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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1906)
THE dREGON DAILY JOURMAi; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, APSIL 12. UC3. 19 FIRSrERUPTIOn OF taxs la, rsnr mtmvu jowbT ZJfTO CORSETS at 10c Bargain Basement Tomorrow, Friday Cnljr, Place on Sale We SATS SOaCBTaTTJra OK IT11T . Here you will find a number of handy things on which the prices will always be below the unusual run. But for the Week-Sad Bargain arenas we enumerate a few extraordinary specials. . Be Box Bard wood Too Picks.... ..34 asaasrlos Mass, regular to. .. .. . ...30 Japaasae alak Brushes, reg-aJar a. .2 XSo Borah Brashes t4 O-ft, Clothes Uae, regular 1 Oa ...... B 4I ,000 iveed paaolls, with rubber eraser. The stationer would ask ie for them, Only Written Account of n Eye v- )" Witness Preserved to This .b'r;y ' y, Day.. . 4 i THE YOUNGER PLINY'S STORY OF CATASTROPHE it Pile, each 1 - - - - - 4 ,'l,m'J ."'I a a" ...."' V , r aSsT I' ' 1 7 ".- mm S a I "e . I Ail Iki t$$M VESUVIUS h y Hi Account - of 7 th Flight From MLeenurn Might Hart Bew Writ- , ten of Today's Reign of Terror on ..'the Bay of Naples. y This la probably the only eyewitness' ' account of the first eruption or. Vesuvius, , which up to 71 A. D. was supposed- be an extinct volcano. . ' "'", About 1 o'clock In the afternoon of Auruit A. D. 71, the alder Pliny was oallad by. his slater-ln-law to tha window of hla rasidenco at lilsecum, on tha Bay of Naples, to observe a eurloua cloud across tha bay.' It rose from the 7 summlt of TeauTlus like a stone-pine O with a lofty trunk . and a cluster of - branches at the top, continually vary , Ins la height and of a changing hue. sometimes fiery bright, . sometimes " ': streaked with black. The alder Pliny want to Investigate tha phenomenon and perlahed la the volcanic tempest which followed. The , . younger Pliny, his nephew, tells the ' ' story of tha eruption, aa an eyewitness, ' 'T and it Is upon his account that Tacitus, the historian, bases s)ls description of '", . the event, i Bulwer-Lytton, who makes - the eruption the feature of "The Last Days of - Pompeii," follows Pliny's ao- - eonnt closely. Tha younger - Pliny's i -story, mad up from twa letters, - fot .. ' lows: . - -- ' srat,-'ftft '' "' There had been noticed for many ' days before a trembling of tha earth, - which had caused, however, but little fear, because It Is not unusual In -Campania. tBut that night It was so violent ' that one thought that everything was being not merely moved but absolutely - overturned. My mother rushed Into my . , chamber. I was in tha act of rising, with tha same Intention .of awakening . her should she have been asleep, We ' sat down In tha - open court of the house. which occupied a small space . between the buildings and tha sea. And - now I do nor know whether to call 'It courage or folly, for I was but In my eighteenth year- I called for a volume of Uvy, read It. as if I were perfectly at leisure, and even continued to make " some extracts which I had began. Just then arrived a friend of my uncle, who had lately coma - to him from Spain, . When he saw that we ware sitting down '. that I was even reading ha rebuked my mother for her patience and ma for ' my bllndneaa to the danger. 8tlll I bent myself as industriously as ever over my .. book. -It was now t o'clock in the morn ing, but the daylight wan-- still and . doubtful. The surrounding buildings were now so shattered that in tha place - where we were, which though open was small, the" danger that they might rau on us was imminent and unmistakable. 80 we at last determined to quit the ; - town. : - - . .. . - - Panlo-atrtckea Crowd. " ' "A panic-stricken crowd followed us. They preferred the ideas of others to their own In a moment of terror this has a certain look of prudence and they pressed on us and drove ua on. aa ' we departed, by their dense array. When ' we had got away from the building we - stopped. - There we had to- endure the : sight of many marvelous, many dread , f ul things. The carriages which ws had directed to be brought out moved about in opposite directions, though the . ground was perfectly level; even when 7- scotched -with stones they -did not re main steady In the same place. Be sides this, we saw the sea retire into v Itself, seeming, as It were, to be driven :' back by the trembling movement of the earth. . The shore had distinctly ad - vanoed, and many marine animals were ' left high and dry upon tha sands. Be hind as was a dark and dreadful cloud, - which, as It was broken with rapid " algsag flashes, revealed behind It vart- oualy ahaped masses of flame; these last- were like sheet lightning, .though on a larger scale. .. - - . . , Bala of Ashes. ':'.. 