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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
TllZ CT.ZCOU DAILY JOURNAL, POHTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL . 12. ltS3. IIICttES CLK1G JOHN L. BREWER AL IIERFORD IS A VERY SAD 11 TO DULL CLUDS LOSE A GAIV1E Champion Win Bna of th WerlA . Th Maa Wh f os Taws - Maintained Vis Title Against AH Comers. srxBTOtrs stbaiv ' too okhat Nearly Every Toam in the- Casey Gets Busy With Stick and Faiiur or cant; to : secure a o J u Country Is Known b y an Adopted Appellation, Scamper - Around the Circuit.'- ;' Thraataaad Breakdown of Kit Kealth . . Mapplly BeUawad and SVaady Shoot Acata. , ' - " Match Makes Alleged Ex-":" Manager Gloomy. PORTLAUD IM1S THREE NINES HAVE ' TAKEN NAME OF GIANTS Portland, Dallaa end Naw" York N$ , tlonala Have Same Name and Sa il vannah and Seattle Art Known In ' Thtlr Clrcuita aa th Indiana. rer tna benefit of tha bassball ten Th Journal today publishes the nick . Mum of th principal baseball club In jib country. Three cities .have - adopt! tba nam "Qlanta." Here la tba list: . - r i: ..., . ; . Atlanta. Rout barn league, Tlremen , A. J. Q., .New Tork But.' "Jag" Albany, Now Tork Btata, "Senators"; Au gusts. South Atlantic, : Tourists Austin, Bouth Texas league, "Senators" Birmingham, Southern, "Barons"; Buf falo, Eastera league, rBleons": Baltl mora, Eastern league, Orlols"j Blog hempton. New York tat "Blngoee"; Bloomlngton, Thraa-t league, "Bloom era"! Baton Hour. Cotton Btata. "Ca- anuT Boaton, National league, "Bean. eaters"! Brooklyn, National loaf us. "8u . perbaa"; Boston, American . league, 'Puritans"! Columbus, American asso ciation, ' "eeaatora"; Canton. Cantral league, "Rod Bocka"! Columbia, Bouth . Atlantic, "gamecocks'; Charleston. Bouth Atlantic ."Baa Gulla"4- Csdar-Ban-, 14a. Three-1, "Rabblte"; Chicago, Na- tional league. "Cuba": Cincinnati. Na tional leaf ua. "Rede'; Cleveland, Amer ican league, "Napa": Chicago, American league, "Whit Box"; Pea Moines, Weat arn laarua, "Champion"; Denver, West am laaaua. "arlsallea"; Dayton. Central leagua, "Veterans" i UeJlae. Texas league, "Umnts": Dubuque, Thraa-I league. ' !lube"s Decatur, Threa-I league, "Cora modorea" Detroit. American league, -Tigers"; Evansvllle, Cantral - lea rue, "lliver Rata"; Fort Worth. Taxaa league, "Panthers"; Grand Baplda, Cen tral league, "Wolverines": Oalveatoa, Bouth Taxaa, "Band Craba"; Greenville, Texas league. -Hunter") Indiana. poll. . - American association, "Indiana"; Jersey City, Eastern league. "Skeetera"; Jop Un, Western association. "Minors"; Jack sonville. Bouth Atlantic. "Jaya"; Jack on, Cotton Btatea, "Colt"; Kansas City. . American - association, "Bluee"; . LJttle Rock, Southern. "Travelere ' Louisville. A mar loan aaaoolatlon, "Colonela"; Lear. Mtworth, Western - association, -"Woodpecker"; Memphis, Boutharn league. "Egyptians"! Los Angelee. Pacific Coaat le-gue, "fcterapba"; Montgomery. Bouth arn . laaaua. "Climber"; Minneapolis, American association. "Miliars"; Mll- ' waukee. American association. "Brew- - era"; Montreal, Eastern league, "Can uck ; Macon, Bouth Atlantic, "Brig- , ands"; Mobile. Cotton State league, "Sea Qulla"; Meridian, Cotton Bute league, "Whit Ribbon era") New Or leans. Southern league. "Pelicans"; NaahvlUa. Southera leacua, " Flnnltea"; Newark, Kastera league "Beilere'j