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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. APRIL-14. 1SC3. I. II. BOS UP FOR Old Prohibition War Horse Holds Holds His Former Place ' . . In the Party- 143 A BtJAUTIFUL, PLACE TO SPEND PLAN TO DEPOSE i , HIM IS A FIASCO 4 ,'- OPPORTUNITIES NOTHING SHORT OP REMARKABLE PREVAIL HERE GOVERNOR f ? I ttitB. '' aXesL JmmKKm ewa9sL f- stlBxasaw f I .:. ' . ' V 1 ARBOR DAY OBSERVED BY SCHOOLS ANO GRANGES Union Meeting Hld at Gresham .Under, Auspices of School - - ' John W. Martine, clerk -and contort tJonlst who poMd as a society (well 'at nifht Ha ia standing betid bis - $10,000 automobile, A facsimile of a love-letter from the daughter of a western senator whose heart he had , won is also shown. ; ' C- WILL WATCH WATERFRONT '. FOR WIGHT FIRES . Children's Clubs Arbor day wu generally observed : throughout Multnomah county, axerclees being hald In granges and schools. At Oreaham a union meeting- wag held this afternoon in the grange hall- under 'the auspices of the-Oresham School Chil dren's clubs.. It was attended by pupils from the surrounding districts and in eluded the Powell Valley school. Cedar school. Pleasant Valley school, the Terry ochooLand district No. 63. An interest' ; Ing program was given by "the- Gresham school. , ,. . . . i . . -Professor Lake of the Stat Agri cultural college.- was present , and de livered an Interacting addreea en, "Plant Development." The address emphasized in results expected from, the . Mult nomah county plant-growing movement that Is being worked out under the direc tion of the county superintendent and the teachers' . clubs. - Superintendent Koblnson also addressed the meeting, calling attention to the salient features of the work undertaken in the county, The day's program closed with a base , ball game between two Greaham clubs. A local, educational meeting was also - held today In Columbia grange hall, the purpose of the meeting being to arouse interest in the county plant-growing movement Inaugurated by tha teachers' clubs and the principals' association. The meeting was addressed by Prlncl , pal D. A. Grout of Ladd school. County Superintendent Robinson also addressed tha meeting. - It was a union gathering. at which there were representatives of all districts east of Bandy river. FOUR NEW RESIDENCES ' ON CLEVELAND AVENUE Firemen In Tower Will Scan Warehouse With Eagle Eye , ; Throughout Darkness. . John Q. Woolley Advocate Nomina tion of a Complete State Ticket and the Proposal Carrie. Sweeping ' Amos' OsponenU Off Their Feet - Four two-story frame dwefllags. aim liar In design, are to be erected by E. . . T. and A. S. Peterson on Cleveland ave nue, between Falling and Beach streets, . permits lor these being taken out to. day. The dwelllnga will cost I1.709 eacn. other permits Issued wees ai followa: E. A. Jenkins, two-story "dwel ling, Rex and Ninth streets, cost $1,600; F. E. King, one-story dwelling, East Seventh and Shaver streets, cost Sl.iOO: C. C Robblns, two-story trams dwel ling, fast Twentieth and Davis streets. cost .eev; airs. j. v.- KDorall, two story dwelling, Twenty-third and Kear ney streets, coat $2,000; E. Hoyt, one story dwelling, Flsk and Dawson streets. cost ii.buq; Mrs.- js. turnery, one-story dwelling. East Tamhlll and East Thirty ninth atreets, cost $500; E. C. Jorgon- sen. permit to excavate for store build' Ing at Third and Main streeta, coat 13. '00; Falling estate, permit -to excavate for building at Fifth and Alder streets. cost $1,600; Fleischner, Mayer Co., re- pairs, second and Couch streets. $300 i Kline Kroner, repairs. Union avenue ... and East pine streets, cost $500. 