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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
V" THE OREGON tiAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' THURSDAY EVENINO. APRIL i 12. KZl y 1 III t - If. i i ! l v i 1 .: r I DOME'S PRICE IS IALF A 11 Prophet ; Said to Ba Willing to Compromise for Two and a V Half Per Cent of Zlon. p FIRST APOSTLE AGAIN IN A FIGHTING MOOD Deacon Morris' Declares That, Re- port of a I Peaceable " , Settlement : Are Infamous Uea Wetten Talks the Other Wey.fvSv':t'r(- , ' Uaarnal Bnrfl rrtn.t '..' run . - Chicago,- April It. John Alexander Dowleia in a fighting- mood today. . Deaoon Morris. th prophet's atanrb ad s herent. declared that all reports of ' - peaceable eettlemeut 'lira a pack of in famous Ilea." He said that Dowia would . go to Zlon aa lta ruler and would eon- v ' Milt to no compromise. On the other : hand, Kmll C Wetten, chief counsel for ; Dowia. states that ha has hope of amlo- able adjustment . .-, . ; . Dowle was to eonferenea todar with i his attorneys and It is supposed con sidered tha propositions made yesterdejr jj by Voliva. Wetten tn a statement Is , sued aajra that Dowla will probably re , llnquieh financial authority If Voliva .? " and his sdvlaera can guarantee that all i debts outstanding against Zion and her ; Industries will be paid and Dowie Iguar-i- antoej a pension for Ufa auffldejnt . to I maintain himself - commensurate , with ' " his position. t " -: i. . There seems little doubt but' what ; both aldea are anxious for an amicable , adjustment. If negotiations now tinder : way fail Dowla will seek redress la tha - court. "- " " '' ' It'ia stated th'ls afterijeon that JV)wle . vtfll settle if given two and a half per i i i cent of the property, which ' at tha "prophet's" valuation, will yield, 4 hlta ; t ioo,coo. ,.: . . , , . WARDE SPEAKS LAST W' WORDS AT MARQUAM . '"It waa .'left to-. Frederick Warde to ! apeak the last- words at tha Marquam . - Grand theatre, and the Incident last ; ) night was impressive. Tha tragedian ' f ' had concluded a masterful recital ' of ; "Julias Caesar." - .. ; The fata of this playhouse la not yet S : . determined." " he aald, "and tt may be that my words will he tha laat spoken 1 - ' In nubile utterance front thta platform. If so. let 8hakearsre's pall fittingly aov . - company its demise. If not, - let us hope that it may help to re-establish a k form of drama now fast losing lta ttand ' ing In tha estimation of the American people." ' There was vigorous applauee ' from J - the handful of people- present and tha applause continued after the actor had . i .- left the stage, so that he waa forced to , return and bow his thanks.. . . 1 ORATORY AND MUSIC AT ' I HASSALO STREET CHURCH ! ' At the Hassalo Street Congregational ' church laat night an Interesting and i successful musical and elocutionary re- J cltal waa given under the auspices of I tha oongregatlon. One of tha largest crowds that has ever gathered la the church attended. . ... The recital was given by Mrs. Fred I Olson, Miss Cornelia Barker, Miss ' Petronella Connolly, Mlsa Ada Matthews snd Mlaa Mollis Reynolds. The program ' included vocal solos and duets and readLnga. Miss Matthews, who recently raroa to Portland from Bait Lake City, waa enthusiastically received. Tha audi ence was extremely appreciative and In sisted upon receiving more tbaa waa scheduled on the program. lor Jaat on Knmptnllpa. . (Rpeetat Phipatch to Tbe Jownrl.) ' Aberdeen, Wash., April U There Is a great scarcity of logs for the mills at the present time, owing, it is said, to a big Jam on tha Hamptnllpa river. - The Blade and Brydea-at Leitch mills have been abut down for several daya on ac count of It. Tha scarcity la aald to aa- r-r tend- all-ever- the-harhor.' baxxjuud's xomasotm mirr. Immediately rellevea hoarse, eroupy rough; oppressed, rattling, rasping and difficult breathing. Henry C Stearna. druggist, huusturg, wis., writea. May 10, 1902: "I have been selling Hal lard's Horehound Syrup for two years ana nave never naa a preparation that has given better satisfaction. I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more. I can honestly recom mend It." 28c, tOc and $1.00. Sold by Woodsrd. Clarksjfro , Here are the Easter fix Ings. . ;-..; , - Scarfs, big in size, big in i-tyler big in Value, big-in the satisfaction they will ' ; give