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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL PORTLAND, S FRIDAY EVENING.' APRIL' 13. 15C3 1 32 CANDIDATES llll PEOPLE Sixty Par Cent of Hunters for ' Places In legislature Favor "7 Statement No7 One." "7 FULL LIST OF SEEKERS ; , u AFTER NOMINATIONS Every Man Who Want to- Co to th ' LcgUUture Namtd Along With Hi Polldci and Hia Pledget Multno- mah County Hangs Back.- "'s' r ' There Is abundant evidence that the ' people of Oregon, irrespective of party. . are. resolved to name the nest .'United State senator. It la in recognition of thla sentiment that tha majority of leg . islstlve candidates all over the state have subscribed to statement No. 1. - thereby, pledging themselves to vote tor the people's choice for senator. '' In all there are it legislative candi date. Republican and Democratic, whose-names-will be before the voters - In the i primaries next ."week. Of theae 132, or 40 per cent, have subscribed to - statement No. 1 Sentiment in favor of this pledge Is fully l as .strong among Republicans as among; Democrats. Thla is evidenced br the faot that of the ISt ; statement No. 1 candidates 101 are Be , publicans and 11 Democrats As Repub ' llcan candidates outnumber the Demo i cratio candidates about three or four to one, these- figures show about sir equal degree of. loyaltjrte the principle - in vplvedjn statementwo. 1. : rT" ia aust' rsndidst ' . . , . The. llsf published therewith Contains , the names of all candidates for either 'branch of the state legislature. . Great ears has been taken so- make It complete In all particulars. It illustrates the fsct , that outside of Multnomah county tha .sentiment In favor of statement No. Liu overwhelming, and is so recognised by all aapiraqtar for legislative nominations. In number of counties nearly or quite every candidate in the field has pledged himself to. vote for the people's choice -for senator.- In this county a covert at tack is being made on statement No. 1. but it is meeting with little success. In a summary of the appended list , published yesterday, a slight error was ' made. - The total number ef candidates . was given as 130, while the correct total is 121.' The number pledged to the peo ple's choice is 111. 10 have given no modified pledge, usually stipulating that they -will vote only for a Republican, and 44 are on tha fence, having given at - pledge.----- - - The following list -of leglalatlve cait . didates includes all whose names will be before the voters of the various leg- : atniwi KOBnom srmvt. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy cough; oppressed, rattling, rasping aid difficult breathing. Henry C Stearns, druggist. Shullsburf, Wis., writes, May 10, 1902: "I have been selling Bal lard's Horehound Syrup for two years and have never had a preparation that has given better satisfaction. I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more. I can honestly recom mend it." 'JSc. 60o and 11.00. Bold by Weodard. Clarke 4b Co. Interesting Notes for Easter Shopping ' New Qoods at New Prices DAVIS - PATTERSON CO. 343 WASHINQTON STREET ChilfTs Gloves, Special 25 Child's one-clasp Mercerized Lisle Gloves, in white, tan, ' slate and mode. Special 25 1 Ladies Lisle Gloves 35 Ldies'twoIaspsiIk finish" , Lisle . Gloves, r. white only. '. ; Special value . . . .". 35V v Ladies', Lisle Gloves 50 -Ladies' two-claspReal Milan- ese Lisle Gloves,- in- white, ' - black, mode, tan and gray., ' Special value . . . . . . . ,50f Ladies' Lisle Gloves 91.00, ; Ladies' twoclasp Milanese V Suede . Lisle Gloves; with fancy two-toned embroidery, Tx-m ; pearl gray, "mode and' '"" champagne. Special value: at JP1.00 : Udies Silk' Gloves 60s " Ladies two-clasp double- tip- I ' bed finger Silk Gloves, white, '; ' black, slate and pongee 50a Ladies' ' two-clasp double-tip- ilped finger Silk Gloves, fine quality at $ 1.00 and TSsT Ladies' Kid Gloves $1.50 ' Ladies' Overseam and P. K. e ; Kid Gloves, also Overseam ' . Suede Gloves, all colors ; Ladies' Kid doves $1.00 rr; I Ladies' Oversearo Kid Gloves, P; K. Gloves and "Mocha i Gloves, best $1 gloves, all 4 shades, at ........ vf 1.00 - tJew Lingerie Vaists. ? New arrivals in Ladies' Lin gerie Waists,-the latest, trp . to-date styles in lace and ' embroidery trimmed, con ? fined styles, rightly . priced . i at ff2.25, 3.00, $4.00, 5.C0 to $12.50. k ; The Uco of UcM - Extrcct in Feed -.... : . .., ,,. ... . . r , Cooked Wheat Treated With It and Then Baked Crisp end Brown . . ' ; la Nutritioua and Delicious. : Remarkable "results are secured ' by treating whole wheat with malt extrac as is Illustrated by that widely known rood rjro product, Malta-vita, sometimes called "The Perfect Food." - In the preparation of Malta-Vita we have these two factors (a) the whole wheat, steamed and cooked in absolute cleanliness and containing every food element necessary to the sustenance of the human body, (b) pure malt extract containing all the nutrition of best selected barley In a readily digestible form, lo nutritious and strengthening that doctors everywhere recommend it. The malt - extract, mixed with the rooked wheat, converts the starch of the wheat into maltdfes. or malt sugar, an active digestive agent. The result Is a perfect food, rich In all the nutri tion that builds up bone and blood, brain and ' muscle, healthy tissue and nerve force.. . And - Malta-Vita' Is good to eat. There's nothing Ilk It, nothing that can take Its place. After being; mlxod with the malt, the wheat is rolled Into wafer-like flakes every grain a little flake and then baked In great, clean ovens under most intense heat. From the ovens Malta-Vita cornea crisp and brown, "done to a turn," the most deli cious, the most healthful food In the world. - All. grocers.', . ; i islstlve districts in the primaries. In each case the attitude of the candidate Is indicated. Those wio are- pledged to the people's choice for senator are indi cated by the words "statement No. 1." Those who have given only qualified pledge are designated by the word "modified." - Candidates who are on the fence appear as "no statment" , . ' Candidates for Bepreeantaelye. .. The) list of candidates for the lower house is as follows, by districts: . Marion County Statement No. 1. Re publicans. James M.- McCowan. Jerome Jones. , W. M. Cherrlngton. Jerome D. Simmons, Oliver Beers. B. Hofer, Prank Davey." ModlfTed.- Republicans, - W.-A. Taylor, K. T. Judd, J. U Calvert, H. P. Mount, H.7 HT Crawford." & A, Hughes, I R. Btimson; Democrats, F. 8. Sentv V. A. Manning. Wewls Savage. August Hackensteln. Phillip Olover. No state ment. Republicans, J. H. Settlemeler, J. w. McKinney, M." D. Skiff. A. N. Moores... 0, F, Rodger, ;JU ;iT Rey nolds, - v. ' Iilnn" County Statement , No. 1, Re publicans, i. B. RIchsrdnonvAr M. Holt, Park B. Beatty, F..M. Brown. Modified, none. No- statement. Republicans, S. S. Gilbert, J. A. Richardson, John R. Smith, O. B. Whlteomb, J&. Upmeyer; Democrats. F. J. Denney, Fred Dawson, V. W. Roblneth. s .IjUine -County Statement Novl, Re publicans, B. A. Washburn, X A Hardy, Martin Svarverud. I. N. Edwards, A. H. I Baton; Democrats, J. J. Walton, R. at. Veatch, James Hayes, I - R. Edmund son, t Modified,, none. No . statement, none.' . -r. . - --- Douglas County statement "No. I, ReDubl leans. C, S. Jackson. J. S. Gray. Modified, none. No statement. llcan, H. C..Bonneman J Democrat. B. A Hunsaker. - Coos County Statement- No. -1, - Re publican, W. C. Chase. - Modified, none. No statement, none. " Coos and Curry Counties Jolnt) No Republican nor Democratlo candidate. Q. A. Imhoff. Socialist, gives no pledge, Jonephlne County Statement No.. 1, Republican, S. K Dunbar. . Modified, none. No statement. I Vi. Jewell. Republican.- Jackson" CountyStatement No. 1, Long Glace Gloves. ies la and.l6-button- "12" . length Glace Gloves in white -and black, at $3.50, $2.75 i Handkerchief Special 25e i00 dozenTCadies' all pure Linen -iiand -- embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched - edge, neat - effects, a great bargain at . . . . ....... .25 New Neckwear at 25 See the large variety we are showing in the latest, up-to-date styles Neckwear, in turnover ; sets, tab r collars, etc. Special at ....... 