New Tork. National lea rue. "Olanta"; New Tork. American league, "Highlanders'; . Omaha. Western leacua. -"Rourke Fam ily ; okiaboma city, western associa tion. "Meta": Oakland. Paoiflo Coaat .leagua. "Commutara"; PrOTldenea. East ern league, "Clam Digger"; Portland, raolfla Coaat league, "Olant"; Peorta. Threa-I league, . "Distiller": Philadel phia, National league, "Quakers"; pttts hurc. National league. "Ptrataa"; Phll mdelphia. American leagua, "Athletics"; Koc heater, Kaatera leagua, "Broochoe"; Rock lalaad. Three-1 league. "Island- ' era"; SbraTeport. Boutharn leag-ae. "pt rates"; 8L PavuV American association, "Baiats"; Sioux City. Wester league, "Packers"; St. Joseph. Western associa tion. "Joaleo": Bprlngfleld, Western as sociation,: "Midgets"; Spriagneld, Caa tral leagua, "Babes"; Bouth Bond, Caa- - tral league, "tlreens"; Byraousa, New York Stat league. "Stars" Savannah, South AUaatio leagua, "Indiana"; Baa Francisco, Paclflo cuast. ""Seals"; Seattle, Paclllo Coast leagua, "Indians"; Bprlng fleld, Threa-I league, "rsottrackars"; Ban Antonio, South Texas league, "Broa- oboa"; 81. Uoula, National leagua. "Car dinals"; St. Iouls, Amertcaa leagua. "Browne , Toledo. Aaaerican league, "Koyala"; Topeka, Western as sociation. ."White Boa"i Terra Uaute. --Centra-- league- "Uotteatsts";! Troy, Naw Tork Btata . league, "Trojans"; Wichita. Western association. "Jobbers"; Webb City. W cetera association. "Qold Bugs"; Wheel Inc. Central league, "stogies"; Wilkesbarre, New. Tork Stat leagua. -"Coat Barons"; WashlngtiHV National laaguah, "Nationals.-; TOREN AND FITZGERALD , PITCH BRILLIANT . BALL Moore's Error " Oar Tif ere Their ; First Chanca and McLaughlin's Timely Drira Sendi in tha Win nlnf Run Story of tha Contest, Joarnal Bnectat 8rtM.t Praano, April U. Th Portland Olantt lost thalr first gam to Fresno raster' day by tha score of 1 to i Fltsgerald and Toran wars tha opposing twlrlars, and each pitched flcst-olasa ball. - Port land scored bar only run in tha second Inning on a bass on balls to Lister and McLean triple. Fresno got , buay In the third and tied tba acore an Maora'a error, which gave Caaey - Ufa and JEagan-s bit. In th fifth Casey hit eooreher past aaoond. stols a has and scored on McLaughlln'e hit. . Th vic tory eheered up the Tigers and Fisher declared that tha rest of tha games would co to ma men, The score ... - I - PORTLAND. AR. R. H. PO. A-! Mcriaia. er. . , a t p a McCredle, rf. 4 11 s Sweeney, as. ........ 4 1 t a Mitchell, it. i - a i a a i.iater, to. , g 11 HCMII, O. a It Moore, lb. ,. f all 1 ToUU 1 T 14 1 .......II FRESNO. ; ' - AB. n. IT. PO. A. V. uoyi; er. ,...... tool Caaey, lb. ........... 4 1 1.4 I McLaughlin. If. ...... 4' 0 114 hAgan, as. .u. 4 4 1 II Arellanaa, lb. ....... 4 t 0 1 Del mas. rf. 4 0 Cart wrlght, lb. ...... I 1 1 Mngan, e IS I T I Fltsgerald, p. i. S a a ' t TotsJa T r.. . . .11 I T IT 11 SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland.. . ....... 1 I I I M I 1 - Hits ......... .1 ltllill 17 Freeno . . ......... 4 1 1 0 1 uita ... ........i i i a j i 7 - 8UMMAHT. Sacrlflc hlta Mitchell. Fltsrerald. Two-base hit Casey. Three-base hit McLean. Stolen base McHale, Swee ney. Casey I. McLaughlin, Kagan, Aral lanea Bases on balls Off Toren. 1: off Fltsgerald. 1. 