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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
CHZCOII' DAILY JOUHIJAL. PORTLAND.. - WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 11. 1SC1 v,Tct7'TcIa:',, Ssj mi .. m ii 11 enssawSaanwaSB i I " ' lomiri ucuizxnm.. Mirquaia Oraaa..,.. , rtwwnck ware H.llla "The to the Roorah" Baker Muelcal Burloeoue Knplre..................."The raul Wadding" Lyric "Powa la Kaw Bamixhlre" Or an. .................. Vaudeville filar .......... Vaudeville Clan Hacleay entertained th families of Ita member and man friend at a concert and dano given last night in the auditorium of tha Westers Academy -of Music, the foremost Scots of Port land being la attendance. ' Evereefe orchestra supplied the muslo for th occasion. Chief J. A. Patsrson opened th program with appropriate remarks and shared honors with Piper Major MacDonald. t Tha Macleay Ole club gained greater glory than was its before and th graceful dancing of Miss Rosl Forbes was enjoyed. Th soloists were W. K. Bcott, J. A. Euplng. Mrs-Lulu Miller. Mrs. W. K. Bcott and Mrs. W. C. Haseltln. Mr. Scott's Scotch dialect ongs took th audience by storm, hi .Singing .of . 'The. tlrd ,o' Cockpen" bringing down th house.- Chief Pater eon read an original poem written by J. ' D. Murray,- who was unable to b pres ent "Auld Lang Syne" by th Ole club nded th concert and dancing followed. - A large crowd attended the lecture given by County Clerk Frank sV Fields last night in th courtroom of depart' ment Ho. 1 of th circuit court. Mr. Fields' address was given especially for ' th Judges and clerks selected to act at th various wast aids polling place dar ing elections and primaries for the next two years. He told the officials of th many duties thsy would be called upon to perform and explained th workings of all the ! stats laws relating to both primary ana general elections. A nura ber of straw ballots were taken to .W th Judges and clerks some actual prac tice. Tonight th Judge and clerka from east side -and . country precinct will meat at the courthouse at 7 ;I0 clock. shift i;i mm. AT TROUTDALE Report Is' Current That Trust Has Already Taken Over , Pork-Packing Plant, TO TAKE OVER LOCAL ?'... 5 . PLANT ON JUNE FIRST Report That Portland Company Had Been Absorbed by Truit Not De ' tiled Manager O'Shea Refuse to , Diacuis Later More. , -' ) V : The following examinations have been announced by the United States elvll ' servlc commission to be held In- Port land: Apprentice, mint and assay serv .1 Ice; assistant electrical engineer, signs. ' servlce-at-large, salary ' ft. 400 per an num; electrical assistant, signal servlce- at-large. salary 100 per . annum; en- glneer draftsman,. engineer department- t-large. Salary ll.ioo per annum; In terareter, Italian, . Greek, : Turkish, " Syrian,' immigration service, salary - - 11.100 ner annum: technical assistant in pharmacology, Marina bospltsl service, r - aalary f 1,500 per annum.- Persons de siring to compete should call on 55. A. Leigh, postof flc department,' city. . . . Th will of th late Theodora Dramas. . formerly In th cigar business at th v corner of First and Ankeny streets, has ' . been filed .in .th county court- With th excentlon of 1&A0 he leavea all his property to his sisters, Mrs. Cat Olm- ' Sted, Mrs. Louis Dauglsda, Miss Ger trude xxnrrnaa. Miss Mercedes Oramas and Mlas Virginia Oramas, all of whom - reside In San Francisco. Th sisters 1 ere to shar tha estate eaiiaJIv. Th 1500 is to be given to Mrs. Clara