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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
13 THE "OREGON DAIJ.Y JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TIIUH2DAY EtmTKJQ, k APZUL 12. i:;;. .n mv The March dividend of $2.25 per share V7a3 paid to all the holders of the J. C. Les Coa otock oh the first day of April ' - - -u ' J'l ' " i mm'"m' Bid m& ( ' 5 I t DUfrtm and Photograph Showing How Paul Noquet. the New York Sculptor, Met Hia Death April 4, the "vSv '-' r4:f Flrat Victim, of Society's Newest' Fad Ballooning. ,. Xi'.; ;i; ;' : WATER EriPLOYES - GET RAISE Total of Ons Hundred and Four . Men Have Wages Increased i Ten Per Cent or More. 'AO the employes la tha municipal wa .er department, numbering . 104 nan, svera granted a IS par cent or mora In trease In wages at the meeting of tha mater board yesterday. Thla advanee In wages will mean an additional ex- panaa of It.lOt a rar la the depart' mini. ,, -.- ' .:' , - This action was taken after moo tha or deliberation by the board. The sal artaa of the 5 laborer in the depart ment were increased from 11 to f 2.2ft a day, which ta the same schedule aa that adopted tha first of the year in other de partments, and tha wares of aeren ealkerswere Increased from 11.69 to tl.7 and two ealkers from to li ft a day. Other employee affected louow: , - i.-v.-. .- -. .-. - J. M. Cretan. Instrument man, and L. 8. Kaiser and H. H. Raach, clerks In city ball office: B. R. Morrill, elerk east side office; J. O. Klrkland, clerk Alblna- omce; t. J. afangln. Inspector Bull Run pipeline; C B. OllTer, Inspector and meter clerk West . Portland: W. J. Sharp, pump engineer, from flOS to til a month; B. J. Gray, foreman East Portland district; W. J. Willis, foreman Alblna district, and C Albertlni. for, man West Portland district, from -I te 110; A. r. Wilson, elerk city hall it',.. l!Jlnlla) 11 UJ 111 slxSating ccroodaiklSef ula tittStom3 ancLBowebof .Hi , Ilk rroinotes DigestioaCheerfur ress andRestXontains ndther OiiunuMerpliine norMinciaL IIOT Uabjc otzo. jtbtJmmm- 1 ' . ApsSecl Remedy forComBpav Ron , Sour StoinaclvDiatriuea Vorms Xonvulsions .Feveristv rxasandLoaaorSlXZE TwSonila Sighajaraaf NEW YDfTK. ft JTor Infants and Children.' ' Ths Kind You Have . Always Bought Bears the Signature of A ell For Over Thirty Years tMeaMNMHinMfiMiim , offloo; 1C J. Kennedy, B. B. Turlay, R. O. Hamilton, , inspector West Portland; N. B. Hall, J. H. Spain and J. O. Han sel!, Inspectors east side; T. J. Mangta Jr., Inspector Alblna; C. O. Murphy, chief tapper, 7& to $11.5 a month: J. T. Harbin, blacksmith, 7t to fit; B. P. WUUams, J. A. Leslie and W. J. Mapea. steam pumps, Alblna, IT1B to 80; J. Paris', subforernan Weat Port land, 1(7. 1 9 to ITS; .Pauley, pump en gineer; J, Mclntyre, carpenter, and Flggus. meterman and tapper, lift to 176; O. Hollo well, inspector West Port land; A. J. Powell, Inspector Alblna, Rt to $71.(0; W. B. Watson and F. H. Akers, pump enrlneers, 1(2.60 to ("0; I C Boflnser, F. C justia A. L Rum- ey. H. U Lewi a, A. H. Bauman. C M. Doutt, C. SS. I diem an. gatemen, ((l.S( to SSI.7S; T. P. Hansell. tapper East Portland; I. R. James, drain repairer West Portland, $(( to S(; Martin Cana- ran. lock repairer. Its to ICl.fto; c I. Marks, day watohman. 161.10 to 1(0; W. H. White, P. J. Skaala; gatemen. tSl.SA to 161.71. - .-...-r.- -:. The following proposals for furnish- ihc supplies for iha department were re- celved: . - Oate-TalTes C. C Moore Co. of Seattle. SI.7SS: Dnnham. Canigan A Hayden of Ban Francisco, (,1 (6; Mar shall-Wells company. ((,S6; Horer Swift, ((,4(4; Crane company, SS.MI; Caldwell Bros, company of Seattle, ((.((, and an altemaUre bid for (.Oil; Fairbanks. Mors Co., ((,701. Air alTes Dunham. Carrliran Har den. ISSS: Crane company, (620. v.. Bleeree and Talres A. B. Smith Man- nfaeturing company, of Newark, New Jersey, (1.