1 "Then our . friend 1 from Spain ad- - dressed ua . more energetically and ' " urgently than ever. '. 'If your brother.' he said. It your uncle Is alive, he wishes you to be saved; If he has perished, he certainly wished yon to survive him. If - so, why do you hesitate to escape T - We ; " answered that we could not bear to think - about our own safety while we were doubtful of his. He lingered no longer, but rushed off, making hla way out of - the danger at the top 01 his speed... it was not long before tb cloud that we r saw began to descend upon the earth ; and cover the sea. It bad already sur ' rounded and concealed the island of , Capri and had made Invisible the prom - - ontory of Misenum. - - My- mother be- - sought, urged, even commanded me to ' fly as best I could; I might do so, she V said, . for I was "young; she, from age ' and corpulence, could move but slowly, but she would be content to die, if she : did not bring death upon me.. I replied , that I would not seek safety except in , her company; I clasped her hand and ' compelled her to go with me. She re luctantly obeyed, but continually re preached herself tor delaying me. -" V aright Under the Volcano. ' "Ashes began to fall etlll, however. '-T in small quantities. 1 looked behtnd me; a dens dark mist seemed to be ; 1 olowtng -us, spreading Itself over the , country like a cloud. " "Let us turn out of the way t said, 'whilst' we can stlU . see, for fear that should- we fall In the road we should be trodden under foot la the darkness by the throngs that ao -'-company us.' - Ws had scarcely sat down . when night wss upon us not such as ' we have when there Is no moon, or when , the sky Is cloudy, but such as there Is - In -some closed room when- the lights . are extinguished. ' Tom might hear the ." shrieks of women; the monotonous wall n Ing of children, the shouts of men. , Many were raising their voices and seek ing to recognise by the voices that re plied, parents, children, husbands or ' wives. Borne were loudly lamenting i their own fate, others the fate of those ': dear to them. - Some even prayed for . death, in their fear of what they prayed for. Many lifted their hands in prayer to the gods; mors were convinced that there were no gods at all. and that the '. final and less night of which we have - heard had come upon the world. "There were not wanting persons who exaggerated our real perils with ter , rora Imaginary or wilfully Invented. I ', remember some who declared that one part of tha promontory of Mleenum had ' fallen, that another was on fir : It was false, but they found people to believe ' them. It now grew somewhat light again; wa felt euro that this was not the light of day, but a proof that fire ' was approaching ua . Flra there was, - 'but It stopped at a considerable distance from ua: then came darkness again, and - a thick heavy fall of ashes. Again and again ere stood up and shook them off; W have Just bought part . of tha fire and water damaged stock of a large local wholesale house whose premises the fire demon visited a few weeks ' ago. All tha goods ws pur chased will give you Just as good service a If the wrappers were like new. The looks were badly hurt on these goods by the fire. 80 we have made a price on them that will look good to you. - - rata Baphtha Soap, So value -' 44 Cmdahye Diamond 0 Soapt Tegular to a bar. - Special....". ,JJ bare 6 10e package VearUae.... .5 Primrose Toilet Soap, scented, the bar ......... ............ .34 Ty-EB Mechanics' Soap, regular 100 the bar' the us of a Oaa BOsatka. They are easily adjusted; regular lSo. Week-Bad Special.... ........ ..12a doves kVlglst, complete with mantle, makes the room bright and saves ' your eyesight, . Oome la and let on show you how easy it works; regu- Ur foo. Week-Bnd Bargain t Bveat .SS Blk-Ba4 water Tumblers, t elk heads branded oa each glass, v Regular tie a set of . Special, tha set. . , .. .28 .t-lnob Mixing Bowl, decorated. , Regu lar 10c Week-Snd Price....... X44 Pranaaed Qloaawara Xt unusual -valueev Some of thee pieces will surely meet with your ap proval, while - your friends may readily mistake It for cut glass. A Lot at loc Each Consisting of Olive, Celery,: Butter and Pooted- Jelly Dishes. Regular values up to tic j These also Include Sugar Bowls, Creamers, Spoonholders, Gradu ated Measuring Cups and two styles of Vases. - - - ' . ; Another Lot at 15c Each " Consisting of I-plnt Olasa Pitchers, S Inch Footed Berry Dishes, . Vinegar Cruet and 7-Inch Nappars. , Regular values p to Jta,-. . .. When yon do your house w o r k or while you ett on your porch. . while eewlng or when yon vial u run out for an errand TO V W A ST T T O XVOOB . BBAT. Tet yon donot ear to wear the -"very best c I e t h e a yon have. Some thing fhat is drees y, oven If a little out of style, is the very garment - to nave. .r HUNDREDS OP WAISTS Ten need not be ashamed of on oc casions like the above, and some of the higher priced ones are dressy enough for almost any occsalon. ... Waists, all eolors and patterns, f per cales and chambrtee. In season these , sold at 78o to $100. . Week-End Bargain ..............3S4 A little better line a .33 White aad Colored Waists, worth up to M-0... ....... .....194 pan OlaanV to sell as7 1 week, so cakes af II Bargain' New! XaVl sad Bearsllk In plain and fancy: need high aa tl.10. . All thia far. they went like hot .16. Week-End 984 New I Just Arrived! 1W plain Ties............ r.2S t. J-. .A Stylish Necktie. . , . : , . en pettlooata, tucks, etc; regular - I Lit Week-End Bargain. M..98e Windsor Tlea Week-End Bargain .. .12 While they last the balance of tha -4-. week Ladles' Black Cotton Hoee regular 1 pairs for I5o Week-End Bargain, I pairs..;.. 2&4 "UKbttf Skirt, made of good duality Sicilian, a nice 16.71 skirt Week-'- End- Bargain .............$2.98 QurS naccessf mil Opesiiing t A little over a week ago was due to our determination to make the GOLDEN EAGLE the department store for the people who were bound to get their money worth with every purchase. VVherr the United States government, hands you a golden twenty you know what you are getting and we are going to make sure that every time you .. spend a "Golden twenty" or a part thereof that you get full value for your : money, and by that we mean GOLDEN EAGLE VALUES. Everybody who has been in our store since the opening has had reason tb feel that pur regular prices are lower than those of other stores. We simply give our customers every advantage we : possess. Purchasing for cash, as we do. we always get a cash discount and we are going to give every purchaser ' the benefit of it. - We have inaugurated a cash discount system which has in the past 10 years become widely,,, s known throughout the United States as the most reliable and easily accessible system of the kind. And because it is still comparatively new here, some would call it green. But we are confident that, green as it may seem, . the system will appeal to every purchaser who will give it an unbiased trial. To give you every opportunity to . do so, we have set aside Friday and Saturday of thia week for -. 1 WeekBnd' Bars- am Events THAT ARE- BEYOND COMPARISON. T0M0 RR0 W-and SATLJR BAY We will make every effort to wait on you promptly, having especially engaged competent and sufficient help. for -.your accommodation. But don't hesitate to make your wants, known to the nearest floor manager, if for any reason you deem it necessary; It js our aim to please you and we are going to do it. - DOMESTICS Smek Towels, tOxtl inch, with hem; regular tee. Ween End Bargain . 184 Irish Sunk Towels, 42x11. red stripe at both ends; regular I6c Week End Bargain. ..... w.v4..15 SEnek Towels, red stripes, 17 ill; regular lie, ..Week End Bargain 11 Trlaged Sack Towels," red stripes at ends; regular 7Hc Week End Special ..6M Barfcer Towels, fringed; a handy email towel; regular la Week End Bargain ............ ...4e Vableaohed Turkish Bath Towel, fringed, S4xU; . regular 16a. Week End Bargain ............ 23 Xoaeyoomb Bedspreads, the $1.11 grada Week End Special . , ....i ...S9 Oroehet Qnllta, Marseilles Pat tarns, a fine Bedspread ; and good value at regular price of $1.71. Week end Special . .91.49 ad Waltaday wtn tsislnl yon a White Brass ana Wale Blaecialn.y mdl Uaoal regular Its, pec 11. n yard. ..,..10 Better grades at. a yard,......144l, 194 end 23 V sjbryptlan Dimities, fancy white stripe, fins quality,' book fold, the yard....... 15, 184 p 19, 23 rerslaa Zswms regular lo. Special.......... 