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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
'''' ,Y.'" -. V ' ' v.': SECTION TWO PAGES 11 TO 20 PORTLAND. OREGON,-FRIDAY 4 EVENING. APRIL- 13.-1906.- JAPANESE COAL IS SEHT ABROAD "and I have always been 'taught not to work on Uood Friday." The skipper Instructed the mate not to be too hard on the sailors today. - As a matter of fact, they will be given noth ing to do. , .The .officers and crew on the German ship Km lite are also taking a day off. . . - 1 With the departure of the Clackmann anshire there will be no British ship left In the harbor. It will be the first time for more than a, year that the union jack could not be seen fjoatlng from e number of vessels In Portland. Several British ships are en route here, and one or two Of them are expected to put In sn appearance shortly. Among them are the Bardowle, Froeyon. Uarcadple and Oelgate. s TZZ CmU CF QUALITY Fourth Largest Dept. Store in Oregon The Closing Day of the Great Half Million Jons Incrtais in Exports by Mitsui in Past .1 " .1 . Two Years.' ' . I 1.1 -sk. ah A .' SB A I .A h ,B" fjm A mm -;' IF PRICE GOES UP : V - V, COAST, MAY; PROFIT Expected Ria in Charge of Oriental Fuel May Make It Profitable to ' Shlpa to Coal in Portland Before ' . .Leaving : v Mitsui tk Co. are out with a statement ehowlna that, although . the price . at Jepaneae coal la 4 a ton as compared with the quotations of two years ago, -tbay exported 60,000 tons more In l0i . than to 1S0S. . . .- , While coal can be purchased at Pa- ; clflo coast porta at about the sai : price ae Is now 'charged at Mojl, steam ' ship officials declare that the oriental - brand la of superior grade to that pro duced here. As a k consequence. It. Is explained mat tne trans-raciflc liners will continue to coal In the far east unless the price of the fuel should again be raised materially. Aside from Oiling the bunkers of nearly all of the foreign steamers visiting, far eastern- waters. ' Mitsui -ft Co. operate a, large fleet of their own, which consumes an enormous quantity of eoal In the course of a year, t tabulated statement showing , the 'coal exports from Japan In the last three years : ha been . received . by. local shipper. In 1101 the shipments were .m.l3 tons; In 104, 6,I7,55 tons, : end In l0t. .tl2.2t tone. The prloe . was raised from II to ft a .ton In 1104 and this caused a decrease in the trade. Local steamship men and shippers generally eay that If the Japanese should decide to make another advance in the-price of their, coal It will' on - doubtedly cause . many of the oriental liners to get what fuel they-require at Faclno coast porta. It la believed that Mitsui Co. wUl Increase the price of the product very ebortly. In that event It le asserted the number oz steamer - which would coal at Portland would be sufficient to swell the export business from the .Willamette river to fully .one third more than Ita ' present propor tional . It would then' be necessary to operate a fleet bringing coal to Port land from the Coos bay country In order to keep the big freighters going oat of here supplied with fueL ' l LAST TWO ENGAGED. Tossele fo4ortlaad Uae to Alaska Taken by Other Olttee. -'-,, .. Two steamers which It was thought might ply between Portland and Alaska during the coming eeason will be placed In., service between Ban Francisco -and Taooma. They are the steamers Buck- ' man and - Watson, belonging to ' the Barneson-Hlbbard company of Ban Francisco. They were brought from the Atlantio coast In the latter part of the -winter., and are among eliwetcratt on the Pacific. . ...