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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
I..', j ' - . THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND." FRIDAY EVENINO, APRIL 13, 1SC3. 19. . , t.'t 1 . - ot NEW TODAY: Prices Advance : April 15th THE PRICES OF ALL UNSOLD " LOTS IN , Sunnyside . WILL BE ADVANCED ; ; $25 a Lot- The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 'T'j'r 240 Washirfgton Street y " (Comer Second) ' .' ..." T PORTLAND; OREGON f A0Cssaiy , D r ;;:: THAT When opening a bank account here is to "(tee any of our officers "- for information. The man 'doing a small busi---- 'ness - needs - a- bank- 'account -' as much as the Jargest .firm or cor-; . poration all are invited tb.roake this bank their banking home. -We can help you in business. 1 Md Trust Ccnrpanyof Oregon Resources Over $1,500,000 t. E. or. Sd d Oah St. Phou Ex Chang TJ ' It EN J. I. CfVHej ...PrKUnt H. U PITTOCK ........ Vice-President S. LEE PAGET' ...... ...8ertary , O. trOLTAA JUslstaat Secretary . LAW liOANS COLliECTIONS. . J. K. HOSMER, PRESIDENT. Bio-xii auszt sua, HoiuKaT. . non AWO Biac ' Ten-room houan and- It aera of land In Bllvarton; bath, tfold aprtng , water free) all over tha 'house; fin grout cellar; water for- Brden - arid lawn (frael, . fountain and pool, barn, hen park and houae, fruit, etc, ate All for ..... - ? . - - Eight-room house, corner Iota (lOOx. " 1W,- fine home avnd nicely located In Al- blna. I4.S00. J .. ; . .. Pour Pltrdmant lots. . fineat location. -(olns at a barrain. r.,. . . , j;, . Bloparuweia. wa' sraarute) the tr aon Hop Drier.- It coata but little and uvea much. Com and ae model, ' '-Notary1 public Patent obtained. Patent aold.'"-. ' : - Loan Money - For building . purpoaep and . give ,)rou tha opportunity of repaying am in monthly inataUmenta i about the aame an rent, f 1,000 can be repaid, including lntereat. In 120 month, by repaying $11.12 ' per month. , Other auma la pro portion. . . 'j - ... .. Columbia Life & Trust Company ' ST3CTBX rxoom, oobtoou au. Toa rr JOHN L. RAND TT- Barpabtloaa Oandidaia ra"r CONGRESS ' ':' (aaooad Slstrlot) , . At tka rrtmarla AprU BO. COMLOT Hoiladay'a Addition, for anj at a bargain If taken thla week. Sea owner a SI r Sixth atraet.- CascadeReal Estate Co. j i., ; lyt on College, near Tenth atreet,- In J k , rludlng S-room houae. . Thla ia the best -..,. buy in rertidenre property on tha weat . aide. , Sat M. UB, Stk Sixth atreet ; :$2f,ooo f tO IS feet, on Uth, near Morriaon; In. roirw tl7 per month; beet buy along , Morriaon ptreet. Sea M. S. X.BB, tiw math atreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. - Tboma A. Baraeld JrM S3; Btbel Marela ' Bort. I. Robert Beaart, ! Bertha Rachmaan, tS. ' ladee Pesaa, ST Mae Bomame, XI. HaroM Maaey, iW: Barak Carr, S4. MamDt yaaa. Aetetia, Oraaoa, SO; Kama B. '. Hart. SS. ' ""rank Payne, Bcappoae, Orapoa. BS, Am .... brwla, 23. . . ... ...... Kherwaod K. Btepkenaoa. 48; MIUI Boatfa. ard. a. , Charlie WMttl. 13; Edith Berkbart. 23. , Prank JHerawmaav, Bat Hilda Lawrence. 81. -i a. U Coanlnrham. M: ftarak L. Morlarfy, St. . rearten Wklttle. 23; Edltk Bnrkbart. 3. Bbarweod M. Slepbraooa, 4S; Belli BoOtkard, SB Prar Pa yap, (S Anna Lewie, ft.- - .-4' Bameel B'aaa, SA; KaaaM B. Hart,-SB. Weddlna Oard. W. . Baltk Co., Waoa Bkpia Mt.. cee. Poartk and Waaklaptna at. Mlaa Berfba Martin, tanaa SIS Allaky Mdp. taaptas aad Baa needlework; laaenaa giraa. WEATHER REPORT. The north Pacific kick presaur ana bs uhmh so Montana ana Wyoming. aaa al though ckadlaeaa hss lurmM I tbe north farm itttn, u rata Baa yet fell, aaa u tewpereturae have rieen everywhere except to southeastern Idas, where It la oaolar. The Kaaaaa disturbance; has moM to lows, sad ralaa kava fallen generally ki (ba tllaawatppt and the Missouri valleys. Tka esster hi- premur are la now reatrel aver New England, and- lair weather coallouaa In tba Atlantic atatee. There kaa baaa a eharp faU la tem perature along tha aaat elope of tha Rocky mountains, la California tba tampan turaa ara about normal. Condillua - ar faeoral - for- ahiiwara- and fewer temperatures la tula dletflrt Saturday, axcept In aoutbarn Idaho, wher fair wethec will probably continue from M to N knur longer. Ouam asthma take, at S a.' ra . Pacific time; ... - Temp. Station Max. Mia. Precis. Ilakar City. Oregon. ....... MM. .0 Boeton. Haass. hutu.v.. . fin '" M . .0 Chicago. Illinois.,.....-..., M ". 48 ' .0 Penver, Colorado BO 1 80 .' .0 Kaaaaa City. Mlaaourl. T 68 ; . 1 .0 Laa Angola, f allforBla.,, T2 ' fra , Saw OrlHu. Iulalana.... 0 T- M Naw York. Naw Vork... M ' . J ' . .0 rortlaad. Oreiroa. .. M : IK) .0 RoaetMt nr. Oraaoa. ....... aa , ' 4d .O fit. Loala. llllaxarl ....... ao v. .. - Sa . I .: . .M Salt Uka. flak , 4 O Has Pranrlm. CallfomU.. .-. 4H .0- ipukaDa, Waahlnti, ., . . . M M .A Taxaaaa. waaainauw Ml an .o Walla Walla. Waaklnctoa.. S3, . 4 .0 Waahlnitoa. I. O W 44 .0 BIRTHS. BinWBI.L To Mr.' and Mra. O. H. BldwalL - Hrraraaa atraat. a aon. - " BRI NHON To. Mr. and Mra. Martto Brasook or linn, a aon. . . ,.-. DEATHS. HlrliWINr. Brlckaon. aaed SS rear, at Mt. Vlneent'a koaoltal. Anrll 13. of drooar. CI.OONEV Wllllara i. riooner, afed 44 reara. at Mt. vinccat a aaaltarlumi April 11,. vC J dronar. BI'Kf ll Oraapa Clark Barrk. apod SS year, 4 roonthe. at USD Mllwaukla atreet. April IU. FOB WORD William Forword, aped U year, at tlond Samaritan boapltal, April P. RHOAIeRA W. C. Bknadea, aped 40 rra. at wma namavuan noapiiai. April in. UNDERTAKERS. Bdward Rolmaa At Co.. tba leadlna ftueral Slreetara. bare tka Sneat aatakllakaient, tka Saaat pnoda, tkp Snaat -eektrlea and tba afreet piiuea, nit - roaociota-aae'area raakata. 2S and SSO. Tkp Sneat wood food Hade, from lit. a $10. ' Parlor 2S0 aad t2S Tklrd atreac. eoraar Partiaad. Orapaw. -t - . ... . J. P. Ptalar Bon. faneral dttaetaaa aad tmhalmera, comat Tklrd aad Madlaea a treat. OfSea el eoaaty aaronar. . Teiopkoo Mala S. Dnaolaf . MrBntee Oil be op, undertaker aad tmbalmera: aaodera In aeary detail, Jkanntb wm. aaeia oow. Aaiay aaaiavaat. . . . A. tl n.Mhvh BIIAtftltM, e .nh. Ibm Eaat Tblrtaaatb aad Vautllla ara. Pkonp BaUV wood n. : . . , j aUTMTUW CIMBHBT.