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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
t:: czzz s:i daily joun: jau rcr.TXAiiD, fhiday eveiiiko. , aphil is; xt:x says !::"": L's slcgess is TRANSPORTATION. All Efforts of Combine Members to Hold Po-' tatoes Down Have Ceeri Thwarted by the "Ex-, pojiure In The Jo&rntJ and PrfcefAre Higher. rtoriE ROUTE $et SEl.ATC2 J-r. OrXl "QYT EYE It POTllTOES-OOIOriS ; ARE IIIGIIERM Plan of Some Buyer to Hold Former Price Down in ths ' ' Country a Failure. LATTER MARKET ONE AND A QUARTER NOW Export Flour Drops Ten Cents s Bar - rel and Some Scared Killers Are Said to Be Shading Lower Figures -Wheat Advanced One Cent. . Fraat Street, April IS. The principal feature I the Portland wuoleeale market today ar;- " ,, Potato and onions advance. Kxport flour drop, again. Wheat market la advanced. , Tw can orange: tw nn bananas. Car vegetable do an Monday. .California steamer du Saturday, , X Good sales at butter to outalue. , rJ, j T "Eggs ara firm it quotations. - Chicks deiasnd somewhat better. i ,, Val and bog market sood. t , All sweit ealmon opening. . t Mohair and wool quiet. ; Nominal aala la bov markat, , . ;.;, YotatoM and Oaieua Advance. Dssptts tb attempt of certain buyer to bold ' " tli prtcM down. th potato market to lg hat today. Tn damand for ordinary stock from ' aat of tha Rockies to considerably greater and rka rate tod nt Bc to 60s a aaek, wltb tbt ittar quotation moat general at country points. Exclusive pradlcttona of a probable adTanea ' ' in tba -onion markat by Th Journal bar been verified again ana toaay oeeiere ara ru,i, "a bleb aa 11.25 -par 100 pound. Tb demand .i from tb California market to freatar and up pltoa ar dwindling down very rest, : - Asparagus Esosipts Much wreater. Item loral polnta aaparague arrivals ara cow -ldrbly greater. Some good-eiaed ahlpmcuta ' ar aotad today from Aurora. California snip. uento are Ukawla Inercaaing and thla wltb tn heavier local arrivals wUl likely fore tb nrtoe down Warn. - ' "' Tw cara -of oranges haloed to reHem th famine ta that market today, races same. - Tat cara of bananaa In good ehap 1 amen tn arrtrala along tb street today, De- uaad areater tbaa euDDllee. Local rhubarb to mora plentiful, but tb ea eral sbortsgc In other lines of produce aa well aa apple to creating pearler demand tbaa - aaraiiL- - v - . Cabbage to very hard to obtain along tb ""street today tnd awn dealer ere asking an advance of 10c a erst. .- . Export ITour Prop Again. 7 There waa drop of loe a barrel In eiport flour Quotation today following tba lead of . forolem marketa In reducing their fjgarea. To dav 43 la tba hlaheat nrlc' being asked for apart brands, and It to aatd that aom mlllera who were afraid of t marset were oirerin ' supplies a low aa 12.00 a barrel. Loral value - aomewhat firmer but nnchaoged In price. Wheat Market a.Oeat Adranoaa. WhlU axnort floor la lower today rue an a (trance of Is a bueoel la wheat Taloee wltb the exception of Willamette valley variety - which la n noted nominal and unchanged. MlUfeeda ar uotd firm wltb an obange m tb list. ' Corn la looking higher on account of entailer tock here. Local value are now far out of Una with those ruling In tba east iwrtof . and eala firm but anchaogta. Batd SaUa of Butter to Outald. - Although elty ereamerlee report very aWw aie m in Doner maraec, tner is mm un nrovmeat noted la tb ton along Front (treat The salable ba been a very liberal buyer of 'butter In tbto markat during tb paet few daya, - and tbto baa given) meet of tb front treat boanea a ebnne to atcb their breath. Some : etlll expect city creamery te drop flat ta-BOc wllhra the seat few daya. -., . , V -Egga ara In fair arrival today and demand continues good. According to larger operators there bo been aa extra heavy demand for eggs for tb Eaater trad this eeaaon tba retailers have expectations of a much more liberal ce ' sumption. Price" ae previously noted. la tba chicken market demand to bettor today, Receipts of a light order- wltb all arrivals sally cleaned at Journal Auatatlona, ' Drm id Moat Markets Oesd. AU through th draesod meat markat demand was very good today - wUb prlcee generally mamaalaed. Veal arrival wore not ee great and damand continued good. There la, bow ever, aa undercurrent of weekneee In the de . msndH on account of tba mora liberal arrivals a short time ego. Most of tba batehara are Suite well enpplled but ooold nee mora. Sama ta are re i a bogs, only arrtvala ara vary light. Vsmlasl Salsa la Hen market. . Wltb remaining etocks of bops m this atata tba lightest la years at this period of tba sea son the nop markat baa a firmer ton, but trad : to Bommal. - awtlmsto or the remelalng .amount In tb banda at g ion era and Osiers range be tween 1.700 and