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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
ZllZ Cr.ZGON DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, April is, lOHIOHT i AMUSEMENTS, K.-lllf ,......., Kmplra. .......... J.yrte.;r.7,...V." fcrasd , lor ..i ,"Bahea In TTlaad' . . . .Monies! Burltsnaii ' Tin SUsl WxkllUf' Dow la Ksw Manipahlr' i. .,,.. Vautlwrllle . Vtudnrllla FK1EST ROADS IH UIIITEO STATES A Jury In' Judge George's department pf tha circuit court la today listening to the case of tha O. R. at ft. company gainst Jacob Slauguterbach. , The com pany wants a right of; way across defendant'! property for ita new branch ' Una between St. Johna and Troutdale. JCraployes of the company, say that the property that tha road wlshoe to ac quire la worth only 12(0. Mr. Slaughter bach declare that tha land hae bean part of hie home for II years; that the road will ahut off the bulk of the re mainder of his land from tlta highway. and ha aeks 11.300 for tha right-of-way trip. Ilia farm of 10 acres la .located - near-Columbia boulevard.- Arthur - C fipenoer is attorney for the company, while J. C MoreUnd Is tha defendant's counsel. ... ' " Blushing Ilk a youngster, there en tered the office f tha county clerk yee '. terday Frank Payne, who modeatly an nounced that be was aged i years. Clinging to his arm was a good-looking maiden, who gave her name as Anna ' lewla. and admitted she waa but 23 years of age. They desired a marrlago license, and with them as witness waa the girl's mother, who was tha prospec ' tlve groom's junior by a few years. The license was granted and the pair. went In search of a minister. ,; Edward Q. Fanning, engineer of firs ngine company No. t. located at bis ' teenth and Waahlngton - streets, has banded bis resignation to Chief Csmp be U. and will leave tha department after year of service. In bis letter er resig nation Engineer Fanning saya that he la afflicted with disease and is retiring from the department t tha advice of his physician. He la counted a valuable ' man in tha department. -. Ills position Will be filled by competent engineer a boon as possible, .., , ' The remonstrance of property owners gainst 4h assessment for tha pro posed Rodney avenue sewer waa over ruled : by the sewer committee ef the city council at this morning's meeting. and tha ssseasment was recommended passed. The petition against the alal- lory avenue assessment was alaa aver ruled. Petitions .for sewers were granted to property, owners on 'AJblna avenue,- East Twenty-eighth street and -.Nevada avenue.- ' ..... , The proposed railway spur on East Third street Is . occupying this af ter : noon a meeting of the street committee of. the council. It Is alleged that the Belt-Line railway and the O. R. A K. Co. both have champions to tight their cause, and- Indications were at the be Sinning of tha meeting that an agree ment would, not be reached, today. ' Mineral" Springs Hotel company, Ice tees. Amos D. St. Martin hot springs, Carson, . Washington, Is without doubt - the best health resort in the northwest Hot mineral baths for cure of rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electric lights and team heat; fine trout-fishing. Take steamer Srenoer or Regulator boats. Elwood. Mead, chief of tha Irrigation Inquiry bureau of the department of ag riculture, has finished a preliminary In vestigation of the- Willamette -valley. and I of the opinion that Irrigation la practicable Hs has assigned Artnur F. Stover to make extensive experiments Id Ik, .l,. . " " - . . - . . -.. Special Sunday rates on tha O. W. P. go Into affect next Sdnday. To Oregon . City. .Canltnab Park: and Greaham, 26 cents round trip; .Boring, Eagle Creek and Eatacada, CO cents ' round trip. Dancing at Canemah. Park, . afternoon and evening. Muslo by Turner's,, or chestra. , ; , ... ' , Articles ' of Incorporation (or the Mount Boott lodge. No. lit. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, were filed this rooming by , J. W. Stlger, Robert I, McCullem and J. Burt Moore. ' - The lodge room Is located at Lents, and the - organisation owns property worth $350, ' A. ! R. Bxley. John ' AUestna.' J. F. Kelly. V. R. Nelson and E. H. Thornton this morning died artltclea of In corpora lion for the Commonwealth Ufa asso ciation, a new fraternal and cooperative society to oe organisea in rot-tuna. : - Special round trip rates on tbs O. W. P. on . Sundays - during tha summef months: Oregon City, Canemah Park, Oresham,' II cents; all points-east of Greaham to and including Eatacada, 0 cents. In effect next Sunday: l''.r'. Bargains. Roses, carnations, gei-ant wms. heliotropes, 4c: petunias, salvias, get pansles, verbenas, Ic; lobelia, asters and phlox, le. Floral pieces very ra aonsble. Flower store. 111 N. Twenty third. Main tot. . ' ' , N. ' akBBBBaSBMSl ' ' " Steamship "Alliance" sails from Couch ' street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka, isturday. April 14. at in. m. C H. Thompson's ticket agency, 128 Third treat. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Mala .II.. , :! .... . . .. ' Cntll - further notice, - commencing Sunday, April I. . 1906, tha Mississippi venue cars will cross tha river west erly over steel bridge and easterly over ' Burnside bridge. Portland Railway com r iny. ,..r,;'.., .:,,;..-. ;;."': ' Charles Whittle; aged 22 years, and Edith Burkhart, aged 22, were married at the courthouse yesterday afternoon by Judge Webster. Both are residents of Multnomah county. - One single trial will - convince you that I make the best eye glasses at ' lower prices than elsewhere. Visit tbs ' little optical parlor at 181 Fourth, street, opposite Wall Fargo... , . -, , . "y Butser's 'lawn' fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby -la wnt his sweat pea and lawn grass got gold medal at tha fair. 181 Front, between TamhiU and Taylor. - Watcfiea, ' diamonds and Jewelry on ' easy payments, 81 downund 60 cents per week. All mainsprings 21; sll watches cleaned fl. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth at " Wa are still selling eye glasses at 1, " a iperfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Matsger Co., Ill Sixth street ' 'Easter sal of Ladles' Oxfords, tan ' nd Mack, special cut prices. Marks Bhoo Co.. II 1 Morrison treat. '- ; .. - Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal Vila and fine gasolines. Phone East tl. ' Women' exchange. HI Tenth street, lunch. 11 t I. ' : "Soft eosi delivered at M per tea. Ring bp Main HIT. .,..,: : . Dr. E. C. Brown. 1ft-tnr. Marg.uaaa. ' Mitwaukls Cbuntry Club. ,' Txs Angelas and Oakland racea Take Peiiwood and Oregon City cars at First and Aider. - - Will Be Multnomah- County's Boast When Present Plans ' Are Consummated. WILL ADD TO VALUE OF EVERY ACRE IN OREGON Freed From Debt, County Ii at Lait Able to Enter on'Exteniive Road ; Building-County . Judge Webster Outlines Improvementev ' ' If present plans are carried to eonv pletlon Multnomah county will have, ac cording to County Judge U It Webster, "the finest system of county roads to be found In any eoiinty In any state la the union.? .: ..