23 Xwn regular toe, special.......... X9f KNIT and MUSLIN underwear: atualla End Traaes aad Vesta, sleeveless and abort sleeves,, embroidery edged' vesta; long and . short pants; the short are lace trimmed; s regular lo. Week End Bargain, the- . '. -garment-. w. S4 Xnlt Ooraet Covers, aa above vests... ...24 ' jcmlt Vasts aad rants vests' with long and short sleeves or sleeveless, embroidery and silk tape; long or short pants; short length, - laoe trimmed; regular 7&o a garment. Week End Bargain, the garment. 49 ' Vnlon Baits, embroidery and lac trimmed; regular 76c Week End Bargain 48 ." XrfUUes SCnslin Oownsi. yoke with lace trim ming and embroidery Insertion or tucks; sleeves laoe trimmed, - An excellent, nlght ' gown, well worth the regular prloe of ti ll. wee .na nari.i a ..vow Sissy sleds an Very short sleeves Knit Vesta, assorted colore. .10 Const Coven, laoa trimmed; regular values up to 760. Week Bargain . .8 , t ,-V. - rongee BUk,' It-Inch width, IS grade, yard,, .i.i. ...... 59 Imported Pongee, tl-lnoh width, 11.10 grade, yard.. .....91.29 China attlka, ths llo grade, tb yard...... J. t.,. .23 Changeable Taffetas, 10-lnoh width,. the IBo grade, the yard.... ...... 40 Men DressWeIl For Easter, As our Initial Easter Offering we have net aalde some extraordinary values 'for your inspection. The price are so low. that you will readily see tha benefit of pan e"g now. We want te make your ac quaintance sooner or later, and in order to as It now. ws offer these Week Bad ea's Cheviot rsstte, stses It to ee; a good assortment of patterns to choose rromi regular ' values to $2.10. Week End special ............. .f. 'a Tine Trousers values up to $I.6. Week End Bargain BUa's Boyal Worsted Suits, an stses; the kind you would buy elsewhere for ( to $20.00. .An exceptional Easter Special for Friday-and : Saturday, the . . su" $1.48 $2.25 $8:80 Give th9 Boy a New Easter Suit He will appreciate it. -wbUeyou will hardly notloe the purchase if yon buy it her. Sailor Suits of blue serge, with white or red braid . and tassels; ages a te t; regular l.0. , ' ! Week and price ............... ..-!' - t 150 Boys' Suits, all slses, assorted fabrics,' worsteds and cheviots. , In single or. double breasted. Buster Brown, Reefers and -. Norfolk style .,.,, , , Regular to $1.71 ., i w vr a wjj vi aiu $1.49 abrlcs, worsteds ouble breasted. $1.68 Men's Furnishings at Pleasing Easter Prices rour-ln-Xaada, made of fine quality-Silk BroeadS) . all shades, Including such ' as heliotrope, blue,: 'green, etc.; good lOo value. '"Week End Bargain ' " for this splendid necktie . . . . . .. .'. . .'. . . . . .24 SO dos. Silk Taoks In many attractive patterns ; . regular tie. Week End Special., ........ .....14 (food Quality Web Saspoadsrai regular tla, Special . 12H Volloemen's and Tiremea's Snspendersi regular 4$o. Week End Bargain 23 Men's Xeavy Working O loves ( regular . 75a. Week End Special - 49 A lot of Undershirts for which we failed to get the pant Special .r.. .894 1.000 pairs of Corsets, odd etylea, but , of wen-known . makes, such as " Royal Worosster, ' Thomson's Glove Fitting. Model Olov FltUng. Za Orecgne, eta Last week we sold (.000 pairs at lie a pair and j... the people lust fairly scrambled 'tor them. : To keep the crowds ' down we stated that they were not late styles, although worth more than . 15o any day. Tomor ' row, Friday, we want to clean up . the entire stock to make room for ' our regular llnea. soon te arrive Therefore the price, per pair. Just ...,.......,.-M....10 WV bought these at a snap and If wa took the time could sort them aad get nearly ; regular prloe for gome of them, instead of that we give you 'the benefit.' , -Tn silk ' Here 1st to the chil dren, whom we all love, and -whether' they are large .' or small, our -prices on anything Chlldren's-Wear are al ways a little less . . v Ohfldren'g Muslin aad lbawa Bonnets Bom worth as high as ll-tl .. and $1.60, Weed-End bararalna . . t Ab xnraata and flhiuna a ' , and other materials; regular I0o up. Special ........ A o ISO Children's Brass ie These ere ths entire line of a drummer's last sea ' son's 'samples and were bought right, - Although some of them would even , now sell readily at from 11.10 to tl.ll, . the Week-End Bargain prloe 0 is only ., ....894 Ohlldcna'n Znlt - Testa, short and long . sleeves, according to else..... 