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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
0wv.Oi UAIL.X JUUKiJiJU i U-.,lLi.iL, 1 11 U KOU.ri X liV.UHU, flnUU U, DID HE; OR DID IIE JOTi IS ASKED? Harley W. Davis Claim? He Had Four Hundred and Ywenty- '.' ' -: , Five Dollars. ;' j Left it with hotel , . . .. CLERK, WHO KEPT IT , On tho Other Hand St Charles Hotel :. , ' People Assert That Davis Never Had So Much Money at Any One Time and Will Try' to Prove It. . Harley W. Da via of Ilalaey eaye that 'he left a package containing $4k with . the night clerk, of the Bt. Charlea hoUl on the-night of last December 7. and when he called for hie money be was . . told that there was none. In aplte of the i, fact that ha showed the claim check the clerk had given htm, Tha hotel people declare that he left no such sum wltb the clerk, and tha dispute will be set tled In. the court of Judge Sears, where the case waa called this morning.' The "jury waa secured toy noon and tha tak 1 Ing of testimony 'began after the noon ' recess, : r - The case la one of entanglements and , promises to be Interesting. During Its trial there will be revealed tha lntrlce - ciea of the. real estate business and cer tain facta regarding a bankruptcy case. - Tha name of tha complainant Is Davis, -the name of the night elork is Xaviea. . .Likewise one of tha Jurors Is named ; Davis and there will be a Davis as wlt ' ness In addition to tha plaintiff and de fendants. ; The plaintiff will endeavor to show - that the money waa left with the clerk aa alleged and that the hotel authorities 1 refuaed to give It to- him when he made . tha demand.. On the other hand the at , torneys for the hotel company will en ' deavor to ahow that the plaintiff never . had as much aa I4IS at one time,' and In this eonuoctlon bankruptcy proceed Tings and a real estate . business that ; . failed will be brought up. Jurors were ' questioned carefully in connection with -their prejudices in regard to bankrupts. A venireman named Lee, who, when asked concerning his business, said he vwas a horeetrader. .. . "It's a good business." said tha Judge, , If you know aU about it" .-,"".v; ..' ,. ADVENTISTS INCORPORATE TO SPREAD THEIR FAITH .' Important plans for the upbuilding , of the Seventh Day Adventlat faith in the Paoiflo northwest culminated this morning in the Incorporation -of , the North Paotflo Union Conference asso ; elation of Seventh Day Advantteta, the i incorporators of which were selected at the last annual conference of the church -for- tha district -of the-northwest- -' By means of the new incfrporatlJU the church will endeavor to erect In the ! district new -church edlnces, sanlta ' liums, hospitals and denominational r schools. ' The association is to be sup ported by voluntary contributions . and ; legacies. -'Effort will be made to build many -churches - throughout Oregon, ' Washington -and Idaho. , The headQuar '. ters of the new lnoorpo ratios will be la ; Portland, and It la understood that tha association will , Immediately be ..'en dowed by a Urge amount .. i- ; The men- selected by the annual con ference to become the Incorporators are W. R. White, A. J. Breed. W.- R ; Simmons, F. M. Burg and Q. W. PettlC STARVING RUSSIANS X POISONED BY GARBAGE " ' (Joenwl BpeeUI Aemce.) '. v St Petersburg. April IS. The famine horror Is increasing throughout Russia. In many districts people have been poisoned by eating garbage. v ,,t ... - Pre-Easter Display Is Success. The pre-Eaater floral display of Mar- tin 4b Forbes, the florists, at their new, Store, 147 Washington street, has been of such unusual excellence that it has - caused widespread Interest even In this s elty of prolific-bloom, r-! . ' When - planning thla display '.this 'firm's Intention wsa to make this dls K play the best of its kind ever shown In vthls city, and Judging ; from . the eom : ments of the visiting crowds, they have ' most algnally succeeded. . - Msrtln 4b Forbes renew their Invlta r 'tlon to tha flower-loving pnbllo to visit .them at their new quart era . The pre-Easter display of "Grown la ; Oregon Flowers" will eontlnue through out this week. .