aaOO bale, but. 1,000 hale to tb meet probable amount. , Tba trade para tha following prices to Front street. . Prlcee said producers ara lees regular commissions: - wrata. rteur aafl Tee a. ' WHBAT Clnb, ci tod. Ituealau STc; b mo at em, gee: valley, fTie. BARLHT-reed. I3.e0 roUed, M.S0 braw- lag, i CoiN Waolo.1 tST.00 e-aeked. $38.04 set . KTB Sl.CS neri cwt. ' OATfl Producsrs price ITo. I white. $2t.00i gra - ' FLOUR New ea iters Oregon patent. XX ftnrl On; atratohta. k.eOtja.liOi export, $-0t(.OOi valley, graham, Ua, S3.n0: whole w M TBl rye, 80s, 5.00; ialee. wis. . . . MttLA-nrrKn Urea. (IT U aer tout . waaett dllnga, $28.00; sbnrts, couau-y, $.00l 'city, $l.5o: chop, $18.00. HAT Producers' prtc Timothy. Wlllimette valley,-fsucy, (10.00Qll.fl0! ordinary, (7.001 00: saaters Oregon. (U.OOQia.00; mixed; $8.B0fJ.OO; clover. (8.00O.00t grstn. (S.MCJ 00; cheat, (8.00. . , " Batter, Eggs and eultry. r BPTTBB r PAT P. u. b. PrUaaa-WM cream. Sic; sour, 18c.- BUTTER t:ity creamery, xJHei eatslde fancy, aOc store, inc. r , BOOS No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. ITc. ' CHBI81 Iw rail resa, Sata, tlet Toung amerlca, lsc; ebeddar, 18ci Calirorals fUte. 13 Sc. POCLTBT Mixed chickens, 18U per lb; fancy bens, 14c per lb; roosters, old. lOHtl 11 per Ibi stags, 11a per lb; fryers, ro pe lb; ' broilers, 10 per lb; ducks. 18s per Ibl fecse. lOHQUe pee lb; turkeys, ISeJIAc per lb; dreeead. Sic per lb; annabu, (a.7af$.0 par dos; pUeooa, tt.Oo par aoa. . , - Key, ' Wool and aUde. ' ' ROPt Contra eta, 100d won, 10c per lb; 1906 Oregon, prima to choice, SeC) pout (red. He Washington. c, WOO 1908 clip Valley, ooarsa to medium, 33tJRc: file. Snc; eestera Oragoa, SOQXio. MOJfAIH NfW, S8.2c. SBCEPflKINS Sheering. IRetOe eacbi abort wool. 86C)0r each; medium wool, aoOfS eeeai long wool, 78ce$t.0O each. TAIXOW Prim, per ID, SMOott . 1 aad grsaae. ta.Vko. CHITTIM BASK So Tb. BIDE8 Dry, Na. 1, IS lbs and an, UUO 17V1 net Ibi dry kip, Ko, 1, te lb lbs. ie dry calf. No. 1, under S Ibe7 las) sstted hi dee. steers, ooand, 80 lb and over. 100) I le: eowa, "49Hc; stsga and bulla, oeaad. a)1 kip. LITTLE DOING IN . ' - FINANCIAL CIRCLES ' fVUH the exoeptlori of the New d 4 Tork atook market, th Boaton 4 4 copper market and th various 4 ' Ban Franclace exchancea there 4 waa nothing- doing; In financial 4 4 olgcles today. Chicago wa 4 nosfi,""tlkewIa tlverpoot and aU - e , European market. No aesslon e 4 . of the New Tork cotton exchange 4 4 waa held. Tha wheat - market 4 4 - jwIII be open tomorrow. 4 r4e4ee4e JOURNAL'S DAILY . TIPS ON MARKETS ,, 4 : Such atrenfth aa waa nig- 4 ; played by tha mohair market 4 4h when tha Eddy-villa pool gold at d 4 124 eenta tha other day waa a. complete auprlaa to moat of the 4 local trade and few of them care 4 to bur around any point near the. 4)i quoted vajuea. The leaner d- 4 mand. for aroods manuf aotured 4 from mohair, they ear,, will el oauae lower prloea. it la a note- worthy fact at thla time that e) 4 practtcaUr all who paid highoat 4- prlcea last year had experience e d, for their profit. Thla la tnaJUnf e th trade very careful. .- . . e !. -" : : l common, each. 10l l&r: ; .tjuoea. 4.V : . ... rrarts aa Tegetasiee, mvrieAe. . d -j . - . - - - I ducere' nrkie for car lots. 70c nor cwt: ordinary. o5W70r; producers' pries, 60c. umuni 4oDDWg price vregoa, si; I, ni.aoi producers' price. No. 1. fl.ooiii 1.KJ; Ko, 1. Hi garnc. Htjiw per lb; onloa aete, 7c. puiAU a nul la Apples, euuq0 vraDra. fanev navel. U.juii seedllna. 12: bananaa. 4Utl .V per lb: lenioue, choice,' $8. SO per boa; fancy. (3.7384.00 per box; llmee. Mexloan per 100; tangerine, il.25; plneapplea, Maateao, .! Rawallan. 00. : vtoai ahi.ks Turnip, new, too per sacu; . na, wuiot wit:, www v, vww.'W bwj. aackj Oregon radishes, SSe dos: cabbago, Oalifw. 0t7bc sack; beets. aocaygi.oo nla. 82.23 ner cwt: areen neDnere. $3.23 per -h ; Csllfnrnia tomatoes. I-Ufi: Mexican. f I 00 C2 0.1; paranlus. OcC.11.00; string beaaa. SOel raallftower, $3 2R . per - crate; green . Perin: Dureeraauin. go ic per W HUCWIn. WCUfl'W yW MUSf OW""" lettuce. -81.T8 ner box: . celery. $4.00 per erata: pompklne. lUct souesh. llaei ep roots, e per lb; cranherrleo, Jereeyo, (14.00 per bbl: Coos bay a irf Tillamook. (10.061 aapara. gua. California, 88e pee lb; Oregon. 78e uuoth mwciM., 111,1 urn, u, vivu, .ti'i. pr tv spinach. 7acQ$1.00 per box; green on lone. Oregon, aoe- dosea bunches ; bethoua cm here, t J 50 dosen. - . DRIKD PBUITS Applea, vnorss4, US ISc lb; apricots, HQlSc per lb: p.. 10H( 18a par lb: saeha. W per lb lesi nrune. O to 40. er; Ha drop as each, sixteenth smaj!rr sine) Srs. Call torn Is btack. 807s per in; tMiim-nis white. 03Se per lb; aer. auiaaa, eo par 101 isran. gi.w oar IB-10 no. . 