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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
J ID THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. POKTLAllb FRIDAY EV:.Ii;G. APIUL ' 13, . ' ''.':,,- - , ' ...... .. . . I . . . f - ' . . .v. in -4-....r .. ,r,,.,., . - ... . f ' ' "'' fEX J :.r5.Mjli:CWrl 7a W-. ; ONLY PLACE IN TOWN that has this season's berries shipped direct from the grower under refrigeration, arriving; in the pink of condition ripe and luscious. 1 PRICE SAME AS PLAIN ICE CREAM: (Delivered) . . Quart' brick . ' . .60 Two quart bricks v $1.00 Four quart bricks $1.50 . . t . - -. - c u . ' " 1 " .- .) ' .' . . Fresh berries for sale "by the box 'at the " HAZEL WOOD CREAM STORE 384 Washington Street 1 . , . V " Order this evening, tomorrow, or early Sunday for Easter delivery t it Phone Exchange ,40 OUR MEN'S SUMMER Fttl In- Black - or Patent r Leathers ; t S3 O T. - It one of the best shoe bargains In ' . V this country. It will; be observed -j f that we sell the "shiny? leathers t , the same price as the blacks, a quite v unusual thing, as most. dealers tack ; on another : 50c for, patents. But ' We Deal in Men's Shoes Only And always are in position to give our customers a little the 'v. '. best end of the deal ; ,Jir-.. ' .J MEN'S FINE HOSIERY IS A SPECIALTY WITH US VANDUYN & WALTON TeL Pacific 1955. 313 Washington St, Bet. Fifth and Sixth CROSSED PLAINS TO OREGON 60 YEARS AGO A.' fi. :. Church Dead . at North i. Mount Tabor at Aga of . ' Seventy-Six. ; ' A. B. Church, who eroed th plaint to Oreron l yaro aro. died yeterd7 at bin noma ai North Mount Tabor, acad V 7 yaara, after an Ulnoaa of mora than a, yaar. .,,-.'.-.. . Mr. Church waa born In Varmont on April I. Hi a. la -IMS ha daurralnod to co WMt, nada tho Jouruer with a Urea eooipajir and aottlod In Or(On , 1tr. At that tlma no ooa thought of Portlanil baoomlna tho aroat city of tho ; atata, and Mr. Church rfuaad av dona tion land elainf on tho preoant alto of Ua ait.a4 took m noaror Orason Cltjr. while tho raat of hla' party ba. ami dlatrlbuted over tho WUlametU valley. After llvlnf hear OragOQ City for a time Mr. Church went to Lcwlavllle. Waahlnaton, and .operated a arlatiniU and aawmlU at that place for 14 yeara. Soma yeara ago ha came to Portland to reside. . Mra. Church died July It HOC. a few month after Mr. and Mra. Church had celebrated their irolden wedding-. Since her death Mr. Church has been rapidly falling In health. It waa hla great de al re to litre to aeo tho Lowta and Clark exposition. In which ho took an aotlve Interest. Mr, Chuirn leavea 70 descendant, In- A BAJTOT TOM STfBVS. . Dr. Bergln, Pane, 111., wrttea: "I have tiaed Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended It to my friends, as I am confident there is no. better read. 'It I a dandy for burn.' Those who lire on farms are espeolalljr llaM to many accidental cute, bonis, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard' flnow Liniment 1 applied. It should always be kept In the nous for caeea of emerg ency." 16c. lea and L0. Sold by Woodard, clarka Co.- .. - If five dollars is an object to you, buy your next suit here. Up town clothiers'show you the very same garments as good value at TWENTY DOLLARS. Come here for your 1 HDJH 'VT m I 'iff M(BI1MII n l oh GENUINE TWENTY- DOLLAR SUITS - . 