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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
.TII2GHC3IJ DAILY JOURNAL, FOSTLAI.'D, THUFwDAY EVENING. APRIL' 12. 1C3. CALVARY CHURCH AWAITING ARRIVAL OF NEW PASTOR . D. D. ,: '. .... Rev. Ben-Ezra Stiles Ely Jr, The people of Calvary Presbyterian " ehuni art looking- forward to-the ar- rival of their new pastor, who la ex pec ted early - In - May. Rev. - Bon-Ear Stiles Ely Jr., D. D.. of Rockford, 1111- note, - vu unanimously called by' the " eburch in January last. "Ho waa known to only ono or two " - membere of tho - eongreaatlon,' said a prominent member of Calvary church. "Hla acceptance of the call ia slsnin--cant of tbo character of the man,, for ' ho loaraa a strong and united congre gation which deeply s regrets parting ' with him to take up a work which baa ' Ita own peculiar problem. Whatever " tho future may be of tho work here, at preaent tho field la one which preaenta '-not a few-dlfflcultleav Dr. Ely dallghta .to tackle difficult tasks. --...--.-..,. '"Seldom doea a 'man in any walk of . life receive ouch generoua axpreaalona of commendation aa bare been given concerning tr. Ely by thoae with Whom the church officiate have been In oorre apondenco regarding him. Ha la . de acrlbed' aa " good deal above the aver age, clear, scholarly, incisive, able,'-a man who will Y1U with dlatlnctlon al most any pulpit.' "a Tl rat-rate preaoher who delivera hla meeaass with freahuJ neaa and vigor, possessing ar good pul pit . preeenoe and never falla to have something good to aay. - "Rev. Dr. Herrlck Johnaon of Chicago aald of Dr.-Ely: 1 know nothing but good either of him or hla work. Ha haa had a long and an efficient and In every way creditable paatorato at Rockford. Ha atanda for . the beat. In a Ood ordalned ministry. I am aura you could eount on a balanced, thoughtful, oonse o rated and every way useful man of God. ' He hM had a wide experience and la juat In tho prima of vigorous, manly. Intellectual life.'" .' - SMUGGLED GOODS Oil OREGON Customs Officials ; Searching ' Warship Now Anchored at Seattle for Contraband.... PORTLAND BOY'S FATHER . PAYS DUTY ON GOODS -xr 'A ' C E. Brownie, Who Wu Chief In ' ' spector of the Department of Con- cessions at the Fair, Avoids Tremble 'for Hla Son.:!'- ''.- w (Special IHspateh te .The JeereaL) Seattle, Weak, April 13. John P. Merrill, commander of tho Oregon, made a request of Deputy Collector of Customs Mitten last night that euatom ' officers make a, search of tho Oregon to aea If there were any dutiable goods aboard. - Upon receiving the request. Mitten- detailed a squad of men to make a search. Thta will be done this after noon. No attempt waa made yesterday 1 to search, - the vessel. Yesterday gov ernment - officials stated that no at tempt would be made to search the Ore- ' gon but that all packages sent ashore - would be followed, searched and their owners confronted, with a request for an explanation, r j;-.... "Sure wo had lots of stuff." aald a big weather-tanned Jack Tar when dis cussing the matter yesterday, "Why, all the boys were buying right and left with all the money they could get hold of.' Those that had no money traded the shirts off their backs and some oven parted with their sweaters. "How muoh did wo havaT Oh, that's pretty hard to tell. X had about 171 worth, but others did not have money enough ' to procure as muoh as I did. Many of tho boys had from 111 to I9 worth. Most of this stuff want ashore at San Francisco. If tho customs of ficers search us they won't find very