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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
-1 C ; DAILY JOURNAL. rCI.TLAI.D, TIIUr.IDAY EVEim.a, APRIL' 12. 1SC3. ' rC' C -L Z.ZXh IZ7A72. ' " AT-". TT L lm-u ntteM and lot! IftSO. . t 0. 3 ku, curler; Improved mv , -y water, fugblaad e strut: May ' ' toiaM. Owner. AddrM M 24. Mr Journal. FOE t. 10 areaa, 1$ allies (rod court bnoM, ; ft M t mil (ram fte mrllu, M, ti-l d lot 6.-im), St. Jabs, (18 rch! bo-4 for Ml ot.rrcto: let up; lot ad houee, I 178. Big list; cole and m W. 1. Price, my First at., room 13. A mil 1!W - . pronerty they ar bullum . S-tecy modera wee ie.. - ae, H1 PUM ea. , BARGAIN to in Broom boom ea Clay. ad iih it., wmii no. So c a. to, mm -.A -nom hpmM9, Improvement. In Irvlnxtoa, toll MM UWi Aw- WB BAVB tow lot left on Fortv-foarth at. -- " ww block eoutk of Hawtbora in, car . line: nnc only IZSS w-o: Urm (10 . anuath. M. B. Lee, 84, sixth at. pr BOOK modern bouse, lot 100x100, UMt . coraer B. Party-feafta' a4 Frk a vol prtoe aa,uu; snog cash: urm t ault on balance. ' ir yo ar looking, (or a sir place thi , mipni aau. at av. im, p4 aula at. FOR SALE FARMS. 600O FARMS FOB TBI PBICBR. . A 0PHT KIBtlTTO ; ! MALL FARM, 40 ACBBS If Mr Borta Tamklll: half la croo. (air koui and barm. young rehard, two aortaf. ae this at (U PM acts. -, ,. . - : , B ACRES AT AST .80 M acr I B cterd. mostly la eropi purehaeer mm o third; - hen, ban. orchard, rood timber, aprltura. tntt, mod aoU. loeaitoa . desirable. IM caa atua ua valuable. t. ACRE I4M tbaa two aitlM at th ' city limit. BMetly to cultivation oa 11a of ., a aw motor aosa n M baut; ba rum oria , food anil, (la aid charry ad appl orcfaard) , nr? aigatv aaa aa aaoapnoaai &ajr at fa,uuu, - 1.B00-ACRB STOCK FARM 850 gi ; to bar aad train, wklck to BMtly Url val Mr laad, tba balaaca apland and aplaadld ; aaatura for abMB aad cattla; to baadr ta OmM mountain for aammar ran; bouatl fallF watarad with aprloaa aad mouatala 'atrMma, aow roll of trout; aplaodM waMr- powr u oMiraa. aaa nmbmr aaltabi roc an pnrpoaH; two rood boaaM aad tkr barnaj a 1m1 road to aaarby railroad towa; owoor 'to aow kaadlina bora ea tb (arm with aa ' oaaa. Onto to oa of th lut tore plaoM - w w poot-oT at ta aow pno or fia : acr. Wa eaa Mil thla ta BOO or l.OOO-a tracto. If ra waat a farm, ramombor w can teu Ton or tea neat, ror tba mooar, B. B. OOOK CO.. Ml Aidor at. - BARGAINS II ACRBAOB , Tbto to aartalnly oa of a flnMt Mbnnaa . booM aroand Portlandl mlnut walk of noaoaTooa caruaai i acrm, ruair impiwraa; all klad trail, flower. t. lovely (-room dwelllnc: all kind bnltillna. mmtmr work. .. bona. bufflM, cow, ebtckaaa, pl(ai ry ... thlB aw, FT, 800; lmproromotita worth nr ; ao.uw; ao tnira caah, balaaoa at ml wmm mm jwiik aa Ton want. . J. Frank poutbr. ; . XO WaabiBftaa oar. Fwt. FOR ALB SIM pr a era. cloarod mad la . u araai milt Bait atoaar th Oolambla rlv. la 10 or to-aar let. , Apply Bos 10 Lyla, WaMinatoa.- L0OK HBRB , Fla 10-cr traot; la mrtl ratio, 4 black ' w mm inr ma. aw; car xarm. v r F. FUCaS. lVb Flrt at. - FARMERS AND B6MXSREKER8 ir yea want a good (arm acar Partlan. mt aywk-r 1 Ora mt Waahlagtoa, lMoot ' ' " i MTsainai a MBfMuaiy taa paor --" . FDCHB, 149H Ftrat at..'. "ARM FOB Bir.F A kaantlfol emutrr rwV done within 4 mllM of TaaooaTari so act . , of toad, llrlnf watar, stack and all klad of farm machinery: aU for (10.000: aaar firm- poaod atxaatoar Ud. For turthw particular WaeMaatoa. . , T(SOO"TT 'FARM FOR SALE acn near tawra, aa Ckr rcr TO ; r" wiuf( w acre paatare, a roam r bobb. Urr barn aad other bolldlar. toad - ercaard, crop, aooto aad mchtary, at tTT.M , ?TT,3LS?'Ji5u balaac f per Mot. UWU FRANR. Orearoa City. &oU No. S. B8S ACRES in Ltna eonnty near Labaaoa, 30 mvrwi miv in ia uBcota couary aar Saahrllle. tS.000; t80 acre la Colombia 'tS8",tJr'" w,,0 l OaytoB. lis per acr. Z Tb?M .,w,i'aw,1-- ln-Uf Wt Coat- ACRBAOB Stock ranch, farm aaar Batacada foe eaia, taraw to eon beyari rlcn aoii. . ay wwuaa. urn auioonatiBa. awucaaa ur. BOMB8RBKBR8 W hare few choice ra- iwiui.uuinii wnminw ana vimoer ciaima la Whit BsBoa, Waablnrtoa. : ' TAMP , brin BS-P( eataloa-o mt eoaatry Uada. Barr-Paddoa Ce,, 40 aloataomary aL, Baa Ftaactoco. Oal. FOB RAI.S ISO acrea toad, we tared, is mtlM from TaBcaaear: pood reads ; 1,000, two . third cash, balance tlm without In Urea. Owner, L tX car louul TO EXCHANGE. TO BXCHAff(?B 100 or 820 HTM land Mat ; raUraad. with eonnty road, for rootnlnf-hrma or oa(cti6nry atore. Call (oevk Baraald t, or phoB Pacific 1311. , BQUTTT Dearer locom property for ranch, 0lob jBTMtnwat 00.881 WarcMtar blk. - HORSES AND CARSIAOES. ' OBSB, aaraoM, llyht warm, pood rif, for mall farm; also eow, freak aoxt month, o. . B. Bach block aaath KmutUI auttoa. FOB BAIiB-eHaadaama Stnoebeker raaabwit; al- moat aaw. Apply foeter Ktotaav a table. , Fifth and Brarett ata. - FOB