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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
r r STIE2IK IM: 'TI7JE E SEIRTINGSxc Broken line of colored Moire Skirting, suitable for drop-akirt, COc grade. .... tJV SILKS . . ; s-. -; - -.; - .v Broken line of Foulard and Taffeta in short Colored Taffeta in all wanted shade iQ , and also black, 63c grade. .......... ..'ZUV' lengths, 3 to 10 yards in a piece; i regular $1.00; while they last. ...... j mUW Broken line of Satin in dark colors only; never sold for less than 80s; special,, XDw 27-inch Crepe de Chine, in evening shades only; thisXilk never sold for less Cft- than $U3 ; special. . . . .. . . . . . . ...... 07L BRIGHAM'S SPRING AND EASTER STOCK IS ON SALE AT PRICES THAT BEHOOVE EVERY THOUGHTFUL BUYER OF LADIES UNDERWEAR, C6RSETS, HOSIERY, FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS, ALSO ALL THINGS IN MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS AND WEAR. . NO TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE COAST HAS THERE EVER BEEN SO FINE A STOCK AS BRIGHAM PLACED ON SACRIFICE AT SO OPPORTUNE A TIME. EVERY LADY AND MISS NEEDS SPRING GOODS, AND WHY NOT GO TO SHANAHAN'S AND GET SOME OF-THE BRIG HAM FINE STOCK WHERE IT IS BEING SOLD. CHEAPER THAN COMMON TRASH AT OTHER STORES? READ THE PRICES AND YOU WILL FIND THE MERCHANDISE AT FROM 10t TO,65eV ; ' : - - Corset Ladies Equipoise Waists, ?L75 to . - . $2.50jiow I.. ........ .49e ; Ventilating, reg. $2.50 at . ; , , . ? 1.98 J Children's reg. ,60c now, .1 '.38f r PVD. Corsets j old style $3.75, ; now ,"..'...;. .'..... ..49 ; P. D. No.45r, regV$3;now?1.98 X P.I. 1993, $3.50, now. . .. ; . . ?248 P. D. 285,-$i.50, now.. . ...... , .08 Thompson's Ventilating . , i . Corsets .. . ........... .....29t Regular 60c and 75c Corsets... 15 - Ladies' Warner Waists, $1.00, . now . . . 391 2 Hose Supporter; Corset, made of good quality coutille, ; medium length in white and gray, regular 75c, now,....i!.;....,...38V ' Kever Rust .Corset, made of good : coutille, ..extra- boned, 'medium " v7 length and short, in white and gray regular $1.00 and $1.25, . Nursing' Corset,; made of good cou' rr::- tille,'etra- toned, long, in irray' only ; regular $L00, now. V, . .39 V Infants' Bootees, White -Skirts ; and complete line of long and short . Dresses, also Infants' Coats, Bed ' " ,ford cord and cashmere, both long . and short.. ; Finest line ; of French J hand-made - infants' Caps - on rthe i l" Coast, All to be sold at a great sac- ' 'rifice. : ' ' Allover , Embroideries and Tuck t ings, cotton and linen Torchons, , j Footings, Val. ' Laces, real , Val. Laces, Qriental Laces, , Black Silk and White Silk Laces, . Normandy : -' Laces. Complete line white Goods,., .. India Linens, Persian Lawns, Nain - sooks, - stripe and checked - Long-; -T-xkrths,-etcr " ':-.-r...... ... -All styles -and- grades -Dorothy----Union Suits for ladies and children, ", greatly reduced. i r . f: Infants' Crochet Silk Caps and Toques, whites and reds, 81.00, U - 1.50. f l.75. 