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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
-' ' ''.' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 12. lSCl It BOY FLAYS KERO TO SAVE SMART SILK COAT b TEo REALM FEMININE i7o:.!.:i fro:i mm Youth Flintni Himslf Beneath Tumbling Settlement Worker to Break Her Fall. ' FRIENDS WITH. THE-WORLD. ' Z N 1 lV '' : v 'G'iU LA! V..' :m: - 7 v-;.; -; : Ctosa. lef b friend a sain, my World; you M disappointed - '- - ' A" hundred yea, thousand time, and. then, too hastily. . '.; . -Iv sworn to hat you all my day.. Ilk aoma offended child, . -.Quick angered with a petty spit and oulckly reconciled. What matter It If ray woe war thick T 'they're all forgotten" now - r I'm full of hope end dream afealnW ' I will succeed somehow. - 6a her' my hand In pledge ta you , It I was hasty than. .. '. I'm aorry, and 1 hold no aplta aa let'a ba frlenda again". "... ' Lat'a rub the letter from the slate and start again anew, " Thet aua of .yours shine Just a bright, '.' those aklea are Just aa blue. ; What natter If the once I failed r I'll - pledge you In a smtla ' "h glory of the favor I shall bask in after while.' - jr. And tf I aald ha rah things to you; If I waa quick to blame Some other for a fault mine own, re '.j member that I came ' When in a better, nobler mood with hand outstretched and then". I know you'll Join ma In a pledge to be food friends again. ' -' - '-James W. Foley. : ., , m . , j ... A GOOD FRIEND. . -vr We all have relatives, we all have . friends, but not many of ua one gooc friend. For verily one good friend,. Ilk perfect love Is a poaalblllty but not a probability. . Too often this one we rail friend la oo miataken aa to think that friending . gives her the right to criUclaa and lec ture and aaaume term' of shlpabou. aay familiarity with us. Too often, also, tbe uaual type 01 friend thinks we are but a convenience ' for filling op otherwise empty time; o. for a dumping ground tor her trouble or a receiver for all the long Hat of all . snents from which she suffers.. - The common ' type of friend finds d. version in harpooning ' us occasional!. about any of our weaknesses and I - not above waxing witty at the ezpens f the hat-we - have worn -evrlong the tailor-made that baa seen Its be ., days.' ' ' ', ' Tbe common type of friend. In shor. feele .her position so aocura aa to nee no buttreaslng from such politeness a - aha bestows on perfect stranger, atl . with pollteneaa too often go alao lov and friendship. , . T '., . - The Ideal friend- is the opposite of a -this. .The courtesy she gives the stran r la pone too good for her friend. Tfc , pleasant word of commendation or a preclatlon, the' consideration that nevt , faUa to expreae itself In little, attentloi ' or to explain and apologise for any lac of these, all these the Ideal friend neve forgets., i -.'.-. ;: ; . ' " The good friend will aay nothing I he. cannot speak smooth things; wl. tx serenely unaware auch time as w are not tip to concert pitch In work o below our best in looks or dreaa; la ex ceedingly careful, about finding fault even though she sees our faulta; neve lectures, never cautions nor admonlshei This very good friend, who la always , delight and a comfort, will treat ua wit! all the consideration shown a atrangei thns keeping our intercourse on the hlg plane of mutual deference, inatead o degrading it to the level of a too grea .-.familiarity. :. ' - - J If you. find you have one 'such friend, grapple her to yru with hook Of steel, for sbs is a precious possession. In her sweet eyes you will see the re flection of your best aelf-that you - art constantly trying to actuallse. It is this self shs loves, and It is this elf she sees, and kindly remains blind to the self that makes mlstakea and has weakneasea that nobody deplores half o much as you. - Because this- one believes you are a rare soul, your toul will rise to that level, v Because this one sees the' depth of your mind and the clearness of youi Intellect, so will the mind grow stronger under the ejicourag nent of: this sunny trust in Itself. . We are willing to work for othet things, but how many of ua are ready to study and work to fit ourselves to be this kind of a friend? - The first condition of true friendship ss absolute loyalty. - You will never : speak ill of -your friend - to another: you will not permit mother to epek nr or hef ldyJurThl "basic" condition -of friendship-aauredV-yott. will study to avoid al f rlctlop In your association "with her; you will be always alive to her devotion, her faithfulness to you and keep out of mind the tblnga that might otherwise annoy you and cauae Impa- Uenee. -- -r . - '' There Is no true friendship that does aua runty op merit. ' When the maker of a medicine, sold 'through druggists for family use, takes bis patients fully Into his confidence by - frankly and teariessly publishing broad cast at well as on its bottle wrappers, inn nst 01 an its ingredients n puuis EnyUsh, this action on his part Is th , imi possiDie enaence tna he is not afraid to have the search light of