Real, who cared for Oramas during his last illness. He died In Portland April His estate Is said to be worth 1.000. - . Charles R.. Flick, an Inspector In the Service of th Paclflo States Telephone : company of this city,' appeared before th prosecuting attorney . at Log -An gelea yesterday and asked for a war rant for th arrest of three persona In that city who ar charged with assault ing him. Hs declares that he- has been spurned fey his wlfs and that his chll . dren have been taken from 'him. "He waa talking to the children 'when friends of his wlf. It is said, assaultsd him. He declared that h would Imme diately begin divorce proceedings. Arrangements are being mad for th thirty-fourth annual reunion of th Ore gon Pioneer association, which will be held in Portland Thursday. June 14. At a masting of the executive committee yesterday It was decided to Invlt Allen weir of Olympla, Washington, president of th' Washington Pioneer association, to deliver th annual address. Joseph Buchtel was elected grand marshal. Bev. A. J. Hansaker of McMlnnvllle chaplain and Mrs. Charlotte M. Cartwrtght chair man of th Woman's auxiliary... with power to choos her assistants. .. Befor a Jury In Judge George's coort today is being tried th case of Dr. Charles F. Candlant, administrator f th estate of Pletro Bonaoci. against the Portland City at Oregon railway, which Is now known as th Oregon Water PowV-KalI way company. Bonaoci ras killed whil .riding on a ear of th . company in an aocldent that occurred on th Madison street bridge on April : I, 1902. Dr. Candlant is suing tor J MOO ' damages on behalf of th estst. . Immediately after th organisation of a stat retail hardware and Implement dealers' association yesterday, officers 'war elected as follows: President, John H. Simpson, Corrallls; Ttce-preeident, H. J. Altnow, Woodburn; treasurer, Frank Dayton, Portland ; secretary. H. J. Ooff, Forest Grove; executive committee, EL F. Willis, Banks; F. E. Chambers, Gu iana, and Frank 8pncr, Balem. The object of th association I to promote , th Interact of th hardwar Implement dealers of tha stat. . r . . . ; ' -' In honor of - Frederick Ward, th trs gedlan, Ivsnhoer lodge "Norir Knights of Pythias, gav a reception and buffet lunch In It hall last evening. Chancellor Commander Gorg Cameron presided and Introduced tfi guest of th evening. - Mr.- Ward told th atory of Damon and . Pythlaa as given In a dramatised version. Upon motion, a rising vot of thank waa given th actor at th com pletion of his talk. Th members of th lodge turned out in numbsrs. D. IX Coffsy has begun a suit for a dlverc from Carrla W. Coffey, declar '. lng that his wife continually work her self Into a condition of hysteria, over Imaginary grievance. He declares ah has mads- his - Hf - burdensome. Th couple war married t Milton, Oregon, January 1. lltf, and have en daughter, which th husband Is willing th wlf should keep. " Deputy Sheriff John Grass! list night arrested O. Crsyton, who Is wanted In Roseburg on th charg of seduction. Crayton was clerking la a South Port land grocery store when arrested, but ' h Is said to have been a student of a local business college until two weeks ago. - Sheriff McClellen of Roseburg Is . expected to errlve tonight for th pris oner. Crayton Is about II years old. - Mineral Springs Hotel company, lea. see a. Amos D. St. Martin hot springs, Carson. Washington, la without doubt -th best health resort In th northweet. - Hot mineral baths for cure of rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney treu blee. Excellent table, eleotrlo lights and ' steam heat; . fin trout fishing. Tak ttearaer Srnor or Regulator boats. Ws ar still selling eye glasses at II. a perfect fit guaranteed ar money re funded. M stager Co 111 Sixth street . Damages sgalnat ths elty amounting to 14.01, which It Is alleged , will be guetalacl la too proposed opening of ' A report is current that th Swift packing - people have already taken charg of th Union Meat company'! pork plant at Troutdale and will as sume control of th fresh meat and general packing buslnsss of th com pany in. Portland en Jun 1. While no poslttv confirmation of th report can be secured from official of ths Union Meat company it come with th stamp or authority. Bom weeks ago It became known that negotiations for th purchase of th lo cal company's interests war tinder wsy between th representatives of It and th Swift people. Th deal by which th trust acquired th entire Interests of th local company and thus took th first step., toward eliminating competi tion in he northwest, waa cloaed at San Francisco. Th fact that th Portland company was absorbed by th trust was not denied by officials of th Union Meat concern. They merely evaded questions. a As a further Indication that" th deal was satlsfn ctorily closed, - the tmion Meat company commenced collecting all outstanding bills. This, the customers say, was never don befor by th com pany. ,. At that time it was understood that the Troutdale plant would be taken over first and might possibly be closed after the new owners had aasumed con trol of the ntlr business. ' ' It Is generally understood In ths city that th Swift people took over' th Troutdale plant' several daya ago and har mad all arrangements " to tske charg of th general business of tb company on Jun I. Manager- O'Shea said when' asked about th, matter this morning: -t f "I hav not seen eny fof th Swift people around yet But I hav nothing to say for publication. A' single hundred doHan has given many a young man his op portunity. We will help you save the first hundred. When you get ready to invest your sav ings we will be glad to give you our advice.' The fact that you may withdraw your money will not Influence' us in the slightest degree.. - ; ...... ... ...... -g. . , . WE PAY INTEREST , Oeaeial Saaklag Baaiaeaa Tiaassetea. . Brafts Issaed ea AU tarts f U WerlaT x. ' OFFICERS. ' V W. H. MOORE. President'-- ? . E. E. LTTLB, Vlce-Presldsnt , , . ' W. COOPER MORRIS,. Cashier. s ' ' . DIRECTORS. . ' W. H. Moore. HE. Lytle. Leo Frlede. H. A. Moor. . . , W. Coopr Morris. - AT THE THEATRES. 1 East Sixth street between Division and Tsggart streets, ar asked-from the city by ths Ladd estate, it Is ssld that a total of 14,041 square feet of ground belonging to th estate will be con- damned for street purpoees. . M. O. McCorkl thl -morning filed a petition In th county court asking for a franchise ovsr th flection Ltn oad for a portion of th light of way for tha proposed electric line from Portland to Mount Hood. Mr. McCorkl declares that h la going to bujld a health re sort rear th mountain, -He promise that th track of hia road will be con structed. Is feet north of th center of th road. Th proposed Una la to bo a slngl track road. . -James 'W. Webb, a watchman living In Alblna, has filed his schedule as a bankrupt, giving hi llabllltle a 11,044 ana ni assets as s4, or which ne claims 1100 Is exempt Several mar- chants ar named aa creditor. Steamship "Alliance" sail from Conch street dock for Coo Bay and Eureka, Friday. April 11, at p. m. C. H. Thompson's ticket agency. 