'Struck out By To ren. I; by Fltsgerald. T. Left on baaea Portland, I; Fresno. ?. Double play Casey to Cartwrlght. Passed ball Mc Lean. - First base on error- Fresno. Tim of gam One hour and It min utes... umpire -atdjonaia. , PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Asa Preaeiees....... Pettlaaa J 01 lee Anr we. Oaklasd lesitla "Urn : nil' 4z m I w oi a oi si g i.ouo a a a a .tso a a w a i .tso e i ai a i jvw a l a a I l i o UM0 "a'sl'i'rlria ; eala Wlm Acta, Ueareal BMdal Servteat f Saa Fraaolsco, April 11. The Baals won a pitchers' struggle yasterday aft. irnoon from th Btwashes-ta the ee-r- snth and eighth Innings. Score: Seattia ; . aaaaaataai i s,n rMM-lK...illlll I 4 a Batteries Hall and Blankenshlp; Hltt and Street. ' Umplr ferrm. Uoeraal avectol aerrke.l ' Lea Angeles, AprU 11 Bargeman was th goads la yastaroays gam wtta Oakland, being t owe bed up for only four aits during th engagement Scorer . . , . . . jj, Lo Angelas. ...a 4 4 St a 1 1 t 14 I Oakland" a a 1 4 4 1 Katterte - Bergenias and Eager; asaouia- Reidy and Hackett. Umpire RnelL - aToagaerty , ruawyv (Jnnreel Special Ssrtce. ' Peoria. UX. AprU 11. Jack Dough erty ( Milwaukee and Barney Furey of Cincinnati are to furnish th wind-up of tha boxing show in this city tonight Th two are scheduled, to go 10 rounds at th welterweight limls. Both appear t be to good aondlttoa and a lively rou tes t Is expected. MOTH E R - . .1 -AND CHILD. Let the mother take Scott's Emulsion for the two; it pever fails to '- benefit - them bothv" One can eat for two but nouj ishing two is a different thing. It calls for a de gree of" internal strength that the average woman lacks ; People of luxury ; are not very strong . by habit ; overworked people are weak in some func tions from exhaustion or their surroundings. Scott's Emulsion can be depend ed upon to overcome such conditions. "' It is a. won derfutfood for a mother and child. , " HIGH SCHOOL NINE - - BEATS ALLEN'S PREPS Th high school am put a crimp to the colors of Allen-a Preparatory team yesterday afternoon en th Multnomah ftskl 4 th tun of 14 t a. Tha rial tor showed euvartor team work. The lineup; High School. , Position. Allan. Rad as Th..-kT (c) Thayer. Word. .p.- Baft. Barber Oan ong .w lb Barber Oak. as . 2 Bunt Tause ............. -Ib... Morrow Nawall la) Thompson For tha : naat two or three Veara knights of the. shotgun havo heard but it little from John L. Brewer, whose name and fame aa a shot were the synonym of defeat to any would-be champion who dared meet him In teats behind tba cun. . i The unquestioned ability of .this man, meeting, aa ha did, year after year, tha famous shots of the old world aa well as tha new, wresting their titles from them and smashing their records, Justly made him to be looked upon aa a wonder; but with what raaultl No . man can stand before the world for long periods In a posluon of prominence, requiring ' the moat Intense physical aa well aa ner vous strain, to - sustain - titles - which every aspirant to honors 1 atrlrlng to snatch from him, without sooner' or later breaking down.- Mind or body must give way.