The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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: . V- "... .
Successor to Salem
Woolen Ttfill Store
Fresno Batters Land on French,
Merkle and Jones With .
: ' .Telling Effect.
Oakland ' Pitchers . Could Not . Keep
the Ball Away From the Raisin
' Eaters Cartwright Hits at Lively
ClipA verafe of One Thousand.
tJovmal SpMial 8rk.)
Fresno, Cal.. April IS. Ths Olants
ot theirs jresterdsy. from the winder
Ins. pnwsshed sod homeless Nomsds, In
thesssTsUknouss the Fresno
Bsll club. The score was It to I. and
' from all acoounta It wouli Tiave tonr
much hls-her but for the recklessnMM
of the Titers, whs took eery conceiv
able chance on the base s. French
started In to pitch for the Olants, snd
before he could retire the side five ter
. rifle hits had sent as many runs a.l lop-Ins-
over . the - festivs pan. McCredle
beckoned French to the bench and
. Merkle was sent to the flrlnc line. In
the aecond lnnlnr "Merkie"- didn't llow
a hit. In the third one hit was sar
nered. but with no results. The trouble
clouda were tiangtnK low when , the
fourth Inning dawned. Merkle had dlf-
, fleulty In looatlna the plate. He walked
a few, hit a stray one and allowed three
safe f lives, which netetd five runs.
Bertlnas Jones then undertook to de
liver 'the sphere, . Merkle seekln
French's resting- place. Three hits snd
- a . bunsle by Moore In the- fifth gave
Fresno three more runs and then the
day was done. -- , ,.
Portland mad nine . hits,- four of
which produced two runs, one In the
fourth end one In the slth. - Touna
Csrtwrlsht waa there with the stick
again, getting five safe hits out of five
times at bat. Arellanos also was handy
' " s' ari' - ' : " -i.-
A Judge of
Csa Find No Fault With .
SwCHS , HAT ' .
$3.50 $2.50
'M' "foe' '
they wear- Saved"
Tcp & Ccttca Sic?
Exact duplicates in model and fabric
of te garments that will be-worn on
Fifth Avenue Easter Sunday by New
;':;."':" ',.;-. .
wltF th """bat, making three safe drives.
The score follows: j -v
' " '-. . ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
McHale, cf. .....T... & 0 1 t
McCredle, rf.- ........ I" I l: I
Sweeney, ss. ........ I
Mitchell. If. ........ 4
Meter, lb. a
McLean, e. .......... S
Moore, lb. .......... 4
Donahue, Jb. ........ 4
French, pj 0
Merkle, p. ,ir. f
Jones, p. ............ I
0 t
1 -I
1 4
o e
; Totals .....lit
' r'. AB.
Doyle, cf. ........... 4
Caeey. Jb .., 4
McLaughlin, it. ..... I
Began, as. I
Areltuwes, r Sb. -. ...
Delmaa, rf. ........ t t
Cartwright. lb. ..... , I
Hogan, c. -
Dsahwood, e. ........ 1
Lenike, p. ........... a
R. IL PO. A. K.
11 4 0
. e! . .
. l
ToUls . ...........14 II II 27 11 t
Portland 0010 t
Hits ...S I 0 I 1 I v v Z
reano ... .,.. t II
t i a
i e ii
, . SUMMARY. '
Two-bass hit Mitchell. ' Three-base
hit Eagun. Innings pitched French 1,
Merkle I. Jones 4. Sacrince hlta Mc
Laughlin, Kagan, - Hogan I. Hits Off
French. 5; off Merkle, I; off Jones, 4.
First bass -on-ballsOff" French, lr-off
Merkle. s; off Jonra. 1; ctt Lemke. I.
Stolen bases Mitchell, Lister, Arel
lanea I, Cartwright. Struck out Br
Merkle. 1; by Jonea, I; by Lemke, 1
Left on bases Portland, 10; Fresno, 10.
