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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY 1 EVENING, - APRIL 12, IZZ2. EAST SIDE FROH DAY TO DAY Service "Conduit Eleven Miles Long Unwinds Itself Oyer .' : ; Mt. Tabor Hils. ; NEW MACHINE TEARS UP . . SOIL WITH DISPATCH DR.C. V. RUTH CONDUCTS EVANGELICAL SERVICES Rev. C. W. Hath, an evangelist or not from Indlaaaoolla. Indian. Is In the city for the purpose of oonductlng Doe . Work of Several Crews and , Needt but Three Men Conduit to Be-Done In' July aadJoJBrjn Re- lief to Suburbs : ; But id: epaxtinet. r One of the bleeeat contract under : taken under direction of the city water board 'In recent yean, la btlnr' rapidly rarrleil nut. . and It la DfOOaDle IBM new dlgplng record will bamada before n jo la compieiea. im to lay a t-lnch aerrlee main from the tinner Mount Tabor reservoir to eon- - nectlon with the main last year laid from Piedmont-to Portsmputh. Tha total length, will be about 11 miles, and the contract now being; laid will be mora . than mm mllea lona. . . Tha f lret dlteh-d!gin- machine ever operated on a local contract la Peine teated on tha work, and at present is tiring- good results, doing tha work of several cans of man and doing- It thor oughly 'and with mathematical exact- jtaaa. - Tha ditch na been- completed to a point Joat west of tha Adventlst aanl ' tarium at Mount Tabor and tha pipe laying gang la but a few hundred feet behind. The line haa been completed i from the reeervolr to West avenue, and If travel bed are not struck rapid progreaa will be made.,., , "The machine la a croea between a ateam aeoop and -a pile driver, with a - bit of the threshing machlna thrown in. A heavy engine operates a big cutter, which Is Just the width of the ditch. This cutter work on pulley lines and 1 started several hundred feet distant from tha angina. A load of dirt la scooped up and brought to the elevated -platform over the engine, where It is dumped and the eutter sent back for another big bite. Foot by foot, the acraper digs Into tba earth, never vary c Ins from- the line and needing no atten tion anrfjint . fmm an workman who , empties its load, and the engineer and1 fireman who keepa the angina-going. "" Those three men, with the machine. turn out a longer ditch and a atralghter one than three gangs of workmen oould. . find no strike worries the boas., - - - Back of the dirt digger' la a gang of men rolling the big 14-Inch Iron pipes into place ana getting tnem in enape ror tha lowering crew. This crew places an iron derrick over tha ditch and low- era the pipe to place. After It, oomes the lead gang that aoldera the Joints and makaa the Job shipshape. The last rrew . la composed of shovel ers. who ' tamp the dirt solidly about tha pipe line and fill tha ditch to tha road level , Each crew works at about tha same rate of speed and a system has been de vised that anablea tha entire pipe line to move ahead several hundred feet a day, no' part of ' tha contract being pushed ahead of tha rest This ra suits In tha line 'being left complete In ctead of miles of open ditches remaining-, as under tha .old system. The main Is expected to be ready The Lowes! Never before have strictly high trade piano been sold at auch low prices aa we are now of fer ine; them for. We have the beat makes in the world for yon to select from and ' can make von the easiest terms. This opportunity will not last long as pianos can not ordinarily be sold at about eoet, aa we are doing at the present time. Our entire pres ent stock will be sold in a shorty time at the inducement we offer, so to get first choice you should call at once.-" -- DUNDORE 7 PIANO CO. STEINWAYS AND TEN OTHER HAKES. 134 Sixth Street . Opposite Oregonian Building. We also have a full stock of Victor Talking Machines, Rec ords, Small Instruments of all kinds, Sheet Music, - Music Books, etc.... ,. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO ... - GET BARGAINS. I. w I- y Rev. C W. Ruth. a ie-diy revival meeting at Memorial Evangelical church at the corner of East Eighteenth and TIbbettS Streets. , The services commenced- Tuesday' and will continue through to and Including April ID. Mr. Kutn naa a wiae reputa tion amone- tha people of tha Bvanfell- cal church as an evangelist and. his special meetings ere expected to arouse much Interest tn tba local work and add manv new members to the congregation. : The visiting minister will be aaslsted by the local pastor.