0 rooerles. llutn. Ska. '' KfaAII Back basts Cubs. (7.08; ' powdered. so.wu; iruii granuiarea, ao.ou: ar graaaianKi. (8.80;' coaf. A, (8.80; beet gran a la ted. (8.80; extra C, (5.80: golden ' 0. ts.30; D reOaw. (6.10; bbb, lOet H bbls, 38c 1 bexea, SOa sd-1 Vance aa S-ck bdate. Isss aoe per ewt ser ooaa, IS dare 1 mapla, 14Qlfte per lb (Above prlcee apply be sale of tees thsa car lots. Car lota at special ariose sahjsst te 8uctuatlona.i . . , , H0NKT SUM ear erata. .r COPFEB Pscksgs brand. 81 8. ALT Coaree Halt groan, lOea. BT.W ear ton: table, dairy. 80s. (11.00; 100s. $10.78; Ibi-po-red Uverpool, 80s, $17.00; 100s. 818.801 824s, (18.001 extra Sao, able. la. be, loe. (4.80tJ; nuia, no ids. aa.ouxjs.ou-, aecss. bus, tie el Sac 1 Liverpool lump rock. (1140 aer toe; : 00-10 roca gi ou, iu, SO. to. . ;.L GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. TIAe. BICB Imneaial Jane a. No. 1. Bet Ha. I. lOBct Mow Or leans bead, Te AJag, Sl Creole, 514c. . BBAJ8 mn wbtta, (8.T80s.0Af large wnire. in.xo: pine, bxts; aayoa. aaou; umaa, (8.76: Uexlcaa rede, 4Vi. . NrTB Peanuts, lumboa. a per Ibf Th-ainla. (HOuc ner b; roasted. SOSHe per lb ooonanuta. WcrOOc per dos: wsimks. lBcllBUa per Ibi ptnenoU. lOctllVs par lb; hickory nuts, 10c per lb: ebeatnatu. asstera. IBtJiae per Ibl Broail nata, 14o ner lb; alberta, 14415 per tb; fancy UHOieVaCl almeada, oho. PsJnta. Oaal Ofla. Xba, ROPyj Pare Ma alia, ldtta: atandard. 11 Mat alaaL lla. . . COAL OIL Pearl er Astral Caeca, 1V. per gai; water wnite. iron onw, ie pec gai; wooona, lie see gat; aeaaiigai. .111 nag. Hue ner cel. 0A8OUNS as 6et. case 14 Ha per gal, h-ea ante inf per gai. Bte par fat area bbls l$He per gal. TUB PENT! NB la M aer (at, we Sea bbl 1 ORc par gaL wmitb 1 LEAD Toe tats. Te aer Ibl SOO-lb lots. 8c per lb: toss lota, 8tte per m. , . WIRB NAILS Preeeat baela at (IBB. UNBEEn Oil -Purs raw. In k-bhl lota. B8c 1-bM lot. 53c; caeea. S8c par gal; genuine kettle- poiicq.-eaaas, eue per gai; bmi tots. 64a; 1-bbl lot, soc per gai; grouna eaae. car see tea. lea tbaa ear lot. 8S0.00 gal; ground oak, car lota. (30.00 ateaas, riaa aaa sevime, rKXSB MJlATB Proot street Beef 4O&0 per lb; seers, !Ce per b bogs, block, 8V4c ner lb: nackera. 8v,a ner lb: nulla. 465c per lb; veal, extra, 7 we per lb: ordinary, 8W417 per lb: poor. 6d5A Dr Ibl mutton. rancy, norvu per io. . HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland nark rioesll hams, 10 to 14 lbs, 1 per lb; 14 to i lbs. 1IHI per in; orssaiasi nacoa, asiaKe IHC18HC per I lOtfo- ner Ibi I in; picnic, ivc per to; cottsge, seenlMr abort eledra. ansmoksd. toaT mm lht I in smoked, 11 per lb; clear becks, unsmoked, I 10 to IS lbs, ansmokod, Be per Ibt smoked, a luftc per id; enioaeu. use per id; union oufts, I smoked, Us per lb; shoulders, s per lb. dot idi cieer veiiiee. enenwaeo. lie omm ini IMVAl. uku nettle leer. ios. IS tie per Ibl 6a. live par lb; 60-lb tine, liua per Ibl ataam renaerea. lue, ue per io; OS, liee nr in; eompoorwi, ivw, ie. CANNED SALMON Columbia rtvsr. talk. (1.80; S-lb Ulla, $1.70; fsncr. l ib 8 its. 11. 0; rk-ia teney aata. rancy i-io ovau, fa. I Alaska ulla. pink. SBtjOOe; red, $1.60: aoaUaa PiBH Rock cod. fc par lb; Bounder. Be per in: heiionc nc nor in: crane, siu ner one. atrtoed bass. 11 Ue par Ibl catSeb. Ta per Ibl selmoe. rosea nor lb: freab outside 1.14c par in; narrmg, oe per ro; soiee. 8c aer Ibl shi inmp mpo, loe par lb perch. Be per Te par lb; tomcod, Te par lb; ersslt. 8 per Ibt llvor smelt. Ibt black cod. Colombia river Ta per lb; lobsters, 16c par lb; fresh mackerel. c nor Ibt crawftob, S6e par do Sasrn manta abait. nc per lb. OTSTaHa nhoaiwater nay, per gal. (S.B per aari, CLAMS Hardahen, per box. ($.00; no than, (2.00 per boa.' - ?-! :,-,v-: sax rKAirasoo atTjrtve xzcraAjrex. San rtandace. April 1$. Ofndal mornlnc eioaing: Sid. ' ' ' - Bid.' Belmont .. ..( S.8T Gold Bar ......(1.67 Cash Boy ... .IT nun era; ,,,, ,av Btelaway ...... ' .40 Con. CaL-Ta.... 1.80 Ophlr S 25 Msxlcaa ....... 1.18 , Csledunla ...... .84 Exchequer ..v.. .80 Noreross ....... 1.10 Oold Crown .... .40 - Great Bend..... J18 Rescue .14 Blsck Rntts Ex. .04 Home ........ 1 .11 Golden Anchor.. 1.00 Jim Butler .... 1.85 McNamara .... .71 Midway 213 Montana ...... 2.87 North BUT .61 Ohio ........... . .4$ Ton. Extra,... i. e.OO -Nevada ...... .18.00 West End 8.18 Adsma 0T Tramp ,........"1.18"" Atlsnta ....... .10 Bluebell 18 woia Mimon.e oa uootgomery . ... .51 Booths .88A Columbia Mt.. .14 Buneet Hceptre ........ .14 Conquer JL4 DlamondSsM .. .41 Dixie ; .08 Manbattsn .is : .27 ,.84 .88 Si yler Humprey, neater ......... Goldfleld ...... -4VJ Grsnny .....,., Jumbo 1.85 JamlM Kxten... .14 Kendall ........ .2 Lsguna a Gold Wedge .... .IDA Loss efar . . . '.10 .IT .18. .27 , .18 .21 Gt. Bend Ellen, Gt. Bend Annex. Msy uuera ... Moeawk i -40 . Crescent ....... Cowboy , Denver Annex.., Red Top Bands torm .... 