-" -.'. 'Hade to Oregon" Exhibits . May I9h to 36th ' . Display Yonr Easter ; lilies in ;; tCuH Glass; Vases: We have a handsome dls- play for your approval those that have great difference in designing . over - others, with re- , markable beauty, caused by the excellent work manship in cutting and' polishing. Prices are Interesting. , FtSrile , : cisss, , Sole Agenta foe- Oregon. . A -World renowned product . ... Corner Third and Washington 8ta JVWKLXRB, 8ILYBR8SHTHS. MANUTACTURINO OPTICIANS.' "Where Quality la at Ite Best" STU2IES C.i THE EYE BY CI CMS COoatheaed Stralismos, or Cross Eyes , We. often, aee otherwise good-looking persons whose comeliness of counte nance is entirely spoiled on account of their being cross-eyed. How often you see some beautiful-young lady whose life has been. In a measure, blighted by this affliction. Where this trouble is congenital, the babe being born with one eye turning In. there la little hope of relief except through a surgical operation,, called Tenotomy, the eye Burgeon severing wholly, or in part the internal Rectus muscle, thus allowing the external tnuscle to turn the eye for ward. This operation Is one. that re quires great akl)l to properly perform, and thousands of. eyes have been spoiled and much discomfort experienced by those upon whom It has been performed. As a rule, where Strabismus is con genital, and the eye has been straight ened by an operation, the vision cannot be. brought up. to normal by a lens, there " apparently being a deficiency In the Retina, and all that ean be hoped for la the eosmetle effect produced by the straightening. I ,, There la another class of cases, how ever., we wish to specially call to tha attention of parents, and this latter .class constitutes probably nine-tenths of all eases of cross eyes, or Convergent Strabismus, and is csused, in most cases, from -Hypermetropla, This turn ing of the eyea Inward usually begins about the age of from t to years, or aa soon aa the child commences te use Ite ayee considerably at the near point, as in looking at . picture-books or Its toys. It Is the excessive strain the eyes undergo in an effort to obtain clear vision that causes the eyes, one or both, te turn in. ' Usually one of tha eyes Is most affected, and objects seen with- It are soon disregarded, and It . beoomes practically, a useless organ, u If this error of vision is looked after, in time the child's eyes will become straight and a strain on its whole nervous sys tem will be relieved,, allowing thla wasted nerve energy to be used where needed In building up a strong body.' -(To pe Continued.) . . PAUL SHOUP PROMOTED TO SAH FRAKCISCO JOB ;:'.-;v-v , . .... ; y-'-:;-i- Assistant General Passenger .1" eert Southern Paciflo r S i r at Thirty-Two. 1- Z Official " notice of the promotion- of Paul Shoup, assistant general - freight agent of the Barriman lines in Oregon, to be assistant general passenger agent of 'the Southern Paciflo company, as announced In Monday's Journal, was re ceived here today,. Mr. Shoup succeeds and. receive . his ' appointment - from James Horsburgh Jr., who becomes gen eral passenger agent of the same com pany. He will leave Portland to as sume his new duties at San Francisco, May 1. Hla sucoessor has not been se lected. --'.'' ' ' Mr. Shoup's new position la one of tha most responsible In the Southern Pa olflo system, and he la but II years of age. It Is said the department over which : he will have practical Jurlsdlc tlon handles more money annually than any similar department In an Americas railroad excepting the Pennsylvania sys tem. It ; Includes tourist and special business, and practically all business affaire, of the Sunaet Magaslne. He be gan in 181 as a clerk in the mechan