- -,rr Blarla era Tea tin. raaall ln an ta Plana. Tn only cemetery la Portland wklrk per- retnally maintain aad eara for Iota. Par fuU nformatloa aanlr to W . ' K. Mackaaxla. War. aaatar block, city. W. M. Ladd. preetdeat REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Cord Seupatake and wife to Otte W. Nal. - aon, louxoT.Ta feat beplnnln aouth- ' -aaat earner black OS, UolUday ad- ' dltlon .....f 12S noo ereoonc noyia iwia to J on a a. .Ufa, Vol S. kkick 110. city 4,000 Bmma P. Cook to Victor Land eompaay, -- lot 1. block S, Park addition 18 lane O. Backmaa to Cbarle H. Bene- - diet, lot 17, lmarpent Park No. S. ; " 391 May . Hwlpert to J cee M. VanKleet ' , and wife, lot T. block 4, (abdlrUlea " tract D. U. Pattoa Tract .. SS0 Portland Truat enmoany to Matbew (I. ' .AMrlrk and wife, lot SS, block 23, Tremont Place B0 B. K. Merpea and wlfa to P. 7." Maaa, parcel land beplnnlnp aaat Una fcrt 8, block 8, Mead'a addition ..... 18,000 M. Bradford Hall to Mr. Betty Julie 1. . o rielaeler, lot S, block 10. Tl ami's sd- . dltlon .,. 150 dob - iobnao -aad- wife ta Katberlne ; . Hrbrieber, amtb H lot 1 and I, block 'IS, aabdlrialoa Klrerrlew addl- - tloa , , t.180 T. Hartt Gardner and wlfa to Oeorpa ' R. Kinp, weat 00 feat of aouth 1 21 '. feet lot S and weat SO feet of nnrtk . 12-S feet of lot 4. block SIS. Holla- 7 day'a addition k S00 Sbi'vrirrw t. vmrtct j arvr-ipj i via i,w pv ii Ham i. Bnwkuv lot 78, block T, ceme tery B. Henry Wamme to B. W. Oaaaett. lot ST. block 21. Booth Portland.. Mand W. W ool fork and baaband to B. STS too W, Oaaaett, let 38, block 21, Booth Portland Independent Order of Odd Pellnwa, No, . 108. ct al., to John A. Workman, lot 8. block 17, North Alblna Loula Foraell and wlfa to Mary Braafcka, lota 84 and 87, Arleta Park ........... J. B. Boott and wlfa to Racket C. Rlnp, - lot SO, block IB, . Mount Tabor Villa Annex Battle Redmond et hi to Rackal 0. King, mt 30. block IS, aame addi tion .1.801 too Joaepa H. Albert aad wife to A. W. .Fielding et al.. all bloc a. rvrtiaaa Uomeotead . k ; 400 Oeorpa B. Dean and wife te W. H. Bryan and wlfa, mt So, block a, L torero H, Tret . Calrla A. Mamood and wife to Ooarp H. Hamilton at aL. lot 8, block IT. ' Piedmont Boy W. Olbba and wife to Bannnh M. Helney, eaat of anrthweat H of anuthraat i of aectloa 11,' town nblp 1 noatk, ranae S eaat Badolpb Becker aad wlfa ta Hohert Hlmuaon, lot and S.becl.. I. Eaat. lrrlnptoa-. .T1. Pater Coracerlck and wife to Pred W. H. Mattblea aad hnaband. 0Oi8 feet ? beplnalnar 100 feet north at north eaat corner Thirty -oecoad - aad M ' ulm& : . . . t . ... . .-. . . ......... BOO STS ,800 8,000 STB Mary Q. Hart and knabaad t Char lea P. Bnab, lot S. black 87, Catherine i.j.. C. V. .Oantenbeln nnd wlfa to Carl.W. Jensen, lot la eaat H tract t m. Pattoa Tract Oeorpa W. Browp te B. P. Bmalley, - lota 10 aad IS. block 11. W boomer. Endowment Trnat of Willamette onl- erettT te C. H. Mller, lot 11. block 1, Btrawberry rle William E. Ntlea and wife to Millie ' Donee, lot 8.' block 20, Jamea Joka's Becimd addition ..................... SOO 860 100 860 Joanna R. Sneer te Nettle B. Bpeer. Iota S, B, 10, bloca PS. Laireraiiy ' Park ....r Elisabeth Ryan to I.. O. Band, lota 1 nd a block inn. Weat trrlncton TOO 1,360 Tbomaa H. Cortla to William O. Ooee. lie et si., nodlTlde i- or nwiiwi leei la block TO. Conch addlrroa-.,r...--4.S00 Pealnonlar Heal Estate company to O. . , R. A N. Co., lota 1 and X, block, 88, Peolnooiar dditloa No. 4.... ''V. 28 Colnmhla Real . Estate wmpanjr W "O. . - - R A M. few loU Land. block M, aame addition i"V"i' Iaaae N. Parry and wife to OB. N. , -Co., 6.83 acre beplnnlnp: northeast U : of northeast H section t aad part of . north i of nortbweat Sk oeciion a, township 1 north, raaa 1 t........ A, M. Eppleston and bnand to Ckrls flna Aoroe. lot Ti block A Crynul Lwlu. .MlttM .... 4.000 its 0. W. Owene and wife to laabella Jeff. cotf. lot na O, 01OCS IO. orsieere addition ........ Mlka lasts and wife to On t fried P. Beelee and . wife, , tot t, block. 82, Llnaton ......... .. Anna Thnrkrw te Charlta Morten eon, weat H lot S. block 30, Jams Joha'a Second addition i'I"'J,L': Barak N. Eiiperly and bmband t Aflhert Epnerly Jr., aootk !I8 feet by 80 feet. lot 3. block TS. Stepbaaa addition . Oeorpe A. Epperly and wife te Albert Kpperlr Jr., aouth 15 by weat 60 feat. block 73. aame addition B. B. Chick to P. S. Hallock, lot tk block IS. Moont Tabor Vila... Mary W. Qnatoa to Mrs. A. P. CampeU. weat Sk et eeet H Mra. A. V!"cVmDbel5'to'ch'ritlaa Addi son et at", aame property ............ Cnrtaflaa Addlaoa and wlfa ta Nina S. nickel. or property . at B. Tkompaoa aad wife to TUnnak - Anderaon, tot 1 Stock 11. Clifford sddltloa ....,.,....i...M. at. I. Eckerana and wife te Ckarlea rtodpdoa and wife, lot , block 10, Cenur addition Jamea t. Opden nd wife to Michael O'Brle. ku 1. t, t, block 1. Xaak addition l.soo S00 160 1ST 46 TOO 180 1808 W. H. Iak to Mlckaet O'Brien, totn 10, 11 and 13. block 1. Lek addition.. ,1360 Afary K.. Marks to Bamaap .flpwall.. lot . S, block 17. Woodlawn t. C. Roberts and wife to C. P. or doe. 184 . vta i. a, io, pieca lo, iiaaaon a aoenaa addition - A. P. Nennert and wlfa to Tl. Roe Moom. parcel and beplnnlnp aowth , lino Arthur atraet TS feet weat of In l.SOO teraectlon wltk west line rlrat atreet Henry Ckarlea Ban pie n to Brlrieet Baa maaa, lt 10, 8, block 18, Mail aemak. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' W. II. i Wlltaa aad wifa to L- C. Kbal- ' dun.ViU 4 and S. H lib laud i'Uca 100 oarpa . Trai aaa wira u tua Kattra- i bark, waat 4 lota H and T. blurt 87. 1 Coark addition S4.000 i. W. HdWIDH'I Jtl wit to JOBaV T Heard. kta U and 2S. bloi-k 30. I'enlji. I aohjr addMlwa Ika.. t , , 80S Job a T, Hoard and wlra la J. C Ualaa. aaata properly ..... ., ' SOS K. D. Do Wert at al. to C. O. Bobbin. lot , bloek 1, Brrnaa' addltlna S00 Mlnnla L'lauaea ta . r. Kerlrkas. lot . IS. block 49. BeHwond s BOO Mar B. Mlbaua and kuaband to rharlep ' B. t.add, oart of lot 4. I'aUtlaa UIU.. 10 Mary r. Moaicomerr, kieentrlx. ta I. C. Saad. tola a. ft. S. bio. k k.1 AIMna. 000 t. c. pa mora ana wira u H. E. rbie. nndl'lded H of Iota S and S. blotk M. AUlna S Apnea M. Crawford to Charlotta K. Craw- roro. holm p, tu, 11, i. tior( 14, awb' dlrlana Proebalal'a addlttoa... 1 B. r. Iarta aad wlfa ta J. W. Camp-. ball, lot 11, block 4S, Set I wood 1.00 Baanab M. Lana at al. to Pater Aplanalp et al., lota S and 4, blork ia, ' Stepheaa' addltloa , 1 Cbarlea t. Darla to Llltaa W. Parla, lot 8, Mork r Central Alblaa addl. tlo - 1 Maude Comatork' to Ella A. Nelaon, lot . block S. Maltnomak Park..... 60 (let mm Innr.nM .halHirf, A mI Mill from tka Title Unaraaloa Troat aoBpaa.i aa waaaincton afreet, eoraar lnoaa. NOTICE." - PROCLAMATION. ' " Wnereas, . the secretary .of state of tha piste of Orepoa baa notified m In wtlUup Ihst pursuant to tba prerlalona of aa act entitled "Aa Act Making F.ffeettee the In itiative and Referendum PraTlalona of Bee tloa 1 of Article IV ef the Constitution of the Btste of Orepon, and Repuiatlof Election TkerenndeV and Prorldlnp Feaaltlea for Vlola tlona of ProTlsloaa of This Act," approved Pebrvary 24, 1PUA, the B rawer' and Wbole eaia Lfquor-Ooalera' aaaociatloa of Orepoa duly Sled In hla of See on January 33. 