25$ Finer qualities at 35, 50 Wash Belts 25 . The new Wash Belts are here in a large variety of designs t at $1.75, 50, 35, 25 See the new Gold Belts at $5 to 65f and. v .50e See the new Silver, Belts" at $3.50 to $1.00 and.. 65 "t 85c Ladies Vests 25 - Ladies' White . Lisle ' Finish i Swiss Ribbed Vests, 1. N. N. S. lace trimmed front and back, silk ' tape ; best 35c ' value at ... . . . . . '. . . . . . 25f : Ladies'. Kid Gloves $2.00 Ladies' P. K. Kid and Suede - Gloves, P. K. in black, white, brown and redf Suede in stainless black only. ' (3.00 Lingerie" Waists $1.23 300 Ladies' White Lingerie Waists, embroidery trimmed , yoke,' back and front with yalenciennes Uace insertion v: and fine . tucks on' sleeves with lace edge. 1 . . Republican. H. D, ' Kubll; Democrats. C. '1. - Reams, E A. Sherwtn. Modified, Julian ' W. Perkins, Republican. - No. statement, none. Douglas and - Jackson " (Joint) State ment No. 1, - Republicans, Oeorge W, Riddle, W. 1. Vawter.- Modified, none. No statement, Republicans. J. M. Hans brough. J. M. , Buchanan. Benton County Statement' No. 1. Re publicans, J. it Edwards. V. A. Carter. Modified, none. No atatament, nine.. Polk County Statement No. 1, none. Modified, none. No statement. Republi cans, Bob H. McCallon, J. H.-Flower, C. Q. Hawley. ; - ' Lincoln and Polk olnt (Statement No. 1, Republican, B. P. Jones. Modi fied, none. No statement,, J. 8. ' Cooper. . ( . Yamhill County Statement No. . 1. ReputJllcana. John Bones. J. P. Irrlne, J. B. St 11 well; Democrats, If. ' B. ' Hen dricks, I. C. Hendricks. Modified. Re publican, Fred Crawford. No state ment, none. - .. . Tillamook . and I- TanjhlU Counties (Joint) Statement No. 1,. Republicans, A. O. -Beals, Matthew Thompson. Mod ified, Republican, J, J. : Howser. ' No statement, none. .. ',.";'', - Washington .County Statement No. 1. Republicans, Van B. DeLaahmutt,' I. P. Spencer, M. 8. Barnes, A. B. Flint, W. K. Newell. Modified, none. No statement Republicans. 8. A,. D. Meek, B. F. Curdy. . - - - . Multnomah .county-Statement No.. 1, Republicans, L. H. ladams, J. C. Bayer, J. W. Beveridge. D. C. Burns, John B. Coffey. Dr. U M. Davis. John Driscoll, H. H. Emmons, Robert 8, Farrell, W, P. Keady, 8. A. Matthieu. A. H. Band strom. K. T. Taggart, James R Thompson,- Edgar H. Thornton, William Wan ner; Democrats. W. P. Adams. T. J. Con cannon.. John Donnells, E. N. Emery, E. A. Gessell. William Horan. Oeorge I Hutchln. Fred C. King, H. I. Krledt. Albert p. Nelson, Isaao 8 wett. D. M. WaUon, Oeorge M. Wells. Modified, Republicans. N. D. , Beutgen. W. H. Chapin.i H. Claussentus Jr.- Charles Cleveland. A. B. Ferrers, F. F. Free man. 8. H. Q ruber, C. J. Littlepage, D. B. Mackle, P. A. MacPherson. C. N. Mc Arthur, T. J. Monahan. Harry E. Northup. R. E. I Simmons, Robert W. Wilson. No statement. Republican, H. M. Btish; Democrat, B. H. Cahaltn. Clackamas county Statement NolT," Republicans. George. RandaIVWW. Bmlth. O. E. Hayee. E. P. Carter, J. U Kruse. C O. Huntley. Glen E. Jones, John H. Gibson, Frank Jaggar, Dr. C. a Smiths Henry E. Stevens, J, A. Tal-vert,C-H. Dye... ': . --r .i. Clackamas and Multnomah Oolnt) Statement Wo.. 1. Republicans, James IT. Campbell, Harvey E. Cross. , Modified, none. .No statement, none. - Clatsop county Statement No. I, Re publicans, C. J. Curtis, Asmus Brlx, J. C. McCue, Paul I Btrongland. Modl fled. Republican. .Walter J n galls. No statement, none. ' Columbia, county-SUtemetit- No, 1, Republicans. E. T. Connell. E. H. Flagg. Modified, none. , No etatement, none. Crook. Orant. Klamath and , Lake (Joint) Statement No. 1, Republicans, H. P. Belknap, J. F. Willetts. Modified, Republican, Oeorge H. Merrymao, No statement, none. : --" Morrow and Umatilla (jolnt)-r8tate-ment No. 1. none Modified, none. Nft statement, W M. Slusher, Republican. - TTm-4ll. . m- . . - . . . R'Pub-lepubUoM Hou,er. Democrat, C a. Barrett. Modified none. K. .t A. Barrett. Modified, none. No state ment. C. W. 8 teen. Republican. . - Union and Wallowa (joint) State ment No. 1, none. Modified, none. No statement. Jay H. Dobbin. Republican. Union county Statement No. 1, Re publicans, 8. R. Ha worth, Oeorge Miller, B. C. - McLeod, Oeorge W. Ruckman. Modified, none. No statement, none. Baker county Statement No. 1, Re