111 Third etreet. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main Articles of Incorporation"' for th Brae Lumber company were filed In th county dark's office this morning by J. H. Johnson, A. A. Brace and Henry Stevenson, Th capital stock Is 115,000. . - . . Until further notice, commencing Sunday, April I, 1101. th Mississippi avenue car will Cross th river wast rly over atl bridge and eaeterly over Burnalde bridge. Portland Railway com pany. ., . . The Salem offlc of The Journal 1 now at th JPotal telegraph office, 214 Commercial street. 'Phon Main 401 Orderer enangeav r -complaint -will re ceive Immediate attention. Ci'H." litndemanrH.- Fi-'Lln'domaw and George W. Joseph hav filed article of Incorporation for th Eagle Creek Lum ber company, with a capital stock of 110,009. Butsers lawn fertiliser rejuvenate th ahabby lawn; hi a wee t. peas and lawn grass got gold medal at th fair. Ill Front, between Tamhlll and Taylor. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on asy paymanta. 11 down and to cant per weak. All mainsprings ii; an watohss cleaned 11. MeUger 4s Co 111 Sixth st For quick action list your Insld real aetata for-sal at r aonabl price with F. Abraham, at 111 Beoond atrt Aom Oil Co. sTla th best safety coal Oils and fln gasolines. Pbon East 711. C E. Wslborn. furs It ur rapalrlng, pol ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. East I1IL Women's uchanga,-111 Tenth street. lunch, II to 1. .. . - J ' MAINLY PERSONAL Dr. W.' H. Flannlgan, a well-known physician of Grants Pass, la registered at the Imperial.' ; Blierlff Edward Msraters of Curry county, who has been In th city for th past few days, departed last night for nis soma. F. J. Carney, a merchant of Astoria. IS registered at th Imperial. Eoe Houser of Echo I registered at th Imperial. . . William A. Harmon or Th Dalles ! talking politic at th Oregon and mak ing purchases of Portland merchants. a. B. Wright of Roaeburg I regis tered at th Parkins. Thomas Doollng of North Bond. Mr. Aimer Meeerve of Rainier, W. H. Eules of Hood River, and John J. Hempff of Sumpter ar registered at th Hotel Perkins. C. A. Sehlbreede of Coos Bsy. candi date for th Republican nomination for governor, has opened headquarters In th Hotel Parkin. . .. . sTw Foiwet Osov Xaad.- ; (Special Dlepatch to Te Jovraal.) Foreat Oroya, Or., April 11. A new band haa been organised here, to be known aa th Foreat Grove brass band. It la mad up of about 10 of theroung business men of th town, who hav banded together to furnish muslo during th long summer evening to th resi dents, from the nW park bandstand. . , "Babea in Toyland." . A traly tree fairy story is told la "Babes la Tot land." the olar whlc cones to the Heills ISaeWe teaxiiue tTaareaayyi- rriaay sad Haters Say slhta, wltk s epeetal-Brtes aiatlaee Satnr-: aay. All tbe ebaraetere aw to the reJMlak aaert and which hare beea Bads . (amlliu Is the Mother Ueoae plctnre books are, to be found la this attraction. The two babae whe hare the wonoerful sdrvatuns Is the nyeterkme eeeatry ef Torlaad are Alas and Jane, whe g thars ts eaeepe the pereaeatlone ef their wlrfced eM Uncle Barsaby. who wishes to pet then out ef the way la erder that be aay gala a for tuna which le rWthtrally theirs, bat they eventually outwit kla and everything ends happily.