-. . , For the first time In years the county Is out of debt and is In a position to undertake roadbulldlng oq an extensive scale. . The . plans of the county board contemplate a system of improvements which. In tha language of Judge Web ster, "will add to the' value of every aora of land In tha county."- . .,. - A considerable amount of road build ing naa been done under the present county , administration, but the lack of funds was an -obstacle to tha extensive work which is now to be undertaken. Broad foundations, however, have bees laid and the county -has acquired quar ries . In various parts of tha county which- will furnish an ample supply of rock tor macadamising ana bridge build ing.'' " ... .. . The most Important of these quarries Is that at Kelly's Butte, said to be one ot tbe best in. the state. It furnished the atone - for Trinity church In this city.' It Is a great wall of clean -Toff and will afford an ample supply for all the road building In tha eastern part of tha county. A rock crusher will be In stalled and hauling engines ara also to be purchased, capable of hauling rock eight or ten mUes as- -cheaply aa It could be hauiett- for a quarter of the dis tance by teams. County Owns Qaarrlaa. .," ' In addition tha county owns quarries on Ltnnton road and on the Boone's ferry and Taylor's ferry roads. The Llnnton road quarry, supplies rock for all the roada on the peninsula, the rock belngferrled across tha Willamette, The roads to Boone's ferry - and - Taylor's ferry ara both to be macadamised this year to. tha county line. The county board has recently purchased two rollers and two crushers for use In the contem plated work." i Michigan avenue la also to be ma cadamised thla ; year. - This Improve-J ment will be of great value to the peo ple ot Bell wood and will be commenced Immediately upon the completion of the double tracking of tha' O. W. P. Una. which is now In progress. . As this track occupies a part of Michigan avenue. It must be completed before the work of macadamising is begun,' but tbe Im provement will not bo long delayed. In discussing .the proposed . Improve ments Judge Webster, said: Tha Idea will be to give Multnomah county- tha very best system of county roads' to be foand anywhere In the United States. Our roada will be an object lesson to the whole state. You know how: tha outside . counties con stantly look to Multnomah county for an example, Juat as many of tha coun try lawyers seem to think that tha de cisions ef the Multnomah Judaea are taetter law, just because they ara, ren dered her. , .. . , . . Bxaaapla la Bead SaUdla. "Wa will give the people ef tha etate an example in road building, something that will be a guide and a stimulus to very other county In Oregon. They will an illustration or the advantages that result from - good - roads. Every acre ot land In Multnomah county will be Increased In value and Indirectly we shall contribute toward . Increasing values all over the state." Judge Webster was the author of the senate concurrent resolution Introduced at the last session of tha legislature, proposing the construction of a state road from Portland to tha California state line, the road to be built by con vict labor. He la an active member of the Good Roads association and a warm advocate of tha principle of construct ing public roads by means of convict labor. ' '... "We ara at last , at tha point where wa can accomplish great results," said Judge Webster. 