you. - - . - ; Four-in-Hands, Ascots, ', Puffs, Scarfs, Ties ' and - pows. Long price range 25 to 91.50, but no . fancy prices,, - i j. Come here, Sir, for your i Easter Tie and youH get' . the correct thing. " IlIOaM ClothinqCd ' CuiKuhnPaOD' Outfitters for Men and Boys 16S and 168 Third St. ' ' ' Mohawk Building V TO CARRY SILVER FROfJ fillllES Idaho Northern Railway Will - -Tap Rich Mining and Tim , ber District. ; WILL BE IN OPERATION f BY FIRST OF NEXT YEAR . - ;i Road , WM Connect . With Wallace Branch of O, R. ft N. at Kingston and ' Probably Will Connect- Also " With Northern Pacific ; "! E. P. Spalding," vice-president and general manager of the Idaho Northern railway. which la to ba constructed from Kingston Into the Murray mining district of northern Idaho, arrived in tha city1 this morning for the purpose or securing a surveying crew ana grac ing outfit to commence active construe. tlon work oa the new road.. A prelim-' I nary survey has alread .been made and the crew which Mr. Spalding proposes to take out with htm will make tha per manent survey, set the grade stakes and move ahead of tha graders. ' - . "Our line will he tS miles long," said Mr. Spalding, "and will be In, operation by tha first of next year. It will open up one of the richest mining and timber diatricts In Idaho." Tha new 1 road will connect - with - tha Wallace branch of the O. R. aV N. at Kingston and will probably connect also with the Northern Pacific its routs a ill follow up Prttchetf .creek through the Coeur d-Alenes district. ..thence through the Murray, or North Side Fields district, having Its terminus at Paragon gulch, about five miles east of Murray. , - --y.-- r-- The new road la to be aa entirely-In dependent enterprise, tha stockholders and officers being "mining men Inter ested lu the dlstrlot that la opened. - "The Murray dlstrlot Is rich In lead and silver." said Mr. Spalding, "and t litre is timber there In any juantlt1ea. Much development In tha mining line has already been done.. With the road constructed, we will ' undoubtedly sea tha district move right- to tha front. Already eastern capital is coming In, being drawn thither by the prospect of railway facilities."- Mr... Spalding, bealdaa being general manager of tha proposed railroad. Is also manager of tha Monarch ulna, one of the largest in the dlstrlot, HUGE SWARLl OFHONEY BEES STOPS ALL .TRAFFIC. Blockade of Travel,' In Main County Road at Santa Rosa , Caused by Broken Hive. ' 7ooraal Speelel terries.) Santa Rosa, CaL, Ji.ptilll.-K huge swarm of beea entirely blocked the main county road yesterdsy in this city, from the' noon hour -until lste at night. vehlclea and pedestrian traffic was entirely suspended. The causa- oC al) tha difficulty waa brought about by a farmer who waa engaged in moving a mammoth . hive in a wagon. Tha hive broke and tha swsrm of bees es caped. : ,'". All efforts to ' get the bees- back proved ' futile and tha farmer 'made haata to escape the angry Insects. Persons who drove to tha scene later were compelled to hurriedly return by the fierce onslaught of bees.' Many who came upon tha beea unawares were In a atlll worse plight and a number of persons were badly stung. Ths road waa one of tha main trav eled thorougbfaree, and In consequence considerable inconvenience waa occa sioned, finally after the bees alighted on a large post, a pile of brush snd atraw was applied, the bees finally cre mated and the road . again opened te traffic. ... .. . -. . PORTLAND KOST GENEROUS OF ALL CONTRIBUTORS Contributed Mora to Olympic Games Fund Than Any Other City of Size. . -1 According to population Portland con tributed more generoualjr to the fund which waa raised for sending an Amer ican team to Athens for participation In the Olrmpie games than any other city In the United States. A note to this effect, addreaaed to the Portland Rowing club, was received this morning from J. w. Curtlss of New York, chair man of the finance committee. At the games Portland will be represented by H. W. Kerrigan, who was chosen from a large number of eligible The sum aent from here to assist In defraying tha expenses of the , team was f 700. Mr. Curtlss says: . T beg leave to acknowledge your'sub- scrlptlon to the fund for sending an American team to tha Olympic games at Athens, and in doing so I wish to as sure you that in tha estimation of tha committee your city has made tha best record of any In tha United States. In proportion to tha population, certainly your subscription is ths most generous we have received, and tha committee wish to thank you heartily for same." R. E. DAVIS WILL BUILD HANDSOME RESIDENCE ft.' E. Davis Is planning to build a 16,000 residence at Thlrtv-Becond and Thurman streets, Willamette Height a. Plans have been drawn and tha con tract let to A. r. Squires. The building- permit- was Issued' yesterday. Other permits Issued- yesterday fol low: J. A men. repairs to residence. 