1.20 Bulls Bsrs., .on A Hllver Pick ... .24 Bt. Ives .87 Black Rock . .08 . . .80 , .80 .10 .63 n. x. uons...,. Jumping Jack,, Uttl Jee National Bank., ..68 Denver ........ 1.1" Ecllpa , ....... l.verei Pine But. mrrnB rates eoTssiraiirr bovdb. New Terk, April 11. Oorem event bonds i Dete. Bid Ask. TWO, reeietrred lKM) 1V1 104 ' l4 104 do couoon. w lun Three, regleured , 14 , 108 eoupoa jwue i 104 Twna. email bond. ...a..... .... IOS Poor, reg altered IT 10.1 do eoupoa.............,. IPOT 108 Ponre, .reglsterad..,y. , 1PM 181 do coupon... , 11M-1R1 DUtrlct of Colaavbh) S-88 11 Philippine 4s. , ,.. 110 1H 104 " 182 .182 iii' CR1CAO0 L0OAL STOCKS. ChsMge, April 18 lcat Dcks: Bid. I ...... 6!Csrbnn Bid. .. 81 Blscnlt ...... do preferred. Bexnoard .... d preferred. .85 do preferred. .I2l ntamond Mtch.,.lM ' Que Ser Osls 1 PT ttllflWBJ preisrred.,M 44awua Ce..... Wk IS to SO (be, c; calf, eoend. aader IS lb, lie) S recti, unaalted. 1 lessi culls, le bee la lae( oreehldee, salted, each. ll.2ftehi.Ttl dry, ach, Il.ooai.a6: colt blans. m&oQei eoat skins. eaca, adcei SPfllUG LAfalDS ARE JOT SO FIRf.1 I Heavier Arrivals of Dressed Stock Causes Some Weakness y In Livestock. , RAILROADS ARE HEAVY V PURCHASERS OF HORSES Undertone of Sheep Market Not Sol Good, but Prices Remain aa previ ously QuotedHogs Firm st the Price Good Call for Beat Cattle, Portlaad TJnion Stockvarda. ' AnrfJ Ik. Men. . Ram. reltte. akaA- v ' w Week age... T8'. ; 16 C Month age. ...I ... . xear ago......... M ... 000 I while ne sheen were aho .. arue ue maraex ana mean as firm ss during tba. eerlr nart r tha wk Tba weakness to mora appareat la spring lambs ' w wnw inn, a or ue peat row uays butcbara report very heavy antrala of dressed 1 lamb, and thla to bsrtlng th livestock market. I Today 78 horses err lye, ed In the yards en rout I ta tb numerous railroad xtensloo campa arat I tared tbrougbout tha Paeirie northwest. Da- srieea ara baG r. by the borers. . Conditions are very good th meal vardl I for hog and nrtos I are ar. being bold clossr lZ.fc.rit. tha recenJ at the recently tba top. of lata. Catt: arc earning advsnced a note t lone. tirncui iivasiock ncieea Hogs Beat eaatern Orecon. 8TJ8: blockers ana cniaa laia,; siucaers aa leeoers 0.00. Cattle Beet eastern Oregon steers, (4.T8) B OO; bast new and belters. $3 ta$i.00; light aad medium steers. 83.8fiiA4.00: Tirht m. zz?swi$r n.'r f-' ieep, ec; soora snoep. nc. Calves "Good veal. ISO to fna bonada. BI4A poi rwogn nam aeavy, asaao. sax ntAjroisoo okaiw xaixxt. San lraactsoe. April la. Official mernla, I arlceai - WHEAT. ,;7 Ooen. Htrh. Veiw. (Tinea. May ....(1.2HV1 (1.2MI4 December (1.1SW (1.28U BABLBT. May.. 1JT .cA.1T J.1T t.lT iMcempor...... ,sa on urnrnu rrti lutfrirr- i All Irnlll.l ' I Til hi I rill II VlklklllVII- mill BllSklll IsElY HOPORYER I r. . " I Three CrftteB KUI1 01. WheelS the I , , ., ... ... Simple Operation Would Save From Fire. Honraialaa to a task that ta earttli dlfflcultlea, chief among thorn being danger from flro while tha product to being dried. Two ailvortoa man, Bd and ioha Laraoei, have together In too ted a dryer that at leaat promisee Kb . - b ,kl. . k .1.1 drren ara now la onoratlon la tha - Bllverton nevarai or tas district and ara aald to aolve the prodlem of vaaiug swsy ua aangar rram lira. ih new nop oryer na three lone eratee made mm m.mtrm ,k. I 1 , . , . mw iwiww rm , iw, mmmmMJ IM in, a una, inwv as aw. l usee are eovereo wita kiln cloth tb sides wltb eanvss. Tba era tee are mad la a wedge ehap aad wboa th three 1 and allow ae waato apaos. - mim u III. K Ull vu., m l.ULU .1. ,n, ' ' awcu crate aa wnaeia UTracnen ana m run Into the hopbons on a track wltb little exec - tloa. The track anoa which tha crates onerato are nui inn wo enweaouse ana in nope ara piled an In them by elmply dumping from a aaek. Tbto to a great Improvement ever th present eld method becaueo of the labor saved In hoveling tb hop Into th kiln and than leveling them. Dancer from handling too ear. tosslv to slso avoided. t Dangsr r by tba aa Hanger from nra is avoia to s great extent eese in wnica a oral can oe taiea out burning bouao, the e aeration amounting of tba bur simply to tbs pulling t a rope. If but on crate ss ou tire it can ne laaen irorn toe VUIHI- I Ing In lee than a mlnuU. Tba operation et tb new klla la Hid. te be la expensive tbaa tb Jd way. JVOSTOaT COrPEB KAIIIT, Bostoa, April 1". Official copper clostni lgl . Bio. Bid. - Adventure ( 4.61ii Parrot S 88.15 Alkmea ...... . 40.00 Pboeals (A).. . 1.11H Arradlan 8.2-e 2 uincy ....... At.oo oral -12.00 Atlantic ..... si. -jo Blngbam .... 80 SO BanU Pa...... J eavi Calumet ..... TOO. 00 Centennial ... 8.64 Bosnnow Tsmsrack .... 