much." - ' .. - I C. . E. Brownlee, who waa. chief . in spector of tho department . of conces sions at the Lewis and Clark exposition, and who has a son aboard the Oregon, stated yesterday that ho would pay duty .on $7 J worth of goods brought over by hla aon rather than have any trouble with the, authorities. . HAVE YOU BOUGHT A PRESENT FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS YET? " THEN COME IN AND SEE OUR NOVEL SETTING FOR JUVENILE ' PERFUMESLITTLE FANCY BOTTLES CUDDLED UP WITH CUPIDS. RABBITS AND CHICKS TODDLERS'DEUGHTS PRICE 50c TO $1.24 wn unfiuLiau ivut&hiim in vninn cuus, KAHduo, AUiU 1WC Uf, EASTER IIOVELTIES : Some suggestions for appropriate Easter presents for1' little folks and grown-ups. Don't 'fail to see our- Wash- ' ington atreet window this week shows ' the distillation . of Violet Water from the flowers the way we mike it v and some novel little fancies for Easter gifts. SPECMl OFFERINGS FOR WIS WEEK ' CUT GLASS SPECIALS tor Easter Beautiful Quaker and Empire Cut Glass: Why not a little surprise for Easter? Choose one of the following , rare bargains and let us send it out to you, Colonial Decanter and set of six small glasses; regular $16.50, special. .....'.....,.,1rrv-rvT.;-ifia.3!5- Punch Bowl, set of 6 glasses; reg. $88.50, special.. f 6S.SO -Pedestal Sherbet, set of J doxj reg. ..11.50, special . f 8.05 Starface Nappy, 6-inch; regular $5.50, special..,...? 3.88 'Whirl Nappy, 5-inch; regular $475, special..... ...f 3. 50 Odd Nappies, several shapes, worth from $375 to $7.00, special v... 3.0O Water Bottle, Georgian design: reg. $1.50, special.. $3.95 ..A few pieces of Bohemian Cut Glass at 30 per cent dis count . . v ; No other Cut Glass has quite the same exclusive de sign, the same perfection in cut and finish as does the' Quaker or Empire. Come in and examine the work for yourself. . , . - STATIONERY We have most everything worth while in fine writing papers and tablets. The best products of America's fore most mills-i-the prevailing papetrie is plain white linen in several sizes, but if you prefer tints we can please your fancy.. ,-..:,; t j: .,''-. v"-r.;-- v'."1. EASTER SPECIALS Berkshire Linen Papetrie; regular 40c, special........ 24 Highland Linen Papetrie; regular 50c, special. .......294 Mousaeline de Laine Papetrie; regular 40c, apecial. i.28 Quadrille Fabric Papetrie; regular 25c, special..... .14e Antique Parisienne Papetrie; regular 40c, special... .25 Japanese Fabriquej Papetrie; regular 40c, special......? 5 4 Gibson Papetries; regular 30c, special..,........,,. 18- , Royal Linen Bond Papetries; regular 20c, special. 94 Mull Chiffon Papetries; regular 40c, special......... 23 Pure Linen Tablet; regular 25c, special.. .....13 Linen Wave Tablet;' regular 15c, special.... ........... 8 """FountaJnrPeiuirfor-office,-bnalnesa or home use, all guaranteed good one for a dollar, better ones for I2J0, 93.00, $3.50 and on. EASTER PERFUMES ; Spring days, balmy breezes, happy thoughts alt are here . with us all Nature seems smiling through the flowers. -Send her a token of your sentiment with a bottle of -. perfume. We" have most every kind that's made, but for : Easter? there's nothing like Violet - . ' Suppose you send a bottle of Marcelles Violet Extract .. . and a bunch of violets.; We have the perfume, you get the ,- violets, and well deliver them for you. , Other odorsif you prefer. Largest line of imported , and domeatic Perfumes on the Pacific coast ,, Micro Grows Hairand Cures) Dandruff. CANADIAN MONEY, TAKEN AT PAR PHONE EXCHANGE 11 ; s LEATHER AH the newest Ideas in shapes and . 