1 r. nourish -r: the body, don't dose Jt : with medicine Scott's Emulsion is the best nourishment in existence. It is more than a food ; , you may doubt it, but it digests perfectly easy and at the same time gets the ' digestive, functions in .a 7 condition sO that ordinary food can be easily di gested. Try it if you are run down and your food doesn't nourish you. " - . SCOTT St SOW, ex Pawl sweat, Mew Teak, c High -op la the watch -tower over the reDoat-nouee a nreman will watch the river front every hour from o'clock In the evening until o'clock In- the morning, beginning tonight. This Is In accordance with orders Issued - by Chief CamDbelL who UIUIBAI that atwk a course will admit of fires on tha river front being discovered before they wouia do seen by people in the neighbor hood of-the fire, and thua prevent many disastrous -conflagrations. . . From tha tnr th. r. .u every foot of tha river front far up and down the stream. A telephone haa been installed, connecting with Bra headquar ters, ana m waica can inrorm the, dm alarm telegraph operator Instantly, giv ing me exact location or me lira. - All be men stationed on the fire boat and with tha boat's hose company will take turns at watching. ' They will work In two-hour -shifts, and will be required to telephone a report to headquarter very SO minutea during their watch, to assure the operator that they are at tending einciiy 10 tneir Dualneaa. ONIUCTPLAY-WRITTEN BY BRYAN'S DAUGHTER (Journal SnarM Sarvlra.l Salt Lake City, Utah, April 14 A one-act aketeh written by Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavttt. daughter of "Wllrtam J. Bryan, wlU Oe presented for the first time on any stage in this ' city next week and later will be seen over the Orpheum circuit V The title of the sketch la "Mrs. 8. Holmes. Detective. The piece was written. It is said, aa a result or a wager made by Mrs. Leavltt with some friends that she could writs a better piece than one whloh they were witnessing - when, the bet waa made, Mrs. Loevltt haa assisted In the selec tion of all tha costumes and the prop erties ror the piece and has also di rected tha rehearsals. COLONIAL EXPOSITION . OPENED AT MARSEILLES (Joaraal Bpeebl service.) Marselllee. Anril 14. The miniit.. the colonies and a numh.. ne ih officials of state are in Marseilles to at tend tha opening) of the colonial expo-' sltlon tomorrow. Tha expoeltion. for which preparations have been going for. ward for mora than a year, la Intended to llluatrate ' tha reaourcea, Induatrlea and commercial and Intellectual prog, rasa of tha French colonial possessions throughout the world. Tha affair am Continue Ihrouthaut thA lumm.. Judging from the Interest already dls. piayea it win oe largely attended. RELIEF. FUND GROWS BY GIFT AND SALE The Tnrtlaiu4 Dall through Superintendent F. I, Fuller, this nomine sent VMra rliiA riM.k.11 - check for $10 to be placed to tha credit or me nremen's fund, councilman A. N. Wills gave tha chief a cash contribu tion of $(. Tho firemen continue to have great succees selling tickets for the benefit MrfonniiiM .f f-,. Clarke la "Monsieur Beauoalra" next Monday evening. Captain Burt of hoee comnanw Wa . ft Mnnvt.j , m h k a- quarters today that he had disposed of ess woria or ticsets. , 'MAINLY PERSONAL Xj. V. Ward, son of the lumber kina of' Michigan, who Is reputed to be the moet wealthy man In that atate, la a guset at the Hotel Portland; - Mr. Ward is registered rrom Ban Francisco. J. B. Norton, a well-known bualneaa man of Taooma, Is stopping at the Ore gon for a few daya. r. H. Turner of Rosebura Is reals- tered at the Imperial. . "TaaaxiaeaixaBasjwiBaexea - aca4e Xla Ows rambstoas. Wonrle City CnrrMpmiileooe It, Leah) Beyablle. rttrlck Oorwin- M years H4. died et sis kerne bm( UIs elfy. weere be bad bras' 40 art. Wslle is swot Health ke tnn4 kla barial lot a the Holy Rosar awterr aad with hie owe bad be was a isrtle-eetl.f wU4 a aissaive slx-foet awmsBMnit, with hie rim. dtte ef birth asd sll laacrlmioaa. eaceei tha 4ste at kla death, tfcat he wtaud. . , ' After airing their own domeatlo af faire the Prohibitionists of Oregon In state convention st ths T. M. C. A. audi torium yesterday nominated a state ticket and thereby reestablished what waa aald to be tha waning power of I. H. Amoa. . Preparations had been made