'The county is out of debt so that we' shall no longer be ham pered by lack of funds. - The time is now at hand when the plsns which have been so long under consideration can be car ried to completion. Multnomah county will have roads of which the whole state will be proud.' -.- . FOR MONEY SAVERS. ' '' V ' .. ' ' ..:': ". The Most KB4raifleeat Opportunity to fee, sriee Baater OWtalaf tot Kea and Boys, Also Women and Children, Zs Offered at the Big Sale at the United Stores, sis ana SIS First Street, Cor ner Salmon, ,,;. ' ' .",V . Four ..complete ; etocka ' of ' men'a women a -end children a - clothing were buried In tha snows) Ides of Colorado, but outside of a little dampness there Is no perceptible Injury to most of tha goods. The prices quoted In these big sales is revolutionising the retail trade of thle city. The immense jobbing and.retau storerooms are alwaya crowded with merchants and consumers alike, for In some cases merchsndlse Is sold at about 21 per cent of value. The United Fire Marine Salvage 4k Adjustment .company ara incorporated for 175.000, In the state of California, and keep a corps of claim adjusters throughout the entire Pacific coast, who are continually sending goods damaged by lire, water and other causes, also bankrupt stocks snd un claimed freight 4rom the- different transportation companies. - ... . , Almost New Theatre. Calvin Hellla has eertainly renovated the Belaaeo theatre from top to bottom, nd en air of cleanliness prevails within the Iletllg theatre that la Inspiring. In speaking of the changes thst have been made, Mr. Helllg elated "that the entire theatre was thoroughly gone ever, and repairs made wher needed, no ex pense being spared toward this snd. 'Appreciating the importance of the orchestra In an up-to-date theatre, wa also purchased from Ellera Piano House two fine Chlrkerlng planoe for use In tha theatre. We feej that the people ef Portlsnd ere entitled to nothing but the finest, and ws have endeavored to ar range our playhouse so thst It will meet with the approval of our patrons;'" ' - Baseball! BaeeValll , Multnomah club'va Behnke-Walken Multnomah field, I p. m. tomorrow. . - yiefeised meek Oaaaea Soils Allan Lewis' Best Brand i Oga Tomorrow Everts Until 9:30 Easter Shoo DargdnG Easter Shoej bargains of great meritBest stylsan3 leatJiera In women's, men's and child ren's shoes of sUntlard tpiallty Extra salespeople today and tomorrow, - . , v . .- s " " ' ' "' ' " " 1,000 pairs of Women' Lace Shoe in .all this season's styles, patent leath er, vici kid, tatent tip and .velour calf, blucher or . straight ; styles Shoes and Oxfords Tan Oxfords ' are included all sizes and widths; regular S3 and $3.50 CO '.I values on sale at......pe9eFsf 1,000 pairs of Men's Welted Shoes, .'lace and blucher styles, . patent J leather, yelour calf . and .vici . kid Shoes and Oxfords, all sizes and widths; regular $3.50 M . and $4.00 values at... .JeWe Misses', and ' Children's vici kid and velour Calf Shoes, 5 to 8, $1.25 val ue 1.05; Hyi to .11, $1.50 value fl.aSj -UK $i.0O value, 1.62. v ... ;' " Boys' Box "Calf ' and Vclotir Calf ( Shoes: great values at f J..65 pair, fl.85 pair and 2.05 a pair. Men'o DIack Suits ffor.;:Eteir;: E!ack Suits for men at greatly reduced prices today and tomorrow Handsome dress clothing in the best styles and ma terials Jnst the apparel you want for Easter wear andat a savins evesryman will appreciate Dlack unfinished wor stedTond Hack thibets Cut straight front, round-cut sacks and double- breasted styles Every garment well made and finished Best product of . . leading maker in the land ' $16.50 Black THibet Suits. ..810.85 $18 Black Unfinished