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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
ti.j czca:i daily jour.iiAL, rsr.TLAWD. tiiuhsday evi:nino. APRIL 12, lzzx , r. --- Stori Opzns zt 8 I. U. A (tuavZ CitCV? OF STYLE R!:ti EXPOSITIONS ALUGHTY CONGRESS '-OF '. ' SURPASSING , QUALITY SHOPS Stdra Cc:c5 zl C v. rvmr o W-r- Mm Tht "C:nr.r Stzrt FKh, Sixth and Vg$tl:;i:a T; J 11 21 Tfie IVondcrfu Szh of : Undenmisllns - Gathers Force With the Hour. Friday ths Sec- lay of the Remarkable vali Annex Second Floor, ; Beautiful Undermusllns One-Third Oft: Regular Prlcesl : . ? French. Hand-Made and Embroidered Lingeries of .fine nainsook and lawns, bleached, or un bleached: some are daintirv trimmed with lace: Gowns, our $375 to $27 values. At One-Third Off JJrawers, our to $13 . ) -.' values . .i .At One-Third Off Skirts, our JM-50 to $50 values.. At One-Third Off Corset Covers, our $275"to-$25- ' values.. . . ... ..At One-Third ' Off Chemise, our $2.50 to $15 values . . .' ... . . . . . .y.. . . . . V. .At One-Third Off "Daring the remainder of this week we offer anything; in our entire stock of fine French Lin geries at One-Third Off. . " WOMEN'S $2 NIGHT GOWNS FOR $1.19. Women's fine nainsook Gowns, low round . slip over neck and elbow sleeves, trimmed with Valenciennes lace,, beading and draw ribbons. ' Our $2 valued special at, each. 1.19 WOMEN'S 75c DRAWERS 58c . Women's fine cambric Drawers,1 with two dus- ters of four fine tucks each and 9-inch flounce 1 of embroidery. Our 75c value special at, the pair ;.,B8 k . WOMEN'S $2 PETTICOATS $UJf Women's white cambric Petticoats, made with deep Spanish flounce with cluster of fine henv stitched tucks, deep embroidery ruffle and lawn under ruffle. : Our $2 value special at, . . -each"- ' n-.tMi , 1.3 .WOMEN'S $1.75 CORSET COVERS FOR t2l Women s Corset covers oi tine camonc or nain j aook, and trimmed with Valenciennea or Tor . chon lace or embroidery." . A large variety of ; styles from which to select. Our $175 value ; special at, each..... ....... ...v.. 1.23 iiotioii nons Cast tench a Bargain Coord. Peany Savtege 1 Saan Vuh Skopf-Hnt floor. Beat quality Colllea Nickel-plated Safety Pins: 1 dozen on oard. Special 5V to English Pirn, 400 in paper. 8pclal ....3 15c" Fancy Gold-Mounted Shell Color Back Comba, ltb Narrow Gold Band Top. SpacUl ,.15 lie Box of dosan Shell and Ambar Hair Pins. Bpiai . 10 Fin Usrhtvelcht ' whit lummer Dreae Shields, all , alaea, Bpeclal, th pair ...... ......... .. ...10 Beautiful Costume Linens adof50cahd 60ci Um Bloua riist rjoor. Wa'r very proud of th lmmena Spring bualnea accorded us liv th linen ao- ttone, aa 'tie vidnc of attraction .. we've supplied with th splendid, sturdy. . but caqulalt linana w'v banked on to : fill th neds of critical folk along- tha. llna.. W know th handaom Coatum : Linens embraced in this offering: cannot b equal ed in Portland today by any ator at th regular prices. That buyers will appreciate this special concession which entails some loaa to th : department making It, for th day,' to be offset by ' tn advertising 'twill accomplish at this time goea without aaylng. 4 pieces In the .lot, fin and voughiah finish, yam dyed In air the new and. popular colorings. These Coatum Linens t are surpassing values at th regular price of iOo end (OQ th yard, gpacial, Friday only, at, yard . j ., , . ,S4 WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND ( CHILDREN'S -.1 A wtwma. of Friday WIbists Tlrrt Floor. Iaoo tax son fob . gi.ea. . Woman' pink and blue all-silk Hoa. . wtu lac boot, in prsttj . patterns; also blaej . , all-lac Uk Ho Thes are all fin lm ported g o d and ' splendid 1 1. T I and tl.OS value. ' ' gpeolal for Friday and Satur day at, th - - pair ..9199 woinnri sse ion . fob aao. Woman's black fine ribbed lisle Hose, am less; double