ical department of the Atchison. Topeka dc Santa Fa railway at Ban Bernardino, but soon resigned to become a clerk It the city office of the Southern Paciflo at tha same point - In the ensuing four yeara he was successively telegraph operator, .assistant station agent, and then clerk In the general passenger of fice at San Francisco. la a. period of .four yeara he passed from chief olerk In the theatrlca de partment to chief clerk In the adver tising department, ' then chief clerk te the assistant general passenger assnt. His next promotion waa to the position of division freight end passenger agent In charge of the coast division, from which post he came to Portland last 7r- ; '- ; v" : NEW CHINESE EXCLUSION . BILL BEFORE THE HOUSE (Jmratl gpeelal Serrtce.) Waahlncton. April 1. What la pur ported to be the administration Chinese exclusion bill has been Introduced into the house by Representative Denby of Michigan. It continues the existing ex clusion law and- provides important amendments. ' Only 'Chinese laborers are excluded. Othere must have certificates from the American consul, ' which will not be vised until examined by the Im migration bureau, v Chinese, except consular ; and diplo matic officers, must oome via San Fran cisco, Portland, Boston, New York, New Orleans, Fort Townsend or points desig nated by the department of eommerct and labor. ' 1 ' .. : '..,', . SUSPICION SURROUNDS . .DEATH.OF AGED MAN - ' (Sperlsl Mpsteli te The fearsat) ' Walla Walla, Wash., April IS. Theo dore Bishcboff, a rstired . eoldler ! yeara of age, ' waa found dead in his room on South Ninth street this morn ing end officers suspect the old mas had been poisoned. A man who stayed with Biachoff last night left early thla morning and on returning found Biacboff lying oa the floor dead. - Tha man aald Blachoff waa lying do hla bed rrothlng at the mouth when he left, but being half drunk he paid little attention to his condition. Deputy Coroner Huffman will bold aa Inquest late thla afternoon. . , ,V, , r VALENCIA WRECK CAUSES NEEDED APPROPRIATIONS (Jnersal Special Berries.) Washington, April II. Aa a result Of the Investigation Into the wreck; of the eteamer Valencia the house todsy ap propriated 110,000 for. a llfeeavlng sta tion at tha Neah bay entrance to Puget sound and 1170,000 for the construction of a aea-golng llfeeavlng tug te use In connection with the station. . , . .- Preferred Stock Cammed Oooae. , Allen Lewis' Best Brand,. . . Vilgd ni su3siz:::3 (Continued from Page One) - The lava iias eeasad to flow towards Terra Annunsiate. At points along the sea to the west of the volcano a heavy downfall of ashes and sand continues. The troops are performing wonder fully aerolo- aervtoe. No duty la too irk some and no task too hsrd- for them to attempt. The soldiers show willingness to extra efforts throughout the stricken districts.'-:' ' ' Inhabitants are appealing to the gov ernment te send General Baldlssera to restore order. To rssa. unsafe build ings, to eonstruet temporary shelters, te preserve order and te make ready for construction will be a task for 100,000 men. Baldlssera saved the altuatloa after the defeat of the Italians by 'the Abysslnians at Adowa in 18. v Crater BmlejarlatV r";"':" King Humbert visited the bedside of an aged laborer' w boas right leg had been amputated and asked the old man what was wanted. - Nothing." said the old sufferer, ut please send me my son whs is a sol dier."' ::;) ;.'- ' -'-',.'- Tears were in the king's eyes, as he aald: - "I would do muoh for you, my poor' fellow, but the granting of your request will - break the laws which I must be the first to respect," ' Camp kitchena have been established In many places and free meals supplied for all tha needy. - The American yacht Nahma, with Mrs. Robert Goelet and a party of frlenda aboard, who viewed the eruption from the bay oj Salerno, baa now gone to Sicily. t Manx extraordinary escapes are re corded. One man and four children were rescued after wandering loat and famishing for 'it hours In the ash-covered waste. - The main crater Is gradually enlarg ing and eruption diminished. Frequent detonations ars atlll heard. 