SALB food tortiar team aad 1 food North Bend wuoa, S aew aata doable karaeu; - all food cooditloai work bert ta eityi caa bo aeea atable Mo. km Water t., foot Moat gomery. fnptilr for 1. Japer. FOR SALE TIMBER. ; - .Wc WantTiiiikr t " ' Wo Bar caah bayr for large and Bw.aH (tract of good timber la Orag oa, Waablastoa mm voMueuie. .Gregg Bros; Phooa Mala 80li IMS Fantom Udg. FOR BALB Logging camp; chatoa, roadwaya j akldway, , brldgM, aUblc. baakbonaM all 1 la, redy ' Immediate opera tloal H aectloa ancat (reea timber, 1,800.000 feet logo, 48.000 , feet piling, oa rlrer beak to tld water; big demand lor and Piling; a bargala; logging ' oatflt and J good team of botm if wasted. J. H. Skeroeld, 10 aeooad at., third Sow. WB bar a fw choteo bomeetead elalma la , Waeeo and ghermaa eonntlaa, alao a few - tiro bar clalma, yellow pine, oear 1.000,000 feet. Writ to a for fall nartlealara. Bad ana Laad 0.. To Sail, Or. OBRTIFIKD nrlp, any m wm loweat price W. J, Howell, 888 Caambar mt Ooaa- f NAP 40 aere ' timber laad a drtraM trm, aix mtlM from Oolomhl river, tut - Worceetar bldf ., Portland, Ore on. , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SNAP FIT nicely fnrnlahed aaaawkMplas . roomai patent toilet, bath, phoa. eteel rang connected blocka aaaayaM car, beet eerT Ire In city; no hlldren rent. Including phoa . ana water, aw. raoaw aw uau, 149 ,- SM at. ' ' TWO 888 Bttor plaa earrtneeroa rheap. U Knbtk, 1870 OaaoaU at., Wood lawn, Or. tOO KBABLT new anltd Mk dining chair for tl.18 Mcb, cot (a.80 4 month ago; a tee a ire aaaatlt mt rea tear ant, hotel aad get). " oral household faraltar at a great Mcrlrlce; will Mil on tlm payment. Apply Joha Ok. Tlm Aactlna Co., at Oanld Co.. aoethWMt .' corner Froat and Banwid ata. ' FOB IALB Blngl wood bed, spring ad ami tree, f 2; bura- 88. 173 kaalgomacy, aor. . F earth. . , . ( AF Ctenoid, doabi dnor. fhwtd aw will trad fnr email an. Wl itara Balraaa C , J1 Waablngtoa at. FOR SALE OR RENT NBW AND 8KOOND. . PAND StWINO MACH1NFJ. BTANPARD ' MWIrtO) MACBINB A0ENCI. H. D. JOMAw, fc0 YAMHILL ST. c BII1IABD AND POOL abla tar rent er far r ' on eT payment. i. J . 'wf'.'n BALFB rOIXBNDRR 00. 1 1 V d C, tortiaad. Foa - CAL3 n:;crLLANr oua. TRAM beatlag plaat. eaiubl for apartment k house; ana pi will take porch ae prio la . real, iw rourta mu - , fconeg bnrht. Bold and "- rig ed at Old P ( blare, i. t tamaiU C WB mrnU fnmltare aad wi'l pay f0 aaa Fhe PaciH T98 WMicra alrag Co., VIHTtKlf OREOOff hlNtNO) A MILUNO OO. keadnuartera; atock for tola and informatlaa . at law ruat t- raoa uaia imm. . HOWCA8KS AND FIXTURE toad to (rdert ecoad-hand ted tor bale. Carlaoa a Kail. - awnii ana voaca am. - . arawa. i;ia oix. MANDBB by woBkd er carload oa o. W. . ay. raoa aat avaio. HOW mm, crmator, rtaraa aoacat. leid r icbaaged. Wvlm Ralraga Oe 83T Waaa. ugtoa ac. racuM iu. FOB BALBm-rt ,hMca, Mpaalty 14 par eoae, equippe wita a-Doraepower rar awwea nriaa, eoajpmt,. epoerieuaneM m dsii. inquire ! rin at.. WB print roar nam aa 80 Mlllag eard. proper . etoe and atyla. S5c; txO bnalaM card. II. A. WTichaaal Co., t8 First. Portland. Or. BOI.DIN'8 BHEUMATI0 CURB- aaw ar far rbmimatlam. Bold by. an drnggtota. . ,. FOB SALE Fla oyatar Moator and (helTtnri ate door and aaahi ebeap. BOd Fourth ai, 1.B0 FOB 80 roaeai 100 eweet dm aeeda. Set an kino nowera ana eereiaow eeeoa a aoaabto. aiaia Tin, imiilb. FOR 8ALB Second-haad anrlaht Boilar. Mit akl far wood aaw. Fatter 4 Klsleer, Fifth . aaa ,rrett eie. FINB bow top tmgey, ooly MBt atop aaw waana. Portland Winma A Xranala Ce.. 83 Eaat Waahlagtoa at. . T FOB SALE Good dry lie 4-foot Or weed la two-cord ardara or more, at M.TS par . cord, dcUrered aad piled at ' reeidraoe, mm roa wui aee taai yoa aaee yonr meaaor. - Booesr. ail mmtm at.' Phona Mala aAVA. r ! BlLERB plan oartUleata chMp. t phMto aula v .... . ROB RALB Partahla a. a.-ana-lna aad hollar I taarantMd; aaa third It ealua. 6. H. Plg- gott, lawrer, a atniaey ouif . . LAW LIBRABT V. B. Pas. U B. A. aad B. w. Meota. ana taatbooka: are eoo -a aectlonai bonkMM aad mtict torattarai caafe r or real Mtata. - v d.r mo arai. r FOB SALE Oood drtrtat kmme, new been and Barnes; rooinieie oauit par 100. , ia- HUf aoa omwwo .v. FOR BALB A modal B Oadtlla aatomawito extra tiraa, lampa, are. uaa mm aa aaq demonstrated at W. B. Blddla a, Uth and Alder ata. . - - v. FOB HAt.B Plana oortifleato oa AUeti-Ollbert pad Eiiara wui rrao gar foaitry. , itepaoo a, evu. " " . FOB BALB. CHEAP Fla Jersey and Polled anara huh aui a aaya sua. . raoa Mat BOW. FOR BALB Cblckeiing graad plaao at a Mcri- noa; win iaaa nnrifni ia para paymeni. Raping, liml aad -Morrlaoa. Pbaa Pacla 1880... - : ' PERSONAL. MMB. ABA LT7CBET AND MRS. B. W0LFB. aola areata for Mm. Oraham'a rTyar-Tea treatment and baa develeyr. Tbto to tho - moat ' adratlflc treatment (or removing wrlnklM and facial blemtebMt ato tor boat . devhpmBt. No need of having wrinkle . any mora. Patient received, with board and treatment. ' Fall Hn of hatha, Satlaferftoa guaranteed. Teatlmenla)a from tending Dhvslcisn. -18 Lang Hotel. Sixth aal Washlaartoa at. - Pbana Mala BOIL GRADtTATB and a tatm. SUITS praam d while yo watt, BOa. Ladtaa cut preaeea, sue. uiioerc, iobv auta wu. Ban to ooeu. raoo racta waa. ,. DR. W0RLBT BENAMIN, th Foot BpMtolUf, booh waahlngtoa at. . Hooa aoa, . Bore ,iMt maaa aaano. - . . , BIN0) CHOONO. imoartar of CM bom rm ciaM; Mil caiaaao na mat m certain car lor an dummy . m .Sacoad hot.. xaaibUl aad Taylor DETBCTITB AOENOT ftoatidMtlal r tattoo! reporta-aaad oa way IndlvtdBal baat. bm or property! mlselng relative toaateai Bad debt ollctedi charges reasonable; cov rMpaadaac aollHted. Oregoa tetotiv fwrvlc, office 814-818 Corombl Waahlagtoa at. Phone Mala 8818. BACKACHE and kidney or Madder . cared with Oregon hero! trial atea la atampa. Plammer, BM Third at. WBT PERT are daarerona. - Wshtbet Naoktos m aaMmtaiy water aroor. MANLT alter restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve wiovara. un atoataa aoaiBMBi. aai a montba, 88; teat seen rely Mld by mail AMHta ear a.a m . A n. mjnmmA rw TES, Palme Tablet to ye 1mp perfectly tney cor BervonnaM and mat yoa ctrwagi price 80 a bob, baM 81 80; gaaraatoad. All drnrrlsta, or addrM Brook Drat Co.. 87 Worth Third at Porttoad. Orawoa. FRIa to oat of towa mi loaae mf f .ncv vjntw alllow Sods. Clerea, aktrtwalsTa aad Beveltlaa, Th Needle Craft Shop, 883 Waablnrtoa at., Portlaa. Or. ANT na er woman caa a atroog aad happy py Ming Bexlae pine, the great oniei ana 81 a boa. bosea 88. with fall gMraata. AddrM or Mil Av Claasaaaoa. drogglat, sr. Baoaad aai Tamhill ato. Portland. Or. BrOH-OBADB portrait; special effor for few oars eeniaei eiaa, eerM er soioerek an 8; eaality,Bd work the Mat. p. It Iteven. B03 aedagb a4d . Fifth aod Taatbia - BALM OP FIOB. fnr all female dm ataat Miami, Fboaa aaar aaa. "FORBIDDBW FBOIT," "A OayIfharto," V ."8or at a Slave ''Paany Bin." "AraM." Womsa of Fire.'' BOc each; list tno. A. W, Bchmal C.. B3B Ftrat t. TUBKISB BATHS. SOtV'OraaoaUa tMg. la die aaya, gentlemen Bight. Mala law. . DR. O. T. KETCBDM earoa promptly prlvato dleaeasSL bldaee. pel lisaa. ta in ana eperosi , femal troablM. Call or writ. Rod Crova vianenmry, aeraar zaira aaa Asa em. rasas ram ri ani. SCHOOL book aad an ktnda of book boagM. - Md aad asehaatad. ' doaar bom atar. aaa amr x . s DISEASBB OP WOMEN waassefnlly tree ted) maternity mm csrefl ror, private nnapiiaii trained nnrsM; ' cooaaltatloa free. Dr. At wood. 850 H Morrtoea ., room . ..Phoa Bond Sda.-- - - " - - BACHELORS, don't worry! we'll aew yea bat. ton mm and , do year mending freet don't man we'll iron poor aoirra ana eoiiars in fit year neck. Try oa. Oread Laaadry Co., iTta ana wnimny ate. raone ion. I.ADIES . Tarklah baths, maaaar. hrdrlatrla ualatol aawiaitle. B..A .fahaam ala aB AnaW - la lHal faa Mi m a rail Ul iitiasa viavai avm aseuev only. Flat A, SSI Waahlagtoa at., batweM 18th aad ITU ata. GENTLEMAN wiahea aeqnalntaacd ye an- lady aavmg a mall mean or nwa noma, ooject matriamay. Addrma Box SI, city.-' DB. M. T. OOLB, MS Baat 83d at-t m.tamlty mmi iiini or women. raoa xanor ui. CHIROP0DT. amalcnrlng. lectrical aad) mag. hoc moMia at aixta, cor. aiuar. THE BTEWART-LsNDRIX PARIX)RS. room 10, Lang hotel. Sixth and Whlngtoa. remove all racial piemianes; expert electrolysis, aisniour Ing, abampoolng, electro face and scalp ma, are; molM aad warta removed. TL Mala nr. ... DOtX'H ROSPITAL-o Repairing aad areaalng. 881 Tamhill at. HOLDER'S BBBITMAT10 COBB "in ar tot rwieaom. aoia ay an aragrHna. ATTORNEYS. . B. TANNER, attorney, SOB Comatsfrlal hi., Seoood aad Waahlagtoa tto, Paoaa Mala 84B. 7. .WINCHESTER, attnraayt-law. aotary, B8 Waablnrtoa blflg. Phoae Pari A 81x7. ' t ART EMrORIUlV';V.'' PROPBRaoB MAX MBTEB, S4B Alder, rvrwtii ana naawst artiat ana rescuer. ; ARCHITECTS. PI. It VlHflM Arcbltoct. 118 Sacood at. ASSAYERS. ABTIN CTANIDB RXTBACTION CO., ai eeaiaao a may vrao. law MinMia a. ; ii AUTOMOBILES. OBTBT COOK Motor Oar Caw "at aad . aioer agenta aor ieaiiie rum, wreea arrow ana Bteveae-imryM momr aai me eh ume rea ted, repaired and etored. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS.' V W a. ftJB ABB mlWrnSa, e"Br"B a M sa-RiR. -usv vmmm w BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BTRKBNWALD CO., 804-808 Everett at. Lrget batebera1 Mpply hoaee a the mat BATHS MASSAGE. MISS RAYMOND gtvaa barb aad treatmenta. Th Uoassoa. 268 Morrtoea TOUNO lady gtvM vapor, atoohol aad atodlMtod bath, rarior w, anam atarx , TWO yatmg ladlM glv mMga, tab aad vapor bath, liovk roarta at., aor. wainingtam, MADAMB TABHTI, magMtia healer; whiskey nd tooacco babtt eard; toll Um e bath. mm a, BTOtt Thira at., aor. Taymr. IT COLLECTION AGENCY, i DOES) any n owe yoa money T We eoTkiet a a Aehta of ell klada. WarthwterB Law A CUctloa C., 133 Oread aee room 14 aad in, mtiaear nans euia .vss . soas Phoa Eaat aXMO. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. 0BM0NDR, the greet Egyptian aew, rem to 22. V Washington at. ; reaainra ever nd Sandcy, 60c, 81. 83; by mall, 83; W day ttar wlthoat (M and stamp not anewereo. MRS. tTIVtKS. . Portland's lead! oar Mtxatot. Mtretoger ana eiairvoyaas. ia awveamMsb, pp. Hotel roTxtmJmmmmmm CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FL0TD Oerpentr. Jotnar and nrriag work. 88 8th St. Phone PaclBo 3108, CARPE a'-CLEANING. V BT AN CARD Carpet Cleaalng Oa.. torgMt plaat - aa ta eoaet, paring ana aaraing ant., tele phone pjaat ' TSO-MTerpem deanea, reatt. ewd and told: both a team and latest eoca praaeed air process; r. avatlaf mattramm aad rear era -a apoetaity. - -- - r - SANITARY Mroet eleanlna. rocrtoa aad pressed av eoamaeo ; carneTa cwanea en soar carpets ata frad aauet wlthoat removal. . Math 8584, ' Mala 8300. I. BTTNTBR, rteem y - ear(iet ' aad maid tat elMaer. BOO Jefferaoa. rkon Mala XI . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ItVA. OCNBX I Dlstrlbatoni of FINE CIGARS. Porttoad. CHIROPRACTIC CURBS aaMBdicttla; no drag or half. Dr. Bv Bogaa, asi vmou av. : iei. wooajawa ar. COAL AND WOOD. CBCRCBLBT BROS, hare reraorod from Soot Parte at to da Kserney St., aear llthi to aow me largest wooayara IB the .arty, Mrry. ing aU klad of wood aad oeaL Mala Ml. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer ta cordwood. aeal ad greea na dry slsbwooa. aw m. aad A MM ira, I btocka last of tarry. - Eaat 874. WE8TEBM reed Fal Co.. aa Froat, batsM Olmaa and Hoyr, dselera la all kiao of hosM eoato aad alacaamlth oaato. Phoae aula 1018. STEEL BRIDQB FUEL OO-DMlara la omL cordwood aad dry alabweod. Phoa Eaat 434. ORBOOM FUEL CO. All klada of anal weed. SOS AMar at, PhoM Mala da, KIRK BOOTEE. 818 Water Wd aad Phoa Mala 4 00. CLEANING AND DYEING. INartlaad Stesm CMaalna B Dyeing Work! pre. wai Bailor m sasmecuoa. sua ta. racirm avi. CLOTH RB ctoaaed and pressed II per month. aman iiuaruf uh, mt WMningvam sv TURNER- profeaaloaal . err pad 80S Jaftaraoa i a at. Phoae Mala 3818- SARTORIAL Tailoring Co, Ladles' end meet loaning ad Drees log. BOO w aaa. rae. hit. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WRdLBSALR vockery aad glsaaware. PtmL - Begeto h Co., 100 to ins) Flfta. ear. Stark at CAFES. TUB OFFICE B8 Waahlagtoa at. paoaa Mala Til. aamoei vigaMax. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BTERDIN0) FABRELL, predoo and agaaav aioa aoerchsnbj. 140 Float Psrtlaad, Or. Phone Mala ITS. CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS, DR. B. K. CHAN rare private aad fern si aiaMM witn otm ana root; remeciiM narva leaei ao ODrtlna. 883 Cla SC, ear. Third. "DRESSMAKING." PRICKS way tow, gaarantee Mtls faction. Madaaa A"rsls. raone pacioc pna. 143 Fifth at. Store pen rnlng and Bandar. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOLNEBRlRa Company. V aevsata at., roniaaa. o. R. tar veryttla, ftt the etortrtoal tiaav .Pheoe Mala lass. PACIFI0 BLRCTBIO CO Knrlneara. awetrao. for, fwpalror, aleetrt wiring, soppllsa. ae First eor. Stark. Mai 8A8. B. H. Tat, mgr. FURNACES. B0YRT0N warm-lr fnraace esva faeL 3, Ck payer raraare o., ana aeeoaa. mata eoi. FURNITURE FACTORIES. ORISON Faraitare Maaofactarlag Cnmpar- Menaractarer ax , raraitare tor ta nraao, Partlaad, Or. FUBNITURR msnnfsctnrlnr aad eperlal as ass a - Ie Baeeoaky'a faraitare faetary. 870 Froat at 0. W. LINES BB0., 34 3d . Fwrarrnr repsarlng. packlag and ahlpping. Mala II1. , FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRR A IRON WORRI Manner St., ear. go. Phono Waia aoa. GROCERS. WADHAMB CO., Wholesale gvseeia. Baa, faeturere aad aommlasloa marchsata. Foarts aad Oak at. ALLRN A LEWIS, rommlmiaa aad peodaw mer. heats. Froat aad. Pari tav, Fertlaad, Oc OASOUNE ENGINES.' BABOLIN B ' EN0INBB .v Statloaary and martaat "little BooatsP aaollae leam-h. Iivoj simnd head aiemrt - maaoBM ana Bulla. BBlEimoM MACrTntBBT CX li.a-e-4 Morriaoa at. GRINDING. K. B. KARL80N CO., export grinder. ' ' kny, corner Eighth. Phone Pieifl TM HOTELS. BOTBt Portia ad. Amartoaa plaat 88.88 par iayw BELTBDRRB; BuropMa plaat 4th aad Alder ata, THE BROWN Orad and Hawtbora . HAY AND GRAIN. L . COOPER Sj fXX Potateea, feed ha, 138 Cain are. Phoae Bart lOlf. HARDWARE. Portland Bardwara Co. Mtlelta oppsi laatly' ajeote arms. it Aloes, Mala isao. INSURANCE. ' UAA0 t WHITE, Are ; JAB Met. WOOD, earplorsr' liability pin, viqri sarpiovs dirldaal aocident snrety Phoae 4T. Sot I naaaa M u LOCKSMITH. I. B. RICHARDSON, locksmltt amt ttptinS. - aai araraaMs. ramn luoa. v , MONEY Tb LOAN.' .. HBADOTTABTERB TOR SALARY LOANS. 