publican. D. W." C. Nelson. -Modified. Walter Moore, . Republican. No ., state ment, . t. uougnerty, mmocru. : Harney and Malheur (Joint). State ment No. 1, Republican. Frank O. Brown: Democrat. Robert Van Qllaa. Modified. Gilbert King. Republican. no statement, none. Gilliam, Sherman and Wbeeler (Joint) Statement No. 1, none.. Modified, R. ix. - Donnelly. Republican. No state ment. B. F. Pike, Republican. Wasco County Statement No. 1, Re publicans, j. t. ; Hendricks, P. W Knowles, A. A. Jayne, R. F. Sharp. O. J. FarJy Democrat, J. a Egbert. Modi. fled. none. No statement. D- J. Cooper. nepuoucan. . - r Oaadldatea for State Senator. The candidates for the state senate are as rouows: Marion County Statement No. 1, Re publicans, E. M. Crotsaa. Modified, Re- puoiicans, w. H. Hobson. John 8. Richie. T. B. Kay; Democrat. W. T. Slater. No statement. Republicans, J. N. Smith, Aiex u r oneiie. i junn county Statement No.- 1, Re publican, a. w. Wright. Modified. none. , No statement C. E. Bor. Repub- "can; ai. m luer, uemoerat Linn aad Marion (Joint) Statement no. 1, w. it. Byrd. Republican. Modi I-fled, none. Natateanen4r-F-JMiliar nepuoncan. tne County Statement No. 1. Re. publican, I. H. Bingham. Modified, j. M. Shelley, Republican. . No statement . w. uninn, republican. Jackson County Statement No. 1. Republican. W. H. Gore. Modified.. E. T. Staples, Republican.' No statement ocnton Dowers. ; - - Multnomah County Statement N 1, Republican, John QUI: Democrat Fran cis Clarno. Modified, a C, Beach, Re publican. No statement Republicans, E. B. Col well, M. J. MacMahon. Benton County Statement No. 1, A. J. Johnson, Republican. Modified. W. P. Belknap, Republican. - Tamhlll County Statement No. 1. Re publican. Jesse Edwards; Democrat, J. J : : - .-a-g-Bg-a .. . . j SAMUEL CONNELL Candidats for Republican Nomination for Stat Sen ator (Joint). : V N- 1 i ., y I WHY , ForUaad Pewpte AmU Take TiavoL : A member 'of "the""flrmb "Woodard, Clarke eV Co our well-known druggists, says:. "We do not beUeve there la a man, woman or child in Portland whom our famous cod liver oU preparation, VlnoL will not benefit at this season of the year. -r. We believe there is no need tor so many people to drag around run-down, tired out and debilitated, or for old peo ple to remain weak and infirm when we guarantee Vlnol will restore health and strength.". . . " ' Continued he: "For - centuries cod liver ell has been- recognised as the grandest of all body-building- agents for wasted human strength and vitality, but en account ef the heavy, nauseating and system-clogging -oil which en veloped its ' curative - properties . few could take it with any benefit In Vlnol you get In a concentrated form1 every one of the curative and strength-creating elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, and without drop of oil to upset the stomach and retard its work. - Vlnol is. not patent medicine, and you know what you are taking, as everything it contains is named on the back label of every bottle. . Vlnol is ' guaranteed by over ' two thousand of the leading drugcJsts of the United States to create strenfth for old people, for the run-down, tired and de bilitated, weak, sickly women and chil dren, and after a sever sickness. We ask every person In Portland wno have, hacking coughs,: chronic- colds, throat and bronchial troubles, to try Vlnol on our guarantee, if costs noth ing if It falls. " .Woodard. Clarke A Co., druggists. -. - '''!,- H, Caldwell. Modified, Republican, W. A. Howe. No statement nonef. '"r - Clackamas County Statement No. 1, Republicans, .Oeorge C. Brownell 1 It Porter; Democrat J. E. Hedges. Modi fied, none. No statement none. , . Clackamas and Multnomah (Joint) t-AMn, Wa. . 1-P.iiiihllnui.. Samuel Connell. O. M. Orton, A A, BaUayModi-.. tied. none. No statement none. Clatsop County Statement N6.1, Re publicans, W. T. Sehofleld. J. W. Welch; Democrat, H. I Henderson. Modified, none. No statement -none. Morrow, Umatilla and Union coun- !