Worsteds $13.65, $20.00 Thibets and Worsteds at $15.35 $22.50 Unfinished Worsted Suits S17.65 $25.00 Unfinished Worsted Suits 820.15 . An immense showing' of new gray Suits in the latest fashions, cut and style round cut, dou , ble breasted and straight front sacks all new 'weaves.. ...... ..15.0 to 35.00 New Spring Trousers, large variety, 3 to New Spring Vests, latest styles, 1.25 to 5 -Spring clothing for young men Suits'and Top-- coats in complete variety ; ' v prices from ...T.50 to 25 New "Hawes" Hats for Easter Derbya and Telescopes, . in black, tans and grays, new blocks; always, each .........,.3.00 mmmmd 1- ' M r. -s-u-s-ifi. l for Mm Everything that's new and fashionable In Men's Fnrnlshlngs for Easter wear will be found represented here The largest and most complete stock in the city and prices as alwaya the very lowest Neckwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Cloves, Underwear, Cones, Handkerchiefs, Shoes, ; Suspenders, etc., etc., r in immense assortment All grades Newest patterns Best assortment in the city I ; Easter Neckwear in . grand array extraordinary assortment for your choosing at 50c each. Handsome Four-in-Hahds in the new Crepe inks, 5 shades, including belio, blue, green, grays, 50c ?9c y , i . ... i . . 1 1 .1.1 . . i . . . , . . . . rea, Diacx ana wntie, an wiams; uesi siyies ana values in me city at....i, Men's white plaited Golf Shirts, made with' full box plaits, all size the best $1.00 values . on sale at this special low price mail orders tilled.. The latest novelties in Men's Fancy Handkerchiefs, white centers with , polka-dot borders all O Q4 - shades of blue, red, green and helio; the best 50c values on sale today at this special low price. ..JOC Men's. white Full-Dress Shirts, made coat style, cuffs attached or open front and no cuffs; alt sizes and sleeve lengths; best dress value in the city at, the very low price of....... S1.00 Men's new Lisle Web S.uspendersl made of the best quality webs,. in light and. dark patterns , and kid ends; 50c, values, on sale at this special low price....... .- ..sVrC Men's Spring Undcnvcar Specials The celebrated Pouros knit openwork Underwear for spring and . . summer cool, healthful garment, all sizes, in shirts and cSfW . . drawers; grand value at ....... .............. . JvL Men's natural worsted ribbed Underwear, form fitting, made with i the new turtle neck; self-faced drawers, double seat f 1 f - - and well finished, all sizes at..;.-. v Men's Summer Negligee Shirts of nice soft twilled cloth aCQf in pongee color, all sixes; great special value il4....,.w7w j. Men's Gloves in U grades and shades. ; : - Men's Fancy Half Hose 35c Pair Thousands of dozens of Men's Fancy Half Hostf, imported quality in fancy embroidered plaids, stripes, figures, dots, etc., in all the new colorings and effects, all sizes; best values In the i Ot ' , city at six pairs for 1,40 or pair..........t ...,,...;,Js - , Fifty new blocks in the celebrated "Hawe's" $3 Hats for men. Derbys and Telescopes in all -r 7 T'a'-' ,ne utesl snapes ana colors. Black, tan,' gray, Hfltei -3.3 Drown etc Every hat guaranteed satisfactory . m iv .. t of vour money cheerfully refunded See them. "Hawes" f.2c::r C, Frcn!: , 1 ' ' i ii r i . ... 6000 Pairs of Silli Gloves Great Easter Sale of 60Q0 pairs of Silk Gloves, double - tipped fingers. All sizes, in black, white, mode, brown, tan, navy- and champagne. Every pair perfect and of. standard quality. .Regular 75c values today , and tomorrow at 55 a pair. - Every woman wants two or three pairs of them at this special low price. Antici pate your Summer needs. . Long Kid Gloves $3 Vols. $3.39 500 7 pairs of - 12-button-length Glace Kid Gloves in white and few blacks. Best style, telling regularly a'; $3.00 a, pair. Your choice today at $2.30 a pair. 