1004. aa Inltlatlre petlUoa eontalnlnp 8.801 sip natures 'properly nttachad to a copy of said measure, certified In accordance with law. demanding that a proposed law, the title tenor nnd effect of wklcb la baretaaftar particularly net forth. . ahall be enbmltted to the lepl rotors ef the state of Oregon for their approval or re jection at the peaeral election to be held In aald atate on tha fourth day of June, beta the Brat Monday la June, 108; Now, Therefore, 1, Oeerpe B. .Chamber lain, porrraor et the atate ef Orepoa, la ' obedience te tha nroetalone of r.ald net here. before Brat mentioned, do hereby make and laaue thta proclamation to the people ef tha atata of Orepoa, aanoandnp that tba aald Brewers'- and Wholesale Ltqnnr-I)etere' aa - aeciatloa - baa - 8h-4 aald - nUtiatlr petition with the requisite number of alpnatnrea thereto attached, demanding that there shall - be submitted te tha legal electors ef the state ef Oregon for their approval or rejection at the regular election to be bald en the . fourth day ot June, 108, said day being tba first Monday la aald month, n bill aa- titled "A bill te propone by Inltlatlre petition a law to amend aectloa 1 and te repeal aec tlons 1, 8, 4. 6. 8. T. 8. 8. 10. 11, 13. IS 14, 18. 18, IT and IS. and adding eeettona ' ta be dee! pn a ted ae section a. 8, 4. 8, 8. T. 8. 8, 10, 11 and 12, ef a law enacted by the people ef tba atate of Oregon, nnder aa ' Inltlatlre petition by Tote and election held .et tha general election In June, 1P04, nnd entitled TA blU to propose, by Initiative peti- . tloa, law providing for elections la aay .' county or any precinct therein, or aay nub dlTialoa of county, eoanlatlng ef any ma- . bar ef entire and eontlguona preclnetn ef evrh eonnty, to determine whether the aale et . Intoxicating liquors ahall be prohibited In anrh county or eubdlrlaloa thereof, or In each precinct; providing for tha Bilag ad petltlone for sorb elections aad the form nnd effect thereof, aad for notice ef anrh elections snd for the time nad manner ef holding and conducting 4b as me;, declaring - what ahall conetltut a eundlsieton of tha county within the meaning of thla law; de claring what acta ahall and what shall not constitute a violation of this law;de- ' daring the aoallSratlona of petitioners and ef electors at euch elections; applying te suck elect! ona the provisions of sections 1PO0, - lPXit. 1P02. 1008, 1004, lPOO, 1904, 107, IADS. IMOB. 1910, 1911, 1913 aad 1978 ef "Bel linger and Cotton's " Annotated Code and Statute of Oregon; proTlding for printing and distributing ballot for sock elections; prescribing tka dntlea of pnblle officers In relation to such elections and la relatloa to the enfnrremnt ef the provisions of this law; providing tor the Issuance by the eonnty ''court of order prohibiting th tale of In toxicating liquor wltbln certain limit, nnd declaring the , dntlea - ef euch rourta In reference thereto; limiting the rime within which 'the oueatlon ef pro ' klblttnp such sale ef Intoxicating Bqnorn may , ngala be submitted to vote la tbe same dis trict; providing penalties and punishment for ' the violation of any ot tha provlalona of that law; providing for tha return to any lienor. dealer or ether person of a proportionate amount of any llrenee fee which he msy have paid, whenever tba . district In which he aball be engaged In business shall be 4e- - clarsd to be prohibition territory; and en. plying to nil election held nnder the pre- ' vlalona of thla law, tha provisions of the general electloa lawa of the stats, and de claring certain rnlen of evidence applicable : to prosecution under thla act, aad designat ing tka precinct to which thla act appllea, - and providing tbnt thla act skill not spply to ths manufacture or aale of liqaora at - wholesale by brewer, distillers, Tlataora a wholeaale liquor An lore.' " The tenor and effect nf the nld proposed bill is to so amend the (aid existing law that It will, it said bill I adopted, reed sa ': followe : "Hectioa 1. v Whenever SO par cent ef th qualified elector et eny precinct la the ' atata ef Oregon aball petition the eonnty court of any county for the privilege to de termine by ballot whether the aale ef In toxicating Honor aa beverage ahall be prohibited within the limit ef each pre cinct., euch county-court shall order aa electloa to be held t hereon at tha next regular biennial general electloa tn aald county; but, -encb petition ahall be Sled with tbe clerk ef eald eonnty court not less tkas 48 days or more than SO daya prior te euch elec tion. Buck electloa ahall be held at tba uaual rilac for holding election In aald precinct, f there be euch place, aad If not, then nt . euch place aa the county court may direct wlthla aald precinct, nnd notice ahall be - givea aad tba . electloa conducted In tha aame manner n provided by law for th election ef general officers, so far as aald . law. may be applicable. The electloa akall be conducted by the regular judges and . clerks of election tn all ee. end the county clerk nhall furnlaa the ballot for euch pea oral election nt which euch local option ' vote la t be taken, prepared a hereinafter r Tided. The result ef anrh election shall certified by the Jodgee nnd clerks of elec tion In th eme msnner aa th result of tbe election of county or other of Seers st general election, snd tbe eonnty clerk akall enter forthwith the record of the result ef the election upon tbe record of tbe county court of aald county. In all trial for viola tion of thla law the original entry of aald ' record snd copy thereof, certified te by eald county clerk, provided It ahowa that a ma jority of votes ct st suck election In suck precinct were against th aale ef Intoxicat ing liquor aa a beverage, shall be prima facie evidence that the selling, furnishing or giving away of Intoxicating liquors as s . beverage, or the keeping ef a. place where ' ancb liqaora ara sold, kept for sale, furnished or given away fit aucb Belling, furnishing or giving away er Intoxlentinj Una Uqt qnore as beverage, or the keeping of a place where "SvEiaf-wS !.!. .wlZ;."r'.t fi!I??