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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
f THE- OKEOOW DAILY JOTONAt, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING.- APRIL -13, 1SC3. r . Gil IS PLY DM IIIID IIIGIIT . Great Activity iri Southern Ore- '"gon Placer. Fields Due to" . Abundant t5 Water, ' 7 THIS YEAR'S OUTPUT OF GOLD WILL BE LARGE Monitor! ' Running -t r Full Head Twenty-Four Hour a Day and Will .U Continue Until Ma or June Much - - Platinum Saved, ' -; -' : ; 'r '." , A ! MiM FcC?LE db, wn.T.tA,iwr rzn m-is ' bxt inn roxio. -' Xiehlg-aa Mother r srved to Kw Faaail fcy Thla Wonderful nedy. .x. (Special DtMMtcb to TVe JoaraaLt Grant Pui, Or.. April IS. The heavy ' inowi and rain during March hav -caused V great activity In the placer ' field and -will be the means of adding many thousand dollars Intvlrgln gold. to Oregon a output for this seaaun. . Tli Manger bydraulU mines of this section " of the. state are operating two and three giants day and night and many will have water for a. full pipe head till late In May or June. Superintendent Foas of the Columbia mine, which Is the prop erty of J. H. Lewis and associates of Portland, states that f this haa been good season for this big Grave creek placer. As the water )s derived from - Qrave oreek, tha light rains have caused no delay, and three giants have been operated since last November several , acres of ground , have , been . washed through the sluices. - The ground gives returns of 110.000 an acre. - i . Manager John Harvey' of the Royal Group mine of Gal Ice district has em ployed two five-Inch giants sines early winter. The giant are operated under SlO.foot gravity bead and cut the banks from a 'dlatance of 409 feet The strata of- the ' Royal. Gruup Haa .In . beds, of ' blue and brown on slate and values are carried from surface to bedrock. Mud rich ground haa been moved on 'these , mines this season and the annual clean up will run -well up Into f Iv figures. The -Royal Group management Is alaf Interested In the Sanders fins gold' and ' platinum plant operated Inth diggings by Pittsburg people. -7 Manager W. J. : Wlmer of the Peep Oraver mines of Waldo states that his - properties -have dona welt this season T.he water for these mines la. derived front Illinois river and the giants are afforded a full pip head the greater part of the year, even though rains are light. Bealdea mining gold, Mr.. Winter Is this 'season giving especial attention to saving platinum. Last year his mine produced one fifth as much plati num, as was - reported mined In all -America;-fori04. The production of the rare metal from the Deep Qravet properties will be even larger this year. , .... . Klectrio Xros Ceases Mr. An electric.'. Iron left connected with charged wires set fire early this morning to the store of A.. D. King, at SIS Mor rison street. In the Marquara building. The fir department was summoned be fore the flames got great headway and -damage of only 1200 or. 1300, waa suf - Practically yto Wool being contracted In eastern oregonv -. The Handsome Blues aM Just a few of COLUMBIA WOOLEN MILLS COS .'Exclusive Patterns: . Gun Club Worsteds of gray. Checks, Gray, -three shades Silver Gray Mixed Worsteds . Heringbone Weave Velour, ' ' in different shades of blue "''and 'gray.' ..Wide Clan JPlaid' Cheviots. Moonlight Gray, Worsteds, " newest Scottish weaves. ' Pepper and Salt, plain gray y' i and pin check gray. ? - ; Serges, ten weights "and Lil weaves, including the gen- - i nine Washington . Navy ; j used by - Uncle - Sam's ' Naval Officers. i-.v'.: SUITS TO YOUR MEASURE $20 to $40 -. - These fabrics are all soft, silky finished goods. Wg put In the beat linings and trimmings and finish the garment with exceeding oar. : A suit made up from on of the . above fabrics, with th latest style fashionable broad collar, straight front and creased eoat, will pleas you, and will prove a . good business Investment. Tou will feel a lot more confidence in yourself If you are well dressed. ' Ask to see the linings and trim-. ' mlngs w put In a I4 suit. ..... ELKS' BUILDINCt - V 'When the blood 1 Impoverished the nervsa . starve and neuralgia -or Ma- thing more serious swiftly follows. Nervous peopl are generally pale peopl. By supplying through the blood those vital element that th nerve need. Dr. WtUlama' pink Pllla for Pale People have performed those remarkabl cures that make ' It Impos sible for any ' nervous sufferer to neglect