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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
f TITS - ohrdCN DAILY JOUniJAU 5 rOSTLiAND, ': WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIIi 11, PORTLAND liOI DV w A DIG SCORE omiop 1? TTU IiP 'i r - CRACK TEALl " " " ' - '.- ' ' 1 J ". - Outlook at State University for Star Track a Team Is , t Very Bright. - T'gw fitchtr Cannot Find Plat -JLzi.and Ruth Giants Around L the Circuit. : " LISTER LED WITH THE" : vrr . STICK FOR PORTLAND y Mtw First Baseman Drive Out Four ; -J, , Hits Out ' of Six Times Up . Mitchell - Clean Base With a - Sr Horn Run.--' ...v ."T "'. (Jearaer aacelal Servlfe.) . -- - ' Kreano, Cal.r April U. Th Tiger 'plUhera had a difficult- tlm yMtinltr In locating- th plat and couldn't help , presenting Portland with tha third gam of tha aciiee. The. diamond waa knaa - deep with mud and It waa with axtrem difficulty that tha player tot about at fill. Tha much heralded Fresno fan a . failed ' to turn out to aaa tha contest, but tew putting In an appearance. - Fresno atarted out by rapping CaUff for two rune in the flrat andaecond ' lnnlnga. In the. fourth Portland annexed two on Btelta's wlldnese. In tha elxth, aeventh and eighth innlnga Portland rushed II run acreee tha plat through the poor work of Fresno's two pitchers. Mltiiheir drove out a home run with tha baaea rilled. Lister lad with tha etlck , for Portland, having four utf hlte to ) hla credit. Th aeora: ' , , .. .. . - PORTLAND. -;- r ' - - v--.. . 'iB.RH.PaA. K. McJIale, cf.'. V... 4 V. 4 li l l McCredle, rf. ........ 4 I 0 feweeney, ak,. ......... I I 11 Mitchell. If. I t I t Meter, lb. ....... ...r t 1 - 15 Ionlhue. o. ,. ....... 1111 Moore, lb. . .,. , I ; I Watera, ah. ,. .JVT. ... 0 . S I ('HIT. p. lie! Jr'rench. p; ...... .. 11 1 1 ' Totala ...... ..U 14 It tT 17 4 FRESNO. . - . . i ,- AB, R. It PO, A. St. Caaey,- 3b. . .-, ..... r 4 - t - I 'I S "McLauahlln. If. 4 I 1 , Kagan. as. 4 ' A reliance. So., ....... . i - , T-Hiimaa, rf. . 4 - Carlwright, lb. ...... 4 Hoean, e. ............ I 8 1 alt a, p. S vO'Brln, p. ...... ...... 1. a l -1 l i 1 a 1 I ' - - Totala . IT 10 17 :o t BCORB BT INNINGS. Portland ........ M It 1 It 14 Hlto 11 1 1 I 4 It Freeno , , ,,.,...1 1 t 4 V S mil ....... ...i i e a i i i Tnnlnga pitched By Stelts, TH: by O'Brien. .1 Hi by CallfL 7: by French, i. Stolen baaea Kayan. Delmaa t. Hlta Off Btelta, I; off O'Brien, I; off CaiUT. I; off French, 1. Two-baee hlta Lleter. Arellanee. Three-baa hit Moore, iloraer run Wttohell. Flret-baee n balla Off Stelta. I: oil O'Brien, a: off Callff. I: off French. 1. Struck out Bv t Bieiia, i; oy v-ann,- i; ' Dy- rTeiwn, i teft.on baaea Portland, ti Freeno. f. trouble playa Sweeney to Vatere to Llater: Kagan to Arellanee to Caaey te Cartwrlght; O'Brien to-Caaey to t'arl wrlght. Flrat baae on error Portland, Freeno, I. Hit by pitcher By Stella. I; by O'Brlan. 1, - Time of game Two hour and t mlnutee. Umpire McDou- aio. , ... PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. "TttH" rertUnd Sea racteo. ....... m Aa(le Uekleml ............. O i I O 4 O 4 o o s .'.0 1 0 .. 0 0 ' 1.000 .ssa .on .ouu Seattle rneae Mis Via to tk STtetk. - r , - ( Jearaal Special Servtae.) . Han Franclaco, April 11. With" the ecore 1 to In Seattle's favor up until the nlnthlnnlng,the See I a went in and - pounded unwo ruha'andnh victory. ' Th core; . - , R,H. ti - Seattle . . . ...,.t 0 I I I -i San Franclaco.. S S 0 S S 13 T I Batterlea Lucka and Frary: Wheel 'er and Street. Umpire Perrin. Oaklaad Wtma , (Joarael Hperiel Serriee.) Loa Angelea. April 11. Oe-kland won her flrat gam yeeierday from the An gels by up-htll, work. Th acore:' . - , : . ft. If. K Angeles,, I I II .4 Oakland ....... 