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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
a - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . SATURDAY ; EVinnNO. APRIL If.. NEW TODAY. The Best Lots. Near the Center IsiiibHii These lots can b. boujht now tot $225 to 4O0 each on ess terms. When they are ail sold oat it will not be possible to obtain other lots so well . located nor, at such low prices, nor . upon such easy terms.- Do not let this splendid opportunity go Dy. values at St Johns and all over the Penin- : aula will increase enormously this t summer. Better make your purchases now. ' - The Title Guarantee . trust Co. r 240 WASHINGTON STREET, v ,v .,. n - (Corner Second) ' ' - PORTLAND. OREGON. ; Prices Wvance April 15th THE PRICES OF ALL 3. ; UNSOLD -LOTS - im Sunnyside V .WILL BE ADVANCED ',. $25 a Lot The Title Guarantee li-Li & Trust Co. 'v 840 Washington Street vr ;V ' (Corner Second) ! . ! PORTLAND, OREGON l 14. W LOANS COLLECTION; -V... ..." . . . ..... ,. ., s.:. Casccde Real Estate Co. J.'.B. HOSMER,-Irtdtit InO-tU ALHXT TMXBS AaT9 amOeUUBOBT. ISO Aorea Boat Boll, 110 acrea traltl- Talod; I room houaa, S largo barns; t acroe orchard; good water, spring; ne half rail from good Willamette ' - wallers- town, on tba rlrar; eaay tenna, abatract. Plica f 8,008. . ' . . Baadad) XesaAs In tha state of Washing ton for aaUar choap; a ad government ' lands located:' , '..-, -, Tina aValleUa Lots for tile sad -. Those are great Inveetmenta. Don t alas them. No shanties! V yam mutt to donbla your monay soma and examine our different kinds of In vaatmante. ,. ' Wa have a eomplate -T.AR80N HOP DRIER. nodal ef the .afetary rablie Vatnta rabanka Sold. LAW LOANS COLX&CTIOlfB Cascade Real Estate Co. , X XL B06MSR, President. ; flis-ii axisxt auiek, mnu ajtd atommraoBT. non maxm sua, . 15-Aera Time Flna water power; ' ? room houaa, blared barn; good water, Ety frulL Thla ia a beautiful a In the euburbe of a growing iMnette Taller town. Price . onlr v; , .. ... . ' -Boont oottaga. with basement, lot BOx . 100, lota of fruit; a flna UtUe home for I ; U00. .-; ... , v . SBzlSa, in Hni'e Addition to City of . Chlcao; big bargain at IS 00. IT v-.HOPORO W KH8, yon ean eare ' Li t - ty InTaatlng In a Larson Hop Drlar. Come and aaa modeL , ' aTesary Fablle raeonte OMalaed yateate Sold, You ..... ,t t . ' .. . Can Borrow Money of us for building purposes and hare the privilege of repaying same la monthly Installmenta tll.10 per month will pay off a $1,000 mortgage, principal and Interest, In 84 months. Other same In proportion. ' Columbia Life & ' ; : Trust Company izxtx noon, ooarooao bxjo. V.:.;.'; Tese Tea . ., , " JOHN L. RAND aseyabMaaa Caadldata Fee . ; CONGRE35 (taawad BUtrlot) . . 'At tme Prlanarlae April ee. ,' JOURNAL WANT ADS . . BRING QUICK RESULTS .NEW TODAY. COZY HOMES K.w aad atrtetlr aiodara. freai I2.S00 IS.0U0, aa tarau, i bturk north of Havtooraa m, batwoaa Baat Suth aad SM and Baat Madlaoa and Balnwaj aaataat walka, parked aoa raa atrotta, a. war ana w.tor; TBcmBt tola, aelahbnrbood of braatlful hoi tor aala br awaar, Oaa. 8. WM(aer, 223 rail- oa oiua. WEATHER REPORT.. -; Tba baraawtar eoatutaaa ralatlTalr high avor tba aorth faclao atataa. aUbooaa tsa areat at tha hl(h Braaeora area baa ad.aaead aouto aad aow arerltaa Teiaa, Oklabona aad Kaaaaa. Small low praaaura araaa ara eaatral orar aonihara Arlaoaa aod tba Caaadlaa prarlnca af Albarta. - Ma rala baa felle oa tha faelaa alepa aad noarlr normal taaiprra taraa pnrratl ararrvbara woat af tba Hock aiouataina. Tha banaaa atorn baa adraacad 'aortbaaat. vrard to tba upper lake regtoa. It baa raueed a.oeral nine la the middle veet. The weather la to Atl.ollr alalea aoatlnnea fair. The laitlcatloaa ara for generall fan weather ia una ai.trlrt aund.r. acoaot In weatera ore. (na aod w near a Waahlnirtiia. whera cloadlneaa wiu UCTeaaa aaa ba touowtd e rala aaai OBaareatlaaa takaa at a. ra., rarlfle timet . Temp. Mai. Mia. Freef ...M M A Statlona-. Baker City. Oregoa..,. Maeaarhaaetta. ..i 64 ' M -r " .0 ' M " SO " i m M : ft es 44 44 M 44 .. 40 60 se 4a Chloaea. Illlnola....... ,m 12 4 SO ' .OS Denver, Cokirado, 53 .0 Kanaaa City, Mtaanorl AS r Loa Anitelea, (Jallfornla..., SO ', .''! New Orleaaa. Lealalana,... SO New York. New York M -.01 ... .0 .OS .0 A .0 Portlaad, Oreaxia. ......... 11 Kmebnrg, Oreroa ex ' St. LouU. MI.Murl. ....... M Salt Lake, Utah M Saa Vranelaeo, OaUfornla.. M Spokane. Waablnatoe..... 04 Taeoma. Waahlnntoa .OH Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa. TO Waahlmtoa, D. C OS .0 .0 .0 .0 ,.o .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. rrank W. Boaaer. SI: Ada Swanger. S4. William Millar. SS: Marr MnrabT. Sa. neorta B. Kaadeoa, S3; Gertrude Barria, ZS, Frank Poreot l; Kicaetra ureco, xn. J. H. Tultaa, 43; Mar B. r Wed din W. Q. Smith A Oa., Waaa- ingtoa hlJ(., eor. roartb aad waahlngtoa ata. Mlaa. Bertha Marrla. room SIS AUtky bids, tamping and Sna needleworki leaaona gteea. BIRTHS. BUCK To Mr. aw! Mr. Charlea Anlmn Back of O.k Point, Waahlngtoa, a daughter. BCKLEY To Mr. aad Mr Joseph J. fcckley, 4oT Don etreet, aoa. HARDER T Mr. and Mrs. Christopher V. Harder, a dauxhter. US HINO Tw In Hint a4 Wife, US Kale etreet; OB. MATTHEWS To Mr. and Mr. P. i Lortu Matthews, 7V Baat Twenty-third (treat, FUNERAL NOTICES. BOUOHBB At tha family reeldeoe. Ports. Boo to. Or., April IS, 1006. Abble Ronrher, aged SS yeare. Friends and acquaintance ara reepectfully Invited to attend tii funeral aarrleaa, which will ba halil at tha rtiapal of J. r. Fin ley-A rVSKaond.y, April. 