-. nln MllMIMt N& 1. DemO- oratv Walter, M. Plercev, Modlfld.Jtrr. W. G. Cole, Republican. sutiemeni, none. -- - - J. ' ' - Umatilla ' County Statement No. ' t, none. Modified. O. W. Proebstel. Repub HcatiWQ statement Ttom Klrtt, Repub lican. ' L , ' """ Baker. Harney and Malheur (Joint) Statement No. 1, F. -at- Saiton. Demo crat Modified, 3. N. Hart and L W. Hop, Republicans. ivi...: OLYMPIC FROWNS. (Continued from Pag Fourteen.) mlttad President Harrison when ques tioned -yesterday. -' - The board - of - di rectors unanimously decided not to pay out a cent If Van Court made any promises of money to the boys who boxed, he did it entirely without au thorisation. . In his seal for a large entry list and a successful tournament he overstepped himself and did some thing which he had no right to do." . It was here that President Harrison said that he was personally opposed to the holding of any more tournaments under the auspices of the club, backing uo his position by declaring: - There are 10 registered amateurs nere ana noi one i mem w ma mmm.- teur." t ' For a lone time past It has been matter of common knowledge that the so-called "amateur" boxing gam le rot ten to the cor. The constant scandals arising from the holding of tourna ments by clubs other than the Olympic club is proof enough that all is- not right. During the brief spell in which the control of the game was taken out of the bands or the racino Atnieuo asso ciation and was run by four outlaw clubs a littla over a year ago money waa openly paid to the "amateur" box era Boys who were enough of an at traction to be piaoed in main : events were paid sums over $100 for winning, this amount sometimes being as high as 1200 in the two or three months that the game was at its best Alex Greg gains, who used to ran the San. Fran cisco club shows, made, tor a time, much more money out of his "amateur" fights thsn he did out of his profes sional fights. Those close to him de clare that he did this by getting the best talent la the city, which came at a high price. During the year that the Pacific Ath letic association has naa control mere has been an anaemlo effort to make the clubs " toethe- mark, There has also- been a rather feeble endeavor to cleanse the came of the professional tendencies. Besides this task, , the cleansing or ins Augean stables would have been merely a pleasant half hour's work, and the Pacific A thistle association has very evidently been not equal to the task, At any - rata, the experience in tne last tournament held by. the Olympic club has caused the board of directors of that body to believe that it can beat serve the Interests of tha club by naving nothing more to do with "amateur - boxers who take -mony. YESTERDAY'S RUNNING 2i AT OAKLAND TRACK ' (Jeeratt Sseelsl acrviee.1 ' San " Francisco. Aprils II. Oakland race results: . . Three - and a half furlongs Utlca won. Bona ventura second, Lassen third; timet 9:41. Mile Leash won. Lone Fisherman second, Allopath third; time, 1:41. Mile Pronta won, viona second. Hugh MoOowa third; time, 1:42. Mile Dewey won, Pickaway second. Miss May Bowdlsh third; time. 1:4!; Mile: and : an eighth Epicure won, Dusty Miller second. Harbor third,' time, 1:UU. Mile, and an eighth Graphite wrn. Mogregor . second, Bonar third ; tl me, Six and a half furlongs Tada won. Sir Brillar - second, Gorgelette - third.' Um. 1:1. -j,' - r-- ' , SHAEFER WINS MATCH IN SIXTEEN INNINGS (Jearaal BcUI Ssrvloi.t New York. April II. In sixteen In nings last night Jacob ' Schaefer de feated Albert J. Cutter In the seventh game of the" billiard tournament the score being SO to III. Schaefer was in fine form and his playing waa mas terful. Slosson beat" Mornlngstar in a slow game by the score of 10 to III. . ". mandbau Votea. Cleland beat Barrett In the singles In the handball tourney at Multnomah club last night by the scores. 11-4, 4-11 and 11-11. Zan defeated McMillan 11-4.- 14-11. 11-11. Dunne beat Bllderback 11-14. 11-11. Peterson won in Moore default . i - f ' . ... e e ' : - the T. M. C. A. series ef handball championships last atsht Barrel! de feated Uvtngaton 11-1. 