10T.00 Copper Range. 81. Trinity 11124 anm stiver... s.vo Prank Un .... 10.60 t'niteei. vodost wf.tM, t'tab 88.75 Victoria ..... 8.25 tVnona T.TB It. B. Mining.. ' 00.80 Orssns Cea... S0.8TH ursnny ...... Msss 1276 8.60 18.75 8-Aim 1T.76 8A. Ml ii.oo, $8.78 44.08 Michigan .... Mohawk ..... Nevada Con., North Bntto., Tenn. Coppar. 47.00 Huston Con.... 18.60 tel. Arls... 115. UK Si. ntte... xu.oo Eaat Butte.. L, B. PltU. 87.60 Iltts d bale. 11.00 Butte Coala.. Old Dominion. lunrtien S6.&0 Black Bntto.. . 1XM Osoaoia ,.e 4VO.IO AIT TaVAJIOiaOO LOCAL stocxs. San Pranclaco, April 18-Offlclal morning cloalnc " " ' .,. t-' Hid. Ask. Contra Costs Water 48 Spring Valley Waiar. ........,.. 87 Mutual Klsrtrle. IsaZ P 88 Glsnt Powder ., 80 Hawaiian Commercial...'. 88 Hosokea Sugar II Mutch In son Bucar... lsat Onomea Bogar. 17 raauhsu ongar., ......... 17 Makswslt Bugar. 84 18 $8 Lnlna Bugar 44 Aleak Packers. ....... 88 - California Fruit.... .....104 California Win.., 87 104 vu lori Aasoelsted Oil 58 . Pselfie Ststos Telephone... .10414 Oceanic Steamship S Xenetary Xstea. e Kew Terk. April 13. atsrllag: Dsoasad, soo.s); uv oay, sa.ou. KA1TXXB BOOS RIOHEB. Chleaa. Anrll 11. Hoe rocelDta 8.000. Mas. ket etrong to to bighor wltb S.P16 left avsr. Est Im fed for taeaarrow. 10,000. Price: Light. au.sowo.oTi,; mixeo, (o.eouu.uvks Be (4.2oa6.62; roach. (4.1(8lo. etiie ere qsxnea aoe signer ini rutner lu Bbesp ar ateody; raeslpt. 8,000 Seed. . IDLE TRUCKS CONGEST I DOWNTOWN STREETS Whll lnv8tl(atlns a report made at I police headquartera. Inspector .Bnilnfla aald that th work; cdn be handled dlacovered a practice In th north end eaally In th anburbe, but aom dlf fl whlch h aaya would aerloualy handl-leulty will attend the undertaking: in the can firemen In eaa of a blase. On Sixth atraet, at th crosalng of Oilcan and I Hoyt, and on of the croe etreeta. he re- porta, teamster a re In- tb habit of leaving large trucks at the -noon hour, th horse being: taken to a stable. 'Beveral of the Urge drays were I at 81xth and ailnan." said th lnapeo-l tor. "Not only do they Interfere with I other vervlclee, but If a fir should break out In that district between noon and 1 o'clock they would handicap th ftre fighters by making; It necessary to re- due th apeed of tsami drawing appa. I investlaratlons and formulating a re I ratua. rr., ; ,. . j. ...... lejort. 1. GOOD MMiCE 10 HOST STOCKS J New York Market Rather Dull, but a Few Favorites Get r : a Big Boost, TENNESSEE COAL IS THREE HIGHER AT CLOSE News That Company Is to Advance Price of Steel for Next Year's De livery to Fifteen Dollars Is Cause of Rise in a Single Sale. KET OAINS. Anaconda Amalgam tod '"Utamatod .... SVi .1..;;;;:;:;; norniis .,... N. Y. Central 1) Penasylvsnla 1 Kep. bteel, pfd.... 1 Hon thorn Ry ,. t bouthara Fad fie... i Telia. Coal S rjnkm Paclfto 1 0. S. Steel 4 do preferred.. ... J Western Union... A Surer Smelter .... s Brooklyn Colorado rnal ... . a vi St. Paul........ 1 Erl , Illinois Central. LouUvni ... i Missouri .Pacific.. 4 Baltlmon ... vx 1.. Stocks bid aa onward tread today and th 1 7.77' TZrl?"' " aoon amoant- a aaoat nominal scale, the sales to aoon Ing to 14, 00 ah area. Uoat of the u. smawwaa amBiBfi canal ibi n larrusav. ivanina I " ' . rlT ?.I " llT IV. 0f1 ? ' tbm WT bml " sdvaaclnt aU prloss. fiifST? TIP ovaaoad wa nsem Cbal ds Iron, which roe pot Cony waa Tea. a single, sals on the new that tb eompsny bad advanced tha price of steel tor lttof le U very to (18. Among tha trade tba Idea pra vall that tojaorrow'a bknk statement wlU show tbs ourplua rsssrvsa res tared te legal require. wwni. , u bqiti maraei bbt rear .tn.,. m. eelved any amount of trade. Oopoora. Breohlya FxSra end unto PactSe were tosdsrs of she eetlrlt. was one of a few to abow Official Quotation by Ovorhaek. Starr A Osaka i DEfCBirnoir. "iflnlne KT "171 27 17JU1 i 1104 113 noil Mrs M 2Z ' 'e$H 'ik 'iai, ! isV in OA" , 168 1A0 168 , 110 120 110 Ultt 112 111 S 88 OT 87U 88ft 87 Ve -tli. -ii'; 3io iioii lid" 68 "bo" i eat. eiH M'Z 84 4BU 0tZ 48 10 11 TO "doi. 'is" ', '44 m Hi" mit iuL 140 14, 148 'iiii 'ao 'X 'ii'' 'ii 'im 'ft" 14$ 144V, 14$ ioi ios." ioi avfi 88 M 8m iii' 141 ui r isiv iioii isifc '" 'io" 'io iib" ioi" ioiU 17 1714 S7 Wimi'ify 88 80 W 68 St 'si" 'ii" is iis" i4" " iif" 155 15f 155 M 85 M iiav iia iiit 42tZ 42Z 42S4 107 Vm 107 18 18 10 24 17 M 44 44 44 1 28 17 82 "82 82' U U 22 "B '8 T 88 88 82 A ma I. Coooee Te. r m uruiMn, com.. preferred. . . usr 4k round.. aa. do ncefemrf la. Sugsr, com....,...' Am. 8 melt., com.,....., b.t do preferred I . Preferred nivrooklyi Canadian Paclflc, com.. Cht Alton, com do preferred.., ., fl. Ot. West., com., CM' MIL 8U Paul.., ChL a Northweet.. en Cbl. Terminal By , I Cheaa; I Colo. Ook. ipaak 4k Ohio...... iwi k iroa, an imam mviw, ...... do M pretprred...... do lat aeaferred DeU., Laeka West... - O.. com....... do preferred... Brie, - com. ,-, . r. Oo M prererrod..,,.. I do li I minoto I Loukivl is. prererrea...... I Central T8tf 174 140 115 Loutovllls Naahvtll. I Metropolitan Stroat By. 1 ssaaaa.tan ar 168 I Mexloan Central Rr. . . I Minn., St. P. A Sts. U. 2oe 188 I Miaeouri raeue I af.. K. 4k T. I A . . I W PiyiCTim,,, . I new xora ventral., 1 Onrton oil 144 I federal Bmeltera, pfd. oafe 10B .wrn. A MI . I North Amertraa. . 