sole: our 16a value. Special Economy Sal pric. th pair 23d' woman ao uxa xoaa fob taw. Woman's lace lisle Hose, In both whit and black; splendid (too value. Bpeciai iLconomy Sal prloe, th pair . ........38e cmTLousra aa ton fob it. Children's black fin ribbed cotton Hoa. finished foot, double knee, heel and toe; our ISO, value. Special Economy Sal price, th pair, , . . . ...IT) amr aa ion fob is. Klawee' black lisle Hoa, very, fin ribbed; bright ilk finiah; a bargain at itoi spcial Economy Sal prloe, th pair .....19f. tha Remai ix Second 39c LYard: l Insfe 1 1 m m Une reason lor tnis btores VVonderiul 1 Si ; A Stirring HOURLY My!:! IS ' 8 TO 0 A. M. " l. V -: -:-Men'g Slippers at $1.49;;-.. ;. .. .Your choice of any pais of Men's Slippers in the house, 800 pairs in alL any aiae: our $1.75 to $3.50 values special for one hour, at, the pftir,.v .. .fc.'. .ta ..... t Vt - 'Ttr-r;:-: 9 TO 10 A., M. 7l" '"' ' . Women's White Canvas Oxfords for $1.89. Your choice of any pair of women's white .can-. ' '- vis Oxfords in the house, any style, any sixe; ; values to $2.50 special for one hour, at. the pair w ,f l.9,. .s::! vv r0 TO. 11 A. M.. " 1: "1.: Women's $2J0 Shoes for L89. r New style college height Shoes, made in patent, buttons and patent and kid bluchers, medium heavy aoles, ail sixes? our $2.50 value special ? for one hour, at, the pair....,.,......f l.8 n to 12 m. "V-V ; - ; Women's $150 Oxfords for $1.9$. Women's, fine kid Oxfords, blucher cut, patent -rtip and lace etay medium high heel, straight $12.50 to f 15.00 Petticoats A Gala Sale of Handsome Sklrti on Friday ; f : v Orsnd Salons Second Floor. " Here's a value that you "cant match,-search the city over! --The material, atyle and work-, manship are way beyond anything ever ahown here at the regular .prices, Of beautiful, rustling silk taffetas that . swish with that entrancing chord that women love to hear skirts touch, in pretty shades of greensv blues, browns, reds, grays, tans and black. Plain and changeable effects. Made with full flounce and shirnngs. tucks and ruchings. Splendid values at the usual prices of $12.50 and $15. ..On sale Friday, special at f 9.65. . '.. v :;;...- '. Women's Knit Underwear Trto f liwp'iU mmV Frloe-OUpe a lie' -- - Change Time fo XJaderwear. Bate eaJla , - ; .tot anjrtag-.wgnw rtm '. woHiri as usxa marm fob xt. Women's whit fin rlbbd lisle Veata, low neck, no sleeve, neatly trimmed; our i6o value. BpectaJ Economy Sal prlo. each ... .". l .v.lTe woMssrs as oottow txsts fob a so. Women' white summer-weight Vests, high neck, long sleavea, splendidly made,' neatly trimmed; tko la chean for them. Special Economy Sal price,-each--.... . . . ; " . , womsm 40 txoxtsj fox b7o. Women's whit Swla ribbed 111 Tlgnts, lae-: .trimmed kneel our 40o value. Special Eoonomy Sale prlo, th pair ...3T4 TOILET REQUISITES AT SPECIAL PRICES sr. I-.. ' FlMt FlOOt, ''..' r - - li. Box Bhlnola Sho Pat. ' Special .....e (e Cake Fin Hand-Milled wood vioiet roiiet noap. Special . ...' ..... i 34 te.V.v. Vrlmara TVhlte SDnlah'Caetll Soap. A U .wnn II ' ' - . - JSo Box Bathaeweet Special . .167 SOo Chamol Sklna, ftpeeial ,................391 JBo Ruled Writing Tablet. Special.... 94 Kcl'Itt. Packet Linen Lawn Cloth Finish Writing Paper. Special. .....221 tie Box CTioloe Writing Paper. Special. .t&4 to Package Extra wuamy wmie j.nTviop. Easter card for Baater Oreating .and Sunday ' aiinAia frrti ih...... ............. 