'VaMier's" Gteves $2.50 Values m 9 l?r. Last two davs of the great Easter . sale of;'VallierV high grade glace Kid Gloves . in novelty ; sty lea ' arid " all the .'. leading shades. Black, white tan, navy, . helio, brown, modes, grays, '3 green, purple, etc - Two large pearl r clasps, all sizes; every , pair regular $2.50 value your choice today at; ; : J 39 CHICAGO PAINLESS r DENTISTS 303 M Waah. SU Cor Fifth St. 23-K Gold Crowns.. $3.00, $5.00 Bridge Teeth.;. ,.ft.$3.00, $5.00 Cold Fillings, ....$1.00 up Silver Fillings 50c Oar prsettee Is llmlte te hlsB-frsd work. NetblBf sat the best. Exsmlas tlna free. 10-yter rnsrsatee. Bank refersaee. r Ones ersels asa foadaja rt. -ca W til JSI WsBBBh ssj ajsj m v1 ' ta " , Freshening Up for faster .To keen In Una with the season's eall for beauty, brlahten tip the house In side and outside with a new drees of paint But be sura you re not fettlna an excuse for the rllt article sret Bay State palnta and yarntehee for the weart well sorU jf - : , txb axo ranrT bto. Fisher, Thorsen & Co. rmosT asrs st oamzsov ara. HERE'S ONE MAN WHOSE HEARTS IN RIGHT PLACE -'".' . "i, - 80 popular Is the Portland Commer cial club In the . state ef Ores on that business men outside of this elty are tendering checks toward support ot the movement to build a Commercial elub bulldlnf. - v . Among tha many letters that have onme to the club since its fire, none have bee -more appreciated than one received this moraine from J. B. Me tioneld, secretary and manag er of The Dalles Business afYn's association. Mr, McDonald- says: - . . "I sea by last nlaht's paper you may aocept subetrtptlons to build. If so, Souvenirs TI7TTTTT7P7 Friday & if liAlljlij Satnrday ' Our stock of Easter novelties Is far the largest ever shown in Portland. The day would be sadly lacking for the children without their "Bunnie" or chick. We . L haTeanmmense-variety-in-all sorts of original and funny shapes and all filled Vith tiny sugar eggs. Prices op to f 2, but 10e to 25e gives a wide choice. To all purchasers of these fancies over 10c tomorrow and Saturday we will give for the little one of the"' family a '. "'...'.' :' FREE EASTER NOVELTY , . ... e c' 3 'And fill It with sugar eggs.. ' r' For gifts for the "grown-ups" we liave a wonder fully attractive display of Parisian Blskets and Boxes . and daintily decorated silk and satin eggs in exclusive designs, all for filling with our famous Candies. . ;- If you don't buy don't mi Iceing the display.-- GET THE RIGHT PLACE We Have no Branch Stores Swetland & Son V 27S tlOXKISON STKEET 1 -V-c tcni 3s.' ;'. even though I ara not as yet ona of your members, J would like to place one stone at least In your new edifice, i So when tha proper time comes, cqunt m for 110. , THINKS CITY NEEDS GOOD STOCK EXCHANGE Ia I.' Potter, who Is' to be secretary ef the Portland stock eichsnge. to be opened In tha old poatefflce building on Hlxth street as soon as tha structure la remodeled, arrived In tha elty this morning from Chicago. ,. Mr. Potter waa connected wltlt the Chicago stock exchange for 13 years and gavs up his position there to come to Portland. In the brief time he has bad to survey tha field he says he has learned enough to convince him that a high-class exchange should be a great thing for .Portland. The exchange Is to handle quotations on all high-grade and thoroughly aubatantlal stocks of Port land and tha Pacific coast. ."There will be no mining stocks listed on the ex change." said - Mr. i, Potter, -far they would open the way for wildcat stocks snd thla would ruin the exchange. There will be only a limited number of seats and each will be valued at 1110. Moat of tha seats hare already been 'annken tor.