- In this case it was th body. The nerves and muscles of John L. Brewer's stomach broke down under the tension, and tha champion became a sufferer from the agonies of dyspepsia, aevere and lasting.. At thla erlala came a friend. Benefiting himself, smother crack ahot. Dr. O'Connor, persuaded Mr. Brewer to take a dose of Chaae's Dys pepsia. Cure. Tha result waa immediate, but .i is. best told by Mr. Brewer him aelf, who wrltea: New Tork City, August 15, 1104. Chase Mfg. Co., Newburgb, N. Y. Dear Hire For years I have suffered from indigestion, and, aa tha trouble got older, my atomach became weaker, and 1 was more frequently distressed, while suffering, from a saver attack a friend induced me to take a doae of Chaaa'a Dyspepala cure, and tha result waa moat gratifying, relief being almost Instan laneoua There la nothing, in my opin ion. - that cures ao ' promptly nd so I thorourhlv. Since taking tha prepara tion my atomach la muou stronger and It la iint necessary for ma to be ao eareful ae -t- Jle. Forme, -thr-is nothing like Chaaa'a Dyspepsia cure, a nil I alaiilv recommend it to all fellow aufferera. X take great pleaaur in tes tifying to tba merlta ox your meaicine and you may mass aucn ua or mis in ter as you sea nt. manning you lor tha comfort I have obtained, I remain, ry truly youra, J. I BREWER. Chase a Dyspepsia Cure (a liquid remedy), by regulating digestion, re stores appetite, ambition and general health quickly, pleasantly and perma n.nti. ' nhatinata cases overcome. Why do you suiter wiiu ayspepsia w stomach troubls when you can be euraar Wa offer you a remedy that ban never failed. 11 nas curea laeusanue u wui cur you. . ' , GUARANTEE: It any surterer, aner s-lvlns tha remedy a lair iriai, is noi hanafltad. money will b refunded. Xar ge ftS-eni ooiues ai aruiiii sent, prepaid, on receipt or price. CHASM tdtJ. ta, or For sale la Portland Clarke Co. HERFORD IS STILL THE ; COLORED MAN'S BOSS Durlnf; tha Big Row, Whan. Oana '; Was Accused of Fakinf, Crafty Al Said That Ha Had Quit Colorad Boxer.' . ' lint Brooklyn. N. by vvoooaro. NATIONAL LEAGUE RACE BE6IHS TODAY Season of Nineteen Hundred and Six Will Open Under r -r Brightest Auspices. IJnaraal eeeelal serHea) Ntw Tork, AprU 11 When the um pire call "play ball" thla afternoon th National leag-ue aaason of 10J, will be on in botb th east and wart Bos ton plays la Brooklyn today. Now Tork Is. Philadelphia, Pittsburg In St, Loots, and Chicago In Cincinnati. Th ached nl this year calls for lit games, th season closing la tn east en October and In the west th following day. Th leagua efflclal are looking for ward to a most successful seasoa. New Tork fans are figurine confidently on again pulling down tha pennant and tha preparing to turn out - tat full fore when the champions' begin their sea eon at bom April ta. Between th National league and th American, which opens Its season next week, there will be but two or tare any witnaut baseball tn this city antlt th aeoond in October. ..-. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT OAKLAND TRACK wr-v Vernon wolf KUta ,...M,.. r-ef Clark Magnees ........rf.. - Pariah MILES COVERED BY : DEVOTEE OF; DANCING (Speeial IHapetcb t Th Hwrsatr . lugeneTOr April IX Trotee C Aw Burden, th gymnastic instructor at tha State university, laat weak, mad aa InvasUgatUnt of how far parson travels at an evening- dance, By -the us ef a pedometer laat Saturday night he ha found that during aa evening's da no of three hours duration tha aver se number at mile that a maa daaoes t t4 miles." This distance els In clude th distance walked aeroas the bail sad to- and from th aatsraoma. HOPPE AND SCHAEFER WIN THEIR