80 8u 62 i n. v nnL a, wmc. 1 Pennsylvania Ballwar. 141 I Peoole'a n.. I. A, n m 84 44 i rninj nteel uar, com I do referred I Pacific Mall S. S. Oe... Beading, com . . 188 do Id preferred , do 1st preferred... t., 7 88 80 p. iron aj nteel. uo preferred . . Bock : Islssd. do preferred e' 40 I Southarn By, oom. . do preferred . , I Soutbcrn Pnctfle, I do preferred. . . STT, 88 117 St. L. 4k S. P.. Sd aid.. 47 St. Ull, W., ceaa..,, do preferred.......... Texaa a Pacific. ....... Tenn. Coal it Iron...... Tot., St. L. W torn, do preferred , TJnloa Pacific, com...... do ore f erred MS 83 Z 147 83 64v. 157 84 44 Central Leather, com.,,. do prererrea.......... TJ. B. Rubber, oom...., do preferred 0. S. Bteel Co., mm.,.. do preferred Wheel, a L. B., com... 104 82 112 43. 10l 18 r 88 v 82 48 BS as do M preferred do lat ore f erred ...... Wisconsin Central, do preferred Western Union Tel..... Wabash, com do preferred. Am. Loooinotlve. ....... National Lead......... Total aalaa for day, 408,800 shares United Statae Bubber, preferred, extvldend per cent. Call money closed at $04 per cent. WANT CITY CLEAN BEFORE ' THE AD MEN COfJE Ward Members Will Name Pre cinct Committees and . All Will Work.- ' v i "It la particularly deirble, to Bar the city cleaned up before the) coming of the Ad Men' convention. Th Ini tiative commute of 100 I rlvlna atten tloa to th matter, and will make aa f. fort to aecure a thoronsh cleanlna- up early In May.w aald T. I. McKenna, preeldent of th committee. Mr. McKenna haa been authorised by th org-anlaatton to appoint a mem ber In eavch ward of the.clty. and thee incr SS LX'tTZ all kind of traab and rubbish may te gathered In pile and dlepoaed of. It downtown district. It I desired to have th elty p recent an appearance creditable ae possible whan th ad. vertlalna mm of th Paclflo ooaat oom to attend th Mad In Oregon expoel- tlon that Is to be held under ths aue- ptcea of th Portland Ad Mri 8 leasuo. May 11 to II. The Imtlatlv 108 I taktnsr hold of other matters of a olvlo Improvemont character, and haa Its oomratttee at work. The Front street franchise com mitt la actively engae-ed In making Pendleton Correspond eht Com ments on Deathbed Repent ; , anoe of Oregonlan. Pendleton. Or., April 11.- To tha Edi tor or Tn Journal I have nt late read with aom Interest th conversion of th Oregonlan to popular Ideas, among them tha need of state examination of banks, such aa la exercised over national banks by th federal government. Doubt lea ins uragonlan baa forgotten that In past Pears an effort has been made. aeveraJ times to have th legislature pasa a law auoh ss It advocate at tha sresent time, but heretofore that paper ha od- posea ins. -rerorm" py ellenee, luke- warmness or by Ua Influence Indirectly exerted. In any svsnt th Republican legislature has made a practloa of turn. Ing down all auoh measure. Why thla annua Heretofore T And why Its death- pea repon attitude Just nowT The fact of th matter Is. Th Jour nal's presence and success In Portland haa opened th "morning bully'" eye to the need of being on th popular side untU "populists' notions" appear to be uppermost In th mind of that newspa per, - which at on time professed ab solute hatred of all such. - It occurs to th writer that th Or- goniaa, tn Its advocacy of reform meas ures, particularly in its bank regula tion attitude, la carried away with the Impression that it can "even up an old score" against -certain Individuals, If it eaa Influenc legislation In th direc tion it point out - , i - 1 Th Impression - seems . to . prevail throughout th .paper's utterance that In th event of th pasaag of a law and th appointing of a state bank ex aminer, certain Individual bankers will be brought to an accounting. Can the Oregonlan b both Ignorant and knavish at tb same timet It must know that the state cannot learislat to examine or van "meddle" with th banking burli ness carried on by Indlviduala under in dividual responsibility, and ean ' only xercis such authority ovor private betaking corporation getting their priv ileges and "life" from charters granted by th etat. - Th state may provide sum a taw as th Oregonlan advocate, but It will never roach th private banker doing business in his own- name and on his own account