-, : - - Last' Warde Kedtal Tonlaht.:, Tonight the Uat leetnre ef rrederick ' Ware ea Shaketpeare take place at the afsrameai theatre. Mr. Wsroe baa heal his hearers speu. boend with his eloonaaee, his sparkling wit and' kla aiaaterly Inparaosatlons . ef the rharaetar la Bhakespeare's plays. "Jollae - Creston Clark la "Beaucaire.'' Aa anaaaally par and sweet stnaeapaere per vades "Baeealre," the Booth Tarklnckw eeei edy roaaaaee, la which Oreetoa Clarke appeared to each advantage all ef last Tear sad thfar seeeoa. Mr. Clarke will find a "kaarty-enleoma next Sonday, Monday and Tnaaday Bights. April IS, IS and IT, at the Helllg theatre. Advene sab) opens next Friday st the bos eft Ice ef tbe theatre." -. r Last Performance) Tonight. The last performance ef the Ktrke La Shell eonpaay b Panl Armstrong' conedylrama, "Th Men- to the Hoorah," glvea to alsht at th Being theatre, fonrteenth and Washlngte etreeta. - TMa a) the beat eoatedy dreaaa Portlaad haa had this seeaoa end has been greeted by crowded honaoe the paat twe evenlnss. Certain at S:15 o'clock. Seata a sale at the Belli sex office... . Roanoke1NextWek- The Snpmi has another beantlfal offering far next week la Hal twid'e southern slay, "Boenoke," which will open Bandar saatTbee. "Boanoka" baa not vlalted PortUnd for aeverel aaaaona, bat It is one ef tbe great aeelodramatlc eoeceaeea. It will he presented at tha Empire by Lee Morris sad a sompany of wall-known players. u -The Fatal Wedding" Tonight, The Fatal Wedding." one of the most premtaeat plays of today, - Is being presented at tbe Empire this week by the charming young actress, Jane Kelton, and aa excelleat snpport tag oowpany. The play ta strictly Aawrlcas. It Is s heart play tar-oof hoot. There wlU be e SMtlaee Sntnrday and the last performance of this great play at ths Bmpbre will be Satnr- oay sight. Next Week at the Baker. " The Merry Maidens Bsrieeaue company will be next week's attraction at the Baker, and a mora than ordmerily good performance Is promised. There ere a donea or more of the prettleat staee girls obtainable. The comedy aa vanaeviue element m sue rail ei seveitiea. Baker Burlesque. Drop ta at tbe Baker thle week and nee ths performance of tue Cherry Blnnnraa hnrleaqaere. To cas take your wife er yonr aweetbearl Tb musical and vandevllla act with th Cherry Bloaeome company are among tbe beet and the cborne Is especially pretty and attractive. Cherry Blnaaama will give a matinee Setarday. There will be a special laat performasce Batar day sight. ' VAUDEVILLE "AND STOCK.- ' Startler at the Grand. Whh tb eed ef lurhtauur. Caatellana'a bicycle shoots dows aa Incline, makes e eom plate revolntlos end leape the gap. This Is the eeneatnnei fearsre act which offered at the Grand this week. Mlas Wllana snd company, eompoed ef players well liked la Portland, offer "What Hapnened to Brown." ateddar end Wfloon hare a pleasing act.' whIN Bench sad Berth are Oermaa eonredlana whe keep the boose hi good hamor. The movlas ptetaree are emoslng and the rest ef the bill is tlret-elass. .. At ths Star. ; Hale, with hie electrical aw. Ira metrs- menta, la at the Star this week. The set aoae wall. laabelle Jeneaa le tbe bast female emrar thle theatre has presented In weeka, while Mr. Marfan, the saw sinter of lllnatrsted seats. i a remaraaoiy nne veac. The tare trade have a lively aketeh. Learttt and Aah. ore are giving s comedr snd Drew sad Deaa else have aa smaslng sketch. Milwaukls Country Club. Xoe Angeles and Oakland racea Tak Bellwoort and Oregon city cars at First and Alder. ' STEIIWAY A. B. OXAB-B, BTAJtS, - ' And Ota- Fiaa, ajroartrs fiawo nvaTSBa. Ajraai.trs fzajios. VICTOIt TALKING r.iAcmr.TS : Thousands of Victor Records. Every thing In Sheet Music. AU Small Musical Instruments. Everything at th lowest price and en th easiest terms. Bandore Piano Co. SbsUway Pisiiae. xm szxtx tx on, ouaoalajr. M V.lILtnette" Sewing MacLlnca-1 5 Model at Priest frota $ 1 6 to $33Stcond tlocr Tnaikt and Traveling Cars Every Good Sixe and Styla ta All Cradea Tt!r4 floor TEae Me By Express 100 W omen's Strits mm mum rt!