1 BROOKLYN ON SCEpE. Ames-loam Warship Beady to Otva Aa ; ; ;-: alstasvce to tits sttrlekaav. ' ' (Journal Sneelsl Btrrlce.) ' Washington, April 11. The cruiser Brooklyn. Admiral Bigs bee commanding, is at Mesina and will be held there until the total damage to Vesuvius is ascer tained. The Brooklyn Is ready to give any assistance In Its power. . HAZE AT PARIS. . ' Yellow Slat Votlosable Attributed to Jeota from Volcano. .,, .', '":: (Jeeraal Speelal Bwrles.J -Paris, April It A thick. base like a fog bangs on the horson. -Th yellow tint noticeable Is attributed to the erup tion of Vesuvius. , It Is probably dua.. to electa carried vast distances by the upper etrata air currenta. ..-t ' TWO HUNDRED EUSJ (Continued from Page One.)- curs In Denver in July next at the meeting there of the grand lodge. .-. - A proposition that la under discussion this afternoon and la favored to a great extent ta that of making the office of grand exalted ruler a salaried one., so that tha man filling It can devote all hla time and attention to the work cf the order. The creation of a position te be known as national lecturer for Freder ick Wards, the noted actor, la another proposition that te being discussed, Mr. Warde la deemed highly fitted to fill the post - and' members of . the order think he la entitled to it SUBURBS SLIP IN (Continued on Page Four.) quired for Montavllla to become a part of tha city la for the eltlsens to get the annexation question en the ballot at the June election. -'- :rrTr - Because a part of Mount Tabor and a atrip of land adjoining St Johns was annexed last June by a vote of the residents of the city, many , supposed that such procedure would be followed with the rest of Mount Tabor . and Montavllla, but the former annexation came aa tha result of legislative act while1 the present movement Is solely under the authority of the charter. ' PACKERS HOLD ' ' (CCftN? ' from the Columbia river backs into the elougns and overflows - hundreds of acres. A large amount will be spent dredging Sloughs and filling the lands before they are adapted to industrial uses. ' The lands extend from the Van couver ferry road west to ths point of the peninsula and Include several mud lakes and a number of navigable sloughe connecting with the Columbia river. The low - water ' stage In ' some of these sloughs ranges from 14 to II feet ' . t Beater flowers aad Plants. ?. Beginning tomorrow morning at I o'clock Clarke Bros. Wg 'sale of fine flowers and plants for Easter will oc cur. Their display this year Is un equal ed in variety and extent and up to Clarke Bros. atandard of quality, which, as everybody knows. Is the very best The Easter Illy plants srs un usually fine thla year and ao plentiful that they ean be Bold at prices within the reach of ell. Come early and get your choice of. tOOO plants, all in fine bud and bloom. In eut flowers there Is a large variety to select from. Including roses and carnations In all shades of color, Easter lilies and calls lilies, vio lets. Illy ef the valley, narcissus, sweet peas, etc, all eut fresh from an immense range of hothouses. Clarke Bros., Mor rison street between Fourth and Fifth. WORKMAN HAS ARM TORN OFF BY WHIRLING SAW (Rpeeltt TMspeteb te The Xaornsl.) ' Corvallls, Or., April 1!. Charles Mo Farland while holding a atlck of tim ber against a. cutoff saw at the axhandle mill, near Wells, Hen ton county, at last night accidentally got his elbow on the eaw. The arm was eut and torn off at the elbow. Doctors em puts red it above the elbow. McFarland resides at Independence. He la aged It yeere and baa a wife and child. . - WTC3U' Id I FCV.TER a dclicioue dentifrice. Free from add and grit Just the thing for those who have an Inclination for the