and responsibility. B. U. THREE DESERTED WIVES - ARE GRANTED DIVORCES Three deserted wlvee ware legally freed from their husband this morning by Judge Cleland. Bach , of th plain tiffs was a mother and in each eaa wa awarded th children. While his country waa in war witn B pain, W. H. Moor deserted hi wlf and daughter' tn Oakland, California, and shipped on vessel to Australia. He Is still a Bailor and baa not provided for his wife, h declared, since 1118. Th couple were married at Taeoma. Waahinarton. Ootober tl, 1(11. Mrs, Iva B. Moor waa allowed th divorce. - "He hasn't given m a thing." aaia Mrs. Mary B. Payn. who aaked to be divorced from Edward W. Payr. Th couple lived together nut a ahort time. They wer married at Oregon City Au gust 1, 101, and tb plaintiff allege that her husband deserted her the fol lowing Novmbr. -H went to Montana and was to send xor tier. - airs, myn waa allowed a divorce, th oar of their I-yoar-old daughter and 10 a month alimony. ...... Esther A. Dunn and O. M. TJunn war married In Empire City, Oregon, Feb ruary 11, 1114. They have three chil dren. Mrs, Dunn said her husband ds serted har July IT, 1(01. A decree waa granted. CAFE AND MUSIC HALL WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 16 Prof. Hunt's y ; " ' Msryelous ' . , Dog and Monkey Show 12 Dog's snd 3 Monkeys THE FIECHTLS ' In the Spinning-Wheel Scene From "Faust" Dorothy Elrae Operstlc Vocalist : Bonnie Vounnle Song- and Danes Star Myrtle Franks Special Daily Matinees from 2 to 5 o'clock. - SPECIAL SUNDATUATII.EE h 2to5o'aock . . . Program Chuifed DbU. ' , Entrancss at 21 North Third stxgtt, 21, 23 and 25 North So ond strset, and 243, 243 and 247 Burnslds street. II Of ehote land, wlthla on halt mil of th town of Oreeham. Lie In two pieces. Will sell one or both, "plendld opportunity for a small .. home. , Fvr price and terms, inquire , IsUieOSXaT BSTOXSUs, S0S14 Class Ka EIH Scour Ticket owi aTilaWCaV rrom Seattle it I I. II. for- Ketchl kan. Juneau, Bkagwmy, Whit iiorae. Dawson and Fairbanks. & 9. City of Seattle. April 1-11-1U S. B. Humboldt. Anrtl (-!(-((. S. 8. Cotteat City (via, Sitka) April S-IS. ai.aBsT4 aTOTjatszosTa. & 8. Spokane, June , 7-11; July (-10 . August 1. t Tom BABT FBAaTOZSOO TJXXBCT. From Seattle at 8 a. m.: Umatilla. April 1-1$; Queen. April S-ll; City of To- , peke.. April H-l$. , i '. Portland . Offlo. S4S WaslilntTton St. Btsia gas. . :; ' O. K. U1, rasa. Ft, AgV a D. DTTBTAJIaT, 0). Wi Mm, - io Market Bra, Bam Tranelseo. ALASKA FAST AMD POPCXAB STBAHSBIPS Lcav Saattla "TITrFTBSOlf," April 11. ST, ( p. su ','J "DOLPKIM." Anrll U. "DUUOO," Aprils, t, ..:'.. - CALUNO A "" ''.""' ' Ketchikan, Juneau, Douglaa, Bala, Bkag way, Conoect wlOi W. P. A T. roots for , r AtUn, Dawaos, Tanaa. Kern, eta,' . ' Per All Southeastern Alaaka Ports. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful A laeka," "Indluu Basketry." "Totem Poles." TXS - ALASKA S S. 00... " - Prank Weolssr ' Co.. Acenta S51 Osk st- I at. ' P-etUeeL Ae Steamer ChaSsR. Spencer " FAST TIMB. v VT THS COtTTnTBIA THE mrTST tbjp IS . las uaiiiu sxaixs. Leave Oek-etreet cock T a. m. Mondaya. Wednesday . and . rrldsys. arrlvtsg - at Tba nee p. m. Latavac The Oallaa f a. m. Tbeadeva.- Tbnen. daya and Ssturdsys, srrlvliig Portland S p. m. 1 orsce ana wharf . foot Oak street. Phone ksln XMin. CKABXZB STXILSaUTH. A0EVT. S. S. F. A. liilbnrn tor Com Bay, Bnrska sad San Francisco. Kext Bailing from Portland. Monday. April 18. Next sailing from Sea rrandaco, Bat A aril li. V. U OBBErJOOOrl. " Agtv Se. a. Phone Make Ul, T UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF CGeeWo ... ; -f 7,- 7 The Great Chinese a j uucior At No. I62i First St, Cor. Morrison Ma misleading etatsmeats t tha afflict.. I gaaraatee a complete, asfs and leatlag car in tb ulckMt possibl Urns, and at Us lowest cost passible tar bonesi and aeons fnl treatment. 1 cor catarrh, aathao. inn, threat rbsunutlsm, nervousness, slosnsck. Uvsr, kidney end ht manhood. rijfAiJi taovBLEi and au. ssitazs SISXASIS. " . Ky remedies ar harmhyss. compoasg 4 roota...berbe, bud and bark especially selected and Imported direct by s from tb Intexkx ef China. IT T0V ABE ArTtlOTZTJ DOlT'T SZXAT. BSXATS ABB DAJfOMOTJS. If yoe cannot cell, write for symptoai blank Sad circular Inclose 4 cents In stajapo. - OOKBTLTATlOaT PICK. TUC. flee We Chinees Medlsin Oo ISBtt jrfaot St.. Comer Morrises, Pertiaae, 0. Pie see meotloo this nsper. O f SPICES, o DAinr.OPOVDER, ImmrimtofmrtY. flmtifhW. CrnrtslSTraIuletm OrOSSCTftDZVEfiS C ' PORTLAND, O19S00N. f Who Wants a Snap . lit aerae ot timbr land In Tfllamook county, Homering on th NeHalera river, being th N. of tb. 8. E. ii, lots T and) I, eee IT, Twn. 1 N., R.IB. Contain fir and cedar, will cruise from $.000, 000 to $.000,000. Will sell at a Meri no It taken In a few day inquire McKinley Mitchell - - aoa STARK ST. V Two Sections ih Choir BTailn and timber lands In Klamath oounty, Oregon, lying- In Horn Fir Valley section, N. and S.