-?!,,m-.2! I ttoo). was then, and there prohibited aad un lawful "Bee. B. Tha ballot ef aay electloa where said local option Question la t ae voted npoa, In addlttoa to tha name et, officers and ether matters thereon, shall be printed with aa affirmative and a negative atate ment, aa follows: The aale ef Intoxicating liquors ss a beverage aball not be prohibited, 'The aale of Intoxicating liquor aa a beverage ahall be prohibited,'; with a blank apace oa tke left aide of- each atatement In wklck to give eeck elector en opportunity to desig nate bin choice by n cross, and If the ma jority ef tbe vote ceat at such election ahall be la favor ef prohibiting the aala ef In toxicating liquors aa a beverage, thee from and after 90 daya from tbe sate of enter ing the result of each electloa It shsll be un lawful for any person, persons lly er by agent, within the limits ot ancb precinct, to sell, furnish or give away any Intoxicating liquor, to be need a a beverage, er to keep a place where encb liquors - ara kept for sals or are given awy or furnished for beverage pur poaee; aed any peraon who, from nnd after 80 daye from the date ef entering the ref alt of encb electloa. la any assaaer directly er Indirectly sella, furnlah er givea away. . or otherwise deala la any Intoxicating liquor . a a beverage, or keeps er nee n Pice, structure or vehicle, either permanently or . trenslent, for selling, furnishing r giving sway, a In which or from wklrk Intoxicating Honor are sold, givea away er fnmlahed, or etherwt dealt la aa aforesaid, shall be gnllty of a misdemeanor, and ahall, en esnvictlon thereof, be fined not more tba 8260 far the Prat offense, nnd eball for aay subsequent offense be fined net more than o00. "Bee. S. A petition for aa electloa under tke pmvtatnne et thla law ahall be su fades t. If anhetantUUy ae follow: "A PETITION Te determln whether the sale ef tntovleat. Ing liquors ss beverage shsll be prohibited la precinct of the county el ........ ' la the state of Oregon. , "Dal ...ii., ISO... Te the eonnty court ef ........ eeuaty, rt ef Oregon: "We, tbe undersigned, respectfully repre sent that w are qualified electors of precinct, ta the county of ., and atata at Oregon aad . thai wa hereby request pea NOTICE. . to order electloa to determine whether m not the sale of letnxirsttsg liquor aa bevra shall b prohibited In aald precinct, aald electloa to be held at tha 1 1 in ef the next biennial election In Mid county,- "Th county clerk aball. upon receipt of encp petition, tauieuttteiy nio tne earn. .sou ball thereuuon comnsra the alaneturee of -th electors signing tbe same wllk tttels alg. future oa in rgitrtioa-Moae or in eiee. linn then pending, c If non pending, then with th slgBsture oa the reglatratko-booka and blanka on Pie In kls efflce tor tne pre ceding general elcdSioa. If th requisite num ber of qusllfteg electors ahall have elgned " the petition be sbsli thereupoa see that It la entered la full In the reca-.te ef tbe county court. At leaat 20 dare previous te eay elec tion hereunder the couety clerk aball deliver to th sheriff ot th county at least See nnttcee ef the electloa for eecb electloa pre. cinet In eald county voting on tbe question. Raid notice aball be substantially la the toe . lowing formi LIQUOB' EUCCnON ' NOTICB. Notice Is hereby givea that on the day of ......... 190... at th , la precinct tbe county ef an eJertloa wlU be held to de termine i whether tbe aale of intoxicating liqaora ahaU be prohibited In said precinct, which aald election will be held nt 8 o'clock In the morning aad ' will coellnue until 1 In the afternoon of said day, ; "Dated thla ...... day of ......... 100... .. j Ceeuty Olerh . of ........ County, Oregon. . "It ahall be tbe duty of the sheriff, at least IS dsy before eay election hereunder, to met esld aetlcaa la pnblle plaeea In tn vicinity ef the polling place or place. There upoa the clerk aad the sheriff bsll each briefly enter ef record their compliance wltk the peovtsiona of thla section, aad each -record akall he prima facto evidence that all tka provlalona ot this aectloa have heea fsily compiled with. . "Bee. A The phrase 'totnxicktlng liquor,' a need la thla' act, shsll be coos trued to mean aay distilled, malt, vlaoua or lntoxi. eating liquor, by whatever name the earn may be known, but nothing la thla act ahall be construed to prevent tbe sailing of In tox test ing liquor at retail by a regular druggist for exclusively medicinal, pharmaceutical, eeien tide or eaeramental parpueea, nnd when nold for medicinal purpose It ahall be aold ealy la good faltb npoa s writ tea preecrlptkm, le aned, nlgned nnd dated la goad fall by a reputable phyalclan In active practice, which preecrlptioa ahall not be used but once; and nothing contained la nny ef tbe section ef thie act shall la aay meaner affect the right of any bona 8de wholeaale dealer, .- ct.rtiw or vintner In aald ereclnct to sell or deliver Intoxicating liquors at who le as is. Tba word 'giving ewy,' where they In tbla act. ahall not apply to the giv occur ing away of Intoxicating liquors by a person In hi nrlvata dwelling, unless such private ' dwelling Is n place of public resort. Tbe word 'precinct,' as need herein, ahall be eoa- atrued to mead voting precinct a eetab. laihed In the eoreril cnonue oi in uait. "Sec. 8.' The following shsll be deemed eufficlent entry end record na a reeult of aa election held under tbe provision f tbl act: "Htsts-of Oregon, county of ......... ss. . "Ths election held a the . day of 190.., la ...i.... preclact, la the eonnty ef tnt ef Oregon, ander the precinct local optloa law, resulted as foi lews . "Whole mmber ef veto against the kl ef Intoxicating liquor as a bevarag. "Whole number ot votes for th sale et In toxics ting liquor a a sever. ......... . ; County Clerk. . "Bee. A The territory encloaed by the bonadart ef any precinct wlthla which the eale of Intoxicating liquor baa bee pro hibited., a provided la section 1 ef thia act, ahaU be controlled by th result ef encb lec tion, and th law ahall remain la full force aad effect In said . territory for two years and thereafter and until another petition la presented under the provlalona of thia act In naid predact for another election t bar el a aad the reeult thereof la against suck proaUbl- tlon. . "tue Whenever any tMrnoa. arm or corporation engaged la any kind of liquor tmiBC BS nujconunueu suca uiiwi uy non of an election thereon within the