The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 11, 1906, Image 5

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    ' , v
i daily juu::::ai; i c::tlai;d, Wednesday evening, apiul' 11. ucj..
dV you::g giul
. j , m - : ' ;
V ? Diminutive Swiss Maid With an
Unloaded Gun Forces' TwoT
i. . , .,
i ' . ' tm- Robbers to Flee.
I Seised by Burly Ruffians Who Are,
rv Robbing Her ; Father'g ' Store
' Forces Asaailanta to Run Away by
Bold Bluff. I v. ,
4 ' i ' (Joaraal Sselsl Service.) '
Oniaha, April ll Two burly, holdup
. ma. arcnsd with runs and knives, fled
.precipitately last night when confronted
irttt daageroiie looklag bur hartnlaaa
mpt jr revolver tn the hand of Miss
.atartha Miller.' a diminutive Swiss girr,
whom tha robbera found alone la bar
fathers grocery.-. - y:
When tha men entered tha atore they
'tailed for a cigar, end aa Mlaa Miller
atarted behind the counter, one of them
tinned her arma behind her and held
a knife to her throat; warning her to
make no outcry.- 'Meanwhile tha other
Hit ransacked the . atore. Finding no
Money, they demanded of tha girl , to
a ehown where tha caah waa kept.
. -"Release me and I will find it for
fou." waa her reply. V -
- ""If you make a false move r wnr eur
our head off." said tha man with tha
knife.' - .. v .,,.-.
' Followed oloaely by tha highwayman,
Miss Her went -Into a rear room and
rummaged through a dresaer, -finally
handing tha bandita a long red porket
book which contained no money. While
tha . gaaa of tha two roboera waa fas
tsned on tha puree, Mlaa Millar. drew a
revolver from a 'drawer and demanded
"handa up." , .Inatead. of. complying the
men turned and fled. -.
. "The revolver wae 'empty or I' would
have shot them.'', aaid Mlaa Miller.
. i vmt mm . pwghi m t rm.f
. ' Xoridoo, . April .11. Tha. reaaon. ' that
there ia to be no application to parlia
ment for a atate grant' to Prlnceaa Ena
i of Battenberg oa her marriage ,to tha
king of Spain la due. It ia aald, to the
personal intervention of King EM ward.
. who la greatly oppose to any member
of the royal family? going hat In hand
rto parliament for money upon every oc
. caaion. In thta reaped tha king dlf
: fera from hta lata .mother, -who . was
much given to encouraging theaa appll
oatlona. Prlnceaa Beatrice, tha mother
of. the bride-to-be." haa drawn. $30,oe( a
- year, from tha oountry for a- -very long
. time. The view la held That thla aum
- ahould eufflce for 'her daughter's mar
1 rlage, especially when It la remembered
that -practically, tha whole of -Queen
Victdrla'a vast private fortune waa left
to er youngest daughter.
FoitJ & Co., ChkaVtOrOrleinAtcd
Honey o4 Tm as a throat and
Juno; remedy, and oa account of
.the (rreat merit and popular rtf of
. Foley's Honey and Tar many Imi
tation arc offered for the genuine.
'These worthless imitations bare
similar sounding names. - Beware
of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar b in ayellow
package. .Ask for It and refuse
any substitute' It is the best
remedy for coughs and colds. '
si V . aW
, Hwa-i t. -..j' .
WeedaH. Clarae at Oa. aa4 & Bkla
... aaoM S Oa ..
:("' i
! t ... New-Shepherdess Hat
Are you a trailer or are you a trolley?
Are you tagged to ' a '. leader - through
: ' wiadom and follyt . .
Are you Somebody Else Or TouT .'
Do you vote by the symbol and awallow
lt;"atralghft , . , 4 . ..
Do you pray by the book, do -you pay
- by tha ratet
Do you tie your cravat by the calen--
dara datoT , - .- : ; ;.
Do you follow a cue?" .
Araryoua-wrlter or that ; which la
. worded?
Are yon a shepherd, or one e 1 the
a - .nerdedT- . ' '
Which are you a. "vThkt or a. WhoT,
It Bounds well to call yourself "one of
tha flock.-:- - "
But a sheep la a sheep, after all. At
tha - block . ' -
You're nothing but mutton, . or possibly
. ...stock;- -
' Would you flavor a stew?
Are you a being and bosa of your soul T
Or ara you a mummy to carry a acroll?
Are you Somebody Else, or You? -When
you finally past to tha heavenly
j. picket, . t. : " , ,. ' ., ' .