18. at :N I. a. Intarxseat at Raleigh. Or. UNDERTAKERS. Ed war Holmaa a Co.. tba leading funeral eiiecbae. bar tba Buret eatabllahmeat, tha taaat goods, tha Saeet vehicles and tha most seasonable pries, flna bcocdcloth -covered eaaketa, f SI and ISO, - Tha Sneet wood goods made, froa 818 to 130. I'.rlora 230 aod 828 Third Street, coraar Balawa. Portland. Oregoa. . J. P. Plalar a Sob. funeral dtraatora and embelaera, oar ear Third aod Madlaoa street. Ofnoe of oaaatj aaroaar. Talapboaa Mala S. Donnlna. Mclntoa a Ollbanch. aadartakara aad anhaUBrra; aiod.ra la a.arr detail. Saraatfe aaa flna. Mala JW. tdr aaalaUak B. BaaMtork andtrtakar aad ntalmf. Baat Tblrtaaalb aad VaMtllla ara. Paaaa SaU- TI. Clark Broa far Sewera. tm Morrlaaa atraaa. . . - ajTisTirw ciMirrar. . Slnrla eravea tlO. r.mll ba are at ma Tba oolj r Dietary la Portland wblrb per petoally aulatalna aad earoa for mta. rar fall lafbrautloa apply to W. M. Maokeeala. War. eeater Meek. city. W. M. Ladd, areatdeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. rorflaad Traat compaar to C. M. Pol.y, .ouxuu iee u M i, a look a, Aloe- worth Tract .7 ... a Portland Trnet company to rrank Wit iiama, auivg teat berlnnlng eaat aide Una Uaioa aeeana iia87ft feet north of Inteneetloa with aorth aide Una Alnaworth avease 100 Portland Traat company to rrank W1I uaam, iaussa.a7B reet beginning north aide Una Alneworih . annua 00 feet aaat ad latareeetioa with aaat aide Una Union avenoa TOO Paetae Kealty A inreatment eompany to u. neary Bimpaon, iota u aad JO, bloeb S. Stewart Park ., SOO Benry W. rrlea and wife to lamea H. Vearrney and wife. Iota I aad d, buck S. Clifford addition htaarlce Block aad wife to J. D. Meyer. anainaeo a-a or zg aerea beginning north Una aeetJoa IT. townabln 1 aooth. . range I aaat, SO rada aaat at aorthweet aaa Otto S. Blnewanger and wife-to J.' D.-- Meyer, let la, bloak S2S, Baleh a addl- tlon . . am Max iMwaaaoa aad wife to 'Central la- Teetmant company, lot , block 01, rlty 1,000 Dadley Brana and wife to B, K. Meaa. lee, lot lu. DMca a, awana' addltloa .. 000 , S. Tbompaoa to S. Addle Ooodnow, kta i and S. block A, Oaaaral eomn aoa'a addltloa tit . B. Blca and wife to JcerVh p. loecar. lot S. block t. RnlUd.v Park.. 1 Cynthia A. Hayea to lallette Baker, lota e aaa 10, black IS, Stanabrrry addl tloa an Valletta Baker and hnaband to Bana Oberg, name property 150 Portlaad Loae rlr cemetery company to Koeart Jell, a reet la em tar af lot SO,. JlocA S". cemetery a. i E. Stemler and wife to William Onae. lla and wife, wret 40 feet kta 14 and 1ft. block 12. Wllllama Arenoe addition. Tflcl Qeorge W. Browa to L. H. Peary, lota T and 8. block X. Lanrelwood ....... S3S Idward Cola and wife to 3oha H. P. Khepberd, tot IT, block S, LatoareUa Palla lis Henry W. rrlea and wlfa to Frank W. winn, lata S aad a, block 11, Clifford addltloa BM Beal Katate Iaeetor'e aaaarlatloa to W. a. Piter, tot B, block IT; iota s aad a, block ine Hellwond am J. T. Swan to Mary B. Swaa, lot 6. block 4, Kenwnrthy'i addltloa I A. A. Undaley and wife to B. S. Rolfe, lot I, dioci a, Hoi.a.y ran amuon. 1,000 Beal Betatt InTMtora' aaaorlatloa to Borke Buah. tot 10. block SS. Hell wood. IBS Blrerrlew Cemetery aaaodatlon to Joaeph A. Bladea. lot nr. aectloa B. eemrtery. gov V H. Jamleaoa and wife to II. E. Hap. pereett, lots IS aad SO, block 4, Maegly Hlahland B00 Jamea Sartnaa to Catharine O.horna, lota 13 and 18, block S, Roaelawn SAO tlrland eompany to George B. Dtutan. kti t ana a. pioca w. ririaaa. ....... l.aou . C. Charchin and company to Carl Maneke. lot 13. Middle.. eddltlaa..r 1 lane B. Nlrbola to Prank Raadberg, lota S aad 4. block R. Highland 4S0 Arleta Land company to Qnteeripe Ne- gretta, tot 8. block 4. Ina Park . 1 Char lee H. Korell and wife to Mary Hughee. aaat 40 reet tot 1Z. Mock SB, Klnc'a Second addltloa a.ano . w. P. T. Co. to Charlea K. aide at aL, lot 10, block 14, City View Park , 800 000 Land eoenpenr to F, J. Mnlherna, lota 15 and 1. block 8. City view Park... Realty company to California rowoer worae, ,u acre Beginning aorta line lend deeded to J. T. Bowie et al. Monro Land compear ' to Northweatera Fln.arl.1 company, lota n, 11, buck I; lot 8, Meek 11. Park addltloa . sno rl. John), ana wile to jona rrey, parrel lend beginning Boatheeat corner " ' Lit T. block 122. Stephen addltloa 1.4R0 C. P. Fraare and wife ta M king, lota tl and S3, block 1, Edendale BOO Martha J. Jonea and hnaband to Joha Grade, let S, block IS, Macula Park Annex .1 Security Barlnga A Traetc ompany to Beima KoMneon, eaat H lota IB aad Id. block jw. Couch addition 2 Ion Tlrglala Wllena ta Beima Roblnana. lot 14, block 2UO. Orncb addition ......... 0. W. MeArthur aad wife to Ed. Col.eaen, - lota S and 8, block 4. lainrelwond No. t. 88 elk Rlgae to Charlea L. Bruhaker. 8 acree keglnulng 84 chalna eeat and Z2V rb.lna worth of ernithweet comer eectloa i, towaahla LaualA, range 1 eeat ........ 8.000 Set poor Inewranee and abetrerta to real eater. na tna Title Hnerantee at Treat m AiS j)Alaavlsa sUaal, aoraaf Jeeeai, IF AN EMPLOYE IS.. "SLUGQARDING,", GET HARD-HEARTED B AND USE A "HELP-WANTED" AD IN. THE J0URNA L NOTICE. KOT1CB ef Aopolntmeot af Kxeratrii aad to in tna cpanty eoart 01 ma atate . of Oregoa for tba count, of Maltsomab. Ia the matter af the aetata of B. Wletar Mar. . rle, Notice la hereby glren that . tba waoeretaned naa been dnir aimointaa ay be aUe entitled aourt axecatrU of tba laat will and treument of B. WUtar alurrla. de reaaed. All Dereona ha. Ina el alma agalnet tba aaUto of aald deeaeeed ara hereby re qnlred to preaent tbem with aroper Toaebera with la alx aaoat he freta tha data ad tbla notice, to the nnderalgned. aiecntxla aa atore aald. et tba office of Teal Minor, room S14 Worreeter block. In the city of Portland, Multnomah ooooty, etnte of Oregon. . Dated that fourteeath day of April. 