Inves . ugation turnea tun upon ois lormuit "-.llk.l f will ta Ua .,11A4 - and the most thorough investigation . cure of the weaknesses, periodical painj- . and fnnctlonal derangements of the or . fans aiaiiDciiT leminine, m tne omy meai : rlne put up for sale through druggists foi woman's special use, the maker of which ti not afraid to take his patient lntc Is full confidence by such . open aoc .. . honest pnblielty. . a gianc a of puousnea lngTeoienu n each bottle wrapper, will show that i4 , Is made wholly from native, American, medicinal roots, that It contains no pol- onous or habit-forming drugs, no nar eotlcs and no alcohol pure, trlple-reflned Eilyeerine, of proper strength being nsed nstead of the commonly employed alco ioI, both for extracting and preserving - . tbe active medicinal properties found In 'the roots of tbe American forest plants ; employed. It Is the only medicine for women's pecular diseases, sold by drug . gists, that does not contain a large per centage of alcohol, which is In the Ions; . run so harmful to woman's delicate, nerv ; ous system. How, glycerin is perfectly , harmieM, and serves a valuable purpose , by possessing Intrinsic value all its own, ana beside It enhances the curative - effect of the other Ingredient eotetint Into the Favorite Prescription.' , Bom of tbe ablest medical writers and teachers endorse these. y lews and praise all the several Ingredients of which Fa vorite Prescription I composed me mmending them for the cure of th - - very same diseases for which this world- famed medicine ts advised. Ho other medicine for women ha any such pro . fkmal endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testimonial. If Inter), send nam and addres to Dr. fe. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. for his little , book of x tract front the works of eminent medical writers and teachers, , endorsing the several Ingredients and selling lust what Dr. Pierce's medicine ' laad ol li t ma for th Mklac - The blaok sUk coat la a striking model is particularly smart In Its design. - It is mad with rather a full blouse waist, gathered tightly Into a deep girdle from which a ahaped aklrt fall almost to the knees. . The vest forms a little bolero of white silk or linen with wide collar, embroidered with large black polka dot. - . The pot-shaped hat which look so well with this costume I ef fine chip straw with large puff crown of silk mad In th lightest shad of biscuit color, with a wreath of deep cream roses.- Jt la especially pretty If ths skirt and glove are of the same ahad and th shirtwaist Is of cream lace. , -I -. '- i i. ii -i i X i -L 1 ) i-i i l l 1 1 , ln i i 'I " " - i , i , 1 1 T ; not sometimes require a large amount of mutual patience and forbearance, but such havs their rich and exceeding great reward. . - We sometime hear- a woman called a "man . woman." and another, a "wom an's woman.". What la the difference between these' two varieties of Eve's daughters and Is th former likely to be a good friend to another woman? A man' woman I a woman who Is bored and uninteresting . and ill at' ease l-'. Vi1'!':" t A very dainty frock tor tbe seventeen. It ia known aa th may b mad up in any of th bertha on th waist la held In place feature of the spring fashions this J In the company . of women, . but ' who come to life and smiles and sparkle ss soon as the masculine element 1 pre ent. . ' , T" - X Woman's woman Is- ona - who - finds solid comfort and genuine pleasure In the society of her own sex and I cap able of . being a true friend to another woman. ' Tbe woman' woman Is by no means a man hater. She 1 simply broad enough and universal enough to find T .-.. . n girl that hat reachedvthe age of Josephine frock." ' Thla costum aoft aatina of oriental make. The by tiny roe. (Jearaal anecfal aervlee.1 . i Ban Francisco, . April It. Miss France Doyle, who for more then eight year ho devoted her time and her per sonal fortune to settlement work in the crowded districts of th city where "ministering angels" are most needed. la aerlously and perhaps fatally injured. Mlas Doyle feu from . a second-story front window In th nurses' settlement at 420 Tehama atreet Friday afternoon, a distance of JO feet, to a garden plat below. That no llmba were fractured or that she was not Instantly killed was due to th herolo intervention of a young hoy named Em 11 Faure, who aaw her lose, hsr balance and plunge head downward, and who. at the risk of his own life, flung himself beneath her. In a frantic effort to save her from death. thus breaking her perilous fall. Bmll had run trots the middle ef the street across ths sidewalk, vaulting over the railing which separatee th small front yard from th pavement "There wa no time to think what to do,", aald Emll yesterday, "becauee it happened Just like a flash. 1 did not want Mlas Doyle, to get hurt. Bhe has been good and kind to me, and I ought to have don it anyway, and I .don't think there I anything t make a Juss about." .,'.