(46; Crane company, Two lS-lnch. two 14-incn ana one io- lnch water meter Norman B. Urermore of the Builders' Iron Foundry company. (4.717: National Meter company, ( T. A. Ketcbum. represenung resiaenia of UnlTerslty Park and Portsmouth, and C W. Lelck and A. R. Stringer of South Portland appeared before the board and asked for an Improrement of the water arvtaa . in their respectlre districts. Edward Holmaa and, others Interested in apartment-houses aaked the board for a water meter semes on au aparuneni- houses. Ths petitions for the improre ment of tha serriea were referred to tha aunerintendent and engineer ana the apartment-house queetion to a epeoiat committee oonslsting of Dr. Joseph! and R. B. LAmsoa. , ., SCANDAL ACCOMPANIES . VANDERB1LT ' DIVORCE ' l- rinarnal RoeHal arvVe.l "New Tork, April 13. Having obtained a dlToroe from his wire on statutory grounda,- John Vanderbllt of Orange, New Jersey, has instituted proceedings in the New Jersey court of chancery to have his wife's son declared Illegitimate. I Vanderbllt is nearly 10 years oia ana n invalid. Boon after his marriage to Mrs. J. J. Johnson of New Providence he went to a sanatorium. When bo re turned to his home bis wife showed him a bov baby, saying ths Infant was born en October 10, 10(, and that his Same was William Godfrey Vanderbllt. The aced man was not convmcea, ana he retained a lawyer and private de- tectlvea. Their report prompted dim to Institute divorce proceedings. Vieo- Chtncellor Garrison listened to ths evi dence and awarded Vanderbllt a decree. In bis decision, which waa announced last February. Chancellor Garrison -214 not refer to tha legitimacy of the boy and the aged petitioner has began suit to have the child declared Illegitimate Vanderbllt is one of four heirs to tha I aetata of Busaa Ann Hoogland and la I distantly related to tha wealthy Vander- bilis ax Wtir zora, , HERE'S S0L1E TttlYT DID: Independence, Or, April 3. 1906. The J. C. Lea Co.i - Salem. Or Gentle-' men: I hare just received your check for the month- Lee Co. atockv To aay I am well (atiafied with my investment.-1 - could ' not jcxpred my feeling- other wise but that you may In the future, as well aa lp the past, prosper In the crest mining, Industry in which yott are engaged io. the highest of your W tidpations for the good of yourself and all ; your clients and friends. yery respectfully yoors, i ; IL H. JASPERSON, ' Undertaker.: ' Monmouth. Or- April 4, 10(. The J. C. Lee Co, naiem, or. uenueraen: We, tha underelaned atock- holdere in the J. C. Liee Co.. each beg to acknowledge receipt of your check for 51.16, in payment of March lvldand on one share of 'J. C Lee Co. stock, and note with pleasure what you say in regard to In venting of aurplua ' funds. which wa trust wui prove a wise investment and help . to Increase tha dividends f tha J. C Lee stock. We are wall pleased with the monthly , dividends re ceived so far, and will con fidently look for larger re turns aa soon aa the varl oua . propertlea . you are .operating begin to produce. If yon will pardon a sug gestion, we would suggest a strict conservatism aa to Investing the surplus funds. A good surplus In the treasury of any . com pany is in our -Judgment a wise provision against any contingency that might arise. Thanking you for T'our promptneea In send ng our dividend checks, we are yours truly, S. M. DANIEL, rTT" - Dry Goods. - I. H. HAWLBT, . m a sjw wise, r, T, X. MULKKT, Capitalist. Salem,; Or, 'April 4, 1906. The J, C Lee Com pany, Salem: I am pleased to acknowledg receipt of your monthly dividend for March en J. C Lee Co, stock. Your , statement y :" , certainly looks good; to ma and the amount of the dividend Is just k little bet ter than anything else I have is bringing me. Wish ing you all manner of suc cess,' I am rtVurs truly,' JULIUS NELSON. '. Portland. Or., April 4. 