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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
ti:- onrcojj iJAily jour.:iAL. . fostlAhd. thuesday .cvniimo, april ji, ' , r TQiriomi'i Ahrpsnrjirrs. ' nIU......... ."Babes la Toylsad" Viku o.etualesl Burlosqiw illre.,.. ...."The ratal Weddiss" Lrrio..,..........."Dowa la New H,mphtro" Craad .......... ,..,...,..... VtufeTllle Stx , VsaderUle ha would not work, but spent : his time arguing hi ftwr of socialism end anarchism end . visiting saloon. Florence Neltsert -asks a dlvorea from bar husband. Oeear NelUerC Hha com menced actton yesterday, stating In her complaint that bar husband la able Jwdle but Idla and that ha provided for him and herself by operating a - restaurant at Qreabam. Tha partita to tha ault war married In Portland Oc tober 11. 105, and tha complaint allege that her husband left her In tha follow In December. At tha tlma of hla do parture, tha complaint alleges, Heltaert etruok hi wife's mother In tha faee, knookad har dowa and stood aver her with a water-pltoher, threatening to take her Ufa Tha wife alleges that she was aompelled to seek protaotlon. -. Tha . huaband Is IT years af ace. Tb com plaining wife I but IS. In honor f her birthday, lira. ' J. Whltoomb B rougher, wife af the pastor af tb White Temple, was tendered a surprise party last night by about 60 members of the congregation. Neither Mr. nor Mrs.. Brougher had the leaat Intimation that anything of the sort was contemplated and when tha party flocked lata the parsonage their surprise was . complete. . Barly In the evening Miss Amy Satterwhlte and Adolph Van def WIelen were united In marriage at th ehurch parsonage - by -Dr. Brougher. About 10 of their fflenda wars nreaent. - Just as tha oeremony was ever mem bar of the congregation, tha erohestre . and ethers appeared and the whole party - took possesaion of th parsonage. Mrs. Brougher received a number -of hand some presents.'. OL -Barrett, a taller, was arrested yee- terday on a bench warrant laaued in th " stat elrault court for Infringing th trademark of th Journeymen Tailors' Union of America. He was released on . $100 bonds. . District Attorney Manning : filed an information against Barrett on complaint ef N. P. Bergman, John M. - Bendroth ' and Ed Haywood, members af local union No. 74. The information seta forth that Barrett . violated the statute by sailing a suit ' of clothing bearing tha label "Custom Tailors' union jjsoai. journeymen laiiprs union of North America, Organised in 1SSS," out authority of tha anion. w . The women ef the Central W. C T. XT. held an interesting meeting yester day afternoon In their' rooms la th Ooodnoughl building. The program was In charge ef Mrs. D. Dalglalsh, super intendent ef sailors work. She read an interesting atory about th work ef Miss Agnes Neeton, tha - English- 'woman known, as the "Bailers' Friend." Those ' In attendance contributed several com fort bags for' tha - sallora and ethers , were premised. ' Arrangements were mad for a social meeting next Wednes day, at which light refreshments will be served. - A meeting for the benefit of Bailors will be held in tha near future. la tha county court yesterday H. It. Emmons waa appointed administrator of the estate of .Philip Canttn, who was killed In a streetcar accident .en April ,i ef this year. The administrator will Immediately file a claim for I MOO dam ages again the romana Kan way com' 'eany. The heirs are Eva Phillips, I UHIHMH, ... j . nil. . u.v, ...a, eonsin. and brother, residing in Mon treal. v .. . . . , ' . Articles ef Incorporation . for th Brace Lumber company were filed in tne ooumy ciera a oince yeaieruay or A. A. Brace, J. M. jonnaon ana tienry Stevenson, th capital stock being fit, 000. Inoorporatlon article war Died for the Eagle Creek Lumber Company by O. W. Joseph, C H. Llndeman and H. r. Unaemaa. tb capital stock being 10,000.. .. .... ' Mineral Spring Hotel company, les sees. Amos IX St. Martin hot springs, 'Carson, Washington.' Is without doubt the best health resort In the northwest. Hot mineral baths for cure ef rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electrto lights and steam - heat; floe trout- fishing. Take steamer Brenoer or Regulator boats. Spending Money for Eaater. If yen are in need of a suit ef elothea, top oat. pants, hat, shirt or shoea, be sure to investigate th new up-to-date stock f John Cellar's two stores, southwest corner First and Yamhill and Third and Davie. Ha will save yoa money Haater soendlnc money. .