time specified by eectlou 1 of thla act, aad hae paid or ha charged upon the tag or Urenae roll with an assessment upaa ancb traffic, the county court tor city council la In corporated eitise where such llcea er ta la paid to the city), upon being fully aatla aedef such fact, ahall laaue to such person. Arm er eorperstloa aa order refunding the smonnt ef such tsr er licence, proportion! to th unexpired time tor which said sasess ment er Ucens ha been paid er chsrged. "Bee. A The petition for an electloa pro vided for herein shsll be deemed eufficlent when tbe petition shall be algned by na many qualified elector aa Is equal to SO per coat ef the aamber of votes eaat In told precinct - nt tbe laat preceding general letk for - justice nt tbe euprem court.. In complaint, information or indictment for the vloUtio . -of tat act it shall not be necessary to act forth the facta abowlng that the required number of elector la such preclact petitioned for en election, or that th electloa ,w held er that th mejority voted la favor ef prohibiting the eale ef latoxlcatla; liquors aa herein provided, but It ahall be eufficlent to stste that th act complained of Wa than and there prohibited and unlawful. "Bee. S. At any time after two years from tbe date ef aa election held aader th provisions thereof, but act before, another electloa may be petitioned for. and ahaU be ordered by the county court a provided for herein. Rut nothing contain ed la tbe pro vision hereof aball affect, emend er repeal er alter la any way aay ether law, statu U er ordinance which prohibit throughout a municipality tbe aelllng. furnlablng or giv ing away of intoxicating liquor aa a bever age, or th keeping of a ple whar la- - toxlratlng lienors nr Mid. fumlsbed f give , wy a bevrge. , "Sec. 10. All money received from floes and forfeitures collected ander the provisions hereof ahaU be paid Into th treasury of th . county In cases where the precinct In wholly outside of an Incorporated city er town, and shall be paid Into the city treasury la all cases where the precinct la within er partly within such Incorporated city or town. "Bee. 11. Asy person being n qualified elector ef a precinct wherein aa electloa aball have been held, aa provided herein, may eoateet tha validity of rack electloa by Sling ' n petition, duly verified ta the county court of the county In which encb-preclact M aituated. wlthla 10 daya - after the electloa. setting forth the grounda ef eon teat. The county judge ahall have full and final juris diction to ner ad determln tke merits ot aid proceeding, and In ether reaperta la tha procedure of aucb bearing he shsll be governed by the law for the contesting ef aa election of county officer, no fat a aucb law la applicable. The county court er judge thereof shsll require tke person or persons "contesting such electloa te furnish security for cost before euch petition In filed. Any qualified elector et such precinct may appear In peraoa or by attorney in euch contested election case la defense ef the validity of encb election. .. "Bee. 12. That eeetton 13, IS, 14. 16, 18, ' IT and 18 of tka law sforessld. aad all sets or parts ef arte la eonSlct herewith be asd the same are hereby rpeled." - Done at the capital at Salem, tbl Bftfe day fsW' CEO.0' B.WCHAMBERtAIN. ' i Oeveraor. By the Governor! '" t '' ."'. ..- SEAL 81gad) P. t DUNBAR, 1 ' ., ' . Secretary ef Bute. IN tbe eonnty court ef the stste ef Oregon for Multnomah eonnty. Ia the matter ef the estate of Edward MePeety, deceased. Notice Is hereby givea that Joan Gregory ' and Hugh Doberty, executor of the eetnte ef Edwsrd Mrreeiy, deceased, have filed In tlrt.n.l report aoch executor, snd si the county court of the etate et uresou. t ib - county, their nnsi sccount aoi report ncti executor, ana as in court nav. by oroer amy mu nu rnt-i-u, Mondsy, th 2Bd dsy ef April, 1908. st ths hour of 8:80 o'clock a m., and the courtroom ef eald county court In tbe city of Portia it. eonnty aad atate aforesaid, ss tbe time ami pise for bearing objections to aald account and for settlement of ths urn. .. . Dated Msrch 38, 1908. JOTIN 0REO0RT, Ht'OH DOHEHTT. Executors of tb Lest Will snd TesUment ef Edward McPeely. DeceaaeA First publlcatloa March 28, 1808; last, April 30. 1908. NOTICE Is hereby givea that on th fifth day of April. 1908, O. E. Bander of Portland. Ore- - gon, waa duly sdjudlcated bankrupt; and that th first meeting of hla creditors will be held - at room 800, Chamber of Commerce building, 'Portland, Oregon, on the twenty-fourth day ef April, 1908 nt 10 o'clock a. m at wklck time the said creditor may attend, prove their claim. aDDolat a trustee. examine tbe bankrupt and transact such ether business aa essay properly cobhw wi-tv i . . v- i2ttd Portland. Oregon, April 13. 1808. .' . . . ALEX BWBEK, Eeferee la Bankruptcy. MOTICB ' Is hereby given tbnt ea tbe ninth day ef April. 1908. J. F. Xm Maater of Portiaad, Oregon, was dnly sdjdlctd bank rupt; nnd that th first meet lug of kls ' creditors will be held at room 4O0, Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, oa tbe twenty-fourth day of April. 1908. at II ' o'clock a. m.. at which time the aald cred- - I tore may attend, 'prove their elaliae, ap point n trust, examine the bankrupt nnd transact euch other bnetneee a may prop erly come before such meeting. - Dated Portland. Oregon. April 13, 1808. ALEX BWEEK, Referee la Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. PortlaaA Orepva, Mwck IT. 190. Notlc la hereby givea that tb copartnership doing bnsineas under ths ef tbe Wllley -Smith Harases Company kaa thie aay die solve. sl that c. A. Wllley aad. John Upton have succeeded to tbe host. Beee' ef the firm, and will collect all debts sd Py. all th liabilities of the Bra. C. A. WIM,BI, '. '" , P. M. SMITH. ,. , "u skDOLPHva .wnxiT, MEETINQ NOTICES. ' wi't rtnw.n rmp. N. TT W. t. W., meets tontgni in . w-II at... ui . th. , V . at in Alder. All visiting' neighbor euraialiy areieomea. h. b. iNORAht. a a J. M. WOODWOBTH. a . TUB Bonn and- Da tighter of tba Indian War Veterans will meet at tn reeiuence m k-i.i- a aiiiiri a I-awnadsl at., ea Mon . day. April Id, to make arrangemeota for the grand encampment of the Indian- War Vet eran ana election of orncer. ll 111 II Mi'i "'.Vi'm K''irBM i LOST AND FOUND. - LOBT Gold quarts watebcharm. April A Re turn to I). J. Sullivan. 