Where Peter tha Serotinous stands on
hla picket.
Do you think you will do? '.
Edmund Vance Cooke, in ' the Qu.s
a tlon. .? t' 4 . : ,.
' At the Y.. W. C. A. Friday evening Is
one of the -moat Interesting and valu
able "at homes" of the week, for on
that evening, foreign girls of tha city
ara Invited t . gather and get ac
quainted and Jo.ln the English clasa.
If any ladies' have foreign girls em
ployed in their homes, who are home
sick and lonely and wish to learn our
language, it would be well to Introduce
them to the secretaries of the Y W. C
A. at thla time, .either In person or by
telephone, eo that they - may be wel
comed and made to feel that they have
) tort of proprietary right , in the
pleaaant rooms and, pleasant times at
the association rooms.
Pleas do - not forget- .that Friday
evening. la especially for the stranger
girt far away from the dear familiar
scenes and facea among which aha has
lived, and any woman that la the means
of bringing on of these lonesome wan
derers Into i the cordial . circle of the
I. W. C A., where she will find friends
and learn this pussllng, difficult Eng
lish language, baa dona a good thing.
.: Don't forget, Friday evening for tha
girls with sueh very long distance
home. -'. . - .
I once knew a lovely Swedish' woman
who left her country when - a very
young girl. She la now tha wife of a
well-to-do countryman of here and tha
mistress of a beautiful home. '
. She, told me a sad story of the mis
chief wrought by the agenta of the va
rious steamship companies In Continen
tal Europe, , , .
They go about among the people until
they .-find those . who have 'sufficient
means to pay their paasaga money to
tha states, and i then proceed to inocu
late, them with a discontent that-makea
tha simple, wholesome Uvea they live
In their native land seem bar and
commonplace. '. -
, Thoy -draw largely upon their own
imaginations these, agents--and fling
veracity ,to the -winds while they pic
ture the. fortune that ara lying about
loose t be picked op by theee simple,
honest1 folk just as soon aa they will
turn over their amall fortune for' pas
sage money and leave all the dear as
sociations of a lifetime, the life that
la aimple, honeet, comparatively free
from cere " and ' comparatively full of
comfort for . that . strange of
which tbsy snow nothing.
' Tha hardest thlna- a nannn .ha la
truthful by nature has to learn Is tfiat
tha professional past master In tha art
of lying has sometlmea to be, reckoned
win in una worm. . These trusting and
truthful forela-nara hava
this lesson until the steamship com
pany agent, teaches them, , and then
It le to lata.
But It la ''toaalnasa an4 ' tha .....t
hustles his victims on board, pockets
hla commission and forget all about
DM vil ever atud a r -t m
Immigrant Just landed? You caa se
1: -
them In Nw "York and Boston on the
streets near the docks or on tha ferry
boats with their small, belonglnga In
bedquilta and boxes. Soma of them
have a look of such dumb, hopeless pa
tleuce, minus joy, minus even anticipa
tion. . that you look itt-. tha pathetic
faces so unconscious - of their pathos
till you choke and cry at tha pity of It
If the Y. W. C. A. were doing mora
than interesting Itself in these stranger
girls, it would be entlUed to tha co
operation of every woman.- -
. , .,'?:' --sBaeBa - ,.. -
Ttiav artlrnp nJ hls aaIh-h. I. .a.
v.v- wg. wnn vuiuiiiu ,B 111 gag-1
oelpt of a Very well-written, thought-
iui teiier signra a uaugnter, -but
with no name and address accompany
ing. - -r- . ;
' It ia contrary to newspaper rules to
publish, communications without .the
name and addrese of V the writer,
though theee kept in ooof ldenoa if
desired. ' , ''.. .. ...
Will "A DaughUr," therefore, kindly
send her name and address, so that her
letter may be published?
To Tell if MUk Xaa Beea Watered.
A simple method of testing whether
milk has been watered la to take a weTI
pollahad knitting needle and dip It Into
a deep vessel of milk and withdraw it
immediately. ,
If the milk is'unwatered soma of tha
fluid will adhere to the needle, but If It
has ben watered In the least degree rhe
needle will come out. quite free of the
milky fluid. ' -J
That Onloa Cure.
' Did jro'u ail read In Sunday's Journal
about that New Jersey doctor who Is
routing tuberculosis with' Just plain,
everyday onions? --, ,
It Is fair to suppose that If onions
will cur tuberculosis their use will
tend to render one Immune from it
Some enemy of the pungent bulb may
aver that tha remedy would be worse
than tha dleeaae, but those who "love
onions" will not agree with him. .