100S.. HANNAH ItriDNEV klOKRIS. . Erecatrtz of the Laat Will of B. Wletar MorrU, Deceaeed. ' v Flrat publication Aortl 14. 1000. ; Laat aublleatloa May 12, 190. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB la tha eoenty eoart of the etate of Oregon, ror Mniraomaa ronnty. Ia the matter of tba aetata of Alea ander D Mackenate. ' deceaeed. Notice la hereby, gleea that C P. Ada me, admlnlatrator of tha aetata of Alexander D. Markenme, de ' reaaed. baa Sled la the county court of the etate of Oregoa, for Maltaomab eonnty. bla final account and report aa euch admlnMtra tor. and aald court haa by order daly made and entered, appointed Monday, the -twenty-third day of April. ISO, at (be boor ef 0:80 o'clock a. m., at tba eoartroom or aeld county eoart In the county and atate a fore said, aa tba time and place for bearing ohjec . tlona ta aald acaouat and for eettlcment at the a. me. 0. r. ADAMS, Admlnlatrator of tha Batata of Alaaaadar D. Mackenate, Deceaeed. Dated March SS. 180S. NOTICE OP DTRSOLimprT.a-Portlaad, Oregoa, March IT. laiie. nonce ia aereny gieea mat the eopartnrrahlp dolag baelnaea ander the aama of tha WIIley-Bmltb Herneaa Company baa tbla day dleaol.ed, and that u. A. wine' and Joha uotoa bare aueeeeded ta tha bu.f Beea at the firm, and wiU collect nil debta aad sap au tba naoiutlea of tna nrav ' . O. A. WILLS T, ' , . F. M. SMITli. .'DOLPBLS W1TXBT. MEETINO NOTICES WAJHI.tOTON Lodge. Na. 40, A. P. A A. at. Hpeclal communlcatloa thla (Saturday) arettlng, S o'clock. Bnrkbard building, work a. a. oc tree. AH Maeona cordially larltad. by order W. M. J. H. BiraMOTOr aacratary. ALBIXA Lodge, No. lot, A. P. A A. M. Special cotamunlcatioa hla (Saturday) arenlug at a a clock. School of Inatractloa. W. O., L, Orar, grand cuatodlaa, will be preeaoL All M. M. cordially a Ttted. 'By order W. M. A, J. HANDLAN. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN 1-year-old cocker epaalel bitch, aa- ... .a ....... A. "Kn-Wn U Dttm ftA U O. D.taoa. Caanoa'a addition, Uu Scott Una; reward. ....', - , LOST Black leather wallet containing papera raJuabla only to ownerVJ new ara tog lie re turn u Jomraal office. LOST Oold anarta watchebarm, April S. tura to I. i. Bniuran. 47 xamniu at. ward. Phone Mela 000S. HELP WANTED MALE. JTBEMEN aad brakemaa aa Oregoa and ether railroada; wipenenca aaaeceaaary; Bremen, (100 monthly; brakeman, SNO; promotion ta position, paying doabla; etata age, aneltlaa K if erred; aend 'tamp. Railway Aa.ocl.tloa, pt, 44, S2T Market U, Baa Preadaeo. - WANTED By 'the employment department ,f the T. M. 0. A., 1 good farm band and 1 good boy a; onl Beea aaa boye 01 cieaa aaoita need apply. ... BALR8MBN WANTED For oaa of tba largeat auraerlee la tba weeti aaaa aaraacae weekly a erdera; good territory epaa. Addreaa Waahlngtoa Nareery Co., Toppenleb, Waah. WANTED 1,000 mea, ebara aad ha treat tree. zsa Coack at. wa taaeb taa craoa. UTB eanvaearra for choice territory; autflt fnrnkihed free; big .nap. ror full partleulara addreaa Oregoa Nuraery Co., Salem, Oregoa. AOENTS WANTED to aell aoperlor, high-grade anraery atorkl complete outfit furalebed tree; caab weekly! write today for choice, of ter ritory. Capital City Nareery Com pa ay, Salem, Oregoa. ,i : . ;.: ., , START mall order bualneant you eeally make f 10 dally; wa ruralau auppiiea ana tree. Aluminum Hanger Co Chatfield, Mlaa. WANTED Reliable now ope pec caaTaeaer; ateady pee It loa for right party) city aaa country work; muet glee refereneaa. Ad ureal O. J. Agent, TaaeoUTar, Waah. MFN and womea to lean barber trade la eight weeke; gradu.tee earn rrom .in 10 axa weeklri exnert laatructorai eatetogua free. Mobler Syatea of Oollegea, 89 North FoarU J at., PortlaBd. . . . 1 WANTED-Wall aad bullette aire pain tore; only Bret-claae men neefl apply, roatar a Hie leer, Fifth and Brerett ata. . WANTED A tailor rmahelm.r, good preaaar. at tba Eaat Portland iya worka. its uraad ara., city. WANTED A competent c leaner and dyer at tha Eaat Pert land Cleaning as iya werka, 148 Grand are, city. WANTED S or 4 waralabera. Apply Oregoa furniture a Maanxaetunag vo., aiacaaam road. WANTED Mala teach ere to travel and rep. reacnt a well-eatablleaeo CBIoago aoneei ex. perlenca aot aeeaaaary: enmpenaatloa, Stw month. Write to Fortiaaa, Oregon. Poplar at. WANTED An experienced auk atoek cotter. Addreaa M 80, care Journal. ..... . . WANT- atrary. bo neat young aa to taeaat 880 and arrrlcaa legntimata buelneea; you aaa make 8100 par month. M 48, cara JoarnaL WANTED A goad, eober Job printer;- atate wagea. Boutbera uregoniaa. Jeeaiora. uregoa. RELIABLE aaleemaa for Oregoa; atate ex. narlenca la whet lino. K. P., cara Journal. WANTED flood aameae-makeret (teady Job; good wagea. A. 1 rarataow. atuea Montana. .1 GOOD planarman; beat mill la etate; dap work. (a. 7 1 JO atarquam. . mo MEN for foundry. 