474 Yamhill St. Re ward. Pbon Main a99A HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Tor ratted BUtee army, ble-bedled , unmarried men between age of 81 asd SS, rttlaena ef l'nlted State, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read aad write English. Apply to Recruiting Of ficer. Alaaworth blk., xaira na uaa sis., Portland, Oregon. ail.MuaM W A WTm Xn Mae es CHe lav-sea Burnerie la tne wet; ea ao-raaesa weeaiy oa orders; good territory opes. Address Washington Nareary Co., Toppeoiah, Wash. WANTED l.OOO man. anave aad hslreut tree. 884 Couch nt. - We unca ta traaa, LI VB canvaeserp for etmtce territory I outfit rurntshed free; pig snap, nr run particulars 4areea Oregon Mnnery c., astern, uregoa. AOENTB WANTED to nail aunerlor, blgb-grsds aurnery stock ; complete outnt ru ml ansa cree; cask weekly; write today lor choice of ter ritory. Capital city nurnery onatpaay, aaiim. uregoa. . ... ' -. BTART maU erder bualneee; you easily make fio dally; we furnish suppiiee aaa teach Ex. Aluminum Banger Co4 Cnatfleld. Minn. WANTED TUllshi nawapaper eaavaaeert ataedy post tloa for tight perty; city nd coantry worn; moat give rersisnuan. auin a w. . Agent. Vancouver, Weak, MEN and women to learn barber trade ta aleht weeks; graduate earn rrom 1D te xs weeaiy; expert ina-rucwwu; nTSKhrue ire. Mohler System ef Colleges, S3 North Peortb t., roruana. - WANTED Wall and bulletta algnpalnter: only Srst-cusa men aeeg apply, poster dk Blels, Pllth sad Bvarett au. - WANT PARTNEhW-Bteady young maa with 8100 cask for good paying bustneae; enin goods sad attend office. L 8A ear Journal. nan lav .", vwnn-,wn. e- " - at tbe East Portland Dys Works, leg Uraod eve., city. ,' - - WANTED A competent cleaner and dyer nt tbe Eaat rnrtiana cleaning iye worxs. 148 ursnd avs city. TO RENT 0B LEASE mn bouse and 4 acres rim bottom; running crees; tree wood: Ideal SDot for chickens aad cracks Inside Or-goo City limits; tbO fat year; be quick. Address M au, eara journal; WANTED S er 4 varntabera. Apply Oregon Furniture A Manufacturing Co., Macadam roaA WANTED Pew good batntera. Ivap WUllama, S23 Beoona st-. Bear nnimoa. BOT WANTED tor factory. BBS Beat Slat St. WANTED Male teachers to travel aad rap. recent a weU-eeUbllsbea Chicago bob: ex - perience not necessary com peas t ion, $88 per month. - Writ to Portiaad. Oregon. , arm Poplar at. WANTED Boya: moat be ever 18 year ef age. Oregon Furniture Mfg. on. WANTED Clothing and furnishing aslesmea at once. Th Cblcege toothing Co. WANTED An experienced sash stock cotter, Addreea si n, care journal. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES" A0ENCT, WHWaah lag- ion SU. COT. avm.a, "I- SeuA Pcmala help wanteA OOOD OIBL for cooking and kousswotk; small family; goon wng . waa sen vmmm w. WANTED Girt to de general ko 826. 438 lata at. THE HOME LADIES' AGENCY- fnrntahns all . kind ef female kelp. 28 Ruaael bldg., ISOfc Fourth at. Phone Mala bszo. WANTED Ptrat-claan wsltrssasa at Curt la. 14th aad Jeffereoa. Booart- a - - a Smm Ami.. tology, beauty culture, eclentlflc treatment ef . tbe complexion, hair, ecelp nnd kln, mss - ssgs, lctrolysls. manicuring, private formu las given. Professor u Mem, ii lit St., ' corner Alder. 0IRL to assist with light housework. BBS Bast Alder, aear Wth. WANTED Competent girl for general beue- work;.imnet be good cook. 128 14th St., be tween Waehmgtoa ana Aider. BUWBnWMO l . Ok hMMtMM . Vitlt.w .....U.l ... WUJ, " " - ' " , hours, pleasant work; good salary; Inclose stamp. Address E. A. Brick, general - ' 11 sees 1 eltv. MIDDLE-AGED woman for general Don sew or k; . ji k, 2IC liUrM. U drawer 0, Hood River, Or. WANTED A dlalnr-room girl la 8 private boarding -houM. lid Fifth at, WANTED Experienced family cook and second . . i . em .m! aM eanu. .v.Hkiu r, weae e-w . rm Mala nia. WANTED Immediately, capable' womaa for camp, either first or eaoond cook; also k Itch a -helper. i0-XaniWll Main 6414. . .. ANT poor girl needing a friend, help or ndvlre. . caa apply er writ to Matron, 892 Bast 13th at., N., Pertlnnd. Or. .. - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. enm O. Drak. 206 V Washing to at. Pacta 1STA WANTED Termg men and women to prepare for civil service examination; life position; study spare time: stats , position wanteA V 88, care Journal, WANTED Experienced bookkeeper; only those having experience need apply. Address M 29, care journuL WANTED Extra snlesmen snd aalaeladl. Tb L'aited. Pint and Salmon sts. STENOGRAPHER Experienced; ' W holes 1 now. awimi ea oa. vbi ivwh, nscssasa i nsi in i i i a i i n na iiiHaaaunsau SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WORK I coantry or privet pise by young man snd wife; no children; general workers, etc. Address M 31, care Journal. EXPERIENCED Al all-around office maa wsnU position. M 81. car Journal. BNERMETIO. - reliable Al experienced honk- keeper want position: bo objection to leaving diy. M 82. care Journal COMPETENT young man wanM position: ex perienced In oXfl.ce aad ntor; la bookkeeper and typewriter: Beet penman. . Addreea ht 86. ears Journal. SITUATIONS WANTFD-FEMALE GIRL wants to do housework la small family; . Alblna preferred. Residence 114 Mumbolt at. - Phone Woodlawn SO. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agent ta aollett order ; guaranteed slsry Inqulr nt J. B. McCaalTn's atore, end ef Montevtlle carllnn, 10 a. m. to T a. as Friday aad Saturday. WANTED Agent; none thing new; good pellert big wage. Sod McKay , blag. FIRPT -CLASS a rent ta Portland and through tat; bl wages to metier. 410 Pen ton bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THl Portiaad Employment Co., 808 Morrlaoa A Pbon Paetie 33A BANSEN'A EMPLOTMKNT OFFICB, . FOB MEN. M N. Second st Pkea Msla 1BSA BIG FOUR EM P. AGBNCT Rein SuppHed frea. ia nana aaouaa at, gaoaa auua IBIS, WANTED REAL ESTATE. BMAL acreage tract, with or without hulld- . I . .... t ".. . i . M.kuiU: ajUJI - ."e-. now v..., . ' ' , . rasli. balance yearly aaymeata. Add rose ' M 41. care Journal. ' WANTED Lot la exrkang for equity ta B - r i -room sou, fboae saax aos. 100 REAL tetat firm caa cell your property quicker than one. Ferine Meal Batata Bx., waahingtoa at. Mala luo. WANTED, for cash, lot er tractl) muat bf cheep. B 44, car Journal. , RANCH Partly Improved; full description,' cheap, b, . D sa, cere JournaL WANTED TO RENT. WANTErfS-TO RENT BOrBEB, COTTAGES, PLATA ROOMING-HOUSES, BTOREA ETO. Our rental department baa bee ealargad aad provided with additional stsff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer r-srsol attaatloa to sad enntlauoon upervlstoa aver U property latrasted e ear car. : PORTLAND TTtrirT COMPANY OP ORBGON, A B. ear. Sd aad Oak eta. Phone Ex. f A WANTED By young couple, May 1, small , neat cottage, . cheap rent. ,: T. Jackson, 801 Kavter at. . ' WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED Th borrow 84.000. xcTIt city , real sstst aeeurtty. Tarrlagtoa, 818 Chamber ef Commerce. ....... . P. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, epraylng and whlteWnshtng tree. basements, barns, docks. stc lsrgest gaaolla ' spraying outfit ea tke coast, kt. O. Morgsa , A Co., 822 Caloa av. Pkea Bast WIT. WANTED Storks of geaeral nsererrudta er drygooda, boots and shoes, ete, for which I rill psy cash; will aeel wita eetuai ewaera s.aaraa r. u. non u, sigis, w. B. N. MORGAN,- pioneer e prayer aad white wash sr. Call Bear. 828; remember tbe aame B. N. Morgsa; U .'ears la hasten, ta Port, land. WHO IB at. O. MOBOAN A OO.t BIGHEBT CASH PRICB PAID for furniture In nny quantity; alee take earn en cemmleetoa and guarantee best result. Tb Portland Auction Room. A. Bchubech prop., til First St. Phone Msla 8866. . N . WB WILL BITY. BELL OR TRADB ANT OLD THING. WESTERN BALVAOB CO.. 82T. - 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T9A -.- HIGHEST cask paid for ehnttle. fruit jnr and junk of every description. Crane Bottle Co, 14th nnd Couch st phone Mala S28A WANTED Child to hoard; reaaenabl; good bom: TeL Bcott 1240. WILL pay 81.60 a share for 100 to lOrJ.OOO a ha res Improved Km Iter Co. stock. Aaswsf W 83, car JournaL WANTED By B young men attending high ncaooL room and board near Unloa oa W II t lUma are., bet. Eugene and Hala. Ad . drees L 31,' car JournaL I POSITIVELY guarantee yea -the beet trade price for honeeheld, hotel or restaurant rurnl ture; be euro to consult m before diepoalng of your good elsewhere; thla beats aelllng by auction. Addreea or call Oka, care Gauld A Kline, A W. cor. Front aad Barns Id. Phone Msla SOT. -' . - - WILL trade roomlng-hou. good furalrrrr, for gseollne launch, lot, aumenda er anytaing oi value. Address at 88, ear Jouraal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. SSVt NORTH SIXTH ST. aiegantiy xuriuaneu, evsaos sen .e. oeme. TBB GRAND. 46Vj 1 orth Third nt 1 geatlemea per week aaa an. THE KING, 809 Jsffsrsau et. Nicely fnrnlnhed room, wltk gas or electric light, nest one hatha. In new building, 89.80 aad 810 pet month. NICELT furnished room at Hi Grand are. NICELY fnrntahed room and ' bonaekeeplng- ss. bsth ana electric ngnm; Imer Hotel.- 800 1-8 All Mr et. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING TBB MITCHELL. Plaader sd Seventh Rooms, housekeeping ana raaeiij ssn. veaieati prices reasonable. " ". ' 81.38 WEEK sp clean, furnish sd boueekeeplng rooasa, wita yarn, penoe, laoaary.aaui, saw Baee heat, SOSvk SUatoa at. D ear.. 81 60 PER WEEK Lara?, dean, rnrahtbed sou aekeepuig -rooms; lauaary aaa anta, so nnermnn. aouta rwuana. BLEEPING nnd Boneekeeptng teem fat tent. 901 K usee 11 st. Tn Mcaay mo. THE HALL, 414 Fifth Rooms, stngls at suite, furnished tor light , aoueexeeping. ROOMS Houaekeenlrur. single: bath, as reasonable. Th Macon, 222 Crosby, corner Hoiiaoay eve., one mock eaat steel nriuge. rbene Eaat Z21. THREE housekeeping rooms for rent; aaa ef. poon. can osu aavenin. - 4T1 ALDER Nice nooeekee ping -rooms- gs stov bsth, phone, lose te business; reasonnbls. S GOOD unfurnished housekeeping teooss. eeay walking distance; water aaa gas; rennoasois rent. Apply nor aixta st. TBI STAR. 280U Larrabee at.. S black from tal - orioge iioueeaeeping rooms, pi. is a waea aaa up; eieeping momsv si ana ap. . 4 FLATS, famished heusekeeplng 8 aad 10 per montn. cau boo neventa nt. LA RGB front and adjoining room, furnished. riret noor: gas, natn. pnone; very ratamialils to young esupl. , 261 Sixth St. COMFORTABLY furnlahed or anfurnlsbed rooms or suttee, furnish en; tenu; niwde and rruit tree. Phone Eaat 4128. Lwls and Osrk Camping Ground, Mount Tabor. - A SNAP B rooms, atesly turn is bed tor house keeping. 1ZM Kt IU; bain, toilet, 8 blocks from Sunayatde: care; rent, tnelndlng phone nnd water, 20 month; no children. Phone Kt leeo. . BLEEPING and hnoaekeeplng-rooma for rent. Bee H. B. lilgley, room 80,. 227 ft Washing ton St. . HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, electric light, phone. pa e wees. "i vKv t. ROOMS AND BOARD. DESIRABLE rooms with bosrd; en front suit; reimwame rstss. seiimsun. mon Mala 8426. 4T1 ALDER Large front parlor, bath, phone. peera 11 aeeu-eu, waiamg uinance, rausiabl price. 896 12TH Large front room; gaa. hath, pbon 4 waning omtaucw; privi temity pna Bom comfort. ' v 1 . BOOM and board. Brst elss meel, horn cok- Ing, 84.20 per week. 974 Macadam roaA near sash and door .factory, South Portland. ; Mm. Jan. - . . . .. BOARD and atca room la priest borne, salt ern ror tw gntMma, . it East Hlxth st, Pbon Eaat 740. " UNFURNISHED ROOMS. S OOOD unfurnished housekeeping room, ey wa is ing aiaisne; wcr ana gaa; ruuaonabi rent. Apply 807 Slxtk et. , FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN T-room bouse, newl pelnted sad pa- u, -lenia si. appty to r, u. xmnt- ng, room 40 Worcester blag. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt nad re. iiaot niane ann xnrniturn axovwr; a we ator. age. Phone Mla 188A. Offlc 118 M. ThlrA TBB CONTINENTAL COMPANY- Mai ITARK BX TNSTJBANCA BBNTALA SBB LIST. 10- ROOM houee. - with summer dlntng-roem. siiaaieu oi sxia let us. taornirs v nie leay bldg. , GOOD 6-room cotug. with hanement: eloae In, 7 wsvi fie win water,-, - s-now s-acus 140. , FOR RENT Suburb: onartor block; konae 8 room, cuseie, pantry, aqnare kll wltk , seat, seat snd cushions la dlnlngroom. sttle. main, , ' 1 1 h . . . . nreiire. iioor nmsneu, si.ade weod lift; 1. Parrtsh A Watklas, SOS Aid i. FOR RENT HOUSES. FDBNISHED paw and modern cottage ef 4 er 8 4 raoma; nice quiet place; bath, hot nnd cold ' water, phone, sutiuaary tub. Sod Llaosls St. FOR RENT linns of II room, modern tnt penvaawata. 828 12th t. Apply at A.T 12th. , BOUSES furnish sd and unfurnished tn all part ef th city., F. T. Dick, 90 Seventh tH be tween Btark snd Oak. . NEW modern groom heuea wltk ts and bsth. IBS Graver et. Paoae Mala 4U7A ATTRACTTVB room aaodera houae with large corner lot ix 460 Beat Thirty-fourth at. near Hawthorne; 1S month. 40a Comsssrcisl bldg. .(...'' MODERN A roam ko, new plumbing, 498 Montgomery. Apply MT 14th, near htent- gomery. ... FOR RRNT 4-room modern bones. Inquire W. ' H. Wslla, black weat FlrUnd. Mount Boott S-ROOM rottag, pantry. No. 818 Overton. Sit, Cell 688 Peitygrove st. Pfcoas Mala 8438. -4- 6TORB with 4 rnema, ale yard, central, at 84 North 10th St., 4 block from Wssbington. Inqulr 608 Dsvis St. jA ' - - . , A 6-ROOM house with bsth. Inqulr t SOT t alon av., pj..