1 1 I 1 4 I Batterieaitaii and Kager. vaiea ana iT. Ilaxkett. xmpire Knell. .. . .f ; wkMaaM OrnUaok arlgki. . . .. (Spatial Wipatr 4 The JeareaL) i: WaJla Walla. Waah.. April U.-Baa . . ball pro pacta 'for tha Whitman team eeem to be very bright at preeent and ; a busy aaaaon la aaaured by Manage! Allen. Sine the declelv victory, over th "Boeatera" of th Walla Walla town team.- th roltrg Block haa rleen rap : Idly. Game acheduled are two with f the Tnlverelty f Waahlngton. two with ' Waahington Stat college and on with "Tin Vnlveralty of Idaho,, ail ' In WaJle Walla. Tha team may alao play .at Pullman. Moacow. Spokane. Spragu. ' Rltavill and Athena. . - 'L-.I -l-X-i U-J If lor CASTE8 It's a DatorShoe RKMEMBKR . . oust STCa IS KEW UISSIOH I QUALITY SHOE f BAT $3.50 g $2.50 lal thcf wsar. "3x . Saved- S4 ?m T7 .' Ml ' mm jgyfm Sree A tfmr lv . tFZQbii'i . . Lady Eileen Robert scoring one of three succeasiva bullseyes at Circle wood, one of the ranges which her father, "Bobs Bahadur," has been so active in establishing in England. I-ord Roberts missed the target, FIGHT PROMOTERS TAKE IT EASY Trust Managers Are as Far Away .as Ever From Settling, : i ' Their Dispute. . ' LOS ANGELES BENEFITS BY THE DISSENSION Manager McCarey Has Three .Crack ing "Bout -SchadulaX for Near Tu- ture Herrtra . and. Nelson I.Will uMakf'i Li'vely' OoOJ.rv ; ': . ,. " By Rapiar. (Joeraal Saewtal Berrke.t San Franclaco, April 1 1. The pro. feaaional fight promotera here are atlll In a atate of suleacanc and will remain ao for month or ao at leaat. .The varloua Intereata have not found a aa tie factory baala on which th cream may b divided, and each la afraid to make a move for fear, of bringing on a tight, which would make It poaalble for tha reformers to put a atop to tha game her altogether. , San Franctaco'a aquabbllng la Lot Angelea' opportunity - and Promoter McCarey la not neglecting th making of hay while, th weather ia proplttoua. With three big flghta booked for the next alx waeka or leaa. McCarey may be aaid to be doing buaineaa In right down earneat. Th fight between Jimmy Brttt and Herman cornea flrat. to be quickly followed tTTn Nerr-Aninruont. Thee are only Sppetlaera for th main event. however. When Neleon meeta Herrera the real thing will be at hand. I aee n eeo4 ehange my -eplnlon that the Ian ehould win thla light unleea aomethlng unforeaeen ehould occur. Ad mlttlng all that . i claimed by- the frlenda of the Mexican, 1 Tanrnn flgur that he haa more than an off chance of taking th Battler' meaanre. . '-"' jTelaom and Oaas. T' There la aome talk yet of a match bo- tweeaj Neleos and Oane. -When the artl cla are algned, aud a good fat forfeit I no I will take atock In the report, There can be no doubt 'that a fight be tween theee two would draw, a bigger houee than any fight which could be ar ranged, unlea eomebody could t found who could Convince th public he had a reaaonable ahow to beat Jerfrlea. Thar la much aaler money for Nelaon thaa a battle with the negro offere. and In th long run of It. In eaa the email and. of the pure ehould go to the young van from He gewloch. Nolan haa Net son's abaolut confidence and the man ager lays A0 claim to an overehar of charity and la not aware or any urgent reason why Bat ahould rlak defeat for th aak of giving a dark pugillat .with a record blacker than hlmaelf an oo portunlty to rehabilitate hlmeelf. Nolan. te put It plainly. Is la th gam for what there la In It. and he aeee more In ' keeping away ' from Oana than In taking him en. Hence th belief that ail tht talk of a match between Joe sad Bat I In, the nature of bunk. 1 hear Sam Berger la aerloualy eon etdeetng aa entry lata -th