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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL' 12, .lCCl OHI SEHATORS POPULAR Fulton and . Cearin Very Busy Working Together Harmon V.ibusly on All Questions.- ARE ENABLED TO FORCE ACTION ON HARBOR "BILL New Roles Adopted is Committee a Fulton's . Suggestion Simplify 7 Work Gearia' Handicapped by : "" Senatorial Courtesy. - v; 7' 7' By John B. Lathrop. ' .k . Washington. D. C, April 7-Oregon's two United States senators are very buif tain ud are - working toother barmonioualy a U matters affecting the welfare of the commonwealth, at the same time not yielding their prsonal Independence in any .way or losing their individuality. ' Each U doirg good worE and exerting to tha utmost for tha publlo rood the Influence which attaches to the lmnortant office In which ha la servins. Oregon Is nat the inconsequential state It was a few years ago, as n naa own wu advertised lately: the agitation over public questions affecUng It, the Lwla and Clark exposition, toe importance 01 the Columbia and Willamette rivers, of the harbors at Astoria. Coos Bay and -Vanulna bay and the activity in ploltatloa by the commercial bodies are all serving td direct the attention of the people of the east and of tha -national capital In that direction more generally than has hitherto been true. -aBStots-JopniajV It will be understood that popularity counts for much In Washington, After a man's measure is taken here, and his - --, (ma tmi hla fflrlMnnv In eceomDlishlne: ' things Is then de- . i . HiMk 1 9 .. neoDle here like a senator; he can gel ' things done more quickly', and both the senators from Oregon are rortunaie us that ther entov areat popularity. . - This truth was ilraminstea tha other day when the senate, by 'unanimous eon- sent, asreed to the Immediate eonaldera- tion of Senator Pulton's bill appropriate in MOO.OOO for the mouth of the Co lumbia river. This measure had been added to toe sundry civil bill as ai amendment. Time was pasaing and mat tera of national importance were crowd ingvfor attention. 80 tha senators from Oregon decided. If possible, to force action. Squalor Fulton therefore went - to Republican members of the senate and secured a promise that no objection would be raised on that aids of the chamber to immediate consideration of the bllU f-: .... Likewise Senator Oearln personally interviewed the Uemocratlo senators and also secure from them the Dromlse that no objection would be raised. One objec tion from any senator .would have pre vented the consideration at that time and matters of such transcendent im porta me were before the senate for con- slderatton that had action not been se ' cured then the chances ' were that noth ing would have been dons by the senate at this session of the congress. r. Trlgatlom Projects. r 80 on March the matter was called up oy senator jrunon, wno asjcea tns .unanimous consent for immediate eon alderatlon and not a voice in protest was raised, even though, at that time the sen ate was quivering with excitement over , tha railroad rate bill and was stirred to Its depths over the statehood and Phlllp- : pins tariff measures. 80 far as the aen- , ate Is concerned, therefore, decisive ; action has been secured, and tha unanl mous vote given there la - weighing neevuy wun ma nouse or repreaenta - tires, so that Chairman- Burton of the rivers and harbors committee is disposed to lavor the project.. iz..rr- It was largely the personal popularity '1 Can Cure 7 Any Drunkard" Jgy 0oldea Spec ino for ' the Whiskey vw-w wu, mmww xww SMMUt won. ; Brother or rather rrons a .i-..'