Passed ball Dash wood. First base on
errors Portland, 1; Fresno, I. Hit by
pitcher Delmaa, by Merkle: Casey, by
Jones. Time of game One hour snd St)
minutes. Umpire McDonald. .
n mi.
gs rraaclece .1.1 Ol'o' O) 0) Si 1.000
Urn Aos1m O.. 0 0 4 0 4 ,no
HoflUnd 0 . . I 0 0 I OO
rrasoe 0 0 I.. O O I .
OskKnd .............. 0 1 0 0..0 1 .
eesttie 0 0 0 0 Ol.. 0 .000
test 1iitlN"4l"eTol ;
. . She m Ooo rtteker.
- ' (Jeoraal SpecUl Swrice.)
San Francisco, April II. Shea held
the Seattle team down to four scattered
hits yesterday snd the Seals entiesed
another victory. The score:
Seattle . V. . . i.'.o 0 1 ed 0 1 i i
Sun Francisco.,, 1st 10 11 7
Batteries Jones and Blankenahlp;
Shea snd Street. Umpire Perrlne.
' Aag-els Wis, Another. t
' I Jeersal Special Servtes.
Los Angeles, April II. Toser wss
pressed Into service In the last Inning
yesterday against Oakland snd succeed
ed in holding the game safely for the
Angels. Ths cores
" ' R H. E.
Los Angeles . 1 1 S t ' It 0
Oakland ..tlllttOt 11 t I
Batteries Gray, Toser snd Eager;
Smith and Bliss, umpire Knell.
- Tomorrow afternoon on ths M. A. A.
C. diamond the Multnomah elub nine
wilt cross bats with the Bebnke-Wslker-dub.
The game will be called at I
o'clock and It should bs a rattling good
contest Multnomah will tins up In this
fashion: Stockton, catcher; Gearln and
Hasrklns. pitchers; Trowbridge, first
base; Campbell, second bass; Ott, third
base; QrajR, shortstop; fllnndtt. left fleldi
Berton, right Held; Henkle, center Held,
Manager Trimble will Oil In whersver
Seeded, . " i
' e ,,. ,. .
. Blues and Grays.
Discarded Portland Player Given
High Praise by Examiner's
i ' , - Baseball Expert. v
Seattle Had Lead From the Start snd
in the Final Chapter, With Bases
Filled, Eddie Cracks Out Scorcher
- and Adds Another Victory for Seals
Eddls Berhsrdt. who writes baseball
for the San Francisco Exsmlner, pays
a pretty tribute to the batting prowess
of Eddie Householder, whose hit In the
ninth Inning won Tuesday's game
Householder was released - last . year
by Portland, because Manager McCredle
thought he received too much applauae
during the games. Here Is what Ber
nard t says: """ -
"Horns day some son of a son of your
son's son wilt entwine his chubby arm
around his daddy's neck snd lisp:
'Please, Popsey, tell me who wss
Eddie Householder snd what did bs do
that wss so wonderful T
- "And then a fond father will this tsls
unfold: - - - .
"Bark In ths spring of naughty-six
ths 'Frisco team was carrying this fel
low Householder ss excess baggage.
One afternoon the bunch from a place
called Seattle took s lead of one run
In the first Inning snd stuck out In
front through their nine turns st bat
Their pitcher seemed to have the other
crowd dlssy They could do nothing
wun nis curucures and it wsan t sua
perted they would do anything.
Up came the 'Frisco folk for the last
gasp. Eddie Waldron tickled the ball
on the seam and cosxed it to roll
through ths dlsmond to s nice lonesome
spot -In ths -center field. Charlie Irwin
came along and tipped the hide to the
Seattle third baseman. : This man's
nsms was Mott and ha made a mottled
throw. Two men on snd none gone.
Harry Spencer he was s speedy little
trick rolled one to the pitcher, who by
this time wasn't half so sure ss ho had
been. Anyhow,' he thought fl)ball was
his to havs and to hold, snd before he
got through thinking sll ths sacks were
populated and for Seattle the situation
was well out of hand.