- . -.,........(. t. . . FOR BENT 8-room cottage, close In, east side; . rent only $18 per mouth, M. B. La. 92 Va. . Sixth at. . . , . FOR RENT Two Broom enttarea, 823.60 each; . one T-reom hone. 820, on Everett, between, ' Ninth nnd Tenth, went aid. M. , B. Lee. ' 98i4 Sixth at. - - . FOR BENT New 4-reom rottag; god nign berhood. Pbon East 300A FURNISHED room bouss, west 827.80. M. R. Lee. B814 BlxtlT st id, tanf FOR - . RENT STORES-OFFICES. 0FPICB ' room, ufurnlshed roome and aampht . - rooms for teat, - Goodaough bldg. Apply ele- . vator. ' DESK room and desk for rent; central. Hssu-y O. Brow. 818 McKay bldg. ' . 1 FOR RENT Five-room new brick building., with water, for barber shop; will rent cheap. . Call st 808Vs . Burnsld it, er phona Pa cific 1311. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR BENT T-room ntodsrn new flat. S4TU ' . Sixth at.. nr Jackson. Pbon Ptclfl SC A. H. Maegly. S10 Fourth St. A ROOM Sat for rent, 81860; water paid; n small chlldrea. .26 M11L FOR RENT New B-coom lower flat, strictly modern; good view; on car line; rent 1S80. , ' Jenea' Drug Store, - Front and Olbba. Pkea . Mala S9A. . NEW. modem; rent Inrlndaa heat, water; 80. Th GarlnaA 821 Waahingtoa, aear 19th. MODERN Aroom flat. S block nertk ef steel bridge, fronting river at.; steel and g.. rsng; shades oa window. 388 Lsrrabee. SMALL Sat. housekeeping, completely raralshed. pisne, yarn. earn, pnone. reasonanie. aicg - itn. t-non main Bav; ame aingie 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BENT ta city. SH acre suitable tor gardening. Inqulr BOS Fourth. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR- SALE. ITRNITTJRR for sal and fmt for rent; walk ing dltane from poa toffies; hargaia. Cell Mala 870. . AT half price, furniture of A room hoe. 10 minute r walk from poetotnee; must be sold Adoreaa . 80, care Journal. ' FrRNITURB 4 room enrtag for kale, cottage for rent. 886 Fourth St., . south. - Phone Pariflc 1931. - - J BUSINESS CHANCES. 8860 DOWN- aad terme bay IT-rnom lodging- nous. csDe in; ei'e aown ouy n email room- -. Ing-aoua; 880 down and tcrnw buys a 60 ' roer lodglng-bou; 8700 down buys a 12 ' room lodging-koua, rent 816; S 4 -room cot tage for rent la St. Johns; t furnlahed eov- - tsgen for rent, rloee In; S reatauranta for - Bale ea term; 8600 down and terme buy a 18-roem lodglng-honen, loth at. : A160 down ' and terms buys s awell S-room lodging -sou , oa loth st. ; 6260 down snd terms buys a T-room house on North Ninth sr.: tano buy a , 13-room bouse en Fifth st. ; 8260 dowa and . terms buys s 13-mom houae oa North Ninth . at. See H. H. Higley, room 80, 227)4 Wash. Ingtoa nt. FOR BALE A larg. cleea stack ef harm ad aaddiery, tool, machinery and fixture ' tn good farming country, with building nnd lot If desired ; res son for selling owner going est; hlf cash, balance time; might make some trad. A A ear JournaL ' PORTLAND suburban drugstur far aala. Ad dress B A car Journal. - - LARGB er amall room Ing-hoes far aale oa term by B. H. .Higley. room SOy. 827 Sk ' Waahingtoa at. WHO IB M. 0. MOBGAN A CO. I FOB SALE Blacksmith and wagon ahep; wll eq nipped wltk power and machinery; sur rounded by good forming enuntry; plenty nt work; only ahop In towa. Gee. A Michel,' Gervakx Or. HAVB yea f 1.000 to Invent (not epeeulste) In i tb beet mnufsctrlng monopoly .weat of the Rocky mountain t Addraa A 4 Journal. FOR BALE All er half taterest la grocery; ood location; reasonable rent aad paring rade. D 86. ears JoarasL .'. ' A SNAPI - - - ' Tb beet eeeh wood bualness ta Portland I household fumltur Included ; party going Mat. For part leu lara Inquire at. room SOS. Allaky bldg. Third nnd Morrison. - FOR SALE 23-room boon, all full; centrally . located; new building, modern; price SoOO;' $300 cash, balsnce $.10 per month; ae agents; ' parties going aat. Call $70 H B. Morrlaoa at, er phou But 1264. . BEST-PAYING amall - reetaorant aad I neck counter en Waahingtoa st for sale. Address A . 28, car Journal. I WOULD tike to meet someone with a smsll s mount of money to bsek me In s mining proposition thst I have worked for th last , 10 year. Address J. F. NyUnHer, ear Deaeaoa New Co., Portland. Oregon. WANTED Right party with capital to patent ' laa extremely useful nnd valuabl Invention, tn eeveral leading countries; will assign a -; half ef am. inventor aad model at 30414 . Btark St., room E ONE ' THIRD or on kalf Interest tn the - greatest stall order heuasheld neceaaltr ot -recent year (patented) to party with $3,000 er $4,000. to eatabllab a factory; quick aalee, " large proflta; fortune for right party; ever coat Invested quaranteed; will near closest ' Invaetigatlon... joy Hswtherns ave. FOR BALE Plsalng-mlll doing, a good bast-: Bess la Bolae, Idaho; owner compelled to , sell hscsns of 111 health; will stsnd Inveatl aatloa. Addrees "Mill," ear Capital Newe, Bolea, tdako. FOR SALE, CM BAP Growing tea-eoffe sour; Jood territory; sacrifice. Addr i 40, eat ; ournaL . .. .. ................ BBAL estste partner wanted; experleac not neceaaary. 203 Commorcial blk. FOR SALE First era a roomlng-hou; a bar gala. . 410 .Waahingtoa at. . 14-ROOM rooming. son , near In, cheap rant; , bargain; would trad. Good cigar, candy and atatlonery, good flitttrea, at bargain; party leaving city. 808 Bnrnalde. Phone Pacific 1811. PARTNER wanted with smsll cspltsl, to handle . financial end ef buatne; a snap for th right man. Call at 88 Weat Park St.. room 1. DON'T com her first, but don't buy your city . property, fruit nnd gardes land, wheat, stock , ' or dairy ranrhee until you us. North ' West land Co.. sna Ooodnongh bldg. P. 8. ' We also have host nee eh s nee et all kind, . snd can knot you right. N. W. L. C. BAKERY business, building and lot, fin loca tion: big money-maker: win ecu at heavy die count If taken thin week. Patterson A Stew art, lOOOVfc Belmont at. Bl'TCHER-SHOP doing good haainean for eah cheap If take soon, aoarsss u. w. Bchosl, Sprlngfteld, Or: , FOR SALE Complete saw and aw and planlng-mlll; ; sawmill and planing. Snoa nanus or npoa n Hie ; eawmii mill on track; good switching facllltle; aituated I eastern (aregon: reason for eelllag, poor health, -i Addnaa M SB, car Journal. BAKERY for aale, doing . first -elss raak bnalne: BO delivery WSgOB, AudrsB N. O. tv Rainier, Oregon. ' -t. 1 r J-