'T1..1B, 90. 25 Buster Brown Stockings Everybody - knows what they are and what they are worth. All elses for boys and girls.. Week-End Bargains, a pair 95 Fancy BJbVma, 4 ruche wide. We bought . the entire balance of a - manufacturer's output all that he had on hand of this and several . other llnea you get the-benefit; . regular llo a yard. Week- End Bargains, ths yard,....12H Taffeta BTbbon, large and- email polka dots only; easily worth Ho, Week-End .Bargains, the yard. . 8 These Notions will get your attention. At thai Notion Counter yon will lnd other good values. Bin ati a paper............... 1 Oabe Fine, black; regular 4 o Week-End Bargain . , rr. -.rTr,tm ,'.S for 84 Xalr rtnsi regular lo a package. SpeclU ,...T for 5 Barrdag Oottoa, black, white and brown; regular for lo. . Week-End . -Bargain g for 5 BagU Final regular lo a paper Week End Bargain, the paper, ..5 Shell Bids Combs; regular tie. - Special .....10 Visit the Shoe Department Before Easter . Ton can ears money there en etylleh footwear that will wear wall on your feet. e ' Ken Ttot Bid Shoes, In any style, shape and toe; regular 11.10 grada anywhere. Week-End Bargain, the pair 91.98 Men's I3.S0 Fa teat Leather Blockers. - A dressy - boot at a reasonable prloe; Golden Eagls value. - Week Bad Bargain, ths pair. .. .92.38 Ladles' Vlcl or Calfskin Boots, with or without -patent leather tips; regular anywhere $111; our regu lar price Is $J. Week-Bnd Bar gain, the pair. 91.48 Whltesnwiwn out Bdge Dressing for .ladles' and children's shoes; regu Jar-tic Week-End Bargain. 14 lOo box of Blackola -..5 otherwise we should have been covered with them, and even crushed by thetf weight. I might boast that not a sigh, not a word wanting la courage, escaped me, even In the midst of peril eo great, had I not been convinced that I was perishing In company with the universe, and the universe .with me mleerable and yet a mighty solace In death. At last the black mist that I had spoken of seemed to shade off Into emoke or cloud and to roll away. Then came genuine daylight and the snn shone out with a lurid light, such as it 1 wont to have In an eclipse. "Our eyes, which - had ' not yet re covered from the effects, of fear, saw everything changed, everything covered deep with ashee aa If with anow. - We returned te Mlaenum, and, after refresh ing ourselves ss best we could, spent a night of anxiety In mingled hope and fear. Fear, ' however, was still ths stronger feeling; for the trembling of the earth continued. while many f ren sled persons, with their terrUlo predic tions, gavs ths exaggeration that was even ludicrous to ths calamities of them selves and of their friend Even then. In spite of all the perils which we bad experienced and which we etlll expected, we had not a thought of going away till we vould hear-wews of my uncle. ' A DABBY FOB BTBBS. tr. Bergln, Pans, I1L. writes: 1 have used Ballard's Snow - LJnlment; always recommended It to my friends, as I am confident there Is no better mad 'It la a dandy for burn a.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruleea, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment Is applied. It should alwaya be kept In the nous for rases of emerg ency." 26c. lo and 11.00. Sold by Woodard, Clarke Co. . eOiissBtosBsmaaasBMsBI 1 wfll pay the State every doTlar of tnterest received en State ' ....,.......... funds.- . JT .will, reside in Salem and -give my- personal 7 attention to the" :.r....-, affairs of ths office." "M ' 10. V. CARTER, ' ; .r . Candidate for Republican nomination for State Treaen rer. r , - H WHY SHOULD YOU VOTE FOR rr'&l FOR STATE TREASURER? . . . JL J. i. BECAUSE h promises to paj to the state all ' ; motiey received as Interest on state funds. fc ::. . BECAUSE this Interest will amount to from $10,000 " to $20,000 per anmrm, and reduce your taxes correspond- BECAUSE he promises to reside In Salem and give T the office his personal attention. BECAUSE he will not be influenced or controlled r In the conduct of the office, but will give a business-; J. like,' economical administrstion. , 1 ElSPE stfA s ' ... '. , "' Oasts ' For FRIDAY at liQoldeini THIRD AND YAMHILL 47 .i f .' . v lOOO Ladies - Black, Gray and Blue. They're worth from $3, to $10. x .. T.. .. -Your Ctiolce. hriday only ' EXTRA SPECIAL NO. 2. 500 Ladles Waists, all sizes 23c l..:. 'j : . COME EARLY. :.. ';:: ':' 1 7 U J 5 5 i 1 7'