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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
THS OnUCCIT DAILY JOUHNAU 10 JUTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. AjPRIi; 12, 1 1ZZ3. DIG GALES HURL EfllEDIlCK: r 0 Carman Ship Makt Threw At tempts fif or Succeeding In Rounding Horn. " : OUT FROM EUROPE In Second Attempt to Turn Corner . Back Suye Are Broken and Vain i 7 Part of Rigging Carried Away V Had Plenty of ProvMoiut. ; 7,-'! ; 7 i vW.- I I ' " ,,, i - '- , , a . -er.I . . . . . 1 : -r" sssisaneien j, Blown back twice by furious gales after having made tbe circuit of Cape Horn. ,-- the German ehlp Emilia, -which -reached : port yeeterday afternoon, finally suc- reeded at the third trial in reaching the - Paclflo ocean and holding ber position. It la tbe only Instance on record of - -v-a ehlp rounding the Horn three times in one voyage. - - ' "TT In the first attempt etrong head wlnde ' threw the veaael . back. Jn hat ; eeoond trial to make the turn, tbe ehlp r get in the path of a violent hurricane " "'and aoonbecaroe almoet helpleea The back stays were broken and the main ' . part of the rigging -wae carried away. c Had ehe not been officered and manned - by the beat of seamen, it la aald that ; ahe would have drifted to destruction. , ' Seaa rolled over her for eereral days 'without , cessation. To escape- being i carried overboard the tare wer fre quently obliged te take to the rigging. When tbe aea calmed down sufficiently as to make it possible for them to ven Svture out on deck, their atay was lnvari- - ably short. Mountainous -waves" would chase them back to tbe forecastle, i But s they managed to keep the easel eteered in a, certain direction fairly well and they brought her up at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, aooner than they ex- '' pected. At that time ehe had been out from Newcastle, England, more than .' eight month. . JZ. . fortunately,, before leaving Europe the Emtlle waa well stocked with pro visions, and no one Buffered from hun---- ger. At Port Stanley she was repaired, -and -for the third tima started te go around Cape Horn. No serious storms " - were encountered on this last trip, and. . tbe big windjammerwes ko&a plowing ---t her - way up the Paclflo toward - the Columbia river. When ahe reached V- Portland she' bad been out one year to a day from England. Including officers, there art ' 17 men on board and none look any the worse by reason of 'their -V:- long and strenuous voyage. Captain Wllra ' ' and a Cumber of the men who were with - --the vessel en her last visit to Portland v ar etlll with her.- The skipper Is pop ular with local mariners and a large crowd assembled at the Oaa dock, where -. ahe waa made fast, to bid him welcome. ' The Emilia's cargo Is consigned to Balfour. Guthrie A Co.' and consists "of the following goods - 1,100 tons of pig ' Iron, SCO tone of rose, J, 80 firebricks , - and tft barrels of chemicals. - As soon aa the freight haa been discharged,. It Is probable that the Chip will be placed , . on the drydock for cleaning. On' ae. . . count Of having been out on such a long - . voyage It is supposed that the bottom --of her hull M foul.---- - BERLIN READY TO SaL - Will Carry a little of Yearly Xvery- thing? for Alaska Caaaerles. As soon as she baa been Inspected end pronounced seaworthy, the. Ameri can ship Berlin will leave down, bound ' for Bristol Bay, Alaska, with cannery supplies and stores valued at more than J- 10,000. She has cleared at the custom house and United Btates Inspectors Ed wards and Fuller are looking her over today. It la thought that she-will be r able to get away tomorrow. s - The Berlin's manifest ahowa that ahe . . will carry north a 'email quantity of - ' alajioet everything that can be found In a leading department store. There are - toya and trinketa and many other arti cles for which there is a ready sale - among the Indiana. Theae will anawer largely for inducing tka natives to work . about the cannery factories and assist la operating the flsh traps. One of the heaviest shipments - con sists of 4,000 boxes of