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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
.-.v. . ' ' I J- ' - THE OREGON pAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 13. 1SC3. : Speam ' e ewnm ' Our Great Sewing Machine Sale continue!, to the delight of the public. An expert lady operator U in daily attendance to explain "all detalla" to'the inexperienced buver. Onlv bv anecUl arrangements with a Kreat manufacturer airect are we cnaDiea 10 present tneae i arreat inducement!. II vou can make uae 01 a men-grade sewtnc Machine do not fail to investigate. ' By buying from the MANUFACTURER and in CARLOAD LOTS we "are able to aave the conaumer all jobbera and middlemen profits, aa well at a large percentage of freight charges. You really buy the beat Machines Mofesaife Prices : ' It is well known that a SEWING MACHINE TRUST has existed for a number of yeara. and that there haa been an immenae profit in tewing machine. But we are determined to fight trust pncea in Oregon Dy going to tne people airecr- we employ rv ftuumo, nav no die coramuwoni io cnerga up against caco macnin. but by aimply asking a email profit and giving long credit to the people, hope to secure the bulk of the tewing machine the people and ourselves. '.'.;.. ' . ;. Vvv.: ' yV ,: ': :-'-''.' '-''i T.s: fv-- v.;"' ;: bualneaa of the atate to the mutual benefit o! f -' MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE '"'-'We not nly claim t make the beat Bvwlna Machine In th world, but aub- i atantlate- onr rlalra by glrinK ' aiarn-j tea with eech Sewlna Machine we tnanu- facture, agrwlnf to duplicate any part . that prove defective in FIVE TEARS i JTREKOF CHARGE (8huttlea. Needles ',, and Bobbins excepted), thereby proving conclusively our-confidence In thl . great Sewing Machine. , . . .. - . YOU DO NOT PR Y FOR A NAME In porchasina this Machine you pay for the high-class works and not for a highly advertised name. jus will at once realize that you arc getting a High-Grade $60.00 article for $25.00. This Machine has all the good qualities of all the celebrated and highly advertised makes combined into one. The Expiring patenta now permit thia. ' ', - : -'' t; .; '. ' Jl course we cannot advertise inn Mscmne 10 oe jusi iikc uui or mat mooci or mine, oui wnen yon sec ine jnacnine you un easy payments, too. ' .. ::.::-;:a: - .-y f .r i-- f . THE MMN FER TURES BOILED D0VJN Automatic Bobbin Winder-So simple that a childcan easily operate it. v ! : ,j :fJ,l-'y - Feed Motion Our latest patent, abspnttely positive gyrating movement operated on ball bearings. The Double, 4-Motion Drop Feed Extends on both sides of the needle and permits a greater variety of work than any-other. Shuttle Absolutely self-threading, and does not rattle when working. .x '. .'.:, '. .: i Stand-The stand has a full set of ball bearings and an Automatic Belt Renlacer.- :. . --; -t- -.- - ;--7-- Light Running On account of the ball-bearing and other simple mechanical devices employed in its construction, it-ia one of the -simplest, easiest operated,' best made and most elegantly ornamented Machines in the world, combining every requisite to produce. a perfect Machine. The ball-bearing feature itself is worth the cost of the Machine to the woman who has much sewing . to do. '.. ; ' ; : w ' - - .- ' 1 -"' ( i. t ' ' , ' y " v -Woodwork The .woodwork is golden oak,' the drawer fronts are embossed and the top leaf is quarter-sawed oak think of it I It also has a regular nickel-plated Automatic lift." Simply lift the lid and the Machine slips into position with the great est ease and accuracy.