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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
I. V i J- -1 ? - i .u THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY ZVZUUIQ, APIUL 18. ;t (SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE! ten TO SEASIDE Clatsop Bead Clatsop , SUNiX . SUNDAY " FIRST OF A SERIES OF. SUNDAY SEASIDE EXCURSIONS VIA THE o,.i i: rv a mmm. it-. 10 firm en PmrzfMP liUo S L5Q ROUND TRIP 1.50 TAKE A PEEP AT THE PAQFIC ! WATCH TIJE CROWD GO! Leaves Union Depot leaves Seaside 8:00 a. m. 5:00 p. m. Arrives Seaside Arrives Portland 12:30 p. m. 9:50 p, m.- TICKET ' OFFICES CKy Ticket Office. 248 Alder St .. . t in-if,;,-"!'..' C A. STSWABT, AfMt. FhOM Kt IOC J. C, MAYO G.f, & P. A., Astoria, Ore WATER BOARD FOLLOWS ' UNDERWRITERS' ADVICE 8. H. Uockett, McreUry to th cora mlttM of 20 from th Natlpnal Board of Fir Underwrite, which eent enl neera to Portland last fall .to aunrejr the conflagration haaardi.- has written to the municipal water department asking what etepe haT been taken to carry out the reoommendaUona made hr the engineers In retard to the Improvement of the municipal water service for fire protection. He said that he was anxious to know, for the reason that the under writers are planning to Issue an annual report showing how far the recommen dation In the different cities bar been followed. . ':. ' -V . The water board baa already adopted a poller In keeping with the report and steps ara being taken : to lay larger mains In the districts where they were recommended, especially In North Fort' land and In the -manufacturing district on Jhe east side. ' ' At Piedmont Church. ' At Piedmont Presbyterian church spe cial services for holy week are In prog ress. The new furnishings of the church will be put to use for the first time Easter Sunday. . v .V - 1: 'Suit " ;iv;:NEEKNOTGOST.-;"-v-:. - -a If purchased ( at-the right ) place. See the many handsome styles displayed in our windows and you ir':' will know which is the RIGHT PLACE Single and doiihle hreastcd j -styleSeTall the latest fabricsrz and up to the minute : patterns ..xcx When You See If in Our M If s So r .'.' THIRD. .; -' AND OAK TMs Stor is al 20? Wwst Si, M clhd the Fire Sale Will Begin at 8 o'clock Tpmorrow Morning - - ."-' ''' ST ' M I A : I I . .1 I I I The Monster Fire Fiend seems to be camping on our trail. , On the night of April 40 the building next door to ours was wrecked by flames, and the wooden. walls separating us were little bar to the inroads of the devouring ele ment. In consequence our stock of splendid new spring and summer Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing'and Men's and Women's Shoes was deluged with water and steeped in smoke. For.all purposes of sale, as all first class 'merchants understand, our stock was ruined, though its wearing qualities are not the least impaired. Therefore, at the instigation of the interested parties--our loss having been passed upon by the insurance adjusters' 'A, , ; T - ' ' r . - . ,1-.,.. , . . , 1., , i r'- " '''"''', f 1 On Saturday Mommg, at B o Clock, We -SMI Mflugarate a Which shall include within its scope every dollar's worth of merchandise we have in stock. THE SALE SHALL BE COMPLETE, CLEAN, BONA FIDE, ABSOLUTE MATCHLESS AND PERFECT and will, end only ' when every garment, every shoe, every overcoat, topcoat, piece of underwear, shirts, hats, caps, socks or article of furnishing goods in the house has been disposed of at some; price AT ALMOST ANY PRICE AT ALL, SO THAT THE STOCK MAY' BE QUICKLY GOT OUT OF THE WAY. Tm merchandise has just been taienout of the cases," fresh from the Wnufa PINK OF FASHION.: When dried, brushed up and pressed these 'garments are exactly as good as when they left the factory, but this IS AN UNDERWRITER'S SAUS And tue clearance must oe speeay, so - ... 'Mill lit m m wmM:z Come and Make Your Selections while the Assortments are Unbroken and SuppIy.Your Wants at Almost No Price at AH KINDLY DROP IN EARLY IN THE MORNING, BEFORE THE RUSH BEGINS, WHEN THERE IS BETTER OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE DESIRABLE SELECTIONS. THIS IS THE FIRST SALE OF THIS CHARACTER THAT HAS EVER TAKEN PLACE IN PORTLAND and all informed people know exactly what it means. - There can be no dallying about it! IT IS ONE OF THESE HURRY UP AFFAIRS, values not being considered in the scramble to get rid of the merchandise, the transaction ended and the matter closed. ' U4 L?trv& tr y. :-u . i. 207 :-Firat Street, Between Taylor and Salmon Portland, Oroj?on . ; , . WANTED TWENTY CLOTHITiC At(D SH02 SALESM2N. ApJy to Mtin, 207 First Ctrcst.