- ...!. AJcrrnmaTTa. Empire Theatre.!. MILTON Morrises. 111. SEAMAN, Masaaer. " rortlaaa's Popalar Flaykease, Tuolsht, Tomorrow Mstlnse aad Nlfht, Last Tares Tlas -. "The PaUl Wedding" ' ., With Jsae Ksltea and a avperk Oast. Brentng Prices 15e, S9e. SAe, SOc Mstlaes. 10. ISc. SSc - j West Wesk, Starting Suaeay aUtiaeew "KOaVOKC" . Concert and Dancing AT RohaSe Park April 15th UJCdvi APOLLO RINK - -' uiajur TO SKATS JIOW.- paxTATa nrsTBtrcmoaTS rmasC Open 1 to 4:tO,,4:SO to T, 7 to 10:30. Relay Race 4 TsrrBSPAT srzostT, avpbixi is. ' A 'Waldateln,' winner of slx-daya race, will run Ave of Portland's fasteet araa Uure one mile each.- i, ::. JONES A KANDAXL. ' CUT RATES 2$ SAVE MONEY Come at oSiee and bave free examination. WE EXTRACT TEETH XRKE; BIU f ER riULlNQS. Sto UP; GOLD nVlr INO. 76e UP; SET Or TEKTH, tt.OS; SPLENDID SET, SS OO; OOLDCHOWN8. IJ 00 TO tl.OO; WHITB CROWNS, 11.19 TO t.0. . All work guaranteed far' ten years. C0ST0M PAIM.IX3 CL.T:3T3 tslti Morrison St. Or. V.v'.st A rrank and PostoiJce. THE MEIUIO THEATRE ltb s Wadln(toa - - r Psoas Mila t Tesiskt, 1:11 Tatrrw Xlekt. , Sssoisl-rrise Matisse Tsmemw. ' ' Tse Mnsioal-Csmsdy ExtraTacaasa, "BABES IB TOTLABD." A Crowd Haass Ust Bigkt-JEveryssty fVI!!t!N(J PBIOra X SIS". t. TSr. SOc. TOMORBOW MATINKB PBlCEa fl.SOr l. . t&, ftoe sad 20c Rests srlllsg st tbe box efftre ,ef tse HetUg theatre. ' THE HCII IP .THEATRE llth sad IICILIU - Pkra Washlnstsa ' Mslat. l-iaST STTBSAT BIOKT ATTBACTtOM Sssear, Mosdar ssd -Tssadsy Klfbu. April Ifl, IS sad It Hrtors ef rorH Aclta-. . CBISTOX CLABXX la the CsBsdy-Drsau - r . "MOBSirUB BIAOCAIBI" -Aw irrtt Is n-tst the eerd tmrnes.-" r Nw Torn Hrrald. "Wartay bis lllttatrless a Bras tors the Benths." rbllanVlphls Public Lsdsw. "Only ' squilrd bf Msassrhb) Bca Sraa awll." Ssa Praarlsre Cbnslrle. - PRICEB BTMDAY ASD Tt'RBDAT MOnTS: Lswar Soar, srst 0 rusrs. SI.SO: balance lewar Boor. II. Bslraey. Srst T raws, IV; Bslsacs feaVver. SOr. Eattre gallery, 2Jc. , MOBDAT XIOKT. APBIL IS wraad Test lien sal BaasSt riRSMEN'8. AND f'OMCEMBVg BEUEF risu. . PRICKS Lower Una,, trmt rows, SI.SO; bslssre, II. Xstlrs bslrear, St.. Eattre ' aallrrr. tor. -' . Eirbsnf srsta bnntbt frost dowalaara snr er mraibrrs ef the tha Plre ar Pulles rk-aert-awata for r's,rvrd eeta at tbe box ffta t the H'IM Tbaatre, 'wtrath aad . Wsshiog Baker Theatre JZZ- Yamhinsnd 3d Bts.j Pkeae Mala HOT Teatsbt. tomorrow MstTnesadl peiist r. Closlag Partonaaore Tssjormw Klaht, "CHERRY. BLX)SSOMS" Tha One Borlaaqoe Bbnw The Only la . tha two uproariously raaay huilsajee, the waoaa oovbt Toaasco' sad t 'TBS aUAaaiLSOME BlIOBBOia" v ran. Masle ssd Pretty OItIsl ' Ratarday Mart or. UX. SSc, SSe. SOc Kl(st print, xfte. 5r. Sec. T5e. Mast Weak, Btartlag Bsaday Mstlxee "TMS ' MEaaT MAISEMA" tUYRIC THEATRE BR0INN1 WOJtDAT, APRIL S. ISC. Errry Aftmmoa and Bveulas. , pertUnd's PopsUr Stark Meat. . - BUBAL trOMRDI-DBAMA. DOWN IN NEW iiAMP5::nz . ..:,, I.t riTB ACTB. v follew the ftnwA Ooatlnenas Parfursjsaoa. Admlsalaa 10 kVaarrad Basts Sua. STAR THIATBX. Weak ef Ayrtf vaioir. Tae Stress. Lsavltt . Assatsie, ' Draw Passi Miss Isaeslle i Mr. Ckerle Msrfaa, lo To any. seat is the aoess t'.aa boiaa-Kw. t ! ri r