llat. foe th professional heavyweight championahlp and that he may take en Jack O'Brien if aultabi arrangement can be made. Berger la a good, fast-milling fighter and may In tlm be la th championship class, but if he ever doea get Into th ring with Mr. Mogaat It' 'doll re to red apple he will be sorry for It before toe bout la ended. Ab AUell I supremely confident that ha will whip Frank ie Nell when they meet. Immediately after th flght b will start for England, where he is to flght th English featherweight cham pion. 1o Bowker, on May 28. Horaemen her are deeply Interested m the. fts;ht. etarted bv th autsorttte at Benflinaw a (a Inst the manager of ockeya. It la th opinion of maiy h on set rax'lng men that a very larg per centeg of th crooked nee a la th turf may be traced to the "manager" valeta and other benger-a a boat lockeve, and here i little. doubt if aU these barna cles were cut off It would be lust aa welt for th rider themselves and would result In a veet Improvement in turf morale. . A Jock'v haa about a much need for a Sralef and a 'manager" aa a cow haa for Latin. ' . ' If rr. Oerdner atarta In the Ken tucky. Derby, and there seem to be very . reason' to beliv h Willi h will carry a wad of California money. Barnee- Schi'eioer a fin colt la regarded by good Judges her aabout aa good a l-year-old as la likely to look through a bridle thla see, eon. 1 understand that Schrelbar haa mad a deal with Jack Keena by which Radtk will ride Or. Gardner In his stake engagements, and in th opinion of coast horseman this will, b a bard combination to" beat. , r-. . " SPORTING GOSSIP. ; ' Th Cleveland t"m wants to bet 114, O00 with Jimmy Collins that they beat the Boaton team out for th flag. Jimmy aays make it 1100.000. Arolile IJahn. th Olymplo champion sprinter, la no longer a Badger, his pee. enta having removed from .DodgvvUl, Wisconsin, to Free port Illinois, which tewn will hereafter b their horn. , e e .. ..-. .' ... According to spring "dope" tt Olanta will be it again thla season In th Na tional . league, while th - American league clubs will fcar a hot race for th pennant. . 1 ' e e ' v, , , 1 ,' - ' Th competition la expected to be cloee at th annual show of tha South' western Kennel club, which open in Los Angelea today. Th entry Hat ia larg and of aa unusually high elaae. Jamea Cole of - Kansas City la . to Judge all claaaea. . . . , . "Pink" Hawiey 1 managing th La Cross. Wlaconalh, team again thla son. - "Plnkr won th pennant In th Wisconsin leegue last year. - e e ' Baseball player of th City of Mexico are to engage In a bull flght la the near future to wipe out their In debtedness. ' -K J ; a .. e -. j : A four-club baseball league haa bee a organised In th Xtomlnton. comprising Montreal. Quebec. Three Rivera and Levis. Montreal game will be played K.n the F-aatern league team la away from borne. - e e . ' ' . . The Chicago Nat tonal a ar a genuine German outfit thla '' aeason. while th Philadelphia Nationals- ar Irish - from manager to batboy. e e The duva are growing near whan th local 'beef hail newa will hav a very bad effect upon grandmothers. - . . . ; . In th International billiard taurruv ment at New. Tofk yesterday Sutton de feated Cutler 10 to 110. Sloeeoa beat Cure 0 to til. ' ,v. T , ......... Morrow defeated Llvingatoa lj-11. 11-11 and I1-1S In th T. M. C A. hex ball tournament laat evening. Tomor row evening Livingston will meet Bar rel!. Morrison will tackle Gate sad Thing will try Jackson. . i .... j ' ' e . e , . . .i .. An Oshkosh s.loonkeeper won th bowling championship, With a loaded ball, of course. . - ".':..:'.:" ,T !.;".".,' ;,,''" Fltaalmmona aays h wants to fight Jack 0Brtn. On good beating doesn't seem t aaliefy the old man- J ' s e Th greatest ahlngl factory 'la. th world ha cloaed down. Thla will sooth the small box with - th .tight breech. i.