7 shades from Paris ; . and New York. Ex clusive designs, new -tans, gray, black, and , brown; new. Grecian j handles. New one J for Easter? Price $1.50 up. ; New -spring Hne, just in, of. Suit ' Cases, Traveling Bags, -Purses,-Wallets, Music ' Rolls. Cigar Cases and Roll-Ups all mod estly priced. . We stamp nam In gold on leather, goods free of charge. ( ;;: - -; - , CMike JARDINIERE": FOR THE EASTER ULY Wo-have a great assort ment of Louwelsa and Geor gian Jardinieres, all sizes and shapes, beautiful decorations price 60c to $4.50. Special Easter discount 20 per cent DRUGGISTS FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS We cannot accept mall or country orders at the spe cial prices, quoted in this PLACE LOST CAPTAIN'S : DAUGHTERS IN ACADEMY (SpMdal Dlapateh te The JoaraaL) berdeen. Wash., April IX The two aaurhters of Captain Hank have been placed In St. Rose's ac&damr, throuah the seneroalty of friends, - headed - by Captain A. T. Stream and Robert Dur ney. A little more than a year aso the Burf Duck, tho . little boat owned by their father. Captain Hank.- waa blown out to sea durus a terrtflo gals and Its crew haa since never been seen. The family . was left unprovided for. and haa since resided In Hooulam In desti tute 'Circumstances. Captain Stream raised S176 here yesterday, and no dif ficulty la expected in raisins the sum of 1380 that ia required. I' ' i.i ' 'i i i i m ia iisissaeBBBg IBonn 0 : Ainnm -f-r The Best Scotrrisg Soap Mdt AScoarinjr Soap; A Meul Polish A Glass Cleaner. CARIiEGIE INDIGNANT OVER KISSIH6 PiSOOE Ironmoneer Has No Desire to Cet Into ths Field Against Captain Hobson. SHOE BARGAINS FOR EASTER , Ladies' White Sea Island Duck' Q' An : Oxfords, white heel........;..PaVeUU Ladies All Kid, with Wd tip Oft welt Oxfords. , .r ....... . . . . . ..DOeUU Ladies'. White Canvas, .tlTil' . Ci Cf , with leather heels. : . .; , . . i ; t I eOU Ladies' Patent v ; ;:" J CA : Colt Oxfords. ............. ... ePOsOU At the-Little Shoe Store' Around the Corner BEUTQEN & FEREY 293 MORRISON ST., NEAR FIFTH ' (Jsetnal Special Berries.) , PltUburc AprU 11. Andrew Carna kia is Indignant because tho newspapers have made euch a fuss over 'a little kiss he got at Atlanta. Ha did not klae a woman, ha aayas aha kissed. him, and the next woman in una rouowea sun before ha eould put' up his guard. Be haa aent a letter to the Pittsburg papers disclaiming any Intention to get into tho field agalnat Captain Hobeon, The letter was written by a friend at the request of Mr. Carnegie and la as fol lows:- ; - - . "Mr. Carnegie was holding a recep tion in the Carnegie library at Atlanta, and a great crowd of people were filing past, shaking hands and offering felicitations. At,a-ortaln- stage of ths reception two well-dressed women stopped and after exchanging aome bantering eompl tmentav one put - her hands on tho astonished laird's aboul der and kiased him, and this act waa rapidly followed by tho next woman In line, who seemed to bo her friend. "Carnegie blushed and laughed, than raising his hands la good natured but firm protest, - Instantly ehecksd any further attampta . at osculation which might have been made by others." A Carload of Cecllians. , The Manufacturers' Piano company. ISO Alder street takes pleasure In noti fying the publio that they have received word that a car of Sohmer Ceculane and Farrand Ceclllane will arrive In Portland, the aarly part of next week Thla consignment will be closely, fol lowed with another shipment so as te relieve . as nromntlv aa noaalbla ths scarcity of this well known player. Tho popularity of tho Ceolllan, duo largely to the metal action haa become ao uni versally known that tho acarcity of tho Oeolllan has net been-confined to Port land only r the factories have bsen taxed to their uttermoet capacity to moot the demand, and tbo condltlone now are Just beginning to look, more favorable for prompt oenvtry. - Those considering tho purchase of a olano player will do well to call at ths ware room a of tho Manufacturers" Piano oompany. 