They ought to be eaten at least once
Woodard, Clarke a Co. Bay One f the
Most Voted Baamplea Za to '
'.y,-..':.: ' Kedlcla.' '..;;'...
"While electricity haa aunnlantad the
old-faahloned tallow candle for lighting
purposes, almost turning night Into day;
while It haa opened up our great country
by a network of electrlo railways, while
all kinds of machinery have been 'In
vented to do (he work of hosts of people,
we have Just as noted an example In
the field of medicine," said a member
of the above firm..
"Fifty years ago every one knew of
tha latent medicinal properties 'Contained
in cod liver oil; physicians everywhere
prescribed it, but thousands could not
take it on account of tha nil and grease
which enveloped the curative, strength
ening properties It contained, and In
many cases where they could take It It
would upset the stomach eo It could do
no good.
"Mow all thta la changed,' continued
he. "Selene haa shown us a way to
separata the curative medicinal elements
which exist In the cod's liver from the
oil or useless part and given ua Vinol.
It contains every one of theee medicinal
elements, actually - taken from fresh
cods' livers, but without a drop of oil
or grease to nauseate and upset the
stomach and retard lta, work. Vlnol
contains no sickening drugs, everything
In It le printed on every bottle. : -
Wa have never sold in our store a
medicine equal to Vlnol to give strength
and renewed vitality to the aged, build
up tha run-down, tired and debilitated.
maker the weak strong; cure ooughs.
colds and build up tha convalescent.
'It la becauae we know ao well the
medicinal power of thla new ood liver
oil preparation that we freely offer to
return the money In every case where it
falls to glvs satisfaction." Woodard,
Clark a .Co- Druggist.'.
a week by those who are cordially dis-'
posed to them. ' -
There are so many waya of serving
them but perhaps the eaaleet and best is
to boll them until they are tender In
Just enough water to cover them. When
nearly done add a half teaapoonful of
sugar. When quite done, pour off the
water and add cream with butter to
taste. Let this come 'to a boll and the
onlona ara ready for the table. -
A aimple aalad ia made by cutting a
Spanish onion Into very .thln slices,
sprinkling with sugar and covering with
lemon Juice. It should stand a few min
utes before It Is eaten..
One of the old-time uses for onlona
was to make "drefta" for. the feet or
chest; In caae of cold or sore throat.
An onion was cut in two or three
pieces, which' were heated thoroughly
and then bound aoourely to the soles oT
the Teef or tha throat and kept oo
through the night
' Another remedy for a severe cold was
anion sliced in molasses and simmered
slowly until it wss well blended with
the syrup, and a very effective. remedy
It was... ,.,,.,lr. ..; ,',u, x , :
." ' To B store Colors. '' .' t
Alum water will restore almost all
faded colors. Brush the - faded article
thoroughly to free it from dust, cover it
with a layer of caatlle soap, rinse with
clear water and then alum water, and
the color will be usually much brighter
than before. .. r:-" '';."., j
The following from the- St. ' Louis
Globe-Democrat Is too good to be lost
and Is especially valuable at this season
of the year: . . -. . .- - -
Olive oil Is one of nature's helps to
keep the system In good oraer neip,
remember, and not a cure-all. " Where
the liver is torpid, a tn- tropical clt
mates. It will b found that a oontlnuoua
use of the oil of the olive keeps down
the bile and incitea tha torpid organ to
do Iter work properly. ' i
: Just a little consideration of the ques
tion by in intelligent woman ahould con
vince Mr that all frulta and vegetables
'have a certain curative - power for Ills
that' are common where each product
comes to Its areatest nerfectlon.
In keeping the. liver active and' pre
venting a too great secretion or a too
small one, aa the case may be, of the
bile, oil. In. so far, helps to clear the
complexion and' rellevee the system gen
erally. Frequently, 'however. It creates
constipation, and lta action must bo aided
by some simple aperient. -Any saline
water is good, but the great trouble Ilea
tn the system growing oepenaenc. upon
anything taken regularly, and then con
ditions gra worse. ' - J.
It la far better to bring - aboat the
wished-for result by Judicious use of
varloua foods. Stewed fruits, all the
green vegetables, 'like cress. Spinach,
lettuce and onions, ara Just so many
helpa. Thlnga to b avoided are pastries.
cereals, heavy meats, rich gravies, high
seasonlnrs, too much sweets and starchy
foods. These are sure to clog the sys
tem la time and muat be eliminated ip
someway. rrr -.