ulcetiea of tvery-day life. Ask row dentist SOZGSO u 1 fejvf?: S42.C0 SUITS A superb collection of smart, new, stylish Summer Suits from the leading Fifth avenue makers. They are made of Broadcloth, ' Chiffon, Pana mas, Serges and fancy ; nov elty ' materials;; black, navy, Alice blue, .rose, gray, green in the J smartest', models of Pony jacket, Eton and double breasted . coat . styles; skirts are the e latest models; values to $42.00, at. , . . .... $28.75 5080 Pairs BLACK EYE BRINGS . - CHOIR BOYS TO COURT .. Into the Juvenile court yesterday aft ernoon there filed the boys' vested choir Of one of Portland's foremost churches, Ths choir was accompanied by direct ors, teachers,, parents and . Interested friends. It looked at first as though the court waa going to be treated to a sacred concert, but developments were neither In concert nor sacred. - It was revealed that before the church services Sunday ths boys, enthused with the spring weather. Indulged In a game of leapfrog. . Between two of tha mem bers there arose an argument aa to whose turn It was to lump. One sweet voiced youth raised a fist and smashed anothsr sweet-voloed youth In the eye. The father ef the boy -who got ths black eye caused the choir to be haled Into the Juvenile court, where he gave dam aging evidence against the , assailant. Other members of the choir, however, atated that the youth who got the black eye deserved It, and the ease was dis missed by Judge rraaerv -v-vj MAINLY PERSONAL 1 . ., ,. . ... ." -- C. J. Simpson, a mining man of So ws rd, Alaska, la registered at the Ore gon. . -. - T. D. Rockwell, a business man ef Spokane, la atopping at the Oregon for a few days. . O. C. Morris of Roseburg' la at the Imperial and reports that wheat In the Roseburg district looks fairly good, de spits the unfavorable weather earlier In the season. . Myron B. Rice, his mother, Mrs. S. B. Rice; hla alatar, Mlaa Lillian 8. Rice, and three relatives Mrs. F. O. Britten, Mrs. F. A. Cuahlng and Mrs. F. Pender- rut are registered at the Portland, Mr. Rice la manager for the musical ex travagansa, "Babes In Toyland." Hla family and relatives are out with him on - a pleasure tour of the Paciflo ooest. They will spend several days In Portland. ' APPLIES FOR WATER : : RIGHTS ON MARION LAKE " t (SoeeUt Msvatek te Tke JoeraaL) Albany, Or... April ll.-sd. O. Kelley of Portland has filed In the office of the county recorder his application for water rights on Marlon lake. He asks to appropriate 10 feet annually of the flood water flew thereof. It la to be used for Irrigation, municipal and domestic use. A dam 10 feet high will be constructed soross the main outlet, with two headgates five feet blgb and eight feet wide. The water right ao applied for will be known as the Marion lake etorage reservoir." Marlon lake lies at ths base of Mount Jef f erson. aad la one of the moot beau nc'Jtasca rxd Wells Ennitsn TailoredOcts CN SCOiY TCDAY . The smartest Tailored Hat that id made. Distinc tive and exclusive in style.' Masterpieces of all that is correctly stylish in Tailored Hats. Proper and becoming styles, combined with ex clusiveness An early morning select ion is strongly advised. . -! rfTi 50c, 6Cc, 75c Values at This stirring Hosiery news , . is most interesting. 5000 pairs of Women's im - ported Hosiery, in black and ' white lisle allover lace Stock- ings, also plain black lisle with lace Danels : an immense variety to choose from. , The beauty of this offering lies in the fact that it comes right at the time when this Hosiery is most in demand and at a phe nomenally low pries for such fine Hosiery. ' tiful of the gates of the Cascades. The rapidity with whloh all available water rights are being acquired portends great developments In manufacturing and power utilisation. Here In western Ore gon, especially in the Willamette valley, lies undeveloped the eheapest and ftnsst water power on the entire coast. , Movelty Company Boys