82.00. . y -r-Infants' fine Crochet Sacques, white; . and colored, trimmed with ribbon ' .and silk stitching, 35, ' 50, 75, 81.00. z:-; : Infants'! Bibs, made of .Marseilles, v .;. . also padded Bibs and embroidered Bibs, &ti St, 10t, 15e 20 v to-81,50, i '. t :" .l l 'Z . -: , v Infants' fine wool knit Bands", 1 all sizes ... . .. .. . . ,.25c . , Infants' all-wool Reuben Vests, a)l sizes . i ;;...".50' WASH New novelties in Wash Goods, wool. effects for suitings 12 Scotch Ginghams, all new designs, including plain shades and Cham- brays v . .. . . tOf New Madras . Shirtings,' r latest "checks and stripes, ,. fast colors, at i.., XV-M Percale, light' and dark colors, one yard wide .v.. JJxfra- heavy - Indigo , German - blue Print ....iy4 Mill ends in Dress Ginghams, 10c grade -6M Apron Gingham, all size checks, all. colors S4. 36-in. Silkolines in floral Persian and Japanese designs 10 English twill Cretons, new patterns and colorings, light or dark.S XZ4 - 1 44-1 46 THIRD f ;3 -r v.. ( s. ON THE Children's Muslin Underwear A' fine line ' of , children's muslin Pants, Skirts and Waists, well . made ; regular 20c, 'now. . . . .10c 'A '''fine:, line of children's muslin - Pants, Skirts and Waists, trimmed " with tucks and lace edging jjregtt . lar 30c, now.. . . .". . . . . .v . . ... 15 An extra fine line of muslin Pants,1 ' . Skirts and Waists, trimmed with; tucks, embroidery and lace; regu-' lar 40c, now,".....-, .20 An extra- fine line children's Pants, . Skirts and Waists, made of good cambric, trimmed with tucks, em broidery . or lace; regular 50c, , now . . .T..'... . . . ."i .1 . ... .25 Art Departments Point Lace Braids, per piece of 36 ; yards .......... f . .15 and 25 All-ilk Battenerg Braids, per piece . of 36 yards. ......... .50 Battenberg Rings, all sizes, per hun . re4,..(, . . ;;1,5 All Battenberg Thread, spooK , ; -1 Perl Lustra,' per: dozen.';..;.. .30 50c and 75c Cushion Covers ...27: 25c Cushion Covers. . . . . . . . V.15 Suspender Mduhtings, $1.25, ; now. ............. 4 . .... .'.39 5,000 yards Dress Trimmings, 5c, '10c," 15c, now yard. ...... ...It ..LAI! Colors. ' ; p;":' Star Braids, piece 5c, now. ..... 1 Ppint ; Lace., , Thread, ', spool ;' 5c, - - nowi.i ................ ,.2 Brainerd &' Armstrong's Embroid-' ,r. ery Silks, dozen 50c, now. . . .30' All Battenberg patterns, each.'.'.l Pompons, dozen .............. .5 Nunn's Lambswool Slipper Soles Children's, 10c and..'... . . ..12 Ladies' ... .. . .. . .......... ,19 Gents' V. . .;. 25 D. M. C. cotton, dozen ........ 18e Calorea Peri Lustra, dozen . . ; .32 Initlals;"aTr6izesTr.T;; . .Half Price Cushion Cords, yard . . 10e ' Gloves - Children's Kid Gloves, $l, now.68 16-button Gloves, pair now, ".. .59 16-button Centemeri Gloves, $3.50 : J' now . . , . ......... i . . v . , . 82.25 20 and 24-button Centemeri Gloves,' , $4.00, now .... . .. ....... .82.49 P. Centenieri Kid Gloves; . , . . .88 Golf Gloves, 25c, now....'.. ...15 GOODS Light and 'dark Calico, all patterns, slightly imperfect ..a!4f Light and dark 'Outing 'Flannel at ....4tf . New figured: Lawns, -in lace stripes and plain effects ., ......... ,.B , White Indian Linons and Lawns. 5c , 7j4c, 10c and ........... ..-..,.15e White Persian Lawn, nice and sheer, 35c, 25c and............ 20f 'White check-, and. crossbar Dimi ties' ..i.:..