21-1.' Thing beat Jackson 1T-I1, H IT and 1H, . DROVE NEEDLES III HER SKULL V Ninstsen-Year-Old Girl Taken to Asylum After, Eighth Attempt S LASHES HERSELF ON HEAD WITH A KNIFE Mania for Suicide Due to Fall From . CWf--Drink Vaxtuah, Poison, Ink, '. Lye,' Ey Salve and Hair Tonic in . Efforts at Self-Dettruction. (Joeraal Bseelal Service.) Denver, Col., April II. Mamie "Hend ricks, aged II years, is in the- insane ward of the county hospital after her eighth- attempt- to commit suicide. She tried to beat out her brains against a wall in her home yesterday after, be lng teased by children, and was only prevented from doing so by her mother. She then secured 12 needles and was driving them into her skull with a ham mer before she was discovered. Then In the kitchen ef her home she seised a knife and began slashing herself on the head. Officers took her to the hospital and later surgeons removed two needles from her skulL v - Ten years ago .the gtrr fell from a cliff, striking on1 her , head, and her mania- for committing- suicide is at tributed to this accident She complains of constant jtaln in her head and ssld todsy ' that shs thought , the needles would kill her or at least stop the pain. Her other attempts to end her life were isjade July - v not. - when she draris; half a plnt.of varnish: Octobr K juj,. sne. drank concentrated lye: Sep tember It, )01. she took poison and Ink; January 14. 1104, she drank, concentrated lye; October IB. 1104, aha took eye salve Internally; November , 114. she took hslr tonio internally, and November It, 1I0(, cut her forehead with a knife. ' SELECT MASTERS MEET" IN CONCLAVE AT SALEM - Salem, Or.,' April II. The annual as sembly of the Royal and Select Mas ters of Oregon met- In conclave here and ' Chose the following . officers: W. A. Dempsey of Portland, grand mas ter; Horatio H. Parker, Portland, deputy grand master; Q. p. B. DeBar, Eugene, grand P. C of W. 8. 8. Spencer, Eu gene, grand C. of Guards; Milton I My era, Salem, grand C of Cl & L Pope, Portland, grand recorder; John Howe, Eugene, grand steward; C W. Lowe, Eu gene, grand sentinel. The meeting waa under the auspices of Hod son Council of this .city, which, gave a banquet in honor f the guests. Ths next meeting will be held at Corvallls In April, 1T. f I NATIONAL LEAGUE. . 'v :': ' Won. .. New Tork Sj.. Pittsburg'. 1 Chicago . . .'... 1 Boston . . ............. 1 Philadelphia-, . ... St Louis . 0 Brooklyn , Cincinnati . ........... Lost P.C. 1.009 1.00 1.00 1.00 ' .00 .ooo .00 : .90 - - At FalladelpBla. ' w Tork:v;T,....iRf Philadelphia ,.2. 4 I Batteries Ames and Breanshan; Lush snd Donovan. ' Umpire O'Day, . - at St XjulaV R.H. E. St. Louis , ..1 I 1 PltUburg . . .J T 1 : Batteries Tsylor and Orady; Willis and Olbson. Umpires Klein -and Car- pentar. .'':': -:'.-'' A CHnolmaact. , . ' -: - ' . .. i. ... R.H. E. Cincinnati . . ............. .....I - I 4 Chicago . T 9 Batteries Overall and Schlei; Lund gren and Kllng. Umpire Johnstone. . ! V At Brooklym.' : ' Brooklyn . i 9 11 Boston'. . I 1 Batteries Mclntyre and Bergen; Young and Need ham. Umpires Emslle ana uonway. AFRAID TO EAT Onrleas Oosditlon ef s sTew ' York Lettor-Carrlar Overoeaie ky ' erroas SCeadaokee. . sorroaTT Bazas1, Ths world Is full 6f traredies of love and hate, of wealth and want. We jostle unwittingly In the crowded street almost every day those whose lives would move us to marvel, eouid we but see the inner prmssr-rouid -we- but know their-bur- aens. temptations. Borrows. But of all life's tragedies, none comes closer home to ue than those which touch our own health, or that of our dear ones, and this is the reaaon why our common greeting la: "How do you do, and how are the folker" Mr. Charles Hrman ef the New York City poetofflce. Is one of the most popular men in nariem, wnere ne is wen Known, bavins lived there many years of his lite. He suffered terribly from stomach though outdoors most of the day.