40 Flanders street, coat HO; A. E. East land, foundation for dwelling,' eorner Clifford and Bedford streets, coat 11,000; i.- K. Oeorge, oottage, Rodney avenue between Fremont and Beaeh streets, cost 11.000; Failing estate, repairs to bonk, corner Second and Stark streets. cost S1.000: D. Leievre. repalra to dwell. Ing, Tenth between Flanders and Ollaan streets, cost IS00; H. H. Bteln forth, re pairs to cottage. Water street near Olbbs street, coot ISO; Thomas Mann, repalra to swelling, Harrison between Seventh and Park streets, cost tlS0,r J. Painter, cottage, corner Fast Market and Kast Seveoth streets, cost I00; Rock Springs Coal oompanyt sheds, East Second and The new appointee ' was closely asao Eaat rise - streets, cost 1100; AtfiJLl elated vile. Colonel liawklna in. his acV tea in Now is the time to secure one. Remember, you save enough ori this sale to give your child a good start in music,, and some are just aa good as new. Look over this list and then get busyMail or ders receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed:. Light & 'Co. ... . . . $ 75 -i Arion, good .' . . . . 9 75 Mannsfcldt 9 85 Wigman & Co.:.: . . .f 100 Sterling . . . . . .V, . . .".S125 ; Hinze,. oak case...... 9150 , Willard ..... : .9165 Hamilton , . ... . , . 9175 ' Smith & Barne.1rr7;';9175 Kingsbury ; ... . ". . . 9218 Packard ..... v , ', t. . 9225 v Chickering . .... . . .. 9250 Fischer .... ... . . . .9275 'The above is some of the bar gains that we have in stock to day. All must Jbe disposed of this month, so first come first choice. Easy payments. ' -.! r KNABE ' PACKARD y, EVERETT LUDWIO ' : FISCHER v i'; '' And our entire line of View figh grade Pianos at a ' wonder- j ful reduction in order to reduce the -stock this month. v If you need a new piano do not Jet -lhis opportunity ' pass. Easy pay ments.';';' :.. , ' ' '".-) , New and Second-iland We have about" fiftyt left and they go at about one half their value. No reasonable offer will be rejected. You will find them from $10 up and all sold on easy payments. ' .".""',,'... Allen Gilbert- Ramalier Co. Corner Sixth and Morrison CUT RATES a SAVE MONEY Come at once and have free examination. WB EXTRACT TEETH FREE; SIL VER FILUNOfl. ISO UP; GOLD UA 1NQ8, 78e UP: SET OF TEETH. 14.00: SPLENDID SET, M OO: OOLD CROWNS. 18.00 TO 11.00; WHITE CROWNS. $1.60 TO 11.00. - All work guaranteed for ten yeaxe. ' BOSTON PAINUSS DENTISTS 11 H Morrison St. Opp. Meier Frask Knj poatofflea. T " Mitchell, cottage, on Idaho street. South Portland, cost 11,200.-. - . : , ' , CAPTAIN KIDD'S GOLD IS FOUND BY WORKMEN Jersey aty, N. " 34 April U. Twenty Italians quit work this morning when they found a hidden treasure In the ground while excavating for a now hotel that la being built oa ths Peterson plank road a Quarter of a mils east of the Hackenaack river bridge. The maa dug Into a quantity of coins that are said to have been equal in capacity to almost a bushel. They gathered up the coins and left work at once. Whither they have gone or tha nature of the ootns found is not known. " Dr. Joslah Hqrnblower, Who la wall read In things pertaining to tha exploits ef Captain Kidd, Is of the opinion that tha treasure may have been hidden In one of tha expeditions of that pirate. EDMUND P. SHELDON TO BE MUSEUM CURATOR 'Edmund P. Sheldon waa named by tha city council last night to succeed mot of ths city hall 'fnta museum. Oicap : ; : Dr.rOliam Austin Cox n? TmrriTri iAICiICi , Onr atock of Easter noreltie 1 far the largest ever shown in Portland. The day would be sadly lacking; for the children without their BunnIe" or chick.' ' We have an immense variety in -all sorts of original and funny shapes and all filled with tfny sugar eggs. Prices up to f 2, but iOe to S5 gives a wide . choice.' To all purchasers of these fancies over 