888 Sherlock bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BANSEN'f LADIES' AOENCT, 848 U Waahlng ton at., cor. ScTenth. apatatra, phoaa Mala 8002. Female kelp wanted. GOOD GIRL for cooking and hem ee work; aU family; good wagea. ana aaai aa. WANTED otrl to do general a leoaawoTki wagea (zs. 4e I4ta at. THB HOME LADIES AGENCY furnlahee aU klnda of female beln. 23 Raaael bldg, 106H Fourth at. Phoaa Mala 8824, WANTED Flrat-c la aa CuHIa, 14th and Jrffi w.ttreeeee at Boeert- 0PENINO for a few ladlea to leant derma tology, beauty culture, eclentlfle treatment of the completion, bakr, acalp aad akta, maa aaga, aleetrolyala, manicuring, piirata forma lee gWen. Frofeaeor O Nelli. 141 11th at., corner Alder. 01 RL to aartat with light boneework. Alder, Bear SOth. SS Be at WANTED Competent girl for. general aaae work; muet be good cook. lM 14tfe at., ha tweea Waahlngtoa aad Alder.' WANTED A dtnlnr roots girl U a prlrato. boarding aoa ee. lM Fifth at. ANT poor girl needing a friend, beta or advice, eaa apply er write ta ata trow, eve eian aoia 'on land. Or. ... MIDDLE-AGED women tor chambermaid'; ' good inquire aoa Btara at. WANTED A Orat-clMe womea aank far W.t aoa'a reatauraat, 42 Vi Blth at. Call at aoce. GIRL or woman wanted far general aooeewnrk. Apply Kab taet near . Coioa are. . Phoaa K.t 281. GIRIJV If roa want work la atnrea aend raur phoaa to aUrcaaaUafiate, F. O, Bog ST. MALE AND FEMALE HELP.- cIELP wanted and anpptled, mala at female. B O. Drake, SU64. Waeblugtoa at. Padaa 1ST0. WANTED Toang aaeo and women to prepare ror ciTU eei-rice eaamioetlaai lira aoaltlone; aind .pare time: etate , poellloa wanted. 11 8d, rare Journal. .- SITUATIONS WANTF.D-FEMALE WIDOW Ui ir wlahee peattloa ' to take fuU kouaekaeper at aeeelda, country or charge aa city; srlrata o etauda bar work public; thoroughly ander Adoreaa r 1, care Journal. OIBLr wante to do aouerwork la em. II family; Alblaa preferred. Healdeaca 114 Uumbelt at. Phono Weodlawa SO. . WANTED AGENTS.' WANTED Agente; an m. thing aew good aeUari big wagea. Sue McKay bldg. FI RPT-CLA8S areata In Portland and through atate; big wagee to rustle re. 410 Pea tee bldg. EMPLOYMENT ' AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co., XUOVa Morrlaaa k. a-eoue ricun vsm HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. - , FOB MEN. IB M. Second at. . phoaa Mala 1SSS. BIO FOUR BMP. AOBNCT Help eapplled tree. ia north aeeoae et. Phone Mrla 181a. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL boy If raaaoaabla. S or A-room houaa or cottage, oa tna tall menta of (ISO or 4 200 dowa. balance 16 per month: must ba near carllue anu moaerB: price vi.aoo ta fl.ouu; aire da evnpuou ana nouaa numrjar. at ou. journal WANTED d or (-room cottage, aaat aide, two ro ai.aiu; fiw aown. I0 par month; owner eniy; giro name ana paona oumoer. M aa. care journal. SMALL acreaga tract, with or without build- 'nr., ror noma only, aa tna peaineuia; g.o caab, balance yearly .pay menta. , ddraea a. .1, earn journal. - WANTED Lot In axebanga for eoultr la S er 7 -room bouee. Phoaa Baat SML 100 REAL aetata flrma can aell pour property anieaer than ona. Pacific Reel Batata Bx fct Waahlngtoa at. Mala 1&2S. . . WANTED, for caab, tot or fraettoai araat be caeaa. aa. care Journal. RANCH Partly Improved: full doacrlotloa: caeap, caab. D S3, care JoarnaL INOOMB property of all klnda.. Wa bare buyera waiting, utayatta Realty '., room is Ljil.rette bldg., cor. oth and -Waahlngtoa ata. SMALL acreaga tract, with er without build- inga, ror noma only, on tna penlneula; (300 caab, balance early pamenta. Addreaa If 41, cara Journal. WANTED Ona er mora acree near Lyntowa. atuureee -1, juop vvoriu, ror tiana. - WANTED TO RENT; WANTED TO BENT HOI'BES. COTTAOES, FLATS, ROOMINO-HOL'SES. STORES. ETC. Oar rental deportment baa beea enlarged aad nrorldrd with additional ' etaff. Wa InTtte Hating from LANDLOBBS. after neraonal attentioa to and emitloaoua ouperrlaloa orar all prapartp In true ted -. ear PORTLAND TBCBT COMPANY OF 0RE00N. B. B. cor. Sd aad 0k ata. Phone Ex. TS. FURNISHED bouee, 0 to 8 rooma, wanted to rent: good location, within easy acceee of bualneaa dletrlct. la 43, cara Journal. -WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED To borrow (4.000. excellent rlty real eetata eecurlty. rarrlngtoa, S18 Chamber af Comm. roe. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING), apraylng aad wbltewaahlng creea. beaementa. b.rae, oocka. etc.; largeat gaeoiine apraylng outflt oa tba eoe.t. M. Q. Morgaa A Oe., (23 Cnlaa ara. Phone Eaat eiT. WANTED atocka of general toerehaadlae or . drygooda, boote and ahoea, etc for which I will pay caaa; win aeei witn nctaat ewnere only. Addreaa P. O. box D, Elgin, Or. , N. MORGAN, pioneer eprayrr aad white, wuber. Call Eaat 0243; remember tba aama B. N. Morgaa: 11 rear la bualneaa la Pert land. WHO IB M. a. MORGAN A CO. t HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for furniture ta any quantity; alee taka ea me on aemmlealoa and guarantee baat reaulta. Tba Portland ' Auction Rooma - A. rV-habaca prop.; til Flrat , at. . Phone Mala 8465. WB WTLL BUT. SELL OR TRAPS ANT OLD TBINO. WESTERN SALTAGH CO., SZT. 429 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TSS. WANTED Child to bnaed! raaaoaabla; good Tel. Scott 1240. . WILL pay II. 60 a for 100 to 100.000 aherea Improved Smelter Co. etock. . A newer W 83, cara Journals I POSITITKLT. guarantee you tba' beet trade ' price for Bouarbold, hotel or reataarant inrnt tura; ba aura to cauault ma before dlapoeing of your gooda .lee where; thla beata celling by a net loa. Addreaa or call Oka. care Geuld A Kline. 8. W.