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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
I " THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAljp, FRIDAY EVSMIKa. APSII, 13, 1 a ims suss u a die mm u . u CEYLOW TflAS. GRAND NEW. OPBNINO UINCURPAGSED PROGRESS AN EPOCH OF WONDERFUL PROGRESS AND 1 905 IMPROVEMENT 1906 GRAND NEW OPENING DIRECT PROM THE GARDENS - Tfic Great Hit of the Portland Fair UNSURPASSED PROQREOS tttv n o tv rr n ri T Pi Tht Chttpest Tea to Buy One Pound Equals three 1 Phone Hlrin Phone Hlain 1412 Tea and CoIIee DepL We have secured the services'of an expert Tea and Coffee Blenderfive yean apprentice ship with Cooper 8t Co., Glasgow, Scotland; two jeart Tins, Titts & Co., London, Eng-. land; fire years John Sexton, 20-22 State street, Chicago; one, of the best-known Tea .and Coffee houses in America. We harevfio hesi tation in stating that we can please; the most fastidious taste. . j ; a ' Tecs. y:.., 1 lb. Spider-Leg Japan Tea, 60c grade. ,"j.45 1 lb.i Basket Fired Japan Tea, 45c grade. ..25 , 1 lb.' Pin Head Gun Powder Tea, 60c grade . ... .. .45 1 lb.' Imperial Gun Powder tea, 45c grade. 255 lb.GoHd-Gm-Powdr Tea, JSc gradJ8 Of I lb. English Breakfast Tea, 60c grade ;..45 1 lb. Congo E. B Tea. 45c grade ......... 25 1 IU. Good Congo E. B. Tea, 35c grade.. .20 1 lb. Assam or Orange Peko, 70c grade.. . 50 : . :7 v:CcIlccs';v ":-Vv 1 lb. Town" Talk" Blended Coffee, 25c grade . . .20 1 lb. Monarch" Mocha and Java, 30c grade. 25 1 lb. Gold Band Mocha and Java, 35c .. grade .30 4b. Army-and Nvy-Blen4e4,-20cgrad.,15 1 lb. Holland Blended Coffee, ground, 25c grade-...........,.........; .20 jL.lbs. After Dinner Java combination, ground, 15c grade...... .25 6 lbs. Holland Blended Coffee......... f 1.00 3 LES.ICCSE KUSCATEl RAISINS . .25c 3 15c Cans "Mixed Spices Nutmegs, Mace, Ginger, Allspice, Pepper, Cloves, etc,. ..25 3 15c Cans Nansen's Sardines.. ........... 25 1 15c Can Imported Olive Oil Sardines.... 5 4-Pint Lea & Perrin's Sauce...... .25 1 Gallon Lion Table Syrup...; ....30 7 lbs. White or Red Beans.. ....... ......25 7 lbs. Rolled Oats., .,,.. ,-..25a 10-lb. Sack Cream Rolled Oats ,.35 2 2-lb. Packages Pillsbury's Yitos., 85 10 lbs. Patent Flour.......'; ....25 10-lb. Sack Hominy Grits., .,.....,25 7-lb. Box Macaroni.... ...;.'..,.. ........ .30 2 Cakes Sapolio ......... .'. . 15 MAIL ORDERS GIVEN ' PARTICULAR ATTENTION. r- -v" " OUR MOTTO t PROGRESS and iMPROVEMEWT FOR PORTLAWD TO THE CITIZENS OF PORTLAND AND SURROUNDING Most assuredly there has been marked progress In Portland during the past year. The honor is due the PEOPLE'S MARKET & GROCERY CO. of having reached the front rank as the Cut Rate, Upto-DatetTstTClasi5roceryTind Market-close-appKcation-and -conscientious service crowned with results. We are greatly en couraged and have gone to great expense to improve our store so that we can better meet your demands and carry a larger stock of HIGH CLASS IMPORTED and DOMESTIC GOODS. We take this opportunity of thanking our patrons for their kind support.' Trusting they will still continue to patronize us we desire to assure them that however small their purchase we will highly appreciate" and recognize them. V PEOPLE'S MARKET & GROCERY CO. - BUTTER- ranch BUTTER, pear roU...:..A....: 3So Choice Creamery Butter, per roll.......'.'40c, 45c, SO Ginned Frnits 2 3-lb. Cans 1 Apricots; 1 Peaches..25 3 3-lb. Cans Table Cherries.. .25 2 2-lb. Cans Pineapples ......... ....35 1 2-lb. Can Table Blackberries .T.Tr.lO 1 3-lb. Can Table ApHcots ......... lO 1 3-lb. Can Etra Fancy Strawberries20 Gallon Cans Apples, Apricots, ,- Grapes and Pumpkin............. 