for his retirement. Mr. Amos repre sented the orthodox element of the party, for the suppression- of . which elaborate plana, were made. - Mr. Amoa ahowed no disposition to watch the accomplishment of the plans for his destruction, but assumed the aggressive aa aoon ss he learned or them and won. He waa materially aided in his light by John O. Wool ley, candi date for the presidency In 10. Mr. Woolley waa euppoeed to take no part In tha atruggle for local supremacy, but In - an address at tha opening of the afrnpnn seaaton tonk-occaalon to advo cate a full ticket. Th fight aarted aoon after tha fore noon meeting waa called to order. Drr K. V. Lane Introduced a resolution that no delegate ba recognised unleaa he was prepared to state that he had registered as a third-party Prohibitionist. H. L, Btona, secretary of the Y.. M.J C A.. vigorously opposed the - motion 'and spoke at length in defense of his poel tlon. The discussion waa general and somewhat violent. At the afternoon session Mr. Woolley accepted an Invitation to apeak. - He aald that thoae wbo hoped for political victories .and apoila were traitors to their party. Ha also lnaiated that Pro hibitionists should elwaya a full ticket In nomination, not In the hope of Its being elected, he explained, but as a protest to existing conditlona and In order, to furnish' a' decent ticket for which decent men could vote. Hla remarks are aald to have turned the tide in favor of Mr. Amoa and his following. Flans thst hsd been .care fully made for hi retirement were' swept away py tne remarks or tha national leader and a ticket waa nominated aa followa: Oovemor, I. H.' Amoa; United States senator, long term, B. Lee Paget: United Btatee senatorr abort - term. Rev,- H, Gould; secretary of state, T. 8. Mo Daniel; atate treasurer. Leslie Butler; supreme Judge. C J. Brlglit; superin tendent of publlo instruction. Henry Sheak; attorney-general. F. B. Ruther ford; atate printer, A. 8. Hawk; con gressman from second district, Edward F. Green; Joint .atate aenator from Clackamas and Multnomah counties, A. F. Miller; Joint atste repreaentatlve from Clackamaa and Multnomah coun ties, A. W. Frankhauaer. A mass meeting was held at the Whlte Temple last night and Woolley waa the principal speaker. He talked on "The Duty of the Cnurchee aa Represented By Ita Voters." Among the others who epoke were Dr. Clarence True Wilson, H. W. Stone and I. H. Amos. Mr. Woolley left this morning for Seattle. Restaurant . Oor. Third, and Coach Stay 1 I Wooterc Is Key to Jndieioas Invcstoi2iit Prices that sweep asidt opposition dominate. The wise financier keeps his dollars at work. Be wise and :'"' '" ; --;v-'':v-r .. , ,. .... invest in Woodmere. -.: '-.'' . r'Osi V-V-v i-:C;-v- r MKTS S150 .v..'..v-,;;:;w;.i'Vs;--;- JJ.C3 Down "$3.CD a Kpaffi Opportunities worth noting and taking ad- " weal en ek (Vath 41$ r:' '"' v'., J'r; ' ' rj.r.:.: A -Street Scene in Woodmere.'. ! ; f -I Combine pleasure with investigation and ride out to WOODMERE tomorrow the ride is delightful. . The property will impress you. The prices will surprise' pnd please you. . Your purchase will help to enrich you. ..'.:.. ; , . Every possible convenience of a suburb. . V : - ; r; ,. ; v MB-: -' i Built' to suit. ; Sold on easy , monthly r pay ments. . .. Paying rent keeps you-from owning' your own home. Don't be under the landlord's thumb. ? ' TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR First and Alder Streets.; GEO. W. BROWN 253 FAILINO BLDO, Third and Washington Streets - Agent Always on Ground f ; TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR, Firsthand Alder Streets :. .. ... . ' " ' """ ' mm", LEE YUEN sro. sot rara st. remnjun, osw CHINESE PHYSICIAN . -:int Bavuia stadled . v -' 1 rtna tor sua? rean aa- IU eares an nine, raroate sad serrate duMssae ef sata sad euapaads sad peu a tor eae ais resaedite. the lasreal' eats ef which ae ear. tuilr selected. Mr resv dies will aot destroy Sour Sisia. aoxar yoor Hre with aa