4-. HAT PERFECTION TDE IEE DAT AT S3.C0 v If Not ' Right " WELCH Makes It Right MORRISON CazflJZSTST ; If Not : Right WELCH Makes It Right A r-IQTJBY-SAVErX mil A Izzzxx Ch:rm fcr ca Ecst:r Szlz I Tomorrow. we wiiroffer 183 pairs of Ladies' Vici Kid Patent Leather Tip Oxfords in all styles and widths, 'v' , '"'new goods v ;- ::-'v. C2.C0 Vclcsa ct :. We will also have Easter offerings in our Children's Depart ment. Oxfords with Ribbon Ties, in black,' chocolate, and in .White Canvas Oxfords, all at very special prices. , m sOwords In Tans and Blacks,' in all the new leathers," up-to-the-minute V'; in style, at 02.50, $3 and 03.50;; 3 SHOXS PCX THX ? -LITTLE inti end BOYS Shoes for the spring and sum mer, fresh from the hands of their designers, in every known . leather, style and fashion at ' POPULAR PRICES TO , 7 EVERYONE. V: , NOTICE! : Sole" AgenU for the Celebrated AMERICAN GIRL $2.50 .'..'..:' ;" '..Shoe, .'r ;.,;-'-. ',: Sim 330-233 Moirbon Street eluding surrWlng . grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Tho aunrlring' chil dren are: William A. Church, Ilwaoo; Mra. Mary K. Stout, Portland;. Mra, Rose Olaen, Astoria; Edith M. Colteua, Lents; J. -O. Church, Ilwaco; Mrs. NeUl 1L Coiteox Vancouver. Washington; Mra. Era V. Snyder, Vancouver, Washington; Mra. Cora Moore, Mount Tabor Amoa C Church, LewlTll)e, Washington. . .The funeral took place thla afternoon at S o'clock from tho residence at Mount Tabor, interment being In Multnomah cemetery. ,. , , SPEND EASTER AT SEASIDE , aaaaawsaa-aawasB 1 Only S1.S0 VtaJt4o Lld&B, aran , ' . " dar, Aprfl XSth. . . . ' The first excursion 'this season 'to Seaside leaves the Union depot nest Sun day at. I a. m. Saje of ticket limited to seating capacity of eoaches and every passenger assured a seat The rid la delightful, tha osone refreshing and you have five houra at the beach, all for II. I. Tlcketa on aala during the weak at th city office, S4I Alder street, and at the Union depot Sunday morning. ' For further Information telephone C A, Stewart, commercial agent. Main 10. "pattlaf off" adverklatag a: try "pwtllag to" e'onraai adyarttataf. - (I11ISM(G AY t-rrv.-:-.- T- rrr- LADIES-SPECIAL - r ! B0;DOZEN ; LADIES WRAPPERS, all .sizes; - worth" 75c and $1.00. ' The price for Saturday " , is ........:.......;.33di ' TWO BIO SUIT SPECIALS$12.50. and. $15.00 1 -.- Suits, f 9.75. , $10.00 Suits. . 5.85. I ":: BOYS' AND GIRLS' HOSIERY A regular 15c . ' Ribbed Hose, all sizes. The price is.-.'. . .Stp 1 , The well known IRONCLAD HOSE for boys and ; - , girls ; regular 25c. Go at. ....... . .... .... :17s " "' ; ' -: . ; '. ". '' ,' , .- v V.' ;"' i SHIRTS, SHIRTS A line of regular 75c and $1 Shirts. Go at ....... ............... .....lOe ' ' ' - 1 . ' ; " r . " ' "' , ' ,; ' The "STANDARD" SHIRT, known 'the world y: over ; worth $1.00 to $1.50. . Our price,-. . . . .63d , EASTER NECKWEAR A line 6f regular 50c Neckwear. Goes at ...29 r CHILDREN'S SUITS A new line just opened , -'v every suit worth $2.50. ; For Saturday... $1.30. " OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS all over the store r, ' are the greatest, we have ever offered you. Price ..".is out or the question the goods must go..' We ' ; make the price right. Don't buy a suit until you ' ; have looked through our stock. - - y, - - ; SELLS IT CHEAPER CORNER FIRST AND. TAYLOR STREETS - r