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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
"T: THE OREGON DA1LT JOURNAi;' PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENtTJO. AFRIL -13. UCi ... J uilil CLAIuS SIGtIT IVEALTH Owners ' of Copper : and -Cold Mines Think W. C. Greene ' Will Buy Them Soon, f r.tOUNT HOOD ROAD WILL OPEN RICH COUNTRY r Or. M. G McCorkle,: Promoter J of ,1 Road, While Denying That Greene '.' la Interested. Admits That , He I I-nself Is in Market for Holdings. ' .' V-' lut Sid JMpartsasat, '"'East elda man who ara largely ln tareaisd In copper and gtild claims on tha Salmon rlvar, but a fsw mlUa from Sandr autlon and In tba Portland Ur rltory. ara elated ovar tha baliafthat W. C Oroane,! tha copper masnata of New Tor. . la In tha field for their claim a. . They expect to as mountain of copper with a food percentage of gold dug from tha Mils within a few hours traval of Portland. It la' aa artad that assays from.theaa claim have ahowa aa high aa 12.009 In gold and copper to the ton. and lack of capi tal and absence of railway facUltlaa ara oald to have bean tha only -reaaona for tha delayed development of tha ala trlct. !' - Dr, M. O, McCorkle of If H -Grand venue. ' promoter- of the Mount Hood sanitarium and railroad project, la said to bo the local agent for aaatern capi tal desirous of developing tha copper district, and important developments rre expected when the Mount Hood elec tric line reaches tha -district , on the Salmon - . . - While denying -that Mr, Greene was Interested In tha matter or that, he was acting aa the eastern copper king's local agent. Dr. ' McCorkle today ad mitted that he waa In tha flald for cop per claims If they were contiguous to his proposed Una and were of the aaaay value stated. ""'.. "The Una to Mount Hood and tha no te! and sanitarium project are the chief things I am tntereated In at present," raid Mr. McCorkle. "and until I se cure tba local 'franchise, or its -refusal, 1 will not add other Interests. I have notified tha men Interested In tha Sal mon river project that If their claims ' werd, what they aald they ware I would interest eastern - capital In tha . mat ter." . - . Y Mr. McCorkle ia tha only .Portland man Interested financially In tha Mount Hood project, the- chief resource of the company being supplied by aaatern men; -who stand ready to Invest about 11,600.008 - In tha railroad and hotel. According to Mr. McCorkle, If his fran- . chine petition is refused by tha olty. soma other mode securing tha cot led rigoia will bauuiised. Along with tha- talk of opening tha copper -district la talk concerning the location or a big smelter on tha eaat alda by tha atne capital. Such a plant la admitted to be necessary If any cop per mines ara to be oheaply worked. In the same category may be placed tha report of the purchase of a tract of 140 acrea near Montavllla aa a factory stta and terminal grounds. Regarding tbia report. Dr. McCorkle said that his company waa In tha field for sites and traot near the proposed right of way and that more than a mere roadbed would be secured , by the corporation both In , Multnomah 'and Clackamas counties. . . .-, , . If the copper claims ara what their owners confidently assert them to he. eastern ; capital, whether supplied by w. c oreene, - who. It la known, re cently visited Portland, or others, will develop the claims as rapidly -as possible-unce the road gives an outlet to Portland, Work baa . already been well advanced on, one 'mine In the Salmon river district a ' tunnet 000. feet long naving seen aunk with paying results; On this property It is said Mr, Greene recently secured an option for 135.000, but no verification of thla report can. be obtained,':.;..' .-i.-r.'.-. WOULD HURRY FILL How ' about your Easter ; Hat? . . Hardly think you'll want to appear in your old head piece on Easter Sunday.' - Easter' is -the correct day to spring your spring hat. - The new blocks are here ready for your choosing. . Stiff -or soft, well, show you the correct block. '. . Some of the new shapes - and coloring . in - Soft - Hats are very smart $2 to $4. ClothinnCo CusKuhnPioD' Outfitters for Men and Boys . 166 and 168 Third St Mohawk .Building Baa Side Anxlons te See Oompletioa of " i- erand Work. ,;-v. '.-. :. 