25 Canned Vegetables 3 f-lb. Cans E. J. Peas.l. .25 3 2-lb. Cans Eastern Corn.. 25 3 2- lb. Cans String Beans. ..25 3 3- lb. Cans Pumpkin ......25 3 3-lb. Cans Solid Meat I. ; : Tomatoes ....;.'...: .....25 Frei Demonstrotlon of JVatlonal Bis cuit Coi's Fancy Crackers with Coffee Rica! & Prcflccc DapL Our Meat Department is in charge of one of the best judges of livestock of 30 years' ex perience. You can rest assured you get noth ing but tht Best of Healthy Meat. LARD ' - .We Make our own Lard, strictly pure Mon arch Brand essence of Purity. None better try a pail and be convinced. i, -j u , "- 10-lb. Pail Monarch Lard. fl.OO 5-lb. Pail Monarch Lard. ................ .50 10-lb. Pail CP. Lard. ................... .80 5-lb. Pail C P, Lard............. .40 Eastern Ham, per pound.. ....awJi? Cheese .PerJK Fancy Y. A. Cheese, S to 6 lbs.....V...,; .15t Fancy Brick Cream Cheese, 4 to S lbs.'. ...15 Domestic' Swiss Cheese, per lb... ..0 'Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs for....:.. ..35 5-Gallon Keg Columbia Syrup 3 Cans Oysters ii il r:i r tr ir u-iu. x an xw. xv. ntun mn ..,... lS-lb. Pail Blueback Mackerel: J. 1 5-lb. Pail Columbia River Red Salmon. 3 Fancy Mackerel.. 3 lbs. Columbia River Red Salmon...... 3 I-lb. Cans Pink Salmon.....;........ 2 1-lb. Glass Jars Rex Chipped Beef... 2 Cakes Fancy Honey..!.............. 3 Packages Toothpicks 3 Packages Acorn Matches. i,4 ,....., 1Z Bars. Elks aavon boap.... 2 large Bars .Ivory boap f2.20 Z5 T8 SJ1.50 fl.OO ..25 ..25 ..25 ,.25 ..25 ..lO ,.25. ..25 ..5 Hour 50-Ib. 50-lb. 50-lb. 50-lb. 50-lb: 50-lb. 10 lbs, 3 lbs. 3 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. Sack Olympic Flour ..,.......; Sack Vim Flour Sack White Satin Flour.. Sack Crusade Flour......... Sack L-Bell Flour.......;.. Sack Graham Flour v-ii . r g t S51.15 fl.15 fl.lO ..95 Sl.OO fl.OO .20 Evaporated Fruits Evaporated Pit Apricots . . . . . . Fancy Italian Prunes, 30s to 40s Fancy Italian Prunes, 40s to 50s White Figs........,.......... t?. c -.25 ..25 ..15 ..15 S P ECIAL: D E LI VERY TO: A LL P A R TS OF THE CITY No. 1 Ceylon and India ' 1-lb. can," 75. No. J C. and I., 1 1...65 No. 1 Ceylon and India H-lb. can. 40 No. S C and I, H lb... 35 . SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ' ; The Market Basket The market Inspector la B-ettlna busy. Thta Is the moat ' cheerln news the housewife hu neard for apme time. Juet now the market Inspector happens to be a woman. Mrs. Sarah A. Evan. Straw txrrtfs -that are black or tTeen, she ' contends, are unfit for food, and when the season srets into full swine she In tends to furnish protection. . . ... There are ' some California " straw ' berries r1n " the market . today. They .come from Los Anseles, and. for the product of that state, are good. Of , course, they cannot be compared with bnrrles that are brought from near-by points or Hood Hirer. They are, how . erer,- flndlns; a. fairly ood sale at cents a bom. . ' It has bean many a day since the local markets were so. bare of produce. Cab base la hard to obtain, and of late the prices have advanced ' materially both at wholesale and -retail.