- cor. Front and Boraalda. Pboaa Mala SOT. - WILL trade roomlng-bonee, good furaltura. tor gaaollae lauara, lot, aianaonoe or anytaiag ot ralno. Addreaa at 80, care Journal. WANTED Brick -aell eta. taama. Serenih aad Boa- STOCK paetured TMe heed per dart Saa graaa. plenty water. j. a, anutn, oruau roau, BJUiee out. WANTED Good eecond hand eablnet-maker'i beach. Pboaa Beat 4000; - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELtaU. SSH NORTH SIXTH ST. Klegantly furnlahed. ateam beat aad hatha. THB GBAND. 48 H I erth Third at 1 for gaauamea ai-aa pw weea aa up. THB KING, 80S Jefferara at. Nicely furnlebed rooma, with gaa or electric light, beat and bathe, la new building, (SAO and 810 per BMOtB. NICKLT faralabed room at 842 Grand ara. layeFoimd A cat, or anything, of value, look in the lost and found colums . of THE JOURNAL.; Losers and . finders use its columns to - good ' advantage. - They are the encyclopedia of ' the luck and misfortune of this city, and their value to those using them is be- yond the mere coat of the advertisement. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICELT furnl.hcd mama and hoaeekeeplng rma; gaa, bath and electric llghta; raaaoa abla. , Palmar Motel, (00 l- Alder at. FUBN1SIIED rooaaa for real from l.t0 par week aa. - SI North Park, S OB d nicely furnlahed boaaekaaplng aad a Ingle rani Call algbta or bouu. eoOVi Madlaon et. Phone Mala 44111. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MITCHELL. FUadera aad SereBtb Hooma, beueekeeplng aad traaataatl aoa eenlent; prlcee reaeonabla. fl.fS WEEK an, eleaa. furnlahed aoueekeaplng rooeu, with yard, parlor, laandry, bath. fur. aaoe beat. Stanton at. D ear. tl.BO PRE WEEK Large, eleaa. furnlahed booaekeephig-rooiiia; laundry and beta. 104 Shermaa, Stfith PartUnd. ' SLREPINO and boneekeeplng ' rooma for teat. .V0H BuaaeU at. Tha McKay bldg. THE HALL. 414 Fifth Rooma. alngle or eulte, furnlahed for light hooaekeeplng. amfa-njp.iniinf, wn.i.i nia, a" rcaaun.hle. The Macoa. 222 V Cmehy, aornet Hoi iad r are., one block aaat ateel bridge. rnnaa eaat Ilia. - THREE bouaekeeplng rooma for rent; aaa of lnone. can oao Berentn. 471 ALDER Nice bouaekeeplng-reoma; gaa atova, bath, phone, aloae ta buelneea; reeeonebta. S GOOD - anfuralahed. nouagkeeplng rooma. eaey walking dlatance; water aaa gaa; reaeonabla rent. Appiy nut. main at. THB STAR, 230 U Larrabee at., S block, from ateel bridge Houeekeeplng mnma. 81. TS a week aad up; Bleeping rooma,. 81 aad up. d FLATS, furulehed bouaekeeplng, 88 aad flO par moDta, uau aw sereuca at. LA ROB front and adjoining room,, furnhhed, flrat floor; gaa. bath, phnewt eery reaeonabla .-. to young couple, zsi Bixta at. COMFORTABLT furnlahed or unfnmlahed room, or aultea. furnlebed; tenta;a ab.(le and frnlt treea. Phone Eaat 4I2S. Lew la and Clark 'Camping Vrounoe, Mount Tabor. - - BLEEPING and boueekeeplng-rooma for rent. Bee H. H. Hlgley, room 80, 227 Waahlng. ' toa at. BOL'SEKEEPrNG-BOOMS. electric light, pkeue, . $2 a waek.j 8011 Water at. . - PARLOR flat, 8 Tenth et. reoma. (92 Jetferaoa, corner ROOMS AND BOARD. 471 ALDER Large front .parlor, bath, phone, board U dealredr walk lag dlatance, reaaoaabta price. 888 12TII Large front rooma; gaa. bath, phone, waleting dlatance; prlrate family and home comforta. -' BOOM and board. Brat claaa mcala. home eeok. lug. 84.20 -per week. V74 Mecadem road, near aaaa and door factory. Booth Portlaad. Mra. Jan. . . BOARD and .nice room la prlrate borne, eult ahle for two geatlemea. 178 Eaat Sixth at. Pboaa Eaat 720. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 GOOD un furnlebed hooaekeeplng rooma. aaey wuieiag uietance; water ana gee, reaeoaaoM rent. Apply 8T Rlxtb at. v FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN T-rootn houae, newly painted and pa pered; 407 Tenia at. Apply ta r. L. Apply Boot- tagr rooaa 40 Worcaatoc liulgv KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re. Iiaoia Plana ana rarniture moeere; a Bo ator age. Pboaa Mala 1880. Of Bee 110 N. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 848 STARK ST. TN ST? BANCS. RENTALS. SEB LIST, 10-ROOM hooee. with euamer dining. altuated 47 Mortk 14tb at, laaulra 804 Mac leay bldg. GOOD 8-raom cottage, with basement; clone rn. weat aloe; (10 with water, fboae , f adDc I44U. FOR RENT Soburbe: qnarter block; bouae 0 rooma; o eioaeta, pantry, anuare aai wita aeet, aeat and coehlone la dlnlngroom, sttlc, bath, furnace,' S replace, flours flnl.urd, ehadee. wood I lft; 810. Perries, a Walk Ins. 850 Alder at-"- - FURNISHED aew and aiodara cottage of 4 or S rooma; nice aulet place; beta, hot and cold water, pboae, stationary tuba. 860 Lincoln St. FOB BENT Houaa of II rooms, awdera lm- proeemeata. axa ina at. Apply at kit izta. HOUSES faralabed and anfarnlshed In all porta of tba rlty. F. T. Dick. SO arrant at., be tween stark and Oak. . NEW modera 5-room bouee with gaa aad bath. ion ororer at. Phoaa Mala 48Tu. ATTRACTIVE S-room saodera bouee with large corner lot; 4M Keet Thirty-fourth at. near Hawthorne; 818 nonta. 002 Commercial bldg. 7" MODERN S-room bouee, now plumbing. W Mont gomery. Apply SOT . 10th, Sear Mont gomery. BTORB with d rooma, alee yard, central, at 00 North 10th at., d blocks from W aahlngtoa. lequlre 04 at, - .