2 to RAa LEATHER BAGS & BELTS Dainty FnUala Aoori la Xatn srovaltUa for weae wlk Bma n xtaaier amiia aaa . Syrlag Frocks Fint Floor Sixth Vtr Annex. ' ' SraOtAZi FBX9AF lABXBt) S130 XCAJTB BAOS fob as. A line of leather Hand Bags in th nw flat shap mad ' of good quality , seal and walma grain , . leather, with solid leather handles and gilt nickel r gunmetal rramea; ruiea witn com pure on Inside; two large outside pocket and xtr hand kerchief pocket; com tn black; brown, gray, blue. Ten and tan; a good value at , Il ia. . Special Economy Sal prlc. each ...OS' vs uitmsinH fob eso. . . A lln of fin quality Leather Belta, made from aoft. eloee-graln -leather, laid in- rolda; hav double stitched . ends, strong harness buckle and dip front; perfect fitting: our lie value. Special Econ omy Sal price, each ...................... ,404 ' SO MATBBB BXZ.TS FOB IS. Straight narrow Leather Belts, in black or whit; with leather-covered names ouckie; alae si to IS; our IOo value. . Special Economy Sal price. each 194 ft, i t i liil w SALE of SMMT SHOES for Easter Parades Sixth St. Annex First 'fit. None of the special values sd - vrtied below will be ori sale ia Jess than regular prices ex-", cept during; hours advertised." The special prices go on and off at the. tick of the clock and the stroke of the hour Friday 'Only. ' 1 '. "' last, turned sole; a dressy, comfortable oxford, any aize; our $2.50 value special for one hour," at, the pair...........;... ....... ......f 198 7' v -'w to i'p. m. " "7:""; ' , Women's $3.50 Oxfords for $189. ' t' Women's finest patent leather colt blucher Ox fords, with mat kid tops, Cuban heel, cloae edge '.. welt sole, neat medium round toe; one of the . ' most popular numbers; our $3.50 value special . ; for one hour at, the pair..........,....f2.89 ,-;-T ' '-;v--t to 2 p. m:": - Women's $3 to $6 Shoes for $2J9. Women's Shoes in an assortment of broken lines, in patents, kids and "dull leather stock. - with heavy or light-soles; made by some of the foremost factories in the country, aires 2 'to 8. widths AAA to C Nothing ; of fered ; worth less than $3 and up to $6 special for one hour, only, at, the pair...... ...... 2.39 ;;! " . 2 TO 3 P. M. " rtr-l' ' . . Women's $1.75 JuUets for $1J4. Women's Juliets and Prince; Alberts, with. heavy Tickets for the Firemen's Grand Benefit At the HEILIQ THEATRE on . MONDAY EVENING NEXT when Crtfston Clarke will appear in "MON- -ly.-iJ.- SIEUR BEAUCAIRE" . On Sale In Our Men's Toggery Shop Sixth Street Annex iext door to , COMMERCIAL CLUB TAVERN. Just handy inside the store's Sixth ; . , street entrance - ;: Take Easter Souvenirs and Novelties for Halt Now BB A VTZFOTt - CUT ' OXJLSS -ABB .gsTTsTa FOB , BASTBB BOABSS AT SAX.B FBXOBS FBZBAT. Who hasn't om little re membrance or gift to select for some likable friend or pal or dear rlatlvT Ton aeleot two her tomorrow for th prlo f on or one for half its usual prlo. Than there's naught too fin for Easter . tables hlghelaa oh in Is reduced. Radt . . ? . s VaitS Flo. BASTBB : BTOVKJaTOai mUT . " FBI OB, Two large tables loaded down . . with pretty Eaater Ornament. hundreds of articles to aeleot ' from. Special at, each ....KlUT FBZOB. ' OVf OXASB. l-tnch Cut Glaea Berry or ftald ' Bowl; regular value 11.10. - Special . .f 2.9S ; 1-Inch Cat Olass Berry or Salad . Bowl: regular valu $6.11. Special . ...f3.T5 XATXXBB SBOOBATXB ' - . CKntA BZBBBB SBTB. Oold ever edge, gold handles and knba, Dreeeen , roses, border pattern ' . , SA-plec set; regular valu I4T.I9. Spe1. .BS8.S5 HT-plo t; reeular valu 1101 10. 8pc'l..f T1.93 S7S.0O DUae Set Sae.SO, , Oreen border pattern, with gold lao. gold handle ' and knobs. (4 pieces; regular valu 171.00. - SpMlal ,v;... i 9S8.50 S110.00 BZBBBB SXT STTO. Heavy gold lac border pattern, gold handle and knob, ill piece: regular valu 1110.00. Speolal . ........ 