- There' practically no weight to it. V, . , , :, . , THROUGH SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE MANUFACTURER WE ARE ENABLED TO MAKE A GREAT INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF THIS GREAT MACHINE YOU 'HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A Sewing -,-. ... : . , ,. -v T : ' ; ., -.t-- FREE ATTACHMENTS Free nickel-plated steel ' attarh aienta aa tollowa are furnished with each tnachlner Ruf fler. ' tucker, binder, braider, foot shirring side plate, four assorted jiemmera, qullter, foot hammer and ' feller. Needles, screwdriver, oil can, . bobbins. ete are Included.- -j You are invited to call and inspect the Machine. Lady operator will explain its operation, and then If you decide to order one It will be delivered to your home on the special and extraordinary terms of $1.00 down and 50c Per Week DO NOT HESITATE. J THIS OFFER IS FREELY MADE TO EVERYBODY stop mid wiim wst a aomur ' When you have thought a moment you will realize that we could not , afford to aend you an inferior Machine under the above terms. . Nothing -could better prove 'our great faith and confidence in the Machine we offer youThirty years' business dealings -with the public has convinced us of . , , the honesty and integrity of the common 'people of our land. You trust ' : us to truthfully represent and describe the goods we. send you, and we ' .fust you to order in good faith and to make the future payments, if you find the goods to be as represented,. , ,. , .. 7 173-175 7. FIRST STREET YAMHILL STREET YOU ARE WELCOME TO CREDIT HERE ' THE FARMER TILLING HIS LAND .' ! the- foundation of the wealth of thl . nation Sn let him lighten his 1a : bor aa much as possible in 'Cultivating farm or garden. Our large assortment f agricultural lmplementa, boes, rakes, r shovels, trowels, etc.. will enable you to 'make an arduous tasa one oi compaxa- . uve Avery Co. i . ., .x rm an amm. e At This, the Most Joyous of All the Seasons of the Year, - .i y: We Send to Our Patrons : ) ' Greeting Trusting that we will not be forgotten when replenishing ' your wardrobe for Easter Sunday, and reminding you that ;77 ' we kve e"it ' everything that's made in ; - , Hens and Boys' Garments and Toggery Not' Only for the Easter Festival. But for. General Spring ! V- ;::.;: :.';';.. v ', and Summer Wear. .;' ' ' ' Ml o jQxhn Prop ;'J, OUTFITTERS TO MEN AND BOYS ; '; 268 AND 168 THIRD ST. ; MOHAWK BLDO. BROOKS EXECUTED AT WALLA WALLA Murderer of - Adotph Miller at Ridgefield Pays Penalty of Crime on Scaffold. MAINTAINED A STOLID INDIFFERENCE TO FATE Hoodoo " Number Thirteen Followed Doomed Man From Day of Convic tion to Shadow of Gallows Priest Accompanies Him to Platform. 1-7 I .-.V j (RMrlal DtoMtrB te Tbe JnaraiiLt Walla, Walla. Wash., April To tally- indifferent to his fate, Simon Brooks, - who murdered Adolph Miller at Rldgeflnld, Washington, on Novem ber 30 last, was. hanged at the state penitentiary at 1:11 o'clock this morn lng. Brooks declined to say anything on the scaffold and did not even shake hands wfth the prison officials before the trap was sprung. The only time the doomed man showed any', weakness was when the steps leading, to the trap were reached, wnen he faltered ror a second, but two guards quickly, graspod hlra by the arms and assisted him up the steep flight of steps and onto the scaffold. ' At 6:11 o'clock tbe trap was sprung, and 11 minutes later Prison Physician Mack pronounced 'Brooks legally dead. his neck having been broken. The body waa burled In tbe prison cemetery. Brooks' last hours on earth were spent in restless manner. He passed a bad night and slept but two hours. ' Most of the long night be paced up and sown nis 011 smoking a black cigar. At 4:30 o'clock he ate a hearty breakfast and re ceived a Catholic priest, who remained with him te theena.