- Some - cauliflower Is bring received from local valley points. Stocks are in good .condition, but do not .have their negular Oregon appearance. on aooount of the late cold. They are better, however, than those now arriv ing from California, and bring a slightly higher .price.' . . - , Oregon apples have disappeared from the markets, and In their place the mar kets now have soma California stocks. On account of the great scarcity of sup plies, these sell at even higher prices than did the better quality Oregon fruit a short time ago. ' , Central Market BIO MAMMMT Or MaSOsT. aU rUCM., During the week there was still another slash In the price of butter, and you can buy your supplies In the retail markets ( cents a roll less than last week. The Indications are that there will be a further drop of i cents .In the price. Thea you may expect prices to remain the same for a short time then up they go again. - , .... Easter week has played havoc with supplies in the egg market, and most dealers are asking higher prices than a week ago. Twenty cents a Cosen is the average price , today, while a week ago a large number ef dealers were giving 17 the Sq -4. ;. i ...... ,! 1 . The original and only genuine porous plaster. Be not deceived ff l misrepresen tation. V,$cc: that you always get Allcock's Plaster, arid take no. other. The choicest and purest f gums are used in this remarkable external remedy. ::Wm ,S)m sua? kudu e Saturday will be mad. a day of most liberal prices In MKAT8. POULTRT. FISH and OYSTERS. Get your EASTER JJINNEK OF ; . ; 1 . ,., '; .. Kindorf Bros. 130 Crraad Ave. Ikta Bast 410. two dosen for- at' cents. Hard to -tell which way the market will go now. Chickens are a fraction lower than last week. Supplies are but a trifle greater, but values have been so high of late that the general publlo has kept out of the market. :. . .- . t . If present indications count for any thing, there will soon be another advance In the price of flour. With considerable increase In the strength in the wheat market and higher prices for that prod' uct all over the world, the indications are that flour , prices ' have already touched the bottom of the ladder. The salmon season opens along the Co lumbia river Sunday at the noon hour, and on Monday morning; you may again secure some delicious royal chinooka. Today there are some supplies of salmon In the .market from the ' Sacramento river in California. Crabs and' rasor clams continue to be scarce, but those who have supplies are still- selling at former prloes. - The scarcity of crabs is due to the fact that crab fishermen are now busily engaged in transplanting oysters. . - ' '''. '," ' ' . v ii ii ' m i ii in i't!" FOUR YEARS JLIPRISOZEIIT; FlnE OF $575,000 'f:tii . "... v- Caynor and Greens Receive Sen I tence for Conspiracy to De- ' fraud Government. i czr.n PLAOTens. i du.iion plasters. For Relief and Car of Corns and Bunions. '. (losraal SpeoUl Brrle..) ' Savannah, a a., April ll.One of the hardest fought criminal eases on record came to a climax here today when Federal Judge. Emory Spear sentenced Benjamin D. Greene and John F. Oaynor to four years In the federal prison at Atlanta and to pay a fine of 1576,000, the total amount of their embesslement. The defendants were found guilty yes terday with no recommendation on each of the Indictments, against them, charg ing conspiracy against the government and embesslement In the contracts for harbor improvements at Savannah. The maximum sentence that could have been Imposed wss an aggregate term of IT years In the penitentiary. The mini mum was two years' Imprisonment and a fine of 11.000. - , - The line Is one of the largest ever tm posed in this country, and la designed v Successors to . McKinnon Smith Wholesale and Retail Grocers US 0&AJTD ATS. nOW. We extend you all our Easter greet ings. . . I dosen Eggs 35 Hams, family also. 10-lX-lb.....l4M Prunes, Choice Santa Clara, lb...... St Creamery Butter ............. . , .4B t cans Corn .....16 I cans Peas ,.Z5t Baker's Cocoa, per ean............20 T lbs.' I w. Beans .254 Fancy Table Catsup, K. B. brand, 1 1 bottles ............,,...,. . .354 I cans Peaches, Blackberries or Apricots .25 ' Deliveries made to any part of city. About delicious Jtoasta. We had - the finest that ever happened last week. Now send us another Just like the last. We have everything the market affords. XVst ms kaow jonx wants. A specialty made of strtotly fresh ggs.7 1X6 ? Standard Market T. NUSSBAUMER H. KASPER. 