- . ..-. Special Sunday rates en th Ok Wi p. go into effect next Sunday. To Oregon City, Can em ah Park and Oreaham, t( cents round trip! Boring, Eagle creek and Estacada, 10 cents - round trip. Dancing at Canemah Park, afternoon and evening. Musio by Turner's or chestra. . -'. south end ef Sixth street, baa a work horse upon which he puts a high value. Yesterday the animal became sick and Stevana removed It to Frailer 4k Mo-! Lean' 11 vary stable at Taylor and Fifth I ; Vesuvius'- at Home W eere anthlna; for Ta visa mtf r enipttona sf ear ewa . nptkius hare la Oragea each teat ef the oajr, Aad the Ua frwB the twUttdaa'e . tnorai'a has flows '.' rMai Oaiarta e'er tne moan ta las ts tse . watacs ef Xoaas'e kaf. , "Tery aa should be a foMlloaah,M one candiaata will roar I AaatlMr attouu. "Ne womaa shea 14 woer aoai-Mr raoos Uisb silk.'' Bat we're Basra tha aaata eiprmlaas la the ranipalfne here befora, , And eoaclude Uit erory relkar baah. lag after "una." As for as. we' etas the avarry asag as "L i eniiieni-t 'the ear, WaareTer bamsa hapBlaasa aaa kaavaa Joy sbooDd yr stM It like a mesdew tars, as BeaatJ. ' fol aad eleari . . We eaa t our fstaliys wasalag at all skbvlag esats a ponad." 'ION IAUFffi3Y:v noon An oolvmbza. ' TaL Mala aaa. ' ' streets. - Just a he stab waa reached the horse waa aelsed with azoturla and fell belplesa The services of the ret erlnary ware obtained, but tha animal could not be made to get upon its feet. Finally it waa loaded on a dray by means or mock ana tackle ana returned to its borne bam. The horse was still alive this morning and baa a chaaoa for recovery, it is probably the first Port land horse to be carried away in a dray peior aeatn. Esra Woodman, again falling to ap pear in court and substantiate his charge ef obtaining money by false pre tenses, preferred against W. H. Leh man, the attorney, Police Judge Came ron this morning continued - the o indefinitely. What, purports to be an assignment and power of attorney and a receipt for all moneys due, -with Wood' man's signature, are held by .1 .eh man. - v There will be a meeting thla after noon or the stockholders or tha open river transportation committee for the purpose of electing officers and directors ana transacting other important Dual nass. The committee will decide upon tha plans for building a boat for use on th upper liver. Sufflolent funds have bean raised in Portland for that purpose. Penney Bros. Friday Special Five big bargaina In wine: grade of white or red port at 11.00 per gallon, 11.10 grade at muscat at 11.00 per gall on l tl.iO grade of sherry at $1.00 per gal lon, $1.00 grade of sauterne at $1.00 psr gallon. - Phone East itT. Free delivery, $7-ill East ttorrlsda. - Articles ef Inoorporatlon were Issued this morning to Bernstein A Cohen (in corporated), tha capital stock being $Jv- 000 and th object stated in the articles to eonduct a general real estate busl neas. Alex Bernstein, D. Bolls Cohen and -L Leeser Cohen were tha Incorpo rators.." .,'. C " T - i Ask for soleo prints when having a portrait mede for halftone publication In-the newspapers. When yon sea the best pictures of Candida tea that are printed, yon may be almost sura that we made the'photo. - K, W. Moor, top floor Elk's building. , Oeoerga L. Winters, who was arrested yesterday . on complaint of hla wife. charged with uttering forged notea, was admitted to IS.OOO ball this morning by Judge Fraaer. , He gave bond and was released from - custody. . ' - Special round trip rates en the O. W. P. on Sundays : during tha aummef months: Oregon City, Canemah Park, Oreaham, IS cents; all points east ef oresham to and including Estacada, B0 oenta in effect next Sunday. , " An information charging John Mo- intosh with assault on a little girl waa rued inrtbe state circuit court by Dis trict Attorney Manning. - Mrs. Margaret Xoung la the complainant. y- - Steamship "Alliance" aaila from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka, Saturday. April 14. at b. m. C. H. Thompson's ticket agenuy. 