- Rev. - R. . Btrey- Xelier. in tna eonauci oi nm tmiuu services. AH meetings will b open to the public. - rj for service by July and to carry enough water for 40.000 people. There la abundant water In the reservoir to suddIv this pipe and keep up tha pre nr f np.tinrto the engineer of the water board for tba next 10 years, up to this tuna most of tha district-has had little or no service, and new sub urbs will consequent y be opened . this season as a result of tha main's eon struetlon. r - - -- WHAT MT, TABOR WANTS. , eetsajisaasaps Xaters City July SHcst and Asks Water, Zdgfet, Profotlon . eaa Sewers. On tha First of July, that portion of Mount Tabor annexed to the crty at tba last June election will become- a part of Portland and the cltlsens are plan nlng to secure some of tha thing they have paid for by the lost tax Hevy. out have not yet received. There is not sewer in the district, tnougn mere are several thousand people, and there la a taxllst of about 12.000,000. - Many of the homes are built on the sides of tha hills and the cesspool overflow has long formed a source of serious dan- gar to the people living on the lower level. At leaat om sewer to connect with the Bunnyslde system la Impera tively needed. - The school facilities of tha place are Inadequate and the central building Is In urgent need of repairs. As yet, the school district haa not been Included In tha city dlatrlot, but this action Is ax. pectod to .be taken' before the ' next school year opens, and unlese It la taken the 10 children of the suburbs will be packed In small rooms and many of thtm will recite en the etepe and In the halls, as they are doing this year.. . .... . There are not ' hair enough street lights In the suburb and when the moon refuses to shine, or can't, a dark ness, deep and dangerous, shadows the wooded avenues of tha place. worst of all, there la no fire protec tion given- the entire .region, and sev eral valuable residences have been to tally destroyed la the last few months on this account. The water situation will -be remedied with the completion of the present service main being buut from the res ervoir to the peninsula, and it la hoped that this service will be given, before the close of the approaching summer. BAND FOR ST. JOHNS. I IA ; Theyrt for. seeing near -: , . I ;'r and far, have. ;. bal ta", I , ' . 2' , f le lenses, f -. Glad to show. I - . I p A ' them to you -U at any time. ' OREGON OPTICAL CO. irt rovBT st t, k. c. As jnuDw. Bnsinese Men Xeady to Sack Orgaalsa- ' tloa of Competent BCnslolaaa. Having secured " '4 - fire- department composed . of two lull companies .. of volunteers, with a fir bell ordered, fire apparatus In sight and new uniforms nearly paid for, 8L Johns la after a band no common bras band with every uniform different, but a triple plated, hand-engraved, gold-bell. pearl- keyed, cornet band that can support a bearskin-capped drum major and wake the down-river echoes aa far as Bt. Hel ena St Johns once had a band that supplied musio and amusement for the youth of" the town but It died.' The musical talent t large in the commu nity, backed by the business men who believe In publicity, has gathered itself, and organisation haa progressed )t the stage where only a city Instructor Is lacking. Should the subscription fund cover the expense of a director, the in dividual member would ' furnish the Instruments.' v . ... , A eerie of semi-weekly public eon ee'rta on the. main street of the town during the summer season would prove an attraction and trade drawer, accord ing to the business men, and If tha or ganisation gets firmly on Its feet and produce a proper array of tunes. It will not die for lack of home support. GOOD SALARIES GIVEN. - , ! ' : . . Johns Officers to Beoetve Adequate compensation This Tear. The following town officers of Bt. John have been elected or appointed with the salaries noted: Recorder, W. V. Thorndyke, 11.000; elty attorney, 8. H. Greene. 1720; marshal, Charles Bred erson, 1900; mayor, F. W. Valentine, 1144; seven councilman, at 1110 each. Mayor, recorder and. councilman were chosen at the recent election. Marshal Brederson and Attorney Oreene were appointed by Mayor Valentine last night at a apodal meeting of the eoun oil, each having held his position under the .former administration. A city en gineer wss not named, and Mr. Good, rich will for the time continue in office. Standing . . committees, of the council were appointed by . the mayor last night, tbs following being chairmen: Street,- 8. U Doble; license, W. H. King; water and light. P. A. Bredeen; buildings, W. w. Raaer; finance, 8. C Norton; health and polloe, Jt B. Hew' Itt. ; . . --'.; J. . The action In increasing the salaries of the city officers was not entirely satisfactory to some members of tha former council who were present, but the present' body decided that the town had reached the point where It affair needed the, best attention and that the cheapest policy was to. pay fair wag nd hold the officer responsible for mistakes ' ' JUST A ra JO ICECTI! Pure) Hygienic lc Is Now Being : Made From Distilled Bull Run Water by the Liberty Coal and Ice Company.;-'" - ' PUREST ICE IN THE WORLD Our Ice Has Been Analyzed by the Oregon State Board, o Health and Found Absolutely Pure. -" The following letter from Ralph C Mat son.' assistant bacteriologist. Is eon Urination of the.purenese of the loe manufactured by the Liberty Coal 4k Ice company and.. la self-explanatory: - "April I, int. "Liberty Coal A Ice Company. 14 1 Pin Street, near Third. Portland. Oregon.' 