-4i-. A mu found hla wife through aa ad In a morning paper. W have always contended that th evening papers ar the best advsrtlslng medluana, and thla proves - :- - -e Bottom TteSertnesx. ; ... Th Bellevue team defeated th Rlv- erstde nln on Sunday laat by the seore of to 7. Boer by innlnge: - Bellevn .1 t I 4 t Riverside ......... 1.. . .1 J I S t 1 T Bntterie Bcllaru. R. Stults and Morrla:- Riverside, Harris and Kartla. I'mplre Johns. sa tow tm. ..y, . ;. Dlsess and Sleknesa Bring Old Asa Heroine, taken everv snaralBsr h fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, -fit you to ward off diaeae. It eure ronattpatton. bllloiianeea, dyapap- aia. raver inn. liver an Sidney rom- fiaints. It pu rifles tke blood and clear be complexion. . Mr. U.-w. smith. Whitney. Taxes. vreltea, -April I, lll: "I ku tised Herbine and And it th beet medicine for eonetlpetlon and liver trouble. It doea all you claim for It. I eaa highly recommend It " Price I So. Sold by Woodard. Clark Co. C rQ'Ifi GAL10PER8 "Oil DIFFERENT TRACKS Yatterday'a Racing at Oakland, ;":'': Hot Springs and Ben- ninga Race Courses. ' rjoaraal Special Serrlet.J ' San ' Franclaco, April 11. Oakland race resulta: . . v . .. . Four - furlonae Yenfe - ilm won. Sliver Lin second. Gold Heather third: time, C;4. " One mile Eaay Street won. Standard second. Badly Uaad third; time. 1U4.- Seven furlong Gloomy Qua won. Mogregor second. Hugh McQovem third: Urn.. XMK, even furlonsa Tlia Major . won. Undaroaa second, Orchan third: time, 1:S. .... .... Mile and 70 yarde Tom Roberta won. Pronta aecond. J. K. F. third; time, 1:4. BIX rurlonga Ltaaro won, Jllette a0 ond. Uedg Thorn third; tlm. On mil Phalanx won. Sir Brflla aeoond, Fiaber Boy third; time, 1:41. AS Xot Spdacs. . . " (Inarnal SpKlsl Servtce.l Hot BprlngsArKAIIL--Oaklaw8 race raulta: r Sis furlonga Plcklea won. th Bor- glan aecond. Duaky third; time, 1:14 l-s. Four furlongs Expect to Be won, Jerry Eaj-p aeoond, Xha Bear third; time. 0:4S ' Six and a half furlongs La pucello won, Broomhandle aecond, - Lady Vaehtl third; tlm. 1:11 1-6. . . Six r furlongs Golden Russet - wen. Major Johnson second, Bob' May third: Urn. 1:11. ., Flv and a half furlongs Ina Gray won, Amador seoond, Arabelle third; tlm. 1:01. ... On mile Vlperlne won. Legatee seo ond. T. J. Powell third; time. 1:41. . - . 'AS as tags Traok. r. ' (Jeenael Sseelsl Servtce.) . Waahlngton, April 11.- Benntngsr t sulta: sit -ana a naif funimgs, puna for t-yar-olda and up, Columbia course Th Clown won, Waddall II second. Loricate third: tlm. 1:1. Four furlongs, puree, for fill! and geldings, maiden 2-year -olds, old course Woodllne won. Windfall aecond, W bash Queen third: Urn. 0:11. . ... Four and a-half furlongs, purse, for 1-year-olds The Wrestler won, Tllelng second, pnoore third; time, 0:6. Southarn Pink Coat Steeplechase, handloap, about two and a half miles, full course Gamecock won, Oleroeo seoond. Iron Heart third: time, 1:14. " Amateur cup, high weight, sla fur lonsa. 1-year-olds and up. - Columbia course Paprika Pepper won. Paeon seo ond; Castor third; tlm, 1:11 !-., ATHLETIC CHATTER AT WHITMAN COLLEGE (Special Dispatch to The JearaaL) Walla Walla. Waatu. April 11 Aa a result of telephonlo negottatlona laat evening between th managers of th Whitman and University of Idaho track teams th dat of th annual meet be tween th two echoola waa changed and It will tak plac considerably earlier than waa expected. It la now expected to have th meet tale place In less than two weeks, April 14. Th meet will be held this roar at Moscow, Idaho.