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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
THE OREGON t)AILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVEIIIIIO. . AI V.IL U. 1..;. r rill v Iff . 23 , SUITS .Q12.SO ; These arc ; new-arrival Suits, vcry latcst otylca; most all : colors, IP to r' ' Sale I , 1 - X I . . II A ' ' - " . :(j ;c:iv;iVv:,:r' (''4-?V: J M. ACHESON'S MOTTO -'Vt'i't f P ' : .-'.C FOR THE NEW STORE :K;';' yJ f-5 '"'v iryAv 'l:Il-:AliowHo; IT Tj o7 . y:Be Dissatisfied" v : : V we-EvcXots ; ( ; -A ,4 " J '.",' ':v-In our new storcVYVeJiave I ( Jjiy-' -5. -i5wySJk '' :' ' 800, qr-feetT-more-' than V'7 v - : - tsfV:''i''k':-': ::' ;' we had in our old store at - 7 Sh"' f "' a" ; .''?': " Fifth and Alder streets. You ; -I v v' .: ''Y ' : . ' '. will find the store and equip- 1 J) ' ' ---'.- ' , : 'v;.'': iment enlarged in 'tvtry-way. JT I iv.pJ.T.lA-V. J Ik 131 Fifth Street I 1E17 TROLLEY LINE TO OLYLIPIA ! Electric Interurban Railway Ao ? Connect Tacoma With the ) '::Vv cpii City. BOOM IN REAL ESTATE V v.""- FOLLOWS ANNOUNCEMENT i Owner of Seattle-Tacoroa Line Back of Project Eatenalon Planned to Belling ham ' From .the Big' Sound Citiea.''' ' . . - - Tfpar-THpUS t Tt jru.r"" Tacoma. Wlv, April 11 An lectrlc intenirbao railway Una will b built from Taooma to Olympla durlna th -om(n lumiwr and fall by tb Taooma :Rilwy Power company. Manmr W. 8. pttnmock of tho tompany made - th annoanecmant today.-- Tba proapoo ilv bulldlnt of tho llno aecounU for tba raal aaUU activity that broko louao la 44m atata capital a fow daya ao. ' a few Tacoma raal eatat mon who wart on. tho inside bourht at bedrock 'price . laraw ehunka of OJympia tldoland and bualnaaa property. , which they aspect turn to adrantaea. . Wbt route the road wilt take la net made public, but' the company has aur vered a line rnain south of Fern Hill, through lAke Vlsw and along the south border of American lake . The KlsquaJly river la crossed by the aur ver near Bherlock. the route from that point being -a. stralitht-awar line to CHICAGO PALMESS ; OKNTIST8 J03 Waah,: Su Cor Fifth Stv 22-k Cold Crowns;. $3.00, 15.00 Bridge Teeth, , . .$3.00, $5.00 Gold Fillinge....;.i...$14)0 op Silver f illingi. .JOc Our prirtlre la ltmltd te htcatra4e work. Not kmc bet lk m cVaialu. tinn trm. 10-jer (earenfer. Base rtlmw. Opca emlac sad Baoeara. ai tea otfo Quhttee ri inctlea el tae WerM la , amaii awry yaer y tae snairi a . "r aCaaiaOa.Oey C. W. CX0 v li' a aigosture m box. 25 Olympiad The new road will shorten the rait distance to Olympta and will bulla up a -number of suburban towns. Stune eV Webster of Boston are behind tba road. This company owna and operates the electric interurban Una connecting Tacoma. and Seattle, and In addition to the road to Olympla It la also contem plating the construction ef an electric road front Seattle to Everett and on to Belltnaham bay eltiea. -1 There are ru mors that the company . will build oa from Olympla to Bbelton, on the west aide ef the sound, until. In the erul. It will have Puget sound entirely . encir-j eled by aleetrlo lines. v . Seattle and Taooma capital lata, are projoctlna" anotHer electric Interurban road between Taooma and Seattle. . Tbe Stone eV Webster Interurban baa been a ble money-maker from tba outset, and as the. two. cities are arrowins; fast the projectors of tba new road consider they have ' a safe proposition. Franchises hare already -been aecured from Pierce and Itlnc counties" for the croealnf or eounty roada. The road la to be com pleted In II montha. - . . FlnE TOURIST HOTEL FOR RJOER: NATIONAL PARK Sale of Tacoma and Eastern Line to Transcontinental -. ' . System la Denied. I (Special Dlaratcb to Tke Jouraal.) Tacoma,' Wastt., April 11. Edward Cooklngham 1 of Portland, president . ef the Ta corns Eastern railroad, emphatic ally denies rumors that have, been float ing In real eatate clrclea here that his road haa been sold to a transcontinental railroad and the tranafer will be made nest Saturday..-'' 7. i...1" "We may sell some day," . aaid he, "but. ao far we have not thought- ef it I have heard that tour road bad been sold to 1 foer-different transcontinental systems." 