'The east side 1s getting anxious con cerning . the time of completion of - the Grand-avenue fllL and tha Improvement association is urging that day and night erurts be placed on tba contract ao that the present embargo on central east aide trade may be removed aa soon aa possi ble. In furtherance of this program, tha association appointed a committee of three at lta last session to meat with tha executive board and urge tha matter on that body's attention. Tha board at lta last night's meeting heard tha com plaint of the committee, but aald that nothing could be dona until tba con tractor applied for an extension of time, when the complaint could bo given full weight. . . . Though a vaat amount of dirt has been delivered, the "progress Is not yet satis factory, for tha center'of the fill keeps' sinking, thought for several daya paat It haa not dropped enough to stop traffic over tha embankment, and for most of tha time the street railway company has been able to. route Its cara over thla track when going and- coming) from the East Twenty-eighth street barn. One of the chief worries now troubling tha workmen la the action of tha fill oa ina pig sewer mat runs unaer wis nil along tha noflth bank .of the gulch. .- The cribbing I, Laced about the sewer for Its protection baa been forced out of place by tha pressure of dirt to the north, and haa carried tba sewer soma dis tance out of Una Though workmen have been employed alnca tha flU .was started In an effort to keep "the sewer from being wrecked, tha conduit at pres ent Is badly out of line, several big leaks have been sprung, and at present It looks aa though about 100 feet .of tha drain would hare to be relald when tha fill la completed. . - . .'..', .'; j FAVOR GUARD RAILS. Xorrlsoa Srldjre Flaa to Be. Adopted aa . Baa Bttde Struct ares. -Soma of the east aide business men who employ several teams in their trade have recently made an attempt to secure the removal of tha guards on the Mor rison street bridge that prevent the teamsters from using tha full bridge and force -them in tinea ona .abreast aoroaa the structure, f This attempt. however, haa not met With general ap proval, , and It tha sentiment, as ex pressed by the East Side Improvement association and other clubs is taken as guide,- the new bridges to bo built on the east aide will have the same guards and the teamsters will-have additional causa to bewail. ,. Investigation : ahowed soma. 'months ago that cara carrying 18,000 people crossed the Morrison street bridge each rtav while there were less than 1.000 teams paastng over the structure during the same period. When there were no guard rails, the moat significant wagon could blockade tha rlejnt of way on the bridge, holding up half a doaen cara with perhaps too people, and the motorman had no recourse. . - Since tha rails have been placed, team trafflo la aald to move across the Mor rison bridge at as rapid a pace as when the entire structure waa open, because there Is no crowding or delay in passing, and five and ten minutes has been cut from the schedule of the cara using the structure. . FREE LILIES SATURDAY. v- Tom otio w Is Tree Uly Bay at tha Cni 7 eago, the Big- Store ta tha Middle .of the Block," W to 73 ThiWt StreetTBe '"waa Oak aa anna. . ; ' In pursuance of the usual custom at Easter time, the blg store will present to every lady caller a beautiful California calls lUy with Easter , compliments, These, lilies will be ready for distribu tion by a. m and a special committee will pass them out - to- aK ladles -and misses that call.- An endeavor will be made to distribute the lilies in time so aa not to Interfere with tha tremendous trade of tha afternoon and evening, at tha special galea announced for every department wlU crowd tba store. Each department wtll have a quota of extra salespeople, and every facility provided 1 tne joaater crowd at the Chicago. - I Center your mind on this store. Depend on The Chicago to show a larger and better line of Spring Clothes than any establishment in the city. Hackett, Carhart & Cos uncommon clothes are abso lutely the most perfect style,' best materials and workman ship of any clothing offered in the United States. Hackett. Carhart & Co., a household name with the best dressers of ' the United States. The clothes that surpass all in points of merit. Sold , exclusively 'in Portland by The Chi cago. - For tomorrow we offer a great -list of specials in Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings, giving every man and boy an unequaled opportunity to DRESS UP FOR EASTER. . EASTER u r . . 