Fruits that grow in tropical climates,
like tigs, dates and the like, are among
remedial agenta to help keep the system
in proper condition while taking the oil
of the olive. Where the olive oil Is
really expressed from the fruit Itself
It Is generally genuine, although there Is
great difference In the first and aeoond
grades, one coming freely from the full.
rich, ripe fruit,, and after, others ax-
pressed from the depleted, which means
that It la not nearly ao good, In buying
the beat plan la to go to a mgn-ciass
grocer and note the different brands,
with . unmistakable -evidence of genu
ineness . ,., -
There are oils made from many thlna
peanuts, for example, and pignuts; but
anyone inai nas ever Known me -real,
rich and dellcloua flavor of the flneat
olive oil can never be deceived. The
best has a slightly greenish tinge, aa it
must have to come from the olive Itself.
It is not cheap; but. aa tha quantity I
recommend la amall. a quart bottle lasts
a long. while and lta cost Is not to be
compared to the expense of a spell of
liver trouble under a doctor. One tea
spoonful half an hour before breakfast
every morning and an hour after the
lateet meal, whether that be dinner or
supper, If taken regularly for months,
will tn time help the most obstinate ease
of torpid liver, and Incidentally help to
clear the skin, relieve the eyes of .their
yellow streaks and rive Ufa a different
outlook. If the taste Is unpleasant use
the S-graln capsules, costing a few cents
the hundred, and take It that way; or
mix It with a little orange Juice. ,
(Joernal Special Berrlee.)
Indianapolis. Ind., April 11. Promptly
at t o'clock this afternoon the Repub
lican atate convention of Indiana waa
called to order in Tomllnaon half by
James P. Goodrich, chairman of .' the
stats committee. Tha roll call by Sec
retary Rtddtck showed an attendance
of 1,140 delegatea and an equal num
bar of alternates. Tha proceedings of
the afternoon, following the opening ad
dresses, were confined to the organisa
tion -of tha. convention and tha appoint.
ment of the necessary committees. When
this had been accomplished the conven
tion adjourned to reassemble at o'clock
tomorrow morning, when tha committee
on nominations will make lta report.
Candidates are to be nominated for sec
retary of state, auditor of state, treas
urer of state, attorney-general, clerk of
the supreme court, superintendent of
public instruction, state geologist, atate
statistician, two Judges of the supreme
court and Ave Judges of tha appellate
court. '. :, i '
Vote Against Benson.
Tha Booth-Kelly ' company,'"' having
been ousted from tha control of the
Roaeburg land office by the federal au
thorities, now aeek to control the atate
land office by nominating and electing
F. W. Benson secretary of state. Adv.
Minneapolis, Minn., April 11. The
stockholders of the Minneapolis aV St
Louis Railroad company assembled for
a special meeting here today to take
action oft the proposition submitted by
the directors to Issue 16,000,000 1-year
S per cent notes, tha earn to be secured
by a trust Indenture Issued to the Cen
tral Trust company ' of New York, as
trustees. The proceeds of tha Issue are
to be used In the construction of the
proposed line of the Minnesota, Dakota
et Paciflo Railway company from Water
town, South. Dakota, to or near Labenu,
South Dakota, with a branch from Conda
to Leola, South Dakota. The estimated
length of the extension, with , tha
branches, is MO miles;
' immediately rellevee hoarse, croupy
cough:, oppressed, rattling, rasping and
difficult breathing.- Henry c Stearna.
druggist, Shullsburg, Wis., writes. May
10, 101: "I have been selling ReJ-
IV, V - si w-rn .ssss.a aSU-
)ar1' Horhound myrup tor two yral
and hav navar had a. prenrtion that
haa fffvwn btur attafartfon. I notica
l.amaall m kkArtlaa . thaw aAa,.a
m 11 II. k a.jt' mt AA ai.a 1 I
menu 11. . ?. bvhi ot t
To get rid -of ;': Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Sour - Stomach,
Belching of Gas, - Catarrh of t
the ' 'Stomach ' 'or f any
disorder! due to - Indigestions ;
Digests What You Eat
' I hav been a dytpeptlo all my Ufa, have triad all kinds of
Dyspepsia remedies, bill continued la gal worse. Could aat but
little and suffered greatly. I was reduced in weight and run
down to nothing In strength. After using a few bottle of
Kodol Dyjpepsl Cure 1 began to Improve and am now fully
restored. 1 can aat whatever I like. '
- , MRS. MARY. S. CRJCKJ While Plains. Ky.
TkU Is ealy ess sf
rW.i..i4.tTi assay Sack testJ-
ss bums as ae I saaaials aa Si la
' ' eusaee.