sheet tin, valued at f),e6, and 40,000 boxes - of cans, - worth $23,000. The value of the stores, ' made up of groceries of all aorta, fleur, vegetables and canned meats, will reach Tlse to fSO.000. There Is a big quan nuts.n tooth. Disease and Sickness Bring Old -Age. Herblne, taken every morning be fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, fit you to ward off disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, fever s::n, liver and kidney com- f lalnts. It purifies the blood and dears be complexion. . . Mrs. . W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes, April I, 102: "I have used Herblne and find It the beat medicine for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. - I can highly recommend It." Price. 600. Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. ll.yiWi'-'ir.lQ MAKERS.; ' , - - " German Ship EmiUe, Which -1 Uty at hardware, paints, oils, flsh nets. Oshboats, rope and hundreds of other items of less note, v A mUoh eow and pigs have quaxtere on tbe deck. . Life preservers occupy a liberal spaee en the ship. Including the officers and other members of the crew, there will be about IZt men to make the trip. One hundred white fishermen have been em ployed by the company and about the same number of Chinamen to work in the eaanerieav r.-1 ..- . -.. SKIPPERS ARE ROBBED. Officers of Preach Yeeeela la . Tiatted by Talaiea. '; - Bobberies on board the French ahlpa are becoming ao frequent that the cap Ulna are think seriously of clubbing to gether and employing detectives to keep watoh during the nights. In the past week mbne haa been stolen from the cabins of all of the vessels. The eeptala of the Francola d'Ambole lost ISO Tues day night. It was taken from his coat pocket while he waa in bed fast asleep. Tbe commander of the Crlllon lost l0 In the same manner a few nights ago. ATtha eame time, or perhaps a few hours later, the master of the General Noumayer was robbed of fXO and tbe mate of $10. -Just before leaving dowa for Astoria the skipper of the Jules Oommee waa robbed of t0. . . For aome reason the thieves appear to prefer plying their- trade among . the French ahlpa. - They got so bold In their operations in the early part of the win ter that the Frenoh captains who were then in port bought revolvers and prac ticed shooting at targets, wnen mis fact 'became generally know there were no more robberies on board their vessel a Those now In Portland are casting about for protection by other means. COAL FROM COOS BAY. riva aadreoV Toaa. WllL Be brought o "i Portland Sooa, - - As soon as a steamer can be chartered a cargo of too tons of coal will be brought from Coos bay to Portland. The product has been purchased by Captain F. ii. Jones, who is now looking for tonnage. There is some likelihood that the' steamer Despatch will be engaged for the purpose This will be the first shipment Of a full cargo of Coos bay coal ta.Jortland for a number of years. After the fuel has been -once- thoroughly tested by local consumers' there Is said to be no doubt that It wUl be ahlpped regularly. Marine men s&y that the coal trade will enable the local merchants to get a big . "TT7f OR formal wear in the afternoon there Is no ILaj ' substitute for the frock coat. y After six the choice is between the Tuxedo Dinner Suit and the Swallowtail the latter T exclusively if women are presenfc ' . ' Afternoon or evening there is no substitute for " efo'y York styles ;'','' Alfred Benjamin & Co. Originate and make in their ' tauor snops the most New York fashions in Men's clothes. ; ;; Their local agent displays the correct 'si fashions the. hour they are created. " Correct Clothes for " Exclusive Agent Here. Buftum & Pendleton Co., Inc 311 Morrison St. .f r. .. ...- .' .eaK'ei: .A-r,.TTt.-!,lt ... . - ' l'--'- ..'-L,-. - Ha Reached.Portland After" "Thrilling" portion of the Coos bay trade' which now goes to San Francisco.