SDH (Special Dlspatcn te The JeornsL) Eugene, Or, April IS. The Chapman A Son planing mill and sash and door factory In thla city has just been sold te ths Novelty Manufacturing company, a new firm recently organised by M. O. Warner. T. B. Luckey and U L Luckey of thla city. The new ewnere will at once install an eleotrlo motor for power purpoaae Instead of ths steam engine formerly tjsed, and start the mill up at once. It has been Idle for a year. K. K. Chapman and son, E. F, Chapman, were the former owners. , . . Ftef erred Stock Oaaaed Oooda. Allen a Lewis' Best Brand. t il nifl jr Women's Hosiery .... . 111 111s ri ri n sa r yM' . ViT.MH;a stick the core of the key should be taken out and greased with a little tallow, care .being taken to replace the washer (see cut) In proper position on top of the core before replacing the set screw. P0RTL All'C TELEPHONE r 85.00 TRICED DATS 03.25 An opportunity to select your Easter Hat at a considerable sav ing. A variety of new trimmed, also many clever ready-to-wear effects and Sailors, trimmed with quills, ribbons, etc; all colors, including black and white; best $5.00 values at.. $3.25 1C03 Pieces Straw imd Ifclr Oat Drdds . (Twelve Yards to Piece) , v. $1.50 and $2.C9 Values at75c Piece Fine silk straw, peroxaline hair and Tuscan straw Hat Braids, enough in one piece to make any of jthe new Hats; all colors, old rose, champagne, gray, navy, brown, also black and white. Be on hand early; real $1.50 and $2.00 values, at. ........ .75r $2.75, $3.00 $3.50 .. WAISTS $2.18 An unusual offer in new, perfect Spring and Summer Lingerie Waists of fine, quality Lawn; fronts are made of embroidery in panel and allover effects, trimmed with .rows of Valenciennes .lace and plaiting; new elbow sleeves, lace trimmed and fancy stock collar; rare bargains at. ......... ..............$2.18 $10.50 and $12.50 Covert Jackets $8.25 v 22-inch tan Covert Jackets, made collarleas with fancy Soutache braid trimming-, fly front, cloth strapping and button trimmed, turned cuffs and all lined with tan satin. ; '. ; .' , : -. v'...". 3CCJ Coreetyere Every garment In this special purchase will appeal to every sensi ble woman who is a judge of quality and price. - , ; LOT 1Ladies' V-shaped and circular neck Corset Covers, embroid - ered edge or hemstitched ruffle. ; Greatest Corset Cover ever made in the world f or ............ ......... 4 ..... .............. LOT Cambric and nainsook Corset Covers, V or circular neck. Em broidered beading and ribbon or lace insertion, beading and ribbon. Greatest Corset Cover ever made for.............r.....w...35f LOT 3 A remarkable collection of Corset Covers, have embroidery and ribbon trimmed. Most wonderful values at.. ......... ...SOf FOR Tlffi MlATEUR PHOTOGRWIim; " In response tor hundreds of requests from photographer we wlU carry a eomplete stork of obemtoals used by photographers. Today we offer the following staples. These are net apodal, but regu lar prloes, tnat you can always buy Fyro la oonoe paekagsa. , ...30o ...SSo oiyeia s oaaoe pomes). Amidol la onaoe bottles......... eo Metol la onaoe bottles...,,,, ...SBo Bdlaol la eoaoe bottles..,.....,. aee CoauandCoke &Peckv WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD LESS OP "COMBINE" CARE When a gas leak occurs in a fixture it is usually in the fixture key. Constant turning r of the key in lighting sometimes causes the key to work loose and leak. What is the remedy? A glance at the cut will show the position of the key in the arm or brack et. By tightening "the set screw, shown at top of key, trouble can be over come. When the s3ClE3Cir keys work hard CAS C0r.'Y.i!7 85.C0 Rec3y-t3 Wear Dats 3.25 tuem lor: Blkoao losrem la . la easvee bottles. .SS ydroohlaoa la emaoe sottlss. . . ,14a modlael 1st S-oaswo kotUee Ae Brom. potash in 1 -onaoe bottles). . So sTphoaulpalte ef Soda, S-lb. pxg..lOe HHCarlcctcj n'lDrrlscis Phone East, 244n OR COMPETITION OF FIXTURES this or ''I