10(. J. C Lea Co., Salem, Or. Dear Sirs: Tour let f tha flrat containing div idend No.' 1 just .at hand. Tour, management Of the J. C. Lee Co, s certainly wise and conservative, and' I am pleased to give-it my hearty indorsement.. : la these days of rotten corporations and . extra va- gant management, a com pany Ilka yours, making (rood ovary 'promise and do ing all you agree and mora, IS worthy .'of , encourage ment. -; -. . I note that you Vra open- ing: offices in -- the east, to keep pace with the increaa- . Ing demands for your se curities. I can't but pre- .dlot a bright future for the company, as your spirit is progressive and your gen erous dlvldende must soon convince tb most timid In vestors of your ability to carry all you undertake to a successful Issue. I have a number ' of friends who expect to add their names to your sub scription list within a very short time. Tours very truly, .... .. B. C BLT. . Pe'rydale, Or., April 4, 1906. The J, C Lee Co. Dear Sirs; This ja to ac knowledge the receipt of your dividend check No. 566 of $2.25 for share on J,. C . Lee Co.; stock, this being,, the third consecu-r tire monthly dividend on the stock, and "according to the financial statement accompanying; thiS' divi dend, you certainly, will be able to continue and even increase tha ; dividend m time. Yott 7 people seem to ' be filling' a. long-felt want in tha way of pro viding a legitimate mining bureau. .'Yours truly, D. L. KEYT. , IS THE BEST, OFFER EVER SUBM1T1ED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - j get mm PROMOTING AS WELL AS OPERATING Trustworthy, experienced and reliable management, capitalization, $50,000 stock full, paid and non-assessable. Incorporated under the ' laws of , the State of Oregon. ; V OUR D!Vil)ENDS HAVE IVER BEEN LESS THAN $125 PER SHARE MONTHLY 1 Only a few shares of this stock left. While it lasts we will give jrou - with each ' share bought and paid fojr bonus of 400 shares of muting stock. (100 SHARES OF GREAT NORTHERN ftt : I ;.a,n00 SHARES OF STERLING I Iff a AI J CI J II LI U U Ce tOO SHARES OF CROOKED CRFFK 100 SHARES OF FREELAND CONSOLIDATED These are all active stocks. Great Northern paid Its first dividend in September of last year.' another 1n November and will be a steady dividend payer this year. Sterling will pay ita first .dividend In May, , and Crooked Creek will enter the dividend list during .the season's run. , OUR OBJECT FOR SELLING THIS STOCK '' We are asked every day why we offer this stock for sale when It is paying a' dividend of more than 2, per cent Monthly. We are determined to build up the largest brokerage business In the west, having already established permanent offices in msnyoftheeasrnjdls- .j:-.;: , . -y -v ''":-" ;-.'''X'. vm'A--v It is often necessary, in offering stock for sale in the propel references, the names of responsible business men' not only at home but In their own communities. ' .: y ; . : With this object in view, we placed 100 shares bf this stock upon the market and give with each share as a premuim 400 shares of stock in companies that we have financed. . ; "':."'; -,. '''- ; ;, .;- . v v. Yi Realizing that if the holder of these stocks is receiving his dividends , regularly that he would recommend The J. C Lee Company and their methods of doing business to till who inquired. , . ---v," '' ;'::r-" ','V . r--4-.V--'' REMEMBER That In buying this stock you are protected by. actual cash assets of more than $2.00 for every.. $1.00 .Invested. The jjC. Lee Com pany's statement to R. G. Dunn & Co., made" recently, shows their assets.above all liabilities to be in excess of $100,000.00. v . Our: books are. open . for. inspection .. to all propective buyers."' Our assets consist of real and personal property; stocks and bonds.' All active. A schedule of which will be furnished any one on application.' - -1 - OUR GUARMITEE - ; - We guarantee this stock to pay a dividend of at least $2 per share -every month until you have received ; the full amount of your , invest- ment and at any month up to that time that you do not receive a divi dend check xf $2 per-shar-you-are-at-Uberty Ao.draw 'J. C. Lee Company certificate attached for the full amount paid for same, we will pay the draft and allow you to keep the stock given you; as a premium as well as the dividends you have already. received. The guarantee is GOOD, we Xzn furnish you the names of one hundred " business men, including bankers and professional men who will tell you so. ' Send your application today. There are only a few shares left. If your application reaches us too late we will return your money, t .;r....:.,:..