150 Alder street, and have tho merits of .tno csciiiaa aoiy demon i strated. .. ' THRUSTS HEAD UNDER DRIVEWHEELS OF ENGINE (Journal Sprrlal Servte.) Trsoy. Cel., April II. While ' under the Influence of liquor an unidentified man at noon today atuck his head be tween the drlvewtieels of a switch en gine, his head being severed from hla bodyi and ' picked up several feet away. A large crowd witnaeeed the scene. Tho deceased, whoso first name wss "Nat." had been employed at the Pinole powder works. SUCCESSFUL ASCENSION . IN MAMMOTH AIRSHIP " (Jearnal Special Service.) PUtsfleM, Mass.. April 1. While S.0OO spectators waved hata and handkerchiefs and cheered. Mr. and Mrs. Julian P. Thomas of New York and Charles Levee of Pasis made an ascension yesterday afternoon la the balloon Orient. There . . I -I imm THE MML . Just a few of the bargains that are drawing the crowds to the Red Front A Big Suit Special for Friday 500 Children's Suits and Saturday 1 Worth $3.50 to $5.00.. Now. ........... 2.60 tWorth $2.50. "Now. ; . . . . . ..... ; . ... .$1.39 Hen's Easter Neckwear; sold everywhere- Oil a rOur Price ......silC Our regular $10.00 Suits, worth every cent of a ten- OC dollarnote. Will go at.... ..................... DeOD ANOTHER LOT OF SUITS IN ALL PATTERNS. This is certomqrjtjsnapwort $15.00.' gQ 7F t TT.QOt I 0 WiU'go at. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SA TURD A Y SO dozen Ladles Sample. Wrappers all sizes worth 7Sc " and $l.O0Np wrappers exchanged Red Front price Is .j 19c tandard brand, all sizes, s?9a Goat....; ...........OoC 200 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Worth 75c and $1.00. r This is tie best yet. . . 150 MEN'S SHIRTS Standard brand all sizes. worth $1.00 to $1.50. A Big Assortment of Men's Trousers That we priced to sell, and sell quick 7 "w . LOT No. 1 Worth $1.50. Go atk ...... .... . .... ...... 95e LOT No. 2 Worth $2.50 and $3.00. Go at;.. f 1.79 150 dozen Men's Hose, worth lOc and 12c the biggest Hos lXjjry snap ever offered In Portland they. go. at.....;;.;., ...;.;1 The Famous to Clad Hose For boys and girls i aold the world over for 25c 4 fJM Our Price... llL Children's Hosiery Medium weight, ribbed, 5 to 9yi, worth 15c. . n Z : Special for Friday and Saturday... ............., REMEMBER, WE GIVE YOU EXACTLY WHAT WE ADVERTISE NO MISREPRESENTATIONS, NO FAKE ADS. WE HAVE THE GOODS THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS JUST AS GOOD AS THESE. YOUR MONEY BACK ' - - ,IF YOU ARE NOT PERFECTLY SATISFIED. l.'J.w 7 NOW IS THE TIME DON'T PUT IT OFF a aBB FRONT (SELLS IT CHEAPER) Corner First and Taylor Streets waa only a sllsht breese from the north west aa the treat alrahlp arose srad uaUr to s aelg ht et 4P0 feet. It aaU4 toward Washington . mountain, 'and It seemed aa If the balloon would crash Into Uie trees, Ive let out soma oe last, however, and the Orient shot up ward and paased over the William C Waltosy estates and game preserve ea October mountain. The eern. I -aafely on a farm t I ...-, necUout, at f :U ta t-S sv. A