them with Justice to himself. - A recent esse Is that of Mrs. Peter Morrlssette of No. 116 Eleventh street, Alpena, Michigan,, who writes as fol lows: "My trouble started with child birth. - After one of my children was born I had a kind of paralysis. J waa very weak and my mouth waa a little crooked. I waa always tired and was so nervous that I could not bear to hear a dog bark or a bell ring even the llttl bird in It cage wouUl annoy me. My. heart fluttered a great deal and I had dlssy spells. I was not able to be left alon ' - i "My doctor gave me different klnda of medicine, changing it several time. When it was evident that he could not help me he said he did not understand my case. This was three year ago and 1 waa very much discouraged, when my brother, . who had taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, recommended them to me. I tried them and noticed a change for th better when I was taking th second box. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured me and I bava been well ever since. I now do all my own housework, sawing and washing for seven of -us. I have recom mended the pill to a number of peopl and am very glad to make thla state ment." The fact that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cared .this stubborn' case, aa well a other more severe, leaves no doubt that they will cur leaaer . trouble arising from, disordered nerve . and lack of nerve fore. They have also cured dis eases caused by Impure or Impoverished blood suoh aa rheumatism, anaemia and after-effects of the grip.. All. druggist sell Dr. Williams Pink Pills or th remedy will be mailed, post paid. on receipt of" prloe, (9- cent per box, aix boxes ' for 11.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine 'Co., 'Schenectady, New York, j ; ' .,,.,.., ....u. J ...... ' SURE NOW IT IS f,ll L 0 Election of President Earling to Union Pacific Directorate V - . Significant. ; ' ROAD NOW BEING BIULT WILL BE JOINT LINE Election of Milwaukee' ' President to. -. Union Pacific . Board Said to ' Have . Been Dictated by Rockefeller, Who Practically Controls Former, j Th election of A. J. Earlina-. nreai- aent or tu Chloago, Mllwauke St Paul railway, to a aeat In th directory of the Union Pacific 1 regarded aa th moat significant railroad news that ha com out of New York for many montha, and I aald to have a direct bearing on th railroad war on th north bank of the Columbia river. In Port land it la taken as confirming Th Jour nal' statement that th Wailula Pactno la a Mllwauke project, and that the road now under conatructlon by the Wailula Paclflo and - Columbia Valley companies - .paralleling the Hill -north bank road will b a joint Mllwauke and Union Paclflo lin. The election of Mr. Earling to tha Union Paclflo board 1 aaid to have been dictated by th Rockefeller Interests. No well posted man In th employ . of the Mllwauke denies that Mr. Rocke feller and his associates have long been practically ln control of th Milwaukee, and -that Mr. Earling haa for year been Rockefeller" enter railroad adviser. Th close affiliation of Harrifnaa with the Rockefeller Interest lately has brought Union : Pacific mlao - under .Rockefeller Influence, and when th lntereata of the twos road wer mutually threatened In the Paclflo northwest by the Hill lines It was the most natural thing for .Mil waukee and Union Pacific people to come together -at the danger point, which haa proved to be the Columbia river basin from th Clearwater river to Portland. - . . . Columbia Seotioa ma. . ' It Is now practically conceded that the Milwaukee will be forced to build th Columbia river section of It line first, transposing th original . plan, whlcB waa to construct the road from eaat to west, touch the Columbia river at Wailula and run ita train over th O. R. t N. lin to Portland until ta north bank lin could b completed and an advantageous entrance Into Portland secured. '. .;' atarmony Imperative. : With Standard Oil Interest In prac tical control of th Mllwauke and al lied with -the Haniman railroad In a way that makes harmony between the two. railroad system absolutely Impera tive, it la aald HIU la confronted with th only railroad combination that could successfully cop with him. In th Pa clflo northwest. The result further how the shrewdness of Harrlman aa a manipulator and practical railroad map maker. Th Milwaukee, spreading through th Dakotaa, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois, doe not conflict at any point with th Union Pacific, but gets Into th heart of th Hill system and split it In twain. - At the same time, Marvin' Hughltt, president of th Chicago North weat rn, becomea a director of th Southern Paclflo.. It is aald Mr. riughitt rail road ha for some time, been en th verg of an open breach with th Union Paclflo management on account of th steady encroachment of- ' th North western in Paclflo coast territory. - Two Atkaata Slvoro Sun. ' (Special Dwpatefe The Jcaraal. ) . Athena, Or., April it. Alma A. Wil kinson haa filed a suit for dlvoro against William J. Wilkinson. They wer married June 10. 