10c tomorrow and Saturday we 'will give for the little one of the family a : Cl----F-7 '. V'r And fill it with sugar eggs. '.l"' '"'J''-' For gifts for the "grown-ups" we have a wonder-'-fully attractive display of Parisian - Baskets and Boxes -and daintily decorated silk and satin eggs in exclusive designs, all for filling with our famous Candies. ... '.If you don't buy don't miss seeing the display. GET WE RIGHT PLACE We Have no BranchStores Sivetland 293 UOSSISON K SOLS Phillios Shoe 6. $3.50 $3.00 The Packard Shoe 1 l. '' FOR MEN' The Phillips Shoe . FOR WOMEN - - The Phillips Shoe , SHm -WCntX, exOO 4a appreoUted by the well-gowned women ef Portland. , They ap preciate It faultless appearance, lta perfect fitting qualities and the foot comfort It alvea. They appreciate Ihe aavlng: of 11.00 on every pair they purchase. No SAaTrn QOWJT complete without the PXXUXPS SJXOa. New SUnrxraaT laata la Boots and Oxfords in all leathers. Very latest atylea In BUM BOOTS' and OXrOBD. all at one prloe.......f 3.00 The Packard Shoe FOB UXM, S3.80 Tha old favortla, bnt new shapes, new leathers and new Spring etyles . ., , . ready for We are ... cJ ) 'TM. Nevs :2J Iadlea "who appreolate - emirteoue. Intelligent treatment throng our atore dally. "Our Hata please them; . their patronage pleases aa, What mere can one ask? Only this Call and see. - Two hundred more Patterns have arrived. Sailors to suit tha moat critical, the beat the market affords. OVM rmiCXS keep them moving. ,' The Crown entlfle work, and Is thoroughly familiar with the responsibilities of the . posi tion. ;. " '' Mr. Sheldon U president of the Ore gon Stste Academy of Science s. Dur ing the Lewie and Clark exposition be Friday fi Saturday. & Son STREET AGENTS $3.50 S3.C0 alL The price the aame, s)3.50. Tour choice of every leather, every style, very width, every , else. : Only ' Men's Shoe sold on the Pacific Coast that has not bean advanced In price for the new, nobby atylea, and none at any price ean equal It. ' n oxra mamxt wnroo ws we show more up-to-the-minute styles than any store .In Portland and every style ahown Is carried In atock.- ; We display no aamplea." . T V 7 REMEER Itva, poshing, up-to-the-mlnuta Shoe' men and want your trade.We challenge com-. pari son ef styles and defy competition on prices,"".'" '. -?-.; ; .'.T - Phillips Shoe Co7 7 Up-to-the-Mintrte Footwear at , Up-to-the-Minute Prices.' ". 109 SIXTH STREET , Between Washington and Stark; " i Hat CoSZXUiZ' J w - r I had ' charge of tha forestry buUdlnr, Hs consented to take the office of cura tor wltk ths understanding that' be was to serve without compensation and fol low up the work along the llnee started by hia predecessor. , . , , Year Ecstcr Como iilllll JUST A FEW DAYS MORE OF THE BIO ' esk . essBn Every Item that was In the least damaged by smoke, water or firevwill be gone in a few more days, so you had better come as soon as possible. There are good bargains still leiWvalues that will never again greet your eyes. Better 1 ;" ' .r-:i-4 :.r;: Jrtome) at once'. . . .v: .ii'T::.l' 'i i ' Going North on Fifth St. ill In your HOUSE for LIGHTING, you have also the means for using ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS ELECTRICSEWIHG HACHTOES ELECTRIC CURLING IRONS :: . B.ECTRICHEATING PADS ELECTRIC CHAFING DISHES and ELECTRIC COOKING UTENSILS y These ELECTRICAL Devices are Instantly ready, V and are SAFE, CLEAN and ECONOMICAL in op eration. . ",. ,. '.'..j...j'. '.J .. ',..,.;, -;': '':- NOTE': ELECTRIC FLAT-IRONS can be used for general laundry work in the'residence, and they ap-" peal to every householder as AN. ECONOMY not an ' expense. -r .r'-t'! ;;'V ; - ; ; ",'' C.nV.': In view of the increasing -demand for . installation of our service AT THE REDUCED RATES, applications 'should be made; AT ONCE. J.. Uz.- I Fill put COUPON and mail to us TODAY, Our representative will call promptly. RETURN . Portland General Electric Company, , ; Seventh and. Alder Streets.'' -r y-- r , Please have your representative call and see me with reference to electric lighting. " , ; ..' - " ' si'. ' ..... i." ' Name... '.AddreSS .'e. J e .Ve :ei . e ". i.'-"'' Convenient time to call .'......'.. ; , Portland General Electric Co. i Telephone Eatasaie 13 ' SevetSi t-i KUiUtttts MM, ,l Mat h Elcady end Goi It and alussell Cars Carry Passengers to Our Store COUPON .V.. I ' 1 ,