MATCHES ' (Joaraal Speeial Barvtee.) New Torn. April U. In th fifth gam of th billiard championship last night Willi Ropp defeated Albert O. Cutler by th acore of 60S to 38S. Jaoob Schaafer sefewtaeV Morning Star In th - fourtb gam br tile score of soa to BSi Tonight Slosson will meet Mornlngatar and Suhaafar will play Cutler. portdnaT Moor and Holbraok defeated. Dunn and Wlckamhara in th Anal gam in tha M. A, A. C. handball tournament last night by th eoorw of ib-ls, l-ll. 11-15. In the single Roberts) beak Morrison, Il-S. 11-21. 11-14. It I rwportsd that Bill Hurley wOl Join tit Taoom ball club. Mlk Donlln of the New Tor Slants and Mlaa Mubel Ultat an aetrasa. were married aa. . Tuesday . evening in tba metropolis. From now on Mine- will settle down and. aUW settl ua. (Jesraal aseefel tn iln - Say -rranciscov r Aprttlt--RTrrtraf races at Oakland: Seven furlongs Rusticate won. Rus tle Lady second. Tstor third; time. l:3J - Five furlongs Mar I N-.won. Sax- onla. second. Tanana third; time. 1:11 rutunty course at m.. ciraiiaut won. Cerro Santa' second, n finking third; time, 1:13 4. Five and a balf furlongs Royal Rogu won. Glnette aacond. Mlstys Pride third; tint, 17. Otoett fin ished first, but was disqualified for foullngv Mil and T yards, th Ratlplaa han dicap Neva I won, Martinmas sext- Cornhlussoia third; time. 1:43 to Mile and a sixtsenth Bekaighted Head Dane second, Hippocrates third; tlm. 1:4a. - SUt- furlongs Hector won. - lasens eoond. Sugar Maid third; time, 1:1 A ' "wm Hay a - (sveriat DsHtrk Th JoaraaLi . . Saism. Or.. April 11 Willamette will play their opening gam ef baseball this aaason. en th WUlamett diamond. Th strong team from Dallas will cross bats with the 'Varsity boys tomorrow after- noonv Both teams have been practicing hard and are hr the bast ef condition, and. a fast gams is expected. olmerican Restaurant Can. Third i . Obne I ovnr bat sun mamut. aoOasV eJt Salmon, Oreaea Sawo. . S4 . 1J XUttla Saab 0ssns.......20 BoeJUoei wttk 7ANurS.,......15) Salad.. .1S Chsssev Potata CwlaC. ........ S4 Owdnsa Bella, Greens awao. . ...... 13) Coca BesC Xaah, Poaohad Rgg. .... 184 BAa Pot and Banna .......157 gpaarhstat and Cneewa, XtaUaat.'..MlS4 20a) wttn aa eras Thar are many sad sight tn this weary vale, but th aaddeat about now happens to be one Al Harford. Jua,t aa tha game Is getting pretty good all ever and even tha three-round affairs are copping tha coin, ther is a combine against his champion. .- . Jos Oana is worse than man without a home. Ilea a fighter without a fight. No on will give him one. Tha only way ha can get notion la to hit a tenderloin cop and than stand by for results. Tha manner In which ail the lightweights, real and alleged champions and other wise, are turning op -the petals of tha noses at tha Baltimore dingo, would make one think he had the measles or at least tha mumps. But that isn't the matter with Oana Ha can fight and alt tba other chamois pushers know It That's tha reason they are handing him the tranafar. Nona of them sighs for any of his game Harford would fain have ut believe that he has nothing more to do with Oana. But that goes for the off shore book with me, says Oym Baglay f tha New Tork Msllr I- know Harford. He's got Oana all right, but Is wise that the public, however willing they might be to forgive Oans for his past crookedness In the