&i i v nil -Li. NEW STYLES $40 Extra Valuos at $40 Another Hs thipracnt of Women't TanordSalt rcwrve4 yeatarday jnat latlmw to plea) Eaater ahoppara--1 OO gaf menu In all tha Mttiaat atyUa Priaceaa and Fancy Eton Jacktto Fancy vest efTcta. with lace and gimp trfcamlnj Voiles and Panama cloth ia rray. rote, blue, reseda arid black All are beautifully tailored Circular skirts All sixes ExcepUcmaTVclnes at this price Women wanting new suits for Easter wear had better visit Portlands Leading Cloak Store today Shirtyai3 to $45.00 A mammoth showing of new Shirtwaist Suits in fine white mulls, Isce and embroidery trimmed linen suits in plain tailored and fancy trim- . med effects lawn shirtwaist suits in besutiful variety white, blue, green, gray, pink and tan hy far the largest display in the city at - - prices from .................................... to aj-o.ww Complete stock of new Walking Skirts in all the desirable styles snd :, materials at prices from. .......B.OO to 3.00 Tsn Covert Coats, tight-fitting or. box styles-all prices. . . EasterSdeolFr.ehchMuslmJUnd3rv French hand-mad Oowns, mad of fin French " Women's fine JYsnch DraVera, hand-embroidered, percale, hand-embroidered fronts, low snd" high neck,' in exqulalt designs; mad with fitted waistbands and long and short sleeves; very large assortmsnt to so- wid embroidered flounces; larg assortment ,. Women's French hand-mad - Undrklrta, wide Bautlful French Chemlee. and-m.d. of fin flounces, .mbroidered. with and without embroidered Trench Prcale, handbroldered, yoke effect, edg under flouneea: magnificent style- . eyUt th bt bargain erer offered-.. .,, $aoeFttiooaM...S4,9-aiOOO rtloat..'.8r.48 S1AO Okeasis for.. 81.32 Sl.Te Ohsala fee.. 81. S3 SSSOO Vsttlooata 818.50 eiaBO Skirt for. $10.98 Oaamis fes. 81.80 aa eo Ckeamlae f. .88.10 taM Ftwaok UaUaadsred Skirt fl.98 Sssoad Floor. Sao Ohmlse (.. f 3.98 OkssmU for . f 4.98. Easter Ne ckvear "For Women The grandest values of the season In Women's Neckwear are presented for yonr choosing New, stylish novelties in great assortment-" Very unusual bargains that Easter shoppers mqstb"e interested ia. -v- Linen Kever and Cuff Sets, hand mbroldred In wheat dealgns, new style; IRo and 11.00 valuea on sal at Whit Taffeta Silk Stock with light blu ana whit rtblcon and ruchlng trimming; regular too value at at OC Sheer Lawn Stock and Turnovers, accordion plaited and, hand ambrold . rd with cream and ecru appllqu medallion; value up to s -ft.00 each ar being cleaned up at thl low price.. ., OtC New Oarrott Collar mad of laundered linen with soft embrold- ty m red turnover, else 11 ta It; grand vain rrTv.,....,r...e,Jv Tucked Lawn Bolero with val. lace and Insertion. $3.00 Values at 96c Each $1.00 Values at 49c Each . . ..$1.00 to $23.00 7-751.30 to $12.00 OSTRICH BOAS AT REDUCED PRICES Complete line of new Bolero at, each .'