'HJentlemen: - I have completed my examination of tha aampl of Ice which I personally collected from-one of tha blocks in the-, freealng-rootn of your plant. . The examination was made for bac teria capable of producing disease In man. I and 'that after a careful and exhsuativ investigation that the ice wss not only free from pathogenic bac teria ' nut entirely devoM of anv and all forms of bacterial life. Subcutane ous Inoculation - of guinea pig with bouillon containing portions' of melted lea failed to excite any .Inflammatory ilon. very : truly wours, -RALPH C MATSON, "Assistant Bacteriologist" TVCes" Lsmt Oil MMm Ttt Mamtlmu. To be physically weak means to ie rite the visiution of all thote' diseases which lie in wait for the unwary. To prevent dueaie cte must fortify the srttera arainst disease. -If you -would live healthfully, hap pily; ii you wouiq B aura wo xcsist uir- ease and avoid making a sou lavoraoie to disease erms, then your blood must be thoroug-hiy vttaused. . ' . ' Oxomulsion Is wonderfully effective ii up-buildinf m depleted system.. -' There is no preparation that caa do aa much toward aiding nature as Oso avulsion. " Oxomulsion it tha greatest Done and tissue builder m the world, i It creates new tissues to take the place of those worn out --- - t It makes new blood, destroys au pot onou bacteria, increases the appe tite, stimulate digestion. The Oxomulsion Laboratonea want to put in the-hands of every one this storsgs battery of the human system. There are twe im I is. sad M es. BeeUesi the Feraiala Is sriated ia T languages a eaek. OZOMULtlON LABOR ATORIU M Ptee BC, New Terk. ; Exclosiyc new designs ' : and styles ; are here for : your showing;: ;YouII find ) r here afl. the novelties of the season; Oar showing of Neckwear is distindire and attradivee - ' thing if you come to. us " '-Tii---'- Buffum Pendleton 311 Morrison Street OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE BANK AND OFFICE RAILING ; : WISE AND IfiOS FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, . Poultry Netting, Etc PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST. Near Third NEARLY FOUR THOUSAND REGISTER IN DOUGLAS (pedal Dtepstee s Tke JearaaL) Roaeburg. Or.. April 11. The eloee of registration In this county shows that 181 voters have registered lor tne primaries, of which - 14 4 have regis tered ae RepubUcanevlLlIt a Demo crat and 101 as Socialists, while 17 have either refused to state anv politics or have registered as Prohibitionists. The registration la ; nearly up to the vote of two years ago, which was about 4,lts. The Socialist registration this year la only about one half at the vote of two years ago. ' . ' ' i ' ': , ' :'. -'- .';- ' . Tf all polldes were renewable term policies the great fund of assets now accumulated in life insurance treasuries would be diminished to one tenth, and the other nine tenths .would be in the pockets of the policy-holders." (Extract from an aritcle headed "Standard Insurance Policies," in New York World.) ' . . " ' r " - : Doyou realize thatVthe". cash 'rahie as contained in yotir-H . policy is YOUR MONEY, put' aside and HELD IN RE- SERVE by. the company after paying your share of all death' losses' and your peoportion of a liberal amount for "conducting the business? you, this RESERVE is an accumulation in excess of the", current cost of your ifisur "ancej for this reascm 'thc'companyjrVill return a portion of .-"i ' same if 'you; surrender 'your; policy BUT WHAT BE COMES ?OF THIS RESERVE IF. YOU DIE? We issue one form of policy , guaranteeing .absolute protection for ; life at a very low-cost allowing ;you to keep the resenre ln your pocket. On pur' limited payment and endowment' con tracts, in event of; death,' WE RETURN THE RESERVE 'IN ADDITION TO THE INSURANCE, something that other, companies do' not do,i herein, lies,, one superiority of Hour oontractsrA" -few reliable Wen desired as repfesentatiTes. Comnpiy ; ; PORTLAND, OREGON -'t'y'trr:''- W," M, Ladd, . ' T. B. Wilcox, ;Edw. Ccokkghara, - - . President . Vice-President. 2d Vice-President. $ UO 3mm On these terms we place one of these GREAT MACHINES J in your home. ; , ;;' V""'T 5S TCISISTEE ANTITRUST MACHINE THESE MACHINES UNDER A HIGHLY ADVER TISED NAME SELL FOR 50 Our Price Is Only 3 Nevci1 la Elsfory Bss Opportaslly Offered to Secure a Sewiag Uaehlae Equal to This at Use nice The machine is a high-class, high-arm, lock-stitch, with the new ball-bearing stand and all the latest im provements. .. a;-,::; This new High-Arm Sewing Machine is of the VERY HIGHEST. ORDER, built exclusively from the ' very finest of materials, in a most accurate and perfect ' manner, its design emoraces every latest feature of con . struction, and its simplicity is almost marvelous. . No woman in Oregon should longer be without a high-class sewing machine, after learning of our extra ordinary offer. 1 ; $r.00 Down, 50c a WceiTI 1 ffffimS V a -' I J Imperfections In dther-woTkman-"- ' O n - C ship or material. jS W l I - . -j.w, ! .- I " If f i vLU , Free AHcchnients Free nickel-plated steel attachmenta aa follows are furnished with each machlna: Huffier, rock er, binder, braider, foot ahirrine; aide plate, four assorted hem mar a, . qniltar, ' foot - hernmer and feller. . . Needles, , . screwdriver, oil can, bobbins, eta are iav eluded. -,.',.. ,. You Are Welcome to Credit in Any Department of '- This Big Store - 173-170 FIRST STREET' THE HOUSEFURINIOHERS - Country -. '-.-. -Orders , Accepted on Special 'v-;-T--ATermf;;"(T''.;:r 219-227 YAMHILL STREET r- 7