1S85, and have two children. Mrs. Wllktnson also asks for th car and custody of th minor children. Th plaintiff alleges drunk enness snd neglect. . . . Leander Kirk haa commenced divorce proceedings, against Jennie 'Kirk, al leging desertion. They wer married In 11 at Oregon City, and hav not lived together for four year. , This make th third tlm that th plaintiff ha been divorced, all Onth ground de sertion. . 1 I (Em The March Dividend of $2.25 Per Share Was Paid to AH the Holders of the J. C LEE Co.'s Stock on the First Day of April J. I J 'i .... . ... j f f : it il'. 11 t. a.zjBBvjraUTATaLDrrzcrjsv: v. i. ; . - HERB SOMB THAT DID: - INDEPENDENCE Or., April , l. The 7. C let (i, Wms Or. Oentlemen: I hav Just received your check - for th Btnothlv dividend on my J. C Lea Co. stock. To aay I am well a,Usfl4 with Snr inveatment, I eouM not exureaa my feeling otherwtoe but that you may lnthe future, a well aa In the past, prosper la th great mining Industry la which you are engaged to th highest of your an ticipations for th good of yourself sod all your olinnts. and frieotMa. Very respectfully your, . - , it. H. tAaPSRSON, UndrtaJran, MONMOUTH. Or, April 4. 19. The . C.Let' Co. fMem. Otw Oentlemen: We. the undersigned stock hoi da rs In th J. CV 1 CoZ each beg to aiUcnowledge receipt of yoor check for ll.JS, in pAymwiii it March dividend on on share of J. C. Lee Co stock, and not with pleaeur what you say in 'regard to inveaqng of surplus fund a, Which we trust will prov a wis Investment .and help to InoreauM tot Olvt dends of th J. C. Lm stock. ' ' ,w are well plenaed with the monthly dividend reoeiwd so far, and wU confldenUy look for i larger returns aa soon as th .yarlou prop. tiea you are operating begin to produo. If Jron wUl pardon a suggestion, we would auggaat MrM con servatism a to Investing the surplus funds, A good surplus in th treasury of any company la In our judgment a wise provision ajralnat any contingency that might arise. Thanking yon for your promptness In sending our dividend cnecka, w an, your truly, ' B. M. PANIKI Dry Oooda. ' '- - J. II HAWLETPreei Polk Cwunty Banhk x .. P. T. MUUCKY, CapttallatT ...... . .. ', SALEM. Or., April 4. 10 Th J. C Le Ox, Balem: I am plaaawd 'o acknowledge receipt of your monthly dividend for March Oft Jj. C Le Co, stock. Tour statement certainly look good to toe. and Vh Amount of th Mlylderid Is lust a 11 tu better toan anytking 0s 1 have 1 bringing, me. Wishing yon all manner of sncoasftv I atn, roars truly,- ' . ... -- , JVUUB HKUkM. PORTLAND. Or.. April 4, 1 Mi. J. C. Lee Co, Salem, Oiv Dear Blrsi Tour, letter of the first containing dividend No. just at hand. Tour management of the J. C Lm Oq. 1 certainly win and conserva tive, and I am oleaaad ta- rive It m heart - In-theew-day-of "TOtten corporations and extravagant managenMrnC - "'"V"7 7wui mniini every promts ana aang all gott agree, and more, is worthy or ancouragement. " " I not that you are opening office ln th Eaat, to keep paoa with th increasing demande for your securities. I can't but predict a bright future for, the i company, a your eplrit 1 progremlv and your ge4 rrous dividends must soon oonvtno th most timid investor of your abulty to carry all you undertake to a auooaaaful Insue. ' - I hav a number of friends who expect to add their name to your rubscrlptlou list within a very short Urn. Tour very truly, ' . ' - - B. t K1.T. ., PERRTDALE, Or April 4, 10-The ' J. Lea Co-Dear ftlrat This Is to acknowledge the receipt of your dividend check No- S4 of f 2.25 for share on J. C Lee Co. stock, this being the third oonsecuHv monthly -dividend en- th stock, and according to the financial state ment accompanying .thla dividend, -you certainly will be able to con- tinu ana even increase in dividend in time. Ton peopl seem to be piling a long-reit want In th way ox providing a bureau, your