111 Third street, F. F. Baumgartner, agent. Main ML ;;:,;.,'. , , .... ... ' Until further notice, commencing Sunday, AprU , 110$, the Mississippi avsnua ears will cross th river west erly over steel bridge and easterly ever Burnslde bridge. Portland Railway oom Pny.. ,.t.tiJ:. . The Salem office ef The Journal is now at tha Postal telegraph office, $14 Commercial street. 'Phone Main 40L Orders, ehangea er complaints will re ceive immediate attention. Butsers lawn fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby -.lawn hia sweet peas and lawn grass got gold medal at tha fair. 11$ Front, between Tamhlll and Taylor. 'Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on eaay paymenta, $1 down and SO cents per week. All mainsprings $11 -all watches cleaned II. MeUger dc Cc 111 Sixth St "Concrete Construction Co., T01 Cham ber" of - Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel. Main 110. We are still selling eye glasses at II, a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger A Co, 111 Sixth atreet, Mra. Minnie Weygant reported to th police yesterday that her huaband, War ren Weygant, was robbed of his pocket book, containing 125, In a saloon at fo3tl.::d lixely scg:i to -HAVE I'MTER CEIi Ordinance Introduced for Pur pbs Said to Be Favored by ; ; ' Majority of Council. Portland fire department win - soon b equipped with a modern water tower. If an ordinance introduced before tha city oounotl last night and referred to tne ways and means committee is passed. It authorises the city exaeu tlve board to expend $7,160 from the general fund to purchase 'a tower . 7$ feet high. It is said that the majority of the oouncUmen ax la favor of th proposition. In order to provide maaas the Are appropriation, ordinance may be amend eo, . r The salaries ef the assistant and bat talion chiefs, the engineers, the master and pilot of the fire boat in the fire de partment were laoreaaed. - - City Engineer Taylor petitioned ' the council for a draughtamaa at $100. one computer at $11 and another at $7t a month. . ..... - City Treasurer Werleln's communica tion lagairtlag. .the -disposition-ef -h funds . of the city according to eeetlon $9$ of the charter aa amended waa re ferred to the ways and means commit tee. . M , - May. t was the day set for objections to the vacations ef the streets in North Portland proposed to be used by tha Northern Paclflo Terminal oompany. for railway yards. City Engineer Taylor waa directed U prepare estimates for making th bridge on Grand avenue over Sullivan's gulch o feet instead of 10 feet wide. A nunv bar of property-owners from 'the east sids spoke la favor ef the proposed change. '.(-' Tha Pague gaa franchise application waa referred to the city executive board to have a valuation placed on It. Th application ef Lafe Pence for a street railway franchise over streets in the northwestern part of the city was referred to the street committee. AINSWORTH SUCCEEDS . HAWKINS AS TRUSTEE At the regular monthly meeting ef the trustees of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society in . the chambers ef Judge Gil bert yesterday afternoon, J. C. Alne- worth waa elected trustee to fill the vacancy . caused by the death of Col onel L. Lk Hawklna ' Mr. Alna worth .waa appointed as treasurer of the society until the next regular election. . .. The resignation of Mra. . W. A. Bu ehanaa aa a member of the board of trustees was read. Mrs. Buohanan re signed oh account ef Ill-health and be ing compelled to leave the city. The resignation waa accepted and Miss Helen F. Spaulding unanimously elected te fill the vacancy. - - - In his report for the month ef March, Superintendent Gardner told ef the or ganisation of county advisory boards In the counties of . Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, .Lane. Linn, Marlon and Clackamas. The report stated that tha boards in most of these counties were active and that already a move was en foot in Eugene to divide the city Into districts and appoint voluntary truant officers to watch the. children and stir up derelict parents. The report showed that there were 4$ children at the receiving horn en March 1; received during th month. 1$: disposed ef during the month.' 15: leaving on hand April 1, 4L Current bills amounting te $$44.10 - were - pre sented and ordered paid by the execu tive committee. Second and Morrison atreeta - The' pock- etbook was found by a woman and re turned to the owner, but the money had been abstracted. The name of a per son suspected of the larceny Is men tioned. The Weygants live at TBI East Ash street For quick actton list your Inside real estate for sale at reasonable prices with F. Abraham, at lit Second street JTohn Tastl Wllllama ot Eus-ana was thla morning admitted to practice in th United State dlstriot courts. Aoma Oil Co. sella th best safety coal etla and fine gasolines, phone East 7$ I. C B. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. TeL East OltL Woman'a' axchanca ltt Tenth street. lunch,. It to 1. ' Mifwaukle Country Club. Loa. Angeles and Oakland race a. Take Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder.' .' Vote ef Thanks. ' To the Benevolent Order of Elks, to tha Commercial club ef Portland, to th Woodmen of the World, to the railroad friends of Mr. Hallock and to each aad every one of the kind and laving hearts who have helped us to Dear our terrible bereavement and bitter grief,- w render our most heartfelt gratitude, and may God grant that they may never lack for help and sympathy In their hour ef need. Moat sincerely. MRS. HOMER HALLOCK AND CHIL DREN. . .. . Cheswick . " . Z v. .i, .; .00 $3 Allen Hats $4.00 -" v - ' ""j Den riev Hats $5.00 I it Brery Stetson ' wins the (rlendahtp ef ' ,- it, owner. - 20,600,000 Stetson liata, kaoh aneasurlnf te th standard el Stetson quality and style, have) rone out from ..the Stetson factories; and each has given the satisfaction demanded by Its owner. : .... We save the Stetson Sefl and Derby 7 Hats la aU the latest styles, , mgs - -NECKWEAR V ' HOSIERY ' FANCY WAISTCOATS SPRING SHIRTS ; Fancy POCKET HAND KERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR . All of These We Havs In . - Choicest Varlsty ; HEWETT BRADLEY & CO. 344 WAfiHINQTON llzizT O Frcnli . Easter Salo of Groceries PHONX RXCHANCS 4 16-ounce bottle Queen Olives. ,.25t 5-ounce bottle Queen Olives.... 04 S-onnce bottle Stuffed Olives.... Oe Jell-O Ice CreAtn Powders for. ,10 -lb. can Baker's Cocoa!.... ...SOe) 2 can Amazon Table Pesche..25 2 cans Alpha Corn........k...25 3 packafreg Seeded . Raisins.". V.7.8 Tregan French Sardines, can..,. 10 3 cans Rosebud French Sardlne$.25j Fig-Prune or Postum Cereal..,. 20e 6 bars Gasene Soap for.. ...... .25 3 cant Griffin's Assorted Soups. 25 3 1-lb. cans Griffin's Pork and Beans ' ............SSet 1 lb.. Curtice 1 qt McNally's Olive Oil for..,.75 Qt bottle C & B. Lucca Oil. ...65 5-lb. pail Mount Hood Lard..... 65 yi-lb, can Lowney's Cocoa for.. 20 1-lb. can Lowney's Cocoa for.. ..wOf 1-lb. Baker's Unsweetened Cboo olate . ......82 Wm. H. Baker Unsweetened '. Chocolate, pound. ...........2&4 1-lb. Baker's Cocoa for.........40e 1 gal Log Cabin Maple Syrup. 1-25 3 cans Carpstion Cream for...,.25 3 cans Pioneer Cream for...,,,.25v 1 J-lb, can ripe Olives for.... ..20 19 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar..? l.OO Meier & Frank's famous Mocha . and Java Coffee, pound... ...e4C Celebrated Victor Flour, sack. ? 