...rBkr's Ornva. v; i X Will Mall Vm 4a ail n. t.t ' ial Package la Vlaia Wrapper. " 1 am saving thoasands of drunkards - Bvorr rear and niatnrin th.m n ,t,-i I loving wives and families. I will aavo S rnany Tnore iwiilt of this adver- I raent, 10 au who write me, X will f Tb Drunkard Oaat Save Klmself. Tea Wosaea Save to So St for Xlm." send free by mail. In plain wrapper, so . that not one can know vhni it a trial package of Ooldea U pec I no for (the Liquor Habit. Though atSolutel? harmless. It never falls to cure the worst caaea of drunkenness, no matter of how long standing. , It caYi be ad' ministered without the knowledge of the: .. subject In" coffee, tea, soup, milk, etc and he will be cured In a few days and cured so he will never drink again. Golden Specific contains no dangerous Orugs or minerals. It does not ruin th digestion or destroy the tissues of the vital organs and endanger life and bmlth. It counteracts and expelo from the system all alcoholic poleona and Juts an end to all craving or appetite or liquor, tender its influence the subject' re gains bis heaJth,-wlII-power and self respect. Ills eye becomes bright, his brain clear, his step elastic, his -vigor returns, and he ones more feels and looks like a man. - If you have a belove4 husband, son. brother or father who Is afflicted, send your name and address to me at once in the coupon below." Statement Ko. 1 Ticbet ' ' Shall tha, people' select' their United States Senator? ' Believing in this principle the following candidates have chosen these words to be placed after their names on the Repub lican nominating ballot: " "Promises always to ota tot PEOPLE'S CHOICE for Uni ted States Senator."; ; This system -will eliminate the' election of a Senator from legis lative matters. -j t ; . .': ' For Joint State Senator. J f Clackamas and Multnomah: 51 GEO. M. ORTON. ' : For State Senator, nomah: . - , 56 v JOHN GILL. ; ' For i Representatives: 58 L. H.ADAMS. 59 62 Mult- 67 69 75 79 83 BS 87 88 J. C BAYER. D. C BURNS.'. .ii.. COFFEY. v ' : DRISCOLL. KEADY. : S. A. MATTHIEU. A. H. SANDSTROM. -EDWARD T. TAGGART. EDGAR H. THORNTON. WM. WANNER. J. B. C JOHN W. P. : f the two senators with their respective parties that effected such a desirable result in the matter of the 1 404,000 ap propriation. . WltkJ reference to . tha Irrigation projects In Klamath, Lake, Ilarney, Mal heur, Umatilla and other countlea tha two senators are working Industriously, missing no opportunity to advance these enterprises and indnoe-apaedy action. Indeed, it must be said, in Justloe to .the executive departments, that there la ho obstacle in connection with these Oregon projects. However, owing to the vast hfass of details which must be handled by the departmenta, a popular senstor can accomplish much in urging action, and this has been dona by the two senators from Oregon. - - - , mitoa on Bevea Committees. r Senator Fulton serves on seven com mlttees, ss follows: - Claims, industrial expositions. Irrigation, poatofflces and poatroads, publlo survey and national quarantine, public lands, and revision of lews. . Senator Gearia' s ' committee assignments are: ' Claims, District . of Columbia, forest reservations and the protection of game, industrial exposl tlons. national banks, pensions. Senator Fulton, as chairman ef the committee on claims,: has wrought decided change in the methods pursued when ho succeeded to the chairmanship of that committee; ho laid down the rule that sal claims for money to be paid by the United States should bs subject. In sofar as tha committee could determine, to the same principle that would bs In volved were the case to bs brought be fore a federal court. "In other words," said tha senator, "If a claim come before the committee, which, according to our information, would not be Just ground for recovery In a court of law, the committee re jects the claim. If the claim would be good ground for action in a court, stat ing the (propoaltlon In- general terms, ins committee reports it lavoraoiy. - : glmpllnsa tha .Work. - This rule, which Is Just to all claim ants, has clarified tha atmosphere and put the affair a of the committee