"How, according to ths list it was
the turn of s young then nsmed Sears
te get busy with ths swat-stick. Bui
Sears was s hew one snd wise old Psrke
Wilson, who wss bossing ths job, tapped
this fellow Householder on ths back and
ssid, Qo ahead, Eddie, and get this
gsms for us;- we must have It'
So Eddie got s nice, solid . elub,
rubbed some dirt Into his palms and
Disease and Sickness Bring Old 'Age.
Herblne, tsksn every morning be
fore breakfast, will keep you In robust
health, fit you to ward off dlsesse. It
eures constipation, biliousness, dyspep
sia, fever si :n, liver snd kidney eom-
rlalnta. It purifies the blood and clears
be complexion,
Mrs. 1. W. Smith. Whitney, Texas,
writes, AprtL I, l0t: "I havs used
Herblne' and And It the best medicine
for constipation' and' liver troubles. It
does sll you claim for it I can highly
recommend It" Price Mo. Sold by
Woodard.' Clarke A Co. '
: At no other place outside of exclusive
shops, will be found ouch a lavish dis
play of all the new thingp 7 i
announced that hs would eternally so
phostlclsts the first good one 'shipped
up to him. " ' '-
"Well, the ball was . delfvered. J It
looked big end. round and tempting; and
Eddie, swinging from way behind, mer
cllesaly slashed at It. , Out It shot like
the crack o doom. It ripped a gash in
ths infield snd tors ths weeds out of
center. . Before it was stopped Waldron
and Irwin had rounded .ths Horn and
threatened humiliation had been: trans.
formed Into assured triumph. '
" "Householder! Householder! House
holder! o you, Eddie!' shouted the mul
tltude. ' . . -
"And that earns afternoon 'Jack Olea-
son, who wss stsgo manager for the
San Francisco troupe, made up his rolnj
to increase Eddie's stipend from umph'r
hundred the month to skrgm hundred
Snd fifty for the same period."
Salam Trspshootera Organise.
(loerUl Dtspsteh to le JearaaLl
Salem, . Or.. April II. A number of
local trapshooters mst hers snd . or
ganlsed a club. Ths officers chosen
for ths yesr sre: Dr. John C. Griffiths,
prssldent; C IX THlson. vtce-nresldent
Paul Hauser, secretary and treasurer.
The organisation-purposes to hold a
series of tournaments during ths year
and may hold a northwest tournament
at the state fair. The shooting box Is
located weat of th fair grounds.
. On the Oolf XJnxs. - ;
The first qualifying round in the
spring tournament at ths Wsvsrlr golf
I links will .bs -.played ..tomorrow.. The
competition Is for the president's oup
and win close on May is.
Doctors Say
Drink Beer
With Your Meals It Will Aid Diges
tion aa Well as Give You .
'.T an Appetite.,'.
Doctors And pare beer one of the most
reliable tonlca. On account of Its high
nourishing qualities when made from
eisht-day malt and choicest . hops, as
Pabst Beer Is, it Is prescribed as a su
perior eojunci diet or tns convalasoent
Pure, well-aged beer Is a tonic an an-
pettier, an .aid to digestion, and s food
that Is strenrthenlnr and nourishing.
Solid foods are injurious if partaken of
too-ireeiy, Because soiias remain la the
stomach a long time and retard diges
tion. Nourishing liquids such as milk,
soups or good beer quickly pass from
the stomach (physiologists say In about
46 minutes). Milk is II per cent water
and 11 per cent nourishment. Pabst
Beer is II per cent sterilised water and
It per cent nourishment That is good
near, the richest, cleanest, purest b
known. ,
Psbst Bser it superior because It Is
manufactured - by the exclusive Pabst
method of brewing - with eigbt-dsy
man ana cnoicesi nops, tne result or to
years- successriu sctentino and practi
csl research.