seratloa. Xea take mm aotaaaa or druse. ' t iaaore enkk resoits st the lesreet pea. Dollar Pscliaoe M cm Medicin Fro efetata a lerae dslter hldllae free oe I bo risks, as I Slbl. OOVSt7Z,TATXOT TatatB. oraa DAT ajtd noarr. Boned Salt Salmon, Oresnt Saaea. Fried Baser Clama ............. teamed UtUe Veek Clams Olaaa Bon II loa wltk Toast Freaaed Oorn Beef. Fotaae Salad. . Stead CTheese, Fotato Salad...... Codfish Balls, Cream, aaace. . Oors Beef acaah. Feaohed Bga;,, Baked, Fork aad Beans. Spag-bettt aBd .Cheeae, XtaJiaa..;. orambled Oalvea' Coffee, Bread aad Buteer aad Fowatoes ' with all orders. $8,500 2014 ACRES Within city limits, at Irvington Fark. near Wood lawn, j STEVENSOfWfl CO 110 SECOND STREET CHICAGO PAINLESS " DENTISTS 303 Wash. St Cor Fifth St 22-R Gold Crowna,.$3.00. 15.00 Bride Teeth........ 13.00, 13.00 Gold Filling. . , $1.00 op Silver Fillings ."7. . . . . 60c - Our yractlcs la llmltrd te hlshrade .. Noising Ut ths best. KsaailBs tloa fre. lft-yr snaraatea. gaah . retereoce. . Open erealags sad Bandar. Scctt's Srital-Pcpsln C:?sc!:s A POSITIVE CURE a, ItCtU go rat. Carol rkly aad seraiaaoBtlr the oret eaew ef sjaasrapaaa ad dles, ao si at tar et bow :v-KidVrl2z rrloa .. or ar atallTiese. aala, SI jo, I ssxaa, ii;. " lOf II f 1 the create ir er j "IWv IBs) I e saua' hv 1 I - lOaiol ii i HAIR BALSAM Otasaaaa aoi. eaoaaMai SMhsbv ruaniai a Bnatiaaa mao. te Ite Yeaih(a?9oW7 i ataair muaaa ami a - Tea ees Msa Madiriae ftTea roa eare BMre the gase. the Jortal eatlefacrloa, the puis aad thro ef KjaicBi pieaoare, isa boob aaiaia oi ib a. the laxarj ef life, hodr-eewer eed ol eomfort froa. Mas aUdtetae eoae It. U lialaloa anraa ai.a a aah aaoa aarreol dWlltr, earlr deear, 'daxovrasod SMahaod, faaetloaal fallore, Tltal woakaoaa. brala a(, backache, sreaUUtls, kldser trsable saa serf' Vea ees eats vearetlf et basM br Maa Modi, efaa. aad the full slae dollar packsse Brill IX delivered te roe fne, alale wraepw, saalod, vrltb rail dlreeOnas aew to ase it. Ths fall slas aallao aackaaa (raa. aa Hiama ef ear kiad. ao receipts, ae sroailaes, a pa pars te etiaa. It Is free. All we wast te baew le tbal roe sre aot ssedlag for It eat ef Idle eartoaltp. bet that roa waat te be well, sad bocema rear etrons salaral self eacs awro. staa Madlclae will de what roa wan! It to do: sasse roe a reel sua, Bwa-llka. auin-Bowfirfal. Yew aasie sad address win hrtsg Hi sll roa have te eo le te seed aad set It. We oaed It free te eaerp dlscsarasod eae ef the au aas. lateraute BaoMdr Ceaipaar, TM Lack balldV rag, parroit. mciiisae. jCIJCHARSEt: ' S rersale wMM MMMMMimiMMMMMMM wwe Peility As Certain as Night follows Day eMiCHrsrra'aj tatusN ' iVioylLt!LLO tr. La Sla art Braariol a CHICHaJiTBivd fcAULa-j la BE a4 Sold .! kaaa. Mad wlia aia. rtkM Tako ao otbar, BaAue HoaeotaBS abatlMaaa aad laaM. rlao. S.f f fa, lrHIW4,ll w4 4o. ii aaaM a, forHaolofB, TaaHiaalaBI aa lallaeal4laa.atMar. , r tara laali. 1 S Taaua.ataia. S.M at braerwa... rkuhaaaarCaaajlaaiOa. aeaaaa a 1 1, a i a-aa J ney. a lead' there - la a fixed penalty for tha violation of any law of nature. The punishment, which surely cornea aooner or later, may ba either sickness, pain, decay or death.' If you are suffering. It la certain that you have, knowing ly, or unknowingly, transgressed. .Your chief concern, of course, is. how to get well, not how you got aick. . .. . - We are restoring sick men to aound health every day. Aa Spe cialists we treat and , cure all chronic, blood, nervous, akin and special diseases of mini also stomach, heart, liver, kldn bladder and throat troublea. ( doctors are graduates of the lead ing medical college of America and turope. - In surgery we aeae the hlaheet skill and wa form the moet aerloua auralcal oneratlona auooeeafullr. Anv Dr- Bon taking treatment with ua may deposit the price of a cure In any bank In Portland, to ba paid to aa when a aura la effected. If tha pa tient prefera wa will take weakly or monthly Installments. : We Guarantee a Cure In Every