1111 KAViW? at 1 17TZCZ- TLT T T. v I INI -T. a - I. I T ' J: A CI J 'J J -: J I J i -- hi- i ir . . i. x , i m ITS fiinirV TJ III I,'.. vajvata a Kfjf'ff Xa' ZaTL aZ. it t 4af4af. I I ' ' "- ' " ' ' ' ' ' III ., ,. -,-v,.. ,,..--'.,.. , : ' r E AS Ptrons and- I I : v Frtecds. f 4 Commencing Satur- day : morning at 9 : i . I . o'clock we will dis- . ' ' . . . 1 tribute-free to aH- " -l - 1 lady callers no pur-', I I . , : chase necessary - I I ' .1..: : J t U aJ i . 1 J ill vaousxuiua oi ucauit- :- i I - J f . : v fuF California Calla I T ' Lilies with our Eas- I I ' ' ttr compliments. I I , .Come with, your . .. ' , f riends Saturday I I I - morning if possible, ' . I , as we will try to dis- J ; I ' tribute the lilies in II. I - I N the forenoon mm' ' y j not to interfere with ' - I ' I ' " the tremendous trade . I ; I . of the afternoon and " I evening. Respect-" l- ' 1 full. I (I ' - ....., III lH&lHltAUU. I III - I I " ' 1 1 " -1 . ; . 1 .11 MUi. u u CreEsPcrctle FREE LILIES . ' . I ' sV''i - -" '- ' 'V, , ', ... ., . t SUITS FOR MEN , . The blue and the gray are; the dominant shades for the spring and summer of 1906, and the immense variety to be found at The Chi cago warns the most critical buyer entire sat- ' isfaction. . flQ A A For elegant single and double $S)J .breasted Suits, all wool, fast color, hand-tailored collars with self-retaining fronts in blue serges. Is a value without equal on the ' entire coast, also hundreds of pure all wool or union worsteds, silk mixtures, cassimeres and tweeds. . Worth up to $15.00. . ; G J C A Jor Black & Co.'s and Michael aplssaOl Stern Co.'s choice spring styles of wool or worsted materials and hand-tailored Suits. Over fifty styles. . A splendid $16.50 value. . v -" . -,- Will take choice of the most artistic selection of Hackett, Carhart & Cos, Brandigee, Kincade, Wood & Cos and other high class makes, $20.00 values. This is an Easter week proposition, and we are going to dress up more men and young men this week than any other two stores combined. Imported serges, Venetian and serge lined, fine Thibets, unfinished worsteds, tweeds, cheviots, cassimeres and silk mixtures that will win your e . e . admiration at a glance. C IT LTA $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, aDI ,0U C $27.50, 30.00, ?35.00 and on up to $40.00 and $45.00 for full dress silk lined Suits.: This will give you an idea of the immense range of styles to be found at The Chicago. Over 500 different ideas are laid before Vou to gratify any desire you may have in spring clothing. $15.00 There will be special sales of Easter's choicest ' styles - in The Fullwor lh$2.50 Dat America's Greatest A Hat to Fit Your Face - Thirty styles, 30 shades and colors. The Fullworth Hat is sold only by Tha Chicago,' and a guarantee of satisfaction goes with every Fullworth. The Full-' , worth comes in exact reproduction of all the famous S4 and 5 spring svft and stiff bats. . ..... , HATS SPECIAL FOR EASTER t3 1 P For choice of a hundred one-piece, j)Oe4D six different styles, $5.00 Panama Hatrtwater bleachjrdoesTior kill the hfe of -the Panama fiber. Get your Panama at The" Chicago and it wLU be right. PANAMA HATS We sell the Genuine Monte Cristo, one piece, guaranteed water bleaclw$5'.00,' $6.00, 97.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15, $20.00, $25.00. . y - 4 -, l I EASTER I LUES GIVEN . A f .AWAY 1 Easter v : Fiiniishicqs . i i -. - 1 ..7:. . '. . -' Shirts, ( Underwear. ' Neckwear, ; " HdsIery. J Handkerchiefs; ' Jewelry, " , Umbrellas, Gloves, - etc.- zzz Shoe Department Will, offer several lines of tan. pat--ixttj.andjtther styles -ot ; Spring Shoes ; at under price. ' The : Chi cago, the most complete men's and boys top to toe outfitters in . Oregon. THE v WORLD'S ; BEST .. :.. ' ' ... . , .;. , : .' ", 4 ". .: v. ''.'.' "..' -t . . .t ...,'. .' : .".'", .: V: ; ' ' ' i :. .'""..;"...,.' ', :; ., .' . '., ,,,.'.-' .. ; ., ':' :.,';. ' ' CHEAPEST FOR THE CONSUMER ONE POUND EQUALS THREE tthe ' Drink'foir - -. - . . ... h-