saa. FOX ft CO. sanitary ptomhefaL 281 Second, bet. Mala aad Bali uregen rnooe mam auux. FINNIOAN BBOS. ft CO. 288 Third st. Phono Meln innrt. riumoers ana Beating engineers. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSINO aala otnrisl pewhographls views sf siposttion. sonvanir postreroe, view noosa, etc., greatly reduced prioea, 1 Expeelliaa Store, S4S Morrison st, v FINANCIALS-BANKS. I TIOTXO STATES BAT10BAL BANK OF II . Northwest Cor. Traaaasts a Oenoral Vaklag Business. the raited 8 la tea and Aurope, Hontkinis and rope, aiiMMcatms ann m ..S. C. Al.NS WORTH Fraetdent ...J. C. AI.NSWOHTH Vlre-Hresldent.. ...... .....B, LEA EAUNF8 Aaalatant Cashier... .....A- M. WHiaHT THE BABX OF OAXITOnriA Established Capital paid op., .a... 84.0oo,nuo 0O 8or plna and andlvlded proflte P 1 ' ) A Ueneral Banklrar and Eirhanaa Bualneae Tranaarted. ttVISiit' nirPiH,. Interest ea time deposits. Accuonts ope aad Ivt soma ef 810 sad apwsrd, Portland Braaen Cbsmher of Oommercs bulldlne, . .,r WM. A. MACRAB. Maaager. J. T. BIJHTcaAELt, .... ,, A sals test Mias- f BTlBST BATIONAT. kllX OF BOBTXAVD. B lMslnatad Denoslturr snd President ....A. L. M1I.M Cashier J. W, 8lrt Assistant Caablrr. .... .V, . C. ALVORD Second Assistant Caskler. F. BTk.d Lettere ef Credit Issued Available In Enrope snd the Eestern States. . ' . Sight Excbsngs sad Telegrapble Traoafere sold on New York. Boston, Chicago, St, Louis. Bt. Paul, Omaha. Saa Francisco end the principal pointe In the Northwest - -fright and time bills drawn ta same to suit on London. Parte, BrrHe, Preskrnrt-o ae-Mata, Hongkong, Yokohama. Copenhagen, thilstlanls, Stockholm, SL Petersburg, Moscow. Enrich. Honolulu. . ' - LASS TTXT0B"! BASTKEBS (Established In lt ) Transaets a General Banking Buainees. Colleerlons made st sll sotata on .avov. , able terms. Lett era ef credit leaned available In Europe and ell rrdnre la the Failed Statea. Sight tCxchanre snd Telesraphle Tranafere sold as New York, Wsaklnrteo. Chicago, St. Louie, Denver, Omaha, Saa rancleoo end Montsns end British Columbia. Exehsaga aoul oa London, Paris, Berlin, frank fort, Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. M XB0HABTS" NATIONAL BANK, POST J. FRANK WATSON Frastdent D IXT U r 'Op ena . , an tt . 11V A .as a . . VVaiUiaenr vnunUB W e HV 1 e mnr maul vosnuiwa truMati Ownl Bankinr Bailnw. DrafU ad Uttttt $f Cldlt Ukj4 A.UAbasi ta AU l4ru of th Worltl CoIWHom SpHaltr. - a - - J7BTT------rr-r--c- , -i- .... , 1, i.wfrfPn .'-as . o-woe t--e-w- TRUST COMPANIES. r0BTLAlTD TRUST OOhTPiNT OF OREGON E8OCRCE8 OVElt At. BOO OOO. fiaiail SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time certificates, $800 or over, SU to d per cent. Call tor book and osk sta. Phoae BEN J. I COHEN.. .i B. LEE PAGET. ..... ..,..rTUBioeut ....Secretary SEOTTBTTYi Transs . oa llnis AUVTNOS ft TRUST OOKPAVT lets a tienaral - .shine Bnslneee. Tlma and Bavluga - -its. Acta aa - . v . , . r Avsllsbls In All Parte of the World. a F. ADAMS. President L. A. LEWIS. ...........First Tlon Prssldsnt A. U MILU . Seeond Ice-President . B. O. JUBITE.. ..Secretary OKU. F. BUBS ELL ..Aaalatant Secretory ''HI voiraini attKlXTri ak s-atrs-r I Stocks, Bonds aad Mortgagee Bought aad Sold. Interest Paid en Time Dspoottn, 0. W. WATEMCBT,.. , .. S. LOGAN HAYB.......-i..Asslstanl Secretsrr -. , - r . .. Elkg Temple, Seventh and Stark Streets. Ph one Main IBA ' BONDS AND M ORB IS BROS. US rirst Street, TertlaaA. Cranoa. ', ',-: , Offer Gilt-Edge Investments in Municipal and Railroad Bonds. Write or CaTL 'I 11XE OTJAEANTEX ft TRUST OOMPAJTY 140 . Washington.. 8lreet Comer Second. J I MOBTUAGB LOANS on Pertlsad Rsal Eatate st Lowest Bates. Titles laaured. Ab '' - atrscts Furnished. J - rXOWBDia, BOFKIBI ft 00 Wheat nnd Rohb 4, 0 round floos. Cbmbl.lef Commsw, ' Overteckp Starr & Cooke Co. , Z?lZ S&VZStiL. 