438-B Mohawk bldg., eor. Marrieoa aad Third. LadlM or oentlemea. N PnblMlty, If yea biana 330 yoa pay each 1 If ya borrow taj yoa pay back If ya barrew 8M yoa pay back If yo borrow 860 roa pay back 88.C .. paymeato . napeaded la case f atricxiy Baiarr tiMnn. J THE CRKHCENT LOAN CO. - 438-B Mohawk bldf. oor. liorrtoea aad Thira. .'. MnmiT "re ryiAnr - O ' improved city property or , tor bending pui uusm. for ' from 8 to 10 year time. ) with utirftog to repay an ee part of toaa after two years. Loans approved from plana ana meay advanced a building progrmam; , mm igaarra uarn np noa repiacea. ; FEED H. STRONG. Financial Agoat. -'33 Stark at. -THE STAR LOAN CO. Aay Mlarled employe, Tsr-ernr, MB get aa aw note, wild oar mortgage Month. U Month. Weak EOO Repay to M 818.88 er 80 .86 or 88.88 00 Repay to a 3.8 M r p.SS or II. M 00 Repay to ee I 4.00 er 83.00 or tl.ud - .. . xio Mcaay nwg. CONPIDBNTIAL toana oa aalarlss. laavarai poHciM, pi a aoa, turn 1 tare, warshonse re Mrpta, st. I ny dcasrvlnr peraon may as ears a liberal advance, repaying by aaay weekly - or moarniy insraiimaDT. NSW EH. A IXAN TRURT COMPANT, ' JOB AblBgUB bldg. MONEY ADYANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And others npoa their own uaa wlthoat oecnrltyi cheapest rate, eeslast aayaMatM . office ia 88 principal dtlea; mt yaw sit anony or gexting ear terma arate T0LMAN, 328 Ablagtoa bldg., 108 Third at. MONET to toaa oa real, personal and, collateral nntvl a Dedal nttentlon to caa net man. agM; BotM bought. 0. XT. . Pallet, 8044 sen ton aiag., a hixtb n. BIOHLT rmpawtabto plana where lacHs aaa gent caa Borrow BMoey oa diamonda and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 390 WaaaV ' ingtoa ex. PBoao Blaca Ti. MONET ta loaa aa Clack a ma a eoamt toad. m. w. ao r. a. auiey, aoa caamner eg uoaa- LOWRST ratw a faraitare nd piano. Ev. st ar Aioaa oa., a ansriocB aiag. raein iu MONET TO LOAN a t1 kiad of aecortty. WlUUm Boll, room B. Waaklnftoa bldg. SEVERAL thooaand dollar to toaa at S par Mat. city property private. 1 a. eearaai. TO LOAN Bam to salt M ehittel Meerttyi. it. A. raBM, B14 the atarooam. MAGNETIC HEALINO. ONE troo treatmMt to any eaa anawsrlng thai ao. Im u... Hart ana i. v.. uiamon. aaa Revoath t. Phone Mala 4173. MUSICAL. EMIL THIBLB0BN, pvpfl of 8BTCTK, TtoHa atoam iwe auxta. aaa. aaaia ewes. PIANOS rapollsbed. oaal to rctlcal plaito-reparrinr aad flwtoiixag. D. JOHNSON. 378 Td at. Pacific M MACHINERY. TBS B. a ALBEB Ou. BanaaSkaal I Mwmllae, eta. a BIPPBLT B' MYERS, Beach hi lata and atom rHciarat eleetrta elevatora. alert rli icai cry and gasollM ngine a epectalty. 834 uaa at. raoa uaia taw. BOAT earlae, gasoline. Sheffisi martaat aay . apdi nest mads; right price! la atock : M xniDitum; ranaing in iroom. vau nrvt ad Stark ata. Fairbanks, Mare 6 OW I MONUMENTS. VtV KINOSLETc BM Flrxt SL, ; fartlaars aeaomr marnia ana grnmos worss. - OSTEOPATHS. DBS, ADIX NOBTHBCP. 418-18-1T Dekem biac Third ana vyaaunrtoa asa raaae Mala 348. aUamiutteee free. THB rory best tody Mtoopath ta towa. Dr. L. O. Johaaoa. eulte IS. Belllaa-Barsch hid. DR. PIERCE, osteopath, vlhratloa and th now ugau H nwa atv raoae raeitia aor. 4 DBS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 408-4 .MactoaF aiag. raoa radns ibbh, at, tae ami. PLUMBER3. v DONNBRBERO RADEMACHER. MBltary piaaaBar. mm roarta . awta pa mm. FOX OO., Mnltnry ptombsaavSSl teread. bat Mala aad Below. Oregoe Phea Mala Soul FINN10AN BROS. CO. tea) Third at. Paoaa Mala gnoo. piamber sna Dealing aagii PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING tola faclal.pboogrpbl We we of ex peart lorn, aoaemlr postoerda. vlsw booxa, tc, greatly rednced prUea. BaoosIUM Store, sot Morriaoa at. ' PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. . B. BEACH as CO. Th Paint Oa.1 wtnOew-xlaa aad Phone 1184. ' 18S Ftrat at ERNEST MILLER at CO., Saooad aad Taylor wan paper, aaun, oil at aaaraet prvorai me dellesry. ' PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER." BPTT.ER 88 Concord bldg.; Mala 1818. . PATENT LAWYERS. 0BO. W. McOOY, domestic aad forebra paten tsj rraaemarke: notary pahiM. nivt Momeo. PRINTIN0. THB MODERN PRINTERY Arttatto prtstlag. aa ff easel Diog, rearta aaa Mornaoa. raoae Paclfl 1838. ' , ANDERSON DUNIWAT OOMPANT, rtatlm. iiTnoarapaiag, atoas booa. raoae ataia u. od Alder at WELCH DAT IS 0AB8ON Prtnfma that pay tri f Mg.. Btxfh yer. Ronma SOS ad BO Bteerna no merraam. rneas mem iei. RUBBER STAMPS. P.O. STAMP WORKS. 308 Alder at.pbea Mel net rnnner ma re pa. mi. otenciia, ear sage, trade ghaki eoad tog Mtalegao Re. ad. , FINANCIAL BANKS. f pRTXO ITATXB VATI03TAL BARK OP FORTLABD, 0BZ40B. Li tierthweet Cor. Tntrd and Oak Bus. . 1 Traaaaote a fsswral Banking BntaM, DRAFTS ISSUED Aealtoblo to AB CrrV mt the Catted lam aad aVarope, UmIoii and Manila, OoUeettoaa Made a Favorable ter-e. Prealdeel ..J. C. JtI8wORTM VIos-PremaMt... W. B. At- t VIce-PreeMest R. LKA BARNH CMhler.,., ...B. W. BCBT 5 8 Asstetspt Qae bier.. A. M. WR1UHT Aeslsiaat Cashier ...W. A. hLt BARK OF f ITrmtRTt Fatokllshad Capital paid p 84. Ouo,(o 001 8orpM aad aodlvlded nroflta. 