. - Val. Lac Chemisettes and Undsrsleeves. -Bet ' Choose from our entire stock of Ostrich Feathef Boas at reduced price thl week black, gray, whit and green all lengths. Prle range from 82. OO to 842.50 each Take advantage. Great Eastde bf Millin AU our magnificent Paris and New York Pattern Hats the original models from the most celebrated artists exquisite creations S40.00 to $75.00 values at the following special low prices : $20.00. $23.00, $29.50 end $33.00 Bach Trimmed Hats at $9.50 Crest special lot of high-grade Trimmed Hats, all the newest dress AhaDescobiet-and joriginals injmmensejrariety Hats to plesse Jifevery fancy: values up to $20 00 each on sale PQ Jsf f today at VtJw ! ChlMrn'-TrUnmad tghoraa. attractive tyle, i gpotaJ lot of S0O Blaok Dresa Kata la U styles, all s-olten ud In th most pleasing ahapes and effects. Wonderful values at thl low $250 Thousands of new Tailored Hat for women and misses. Every new shape and effect. Th largest -xrr.93co.$9.50 " Children's Fes Caps. Middy Caps'." Napoleon Hi. Marquis Caps. Sailor Hat . . Hat and Caps ta great variety Second Floor, tak elevator. ' '' '"'.'''.''.'' ' thl season's most fashionable creations; marvelous . value at thl low , ne: pric ...... eaf.y TRIMMED HATS AT $4.93 1,000 handsom new Trlntmed Hata vry becoming . atyl and shspe, all th new straws and trimmings . In . tha leading shads. Th greateat assortment and best value over offered at this m A ni low prlo ............ $4.93 CHURCH TO ENTERTAIN WITH MUSIC AND READING Under the auspice of th congrega tion of Haaalo-tret Congregational church a musical and elocutionary en tertainment will be given at th church this evening that promises to be on of (h. mnat Internetlnc events of Its kind this season. Th entertainment will be given by Mrs. Frd I uiaon, wry or th candidate for Justto of th peaoe on th east aid, and Miss Connolly, aa m.tA . ui.. Matthews Miss Barker and Miss Reynold. An Interesting program haa been arranged, -consisting n. m ir.a i mnn . imui anarr HiMiiona. t will he the flrnt Bublla snoearnm1. or Miss jaannewa wi jroriinu one in a reader of wld xperlenc. and re cently cam to Portland from Salt Lake Cltv. The othere ar wall known in munlcnl elrclea of thla cltv. . It I ex pected that a larg crowd will attend. AMERICAN' SOLDIERS TO CARRY MACHETES (Joaraal Speetal Bervlee.t ' Washington, April 11. Th mchte, which waa an Implement of th Spanish troop In Cuba and th Philippines, ap pear desyned to be adopted more gen erally by our own troopa. Soma 1.000 of these hug knlve hav been Issued to th troopa tn th Philippines, by whom thay ar to b nstd In cutting path through th thick underbrush, rather than aa weapons. They hav be come Indispensable in that capacity, and It ha now bean decided, en the recom mendation of th general staff of th army, to extend th machete to field ar tillery troopa at horn and add that Im plement to toe Individual equipment of CORRECT LIST OF SAVING High rent stores charge for Men's and Youtha Suits $23.00." Our Price ....... . . . .. .$15.00 Their $20.00 grade ia only $12.50 with ua. . What they charge $15.00 for we sell for $10.00 And their $12.50 price you get from us for $7.50 Proportionate cut prices on Hats, Pants, Shirts. We are away from the high rent district that's why we can save you the difference. JOOiRI . 181 AND 183 FIRST STREET AND 53 NORTH THIRD STREET Hay by day peevle ar o t a,naUae wtU U ... .. , vela f Oriental Rugs A a rich and laatlng covering for th floor, and ar discovering tlmt It ia not tMoeaanry to be wealthy In order to own them. Thla latter has been on of th serious ml a- . takea of home owners, but happily Is being speedily dispelled. Aa Oriental Rug Is preu'tlcslly Inde structible, snd In the end la th cheapeet that can be bought.. , Wl AMM 9VM OWS IHTOBTaaJI and nave to our patrons all tha profits of th - middleman. v'a . hav a great atock now from which to Mlect. - . -.. .' ' Atiycli Bros. 411 WasaXaTTOaT ST. i, auu aoso, swi xotk aa nth. m. T.1. IIEILIG .EASS2 Waaklngtoa i SeSs . Mala 1. Tianiia. rrlaay. latinaaV Vlgbts, Anrfl U, - U, 14, 100, .