ring for the purpose of seeing tha only real lightweight champion per form, won't touch Harford with a pair of disinfectant tonga. The Baltimore bunk loudly declared In Philadelphia after th affair between MoOovern and Nelson that he didn't know whether Oana waa alive or dead, and added, that he dijln't car. Real pretty, but when Joe's Tame and that of th Dan were coupled In a pos sible fight Harford took th floor and said: . . - TU bet $1.00 Oan knocks him of . Oh. no, Harford doaan't know anything about his former partner tn crime. If Oana did manage to gat on a metoh now It would not be without tha pal of possibility that . Harford, knowing bow hard matches are coming for him, would tout him hard to win and than have bis eommlssioasrs stationed over th oouav- try snapping up tha odds on th go. This is a tip for these who are afraid to meet Oans: ' "He's the Al XJoyds champion, and soma of th would-bea, who are - only sucn on th billboards, might tak ehanoe of him lying down to than with out thalr being put wise, no on being In the play but Oans and his manager. Tha onlr reason th "smoke' has been fighting atralght la his later mills 1a owing to the fact that that was th nly way be could get aayuinav PACIFIC TRACK TEAM IS ROUS TO FORI! Forest Grove Students Expect to Do Stunts at Columbia , Track Meet. THE KMGH1 SHOE WMPMY i"; ; .'.; Fomtrif Comer Fifth Mi YtMshlnjton Strttti Have Moved to Washington and Third Sts. I'q LOOK FOR THE BIG "ELECTRIC S16N S0R0S1S WALK-OVER DESCHUTES COMPANY WANTS DEEDS GRANTED (Special Dlspatck te Ts wreal) Salem, Or, AprU II. Th state land board has bean , asked by J. C Tourney, president of the Deschutes Ir rigation A Power company, to grant deeda ta certain tracts of land which have been Irrigated according to law. These lands are - situated la th .aid Pilot Butte company' segregation, new-i - Ooerlal SfaaawA TW JearaaLt - Forest Grove, April 13. The track work ts en In earneat at ths "varsity. Th heat few days ef good wsathsr has brought ut sack ovsninc a squad of 9 er mere. and Captain Fletcher ta fast whipping his man Into shape for th Columbia In door meat; to be held In Columbia' e big gym April Zl. Peterson, wh has bees Pacific's big point maa for several years, and wh has few eruals to th northwest ta 1 230. ka) and half mile. I just recovering from a severe wreaca f ta spinal column. Captain Fletcher I another eld man bo th cinder path, and la acting as coack tola year. Haw tegetbar with Hilts, Brown and Boyd, is out . for-tke long ellsrt4BflnteeJeT" UatJ1 sBVufraasj A esSe49aTL'Cw4 eklraS LawTence are putting th weights. Al though this ts Lawrence's second year on th track, h ta tossing out th big leaden hammer 110 feet for mere rem atlon. Huston ts the btg maa In th hundred this year, and Pridaasx 1 the apeady but ta the hurdle. Boms ef th squad are: Ferrin, White, Robiaa brothers.. Drs-ks. Prldeaux. Fletcher, Petersen, Huston brothers, Weathered, Boyd. Bump. Lawrence, Allen, Mears. The local annual tryeat will be held en th semi April SL This date Is look ad to with muak interest far every class ta th academy, and th college wUl has a squad ua the field doing their utmost ta land the ALU lis sup, .which waa pre sented by Hv B. Millla '01 Th silver trophy la at present tn th hand ef th junior class. IVote Against Benson. Th Booth-Kelly company, having