'v " ' ' Mr. Cooklngham made the announce ment today that hla road will build a Una tourlat hotel In the Rainier National park. The hotel will be located near the liongmlre hot springs, on the western slope of Mount Rainier. .The railroad will also, ekocordlng to Mr. Cooklngham. largely.. Increase . Its equipment during the coming summer. It will also be ex tended e mtlea. farther across the Tit ton and Cowllta river countries and In the general direction of Vancouver. The belief here that the road la to be built through the Cowllta pass Into the bunco grass districts 4a -changing, -people now taking It that the line will connect Ta eerea and Portland: f " , " - FOREST GROVE NAMES DAY FOR. CLEANING UP , 5 :v f .-'. i- i :,.; ' .- -. i ispaelal IMtfatHi te The iarsal. yoreat Grove. Or.. April 11. The Clvlo Improvement society, among much bus'ineaa transacted at Ita regular meet ing, voted to have "eleanlng-up week" for the city during the weak beginning Monday, April If. when all rubbish shall be cleaned up from streets and prop erty by the owners, and also aldewalka shall be Aaed. 1 Aa to the new park, the society voted to have Charles O. Roe as their repre sentative oa the park, cemmlaalotv WE. AFE vDIAGCNALLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM OUR TOLXT STORE AT FIFTH "AND -AtDER STREETS FILIPIIIO HERO TO GREET SLUM Youth Who Once Saved Life of :r Philippine Governor to Wel ' come Him to America. V EXPOSED CONSPIRACY OF ; .' TREACHEROUS NATIVES Plan of AmbuicaTde'ln Which Smith Was to ' Have Periahed Frustrated -Lad Now Student at Berkeley ' University. r V ,t- (jacraaj Rpaetat Serrtce.-usr " Berkeley. April . 11. When General Jamea F. Smith, who la tbe head of the civil administration in, the Philippine Islands, looks down the line of .faces at the reception given In Ban Pranclaco following hla arrival, on the Mongolia Saturday, he may be expected to pause when hla eye meet 'those of Jayme C. Araneta. a FIlIpln,o student at the state university, who Is to be among the guests at tha reception..- The lad once saved General Smith's life. - . Araneta Is a handsome dark-skinned Filipino, . who haa been delegated by the Flliptao contingent at the univers ity to deliver on their behalf a brief addresa of welcome to Governor Smith. They eonstltute a unique feature of tht assemblage. Araneta la a quiet, modest and excellent representative of the higher caste of the race. He was but a mere boy when- "Jim" Smith and the California regiment arrived on the Ial and of Negroe. In II. ..' . 1 Colonel Smith stood out big and the moat prominent to the Filipino vision as the head of the fighting force In the Islands. A plot to take hla life In con nection with ,a general move against Americans at a time when a trace was eupposed to be In force was discovered hy Araneta, who waa serving ' cap tala of the constabulary force under the vAmerlcan government.' Arsneta'a father la a wealthy aagar planter on the Island, and bis, son early cast his lot with the Americans. Araneta communicated the newa of the discovery to Colonel Smith, and hla Information came in the nick of time. The -plan of an ambuscade la which Colonel Smith was - to have perished was frustrated. The garrison forces at Bago were -atrengthened, the whole chain of control tightened and the plot of tbe treacherous natives waa atamped out - Te Araneta. then a lad, waa given the credit. rrlea wives SS.0O0. (special Dtapateb te The Joereal.) - Salem, Or., April It. Classes were re sumed after a week ef spring vacation at 'Willamette university ... yesterday morning, and Dr. Coleman announced In rhapel that a friend had given 13.000 to the university, f 1.000 te be a loan fund for worthy atudenta. and f 1.000 to he Inveated In fitting up an electrical en gineering department. We win y: medium - v , velvet tnmmed, color light ' $12.50 - Remember, we - own,- operate and 1 maintain a manufacturing plant for the ' 'making of Ladies' Garment, and haver the real man tailora to fit you. The ? garments you purchase, in our .' atore' will be handled in an expert manner. You will find no such equipment else- , where as we oaintain at our store: We have a splendid line of SILK PETTI COATS, DRESS SKIRTS, ETC ... , - .,; -.