- A 8-ROOM honee with bath. laaulra at SOT Unloa ara.. N. HOUSE for rent, 8 rooma, st Stewart station. St. Joan, r. Lr. lama, aTOlb Mn morrieoa at. Pboaa East 1264. FOR BENT New. 4 room cottsgs; good aelgtt- borhooa. Phone East zooa. FOR RENT? STORES-OFFICES. NICB atova on Ruaerll at., No. MT, opposite schoolhouse; best location In ATblna (nd good for most any Una of business; cheap rent to tha right tenant. Call on J. Kraemer, Com mercial blk. OFFICB moma. eafurnlahed reoma and e.mple rooma for real. (Moaaouga Dug. appiy ele vator. FOR RENT Nlr big etoreroom. good location. good for any business, very re aaoe a Die. in quire F. Kucha, 140 hi Flrat at. i DESK room and deck for rent; central. Henry O, Brown,' gia McKay bldg. V; FOR RENT FLATS. - FOR RENT T-room modera new fist, B4TA Sixth at., Bear Jaekeon. Phoo PaclfU aoi - A. H. Maegly. 210 Fourth St. 8-ROOM Sst for rent, 8I8.BOI water paid; ao smsll children. 828 MIU. FOR RENT New S-room lower flat, strictly modera; good view; rm car Hoe: rent 818.80. - Jonea' Drug Store, groat aad Gl boa. i'beoe Msla 800. NEW modern; rent Includes heat, water; $80. The' Garland, 021 Washington, Bear 10th. MODERN B-roem flat, 8 blocks north af steel bridge, fronting river St.; steel and gaa range , ehadee a windows. 28 Larrahea. SMAIJ, Sat, hoosekeeplna completely furnished, rleno, yard, bath, phone, reasonable. 828 4th. Pbona Mala 8640: also alngle reouia. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT In rlty. 8 eultabto. gardening. Inqnlre 208 Fourth. HOUSES FOR ' RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE4 for aala aad flat for rent walk . Ing dlatanca from poatofflcs; bargata. .. Call Mala 0700. AT half price, fnrnltnr ef S-room honee, 10 minutes' wslk from postofAce; muet ba (old t once. Addreaa L 20, cara Journal. . FURNITTRB 4 room cottage for aala,. coltsga for rent. 636 Fourth. St., south. Pboaa PsHOe 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES, PORTLAND auhnrbaa drugstore for gala, drees a, aara Journal, Ad- BUSINESS CHANCES. LABOB or email tng terra, by II. H. Waaiilngtoa at. UlgUy, room SO, 3X1 WHO IS M. O. M0B0AM A CO. t HAVE you 81,000 to Inreat (aot apeculate) la . tae . beet - amaufactarfng nKmopoIr- TNt of . tha Kocky mounulna? Addreaa A AO, Journal. FOR BALK All or half In tare, t In groeery; - good location; reeeonebte raat ' aad paylag trade, D 20, care Journal. A SNAPI Tha beat caab wood buelneea In Portlaad bona. bold furniture Included; party going ea.r. ror particuiare HMjnire . I room aua. Aiiaay Ding, intra ana Morrieoa. FOR SALE 22 room bnuaa, alt full: centrally . Kicaieu; pew auitamg,- moaern; price (mai t-'WO caab, balance ia per month; aa egenta , part lee going eaat. Call 870 E. Morrieoa ei., or paooa Eaat izoe. BEST-PAYING email reetaurant ' and I lunch counter rm Waahlngtoa at fur aala, ddri ' A SO, cara Journal. I WOULD Ilka to mnt aomeona with a email ..amount of money ta bark me In a mining '. propoal tlon. the t I bara worked for tba laat 111 yeare. . aaareea J., r. Nylander, Denaeon Nawa Co., Portland, Oregon. WANTKD Rlgbt party with capital to patent au extremely navful and valuable Invention, In aereral leading countries; will aaalgu un. .heir uf aama. Ittreutor aad model at X4ft Btara at,, room x. ONB THIRD or ona half Interact In the greateet, mall order thoueahold r of recent yearn (patented) to party with 82,000 or 81,000. to eetablleh a factory; qnlrkfaalea, large prodta: fortune for right party; every ceut Inreeted qnaranteed; will bear ckoeeet inreeugaiioB.- as Hawtbocne are. FOB SALE Planlng-mlU doing a good baal neea la Bolae. Idaho; owner compelled to aell becaaae of 111- health; will etand Inreetl. g.tloo. Addreaa "Mill." cara' Capital Nawa, Bolae. Idaho. FOR SALE. CHEAP Growing tee-coffee route; good territory) eacrtftce. Addreea L aO, car journal. FOR SALEV Flrat-rlaee rooming gain. 410 Waahlngtoa at, - bouae; a bar. PARTNER wanted with amall capital, to handle , financial end of buelneea: a en. p for tha right man. Call at SS Weet Park at., room 1. - DON'T coma hero flrat. but don't buy yoar city -property, fruit and garden Una. wheat, (lock or . detry ranrbee antll you aee ne. North Weet Land Co., 200 Uoodnough bldg. P. 8. We aleo hare buelneea chance, of all kinds, aad can locate you rlgbt. N. W, L. Co. BAKERY bualneaa. building and lot, fins Ince ption; big money-maker: will aell at beery die count If taken title week.. Pattaraoa a Stew art. lOOOVa Belmont et . ' . L, BUTCHER-SHOP doing a good bualneoa for aala cneep ir taaea aooB. Aaareee u. u, gckoel, SprlngBcId. Or. - . FOR 'SALE Complete saw and pl.nlng-mlll; good paying proposition; aawmtll and planlng oilll aa track; g.wd awltrhing facllltlee; altuated ta ee.teru Oregna; reaaoua for aelllag, poor health. Addreaa M 88, care Journal, I WILL make a pereonal Inspection of your Inreetmente la Canadian landa. locate yoa a hoBaeetead and guarantee you "good ataff.' Cell al room 8. 1384, Flrat St, for partlcu lara and reference. SAWMILL -aad -timber for sale, - Inquire at Btaytoa, Oregon. Box H. route 1. . FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store, at g aargaia; good location. Apply M ax. Journal. FOR RALE Half Interest tna' da try: will aell reaaonabla. Addreaa M 4H, cara JoarnaL - - HERB IS A SNAP 83.10040 rooma. well furnlahed, la goad tncadoa: good resaona for eel ling; vary low rant. Call for ' further particulars. Hage auna A Blancbard, 01 Fifth at. RESTAURANT, 2 Stark. 8SO0; lunch counter. 10 atooia. a table, a cbalra; doing' frraa. claaa buelneea: muat aell; called eaat oa bust' neae; would lease.- Call 81 Fifth at. - WANT to buy amall or large room tng. hooee. H. Weat. Poatofflea Bos 4?. FOR RALE Ona of tba baat rooming -oteea re heart of city, 84 rooma. doing a eery good oueiaese. or won mi consider an exenanga ror housekeeping rooms, ckiee tn: would also con - alder some ef Huref a Automatic Switch stock. Otto A Crockett. 