- Th meet on th campus laat week ehowed th men their weak- as-well -aa thetr strong points, and particularly brought out tha need of mors regular and con sistent training. With th prospect of aa intercollegiate meet in only - two weeka, th men wBI now enter a course of hard training. Tbey ar very n thualastlc and think they hav a good chance of making thing Interesting for Idaho thla ear in th annual field meat. Th trip to Spoken for th baseball team, which Manager Allen waa trying to arrange for Easter vacation, h fallen through, owing to th fallur of Oonaaga college and th high school to ag-r on terms. All th base ball boys ar considerably disappointed at their fallur to eur thla "trip. SOUTHERN CIRCUIT - STARTS BALL ROLLING i f Jeerasf peelet Servws.y New Orteana, April 11. Th pennant race of th Southern league l on and unlea preeent eigne ar -misleading th season f 104 will go down In hlatory th moat succeeeful sine profes sional bee ball flrat appafd In th south. Th aeaaon epeue - today with Montgomery St Atlanta and Naahvllle at Birmingham. Th ached ule thlayar provide for 14 game, th season to close September It. Kach clnb la t play TO gamea at horn and 10 abroad. Th two gam scneouieo ror today ar at th eastern end ot th circuit. Th aeason ha th weet win be started later In th week with Littl Rock at New Orleaaa and Shreveport at Memphis. NATIONAL LEAGUE WILL i OPEN UP TOMORROW (Jaenraal Special Servlee.) Philadelphia, April 11. Elaborat preparations hav been mad for th opening of Sb National league aaaaball i son Here tomorrow wita tn cnam- plon New Torks. IavlUtlona have been eent th leading city and Ut officials, many of whom bar eent acoeptance. Th Giant arrived here today, but th Ootham rootere will not be her antil tomorrow. Two trslnloada ar coming to cheer their team to victory. A mon ster crowd Is expected, at th opening it th weather 1 pleasant. . Sh o th Meawy. Wky 4t4 yes eerslat ht ralKnf yrmr Wt thla eeentr lee eua a farewell taner aaae th wasasav netlr. "It was te s arnae rarewn." "l-e. t waa" rwHM ine rhaa daeaa. ' I fared very well,'' -,, EXPECT TO CAPTURE - .. .THE COLUMBIA MEET Moore, Hug, McKinney, Kuykendall, Friessel, Kelly, if oullen and Other Good Men Will 'Represent the Yellow Lemon College. ' (RpeeUl Dkpatcb te Txa Jaaraal.) ' - . Euseue, Or April 11. Never before haa th State university had such good prospects for a winning team than ah haa this aeason. and especially at th present time, and with such men a Moor, Hug, i McKinney, Kuykendall, Friessel. Kelly. Moullen, Wood, Mitchell and Veatch, . who undoubtedly will be th 10 man chosen. at th tryout on Saturday to represent th Stat uni versity at th Columbia meet on th tlat, the unlveralty ought to be abl to scor th neceaaary points to aarry off th honor of th day. , Work on the 'varsity oval has been going on for th paat month under the direction of som of th older men end when Trainer llayward arrlvea on th lid ha will find a hardened lot of as pirant to work for th good of th college and all - In tin trying to gain th Hayward cup, which is given to tha man showing th most consistent train ing. .... . Thla season's track team will- be strong ' In nearly ovary event, and es pecially a th walghtav hurdles, lumps, pol vault and sprints. In th weights big Henry McKinney Is showing up ex ceptionally wall and In tha ahotput he la clearing over 41 feet. . Captain Hug la alao a atrong man In thaa eventa. It la conceded that MoKlnney will be tht beat man on th cos at this year In th ahotput and th discus. In th hurdle th unlveralty ha a strong trio la Frleeaal. "Moore and Kuykendall. while In th Jump Kelly and Friessel will hav things their own way. Kelly and Moo res ar th