--! - - Credit extended and easy or install- , ment payments given. AC!" solvi::g traffic problem - III THE METROPOLIS Bridges Crowded to Full Ca pacity New Tunnels Be- .-. tween Boroughs. 't'ch Uawaal Rneetal Barvlne.1 - . New Tork. April 11. -One ef the most far-reaching of the many achemea now umUe- discussion for ' the ' solution of Near ' York's tranaportatlon - problem Seals with the'practlcal elimination of the Gast river aa a factor In tbe situa tion. -The troubles of Brookly Bites who have to ceme to Manhattan bava been I nc roast nav -Already Brooklyn, bridge. Ja taxed to Ita utmost capacity. - There is no room en It for more cars, and even If there were the atructure la not atrong enough to sustain any additional burden. The opening ef the Williamsburg bridge haa made no appreelable diminution in the demands on the older span and by the time the third bridge la completed the trafflo will have Increased as that the situation will be ae bad as ever. To remedy - the existing . difficulties tpany planar are suggested, but aU of them have been found more pr less Im practicable. It le now thought that the remedy lies In free paaaage of eara from one borough to another, collecting pas sengers at their doorsteps and deposit ing them ' at their destinations, not throwing them out In one mass to fight for seats In another car. The first atop toward thia longed-for result will. It Is said, be the driving of a tunnel, from Old Blip. In Manhattan, to Bedford ave nue In Brooklyn. . Thia tunnel la to be reached on both aides of tbe river by subwaya. which will form a huge circle. The question atlll undecided la whether this circle .la V be completed on its northern side by another tunnel or by the Williamsburg bridge. Both achemea have their advocates and, whichever le adopted, the effect on the preaent bridge crush la expected to be tremendous. e (waaaaweaBaajMsaaawB(aaeaBBSKeSBW4Baa - . ', , Vref erred Stock Caaaed aoede.-' " " Allen Lewis Beat Brand. r iMiiiinii nirniAiu iai a r ; S Aman-AMcmiAis wan VETERANS ORGANIZE ' iXnaelal Dtaseteb te Tie JooraaL) '' Eugene. Or., April 11. A camp of the - Spenleh-Amerlca a. Veterans! . asso ciation was organised nere laat nignt, with the following officers: President, r, C. Hammond; vice-president. J. M. Deeds; secretary-treasurer, O. J. Hull; officer of tba dV, Raymond Babbt aer- acant-at-arma, James H. Bnodgrans: canteen officer. Merritt B. Huntley: of ficer of the guard. W. W. Branatetter; chaplain, R. S. Hue ton. The camp atarts eat with a geod-eiaed charter llsvt. A SAJTDT FOB BVaUtS. ttr.' Bergln. Pana, 111., writes;- "I have usea uauara e enow Liniment; always recommended It te my friends, as I am confident there la ne betteV made. 'It la a dandy for burns.' Those who lfre on farms are esseclallv llahla to many accioeniai cuts, nurns, bruiaee, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment Is appliedt It should alwaya ne aepi in ine nouae ror caeea or emerg ency. - 6c, oo and $1.00. Sold by W(hi(1m, t;iarKe a: i;o. offer some- dcsant'Z length box - coats, lv.,: i-.j COATS AT PRESBYTERY HAS OUSY SESSION Oregon Contingent Meets at Al bany and Trantaots Much ' i : 'J,.: RoutineeBualnesav - MISSIONARY SOCIETY " HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING Reports r-- Woman's -- Conference . Shows Results of Last Year to Be Very , Satiafactorr-eOfflcer and ; Delegates Arc Chosen.-: :r'fv7,...,.,..;,.;vV: ;t ' (leaetal Diana fee ta Tha Jaatraal.t Albany. Or., April 11. The Presby tery of Oregon of the United Presbyte rian -church held regular aeaslone yes terday morning and evening. . Much rou tine business waa disposed of and the reports ef the oommltteee ahowed thai the church wae In a flouiiahlng condi tion, good progress being made in all departments. The missions at Ontario and other polnta In eastern Oregon will receive a large share of the attention of the church and good results , are looked for during tha coming year. ' Thoae in attendance on the eesslona ef the church are: 1 Bev. Q. W. Morri son, Ontario; A. K. Wilson, Portland; H. C Marshall. Oaksvllle; T. X Wilson, Eugene; 8, E. DuBola, Portland; J. A. Spear, Warm Springs; - J. H. Ijeeper, Portland; W. P. White, Albany; W. W. Gordon, Warm Springs; Elders William MoConnell, L. B. Hamilton and J. . C. Brown. ' : - . The