1.10 1- lb. can Shrimps, 10 ; 2-lb. can. 20 2- lb. can Table Blackberries, ,,,,10) 3 packages Jell-O for...... 2S Quart bottle of Blueing for 11 Blue Label Catsup, bottle....... 20T 1-qt bottle C & B. Vinegar.... 25 Van Camp's Catsup, bottle...... 20 Durkee's Salad Dressing.. 10, 25 Walnuts at, per lb. 15 Qt Cooper's Olive Oil, for....fl.OO 2 pkgs.' Force, for ..,...25 2 pkgs. Malta Vita. for. ...... ,.25 Libby-s Ham or Veal Loaf n.... 10 2 jars McLaren's Cheese.... ....25 Sapolio, 7; Bon Ami. 3 for. ..,.25 2 1-lb. cans Corn Beef for...... 25 5-lb. jar Heinx Mince Meat 40 Llcicr Q Frank's 046th FriJay Sarpri:3 A Valines to $ 15 for $j.SS 400 magnificent Lace cn4 Ut Vd5to to bm toIJ for toraorrow, &46tb Friity Surprise Sale at a phenomenally low price Jnt the waist yon want to wear Easter Sunday, evening, theatre -and dress The very tT, -'-i : handsomest styles from the best-known maker In the land Great assortment to choose from ADover Laco Waists in plain or novelty effects --Baby Irish Lace Waists, Clany Lace Waists In white, tan, ecru Long or short sleeves Alto Radium, Messaline, PeaadeCygne Silk Waists, heavily trimmed front and bock with Irish crochet, round mesh,' double-thread VaL, maltese and venlse laces and batiste embroidered White, pink, blue, tan, lavender, black and ecru -Beautiful styles Long and short sleeves All this season's best novelties' Values up to $15 oa. -Your e & . . sr . aBaaal bbbbbbF bbBBbbF' ai' cnoice tomorrow oniy at tms tow price . . . d4 See Fifth-Street Window Display Better plan to be hero early If yoa want oas $4.65 i m is -m sv - Meier CIV Frank-s 846th Friday Surpriso .Sdo 50c and ?5c Dotted Swiss 39c Yd 8000 yards of fine Dotted Swiss 1o be sold tomorrow at an exceptionally low price. Large and small dota in great assortment. Dotted Swiss will be more popular than ever this season for waists and dresses. This ts your opportunity to buy reg. 50c, 65c, 75c 1 quality at the low price of 89c a yard. Mail orders will be promptly filled, yard.VC Silverware 4-pc silver-plated Tea j Set; regular 112.50 value at 10.8 5 4-pc silver-plated. Tea . Set; .-regular $27.50 value at ....... ... .022.47 3-pc silver-plated Tea Set; regular $3.50 value for... .....fO.89 Silver-plated Nut Bowls, regular $375 values for. . . ... .... ...... . , 3.12 Silver-plated Fruit Baskets; regular $9 values for.. ...... ........1.28 Silver-plated Butter Dishes, grest spe cial value at....... f3.14 Gilt Candlesticks for ...83f ROGERS' "1847 ' - 60c Sugarspoons, each.. ....... .48 $1.00 Cream Ladles...... ..84 1.25 Gravy Ladles $1.04 1.60 Berry Spoon 81.34 $1.75 Pie Servers fl.4 Butter Knives at ,. . . run ifii. 3 Bouillon Spoons, set of 6; regular $2.50 value for. ...... .......2.15 Meier (ES Frank's 846th Friday Siirprisa Sdo $3f $3o50 Whit ' Our Annual Baster Surprise Sale of Women's Wtlte Petticoats will be held tomorrow 500 m the lot A special purchase from a concern wo do a vast amount ' of regular business with and who always takes care cf . us for this mnch-looked'for event Made of fine ccra brics Wide flouncesTrimmed In good ctiality tlad . . and openwork embroideries, laces. Insertion and tucks Fitted waist bands and separate dust ruffles Whits ' underskirts that wo sell thousands of annnally at $3.00 and $3,30 each Anticipate youir Summer needs tomorrow f 'llrV f ' Is placed on special low price of See Fifth-Street Window Display Crett flatter Sals ef iTeadi Undancta tsmt In crosrea Secoad Fiaer Tb tatire ttoci tile at very tpechl trices Tate cJveatsge Meier D Frank's 846th Friday Surprise Salo 5000 Yds. Louisine ondToiifeta Silks Values to $ 1 .00 Yard at 59c Another Surprise Sale of Fancy Sllka that will interest hundreds of women who have Summer wearing apparel to supply $000 yards of Louisine and Taffeta Silks in the newest designs and colorings to be sold at half value Neat stripes in black and white, brown and white, tan and white Small checks in black and white and blue and white Beautiful plaids in five styles