-: i gpertal Price Mating Satarday '. ADVANCE UlIJl VOW ON ' B Office- The B.lllg Tbntre. IA e: m. Ortglnsl rredsctme t the Spiesdld Mvelcal . . Kxtravsgaasa. ... ss'D- I - T I link. aanT'" I .ulna. J idUo iir lOiidiiQ Ta. Slemt sraplral sttracttna of tn. eeaeaa. SVEMNO P KICKS Lower floor, flrat I rowa, $2; laat rows. 11.00. Balrenr. flrat fewa. SI SO: next S rewa. 1.00 last S MATINRB PRICRSV-Lewer floor, flrat tn rowe, Sl.SA; leat S rows. SI. 00. Baleonr, flret 4 tew. SI.0O; nest S rewe,.7lc; laat ft SOe. Kntlre tiallerr, S5c. THB HGILIO , THEATRE 14th ssd Wsaklngtea. . Phoa Mala 1 IAST PIBrOantajrOK TOmSHT AT I:1S " Irhi U laeUe Oesinaay aa IVa! amstreag's - ' ' - CwSsMSSP aPfftasfaMi "The Heir to the Hooreh" VKXIKO PRICES S1.60. $t. TSc, SO. See. Biker Theatre Tsaalll and Sd lis. f I eege ?2JralL ar. PkaSa Mala 190f nhg at ; Oss solid wk ooi a evenl . Matinee Batari . ; "CHERRY. BLOSSOMS The One Barlenqne 8bew The Onlr ta th twe aaraarloealy xnnnjr snrlwanea, "tkx waoao ootrrr tobasoo" sag "rax avaaaxLaoMK suauou" " ". Vsb. Manic ssd Pretty (Jlrla. ,' " BatnrSar Matinee. ls. Sne, SB. SOe. Klaht prime, SSc. SV, SOc. T5c.. flnectal cloeTag nertorsnMce Sainrflar alght. Mont Wmb 'TXZ MI11T SAlIltlL" 1 MorHaos, Mala MT. ; " Empire Theatres. Pertlaad's'efalar piayaenee, - . ' Tealfht, AU Thle Wart. Maltese .Satarday, The Imaortal weledranutlc aarmiaa. "The FaUl Wedding' ;.' - with ' v Jsaa ' Xelem and a Sessrb Oaat. One ef the seat ef BvxWn Blodranus. 4 tarlllln story, penelar with all etaawe. re nl aeenle nroeurttea. Matinee Betsrdar. ' Ivenlng rrier lit, SSe, Sc,.SOc. - Mattaee lOr, lec SSe. .,!...' P ', jtat WA "kOUIOKX." f.Iarquam Grand Theatre FREDERICK WARDE WaSsaalay . IgkV Aartt tWfallas Oaeaar" t'sder tbe eaeptcee ot Kalghu t Pythias. PaMCKS Lower aoor, It -ssd The.. BalosBy, Tee sad SO. Boaae and kea, r iun how isixiiia. STAR e'ajask sayTal 9 eafef ' CawMlsM aKOT(nnTW aaxoa. ,1 The gtresss, 10 Te eay Met. la Laevttt a : tke keass eseept ' Sahmera. - besee-lo. -caANDri-crtrl:- . TXZATai. ' . Mia ZUa. Vtteea Csv Week ef AnrU S BjnrU a Beaeh. ' T?lktJ- s atary Maaiea. saagtiBviL Heren arrr. : CAKTKLLANB - Oraadleaeee. - PBtCES Bv.alne and Sandea. lse. SSe and bosh SSe. Matinee, ISe t any aat boaae. -UYRIC THEATRE BE0INNIN0 M0NDAT. APBILS, ISO. " Er-ry Aftarnnon nn Eveetng. -PertlenS's Pesalar Sterfc Hens. " BCBAL OOMBDT-DBAMA. down in new iups:::t I!t FITS ACTS. ' Pol low the Crowd ' Onattneou Parwaiee. ASaaunleaj 10c Beeerved Seeks SOe, . . A 'iir" If ' TS -1 f , ...,.-r m I p. m. to II. 4:t te r, T to is:n. -. ' . : . '. anrtZO every afternoon and evening. iVOTSOaf Private leeaeng fre from 1 to I p. m. and from 4:IS t :IS p. m. ', . " SJaaJSv STOW Our rink will be open rmxm Admission lee. skat Jlc. JONES RANDAIX. th light artUUryman In th field. . Th machat In ueh Inatancee will b worn In a eheath or eoahherd - attach-to the bait The machete la considered of special value to member of th moun tain batteries, of which there ar sev eral In thla country, all of them des tined sooner or later foe duty In the Philippine. r urv::::Drv 'TIUle' ; LISTEHS . W lt all gr-i Tin. blackem!"! c 1 dl the pr' i hat In V- ' 11 - i - - .