When we drink a glass of beer we
went to snow ws are drinking beer
msde from best materials In a per-
leciiy ciean manner, wnen you orlnk
Pabst beer you are sure ef the beet
materials snd absolute cleannesa.
Malt is the soul of beer end when we
say that the exclusive Pabst 1-day
method of -making malt gives more
extrsct more nourishment than any
other mlt you will know why it is
that Pabst Beer le superior. When we
tell you tbst from ths time the mash
la cooked until the perfectly . brewed,
perfectly aged beer is barreled or bot-
uea ii never comes in contact witn aiy
air nut sterilised sir snd is never
touched by human hands, yon will know
why Pabst Beer excels In purity snd
These ere reasons why doctors every
where recommend Pabst Blue Ribbon
Beer as always clean and wholesome, ss
well se pure and refreshing.
cmAsus; xour co. .
( Coras Third and Flae.
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
, rest a Case, fot Tsm Meats Veda.
(pn (iDTIKiniF
Directors Refuse to Compensate
; Boxera Who Participated -?
in Tournament, vj
raininf Instructor Van Court Prom
ised Young Boxers Certain Amount
if They Would Win, but Paul
Cowles Holds Up Budget J .
There is trouble galore in ' stors for
the amateurs of San Francisco and else
where who participated In the recent
boxing tournament under the auspices
cf the Olrmplo c)ub. In speaking of
ths rumpus occasioned by the presenta
tion of bills for thoss who won ths
championships,' ths Chronicle says:
There will bs no more "emsteur" box
ing tournaments held tinder the aus
pices of the Olympio club, either with
in or without the portals of -Its-own
gymnsslum. Instead, when the mem
bers of the famous gthletie organisa
tion hunger for ths sweaty Clash of
mitt on muscle, an appropriation will
be made by the board of directors, and
sn entertainment, with hired talent-
most pf ths talent to come from the
ranks of ths rsgistersa -amateur' box
ers will be served up in businesslike
msnner and on a business basis.-
This swseplng assertion is Justified
by the expressed sentiments of Fresl
dent William Oreer Harrison and of
other members of the board of direc
tors. To do away entirely - with - eo
called amateur boxing tournaments is
deemed necessary by ths board, owing
no ths rotten condition of ths sport It
Is due, also, to ths experience gslnsd
In the last tournament for the cham
plonshlps of ths country.-
"There are 100 registered amateur
boxers here," - declared President Wil
liam . Oreer Harrison yesterday, "and
not one of them Is sn smateur. ' Per
sonally, I am unalterably opposed to the
holding of any more "amateur tourna-
ments under the auspices ef ths Olym
pic ciuov
Bsck of this most emphatic stand is
s combination of evente which hold
rather uncommon interest The trouble
started Sunday afternoon at a meeting
of the -committee which had In chargs
ths last tournament This committee.
wss composed ef Msg Rosenfeld, Louis
snd Jsck Qleason. - Associated with ths
eommtttss wss . Paul Cowles of the
board of directors, sppolnted by Presi
dent Harrison to look after the finances
of the tournament and to watch them
closely. . - .
- Money We Offered. -
The details of . ths last tournsment
were considered with serenity by the
committee until De Witt Vsn Court, ths
boxing Instructor of ths club, presented
a bill for moneys to be paid the partici
pants in ths last tournament The bill
was a long one, snd wss itemised. As
Vsn Court explained, he had promised
sch boy who won a bout tbs sum of
II for each victory, and 111 additional
If he should win ths ftnsl event for the
championship. ..Ths whole smounted to
the grand total of 1770. This money
was not for itralnlng sxpenses or for
the payment of wages to tbs boys for
ths tlms they were out of work while
training. Those provisions had already
been made and are considered within
the spirit of smsteurlsm. aa defined by
tbs governing body ef the county, the
Amateur Athletlo union, la other ,
I ' I f I I ft l M I ' ' V
words, . this money wss ' prise money.