truly, , legitimate mining IX -1. KJCXT. , , The Combination Offer of J. C. Lee Com : : pany Stock at $100 Per Share ' . IS THE BEST OFFER EVER SUBMITTED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION : Oet in at Both Ends and Reap the Profits From -11 Promoting as Well as Operating - . .. Trustworthy, experienced and reliable rnanag-ernent, capiulisation, $50,000, atock fully - paid and non-aaaeaaablc.' Incorporated under the laws of the State of - Oregon. r Dont Side-Step This Opportunity OUR DIVIDENDS HAVE NEVER BEEN ' LESS THAN 7 T $25 PER SHARE MONTHLY. y ' ' ' . Only a few aharea of thla atock left While it laata we will give you with each ahare bought and paid for a bonue of 400 share of mining atockv , THIS OFFER INCLUDES : 100 "SHARES OF GREAT NORTHERN 100 SHARES OF STERLING V - "100 SHARES OF CROOKED CREEK . , , ,:.r.:,': 100 shares of freeland consolidated Theae are all active stocks. Great Northern paid ita first dividend in September of laet year, another in November and will be a ateady dividend payer thia year,- Sterling will pay ita firrt dividend in May, Crooked Creek will enter the dividend list during the - -.'-. aeaaon'a run. . . . - - -. ' t' i!fH 1 t r1 Interior Ttow f 3. 0. IV) Co.' Ofio Skowiaf Oaktaa and Vrtvm Omo ta Kern., OUR OBJECT FOR SELLING THIS STOCK We are asked every day why we offer thia stock for sale when it is paying a dividend of more than 2 per cent monthly. We are determined to build tip the largest brokerage busi ness in the West, having already established permanent' offices in many of the Eastern. cities. ----'- ' -" : ""' . , " : - - ..... , r . - it is often necessary, in offering stock for sale in the properties we are financing, that we be able to furnish as references the names of responsible business' men, not only at home, but in their own communities. With this object in view.cjUccd--100-hareJof-hi--tf with each share as a premium 400 shares of st.ock.jn. ihe. companies-thatlwe have financed Realizing that if the holder of these stocks is receiving his dividends regularly that he would recommend The J. C Lee Company and their methods of doing business to all who inquired. " J- : . , , '. .' , . ' . : "J. " ; " ' ' : . : . ", . '"7:-- .';:'...'' REMEMBER .That in buying this stock you are protected by actual cash assets of more than $2.00 for every $1.00 invested. The J. C. Lee Com pany's statement to R. G. Dun & Co., made recently, shows their assets above liabilities to be in excess of $100,000.00. - ; . , Our books are open for inspection to all prospective buyers. ' Our assets consist of real and personal property, stocks and bonds. : All active. A schedule of which will be furnished any one on application. ' ' ''.' , . JiJLLLi. :, !. . OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee this stock to pay a dividend of at least $2.00 per- share every month until you have received the full amount of your investment, and at any month up to that time that you do not receive a dividend check of .$2.00 per share you are at liberty to draw on us with the J. C Lee Company certifi cate attached for the full, amount paid for aame, we will pay the draft and allow you to keep the stock Kiven you as a premium, as well as the dividends you have already received. ,The guarantee is GOOD, we can furnish you the names of one hundred business men, including bankers and professional men, who will tell you so. Send your application today, , There are. only a few shares left. If your applica tion reaches us, too late we will return your money. . .....l.v. l.. v ' THE J. C. LEE, CO., SALEM, OR. FIREMEN (ME STOWAWAYS DO ALL THEIR WORK Lounge In Their Bunks While Substitutes Work Like - Trojans on Voyage. ' : ; (Jenrsal Special Service.) ' Ifaut rranclsoo, April It.For aear! 1,10 mile on her war back from Syd ney, firemen on the Oceania liner So noma " lounged in their bunks, smoked and yarned, while six huaky atowaway did th m-ork of th firemen. The tow- away, wer discovered by the firemen soon after leaving Sydney and the stran- a-era given to understand that If tney kept quiet and did aa they were told they would not. Be turned over 10 me ah Id's officers and But ashore.' Bo th stowaways shoveled coal "to beat th band." ' At Pago-Pago Chief Engineer Little, who happened to be In the engine-room at aa Inopportune time, discovered the trick and th ' si stranger were un ceremoniously h yelled ashor while th designing firemen were given extra du ties and mad to exert themselves. It waa only by tu utmost scheming on th part f ,tli soldiering Xiraa that they wer abl to-avoid their du. tie on the long run from Sydney to Pago-Pago. On the way th steamer waa In a terrific gal when hard work was required In th flreroom, but th stowaway, under the direction of their supposed ' sympathisers, worked Ilk Trojan at a task that-nearly -killed them.