- of Bee. It, Twp: $1 8., R. 1$ K and the N. and 8. U of Sen. IS. Two. 11 8.. Ft-' 14 VL Thla land Is well adapted (or atook raisin and also contains several mil lion feet of choloi timber. Frlce $S per acre for a short time only,. Inquire, r McKinley Mitchell 303J Startc St. Get back your strangth. energy, ambition, by iMtng AASSEtTS NATIVE HEK&S. Cost nly tl for three month' treatmsat it back Abo Drtse-nKl rslt S not. ""I f A nWTrTatSASrrair Xe. . V7.-rr: C I nrTel' f i . Bony tosa't c hScsise. A (!n black I . snsl see I 5 y J l r 5 r IMm 3 Tralni to the East Dzily Z ; 7"SMa standard and IT "s dally to Omsha. Cbkw teesiH si Chios, Speb- I mm lue, 1. . KkTZ r r. m ICiaJUM eheirear snis tree) be .'!Z'lJiV"r StlSpal S888 Atlsntle Bznresa for tb Beet VU Buntlnrton, delly....TT!? 8 18 pel T il am rw A .ibr-n' DITIBIOW. . atm ?.." Points, conneettn wlh ? ' I'wne and North Beecb. stsse Hsssslo. Asbe k i - m., ;r.r,Mf7t "aturdav. 1 a. Arrura - ... eaeeev nnnoav. V Oe yjevana immmm. 1m . w uM C.. y m,r! SuU afodoe, Asbt, dors. -T..U.L"- dally, .aespl Sunday (water per. mitt rag). Sunday. Arrive T:80 p. m. dahj, easefl m.ror. tewailou, Ida., and war mints moans, Ku m . - - . d.Vv VB3fp.fc.l--w- 4 awnat vine Third and Warbtsgtoe Sts, ' Telspbon Wata T't A. ae CBAIQY Oeeersl Psssregst Aceat. . EASTvu SOUTH . Vnloa Reellna teava. Arrive, overlsnd Ex press.- Trains for aalem. Boeeburg. Aeb-land,- Sacramento. Of dee. Sea rrancleco, toe t ton. Ji .Orleans and the east t:K 8SJ Morning train eonaecta at WOOdbOra AmiW mmmmmm ' S:i8pnt Sunday with trala for Moost AngoL- Bllvertoo. Brownsville. Sorlsgflsld, Weadllnt sad Netraa. ... 8i4B pm ugen .-passinsap eee- , neeu at Weodbur with . T:SBaat Mount Angel sad Strcor. toe local ea.inani rorvsllla passenger. n:Mu Sherldea pssasnger. dTBOsu, S10:M at 8 M pm 8 M in 11148 ss roresv wove psessnser. . niO:8 -m -laiiv. uneiie esent Bonder. JKFfTBBOK.STBKCT BTAl.Olf. For Ilellea and tatermeritete oeenta Saitne 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. For time csrd of Oeweg ubarbia train aprly gt City Ticket Office, er atatlen. . Ticket te Rasters points snd Knrogei elks Jape a. rbtne. ffonerals and AnefraUa. City Ticket Office corner Third and Waah Ing to streets. Phone Mala TH. C. W. STIKOBB, A. U fBAltt. ! City Ticket Agent. . Oea, Pas. Agent TIME CARD or TRAINS I Pbrtlandi TTnbm flaisik Leave. Arrive Teliewstons Psrk-Kanea C1ty-8t. Loots Special fee Cbaballa, Centralis. Olym sle. Oreye Hsrbor, South Bend, .Taeoma. Seattle, 8po kane, LewUtoe, Butte, Bil lings, Denver, Omaha. San. Ra City, Bt Leal, and utbeast, dally .......... . North Coast Limited, elec tric Ilchted. foe Taeoma. 8:10 a dJSass Seattle. Spokane, Btt. MlnneepoBa, 8V rsul and . tba Beat, dally .. TsVaat Paget Bound Limited, to Chehslls, CsntrsUa, Taeoma and Ucattls only, dally.... Twla City Bvprses for Ta 4:80 pet 8:00 srs coma. Beams. spoisae, Helfna, Butte. St. Paul. Mtnneapolle, Lincoln, St. , Joaspb. Kansas City, Oms. hs. St Louis, without change of eem. Ptreet con- - ; , nectlces for all point East snd Bnutbeest, dstly.. 11:48 pm 10Spaa m. X. CHARLTON. Assmtsst Qenaeal IHeaea. sec Agsnt, S5S htarrteon street, laard. Portland. Or. . . t Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. - Onto - Desert- - Leave For starrer. Balnlar. Clas. - kanie, Westport, Clifton. Astorls. Wsrrsnroa, Fls- vsl, Hammond, Fort Stev- eaa, G.arkart Perk. SM-wiaaat'UJSas Aesorta and Seashore, s eee oaiiy ...... .......... TTOU pm ' B1SW PV All train dally. ., , , J. C MA TO. O. and .P. aw Aatnrta. On. 0. A. STEWABT. OommereasI Aswat. ttaf day stmt, Pkeae Mara no. THS COssaVOfTTASlX WCaT. 2 Overbsi TrxIssDslIy O 'Th Ormatal Lbarssd, the Fast sua1' VIA SEATTLB AKO SPOKANB. ' Dally. - Dally. Leave. . ArMea. lava sd Te end from Spokane, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, " '. Dnlotk and all polnta Beat vU Seattle 8:80 am TM sss llrtd pm .8 AO m To and from St. Peel, Minneapolis.' Ouratk snd all. polnta Ba via Bpekaa .... 8 :13 pm $,( mm Belli a from- Beettle -tor Jenea eag China porta . and Manila, currying sea. aengerc and freight. . S. S. Mine esc tn. April SB, ' ' ' S. S. Dakota. June 7. STPPOb? TVtXX SATSHA fJapan Mai Bteaosshta Co.) S. S. Bklaaae Mara will sail from Seattle shoat May 11 for Japan aad China porta, carrying passe sgers and freight Fa tickets, rates, berth I issue Msv etc., call on er ddreea n. sicxsov, a p. t" a., its riM St.. Paetland. Oraeea. Pbist REGULATOR UuZ" The Des, Pcrtl::i . ,' V"tB leve) ily. I, abit , fill r o frtf5u'"T' 1 IW(06b(n.iiave I leaat souvsa le , J