-;.5 ' Embroidered Long Cloth, nice, soft finish .....8 l-3 White Waistings, mill ends, including Oxfords and fancies, ,25c to 40c grade 15 Flannels, new patterns ........ Cjel ; Heavy black and white and blue and white striped Shirtings, ardlOe STREET 144-146 THIRD ST., BETWEEN ALDER AND MORRISON DOLLAR OF VALUE DURING Muslin Underwear- Ladies' fancy Muslin Gowns, trimmed ' with lace and insertion, . , , A fin regular 75c, now nlOC Ladies' fancy Muslin Gowns, em broidered and lace-trimmed, reg ular $1.00 and L25 7Q now iyc Ladies' fine white Skirts, deep lawn flounce, trimmed with embroidery ' or lace, regular $1.50, 98C Ldies fancy-whire - Skirts with deep , flounce, trimmed with lace and - insertion, regular ' $2.50 . now ........... . .$1.25 $1.50 Children's Vests t ; and Drawers Reg. 30c, .now, per garment.. ....15 Regular 65c Drawers ......... ...10f Children's white knit Pants, knee length, .lace trimmed, all' aizeSi....r....l5e Misses and children' long sleeve, white cotton Vests; tape neck. .19? Children's long sleeve and half sleeve t ribbed Vests, exrrii color ....... .lSe. Infants' fine ribbed" fleece lined Vests," tape 7 neck, all sizes ... . . . . . . . 18f . Boys' fine ribbed gray Vests and Pants, ; Summer weight, all sizes, a gar . mcnt ............... ........ ... ..25 Boys' fine ribbed mercerized .Drawers, colors pink and blue. , ,.,.l9f Children's sleeveless Vests,' tape nrck .and arms, all sizes ..lOf hUdren'alcoUoaslcevcleir .Vests.. 5 Lace Curtains, 2j4 yardslong, regular .width, in new designs , i....;...39 Special prices prevail on all-our bet ter grades of Lace Curtains during this sale, and to appreciate the values we are offering is to come and - see them. -Turkish Towels, in bleached and un bleached; heavy and '. fluffy, size, 14x30 ........ t ........ .. v ...... . .4 Red Table ' Damask : ,15 36-inch figured and , striped Curtain Swiss ComfortrsV-xUa.Theavy .... .'. . . . ', 68a Special - bargains-in-betrer grades, at . from ..1.50 to 5.00 1M White Cotton Blankets, extra heavy, with colored borders , ....fl.OO 12-4 Extra heavy, all white and colored border; good value at $4.00..3.95 Gray.boublclBlankftsatl ,7r,j...3fJ 10- 4 Colored Blankets at .......... 68 11- 4 Colored Blankets at : ......fl.OO 12- 4 extra heavy colored blanket!: a $4 grade at $2.95 36-inch a good bleached muslin, yd.5 Plain hemmed cotton Towels, all white and colored borders, size 14x28..3 Plain fringed cotton Towels;""good size," , 14x28 , . . . . .4f Extra good value in heavy Huck Towels, all white and colored border, 18x36: cheap for 15c .....,,'..;..V'....T4' Bleached Tahle Damask,' satin finished; - equals 50c grade in appearance; 68 1 inches wide ..........19e Great values fn mill ends of bleached Table Damask, all linen, in length from 2 to 5 yards, at one half the regular price, - :: . Honeycomb Bedspreads, full targe size: .- Marseilles pattern ...,T8f ' Special values in better grades of honey comb and Marseilles . Bedspreads, in hemmed and frmged; come and - see them. ."" k-. , Pillow Cases made of good heavy mus lin ytf Ready-made Sheets'of superior grade cf muslin, full size, 72x90 39e Colored Tapestry Covers' of good qual ity, heavy knotted fringe , ; 4- 4 size, for f .39 5- 4 size, for .89 8-4 site, for .... .fl.0 SHAN A THIS UNPARALLELED SACRIFICE SALE. , Ladies' -! Muslin. Drawers, trimmed with lace and - embroidery and Ladies' fine ' Cambric Drawers, trimmed with lace and insertion and tucks, regular 85c " : . iC7 ; : and $100, now, '. . . . 