88.T10 ls t A Oeasral Banking aad Exchange Ruat mm Trans rtsd. SAT1MUB DEPARTMa.tT. ot tor Uaw depomia. - Aoaet opened tor mom of ti aad apwara. Porttoad Beaaok " WaT. A. MACRAE .' Maaaar. BATI0WAL BARK OF P0RTLARD, DMlgaatod Depository aad AMtotaat CaahlM V.. 0. ALV0RD ircaad AaatoUet Ceahtor B. F. BTS . . Latter f Credit u Cmoe mmA ,k a... a,.u aiiiue) ?.V ehan aadjrslegrapbi Tr safer Mid mm New York, Beetoa. Chicago, It Louto. . L Paal, Omak. Saa Franclaoo aad the principal relets I tho Northwest . Sight aad time bllto draw to nas to salt oa Los aoa. Parts. BerHa. Freak fort-s eho-ktata. 7 HonoTiila xMoom, uopsauiagsav ituiauaoia. L ADD TUTOR, BArXZRR Estakl1akd TranaaaM a fliaaral laaklu ukid able terssa. T.tiw. r sMit, tot. Sight Ex Chans end Telearnphl TreMfer aald oa New York, wsablnrron. ( St Louis. Denver, Cm, is, Saa raacUM aad Montane and British Colombia. Bschaai en ixiooon, rana, Berlin, Frankfort, pongkoni MIRCBABTr BATI0RAL BARK, PORTLAND, 0REOOV. J. FRANK WATSON. .i.....Prelde.t R. L DURHAM. m-PrMMswt B. W. B0YT Ceahler, OEOR0B W. H0YT. . ., .Mltat Cashier . .TranaaeU a . Oonoral Baaalag Bnalaeea. Drafta aad Letter ad Credit tossed Available to All Part of the World. . CollectloM a Spaeialty. TRUST COMPANIES. DORMANT, TRtrtT O0rp.T OF 0RI00W BVJiArtaree Mrmm uamm n . . H - z.... imw ,i,imi,vw, vtsm BA VINOS ACCOUNTS. Tlm eortiacatee, tVOBot over, 814 to 4 per Call tor booh ,, . aad Oak at. Phono Sl-LW?'- .....PreaMent B. LEE PAOET Secretory SBCTTRITT SAYTV0S TBTTST COMPART SM Bterrtooa Shreet, Fertlaad, Orsaroa. Transact a Oenaral "-nklng BnalaM. SAVINQ8 DEPARTMENT. Istereel Allowed ., ea Time aad Savings - jita. Acta ae Traaue for Batatee. ptattt r 4 Letter mt Credit V , i.TUabl la All Prm Of th World. .. ' Y"J' .AD4Ma .PrMldeot L. A. LEWIS... ........ .Flrat Tim Plesldeot aw- a... MILLS.... .......Recoed Tire Fresldeat QEO. r, Kl'pSELL,... TKX M01TOA0B BTfAXARTZX ft TRUST COMPAjrT BARK. '- . 8 tacks, Boade aad Ma-tgagM Boagbt aad Bold. Interest Paid or Tlaw DPtt, OAFITAL .SlOOrOOaOO . . O. W. WATERBURY...... ....President a W. MILLER ..........Tto-Praaiaal a. iaiuan mis BONDS AND M CBJtni BROBhUS Ftrat BtrMt, - Portland. frega. Offer Oilt-Bdga Irvetmnt ta Manicipal and Railroad Boada. : Write ar Can. ' ' I iTLE SUARARTXE ft TRUST COMPART , M0BTOA0B LOANS aa Portland Heal : '." " tract D OWBTJTB, KOfKIBS ft CO-Wkoat aad ' ; " . Room 4. Oronnd Floor. Cbatnbe. of Com msree. " OYCrtecky Starr & Cocke Co. n&irz: BRAIN. PR0YTBT0RS. OOTTORT, ST0CXB AV9 BOVDB ,-. .. WI 90 A STRICTLY OOaTlCMIOB BtTSXREaS. OoatlnooM Marhsta by Private Wire. Qaiek Berrlce. REFERENCES Ldd ft Tlltoa. Bank erBy and United StatM National Bank f Engld- - LOUIS J. TODE 7 jBONDS MUNICIPAL' SCHOOL AND ', O0BP0 RATION -!'- - HigtM, Raturn to Invsotor PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN BOMB R00FIN0. TIN ROOFING, tattorlag, reps tri nr Bad glass sj obMnt. J. LmU. 318 Jeffereoa at STREET PAVING. WARREN 0ntract1oa Oa., street paving, aid. waiaa aaa croming. tie vasgoaaua aiag THB Barber Apblt Pavlag Oa, ot porttoad. arae ana wsreeetor era. SCALP TREATMENT. ' 0 BAT, talllBt hair, daadraff tree ted l abaarpoo. ' int. manicnriag, cowopoay, lace worn. mrn. B. r, Era, looVi roerrn oar. Room S3. Phone Parldc 34B, sign pa:nters. BOLD SIONS, wtadetr tettsrlnr. torh hwaa. . coaomlcaI electric elan and a tana ef all kind mad ajalrkly. foetsr ft Klstoar. FlfU tea BTrarotx. raoae am ana ore ao. . W. P. BBRGEB ft SONS, 384 Tamhill at rhone raein azsa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BOWOABES ot overy deecrlptloa; baak. kar ao etar arrare ai to oroer. -xm laxiao Maaafaetariag Co., Porttoad. SAFES. DISBOLD SAFES ALWAYS B ELI A RLE, aot la TRUnT. Nortoa aad Dlcxey ca. atetai Ofaeo FUtorea. Rap Ira. phone htala 1808. Joha B, Davie, Agoat, 49 Third C PORTLAND SAFE CO.. anto tmti tor BBB R1NO-R ALL-MARTIN RafM and MANGA- kT a m BB axl. a-w la txh. k aau (hi ff K sa KBIflB ntayaniS EwathW vaaa, aWRSBdH Dtaaerw aR ma ayx . SECOND-HAND GOODS. SOODE'S Faraltar Boaao Highest prtoM paid . for Meoad-baad faraitare, 818 lieaad at '- Phoae Faotfle 48. TRAN3FER AND HAULING. SAFES, atanM aad faraltar moved, packs nedy tar eMpelat and ahippao; an work goeraateedt large, 8-atory brick, fire-proaf WarrheeM tor atorege. Office MS First st & M. Otoem Phoao Mala 847. THB BAG0A0B ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. ear. Bixtk aad oak ata. ; eagsag hckd from hotel ar rseldsaM direst to daotiMttoal aooangor thsretor avoid reah aad a a aay aaa at depot. Privet Bxoaaag 48. a 0. PICK, effiM 8S Ftrot (.. betwsen Stark aad Oak ata., paoae SSB; ptoao ad farnltar moved aad peeked for (kipping! MmmedloM brick warcboeM with aoparato area rsssaa. Froat aad Clay eta, OR BOON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Phoa Msla oa. HMvy kaallng aad atoragav POST SPECIAL DELITBRT H. SO0H lag-to st. raoae Mala aaa. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOW RIB DAILY- Comb, braea. ees. 1 per ana in, roruaad liaaadry aaa town lapply Co., Ninth and Coach. Paoae 410, -TYPEWRITERS NEW tiMailtev. all makes, rented, told (ad reaeTred Coast Agency, mi Stark. Tel. I40T. TELEPHONES. TBB only oxclMi totopboao basis. B.-I Bioctn Teiepaoae atanaiacturint mb paay, 83 Fifth at - - - Bop ta alraaoi Uke WxUrrpljia;. WllkdabRtTB Corraspondoncw In tho Nw . Tork World. . A taachar In tha Bayra school has r- portd that on bop, who was threatened with a thraahttiR, prepared for It by donnlnf two npalrs of trouaarav throa pair a ot Blockings and t pair ef rubber boots. -' - , , Tho teaxher, after th thraahlnt. which did not (Mm to affect th bop vt til, hoard him loaatlrjB about th pre caution ha had taken. Throe days ltr, -. when ho did not oxpeot It. ah rat hint another tbraafilnr. teutnt hlw that tha original on did not "count. Ss th Mooa Xakahltodt Bclanc has oroven that tha moon had an atmoapbor, whtch tnakeo life In aom form poaalbl on that satellite; but not. for human being, who have a hard onoagh tlm on thla earth of ours; especially thoeo who don't know- that Klootrlo Bitters euro Headache, Bilfoua rtea, Malaria, Chllla and Fvor. Jaun dice, Dyapepala, Dlaalneaa, Torpid Llvor, Kidney eomolalnta. Oenaral Ctobllitv and Female woajtnoaaaa, Uneqiiaied aa r Renorai Tonlo and Appatlsor fnr wvwk persona and eapoolnlly for tho i. It Induces Bound sloop. Fully y toed bp 8. o. Bkldmor Co, ri Fric onl iOo. 1M4. KaaJ imim. atom - flallfarwia. J. T. BU UTcS AELL; ,,,,,, Aarlstant Ma sage OBEOOV. ' . ' Ftaaarlal A geit at the Carted B' --. . vasnisr. w . aivai-t f tack holm, Et Petersburg, Ma raw, larloa la 186,)- UoltorttoM at all bsa a .it a unit fa Warn. Bxchaag aold Yokohama, Manila and Hoaolal. "The Oldest Treat 0 ay ta tvr." ( . . i ... .1 - ' oaaaiaa. avacaange ea au pa, ie mt iste wwwm. , to 4 per cent; inert-toll special eert Iocs tea, of "ILLCSTRATIONS " SonUeaH earnsr Third . Private Eirhang TR, H. u PITTOCK.., .......TtM PtMiMwt J. O, O0LTR A . , Aaslttaat Secretsry -B, O. JURITB ......we. .aetratary Assists! Secretary ..Assistant Bacretary Phon Mala 184. INVESTMENTS. 34 Waablngtoa Street, Onraer liml, ;7 Eatat at LoWMt Batoe. TltlM I Mured. Ato Furnished. : ' ' Stock Brekar, (BaUbltahed 1883.)' Room 8, 4 and 8 La Fayotto bldg-. oar. Sixth . i aad Wash. St., Portland, Oregoa. DIYIDBND BANK AMD ' CORPORATION STOCKS' - Coawktoa t WlthL Abaoloto Safety. TELEPH0NB ft TELEGRAPH SECURTTIRS Hotel Eaton COR. VOBBISOV AJTD WTBT PARK STtL ?::NEW!;.;;;; ' Handsomsly fnrnlshsd, etogantly eqaippod. fireproof, Sv mlnntea' walk from heart af bopping and hualoasa district, aU largo, airy, eutalde rooans, atoam ' heated, electric light, telephone la each eprtmat eta. Largs ofacM. Imaging, smoking, writing. todlM reception partora, - Booma reserved br mall er teleohono. Private omnlhua bmu trata aad Rooma 91. OO to $S.OO a Day . Bpieiil Bate to OimmariHal ltoa, "'J- MRS. BUS ZAT0S, -: 7 - (Pormarly of Hot) Rldpath, Spokane.) . JRIVATE Board and Room f 20 AND UP 330 Taylor St., Between Sixth and Seventh ' FOOTBALLSTAR IVlIiS 1VID017 BRIEF COURTSHIP Seven Days' Courtship Ends in Wedding of Mrs. Eleanor S. ,' Beats and J.-Q. Flynn. - Spoelal Da patch to The Jooxaal) Butte, AConti April 13. After ft court ship laaunj xaot:y evcn daps, Mr. fciaanor S- Boale, wealthy New Tork widow snd society woman, was yastar- dap. woddod to Joha O. Flynn, former tutr of th Minnesota footoail team. Tha coupla wtr married at Helena at Rich noon, and left shortly afterward tor as extended honeymoon trip. - Flynn met Mr. Beai on week ag-ok while the latter was naitlnK. friends in this city. A strons; affection sprans; np suddenly between th two, which de veloped into a full-fledfed oourtahlp within two days. Anto rides, drlyoa, Ral lops and theatr partiea followed on an other In quick succeaalon until Tueaday evonlnf, when Mrs. Itoal left, otan ibly for Seattle. Th followlnc day Flynn want to Helena, claiming; a bual neas mission. TelesTams were received her today announcing th marrtag. -Mrs. Flynn ts a charming; younc widow, reputed to be quit wealthy and poo seaaed of a charmlnc personality, she Is an accepted member of New York's smart set, and la welt known In the metropolis. Flynn was captain of the Minnesota football team ef UQ3. which eleven won the western championship. He was recently selected to play upon th all-waetern aggrecatlon, which 1 to play an all-star eastern team next fall for tb championship of the world. He I at prroont expert engineer Aad Reolo gust for the Butte dt Boston Mining com pany in this city. FALLS IN FRONT OF -TRAIN AND IS KILLED (Special Dispatch to Tb