-,-. Mia Doyle i under treatment at Lane hospital, where she . will be operated upon - this morning by Dr. Stanley Btlllman. ' ' She was paralysed from th fourth vertebra down and there 1 Jlttl hop of recovery. v ATTEMPT MADE TO DESTROY BROADWAY CENTRAL Fire Discovered at Midnight on Three Floor of Famous Old . : , New York Hostelry. ' ' (Jonrml BneeUI Berries.) -ew York, April !. An attempt to burn down the Broadway Central waa mad laat night just before 11 o clock. Fires were started in three different places, on th first. . third and fifth floor,' and were discovered just in time. Police headquarter and th Or depart ment were notified and ruahed policemen and apparatus to the scene. Excitement prevailed In- tbe old structure which for so many year ha harbored commercial travelers, tourist ana men or money. No theory aa to who ahould want to destroy th old building exists. The detective bureau ha been ssked to work on th case, aa it waa obviously a mali cious attempt and may be repeated. By the aheereat luck the flame were discovered all at the same time and be fore they had a chance to gain headway or endanger -the hotel. The Broadway Central la always orowded and I fa mous from Bangor to th Paclno, It Is a very large hotel.' ' EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEF - WASHES PAUPER'S FEET "(Toarail aped! Service.) Vienna, April 12. In the preaeno of a large gathering of court, diplomatic and military officials, including th charge d'affaires and other attache of th American embassy. Emperor Fran cis Joseph today performed the ancient Holy Thursday ceremony of waahlng the feet of 11 aged pauper. Th cere mony took place In tbe Hofburg and th emperor was asaiated by 10 archdukes.- At ths conclusion of th cere mony ' the emperor presented . each of the aged with a bag -of silver coins. Baldwin's Health Tablets. Tak them tonight be well tomorrow. Cure constipation. 16c. Druggist. pleasure and Interest In th society of either men or women. The woman who find no pleasure In th society of women and' a man who shrinks association with hi own sex are types to be entered on one' list of friends with exceeding; caution. - 0 Irres is made from absolutely pure West India sugar the common Sugars of the Trade. It . is this refining that imparts to . TheBo6k"PwocheScxrets"lree 101 new Candy and Dessert Red The Towle Maple Syrup Co., St. Paul, Minn. f Makers of the famous Log abin Maple Syrup , v ; and Log1 Cabin Molasses. DC Lfllaet Phota PMANOBe MARIS n Faur Yara, SSO 0rnM Boulevard, Oh!., atampa to pay postage, -TOR. BAXJC. AND When You Come Across iThis i Trade Marietta in red and white on each end of package' containing biscuit and crackers, you can rest assured that the . contents are of the very highest order V- e 1 fresh, clean, pure ..The trade mark National Biscuit highest quality of rall and Break W. ' ' (Special XMspateh te Tbe JoaraaL) ' ' Flora, - Dr., April 11, Paul - Moore, istibly De The palate-tickling flavor of this delightful syrup will fascinate you. It is an irresistible sweet for your breakfast, luncheon and supper table, - possessing a refinement and flavor which you will find in no table syrup other than Towlc's. ow Cabomi our Log Cabin Penoche Syrup an exquisite taste and flavor DC 3Q( CZ3 )OC Grew ' PROVE mm ' "- v ' NOW at all druggist, in three alcea, 2S cent, BO cents , and $1.00 per bottl. .; '."";'." ':""v tnisp To DOWkow quickly Daitdarlne ecta, we will rilsaCe send a large aample free by return mail to any on who aenda thi advertisement to the KflOwttOfl OaiMferlnS) '. KNOWLTON. Oee ChleagOy with same and addreaa and io cent in surer or flUABAUTEED BT-WOODARD, and perfectly baked. 1 , identifies the products of the Company and ever stands for the baking. For example try packages of ZWIEBACK" Twice-baked " tutly celebrated tea, coffee or chocolate.' r ' ' rrm 7mrm";m:- :-m BUTTER THIN BISCUIT A crisp, Utht, deeaert blactdt, rich and satisfying, served as somethin; ent of the ordinary. If yon want a biscuit that is partknlaxly nice, try a package. . - who 1 afflicted with heart trouble, feu Monday afternoon while attempting' to art from hi chair and brok on einKDclhie deliclously sweet and wholesome, and wholly unlike delicacy and Sweetness : and , our special process of DC This Hair AND VE OAN IT. : Little Pranoss Karl Kaowltea la the fanga tsr f Dr. S. W. Xnewltoa, tbe aiseorsror of thl ireal hatrrowmg remedy, and her bason tnl hair we grown wholly by tit us at tbl great tool. This litti girl had no ssor aalr than lb avatag child belor nilng Daadertoe, whue sew sh ha th longest and aaost beaauful head ef gold hair vr poisssnd by a eaUd f .fear ag m th world. - Dander In makes t he scalp healthy and fertile an keep Use, It la the greatest sealp farttU xer and therefor th greateet hair-producing remedy ever dissevered. It Is a natural food and a wholeeom aoedtcln for both the hair and Main, Even a ts. bottl of U wUl put more genuine Itf la your hair than agaUaa at any other hair teal rt gsada, . v,..; ' "f: CLAftKE ". & CO as delidotia with bone of hi right leg. yt abov th ankle. Zr. Qilmor revived him and reduced th fractur. , Syrap impossible to describe. n icioMs. ... 3C dc:o v. o