been ousted from tke control ef th Rasa burg land sAcs by th federal au thorities, how seek to central th stats land oflla by nominating and electing F. W. Benson secretary of state Adv. CKLY A TEW DATS EEFC2E EASTER Are Toa Prepared? ?7 nSSIQJ QUALITY SaawE BAT $3.50 $2.50 -Aa "soc hVT wear Sawear". BLESSIWQ TO HUmArJITY" EGZE.1A CURED Aflir Yuri tf Cssfttlull Terta laaa Sm Wars af a Hsa, Wsa Altar 9 g VMa, Bad Ust k fm. vra ktonrcs, lew. r. wim-T bar see year fssaaay see sares, aa Sw T, lm-I am feet la Myattsetls waa ealMd t th Da by s dl. play ta yee dealer's wlneew. eeeT Barla, aad after toeklag eve the eevea there ahews I selde eteawe lewv hv "heelaf Usale lefth la saTiala. My area si was Casaes sa (he angera ease the sella and pawlselarly th arstietot; the skis wsa Id hwh eseVese aed she tteu eeils weeid aoeaee It ha aasega saeer thaehis: seaaeahwea the weald be a eery had edee with the aiaekarve. I erted every la I eeJd beer SC. and wva to air inter, tweef lm tall mass rneaee. Taev CIS sery they soastBty eeekt eed esodie the thts so. kutaf ae see. Ta ether eeters theegM theyaaold ewmeyaragulareear( sresesteea I was wUliag to se esaerlnisatsd apea kf ear far relief. TSte tats ae D'e eaaa ae ar kiese. ly sea sjeSMire ears m sweaere laaa ss ef the eis deeesre eswued te ever ewe years, I aaideer awe weeks I see ssw heaMby ski ea all ef my eee retasa gnseas, es I liisil theai I aiee wiaa e ear waa aay eee et taia teaara are ss gee a we her la 9. M.. and sea sr I we Maas save srmritsg year edy a their eadre eetletaotlae rev lae ass pesra er ateee ay aura la th beads of th Deschutes eompany, Th Deeohuta eompany wlahes als ta enter Into a contract with th state land board or th disposal of !, acres formerly la th Oregon Irriga tion eompany segregation, and also tor Its ewn segregation af ?. acres, Tha board withheld Ua strnatnre from th contract proposed beoauee tha Attorney-general ha been aaked t pre pare naw form ef son tract ta b Sub mitted t th oompaay. Tha state glneer has been lnatruoted Ut lavestl gat the water supply and Sa asmrtaln if all th rqulrmnts af the law kv been met. , I wlah m aU the aaasaae ha thewarldead asps aa so ahl as eiraaa smv sufferer ae yee Jk SV wAJtAwa. WHAT JKORE NEED WH 5ATT 5 mmmt sowtalUMcau-eaaaveaeas) flacted by IX D. D. Preecrlptma tkyht hi this city among" people ejag ptrtmtOy aisAksra probably thai it la aurprtsinf that any to aflar with gcasma, aenrieeis r any kindred dissaaa. Can as ar gtora will fiv yew th sjavfua am tMrtuea ef ghronic sagi You too win bg trurgd. It may take tioiv bat th iXlitainf tha remedy is sppGexf to tba injaraol kin there Is relief from that awful, t-vVfuJitch. Vlt PSIOVE IT yow w haw arraasjsd with th TX IX Ok Cov thaa any sufTera from any skis disss ss- cam get direct th n n IX Co'r laboratory a largw fro sampl bottle of IV D. D prescription togethsr wttk tl pause sow pamphlet on- skin dlsasas and fre ad. vlo os your partloulav ease from the world's greatest slda apeclallsta. CT.da-aT OaV rulx ' SAjrrur womm C I Tea a EsSsa SSra 1 D. rX O. Co. MatOtai D. pamasif IM-Cs Hlch1aa SL. falls On, Qlcafa Plaas eand" m free nrpatt a large sis sampl bottle or Ct tK f.r pamphlet and. asnaultasion blaak. For.... yearw.X haew beast ssTiioeed with s skin dlsaas aalled. ... and have never seed d, O, P. Nam Addras . r-p r-y rr-rrv MEN for mm