Presbytery - appropriated $5,000 for home miaalon work In Oregon. Rev. W. P. White of Albany waa reelected superintendent ef missions, and . J. , C Irvine, Albany, waa reelected treasurer ef the Presbytery. "Rev. A. W. Wilson of Portland presided. - Rev. W. P. White, G. W. Morrison and J. F. Hamilton of Oakvtlle ware selected aa delegates to the general assembly of the cburoh, which meet In Richmond. Indiana, dur ing the month of May. Rev. Mr. White and wlf will leave ao aa to. be fat Des Moines, Iowa, for the woman's mission ary - conference which convenes there May S. Laat evening an able sermon waa preached by Rev. Mr. puBola on the subject of roleslona. ' -- The Woman's Missionary society of the United Presbyterian eheroh for Ore gon held Its annual meeting yesterday afternoon and elected the following offi cers: President, Mrs. II. C. Marshall, Oakvllle; Mrs. H. F. Sox, vlce-preetdent, Albany: Mrs. Jennie B. Gaff. Shedd,-secretary; Mrs. 8. B. Young. Albany, treaa. CASTOR I A Ter lafaati ud Children. Tki KtaJ Yea K2TaA!?:;s C::;kt Bears tae. Ciaatareof I I 1 iiiiiiir if sis mm iilli i 1 131 Fifth Street .1 -will pay the State -every dollar'"f Interest 'received ; on State -4- "I will, reaide In Salem and give ray personal attention" te the . - " .;, affaire esthe office.".. ... . . ... , - E. T. Candidate for. RepubUcaa WHY SHOULD E. y. GARTER :Oi.cClF0R STATE .. ; BECAUSE he promises to pay to ; the sute all 'money received as interest on sute funds. W vi BECAUSE this interest will amount to from $10,000.'. ' to $20,000 per annum, and reduce your taxes correspond- BECAUSE he promises ' , the office his personal attention.: ... i BECAUSE he will not be influenced or controlled in the conduct of the office, but will jive a business- : . 1 like, economical administration. ':. . jfiiiS m! im KXaaweaaasssstaaaawMsli iJ feTa v;- nrer. Reports of the various commit tees were neara ana an were very satis factory, showing that a great work le being carried on by the members ef this society. Mrs. Rev. W. P. White of hie city wilt attend and preside at the general conference, to be held In Dee Moines, Iowa, May 10. , GOLD-BEARING ORE IS FOUND ON TACOMA BEACH (Special DlapaUB to Tae tarsal.) ' " Tacoma. Waeh., - April 11. Oold -bearing ore waa found by workmen drilling an artesian well on the tide fiats yes terday afternoon. Work on tha well ha been atopped and aa Investigation of the conditions will be made by expert. The ore waa found at a depth bf 800 feet. "For 200 feet the drillers worked through a sand and tut formation. le. -':-';-'-- :f. 7 -'' nf-' Silk Petticoats i ; Prom 07t8O to 03O 1 We think we have the grandeet iiortmeijt of Silk PettfcoaU to be found in this city, and we ' hare them bjr'the hundred. V iV '. ' 07.CO Gllk Pttleot THIjs Wlc 93.4& This ia the greatest Petticoat ever offered in thia city at this sale price. CARTER, nomination for. State Treasurer. ' r-' YOU VOTE FOR TREASURER? f . ' to reside in Salem and five THE PARMER TILLING ; ; : HIS IND - ia the foundation of the wealth of thia '. - great nation. So let him lighten hla la- ' bor aa much aa possible In cultivating , farm or garden. Our large asaortment ' of agricultural implements, noes, rakes, ' shovels, trowels, etc., will enable you to . make an arduous task, one of compare- ; :, "tve ease. '' - i - v..- V-V'..",.. Avery a Co: as tsxss st t. mra juts asm. low'.thls waa a strata of clay; beneath, which waa aoUd rock, which le the gold bearing product. . Miners, who have ex amined tha rock, aay It Is very rich in gold but the aaaayere Into whose hands it waa put for aa analyeis have not yet made) their report - The well Is being drilled for the Carsten packing plant If the rock proves to be rich in- gold the . largnf tideland district of Taooma will e converted Into a gold caoip, ' Sagwae Barbers Organise. eeeial Dlepatrh ta Tbe. Jmtrssl.) ruaVvie, Or., -April 11 -The barbers ef Eu gene have formed an organisation for ttielr mutual benefit. The follow ing ate the officers: Ed Llndley, pros- ' tdenrt; George Marx, secstary-treaa-nrerV Prlf'es and working hoars were . agrWed upon. -Hereafter neck; shaving 4 ruii come extra, and otner accessories te fihevea and haircuts wlU be Charged io r. i