- But let him tell his own story: No. IS West 111th St., New York City, N. T". CHASE MANUFACTURING CO. I I hope you will use this letter of mine aa a recommendation of your wonderful medicine. I am a man who has been outdoors for years. I . have been troubled with the moef terrible headaches and bilious feeling. - I had a aood annetlte. but was afraid to eat a meal for fear of what X thought a ner vous Headache, but it really came from the stomach. By chance, one day while nerformlna: mv work I felt verr elck and atepped Into a store, and some one told met .to try Chase's "I Cure U." t did not want to, aa I had taken so much medicine without any result; nnail v a dose waa given ma I can only say I am like another man. I have taken In all about twelve bottles, and you may ear' to anv one that I consider myself a cured man, ae I have not had a head ache or sick feeling In the paet Ave months. I will gladly apeak to any one who wtu call st my home and tell them what It has done for me. 1 only hope that all people who have a atomacti trouble wUl give Chase's "1 Cure U" a fair trial. I am respectfully yours. , CHAS. Hi MAN. Chase's Dyspepsia Cure (a llauld rem edy), by regulating, digestion, restores appetite, ambition and general health quick) y, pleasantly and permanently. Obstinate cases overcome. Why do you suffer with syscepsla or stomach trouble when you can be cured t We otter you a remedy that has never failed. It has cured thousands and wUl cure you. O CAR ANTES!: If any sufferer, after friving the remedy a fair trial. Is not benefited, money will be refunded. large 10-oent bottles at drua-clats, or i ' Bent prepeld. on reoeipt of price. . i ' i Hank etro. CO., Brooklyn, N. Y. f ' er sale in Portland by Weodard, Clarke A Oe. ' I Turn to ECAY Is not dlfesHon, yeu ! 'v J J know, even when it takes ' JJ '" plac in tha stomach. , V '. , Food decayed in th body aftf belnf eaten Is as danferou to ; baaltb sa food decayed beJFor belnf aalen. Food nourlghs r poisons, urt sxcor4- ': : lng lo how lon it remain in th Bowel ' . undigested. .. ',':'J.'.') : Caaoarets ar ,th simplest snd surest , safeguard again! Delayed Digestion yt '; discovered, v . . ; 1 . ', . ' Soli in s thin Enamel Box, half ss -thiok as your watch, which fits Into ths '. vast pocket or lady's pur ss If It grew ; -there. In this round-edged Enamel Box are found six amall Candy Tsbieta. One of these toothsoms tablets works; wonders ior dlgeatlon.' : . '. '-i,U j!. Soon si placed In the mouth It Itsrts the Sallys flowing, which st one gats to ' work dissolving It. -r : " ' Th Saliva becomes blended with the Cindy 'Cascaret tablet, snd from ths moment 'they atari going down your throat iogelher they start working to gether. ': '!' . ..' ;-' "' Mow, what do they work st? ' Bowel- t work, of course Dlgeatlon. - " , '-J -'T'.i ; Most of th Digestion occurs In ths thirty feet of Intestine that connect with ' ths Stomach. .t-rri -4--T -r. "r Thejrsrs-0ndwithr-s -set' of - HtuV mouths, thst-squeeto - Dlgestlve-Julces Into ths Food stn. , 7.'-V-- Ths Digestive J.uicea thus mis with ths food, Just as Saliva mixes with Cas caret tablet, dissolving1 snd changing that food Into nourishment, ss It passes slong ths channel. WE CM MEN for $f 50 AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY ; Established 25 Years In Portland ) If a bees vMsted the lews ef health asd sre eaaseleee ef eeastsat rste whteb Is asaernuBlsg fomr mtm, ernne te as before roe beeome a nnus and physlesl wreck. If yon are wesk, f loor snd deapeadeat, ksee bed dressis, Seprewed, laea amblttaa sad eaeray. aaable te eoocentrste roar tbeasfets, lack vim, visor sad vltsllty. esu te as st eece; ear treetisest will etas all drains sad evertoess all weaknesses sad positively re store yon te etrenftb and bralth. We bae earaS theesanda of weak s. THOIS WHO BATE BEES STSAPFOnrTZO T VVSKTCLZD SPEOTAtlST AVj SABVXSTLT SEOVEITZD TO IMVSSTIOATS OTIS METHOD ASS TEAM WITHOUT. EEL AT, WHICH HAD TRXT BOSS IS XXI SXOIVXniO, W00XS SLATS SATXO THEM TatS ASS MOSEY. A LIFE UOINO CURB FOR T y- SL00D S0H0W, 8SIW BIBEARS, S0SEI. TICEBS, STBIOTirBZ. TABJCOCTXS, sTT SSOCELX, MZBVOUI DEOUVB, WXAZXSSS, YIUS OB CKB0SI0 BISEASSS OS THS KIDVXTI AMD SB0TATX. SPECIAL DISEASES Newly esetrseted ss etirasle eases enrad. All earning, ttrtt- tnr and Inflameiatliie etoeped la M sours; eares sffected In T sya WX COVES, THS jcsTiss yiEU) or syxciAX ass chboxio, SEESSEATED, COMSLJOATXO Bia WBITX If yea esaaet rail, an enrreapendeaee atrletly eenfMsatlst sad sit reviles sent In plain eaaalopee. He booms, rasas, letters er paetofrsstis etjsstleats sabllabad ei '"'wi' CHAXSX TOB StrSES OSXT. ae eaoes