Cast We (JodertaXe or Charge No Fee 1 Consultation free. Lettera confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free la nlaln wranner. If tan cannot - sail at afflca. wrlta for question blank. Home treatment successful. . Office hours: a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. nv to It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. -' Offices In Van Noy Hotel 52 Third Street, Cor:. Pine, Portland, Orercn DLGOD POICOr i fOt SMI TM! TWttTff TUU wa kave made the aura of blood pelsoa a Deelalty. Prlsasry. Jarsadsry orTarUery bleed Pelee Feraaaoenily Cured. Yoa eaa be treated at hone ander Sam gaaraaty. Cspltal tbW.000. We solicit tha moat obell aaba saass. If yea bare eakeasasd bhe eld metaea of treaoseat. and still bare ac bos aad peias. hi ocas Paiehes ia kteath, Bwre Throat. Pimplee, Oopper-Oalered 8 pa at, CI Bars ea aar part of the body. Hair er fearawe ran lag eat, writ rar preeTB el euree. ise-page uowt FT. COOK REMEDY CO, 1M aUMM TUMI, tateep, 4 aw Um woaoarral MAIVa wblrUawj Saray teas K!mTVim-i3i aar-VI saa Coarealaaa, M , mil w. sWeWBHejsjH SM TV tw as ivai bowhk ae . sat aaad alaaap lor rated baas ft a a. ii so oanaoi sat my aaaf aia etaar llluatral full aartlaalan sad Strartiona la- valuable to laaiea. jNaavBL Dev. i aaa stm fmw S, SXfDatOai CO., ltl TXTKB BTaJCXT, aMfS VOOSAaS. OLAXU OO. UKPCECEDENTED SUCCESS Cf B - ,l IIIV UIVUI Chinese 4a Si imi ri . r- a aa a Mm ailalaadlaa atataaaaara mm tha arm. Baa I guaraatae a coaplata, sale ass) lastlag la the. eolekest possible tiaas, sad at auaaaa fal troi tbMBt, rbeassstlsaa. eolekest poaalbl tiaas, sad at tb euat paasible tat basest aad as I eore eatarrh. asthaut, naaj. ilTor. ktdaar aad luat suDha ruuu : taouiA au , raiTAsa My raoodlos are karailaas. esBpesed ef raots, aorbs, bade aad barbs aaaaelallf salirtid eed Iwpotted dlraet by as trwa je mbarkat tf yea eaaeot eall, write for sraaptoai blsaal mi careaiar. inrioae cania 10 araa 00HIULTAT10 o. (Mo we Okl Va Vint it., Ooraar ItorTisos. oa. iertlead. 0v WE 1 EfflEIM for j p5 AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY Established 20 Years In Portland- CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY 8IN0LE. UNCOlt- PLICATED AILMENT FOR $1X50 ' " FOR THE. FEE. ' ADSOLUTH; GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED . Coma Today to tha SUCCESSFUL 8pcdal. lata who number their PERFECT Cure by th THOUSANDI You . want a PERMANENT Coral Wa can ACCOMPLISH IT, If yea have violated the lew ef health sad are eoasdoaa ef a eeastaat erala wbleb Is aBderailalaa year arataia, esoe to a bsnwe yoa becoaie a aerraee sad pkyairal wrak, II yoa are weak., gloony aad despoadoat. bare bad dreasia. depressed, lash asibttloa aad eaercy, aaable te coaeantrste yaur thanshta, lack Tim. tc aad llallly, aaana to as at eacsi ear traatmaat will stop all dralas sad ererceaie all waakaaaaia aad pualtlraly pa store o to atraosth and kaallh. W, km cared thoaaatulo fit wak avrn. TRoaa ws:o vava bkcm ntaapvnnrrrn it imimiin arrrTrarra sea taaviiTtT kiaorsTEDTO mvtpnoiTg tv wethom awt tim wmt&uf WHICAD THIt B0MX U XXX XIOUItlLMa, WOULD KATX tATID. -UIFB ?ocirji, wtavoo-i as xiDtrcYa ako UOINQ CURB FOR blood yoio. irnr Birturt, to art. trtcrat, gTmicnrai. Tamicooita, "Myocri rrcu.i, waAXaxsa, yiua oa CjUioio puiAaia or in uu rauiiaii. BPTCIAL tMlKAaEBVMawlT oaatpatad Bad abMalc aai aaaad. lit Viral Inf and Inflammalloa atonnod bi 94 bntm earae sf'actcd In 7 dara VI COT Ifr roLs or aUAL am osaoaio. Af-xATXB, ooiuLioAikj WBITS If ye eaaaet eaTI. ill eortespendeaee strictly eaaftdeatlal aed alt raplbn seat la ileal eaveleaas, Ke Beasts, easts, lettere ee ebetorapae ef sasu sebllsbed . Wk OlIAaa roa etraiS OIU, set eeet pay far ess esrxeae salase w ears a paUaat eaaad aad wail, ae that he will be aattr- ly aa fimt. mmt ul a t baaa to be trsatad It tbe e wan -W. t VMTTOdT f ,A. I T t A . Of IfOOaJia. SCUAIUiQ VaAAtava XXAI WILL .vv.,J A HOURS a. nt. to f, m. BvetlagB. f to I; Sundaya. a, m. to 11 aoo.