TO ALL VEALEHS: T &1.00 six Kodol
anUid 'only to purchaser to ho present our printed
at time of sate toilh nam and address. We ttill
presentation of this coupon. E. C. DeWitt fSL Cdm
Greatest Paintf BleEer
We "have concluded to close out our entire line of PENINSULAR HOUSE and FLOOR
PAINTS. Buy while the assortment is complete. ' While it lasts we are selling the HOUSE .
PAINT at 1.25 per gallon and the FLOOR PAINT at per gallont ; It will ;p4jr
. you to buy. now. .1:. j l-LL- -J:.:.---,..Z;--k:------ -2
' ' REMEMBER These are thoroughly first class goods, as good, as' any In the market and
far -superior to. the most of them. All of the latest . shades. ,. Come early so you will not '
have to stand in line. ..';. : ,, -." ' " ' . . . ,:"rT!v' ( --j-
Leak In Department of Agricul
ture Concerning Reports ;
Causes New Arrests.
Peckham Is Alto Held at Saratoga
Accused of Having Made For-
- tunes Through Advance Crop In.
- formation. UV - -
Newvtora. April 11. Thai tha fed
era! authorities were not satisfied with
tk. nutnnma at the action Instituted
aaalnst Mosea Haas arid Frederick
Perkhara last year xor naving conspirea
with Edward 8. Holmee Jr assistant
w.t,.ian A nM.ln a1 vanra Informa
tion conoernlng the government official
cotton crop rtpon, ana wniun nnuiini
In the discharge of Haas and Peckham.
ia shown by the arrest today of Moses
Haas It furthsr developed at the ar-
- ITaaa twtfara . ITnltad
States L 1st riot Court Judge Adams that
Peckham waa also neia upon m seme
.k.m hu tha federal authorttlea In
Haratoca uiidsr a bond of Ill.SOO eev
n nn f . . ., Maaa waa erdered
released upon ball of 1,600, which ha
fiiriilsbedr. - r
a. k rt tha arraat tit Haas
. oirhatn Iaat vaar It was asserted
that Holmte ' had supplied Hsss and
Peckham with advance iniormauon as
a ik. .Mi.nimint eottnn eroo reoort.
and had even arranged the figure for
the bull market. That Haea and Peck
ham. together with. IViuia van Hyper.
k tha ranltal- boua-ht thou-
mmAm nt haia. nf otton on Information
and realised profits extending Into hun
dreds of thousanda or aoiiara . is aiso
It waa shown that Holmes got a por
tion of theee profits, and hla resigna
tion waa ordered by the department of
agriculture -after an Inveatlgatlon
which Involved other of flclals. f
' rreferrac Stoek OaameS 0oe4a. ,
Allan A IewLa',BMt Brand. .....
; other i "
ITiumJ at ui LL I
I sraSary ag..WM I
I eo..,fr.i.r,a . I
. i i
Greatest Opportunity Ever
Consumer to Buy at Reel :
,.; mt
- Get KG
25c If It
- iena tor
CqaanoCoke 'A
The power eorapanlea of Niagara have
thla advantage over would-be preservers
aX th fallal Ihey are- a the, spot, all
i I IB - Lrt W' . .
If, after using two-thirds of tha eontanta of a dollar
bottle of Kodot Dyspepsia Cure you ara nol satisfied wtthi
It or can hsasstly aay that It has not banal Hod you, take -tha
bottle baok to tha dealer from whom you nougat M
and we will refund voor money. : All wa aak la that yon
be honest with us. Sign this guarantee coupon, and leave
H with your dealer, who must mail H to uawlUl Nk autslda
wrappar from around aba bottle,' , - '-( ,'- '. Z.S.
Typpsla Cut U juar-
coupon property fitted cz3
' prptect dealers onty upen
ChicajiQ,Xr.S.Am '
Offered the
Cut Figures
the) '
b the home where good coofclnf b
- tornI. vIm frte fs.mSlw tmlenr that
W . . " w w f .
finest of biscuits, doughnuts, eskes,
gnd pies and other good things ctctj
day. The baking is ahrays dclidous
and wholesome because
K C Baking Powder
the baking powder of the ware
circle, Is used.
to-day! 25 ounces tor
Isn't all that we claim.
- your iTOcerreiundsyour money.
"cook o rrcacno.-;
Ckdeag. ' -:
Phono izzl. ;
OR COlli:
work, bothara.1 ty
I Isle'lve rslnrlr, r
or Ill-placed t ...
I ft1 lk
,i i i