-....rt7V:;T..: THE.J.C LEE CO,- SALEM,- OR. ; SPECIAL SPECIAL To Assure Prompt and . .Careful Attenttoa fllKI TO MM none Paolflo IK. Prices for the Nut 30 Days '.'-'.' PerXxiad.' jImm mmh WrMa. ...H..,'.Sl.RO pry Slab Wood f 3.25 Inside Slab WooS ..2.25 Mixed Blab Wood SJ1.7 0 UTTLE GIRL HIDES IN BURNING HOUSE (sedat Dkostak to fte 7oraaLI flora. Dr., April II. 'A house owned br Joha Clark and oooupled br Thomas Barnes and fern 11 r at this place was burned l to . the ground last week. Tha fire Is thoosht to have been started The Orlsinal LaxaUve Coush Srrup Is Kennedy's Laxatlvs Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the system by acting as a eathartie on the bowel a Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar la certain, safe and harmless .ours for olds, croup aod hooping, oough. . DLOOD poison roi con tui mrrr tuis wa have made the enra of blood poleoa a peelalty. Prlssetr.aiesalsry er Tertiary Bleea Pelsea Permanantly Cured. Tea esa be treated at home antor eeme yaaraDtr. Capital MQ,0M. Wa eolieit tbe most obeti Date easea, U yon have exheusted tbe old Btetbods of treatment, aad still bave aebea and Belna. Uaeus Pstebee la Month. Bora Throat, Pimples, Oopper-CtoredBpota. Cleers on ear pert of the boar, Hair ar Bysbrows falline eat, writs for proofs ef earea, iwpace oooc I too. COOK REMEDY CO, 1 USeWnBVU.saesjs,lll Every I7c::n simeua saa neaia new MARVEL wMrliaf Spray -jnom ;eiTraint. It k. nnowiol7 the V J" Hilt SI.. mamA ma Ti-N . vumt. kit Mad hmii foe filunudknnt-MU nttrcs fall peitlalsn eaV liriniot 1m. to ImAtim- r . . a. aa a. Baa sr iaa- vwaua. a. . axnmoax oo ii nrra mni ... AMO WOOSASO, O&ASU 00, by a amall girl playing with matohea. Tha child than hid In tha burning house front fear of ohaatlaement and was barely resoned from tha flames by bar father. -. fy took Oaanad Slooda. . Allen dt Lewis' Seat Brand, . Motive 1 Rest lor All Dtgsatlvw uisoraara, uver ana i : Kidney rraubles, sUMtaaaam, Nervous Weakaeea. No Alcohol. QasaM. Hmwy mtmffmm tmm ssftiai Si a A read MiaicSn, ae e an Ma tmt SI si Dntttaarfce saek lam) imZM at by "svLisrrrs rattvb Rnas co. Sccff $ S:l-Pc;::.i C:;::!:3 a pecrnvz cjns TeSeeieierleB orOetertti q( 1ie4dTsasbMi4 KlE mmrm. ovas se waw. linrM 4)cfely ese wrmesmti: torn om ot eieaei ,(, ae aisttei f ftSdlSS. A SAO Sold by aVnstwts. rice l OS. er Vv SMlLTaoaS. ale. tlM. 1 Waei. earaT TiExTAUtT:nia Betleieatelaa, Oaaa, . ah) tV If V tb. istir the ttwef bre tieieiy RELIEF for LADIES VHEIfCB Tansy Wafers Orlgt . nal and only genuine Put up la yellow vrapper and "Crowa" trademark.- For sale by tbe LSADINO DRUOOISTS. . uXpcececented SUCCESS OP v C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese i 11 Doctor : Alf.s. I32J first St. for. Ksrrlsoa . Me Btslesdlaf stateraeate te tbe afflict I sturastae e eoaaplata, safe se4 taaUaa cufe la tbe aiuekaat poaalbla Ubm, and si tM . lowest seat peastbie tor kesaet sod Htm. rol treataMBt. I enra eiLrrk, aataais, bias, tbraet, rbeanatlam, BfrToaaasss, stoBMcs, llTr, k1dB.r ni )oat Btnhoad. tKiCALS XSOUBLIS A VP AIX YSXTATl BisSAsAS, If tesiadlM .r. k.riulaas. eefaDeaed at rents, karba, beds aad berks eapeUUy saUetad and Imports . direct ay as trooj tbe IstatM U- ($o,0 jgjTrxirntT).iFT sxlaiv Dixin ass DasoaaouB. 'If yea eaoaet call, writ (or wptoel btaaS aa eiresier. innoaa ranut i First 'fflaaee a -Oae Wa Shlnaae Taediatae Oe ICttl trt at., araar hiarrUaa, SerUaad. . . 0) rm - --- - K : nm Kaartrti aait e liHri at . Oefetaaai . flASSULIi: Tbaaiii fia7aedWai)taesefat aaeiinsaiai UV waltaa, ate, baj ta tafca, sua Taa last te eerry. Villi " - .1 . hull 3 Rows A Msrtta'a,' al Waahlestot at-.ortlasd, Omron; er- by aiafl rroa 2bd 1 41 : V ' r' '4 .