- According to the of fleers of the steamer Alliance, which reached port last night from Eureka, tbe Coos bay country la shortly destined to be one of the finest countries on the Paclflo coast. They assert that the towns of Marsbf leld. North Bend and Empire City are grow ing more rapidly than ever before and the residents are going wild over real estate investments. Lots which could have been bought for 160 elz months ago are now selling frfr It. too. Captain Kelly and First Officer Olson of the Alliance purchased, a block at North Bend a couple of weeks ago. When there oa the last trip tbey were offered 11.000 more .than tbey gave for the property but refused to selL ALMOST DROWNED. Loagtaoremaa loses Bajaaoe and Palls Proas Alas-worth Soak. While in the act of throwing a line from a piling at the Alnaworth dock, to which the steamer Columbia waa made fast. John Hayman, a longshoreman, lost bis balance last night and fell Into the river. He fell from the upper deck and turned a complete somersault before striking the water, It waa bo dark at the time of the accident that the man could not be. seen by his companions. They threw a line towards ths spot where they heard the splash, however, and tbe swimmer suc ceeded in grasping it When drawn ashore he was about exhausted and would undoubtedly have been drowned had It not . been for the prompt action of hla friends.'! The Columbia left dowa at t:J0 o'clock laden with freight to her hatches and carrying a large number of passengers. She c roused out over the bar at S o'clock thia morning. Notwithstanding the fact that she left half an hour - late - last night ahe succeeded in getting to see muchearllf than usual. ALONQ -THE-WATERFRONT. After being given- an overhauling at the boneyards tbe - tugboat Ocklahama resumed service again this morning. The French bark Francola d'Ambole DevU'a Sslaad Torture - Is no worst than ths terrible case of pun mat ailliuivu iiiw v J ' - a nan . was advised to apply Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, and leee than a box permanently cured me, writes U 8. Napier of Rugles, Ky. Heals all wounds, Burns and Sores like magic 26o at S. U. Skldmore A Co, drugglsta many 01 distinctive New.York " , Men if- t -. ' - ' "!. - :'- -' . : , -.,'.. , , ( .. -v- . a f. 'P EgperiancaOff" Cape Horn.- shifted this afternoon from the Irving dock to Columbia No. I, where ehe will complete bar grain cargo for the United Kinsdom : . Carrying a -cargo of fuel oil, the bark- entlna Fullenton. in tow or the . a Rover, arrived thle morning from Port Harford. , The oil will be discharged at the Portsmouth tank. Laden with 48.700 bushels ef wheat. valued at IIS.S00. the French ship Crll Ion left down this morning, bound for Tacoma, where her cargo will be com' pleted before she sails- for tbe United Kingdom.: From the mouth of the Co lumbia aha will be . taken north by a tugboat ? The Amerioaa berk ILairy Morse will leave down thla afternoon, bound for Boston with a cargo of lumber. This will be her last voyage. Oa her arrival on ths Atlantlo voast ahe will be con verted into a barge. " ...The work of pumping water from the hold of the Bteamer Elder haa been started and If no mishaps occur Con tractor Baker expects to have her afloat In a few daya In the course of a couple of weeks the extension .being made to tbe Couch street dock will be sufficiently advanced aa to permit the mooring of boats along side of iu- MARINE NOTES.- Astoria, April H.i-ArYived down at 1:10 and. sailed at 1:11 t. steamer Columbia, for San Francisco. : Ban Franclseo, . April 13. Arrived, schooner William Olseiv from Astoria, Sailed at 11:30 a. m, steamer Costa Rica, fcr Portland. . Astoria, April 11. Sailed at 1:5 p. ro., British bark Balmore,. for Genoa. Balled at 1:40 p. m.. steamer .Despatoh, for San Francisco. Sailed at 4:10 p. m schooner John A, for San Francisco. Left up at 4:46 p. m barkentlne Ful lerton In tow of tug Sea Rover. Astoria, April 11. Condition of the bar at I a, m., smooth; light northeast wind; weather' cloudy. Z'JTr 'JJ Immigrants la Demand. . A silent but tltanlo struggle la' now" on between two great economic forces In thistcountry, says Broughton Brand enburg In the Technical World, and the bone of contention la the European im migrant It takea - people to - work the thou sands of