9TT.OO A "WB3TB Sill" OF - MEN'S EASTER VEAR ;L . .' : Sixth Street Aaaex First Floosw.' :,,-'.? Men I Ton may buy linen Krohifa worth It each for a dime 10 if you'll come or send In th morning, before noon, tomorrow, to the ."Haberdash erle" Other ' bargains all , In whit. Special for Easter buyer Read: $MM TXTXJk BBXSS SBXBrS gS.00, E. 4 W. white Full Dress Shirts, with cuff attached; regular valu 11.50. Special, each S2.00 XBBfJ SO Ujrzar XABSXBBOBZBFa 10. Richardson' pur linen Handkerchiefs. i and.H - Inoh hems; regular valu 20c. . Special, from s to II m, only, Mch rm 104 acxar s as so tbsts sus. A lln of Men Whit K aster VesU, with Whit figures and dots; best 11.10 valu. Special. ' each . , ...v 91.39 . stars so bbuawbab sse. . Eaater Four-ln-Handa. white; with whit figure and . dots: our best IOo valu. Special. each...,....30g VALUES: Floor l!urn joles, low heels and plain or fancy tips i; . every pair built for comfort; our $175 value 2 special for one hour at, the pair. ;....f 1.34 -. 3 TO 4 P. M. . - Child's $U0 Shoes for 89c. Child's fine kid lace Shoes, with hand turned sole, patent tip, spring heel, velvet inserted lace stay, sizes 4 to 8; apecial for one hour, at, ; the pair...,....,.......;.,.... 89e - Ki 4 TO $ P. Kr'-S'-,; i Miaaea' Shoes, in very best, grade of kid and patent leather lace Shoes, with medium, heavy --or light soles, patent tip; s favorite style; reg ular $2.50 value. -Sires Uyi to 2 special at, the pair.. .......1.89 Sixes 6 to 11 special at, the pair.... ,.,..f 1.49 ' ;'V''-'?V s TO P.M..;. ..." Boys Shoes, In finest grades of .kid leathers, m four styles. Shoes that are exceptional values, well made and stylish; regular $275 value. -Sisea 24 to 5H special at, the pair 1.89 Sixes 8 to 2 special at, the pair.. f 1.39 $2. 75 Shirtwaists in Dainty - rWe a JI.79 EXQUISITE CONCEPTIONS FOR THE SUMMER WOMAN. Grand Salons of Dress Second Floor. 1 Ve have lust augmented our collection of prettv Shirt Waists for women with a aeries of exquisite white waists in sheef Tawfi. in fascinat ing fetching designs and trimming effects of lace and eyelet embroidery insertions, exclusive num bers with this house. In the very latest - and newest fancies of fashion, button at back or front choose either style and, considering their splendid quality and character, we consider them very modestly priced at the regular price of $275. Sleevea have tucked cuffs or cuffs of lace-and Insertions. Tomorrow we shall place these waists on a long center table in the second floor salons and allow full and free choice for $31.79. , Bargain Sparkles From the Jewels Pretty lndivpea sable U 1 anuria, red need to neoee- . gtty figure fov Friday's Big Sale First V, -., Floo ettxta Street Aaaex, FOB SSo WBXTB STOBB-BY BIBS. Pretty Whit 8tone-eet Ring, hand -est with eight - of the finest Imitation diamond. Rings are ster ling silver, heavily gold-plated; our Ho valu. v Speolal Economy Sal price, each ,i ..........49) It FOB BBOOCBBS WOBTK Sao. A large assortment of pretty Eaater Brooohea, - mounted on Eaater cards; vary good He valu. Special Economy Sal prloe, each..,.., 194 Tse BAT Rtl ei ''' A line of fancy Qold-filled Hat Pins tn a vartely of fancy shapes: with th r-nw'Kppllqu" Inlaid . ' works finished in rich Roman gold r our Tlo vatu. Special Economy Sal prlc. each ........... .494 ' '-'' BSAUTY FIBS lSe. A showing f pretty gold-filled Beauty Pin in rich - roe gold finish, with one-piece joint and catch; . two on card) our tie vain. Special Economy Sal prloe, th card ............................ .15e) as inuni sxltbb soabf fxbb as. ' An assortment of pretty' Sterling Silver Scarf Pins In a great variety of designs; finished In French : gray and oxidised; eur Ho value, Special Economy Sal price, each .....39e Special in the Art Needle . Work Shops FOB BAXF. Floor. ,: -- Sample line of hand-mbrokdrd Centerpieces tn round and square ahape; embroidered on tin or ' .heavy white linen or heavy ecru ltnen In floral, . nedeb. English eyelet, ehadow or 1CL Melilck. ' ,8le from 11 Inohe to IS I " .; c r till to ' t2ft.oe value. Special for X ' 1 ' Saturday at ? t ; : r f - B W -ja- I Ifte Great Easter Sale ; ol Charming uulmery , Continues : In the MilUnerr Salons Annex Second Floor. And crowds will continue to come and share the . values, as hundreds have shared today. Values are as great and as plenty aa at the start of the sale reinforcements hsve come from the workrooms and the bargains are as remark able as ever the hats are charmingly pretty. A hat for every face, and age, and gown.. Ma terials of straw, horsehair braids, all-over and , Valenciennes laces, with maltne or chiffon fac "Itigi; Ostrich plumes, quills, wings, flowers and ribbons for trimmings. A grand color assort- - ment to choose from, embracing gray,- old rose, light blues, pinks, tans, Alice blues, nary, i - greens, browns, prunes, lavenders,1lack,' white and well, every color yon can think of that . . fashion has thought of. Every shade that's wanted to match the pretty Easter gowns. '; The prettiest lot of trimmed hats you ever saw that you could buy and pay up to $10 each - for here tomorrow at.. ............... 5.d Summer Home Comforts t HelpsFirst Floor Pretty Couch Covers youll hav need of for cov ering bar spots and transforming them to eosy Summer lounging places; soft pillow f or - weary head, and light-weight Summer blanket for Sum mer nights all at Special Prices la Fridays Sal. ..- scae covcm ootbbs sua. New line of Oriental Couch Cover. lOxlSI Inches; regular valu 14.60. Special, each ...93.1 J '"'.' S440 FBATXOBB PXWOWS St-SS. Fine Feather Pillow, sis 10x2. wleght lb each; regular valu 4.00. , Spoclal. th palr.....BXC J -.. . i. - f B OOTTOB liaUrxM-SS-:.-.t ---- -A lot of Cotton Blankets in gray and tan color, fa , beds; regular value 76c Special, the pair.. E54 SALEof VMIEll'S GLOVES FOR EASTER : - : Fim Flooe -u' ' ; '' - ' Wniiri U9 BZD 0ZOTBS . ' Two-clasp Kid Gloveat full pique. Parle point atttab Ing on back, reinforced In palm, rusaeta btwseei fingers, very durable, white, black end eolorsj ail ' sla; regular valu 11.16.. Special, th Pair ..8e .WOK1W ta.00 BXD- CUVOTBa 91M. . Eight-button "Musquetalre- Kid Olovee, S claape, in . whit and colors; regular valu 11.00. Special, th pair , fi.K9 WOKBFI tSAO SLOTII U& Suedes, ll-button lengtha. Inr oprn shade, small sis only regular valu I M0. Special, th Iir - .....- tUlO Infant Garb at Special Price aabfues-BOaw Flooss, OB3UBBxr Broken lines of Children's Cresses, mad f ftn , cam brio or nainsook; Mother Hubbard or FrnJt style, and trimmed with lao and embroidery la. ' sertion and edging or dainty Frenoh knots; as) .. from months to I years: our SSo to 14.00 value. - Special Economy Sal prices, each.. 674 to 9JL9T " UTFABTS BOBTTBTSJ FOB XAXF. -. . Infants' . tight-fitting Bonnet of fin mull lawn or .. all lao ruoh and ribbon trimmed. Bom of the are part of a eample lln and we bought them at a low figure bono thl special offer for Friday sailing. Tax your onoie at..... Corsets for Easter Gowns- Bargain H.TS COBS3TS FOB SSJT. Royal Worcester Bon Toa Cor-, . seta, mad of whit or blue flg- ured broche; medium low buat - and short over hip; hoa up ' porter attached ; tss II to ; tl regular 14.71 valu. Special . Economy Sale prlo, th -' Pair - r-. : IHPORAUT BARGAUI TRIO XV BASTBB gfOWBTBTS) AOOBSSOBXBS. Woman's Fnralabiag Shops Flnrt Flooa. - " es bxbbobs sse abb as tabb. - - ' A lot of fin all-silk Ribbons in big aseortment m taffetas, satin taffetas, fancy print warp and em broidered designs; specially adapted for trtmmm-r hat, making girdle and Saahe; I to Ita-lm... .width: values to lie; divided In two lots at, th yard 25 and LZ) gae 1VAOBS SI TABS. A lot t wide net top Lace la cream, I t II Inehe wide, worth to 10 yWI; 4H-lnch Whit retfi washable Uee in Battenburg pattern) worf t yard; lao tn the Um cotton net t- I"4- I wide; worth Sto yard. Thee wi i i Special Bale rrlday at, ty-' ... BABTBS BAFT A new lot of Itlchsr-' . In sheer and e regular v.. , t t $237