Just aa la a purse given a professional
fighter. , , . , ;
The committee was serene. There
was more then a ' ripple across tbs
placid waters, however, when Paul
Cowles, aa "watch, dog of ths treasury,"
looked st the bill and asked:
"Why should this money bs paid. to
amateurs, if they srs amateurs T"
Vsn Court snd" the members of the
committee looked surprised. Vsn Court
"Because it is ths custom. Why.' we
couldn't have got them to tight if we
hadn't promised them this... We hare
got to pay it" , -
There was a murmur of assent from
the committee, snd then Cowles threw
In a bombshell. "Well," ssid he, "no
bill can bs paid until I 0. K.' It I
will never 0, K.' this bill. If ths board
of directors desires) to pay it ths board
can do so, but I warn you that I will
taks immediate steps to have - every
boxer who receives a cent declared a
professional." v- t-.- - - -
-There were growls, and the meeting
broke up, Cowles still retaining the bill.
This bill he took to President Harrison
the next day. - The president waa highly
Indignant at the whole proceeding and
declared unequivocally that if a cent of
money should be paid te any boxar he
would, personally see that the tourna
ment was invalidated. A hastily called
meeting of the board of directors found
very director standing fist-footed for
the non-psyment of the bill. It also
found thsm virtually ons on the propo
sition to soil the skirt of ths
more with famateur" boxing tourna
ments participated, in - by - "amateurs"
who will not box nnlsss they srs paid
money, , The general sentiment in the
board at. present is for "exhibitions"
of boxing by boxers hired for ths pur
pose of entertaining the members. If,
in time, tbs amateur aids of the gams
beoomes really amateur, the ' touma-
YJjJL - The styls of a TJunlap Kit Derby Hat is conte.
YSCFf , quent upon quality. Everything that enters Into - fcVV
"tfAV? ' , the making of these 15 99 Hats Is unqualifiedly - J J i i.
lfrxs V th material, - Colors black snd covsrt , -I y
11 and make us prove it.
Third Street
Stark and Oak
Xyosaet Cues Catarrh la lTssasel sad
";:"'" " V aattoaal Way. 7u. '
' No dangerous drugs or slcohollo eon-1
coctlons ars taken into the system when
Hyomel Is used in the treatment of ca
tarrh. Breathed through the neat pocket
Inhaler that comes with every outat, ths
balaomlo healing of Hyomel penetrates '
to the most remote cells of ths nose,
throat and lung, 'killing- all catarrhal -germs,
' healing the irritated mucous .
membrane and effecting a complete and
permanent cure. . . '' u v . ,
In a natural and rational way, : by
medicating the sir you breaths, with
Hyomel, every breath will be healing
snd sntlssptlo, like ths sir found on the
mountains where the pin forests give
off their ftagrsnt and healing balsams. ;
r No medicine taken into ths stomach"
ean possibly reach the remote cells of
the sir passages, or giro ths Immediate
relief that follows ths us of Hyomel.
A few days' treatment-1s usually all
that Is necessary to show how quickly
this remedy will cur catarrh.--. , .-v . :
So successful has Hyomel been In the
euro of catarrh among their customers
thst Woodard. Clarke ACo. sell it under
a positive guarantee thst it coats noth
ing unless tt gives satisfaction. . The
complete outfit sells for 11, while extra
bottles can be. obtained for 10 cents.
i It not convenient te obtain. BtobmI of Wood-,
srd. Clarke 4 Co., or entae ether (Ironist, it
will be forwarded frost the leberatorr by mall
es receipt ( stiee. The K. T. Booth Co.,
Hyomel Bolldlni. Itlilfe. KewTort.
ments may be resumed, but thl will
not b yet for msny a dsy.
"It Is true thst a bill was presented,
to ths club for money to be paid to the
boxers In the - last 4- tournament." d
(Continued on Pag Fifteen.)
: r