Fine quality Louisine silks in small neat stripes Light blue, Nile green and lavender Splendid styles for waists and shirtwaist suits Silk selling regularly at 88c and Qf s4 AA - M.J . ev ea' w yW - yatu W, y.u IIMMlll See Fifth Street Window Display Erug Sundries Violet de Parma Toilet Water, large bottles; great special value at ..... C Colgate's Florida Water; 1 ' special value at, bottle..., J I C Colgate's fine Toilet Soaps; f great spec, value at, cake..4vC Easteman's Sachets, 1-os. f g bottle, all odors; spec at...l VC Easter novelties la immense as sortmentChickens, Bunnies. Hens in nests, etc, etc The most com plete line ln the city. - Your choice the remainder of the week at One-Fourth Off Rcgtilar Prices Tt a T? . ea ' e 6Hi in an sixes at one- half regular prices Jc, 5c, 7c, 12c COUNCIL CREST TIED UP BY BOUNDARY LINE SUIT i Because ot tha auegsd errer ef a sur veyor part of Ceunoll Crest win be en tangled In litigation. Suit for a valu sble piece of this around, T feet, was commenced In the state elrcult court yesterdar by EUa Talbot asalnat W," K. Bmltb and the Security Bavlngs Trust company, the eomplalnt being filed by Attorney H. K. Sarsent. The oom plaint recites that Ella Talbot Is a daughter ef John B. and Sarah Tal bot, who early In th '0a located a donation claim comprising the land en the heights which also Included th Crest. Th boundary line dividing the north and south half ef tha slalm was surveyed by th surveyor-general's staff end John B. Talbot took the north half sod Mr. Talbot tb south half. la 1ISI SO sores of ths north half ef th claim were transferred te C Beal and It was understood that th south half of his 0 acres , was th dividing line of th north and south half ef the elalm. Afterward the 10 acres passed te W. G Bmlth aad Preston C. Smith and after they had acquired title they had a snr. vey made by John if. Hurlburt.. who found what he said was a fllaorepanoy In th dividing Un and moved It south 14 feet . ' ' . ' c , ' 1 eea 11U Wtth mgrtnas. . ' ftesma. AorU X-lereUrars have APOLLO RINK OPKMt I yv sa, to 4O0 4iM U TT o 10 sW. ran PrlvaU lessens given free every dsy. RELAY RACE , April IS A. Waldsteln, winner er th alx-days race, will rae six of Port land's fastest racers ona after another for a mile each. , Learn te skat now. Open until th middle ef June. JONES a RANDAtJ flocked t Rome for holy week. The olty I full ef pilgrims and sightseers of all nationalities, among them being English and American visitor. Th various churches are crowded ,at all .-8 BEILIG TnEA Waaalaeiea ' Matel. Taalabt. S:1S sfClei STMsy aad Satarsay ;, Mlskts Speetet-rriee aUUase Satareay, . , . ..The ltaaleal avwavaeaaaa t "BASKS UT TOTLAJIO" - The Sigseet Maaieal Kit af the Seaaoa. Kraaiat svtess i 91 .So, SI, TH, BOe. htstiaee prlcee !, 11. 75c. SOe. SBeSeala seUlas at the tea office ef the theatre. Theatre Oe.. Leaaai L. Is has, ataaagati, Baker Theatre TsahlU sad Sd Bta. ' Oae' solid wsh tisr eeealng at t:la. Matisse Sataresr. "CHERRY BLOSSOMS" The Oas euilesqae Shew -The Only IB the swe sataartoasly tnay hsilssiisas, ' tn waoe ootm tobiso" and ' ai euAMtnaoiu Vauaaaoma." ra, sfaste sad rretty Owav Satarday Msflaee, IS, SBe, SV, SAe. Wi-l artea. SSe. Ssa, SOe, Tea. fceeelel ehauag piBwaisaes Satareay shyht. ' y.-n Wmb, Sutag Ssalif TTtTI 1 1 I SWT liAaae." Ajronatsarra, s-rnnirts I hotPAth a m. WIIIUII S S,Ptaae Mala lir, VlLTOH W. StAMAW. Masaea. ' yertlaad's Peaalar yiayhesaa. iojani. in this week. Matlses Setnresy, The issaMrtal SMtedraaiaUe saeesss, The Fatal Weddins" '- with 1 Jaae Seltsa aad a One a tha hmt af audara thrillias storr. stnlii wlik sll el alete eeeeae araactea. Msttaee Satrair. Krealag Prfese Ha, SSo, See. SOe. fcauaee, 10e, lae. S6. A OTAR TXXATBZ. ' of Astfl I SALCS. TaeSueeea, leevltt aVaw . I ana IsaheUa Jeassa, I at. -Ohertss Kasgsa, ' Ida Ta say- ssat Is ! the beeae eseaae heaaa ta LYRICTK3AV. SSOINiriMQ hfOKtvaT. $ Srery ail- ( tertiaad'a r . Et-SLAii c 7 ; ra n t ' r? t . ' : r - - " L..A