- - By a strange coincidence the hoodoo number it haa followed the doomed man from tbe day of his conviction to the shadow of the gallows. It was It yeara ago that Brooks was divorced front bis wife. .'He was convicted on February 13 last, and two days -later sentenced by Judge McCredle, at Vancouver, ; to be banged April 13. His cell number at the penitentiary waa 13 and the trap waa sprang at i:18 o'clock. Brooks was the sixth prisoner to be hanged at the prison since the new law requiring all executions to take place at jT health and money by Wb using KC (( If Baking ) vO A Powder. li Yr23 oz. forjj. Simon. Brooks. 41- the penitentiary went into effect, and the same acaffold that had been used In carrying out the other death sentence waa used In the execution of Brooks. During the time he waa at the prison he maintained a stolid Indifference and re. fused to In any way discuss his ep. proachlng fate. Neither would he dis cuss matters spiritual, although a Cath olio priest and the prison chaplain had repeatedly tried to Interest him In the teachings of Ood. . . Brooks deliberately murdered Adolph Miller, his friend, in 'the- Utter s cabin, near Ridgefield. The actions of the murderer at the time and immediately after the crime were believed by many to be those of an Insane man. and It waa this point that his attorneys relied upon to free, their client. The Jury, however, was not convinced that Brooks waa men tally deranged and returned a verdict that resulted In a death sentence being pronounced. - BOAT SERVICE BETWEEN I KLAMATH AND KEN0 (SdmUI MiDstcs te Tk Iflaraal.1 Klamath Falls Or., AprU 13. To the treat relief of the traveling public and convenience of business men arrange ments have been completed and gone into effect whereby all passengers, mall, expreas and. freight will be by boat be tween this rlty and Keno. which shortens by 13 miles travel by stage and haul by wagon .between here and the railroad. Instead of one trip a day, as by stage, there will be two by boat, leaving here at 4 a. m. and 1 p. m. It la hoped that the California A North eastern will be completed to within 10 miles of Teters' Landing by July, when the haul by stage and wagon will be cot to 10 miles. . Hotels are crowded wttb homeseekers and capital lata, and while prions are steadily advancing, transfers are being made dally. . MRS. EMMA ROSS OF FOREST GROVE BURIED ' 0peeUI tlpatea te Tbe Joarwel.) Forest OroVe, Or., April - it. -Mrs. Bmma Ross, formerly Mlas Emma Pomeroy, died at her home here on Wednesday evening. The funeral waa held today at 3 o'clock from the house wUJv burial in the JKaylox; cemetery. 3 Pairs 25c Toadies' Black OoMon Xose, regular pair 'for 25o Week End Bargain, 3 pairs ............ ISo Men's $3.50 : Trousers $2.25 Mea's ilu Tronsers. val- . ues up to 13.60 Week I Bargain... ;.$2.25 In the Bargain i Basement . Clover light, complete with mantle, makes the "' room bright and saves your eyesight. Com. in and let ua show you how'eany it works; reg. 50c. Week End Bar gain Event , -. 39c NOTIONS That Won't Trouble Your Purse Much Pins at, a paper..... ..le Oabe Pias, black: reg. 40 Week End Bargain. . ........a for So Stair Pins) reg. le a pkar. Bpeclal . ...... t tot e Darning Cotton, black. r white and brown; reg ular 3 for 6c Week End Bargain. .8 for 5o Bagla Ptsst regular 3c a paper week End Bar gain, the paper... ., .60 Shall Side Combat regular 3&o Bpeclal ..lee As the Doors Swung Open This Morning the Waiting Crojvd s Fairly Took This Store by Storm It waa a. bsttss? reemlt than evem we bad expeoted. sJtbomgb we were prepared foe aa eager tluroag. folly