867 B. Barnoide St. , Ikon Bast TS. DUKE'S MARKET Chickens, lb. . . . . 1.17 Round Steak, lb.'......;.. .10f Sirloin Steak, lb.. ....... 12 Prime Rib Roast, lb. . ... . :.12f Ranch Eggs, dot. ........ .20f Butter, per roll. . ,35 and 55 IS5 FOURTH ST.. Near Yamhill Phone Main 2830 to completely . ruin both defendants ftnanolally. Though each of them were wealthy men when the ease was nrst brought against them tha long-continued Utlgatldh and extradition fight td pre vent punlnhment has cost each a for. tune and left them with but little prop. erty. - - Captain Oberlln ii. Carter, with whom Smith Meat Co ,. 228 ALDER ST. Fighting the Beef Trust OUR EASTER GREETING Contains a large amount of thankful ness to tha public, te the people ' of Portland and vicinity for their patron age and sympathy in our fight against that deadly monopoly, the "Beef Trust." A happy Kaster and a good appetite to everyone. ' With us you will find all sorts of good, choice meats at prices that fit the purse of all. " Fine Oven Roast Beef, rolled per lb 10 Fine Pot Roast Beef, per lb... .....8 f Short Rlbs Beef, per lb. .......... . 64 Beef Stew, per lb. .............. ...6 Boiling Beef, per lb. 6f Rib Steak, per lb............ 10 Sirloin Steak, per lb 12 H Lean Roast Veal, per lb. ........ .XO Veal Stew, per lb..,,...... 8e) Rump Roast Veal, per lb.......,12He tg Roast Veal, per lb...........llf Veal Sausage, per lb........,...12H RearXard,' no compound about .It,- C lbs. for , Frank L. Smith Heat Co BSS JlXJDBB BT. Slaag-hteren, trholesalera, : Jobbers) and .. metaUers. 2,000 lbs. Breakfast Bacon. 12 1,500 Hams at. ......11a n State Ta-irtlri 221 First Street Main 1657 they conspired and whe served a five, year term in the Leavenworth military prison, is now cleared of all cortneo tlon with the caae and discharged. District Attorney Irwin who Con ducted the prosecution of Oaynor and Oreene, la In receipt of congratulatory messages from President Roosevelt and 551 Chica Market SEE THE NEW We have moved to our new and elegantly fitted up quarters and are now , doing business in a. more up-to-date style. ' COME AND SEE US AT "' '' 187 Third Street, Near Yamhill No pains or expense have been spared to 'make the; New Market the nicest and most up-to-date place in the city And the old customers as well as aH new ones .will be as courteously and promptly waited on, and great care taken , to have the best service and prompt delivery made.'- . . . THE CELEBRATED 'BOCK SAUSAGE will be on the - market next Saturday; April 14. Please leave orders. i v Chicago Market 187 THIRD STREET, NEAR YAMHILL' . Phone Main 413 i;, . SMELTS,- ONE POUND.. Co : ; FRESH PERCH, ONE POUND .. 8c v ; ' Ilr'eI at a in) Tirn fTTriiff n i' n - CfwaS .. ; live pike; carp -and suckers :vf L I V C - C P A W M ft il Crabs Fresh Boiled 13 very Day SMALL SIZCS 0 A arB-sl i. sVel's'el IttttMMittyM 10c LARQB S1ZB .BACH 15c TKK. 25c STANDARD CRAB CO. 171-173 MADISON AT THE BRIDGE Ft Ol'S EB.Coltcll Can supply all your wants for the EASTER DINNER. Everything in Meats. Groceries and Deli cacies. He retails at wholesale prices. We mention a few prices in our ad today, but come in and see our display and set prices on the goods you want I', ' v - ) dosen Oreg-on Ranfch Elf.. 19 POUNDS . Best Dry