'V----.-..v:,' S BAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. ,1 . DO ft STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Coorlnooua MatWs by Private Wire. Quick Scrvtcs. BEFERENCES Ladd ft Xlltoa. Bank, ers, and United States National Bank of EngUnd. ' , , ; ' , , . . .. J. MUNICIPAL ' -SCHOOL AND . CORPORATION 1B0NBS Blgheet Betarna to Investors. PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN BOMB PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. frk PBACH CO. The FtOBSev Paint Co. I wlndow-giaan ana - giaautg. , as suss ,' Phone 1884, ' ERNEST MILLER ft CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint. U . market prlssei tree Sellvery. PATENT LAWYERS. 6 BO. W. McCOY. demsstle snd foreign pateata; tradamarka; notary public. : 271 Vt -Morrieon. PRINTING. rna modern printery Artlstlo artnttng. u 28 Kuasel bldg.. Fourth snd Morrison. Phona racine lam. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, prlntlnf, lithographing, tug Aider at blank hooka raono naie if, WELCH. DAVIS ft CARSON Printing that pars tbs payer. ' Roeme 808 snd 804 Stearns bldg.. sixth sna Morrianu. mono nam a,ai, RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder at., phons Msln T10; rubber stamps, sea la, stencils, baggage trade ebacks; sand ' tor oatelogos Mo. SB. ROOFINC TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing sad general Jobbing. J. Loeil. gin Jertereoo sr. STREET PAVINGS WARRBN Oeostructloo Co., street pavtng, aide. walke aad crossings. TIS uregoniaa sua. THB BsrW A an a It Paving Cow1 ox Portia sd. OfOce 88S Worcester blk. SUMMER RESORTS. FOR BENT For toe summer sesson, a destr- nble weii-rurnianea n-roem eottare; also A nicely furnished B-room summer bosao at Seaside, Oregon. .-.r: -' H. PRECEMBDER, - .- r Stev Madison St., city SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling bstr. dandruff frosted: ehamneo. Ing. manicuring, chiropody, race wora. Mrs. B. F. Kmc. 186 H Fourth Boom SST Phono Peel fie 288. yne. luoa rourrn, as, wnbwa. SIGN PAINTERS. AOLD SIGNS, wtnrlow tettertne. stork saaasra. eco aom leal oiectrie signs sna signs ex an kinds msde quickly. Foster ft Kleleor, Flits sad Everett. Pboao Exchange 85. W. P. BEROEB ft SON, 284 Yamhill St. Signs of sll kinds. Fbons racine zui. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every dceertprtoo) bank, bar and store Bxtareo msae to eraes. lee miss Maanfactnrtng Co., Pertuoa. rsaaaaaaasE3 SAFES. DIEBOLD SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLE, not In TRUST. Norton sna uocxeye jacss. sierei Offlco Fix tnree... Repairs. Fbons -Mela 1835. John B. Dsvls, Agent. 88 Third st. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sols sgents for HER- BlMt-rt AI,LrMAH l. nsree eno n NE8H Steel Safe Co.'e Bank Safes. 82 Ttk st. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODS S rare I twee Heoea Hlgbeet nrloea sold for seeoud-haad rarnitnro. sis naeonn sa. Phone Pacific 48A TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pianos snd furniture moved necked ready for shipping snd shipped! sll work gssrsnteed; Urge, 8-story brick, fire-proof warehonae tor storage. Office 128 first ab C. M. Oleaa. Phone Msln 84T. a THE B AOGAGB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., car. Sixth sad Oak sts. 1 baggage checked trem hotel sr residence direct to desttnatlost peae angers therefore ovoid rnah nod- annoy a are at depota. Private Exchange as. tl O. PICK, of flea 88 First St.. between Stark - nnd Oek eta., pbono 608; pianos snd furniture " moved sad pocked for sblppingi eammatlaus brick werenouee with as para te brea tune, Front nnd Clap ate. OBEGON TBANSFEB CO.. 184 North Stnth. Phono Main 88. Heavy kaallng end storage. PONT SPECIAL DELIVER V No. BXH Wash ingron et mono asm una. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, saos. II par month. Portland Ixissdrr ssd Towel apply Co.. Ninth snd Conrh. Pbono 410. TYPEWRITEra. RBW w- e'l wep,, r -t, . i I , 4.-1 I t - B0BTLAVD, 0RZOOV.. Third and Onk 81a. DKAFT8 18KIKD Available la All C1'-e t Manila. Oslleetloas Mads sa Favaraklt Vice-President. ........, W. . A Cashier..., B. W. St H ' Assistant Cashier. W. A. i- 1884, .Rsad Of Sea. Sen rxtf'-v. OREOOV. riaauclal Asast of the ratted LABS, 0RI00. . . im B. U Dl;KHAM...,..........' President nnAnnw frse II WIS a5 A fU.kla "The Oldest Trust Oo r ta Oi hanklna. Esehsnea an all norm of tha World. 8 to 4 per cent; short-call apodal eertlAratee. ef "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast aarnor iuri Private Exchange T2. , 1 u. u Tiriuta,,,,,,,,, ,rriwiu... J. O. OOLTRA. .Aaalatant Secretary 888 Morrison -Street,' ortlnad, Orsgoa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed Traates for Batatee. Drafts r 4 Letters of Credit mwaixv am. INVESTMENTS. Stock Brokers. (EaUbllabed 180 A) Booms 8. d and 8 La Fayette bids-, ear. Kith DIVIDEND . BANK AND CORPORATION ISTOGKS . Cons 1st cut With Absoluts Safety. ; ; ' TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH SECURITIES TELEPHONES." THB only exclusive telephone hopes. B.-B. BUetric ft Telephona Mans fact urlag osw psny. 8t Fifth st. MARQUIS OF ANGLESEY IS TWENTY-OIiE TODAY Has Love of a Royal Princess and ",. .Thres Quarters of a Mil ' Hon a Year. London, April 14. Possessing tha lovw of a royal princess and aa lnooma ot $760,000 a year, to Bay nothlns of an old and historic tltla of nobility, la tha enviablo distinction' af tha younc Marquis Of Ancleoey,' who roachod his, majority today. - Tha young nobleman Inherited tha tltla a year or two ago on tha death of his erratic uncle, tha lata Marqule of Angelsay, whoee oncapadea and wild aatravaganca. furnlnhed col-, umns of copy for tha newspapers of London and Paris during his liratlrno. Tha young marquis haa Inherited soma of the spendthrift procUvitlea ef his. uncle and his admiration for "Billy" Burke, the actress, has avtdenced an In clination on hla part to follow In tha s footsteps of hla predecessor. Hie Inti mate friends, however, declare that ha . la the right sort and that he la only sowing a few wild oats. t The young marquis Is thought well af , In h'lgh quarters, for If reports ara true ht has been Informed by the Duke ef Connaught. brother of King Edward. that ha (tha duke) would welcome him ae a aon-ln-law. Prlnoess Victoria Pntrlola of Connaught- oe-tha-aUry -runs, became Infatuated with the young Marquis of Angslaey, whom aha-met nt - Princess Ena of Battenbersra coming- out bait last year. . Princess Patricia ' and the marquis danced several dances s at the. ball and Angelaey seemed de lighted by the preference shown him. Princess fatrlclaa affection for tha marquis being unmistakable, her family made most discreet overtures to htm. But tha tnarquia meanwhile had trans ferred his affections to another and he tried to extricate himself by Intimating that he did not wish to occupy the nondescript position of tha husband of a royal prittceaa. Tha friendship haa not been broken, however, and It la be lieved that when the Duke of Connaught arrives home from South Africa shortly tha matter will again ba taken up and tha pining princess, who refused to be- ' some queen of Spain, may yet be hgppy aa the Marehloneaa of Angelaey. Whltelake Times: 3. Prank Adams lost a baby colt a few daya ago, which ' ha sadly mourns. It wan out of hla fa- raous Belmont stallion and big Perch. ron mare and Frank Bays had It lived 11,009 could not have bought It. - i:iss r f