4fH Waahlngtoa at. - BAKERY for aala, doing a flrat-rlaaa cash . bualneea; no delleery wagon. Addreaa N. C P., Halnlar, Oregon. FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. eaaugahaarpj, inay el THREE BARGAINS Will eel or exchange for Portland property, two lota and goad ft-ruora cottage, well located, to Aahlano. Or., and ona good 5 mora cottage and enug little barn, aplendld location, oa whole block of about ona acre, aesr Newherg depot; both proper ties piped with fbieet mountain water; 80 acrea of Yamhill's heat anil, fine Being water; ' lamlsle covered with beet of ptla and tie tim ber; . near Newberg. Dundee, railroad and ' river. Reeldeace 1123 Alblaa ara. Pboaa Baat BT11. FAXON PABK la aow oa tba market. . Lata at acreage prlcee. Lota - BOxSOO. . ... i,,... , .r.v v....el09 Lota lons2M0 .8200 Lnta S0i280 8400 Tbeea lota ara all In cultivation, level aad elghtly, oa a graded street, 8 snlaatea' walk ta good 10-room acbool at Learn; o-cent fare to any part of Portland; water free. Terms. O. It Addltoa, owner, Leata, Or. gust; take Mount Scott car. Bo. -. . . -. . I BEAUTIFUL lota below earn, near boulevard . a aa l. . at a.ll oklta aottsga, 1 -block west Arbor Lodge statloa. at uti rvi.1 eTMiuss vati e wmmj awa ui". asiis wHlvaa BARGAIN In S-etory houae; 8 rooma, basement, bath, pantry, electrlo light,, laws. Phoaa East 8208. i .'..' 8-ROOM modera houae, 82.0O0; $200 dowa aad ' 815 monthly. Owner, phoo Eaat 478. T-ROOM modern bono.- $2,600; 8600 dowa, balance to eult. Phone East 876. FOR SALE New 4-mora cottage, good loca tion, rbooe owner, Eaat 2008. r ELEGANT quartar block oa Eaat 8Sth aad Yam bill; aomcthlng flna; all street Improvements raid: only Sl.loO. . Pattaraoa A, Stewart, ,OO0H Belroont at. 8-ROOM boaaa aad lot, bearing fruit, 8000 rush, (7o on tim. ( rooms aaa s low, teat 4018. , ' : , FOR SALE Troom home Is Irving ton. SflOO cash, balance monthly. Bpptng. Mulkey blo-k, SacoDd and Murrlaoa. Pboaa PadAc 1080, LOT tn Sell wood, $100. - Apply Frost, Hotel Roe In fa U. Front and Madleoa ata. - I HAVB a few 5-acre tracts of eery fin land, very eaay to dear; '0 miles east of Portland. and only- on mile from O. W. P. electric line, that I will aell at from $00 to $78 1Z acre, en very eeay lernva. aaaraaa w cara JoarnaL ". " " ' ACRE TBACTBI " r 0CB SPEC1ALTYI8AC1 TBACTBI . Full-alaed streets, water to each aara. TERMS $10 PER ACER CASB $10 PER ACRB PER MONTH. Toa ge ft these acrea oa tba aaat ear, pay the Basso Be fare the tot ra.a para. The lot maa la your aelghbor, but he la ra. atrlcted- la majority of featarea ttat seeks a tree suburban home. Open Wednesday aad Saturday svsulugs. A. a CHURCHILL CO., INtt . US Second St FOB RAI B Along the north bank railroad, a lara llet of farms, orchards, sawmills and business property. Inquire of D.- W.. Hatch. Ineoa a Co.. Wasbougal, Waah. W ' H. MOREHOUSE, ' 1870 East 18th at.. Sell wood. Phone SrHwood TA ' The- largst list of Improved property la Bell wood. Homes from 8000 to C8.0OO. Rosa addition, tba great factory sltei lota $8 dew a and (o per saonta. IF TOD want to build, tray all roar materials at tha Amerlcaa Inni yoa will eave TS peg rent: fine doors, wlndowe, plaeter boarda, roatle er siding, fhawlng. stairs, timber aad lumber. Phone owner, Pacific 1078. 8-ROOM houaa and qnarter block at tha rot net of East 14th aad Beaeoa ata. $1,800. W 8, aara Joaraal. ' . - - FOB RAT TTPTTAT. teSTATrL Bwa-OtawOV-aeweWa, eeaaee.aa, ea,MieJet.a-aweea.aei- ' ::--.East .Side Lets - ;' Buy Now cr Walt and . Pay. Here ". . l ' 8800 80a 100. street evaded. 1 black fraaa S rarllnee; H caah.. 8aowVjrer luoalOO, oa Miaaourl are., la-, aide Kllllngeworth. - . 8700A fine cumer aa Mlaateelppl era., S . fnll alsad Iota, atraeu are .graded; karma vfc essh. . T .. SaOO Nice lot on Borthwlck at., Bear Ma son: street Improvements paid. . 81,000 A corner. 8 tull-eleed total roam for tour atom and aome boueea. Splendid opportunity for aa inveetment! to ' veetigate at once; (&00 eecb, for aom beaatl- : till r.aM.nta !. m. 1 . I . .. 81.200 for a beautiful corner far a borne, lOOxlOO, aaat front oa Commercial St.; most be eren to ba appreciated. '81.0OO (kwncr looxtoo on Bbarey.betwaaa Wllllema and Union area. Soma loto at Highland, aleo la Weat Pied moat, oa tb Installment plan, ; M. E. THOMPSON. V . . -v.. 848 Mlaelaelppl ara. Paoad Baat 8338. , . ACRES A No. 1 chicken ranch, all fenced; good 4 -room bouee. -large ran me, bara 18x30. cblcken-houeea for 1.000 cblrkene; a piano and all klode of furniture; 8 dnaea chtckeue. all for 81.250; only about 000 feet from' electric line, tOe far. For further Informa tion taka Eatacada car, to Galea otstloo. eoutk to second bouee oa fight hand sl dT HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND COMPANY." ' Special Opportunity. For Sale A - nation store, flna -location, aew stock, furniture and - flsturee for' 82.4.10 rash; reaaonabla rant; (team heat Included: call thla week. ' HB.NDSRSON HCOTT LAND COMPANY.. , 001-002 Featoa bldg. : . FRUIT, flowers and 5-room houae aa flue earner , lot SOiIOO. East Yamhill St.. only 81.M; . your terroe. Pattareoa Stewart, 100014 Belmont at. - WB have two pretty lota for aala, tnetallmeut plea; rlty water, 'on carllne. three blorka ., from acbool; yoa cannot find a Si car home location. Wa also hsva a flue reeldeace lot In Mt. Tabor, oa carllne, Call owners. Phoaa - Weodlawa 138. i,. ... . . ... BARGAIN Modera S-room reeldeace oa qnarter block. Eaat 10th aad Taggert eta.. 83.000. Wavarly car. Call af taraoona, . Tarau., . , FIYE acrea Bear carllne for 81.000 caah; a nap. J. H. Ilohaoa, 106 Luton ave. FOR SALE S-room boaaa and lot aad hs"lf. cheap, by owner. TeL Woadlawa ST. HENDERSONeSCOTT' LAND COMPANY; Tor Sale A .tort of general merrnaadlna la good locality; muet have aom caah; price a snap If taken within 10 deya. " UENDERHON-SCOTT LAND COMPANY, -,- - ... 