-. . J"he Buckman will make her first trip ", from San Francisco tomorrow,' and will shortly be followed . by the Watson; They will be .the only coasters carrying passengers running -clear through to Ta coma from .California. - The steamers operated by the Pacific Coast Steam ship oompany stop at Seattle. If any passengers are desirous of . going on through to Tacoma they are obliged to find other means of transportation. - The Costa Rica, chosen to take ths place of the Senator, will. accommodate only 4 passengers. She called from San Francisco yesterday for Portland, end Is expected to arrive Saturday night. The local agent of the line says that all ST. EEIENS CBEAU Ask youf.groeer ."about tt.' ; - r . Always have a full supply.. It is as full of good things aa -the nut le of Ita meat.' 7.,-- . , . t v. -. . . . Mary buys one can. Mixes half Of It with .warm-water of equal amount. She glvea It to her little , Iamb, which .he drinks with a relish. . . . . " ,. (To Be Continued). of her bertha for the1 return trip will be aold before -her, arrival. Considerable worry le felt aa to how the growing pas senger i traffic is-going to be bandied by a diminishing fleet. . WILL TAKE BIG CARGO.- 1 AWaaoe Sails Toalgh Wltk Sla Iod ..."Sred Tea of Freight. -' One of the biggest 'cargoes she has carried thla year will go out tonight on the eteamer. Alliance, which sails for Eureka, and way ports. The shipment will approximate COO tons, and will be made up of a great - assortment, of freight A lot' of machinery Is being sent to Coos Bay. Two logging engine will go ,out on ber, weighing 10 tons a piece.: There la also an eight-ton coll of wire rope. ; Had it not been for the big consign ment of freight offered at the last mo ment, the steamer would have Bailed yesterday evening. Since aha Is laying over a day longer than usual. It Is feared .that all of the people who want to make the trip on ner cannot be ac commodated. Nearly' all of the berths were sold yesterday. Of late the ma jority of those who have taken paasaga on the Alliance have etopped off at Marshleld and North Bend. Many- of them have disembarked there after hav ing purchased through tlckete. It la ex plained that Cooa Bay Is at the height of a boom. WOULD STOP RACING. tinmsermaa Says Boats Make Xog Bafts . Break From Moorings. '( i Manager Ransom of ' the Eastern Western Lumber eompany filed a com plaint with Harbormaster Ben Biglln against a number of navigation compa nies for permitting their boats to race through the harbor. He declares they exceed the limit of six miles an hour, aa specified by a city ordinance,. He says that a number of the log rafts mads fast near the , mill have broken loose from their moorings. Aside from the Inconvenience caused, the company has been put to considerable expense In getting the timbers back to their moor ings. . . ? . ' Thla Is the first eomplslnt to be made this season about' the racing of boats In the harbor. Mr. Hlglln says he in tends to investigate and to arrest the first captain he finds ignoring the or dinance. A test case, was mad last yesr to ascertain if the city had the right to regulate the speed of boats In the harbor, and the court decided that It had. Previous to this decision, many of the river captains took the ground that river and harbor matters were wholly regulated by the war department Aa a consequence they paid little heed to the ordinance. . TO BUILD STEAMER. HAS CREW AT LAST., Clackmiaasashlre Wiu a save Tonsures) foe Australia With ivaxaber. Having been supplied this morning with a ful crew of seamen, the British ship Clackmannanshire -will leave down the river tomorrow, bound for .Port Pirla, Australia, with a cargo of lumber. She baa experienced a delay of ! daya. Captain Ewing Is anxioua to get away, and will endeavor to make up partly for lost time by a reeord-breaklng trip be tween the month Of the Columbia and ihe antipodes. If a tugboat were avail able he might leave for the sea this aft ernoon.' i . . '."