mm ,, , .,'''''' 'tV.Oirrw, - ' AND WE TRIAT IIXN ONLY Bstabllohed 20 Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE Wl WILL TREAT ANT SINGLE, VUCOU PLICATED AILUENT FOl $1X59 T. :'FOR THS FEE. : AD9bXe.UTlt GUARAHTCC NO PAY UNLESS CURED Corns Today to tba SUCCESSFUL Soadat. fata who irambaf tha if PERFECT Curaa by tve THOUSAND I Yon want a - PERM AKSIJT Coral Wa can ACCOMPLISH IT, . J weteb ahyaleal wreea, ah eeiiHttg esd If fee heve vtetsfsd aw taws af baalrb aad are sisi lie af s esarti aaisrisliilsg yesa nM, ssais ee setare yoe tewwe e sir in as If yen are weak, gbeeiv ee niniaaisL here had aressw. Iihm.i1 1 ewgy. eashle te araemtnte year tMnitB, leek vta, n vMsilty. aseie te ee et ew w mi wui swjw en crane eee mraet all weeaassea aa paeMvciy fe we ye te irngrh nd awilth. W, save eared ttnassnw ef wmt mum. - toi wfd kiniiK PTSirroimt) fjr tiatniu trmtXXfJm( PakPaSTty PKQgstTP TO tTlT104TC oxrl vitkouiawv t. wttw SttTZIlclJ,0lSCT OJ, " T ikia. woox Bin aAtaA ixxjt irju An atony. , - - A LIFE" LrONQ CURB FOl? TXg KID ITT ASP PkOSTAfS. alXClaX SiaiAaXa newly iaWsia d eftraet fees send. Alt , f--bfMl kifiawiauino nwW hi 4 armrsi nree efrwrl s f eara VI COVI A 1 I tiTTas yxxua ay nxciAl ap caaoaio, nu-ktAtn, ooxruoATXA warn ar yes raaaiii ean. an eenwseeeee wwtiy emnsesnal sad ell sees as eiaia sanHgea. ne aeawa, aae arws nfAB pmi errata any. esse a mtm sswad sad weil. ee aha he have W Waat. I fvf Oe same pvnMe. Ts TsgTiOa T s .AJIP ItHW T f woms is Am 9900 as 00a sosd. ova ruiAjrcTL gTAFDUto rg gtry i etra IA txriarrircg nr mmr jr-anai, piaaAgv or put tf" k iJ or auuMui, sviasiui huiuji iui wua auwaruss a cuaa. " BOTTRJ t a. av t C a, av; Cvsntngs. t ta Cuadayav laavlell aooav- WSVXXL KZS sieU3ai tothws es xarsae ef seUeat aesikang as set eseaet vf far eev swifue ealea we wl! wtfrnea. mmi will mwt w- jwrgg-noiTr .AJip ttAwY?ht ST.LCUIS AjnTAMhTAsV msmm. aVTeftsBsSVeVr VOSVenaanwaVsapV sawsaarCflty The Doctors Vho Cure Of what mlue lo mer temp ' rary relief to th ate wb hp a physicat aad mental WTenk. through aaasssso aav that have robbed him of hi 1 hood, hi strengtb, hM rir hie usefulness ' Th weak, brokeavdoww who oome ta na ta sured saaaently, not simply stimulated for a few days, to ralapee tat a "rs oadltlsa thaa befbr. W ur him to stay owrad. . bmuis w employ a method that reduce preetatto . enlargeraenC erpele the germ ef eeatraeted aiaordere. and build no ths wested tissue to a healthy aa- e. diuoav ctm CO! and" speedily and) narmanenflyV ' aradlrat the polonti front th ea tire eyatam, and aawlst eater to work her awn osrtai sure, , m. . p. . v POkTOW SATtB, ft , TwestyWee years war vwaww .wriaaM wavffHVS fa method" distinctly aur own; a safe, eertain and ' permaaeol wr fs - ' WB OVU sWeUUf 1U PX009 POtWOaT by a barmlss vegetable rem arty that goes direct to the seat af the af e eaaa. no mineral polsona, but per foot core, gathered front nature's own laboratory. wTn tlUaUV T I alTCajfTtJajsl -i-.--. . bp see w naralesa, safe aavd fretlve nvstkod, aftev all ctHers fefL Wc Cnairctee Osre h Every Ctse We Codcrtil:: a C-.s U f:t Cilt.rlM f... TteaM MnfaaiWI fnaeniaftva hitob far meal L snalled free In plain wrapper. p If you rannot ceil at enc, writ for symptom blank. Horn treat, I eaans. AH Llcdlilr.o FrcsUr " " U afaw 'TV JaVa.t.Ba.ttla,i; e-aaa to m cy fx . i v r - "... ' V ' : '.