say fa ear sen lose anises we eats a Mtleat seoad aa wall, aa that he will bs entirely sstiaflad, an will aava saala liar to ba traatad far the seme trvable. IXTZBTIOATS .AND LZABX THAT ,0UB WO ED IS A OOOD A ODB B0SO. OUB riMAVCIAL STAKDINO IS COLIS ASS OtT tOWO ZXYEBren-CE IX TBEATTVS SPEOUL DISEASES Of MIS rMSVSXS EOU Or K0OESX, SClEXTiyiO TBEATMEXT TSAT WUX AOOOaTSUSH A CUSS. HOURS a. aula I p. as.) Bvenlns. t to ; Sundays. a. m. to II noon. Sit LOUIS mSPM oobih saoosm ajts tajocix stbjbsts. romTzojrs, omsvo. I t : A nimi BtAXTD TO STSiT It Is s sertoms tklas saeel eoatrao diseases, kn tke saes sertoms reealts - tmiokly feUew neflso or laapreper treatment. OOaSTXTASTO AWD azAaf- . . nvAtxosT raaa . . .;. ... : . . .. - tHn't wait until your whole system becomes polluted with i disease, or until your nervous -system . Is totterlns under the strain, snd you are a physlcsl ' , snd mental wreck, unfit for work, : buelness or study. Uncertain or Improper treatment can only do - nirm. i nere ie onir ana nnwu - aafe and laatlns cure for you, wblcb you will find St the Norton 1 . Davis Medical Co. Start rlsht, 5. and start at once. Delays . ae dansrou. : --: - - - - - ' - . - , wa' TsiAT "xraa' eaxT "astd VOT-M TEES QUIOIIiT, 9JLTM- X.T ajto oaouaxT. . 1 arvsry man iums wiaji aiseese, vaneoeeie, syareesie, naaey e e bladder disss ss, bleod poisoa, nerve deblUty .eevaaed by ese as see, ew ; e er with any of tbelr numerous and distressing Symptom, owes It toblm- self, bis family and especially to tbe future fenerations, te set cured 7 , promptly, safely, and thoroushly, . S '- X .;;wxora roa rasa book, '" e If you can't etl at our office, write for book . whlcb d'earrlbes eur Snetnoa. aii teiiere are iriven epecuu axienTinn. Our terms are moat reasonable. If your ereept weekly or monthly installments. C CURED. You can deposit the price of a v lead, te be paild te lit when you are entirely i It you cannot call, write and describe jour vise you If you oan be cured at borne. . Office hours) a. m. to I p. nv; Sundays i '. 7, r;oTor: t: -TM la r i rr- may Poison ; Ths IniesHnes are slta nnd with mJ. Hons of little suction pumps, that draw ths Nutriment from Food,, ss It p?l thm In going through. , ', '-r'y-J':. : - -:- , :j--t:yr-, "- Thli Nutriment Is then carried Int ths Blood,' snd spread over th Body ss Brain, Bon and Brawn. : , , But,whs th Bowet-Muscie sr weak, the Food moves too slowljr to etimulate . ths little Castrio Mouths and there is no . flow, or loo llttl flow of Digestivs Juice, to change the food into nourishment. .Then, ths food decays In th Boweli, snd in ths thirty feet of Intestines. ' . ,- - When this1 Decay begins ths little mo tion' pumps drsw Ppteon from th decayed : Pood; Into ths blood, Instead of th Nutri tion it should hsvs drswn. . ; . Now,. Cascaret. contain th only com bination cf drujs that Stimulates these Muscle of the Bowels snd Intestine ust ss s Cold Bath, or open-sir Exsrcts. stlrautstss s Lsiy Man.": : fv: -- Cascarets therefor set like Exercl! They produce the asms sort of Natural result that a Six Mile walk la ths country would produce, without sny , injurious Chemical effect.: , . ; . r,.., The Vest Pockal Cascaret Box Is sold by si! Druggists, si Ten Cents. ' ' v ; Be sure you get th genuine, made only by ths Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC.!1..-.--; . . v; ;-c-r:y;. or nuts to otm. nutRDii We wast te ser ts ser frlenes s 1' ' rrtadi Settrnsd. &OLMLATS.4) a i air easmsled ti lelsrt. It is s beeety ht K-e Sreulac table. Tea ceota la ttasias Is asked a a BMsaare ef r4 "a and ts omr cestef Caetsreta. wlttwl UsetytrhetlslssSe. n - Seed te-day. mestiealsg this saser. Ai Sttrkag SssMar f esinni. Caicaxe er Mi lets. CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY, SINGLE, UNCOM. " PLICATED AILMENT FOR, $12J0 :? ' ; FOR THE t FEE. h ABSOLUTE. GUARANTEE JSjJPATkVSVZSS CURED Corn) Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special ist who number their PERFECT Core by ths THOUSAND! You want s PERMANENT Curst i Ws csn ACCOMPLISH IT, f 2 n n rr - - v ' jjT j j IS terxl 1 S V v V j J, ku JVV ... : - s sre limited we w'l ,v PAir v i ' .-:r i a? : in