smarael.) ' Taconia, Waah.. April 12. Or. Thomas MoCrar-ken, on of the oldest and boat- known physicians of Pterc rounty, waa run oyer and Inatantly killed by a North ern Pacific pagjianawr train at PuyaUup, 11 miles from nor, yeatertiay. ' Coroner Stewart toner that a Rlddl ns or fain tint apoli ovartoofe hlro, s he was aeon, to udAenly stop In t a Rtiddl of th track with th train t- e. Ing down n him. I a thre-e v 1 t hand a thourch h -were f . i I an Inotant later waa struck ty l ' -i. tH entire tr,-t r 1 a W ' v i i t X n i THE LENNOX con 011E Mx: Mrs. ;Hayward Vns C J Against Saloon Looatsd Tea Near Brooklyn School.' SOUTH PORTLAND PUCE f ; MAY STILL KEEP 0:: August Eacile's Resort, Within Four Hundred Feet of Holnun Schoo!, i Is Object o( Vigorous Prote:: ' Front PBrent..- .: . '. .. Champions of rood ' morals and de cency won th fight la th city council last tiltht for th revocation of the liquor license of Jacob Bailer, who eon- ducts ' saloon at 4 Milwaukle street within 400 feet of the Brooklyn publio sobool rn TloUtlon of th city charter. Th liquor ..interests canto primed to poalpon action on th matter, but they failed to reckon th strength of th antl-aaloon element. ' , ' Mrs. Bert Hay ward. ; on behalf ot the children of that community, pleaded with the councilman to rid Brooklyn of th saloon, , 8 he presented a petlUon signed by more than 180 friends and patrons of th Brooklyn school aaklng that th license be revoked, and aald that among- th petitioner waa tho principal of th school, who had com plained that pupils wer attracted into the place to hear a phonograph during receoa time - and after , school hours. Sh also said that th children ' wer attracted to the saloon, by the drunken brawls whtch happened - frequently at the place. It was also -alleged that drunken men frequently acted improp erly la front of th aaloon.- Councilman Gray suggested that th matter bo referred to th liquor Ucenae committee for further consideration. When the wot waa taken Gray and Dunning were the only eouncilmen who favored referring It. The ayes and nays .were called for and Gray then changed his -vote. ' , Reeldents of South Portland were not ss eucceeaful In their attempts te rid ineir neignoornood of the a loon of August Sachle, 1070 Corbett street, which ie within 400 feet of th block en which th Holman school la located. Dan . Malarkey appeared In Bgchle'a behalf and argued that if it reT!ed the license the counoll would work a great hardahlp on Mrs. Charles Ulrlob, whoa husband t ormerl owned th resort. He said that Kschle bad never been given an opportunity of being heard. The saloonkeeper was . present at the committee meeting when the matter waa formerly under dlaouaalon. Atari C. Bronaugh contended that the charter provided that no ealoon could exiat within 400 feet of the block on which a school building was located, and that th council had no aitornatlr but to revoke the license. He said that delay would not avail the saloon man anything. When th vote waa taken. th majority favored referring the mat ter back to the committee. , ' The South Portland people will not five -up the fight, and If th council does not take action aeon, suit map bo brought against th eounollmen and the saloonkeeper- in the circuit court , ' iiuo:i dollar mz FOR ROCKEFELLER III Oil Magnate -Starts Work on Structure to Stand on High ; ' est Point at Pocantlco. (Joarnal Special Servics.) New York. April 11. It was learned at PocanUco HlUs that the object of John D. Rockefeller's flying visit mad in a pouring rain last Monday waa to glv instructions regarding th work now tinder way on plans for th erec tion of a $1,009,000 mansion which it I aald he will build on th highest point en his aetata, This mansion, it 1 re ported. Rockefeller deaigna aa a gift to hie grandson upon the letter's maturity. Surveyors have been buay on the estate for several days.-: ThWork ef excavating for the foundation will begin next week. The house will be built of granite and will be occupied bp Mr. aad Mr a John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Joha D. IIL . ; : - . ' Clriol frca Csr C!iC:r-UXH Sarvee) O rocs' rwrt . -v- !IWTwBtB gWlaltBrBUaxB VAWJE HOffiIGiSCl Mahlpniptoia aMM case, tot aarluitoar)wcanrart, TryttowM( key. rlavsyoar oMxwtMtm Nyos aosnMU as right lad th porastand bt amity yea emr xaRM, phto H lack to M st ear waenM aad pet gsanay aiS be promptly rohsaxad. TtotoIUrmftnrSye gr BittdSi, ssawan tor, w ggy the toareas ef, Swgnt charg.. Yo sav aveosy by ntore to evsrto by kotghl yox ant ss to stars, yoaraatt. getsRIttrntoktoys. : . HAYKSR WHISKEY, goes direct to yon from ear dtotOlory, one ef the largoet sod bast equipped Is the world, that am urine yew ef tmrlec t parny aad aetrmg yoa the dealer' big prodt. 1 It Is prsacrlbod by doctor aad ad fea boepitals an by halt B saffilo satliflcd x- -sell Is gse eio