0 C ... Ladies' ' fine Cambric Corset- Cov , era,: trimmed with lace and baby. .. ribbon, regular 35c, , . OZn now : . ,t, .,. i ... ,',r, . ub J.adies f ine Cambric - Corset Cov ers, trimmed . with lace and in sertion . or embroidery and in sertion, regular 45c, , - (J- : ; now',,,T"... ....... ....... L7 r Columbia Wools; sColumbia Floss, reg. 18c sketn.i4 Columbia Shetland " Wool, regular 18c skein v. 7.. 10s Columbia Spanish, reg. 20c sk.'.15? Columbia Zephyr, regular 20c-pack-' age . ... ..... ;.12 Columbia .Saxony, regular . 12ic skein . . .'...,......,.... .85 Columbia Eiderdown, regular 35c ball, now A.. :....25 Columbia Golf Yarn, recular 45e I skein ...... .jii.'r.v . . . . 2S uoiumoia ucrmantown, regular zuc .skein ; ; . 12je Columbia . "Fairy Zephyr, .'. regular 18c . . ... , V.. ......... . . 15 German Knitting Yarn, " regular 35c ........... .. ...' ..... ,25 Ice Wool, reg. 15c ball, now. . . Broken lines of Zephyr, pkg 5 Pompadour Wool, skein. .5i Ice Wopl,.reg. 75c box, now. . .35 Carlson Currier Knitting v Silk, ,sjooI ,V ................... .5 Angora Wool, per ball 15c, now. 9 Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' pure thread silk Hose, $4.50, ' :now... .......v;'.. 91.98. Ladies' pure thread silk Hose, $1.75, - now '. . . '1 . .. .... .. .. ..... $ 1 .32. Misses'-and Infants'-spun silk Hose, pink, blue, red, from 35c to. .75c Infants cotton Sox, 25c, nowT19 Infants' silk Sox, 50c, now.... 33 Infants' black cashmere Hose, 35c, now ;15c Misses' fine cashmere Hose,50cr nowvTri "J'.' 'virjrr; v.. ; 19 Infants' cotton Socks, 25c, now.lOt Ioys' ironclad Hose, 35p, now. 19 Misses' fine ribbed cotton Hose, 35c and 25c, now. ............ .15t Ladies" black cashmere Hose, 85c, now .............. ..... ... ,19e Ladies' gauze and lisle Hose, 50c - and 65c, now. v. . . vr;T; . . . . .39c Ladies', fancy 'drop-stitched silk ' " clock Hose $1.25, now. . . . .57 Ladies' Gaiters, 35c, now. . . . . .5 Ladies''' lisle," drop-stitched, - em broidered Hose, $1.50, . now . , . , ; , .". ffl .13 Ladies' .fast black 'cotton Hose, double sole .. V. . . . . . .'. . ,.7xtt Ladies' black c6tton Hose, with maco foot or sole. JLLt . . . . .15c. Ladies' ' fine black cotfon I lose, double sole, , lisle finish, 18t, 2 pairs . . . .... . . . . .". ....... .35c Children' 1x1 fine ribbed black'cot-'. 'ton HoSe all sizes, pair... ,.5J Infants' fine ribbed . black 1 cotton Hose, sizes. 4 to fyit pair. . . . . .5t Infants' black and colored cashmere Hose, silk heels and toes , . . .15cV Ladies' lisle finish lace Hose, silk 7 embroidered, .assorted . patterns, -pair . . .................. ..25? Misses'f and 'children's , black lace Hose, assorted patterns, pair. 19 HAN'S Ypsllanti Undcrwcsr Ladies' silk and wool Union Suits, . Winter weight, $11 at.... f 4.98 Ladies' silk and wool Union Suits, Summer weight, $7.50 at.. $4.08 Ladies' all silk Union Suits, Sum ; mer weight, $7.50 at. .... .