-- When the captain was leaving the ship, to coma ashore this morning one of the men approached him and timidly In quired If he expected them to work to day. , . '. . '. . "Why not T" Interrogated the captain. "This la Good Friday." answered Jack. Open miver Association. Wfll Ask Bids for tTpper Blver Boat. At a "meeting of the'stockHolders of the Open - River - Transportation - com pany yesterday afternoon a committee was appointed to solicit bids for ths construction . of a ateamer which will be placed In service between Celllo and Lewtaton. - The vessel will be 10 feet long and 14 fact across the beam. She will be capable of handling about 6 "tone of freight when the river Is at a good stare. Her cost will approximate fSO.000. - " - ; ; - It le also the Intention of the com pany to build a1 second boat shortly for commission on ths upper river. She will probably run ss far as Priest Rap Ida. The following dlrectore of the company were chosen at the meeting yesterday: A. H. Devers, T. D. Honey- man, I . A. r Lewis. I-eo FYlede, p, C, O'Reilly, Herman Wittenberg, J. It Moore. William J. Mariner and J. A. Smith. . Those who will solicit bids for the construction of a boat are: D. C, Honeyman and Herman Wittenberg. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. . Dlrectore of the Clatskanie Naviga tion company held their first buslnssa meeting yesterday afternoon. The cor poration waa recently organised to op erate the steamer Beaver between Port land and Clatskanie. ' : The steamer Leona may be sold soon and taken to Puget sound. . It is said that -a, Seattle company has mads, a good offer for her. The American bark. Henry ' Morse, which left down from Portland yester day afternoon at S o'clock, reached As toria this morning at 4:30 o'clock. This Is said to be the record, trip of the sea son. Laden with stores and- cannery sup plies, the ' American ship Berlin left down this morning, bound for Bristol Bay, Alaska. ; Vyln tow -of the Ocklahama, -the barken "?WMT "" left down this morning iroin Rainier with a lumber eargo. which will be taken to San Pedro. ; Oood Friday- la being generally ob served along the waterfront; no work The stock has been sold so rapidly that some lines have been entirely obliterated, yet there are hundreds of bargains left. For : ' . ' ': . vv '.-.''"'' "':'. I: example; in ' v-' "'. V. ' v ' :-;V-i" : S, S-l' "' '' : We are selling absolutely perfect. No. 7 copper bottom Wash Boilers, rep ' ular 90c value,- each, at . :.... v. . . . .63 No. 8 copper bottom Wash Boilers, reg ular $1.00 value, each, at. ..... . . .73 ' ' These are absolutely perfect, not dam aged by fire,1 smoke or water. : T (; Mason's Fruit Jars Boxes were soaked by water -'jars are in perfect condition. These were in the rear of basement and water dripped through on the boxes.iWhitethey laT t at the following prices: v 1-pt. size, per dozen...;...... .....43? 1-qt. size, per dozen. ..50 " 2-qt- size, per dozen .T3e ' We have about 1,000, gallons of Stone Crocks and Jars -we are closing- out at . 7t a gallon, regular-price 'l 2c . gallon. These are good for pickles, butter, pre serves, bread, etc. ' Anticipate your needs and buy at the Fire Sale while they are 'cheap.".: - - : s Remember, all Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Garden Seeds, Wheelbarrows, - etc are on sale at greatly reduced prices. 12-inch Lawn Mowers, the good kind, 4 each, at ..$2.93 X Grass Catchers . for lawn mowers, each, , at ... . ....... . ... . .45 Garden Hoes, steel blades, hickory han- Xl'Z dies, each .. . . . . . .22 Screen Doors and Window Screens On sale at Fire Sale Prices for a few days more. . ; 2-6x6-6 Screen Doors, complete with hinges, fastener and knobs,"each.'