Granulated for $1.00. ' It cans Star Condensed Cream ;.10o slse. Pound Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate. ; v- v 20e 10-lb. sack White or T.llow Corn Meal ' l-Ib. box Fresh Soda Crackers. , V7v, v:::Y-10e : uX' l-lb. can Assorted Soups. ' , Sack Rose City Flour, Fancy Patent ' - ' . -25a ''''' '-V: 1 lbs. Best Eastern Rolled' Oats. , Ft .LOWS West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2590. Don't Forget That Saturday Is a Sunday you want day and on Your Poultry Wa can supply your wants. , Call on us. G. COVACII & CO. STS Tlrst . Vhoma XaU 838. Attorney-Oeneral Moody oyer ' the 'suc cessful conclusion of tha case. THREE WEEKS' BLOCKADE . ON SALT LAKE ROUTE " (Jowb1 Spedal 8rrlc..J Salt take. Utah. April II. It la offi cially announced that -the blockade of the Salt Lake route will be raised Sun- day.Th first throuah train to Loa An (slea leares tomorrow, night . Tha road - (VoraMrly !) - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CBOCEB S81. SSS. S8S mrt tt., tot. Jrtnsa , : Bit Stora of Uttla Prices aiM ease encar, . ia Sl.OO rarar, KW-Ib sack. ..M M 4 aosar. IS lb. Jl.00 roitownro nioxs wax sirs tov w. o ivxar doixajl avaxirr avAajjmxo sohuxiso's Bin bato nwdu la tlU. per lb Me wwtara ety graaalatod ease easar, MMMb Hek & n wwa qtj BTaaaiaiM ease sugar, . IB id. Kxtra try sraaalatoe i Extra drr sranulaM i S pka ItafBoUa .ImbM currant. ...... ...Sta S pkg. aw S gruwa mHH ...... ,.Vxs t lb. ww screws Ims. MaesaUIS 1-lb can Boral baklof powder ..40a . OroeM A Biaekwrll'. alive ou. at btUea..a6e 1-lb pkg Ana A BamaMr soda ..............Be 1-cal caa lanry tabi. imp. .40. H-caJ raa fancy table aynip....l..........sna T Iba Fr.nrb prnar. ..........Sfta Shrwldoa Wheat btacalt rr pk io S lb. Loakilana rlc ..........2A ftarr Early Jan. Pww. per das... ....... ..SOe IS bars Roral Bawia op ......... ........... T caa. bMt 4 aardlns in Mi. .. ...2V) - rvr. oratcr. T-lb raaa. solid, per dos. ...... .Soc H O oata. 3-lb pkfs, pr pkf .....lOe Beat plcnle baawi par lb.. .. ..11. Bt rattan ham. (noofli ) par lb II. Rhraddfd (ocaaaat, per lb Hard-rhMt Soar. V sack ......11.00 Rratcb Mta, per pk ................ .......10. Poatnm, par pkf ............ .......SOe rU'. N.ptba Map, par bar .............. Boat nft-wbat finar, par sack ......fl.(H) - l.ra A Mocba enatae frsalr SSet .......3ft H box aoda crarkar. (aboot 10 lba) ...... .SOe - Knfllak Brokfaat tM, par lb Fancy Onnpewd'r tM (rcalu SSe) ... ...lfta Bmkaa J.ra OoffM. sec lb. ................. 1 S bar. ta Map , .............ft ITnovda Blacnlt. par pkf ............ .M.....Be Tlfar ereaai (10. bIm) ..........S aad Bart Sid. . D.lrine TMasaya . raoxx xumi oa. rllaya. Beat Meats Rainier Market --- ' v Flna- Line of - -- - - - AJTO SAX.T nSXC to be had at reasonable prices. . ? - Pure Honey, Jar.. ...... 30 and 501 Freeh Ranch Efts, 201, or ' doa- for . ......35 Finest Creaknery .Butter. ...... .6S Fresh Dressed Chickens Saturday. A roll Idas of Canned Oooda. A GOOD LINB OF SOAP. . BUTTER, E0O5 AND CHEESE , O. a&Vaf. '- SrrenteentB ' and BarteY Ms., noma ataia laaa. . Butter Lower ...RO Good creamery .450 Fancy butter ISo and 40o Ranch km. two dosen.. ...... i.. . .15a Best sugar-cured ham .'. .....14o Breakfast bacon ...-. 16o Picnic and rottara hams ...........Ho 1-pound pall lard ...(do 1-pound pail lard, compound.'. 40a Swiss cheene Jfio Cream brick ,J0n I pounds full cream cneese ...ino Llmburirer cheese IGo Remember, Saturday la chicken day. Chicken, 16c and 17c - -- - La Grande Creamery 04 TkBBU.Ii STBBBT. hss been tied up since March 14 on ac count of a washout through Maadvw Valley, Narada. ', -Hi