$2.98 Ladies' all silk Union Suits, Sum-rter-weight, $7.00, now.-.-.?3.78 Ladies' silk and wool Union Suits, L: Summer, weight, $7.00 at. .$3.78 Ladies' silk and wool Union Suits, Summer Weight, $10, at.. $4.98 Ladies' Summer, merino Union Suits, 7 Summer' ' weighty ; $4.95, - now v. ...... , . , . ..... $3.39 Ladies' Summer merino Union Suits, V Summetlweight. $4.25, now-.j,. , , . . , . . . . $Arf.98 Ladies' - Summer merino .Union Suits, ... Summer weight, $3.00, 1 now ... . . . .$1.98 Ladies' Double Balbriggan Union Suits, Winter, weight, $3.00. " now v . . ...... $2.68 Ladies', Double 'Balbriggan Union . Suits, Winter weight,' $30r now... .$1.98 Ladies', silk- Winter weight, .Eques r trienne Tights, $7.50, at. . . $3.98 Ladies' siJJc Winter Weight, Eques trienne Tights, $3.50, now.$2.29 Ladies' lisle thread sleeveless Union ' Suits, knee length, lace ; trimmed . ; .". 98 Ladies'" fine white cotton sleeveless .UniOn Suits.. knee length,';', lace. trimmed . .. .j ..... ... . . ... .50 Ladies' long sleeve, knee length, low. neck Union Suits; regular 50c, special . . . . .... ........ 12 Ladies' knee length lace trimmed white knit Pants, pair..,.. ..15 Ladies' extra fine knit Pants, knee length, lace trimmed...... .25t Ladies' sleeveless Vests, finished ' neck and arms. .vvv. , ; .3!t Ladies' fine sleeveless Vests, trim- medwith-lace;'silkrtapy-mn ectr and arms. Trices 10,"15V 20ft 25?, 35?, 50?.-s--V-;-'r Real Laces and Fine Ker chiels at Dall Price a Ladies " hand-embroidered ""Hand kerchiefs, $1.50, now. . i . . .' . 75 Ladies fancy embroidered Hand kerchiefs, $4.00, now. ,. . .$2.00 Ladies' hand-embroidered : Hand kerchiefs, $4.00, now. .... .$2.00 Ladies' Duchess Handkerchiefs, $7," no w . ; i . t ............ i : '. $4.00 SUITS COATS, FURS Women's $9.85 to $13.50 Coats for $6.85 A few of the many styles to be found In this treat clearing sale, 45 and 50-inch lengths, in the finest kersey. covert and $9.50 . Ladles' dark, gray, Raincoats 111 1 $6.65 very latest.. llSQJkVlkinfflSkktsmade full with? -r nlaiUr- dark Colors and gray mixtures unu $2.50 Misses' Skirts, in black OC and gray . ....... .. .va.Oi) ; $1.95 all-wool FlannelirXSv' Waists, all colors ...... OOC $5 Sitk Waists, in all colors, C 5 30 with latest sleeve. ....... $0.00 $2.65 Ladies' Walking Skirts, QO. in dark colors "OL $3.50 Children's v all-wool kersey " Short Coats, in red, tan , QQ and blue ....... OOL $7.95 Ladies' three-puarter - light weight Covert Coat, i OQ in tan, at . . . . i ...... , ... 4t.Oy BETWEEN ALDER AND IX.Z'S' Dress Goods Crepe de Albatross, in all colors and 1 i- Black, for. . ... . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . HC Mixed Suiting and Plaid ; just the thing 'I C for children's dresses, 89c grade. .. ... uv 44-inch Voile, in all wanted colors, 89c, iCr grade, for.... ...... ................OtjL 40-inch Mohair in all colors and plain and with check; this line a good value at 65c; C(n special at. , .... . . .,..., . OUL 52-inch Sicilian, light gray and all coK.fJCi ors, with beautiful luster, extra value, low 43-inch Panama, in light, medium and dark gray; very nobby for spring suit, 88c flP grade, for.. . . . .... , v. I Ow 38-inch gray Suiting in check and with: P A L ' shadow plaid effect, 69c grade. . . ... . OUV 46-inch Bourette Voile," In five colors, with checks; a very pretty material for d AA - spring dress; $1JE5 quality;..'