001-008 Featoa bldg. ' CHOICB rwaldanc lot aa Fargo at, bet. Union ana sioaney avee. low price. inquire. oat Monroe st. phone East Slda. CALIFORNIA BIJNOALOW-t I have beea for the paat three yeare la Lea Angelee, California, and. raa build you any sort of bungalow from 8400 up; 'WUl furaleh bit and build: payment of balance la monthly payments Ilka rent. ' CLARK A SON. Pboaa Paclse 841. 004 Fourth St.. rorlund. SHW S-room cottage, on corner lot, aeet . 2 rarllnee; modern ana gooa location; fi.w.i; 8190 dowa. 828 par asonta. Brlgga, 138 4 First at., room 2. A BEAUTIFUL quarter block,'s ad- dltlua; Improvameeta all Inr-maka aa Iter, Padaa 1H42. ... , - S-ROOM boaaa now Under ronstracttou; bath,1 toilet, etc.; let yu arrange lneiae or bouee to eult; lot 80x100, 1 block from' car. f.r; only 8IA0 cash, balance 8 10 per month. 8 per cent. Heaudful home on 28th at.; room hooee, large bara. Sua bearing fruit trree, straw berries, raepherrtee, overlooking city; great anap al ( ave i lot an' Ea.l lBtb St. for 870.' term.: . Ha and good lota for 8178, oaly 8 cash, b.lam-e 80 per month -- - BTE1NMBTE A CO., 18 Morrleou at. Tba Home. Hera. S0T8 BUYS nice 4-rreim cottage, large neotrr.. rrult. ne waer, in eaat iwa, aurta, aver Beech. FOR SALE Lot oa Spokane are.. SOxluO. In quire 401 Hawthorne av. mono East Z" Will atand tba c loa cat tnreetlgatlon. 8180 CASH, 818 month, baya a modern 4-room COttaga af eoi atumowri eve. u cer. I BUILD houses, easy payment; lota furnished If aeeired. Miller, ata commercial oiug. HOC8R and lot la Spokane. Waahlngtoa, tar aala, price ,1.60O. or will taaa rortnuu prop erty worth 81.000 and mortgage rsa ba s aumed. Farm land and ranch lead for sale. - Wa have a few choice homestead rellnoulah lenU along tba coast; also locate oa government-land.. awl ' BURNSIDE ST. ' $2.800 GOOD 8 -room bouae and full lot na arrsnea av., wear u eteet vriage, yow can't beat thla. ' 10 acree of goad land Bear Mootavllla for aale very cheap. 100x128 'feet aad t good B room bnnees oa taa corner of Sacrament aad Beat Seventh -ata., near carllne. M'COY A DAMMEIER. 80 Fifth at. S FULL LOTS with 8 nice houere, on Savler St., earning aow eezu. at ao. io wunin deya. Thing of It what you have to per for vacant ground la that oVallty; $2. M0 raa remain et 0 per cent for 8 years, par. t leu lara, aaa J. Kra.mer, Commercial bllc roi SAU AT A BARGAIN 1 a Saa atock range, containing about 8.800 acree; au ander fence; aituataa Beer steae. burg, Oregoa. aa S. P. R. R. thla la ane of the baat atock range In the rouaty; I alee have another good stork range coatelnlng 1.420 acree, which will be entd at a very low : Brie. For particulars addreaa 1. R. Sat her Ba, owner. Rose burg, Oregoa. FOR SALE By owner, two aaw modera houere, hetweea 22d and 24th, oa Waaca. Holladay. Psrkl slso furnish lots and build. B. R, ' Rice, 882 Bandy read. Pbona Eaat 10SS. FOR SALS CHEAP S and T-room boo aee mod-' arn; part eesa. 870 Garfield ava. Tska Weodlawa ear. Pboae Eaat 8641. DO YOU WANT TO BUY city lota or acreage If oo. oea Eaat Slda Real Bststa Co. Beat aid property a eperlalty. 407' Hawthorn ave.. Bear Grand. Pbona Eaat 1007. NEW B-etery modern bouee, - southeast Corner Minnesota aad Falling. Apply awaar, aeat door.. , .. SBI.LW0OD LOTS. 88 down and 80 a month i from $76 to $200. Sellwond Townslte C., H. P. Palmer, manager. Phong East 4704 ACRB TRACTS, Good land, c lee red, ready to plant, ISO dowa, balance monthly: on carllne. HENRY A. TOWNSEND, SO Seventh at., between Stark and Oak." I MUST hav money. I have got S cottages! will sacrifice for caab er half, cash: e room ' aech 8760; all plan tared, water, treea, large Iota. Sea awnar. Joe Nash, at Nashvllla ad- dltlon, oa tha Mount Scott carllne. ARB YOU I rTTE RENTED IN ST. JOHNSt Wa ara Portland headquarters for property ta every part of tbst prosperous rlty. We hav river view, bostneee and residence lota from 8225 ap that cannot ba duplicated by any other agent. It will pay yoa to sea aa before yoa go dowa to boy. . HA0BMANN RLANCHARD, 81 Fifth et. . FOB SALE. CHEAP Modera 6-room cottage, . three blocka from O. R. A !. car. hope; part, cash. Owner. 1T1 Stanton at.. Lower AIMna. BH ACRES and amall bone, 1 aero amall fruit ji food location, Mootavllla. Freak A. Wlllanl. bono Eaat 4122. FOR SALS 8 lota (t Piedmont, cheap for - caah. Addreaa J. M. Aadereoa,. 102 First at., etty. . 88 LOTS platted. S-room bouee, oa St. Jobne car line, all cleared, anas frnlt; most be Sid quick; $4,000. Hobaa A Taggart, room 1 Allsky bldg. FOR SALE, BARGAIN block ta buelneea renter of Portland, brick building; good In. coma property; 818.000 bandlea It. If sold - thla weet can be had at a eaerlflce. cai .. - at room BIB Marquam bldg.- J. S. Taylor. . . - $820 SMALL 8 room cot tare and kit; $M, lore, corner! $.nr. - 8 lots, corner; Improve! ' otreeta. city water. Highland dletrlct; eaay terms. Owner. Addreaa M 24. car Journal. A 0-room bnuaa. Improvements, Ir.lneton, full Inf. $.1ot cheep. Phone Eaat' 1648. Ad dress at M, sere Joaraal. t ...