on a Just and equitable basis. It baa not operated to decrease the work to be per formed; but, on the contrary, senator Fulton la one of the hardest-worked members of the upper legislative body, In fact, he la indefatigable, and when not in the senate chamber or attending soma other committee meeting, can be found at most any time, night or day, wrestling with tha perplexing problems which he has to solve and which involve many hundreds of thousands of dollare. As a member of tha committee an ir rigation, as well as publlo lands and re vision of the laws. Senator Fulton also Is called upon to do an Immense amount of work. -i ' Senator ' Gearln, being a minority member, has no chairmanship, but he has been faithful in attending all com mittee meetings, and four of tha six committees on which he serves' con sume much of his time. He, too, is systematic and ceaseless In his labors. new aeator must "learn the ropes"; the precedents of the senate compel a senator, during bia ilrst yearr to shstsln from making any speeches. It is as sumed that Senator Geartn's oratorical powers, wide knowledge of publlo ques tions, ane legal training and aptitude and qualifications to take part in tha de bates now In progress over the rata bill render it rather difficult to remain quietly seated and add nothing to the presentations which are made dally by the senstors who have been longer la service. nurx packacx coupon If ya nH eat tbe blank Hans belew win rw earn e"4 sedrM. eat est eoapne sad Ml H te ee, I will ema res ehmtatHr rrw, hr aull la slata wnnper, a trial park. nf mr OoMa Soeriftc. Yam will ke tn nli fa I ae lens ee roe lire fnat roe did It. AAdma Dr. I. W. Heists. SS6S Olraa Bldf, ClarloMU, Okie. . i. .... sTaadloapped by Senate. . It la a common remark about tha Capi tol that those senators who havawlo lated this rule and launched out Into senate addresses during their first year have recovered from their indiscretion only after the lapse" of many sessions of the congress. Senator Beveridge of Indiana, a brilliant man, made a speech on the Philippine question during his first year, which was a marvel of elo quence, and probably as fine an effort ss could have been delivered by . any member of the body; but Indiana has suffered by reason of this lack of Judg ment on the part or its junior senator. Ha gained nothing- and lost much. . r . Senator L Folietto of Wisconsin. who is serving his first year, la now on trial under the same conditions. He has made several speeches and It la ths opinion of many that, he has not strengthened himself, in that ha did not wait until . hla second session of the congress before making deliverance on public questions .in the senate,. This senatorial "lex non scriDtaJMs as lrrefraglble as were the Jaws of the aledes and Persians, and it appears to be the part of wisdom to respect It. however one may regard It as foolish, and based on no good argument. 7. Sotk JTavoy mat BUI. "; V, Senator Oearln serve on two com mittees in company with Senator Fulton claims and Industrial expositions. By his appointment to the committee oa the District of Columbia he became one of the men charged with special -supervision of affairs her in the District, and this assignment Is of, great value to him for the reason that It enabled hla early acquaintance with men of affairs here and gave him considerable influence from that- source. One meaaure In which he has been Interested has been a blU regulating child labor In the Dis trict of Columbia; his mail has been filled with petitions from all parts of the United States, scores of them earn ing from Oregon, referring to this Im portant measure which he has heartily supported. He has stood onenlv and unequivocally for effective railroad rate legislation and Is among thoae who de Sire to see enacted a law which will accomplish something, snd s gainst the messures nsrraiess to i, the .railway Intrusts forxwhloh some people are labor. 