.;... ePleU II Gray Panama in plain and with - ; ' shadow checked effect. . . . . . . . ... . 1 d 45-inch Cravenette, guaranteed water-proof, in i four shades; never sold less than $1.25. ,05t V , , - Linen Handkerchiefs .Gents! . pure-linenr Initial - Handker- - chiefs, 50c, now. V,"i..Viii.'. 28? Ladies '. "hand-embroidered C linen Handkerchiefs,' 35c, "now. ...10 Gents' I pure linen Handkerchiefs, 50c and 60e, now. ...... 38 Ladies' hand-embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, 50c, now. ,..2S? Ladies'-' hana-embroidered' - linen - Handkerchiefs, 12Sc, jiow. i . .9? Ladies"" hand-embroiderecT" linen" Handkerchiefs,' 25c, now; .. .15? Ladies' hand-embroidered . linen Handkerchiefs, 35c, now. . .'.19? LadiesV-- hand-embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, 60c, now. . V.28t Ladies' linen Handkerchiefs, $1.00,: . $1.25,' $1.50, $2.00, cut to. .HALF. Furnishings Department "Men's Silk Ties; Four-in-Hands and Tecks : 15 Men's Silk Bow Ties, 2 for. . ... .5 . . Silk Windsor Ties . . . . . . 19? Men's wool derby ribbed Under wear, in brown, gray, blue and " flesh color ;'." . , . ... ..... 85? ; . Men's Silk Web Suspenders... 39? Men's Handkerchiefs, in plain white . ;v,and fancy borders;.-'. !-. U7. 7V5 ' Men's 25c Suspenders. ... i'.u .15? " Men's fancy stripe Dress.Shirts 48 Men's Percale Dress Shirts.... 29 Children's $1.25 ( Wool Sweaters, 7 button shoulder . .VTT . .;. . . .85? Children's fancy stripe wool ' ' Sweaters . i ..... ; .69 Men's 75c Golf Shirts 48 Men's Work Shirts J. 29? Men's 50c; Jersey Overshirts : . : 33?.i .Men's 35c' heavy Working Suspend ers . . . :'. ,.... ,19 r. Men's 10c Rockford Socks, 4 pr 25? Men's Garters .7. .'. . . . . . .'. . . 5H Boys' $1:00 and $1.25 Waists.. 39 Boys' 50c and 75c Waists. .. . .29 ' Boys 25c Golf Caps, plain blue and fancy colors .............. 15V Boys' Suspenders . . V ; . 1 . . . . . . 5? Men's Socks', black and brown, 10c value ............ . . . .'. . . 7Yt ? -Men'-25-Wool-SocksTxir'. . . .19? , ; Boys' Golf 5hirts.....35? J. Boys' ; Negligee Shirts, dark and light colors ....... ... t . : . ,25? Boys' 75c and $1.00 Hats. . , . . .39? Boys' Knee Pants.. ... .. ... . . .18? Men's fancy colors bordered. Hand- " 'kerchiefs .7. V. .... . .'. ..... . . .5 "" Boys 25c String, Bow Ties. 12? Boys' 50c Corduroy Pants.;... 29 AUSTRALIAN IVCCLf-CCILBSEPrS Regular $1.00 Vests. ...... ...69? Regular $1.30 Vests. .:..,79? Regular $1.35 Vests..... 89? Drawers same price. ? 7 " ; : mixtures. $1.00 black spun glass T-'" ' "; AQ.n . i Underskirts , . ... , . , . , . . . UOC $1.65 Ladies' black sateen Under : skirts of good ma- , f )0 terial ..... . . ............ . .$10 ; '$1.00 Ladies' Flannelette Wrap- L(Ln pers, in dark colors-........ UUL $2.00 Ladies' cream Alba 98 c tross Waists .... ........ $4.00 and $3.00 odd lines of ...98c . ladies Coats 75c Ladies' House Jackets, dark colors 38c $4.50 Kmsian Hair Furs, , nft 75-inch lengths 0" $150 Keck Scarfs, in black, at ..98c