war that the valmee egered la last night's papee would attnat earafal aad eeoaomloal boppera. . , The Week-End Bargain Events WUl be a feature hereafter this gtore, aad every Item aanouoed la yeeterday'a papee, eaoept the ex elnslve Prlday specials, will hold good, toxaorrow, If tbe atooss holds oat. We . would, however, Impress yon wlta the faot tnat early xeorulag sbopplng, wkenerer posalble, will make lt easier foe all eoa Our Qreen Discount System amer. It la popmla all by reepoaslble peopl take advantage of it Zs a wtBaar. baekea glad, to all ever tk Tfmlted States, ua, ana everysoay - vu uu saorniaf. CorsetCovers39c lCusUa Corset Oorers, lace trimmed; regularvalues up to 7eo Week End Bargain 39c 39c Values 24c 2ScllbkeunVk(' Paaoy 1W " bona, 4 Inches : wide.- We bought the entire balance of a manufacturer's out put all that be bad on hand of this and several other lines you get the benefit; regular 2So yard. Week End Bargalna, the yard -. .......... .UHe Salt Pamta . aad Testa, sleeveless and short sleeves, embroidery edged vests; long and short pants; the short are lace- irimmea; - Week End Bargain, the garment . , -24c Buster Brown i tookUurs , , :. , Everybody knows what thsy are and what tbey are worth. All sixes ' for boys and girls. Week End Bargains, ... I pair . ........... ...vMo Save Money on Stylish Easter Footwear. Men's $3.30 Patent leather Blaebers A dressy boot at a reasonable price Oolden Kagl value, Week Bad Bargain, the pair .99.8a &adlea' Viol or Calfskin Boots, with or without pat ent leather tips; rerular anywhere 31.26 our reg ular price Is 3. Week Bad Bargain, pair. . .91.4 Men, There Is ": Still Time to Get lan Easter Suit That fits wall, looks well and will wear wall. If you get lt her Vea'e Boyal Wonted r e.lta, all sixes; the kind you would buy else where for 11160 to 320; . an exceptional ' Eaater ' flpecial for Prlday and Plenty of other Suite to chooae from. . - Men's 50c Neck . , wear, 24c Ponr-tn-Banda, made of fine quality Bilk Bro cadet all shades, lnclud .;lng such aa heliotrope, blue; green, etc: good 60c value. .Week End Bargain for tblsaplen " did necktie . . . . . .B4e M doa. ftUlk Teeka, in - many ; attractive pat terna; regular 25a. . Week. End Special.. 14 Oood Quality Web ' Bna. peaaersi regular 2 be. Special . iar Pelloemen's ' aad aaea'a aspextdersj reg- - ular 46c. f Week End Bafgain . as atea'a Xeavy Workiag ' Cloves i regular 76o - Week End Bpeclal. 4a A lot of Undershirts for - ( which w failed to et the pants Bpeclal. .Me Bout fall to visit ear Bargain Baaexaent for your Kitchen and House hold Utensil?- fe Bos Bard wood Tootb- , ptoks .....a Asbestoe Mats, reg. Be. to 'apaaeee Btmk regular to . I . i . i i i .1 i ii. ,:..i'i 1 1 1 ii i mi 1 1 .'t.h., '.'..A1..1.'..1. . ' '. t . '.. - .'.. '.t.'t.'.'. '..w. .' "i. i muu "i ' n l.'-a , . t '" a a ". -fc' o '- "aa-N . . aMV ' T'' .' !' VmJi 'aatea She leaves a husband and a slater. Miss Anna Pomeroy. Mrs. Ross had been a re.ld.nt of Forest drove for "a number of years, her parents being among the earliest pioneers Who settled In Wash ington ccunty. her father, Kbeneeer Pomeroy, being k pioneer or the 'te'a. wiiii ber grandXatber, . David Monro. waa sat of the first settlers near thle u.., ... vis-on with the Hud' son Bay oompany. . ,' : ' Cloeea aambllaa at Aberdeen. (Spm-UI 1)11. tell te 14 Joera.1.1 Aberdeen, .Waab,. April .!. la.M-l.Ui games must stop, a. m oordano with hla promise. Mayor UadT Strom baa again closed gambling. Al though there has been no ripen gambling for some time, there have been several . games running on the quiet, known' to the favored few. Last , night Chlee Chrlstensen notified thee place that . 1