7lTi2Ec::2r jJpBMsBnHslBnflHHM lnsWBnsa YOU WILL BE THE GAINER. . That desire for something Is al ways discernible in nature in springtime. It is mostly that desire for something new to wear. The earth, trees and all nature changes V its dress, and why not you? This store offers the real reasons on account of its immense1 variety and special Easter sales for your trade. REMEMBER THE CHICAGO IS PORT- ' EVERYTHING THAT MEN AND BOYS WEAR.- iii I r : : i Arc the C-l 77fMStt&. Ever GUsred III ' . X - K X II I -Ill I UK .. V.. II rtM.. r.j., , - .-nr r :::: -7 H-r- r till Uu3 ialiu - .-1 I 17 riicia-a. i I f J Commencing SattuV i 1 1 1 .7... . I V7.'. day -morning at -9 .7 J - '7 - o'clock' we will dis- '7 '. , ) , ;;:--7;. II eriSnt ; free to all . 1 I I I - x- . II .. 1 I I .. II UdviaJlersno pur- ; I - r . f ' - 1 1 j chase necessary. ; 1 I : 7 I I 7 thousandi of beauti- . " v I " :r;"' 1 1 v ' " ful Calif ornia CalU I 7 . . .' S :r Lilies with our Eas- )7 .7 v.. 1 7 ;7''7-1 I ; :;;;7 ill ..-.iiM . ; i i -: i r ...... Come with your - j .7;r.7.:-ri" . friends Saturday 7 I . 7 l ;7'.'V -AC morning if .possible ' :- '. I .; .'7 ' -.yj. I I '" 7as we will toy to dis-- V X .f 777,:77 .'-V.:.v-vt-V' ill inuuio uic uica iu ,i . f 7 'I I I I ..:' ill the (wcnMn id m -'' ' I )'- V . I ' I I ' - ;. not to interfere with : :'r:-; J I ': . -I J J - 77 the tremendous trade I J-r-"- I -H-W- v". of the afternoon and I ..7':'A v-7-'" I . I -rX -7 : evening. ' . Respect- 7 I I ' -I I ' j. . I I 7i'-:'V.7 -m -, , ,, i m a . mtmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmtfmtmm I I .... llr. m-y-:M - "(,: HATS Ill .v,v -,' "- f -Z -s . w 7 (,.:.:';' EASTER-. SUITS for Men . .... ' '..., :. . , The blue and the gray, are the dominant .shades for the eprinj and summer of 1SC3, and -'-the immense variety to be found at The Chi- . ew uium K mner rrtrical fiiivMr nftr eat-. IsfactJon. 7,; ;7 -7. " 7-,7", 7:'7 7- CA f( legant single and double ? 4yaU(l breasted Suits,' all wool, fast color, hand-tailored collars with self-retaining fronts in blue serges. Is a value without equal on the 7 entire coast, also hundreds of pure all wool or -union worsteds, silk mixtures, cassimeres and ' tweeds. ; Worth up to $15.00. M . ... C17 CA -For Black & Co.'s and Michael splasrsOU Stern Co.'s choice spring styles of wool or worsted materials and hand-tailored Suits. Over fifty styles. A splendid $16.50 value. ' - . r' ' -: - v, : C1C A A take choice of the most sDlOaUil artistic selection of Hackett, Carhart ft Co.'s, Brandigee, Kincade, Wood A Co. and other high Class makes, $20.00 values. This is an Easter week proposition, and we are,' going to dress "up more men and young men this week than any other two stores combined. Imported serges, Venetian and serge lined, fins Thibets, unfinished worsteds, tweeds, cheviots, cassimeres and silk mixtures that will win your admiration at a glance. t " 7 j ; ... , I";:,;7:. C . 1 CA $20.00, $22.50, 25.00,' I .UU -52T.50, $30.00, 3500 and on up to $40.00 and 945.00 for full dress silk lined Suits, v This win give you an idea of the immense range of styles to be found at The Chicago. Over 500 different ideas are laid before you to gratify any desire you may have in spring clothing. - t.!ray iidy ; PcfrCaaS end- Commencing Satur day morning at 9 o'clock we will dis tribute free to all lady callers no pur chase" necessary thousands of beauti- ful California Calla Lilies with our Eas ter c o m p 1 i m ents. Come with your; friends Saturday rooming If possible as we will try to dis tribute the Iflies In " the norenoon so as not to interfere with the tremendous trade of the afternoon and - evening. - - - Respect- - y ; THE CHICAGOL TheFnnworlh--$2i0nat Amelia's Greatest A Cat ta FK Your Face Thirty styles,' SO shades and colors.. The Full worth Hat is sold only by The . "Ctucaco, ana a gnarantee of satisfaction . foes witn every rouwortn. Tne run- worth comes in exact reproduction of . ' all the famous $4 and $5 spring, soft snd , . suit nata. FOR EASTER 5 A For choice of a hundred one-piece, 3)J4t) six different styles, $5.00 Panama Hats (water bleach); does not kill the life of -the Panama fiber. Get your Panama at The Chicago and it will be rights . PANAMA HATS We sell the Genuine Monte Crlsto, one piece. guaranteed i water bleacli $5.00, f 6.00, 97.50, $9.00, f 10.00, f 12.00, f 15, $20.00, $25.00. There Win SALES An Dcpcrt-ncnts In. Senator Fulton likewise has Stood to favor of railroad rat leglalaUon. -Oregon's senators are now engaged la tha task of- convincing tha house of representatives that tha aenate bill ap propriating 1400,00 to improve tha mouth of the Columbia river should bs passed. These efforts, and others in favor . Of urging oa irrigation projects and paving the way for deserved recog nition of enterprises to Improve tha Wil lamette river and the harbors at Coos bay snd Taquina bay, furnish them with abundant opportunity for labor. They are leaving no stonex unturned snd are dally doing effective work. . That the 1400,000 bill will be passed by tha house cannot be affirmed, but It la true that prospects are bright and failure will not be due to lack of Industry or faithful work on the part of ths eenatora. Senator Oearln also has devoted muoh time to furthering the Interests of his bill Increasing the pension at Indian war veterans to tH a month. . ' 7 '" Basts mowers. " i 7-f -! I PTunder, the florist, 145 Sixth Street, between Alder and Morrison, calls at tention to their beautiful display of Easter lilies, aster novelties, both In cut flowers and potted plants. Their supply this season both in quantity and quality surpasses that of former years and places them la a position to furnish the desires of the most fastidious ad mirers of flowers. . Place your orders early so as ta avoid contusion In delivery. Special atten tion to phone orders. Phone Main 4(4. No pUl la as pleasant and positive ss DeWltfs Little Early Risers. These famous little pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladles and week people enjoy their cleansing ef fect, while strong people say they are ths best Uvtr piiia sold.' Never grips, .... . , r . . - .... ., .. Le Palais Royal 875 WASHINGTON STREET' : MILLINERY AND. ' SUIT HOUSE v . y -: . . . v ",;7 "': "77 OUR SUPREMACY IN MILLINERY We present a stock this season .which for VARIETY and NEWNESS cannot be found in any other house in the city. Better still, our prices are the lowest quality and style 7 7 7; ;" considered.' ' '-:'''',,'. SUIT DEPARTMENT: Our Suit Department is well stocked with the latest styles in Suits, Skirts and Waists at very low prices. 7 Special 'Jacket Sale V - ONE THIRD OFF ALL COVERT JACKETS .; 7 - ; 181-123 1 GRAND AVENUE -M Easter Furnishings THE POPULAR EAST SIDE STORE IS OFFERING AN EXCEPTIONALLY STYLISH ASSORTMENT AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES DAINTY WHITE WAISTS 75s. to $4.50 EACH Lawn and Silk Waists beau tifully made and trimmed in a wonderful variety; of pat- terns.'. . -'.- ' ' L A D I E S W H I TE EM - BROIDERED BELT S 10ft 25. Kl WOMEN'S WHITE CAN VAS OXFORDS $2.50 . Extra quality, heavy or light soles, large white eyelets and C wide ribbon laces. OXFORDS FOR CHIL DREN Black, tan and pat- ent colt in great variety. Priced from 91.25 to $2 EASTER SUITS FOR MEN 910, 912, 913.50, 915 . ; A magnificent assortment of stylish, well tailored, per fect fitting suits at a saving of from $2,00 to $6.00. . . ; MEN'S FANCY VESTS t 81.50, 92.00, 92.50, 93.00, 93.50 A large va riety in swell new patterns at very low prices. EASTER HATS FOR MEN 91.50, 92.00, 92.50, r 93.50 Stiff Hats and Soft ; Hats in newest shades and .' shapes. NEW EASTER NECK WEAR 25 35s, 50 Swell new shapes and colors. 7