great mills in the Industrial sections of the north and east; and labor that la cheaper Is in suob demand ae to be powerfully -attracted. The vast undeveloped reachea of the south and west cannot be made to be come productive without population, so that from the vanguard of the nation builders comes the unceasing ' cry of "People, people, more people I" A railroad la Immediately interested In the transportation of people and their belongings from the eastern aea tera of population which are the points of JntTess of European immigrants to the districts where they are going ta make . habitation; but It la more pro foundly Interested in permanently es tablishing a thrifty etock in the fertile regions which it tape. Inasmuch as every step of progress the settlers make raises the value of the railroad by in creasing Its business. i The' transcontinental haul Is suffi ciently profitable only to enable the railroads to, hold their own In the sparsely populated etrip lying between CHICAGO PAINLESS DGNTI8TS 303 Waah. St., Cor Fifth St. 22-K Gold Crowna..$3.00, 15.00 Bridge Teeth.. i $3.00, $5.00. Gold Fillinga.;...; $1.00 op , Silver Fillings 50c Onr prsrrW Is limited te blrkgrade emrk. Nothtnf bit th. beat. Kxamlne. ttna ' free. 10-yesr s oarentee. H.nk reference, Opea ereauiss sad anaara, THAT LAST FOREVER and are alwayi increasing in value, and when bought from us, convertible into "We offer yon eeveral definite advantages in buying your diamonds from us. - We have perfected our EA8Y PAYMENT SYSTEM to such an extent that all who will make themselves known to us can buy a diamond by PAYING A LIT TLE AT-A TIME.:- v:r-rrr-r-rrT -7.. -., .. -7 -- T"The fact that" mostly. alTof our diamonds consist-of unredeemed pledges places" us in a position to undersell all other jewelers.-. . . . .-v We also have a broker in New York ever on the lookout (or bargains. His serr- ' Ices have materially helped us in supplying, our trade with exceptional bargains, which could not be secured had we to buy frorathe importers. ' We 'are the only ones in the city .visiting annually the DIAMOND MARKET : thereby obtaining full information concerning these rare gems. - Our diamonds are marked in plain figures at the LOWEST PRICES for which " they can be sold. Yoa will find-them farelow the pricesasked by any other Jew- Less LAROEST DIAMOND DEALERS the Mississippi valley and the Paclflo coast. To broaden single llnee of track Into such great four-track routea as the New Tork Central, for Instance, It is necessary that the : railroads traverse as populous and prosperous a country as New Tork state. ' Every railroad man knowa this: but the publlo either forgets it or haa never thought of it. That la why the rail roads are the leaders In the grand battle to' wrench -the immigrant out of the hands of the eastern employing agen cies, which get first call on him when They Have Arrived XTRA MCI A Arid Exceptional Easy PR 1 DAY cath at any time. --r- On EASY PAYM ENTS Than Elsewhere for Cash Cash or Credit p.ricc,s.c 74 Third Street, Near Oak he leaves Ellis island,' and which have the advantage of ready oaah Instead Of glowing opportunity- to offer him, The Vaa ef roseoarda, : srld's yearly ess ef Is Oenasar eses LlCi.0OO.OO0. tbe The UalteS States TT0.SO0.0O0, Orest Brltala !.- 000. OuO. as te letters, aoireTer. tbe Daltea States Is far ahead ef all ether eoaatriai. The total aaatber of lertnm Bested here- Soring 1SOS wee ,10. 000,000. : Astothex Adveoaha. "Are you In favor of spelling reform T THE NEW LIBRARY antr? -CENTER TABLES A Solid Carload Come arid See Them! SATURDAY - ', " :'- " IN OREQOIN "Tea" answered Mr. Cumrox. 1 have always lnalted that my natural way of spelling Is as good as anybody's. The only trouble baa been that It was not popular. ' - . To draw the fire out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a aoar, or to oare bolls, sores, tetter, ecsema and all akin and scalp diseases, use DeWltf s Witch Hasel Salve, A speclfle for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy causes guch speedy relief. Ask for De Witt' a ths genuine. - . , . At Last! Terms