.86 2- 8x6-8 Screen Doors, comRjete with hinges, fasteners and knobs, each. 90s 2-10x6-10 . Screen Doors, complete with huiges, fasteners and knobs, each. 05 3- foot by 7-foot Screen Doors, complete j with hinges, fasteners andjenobs, each, at .... . ; . . . ...,.09e WINDOW SCREENS, ADJUSTABLE Regular 25c size, Fire Sale Price, ea.22 Regular 30c size. Fire Sale Price, ea .27 Regular" 35c size, Fire Sale Price, ea.31 Regular 40c size, Fire Sale Price, ea.36 These were not in the building at time of the fire, but came next day and were stored in storerooms at back of building. Now is a good time to replenish your kitchen and pantry with cooking utensils, etc., graniteware,. all crockery and tin ware, and all house furnishing goods at FIRE SALE PRICES. In the Furniture Section We have about 50 Iron Beds left, a lot of Springs and Mattresses. a few fine Din ing Tables and about 10 or 15 Couches, all radically reduced to close them out. Our entire new stock of Furniture will be here in about 10 days.' We are going to hold our reputation for high grade' goods and lowest prices always, r We have'a few ART SQUARES left. Look at these Fire Sale Prices , . Two, size 6x9 feet fringed Art Squares, each, at ... .................. . $2.10 One 9x9 feet Pro-Brussels Half Wool. Art Square, at. . i. ....... , ... , .$5.00 Two, 9xl0j feet Pro-Brussels Half Wool Art Squares, each . v . . . . .... . .$5.01 About 60 remnants of MATTING, running from 3 to 10 yards in the piece, .t.HALPPRICB:. ....... j : Linoleum and Floor Oilcloth at great-i ly reduced prices. v . ' . CURTAIN STRETCHERS, $1.31 to $1.58 during the Fire Sale. Iron Beds, reg. $3.50 each, at.... $2.56 Iron Beds, reg. $5.00, each, at. .. .$3.56 Iron Beds, reg. $7.50, each, at, .. .$4.38 Remember, every article -in the , big store is reduced during the Fire Sale. Delivery Wagon for Sale r i We have - a. light " covered delivery wagon for sale, in fair condition. . You can have it at Fire Sale Price, " only $12.50. a '..y-V..1:. 11 MM 539-54 1 -543-545 WILLIAMS AVENUE TAKE SHAVER AND RUSSELL STREET CARS ON FIFTH STREET FROM ALL WEST SIDE POINTS AND GET OFF AT RUSSELL STREET - - -r' " le being done on any of the ahipe in the harbor. , '-' . ' Major S. W. Roessler left this morn ing for Astoria, where he will board the tenter Columbine and make an inspec tion of the Tillamook Rock lighthouse station. Colonel W. M. Rice of "Seattle and Special Agent West of San Francisco arrived In the city thle morning to make an annual inspection of the office of Collector of Customs Patterson. - uaptain atattnews, a lommDia river bar pilot, stopped oft In the city this morning on his return from Hot 8prlngs, Oregon, where he spent the past month for the benefit of hie health. The oriental liner Aragoola Is ex pected to arrive . next Monday from Hongkong and way porta She Is bring ing a full cargo of far eastern product Tonight the steamer F. A. Kllburn will arrive from San Francisco. ' The steamer Roanoke sailed last night for Los Angeles snd way ports with a full cargo of freight and a big pas senger list. MARINE NOTES. Astoria,' April It. -Arrived down, at 4: JO a. m., American bark Harry Morse. Arrived down it I i m.. steamer Roan oke. Arrived - at t:i& a. m., steamer F. A. Kllburn, from San Francisco and way porta, and United States steamer Perry. Left np at It a. m.. ateamer F. A. Kllburn. . San Sfranclsco. April 13. Sailed last night, steamers Harold Dollar and NomeCltyjforPor Astoria, April It. Sailed at IS:M p. in., barkentlne Portland, for Ban Pedro. Sailed at t-lt p. m4 French ship Jules Oommes, for United Kingdom for or ders. Arrived down at 4:11 p. ra French ship Crlllon. - Arrived at 4:4S p. nv, steamer Elmore, , from Tilla mook. . ... ; , . - 'rref erred Btoek OaaaeS rso4ua, Allen Lewis' Best Brand. . Oardena everywhere 'in Oregon. ISIS i . . Our mammoth TRIAL PAIR SALE will end on Satyrday night at 10 o'clock. ' This week will be your last opportunity to secure a pair of our $3.50 Mm Tl TTTv o 1T ' o - v. rar race .1. 1. -i . ': - - ' !'." ' -- --- ----- Why not take advantage of this great value sale to secure your Easter Boots or Oxfords r- "rr"! ' ' ' Wj, 130 SIXTH ST. Bet Washington and Alder ion. " n 1JU t . M M w Bet WI-jtcn r-: i