- But visions of easy escape Into United State territory buoyed them uv and they laughed In th midst of tbeir trials. . RACE-TRACK FOLLOWER BEATEN AND ROBBED , (Joaroal Bosrtal Berrke.l San' Francisco, April 11. Charles Car son, a racetrack follower, was attacked In room at th Ashworth house, oa Mason street, early this morning by three masked men. severely beaten and robbed of $400 and Jewelry worth HQS more. The robber escaped. Other guests heard th nols but thought noth ing of It until the robber had fled. . EPILEPTIC DROWNS IN -EIGHT INCHES OF WATER ' - ' (Jesrnal apodal arrtee.) Stockton, CaL, April II. L W. Pease, an eplleptlo patient In th Stockton asy lum, fell into a cistern at that Institu tion last 'Bight and drowned In eight InchAS of water., Hli home wss In Ban rranotsc. t ' CORRECT NUMBERS SOON . FOR FULTON RESIDENCES 'T. rrvr- - x. .. At th regular bi-monthly meeting of th South Portland Improvement asso ciation held last night ln th Fulton Presbyterian church, report ' of much progrea In clvlo improvement were mad. , ' . Th committee on road and sidewalk Improvements reported that much had been accomplished in thia lin during th paat . two weeks and that other work was outlined for th future. The committee having In 'charge th work of properly numbering houses of the Fulton -district assured the association that within a short tlms correct num ber for each hous would be ready.. A general discussion of matters of elvle Improvement brought forth Infor mation to th affect that ther I every prospect of free mall delivery for Ful ton in th aear future. " "1, The attendance upon th meeting waa large, and after . adjournment tho present wer treated to a eupper la th dining-room of th church by th La dles' Aid society.. . .. Flower a4 Flan to. Beginning tomorrow morning at I o'clock Clark Bros.'. big sal of fin flowers and plant for Eaater will eo cur, ', Their display thl year Is un. equaled in variety and extent and vy to Clarke Bros.' standard of qualH which, as everybody knows, la th vr , beat. Th Eaater Illy plant ar un usually fin thla year and- o plentiful that they can b sold at prloe within th reach of all. Com early and get your cholc of 1.00S plants, all ln fine bud and bloom. In cut flower there la a larg variety to select front. Including roses and carnation ln all shades of color. Easter lilies and call lilies, vio lets, Illy of th valley, narcissus, sweet peas, etc.. all cut f resb from an immenss rang of hothouse. Clark Bros., Mor rison street, between Fourth and Fifth. BANNER APPORTIONMENT ' IN UMATILLA DISTRICTS (Special Da pates to The JeoraaO Pendleton. Or April IS. Th largest school apportionment mad in th his tory of Umatilla county la th special apportionment which County Superin tendent Welle har Just made. In which llt.S7S.0T la divided among districts of th county. Th O. R. A N. Co. paid Ita taxes on time thl year, adding &. 000 to th usual amount collected In the spring. Another reason, for th abun dant of money I that when th tax levy waa computed an allowance was mad for tax abatements, which always occur, and cut dowa th amount r e'vsi front taxes. 1 t rt no attention h t- MANY MODEST HOMES FOR FOLKS WHO WORK That .the peopl of Portland ar be coming horaebullders ta shown by th number of modest dwelling being erected In th suburbs and outlaying dis tricts of the elty. Within th past few day th clerk in th' license depart ment hav been kept busy Issuing per mit for th erection of frame dwelling coating from 1(09 to 1 1,000. Several wer issued today; . J. F. Wilson was granted a permit for th erection, of a two-story tram dwell ing at Harrison and East Twenty seventh streets, to eoat 11,000. R. W. Wiggins was Issued a permit ' for th erection of two-etory frame dwelling on Clackamas street aear Bast Twenty-second, to cost II. 08. Arthur Pearson took out a permit for th erection of a on and one naif s'ory frame dwelling on Kasc Keventh t near Bowman, to ooat II. On a. ' R. Relschman for the erect i Ing on Kr" 1.. to coat II. i. Chrl. . : permit to frame 0 WS yrai1 a T d r - t 1 . t ' t