one whom th 'vanity depends on In th short sprints, and la Moullen, laat rear's world's lnter- aoholaatlo polevaulur, tha 'varsity haa a man In a claas by hlmaelf. The distance man, Perkins, Is not In trainlnr thla aeaaon and Wooda la going to leave colleg nsxt month, so th track team will b weakened In tha long race, but som new material 1 ahowing up well In " the persons of Frtdeaux. Hlckaon and Obertauffer of tha Port land'' High school and no doubt- thess men will be oa th team before th eeev- aon clone. Th Columbia meet, coming on day after th. spring vacation, will glv many of th - 'varsity nthulsta a ehane to e th meet at Columbia and th unlverelty propose to send a larg number of rooters to help th team win a majority of th polnta. . Manager Wlnalow haa completed th ached ule for thla season and It ts as followa: .Columbia meet April II, at Portland: O. A, C meat. May la. at Eu gene; triangular meet, between th Uni versities of Washington, ana Ore gon. May 10, at Seattle, and the I. A. A. A, O. meet Jun t, at saim. . -, - DEFINES STATUS OF , INDIANS AS VOTERS ' 8ptelal IHspateb to The Jearssl.) Salem, Or.: April 11- In anawar to an Inquiry from M. F. Parker of tha Klam ath Indian agency relative to th statu of so-called Indiana, tha attorney-general says they hav th right to vote If they hav severed their tribal relatione and hav adopted th habit of civilisa tion, or If thsy hav reoelved allotments of land andar th United State allot ment law relative to th Indians. . -' He consider a one-fourth blood a Whit person and a cltlsen, and entitled to vote, while a half blood, If his mother was aa Indian woman and hla father a white man would be considered an Indian.- th child taking th status of hla mother. ... FRED DAWSON OUT- FOR STATE SENATOR (Speelal DUaetek to The JeereeLr - Albany, Or, April 11. For th Demo cratic nomination for etate eenator Fred Dawson la making hla flght on state ment No. L H favora th people choio for falted States senator and economy tn public aJraira. - Mr. Daw eon haa for several years been th local agent for Th Oregon Journal. ; " ' . Beer Is a Food of High Quality It 1 Refreshes and Strengthens tht Body , With Predigegted ..'.,':. "Nourishment, Many lopl nnabl to tak solid food hav been built up by Pabet Blu Ribbon Beer.- And It la Jut aa good for th wall aa for th slot Pabat Blu Ribbon Beer with your meale tonea up th whot system. Taken to moderation It cannot hare other than helpful, ap bulldlng. atrengthenlng effect, free from fala atimulatlon. Purity and cleanllneea are easenttal for healthful beer, just aa they ar eeeen tlal for any other healthful food. And purity and eleanneea are watahworda In tha great Pabat brewery at HUewi kee. Only th ftrteet of malt and hope ar need, and th whole Pabat procee la a revelation of clntlflo progr. thai reeuK of 4t yeara pursuit of all the' beet-knewn method e in th aclanc of; brewing. A, moat Important feature 'of ( th Pabat brawlng proee la the'Pabat method of making- malt. It require! eight daya and double th expense of j th old f oar-day method, atlll seed In! many breweries, but the eight-day Pabat I proee la tn only procee by which perfect malt eaa ha madav Absolut rleanllnes distinguishes th entire Pabat prereea, aad th Pabat Bin Rib boa label I a guarant f parity. Th nam Pabat alwaya stands for purity, sleanllmtsa, and th beat beer brewed. If your fo4 doesn't taste lust right, or If your dlgeetlon la a littl "off." r yerar appetite t poor, try Pabat Blu Ribbon beer for a few daya and find for yourself that It ia good food. OBABUS xosrsr a oa eerne Third aad Ptaa., Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer 4r4y a eaa ft Tons Soma Teday FvTO for AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY Established 2S I y. lerstlnl havs rlelafad the laws et kealtk ill aaderauolng year eratesi, eone to na kefoce rve beaooe a aervoua a4 phalral wreck. ir roe ere weak, fioon? ana eeeooBueet. aave eaa areama. oapreaaae. lacs asiDitloa ssa eearay, aaable te eoBceatrete 7 oar Ibnushts. lack vna. vlror ami vitality. eeM te u at ence; our treatment will atop aU dralna aa 4 erereeaae all waaksaaaaa se4 saalUvely te store von to 'rnth in) haalik. W bave eereS thoeeanile of vnk nxm. ThOSE WHO HAVI SIZN DISAPPOISTID T CNiKItLID SPEOIAIISTS SIS B1KMESTLT ktOUESTED TO IMVEBTIOATS OUS VETHODS 4JTD TI1MS WITHOUT DELAY, WHICH HAD TH POMS III THE BEOIBjrUla. W0QU BATS SAVKD THZK TlklE AVS JtOXXT. .... . . ... - . A LIFE lUOlNa CURB FOR' ; BLOOD TOISOV.SKIV DISEASES, S0IS. tatTCXS. rraiCTVaf. TAklCOOttE. ST. DSOCZLX, KESVOUS DECK, la. WXAXHESa. TUJU OB CKaOBIO DISSAStS Ct , THE KIDaZTS AHD FHOSTATX. . SPECIAL DISEASES Newly contracted sad chresle raaaa anraS. AH earslnf, ttrh. Ins and Inflammation aKwoeit Is 24 boura: runs ertwtod In T Saa. WE COVES THB EfTiaS yiZLO Of SPECIAL ABO OHBOHIO. DEEyaEATED, fiOKJrUOATXn SIS BASES. W1ITI If rm eaaaet rail. - All eorreapoedeaee arrletly ennrMeatlal aad all repUae eent In plain eavelopea.' Me aaates, -eaaea. letters of photocrapbs ef patteau peblataed or IpWE OHAXOK yom Otrmxa OHXT. - We.4e aet exyeot pay fee ear aervtsae aaleaa we euro s pattest eouad aa4 well, aa tkat ke wlU Va estiroly aatiaried. na4 wtll novar esata have te ke treated for the aame trouble. IS VEITIOATE . AKD LEASBT THAT .00 WOKD 18 AS SOOD AS 0UH BOND. OVB flHAMCIAL STAVDIMO IS SOI.IT) A HO QVa L00 EXPIRIEWCE IH TSIATIWO SPECIAL piSEASES OF MEH IKSURES YOV ir MoiEax. scixvTiria tbkatmxht that wrti, accoarrusa a cube. . HOURS s a. an. to I p. m.; Evenings. T to s; Sundays, t a. at. to 11 noon. - ST.LOUIS!SclfD:DISP ooBursB noon ajtd tabcbttxa Blood. Ski n, Nervous and Special WE DO NOT TREAT ALL DISEASES of tha human race, but make a -specialty of treating and curing NERVOUS DIS EASES. BLOOD DXS-" EASES," SKIN , DIS EASES, KIDNEY DIS EASES. BLADDER DISEASES and all affec tions of THE GENITO URINARY ORGANS of men only. , Hen Cured QuicklyrSafely an Thsr Is absolntsly no Inconvenience, loss of time, hardship or Xinoer tainty, while th reenlte ar dtraot, speedy and permanent. We , cor you or dlaaaa to atay cured. We want to talk with every man who suf fers from those affliction, do .to any cause whatever. W want to ex plain our methods of curing disease and all mllmenta of th kidney and bladder. Our offlo I equipped with everything eclenoe eaa devta and money can buy that will aaeiet ua In aurlng diseases w treat. We ar . true apecisllsts, and do not attempt to treat all d leasees, but our all w treaC Our method of curing ar original, poaltlve, absolute. . , All Medicine 1 Should you deelre you may deposit th fee with any bank or burl rise ' houee In Portland, to be paid to aa after you hav been restored te health, or you may pay ia monthly payment If you prefer. . CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE ::A Offlc Hour I a. m. to I p. m,; Sundays and holidays, IS a. m. ta it, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO! Offloaa U Taa BToy Hotel, SS H Third Str, Ooraev Plat, VorOaael Ov. ' VELVET ISTFREE TO YOU THE L0NQER THE LESSER-A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY -'-.,'. J' ' '' ' After many years of atndy and practice a prominent vTrgtala phystriaa ksa dkejoaered the cure for aQ forma of Constipation. It la called Cbeee a Coastipatloa Tablet. "I do aot mean, aatd the Vinrinia Doctor to several e hie coUeagnae aaaoaacteg hia iimriaa that thla la a fake eore-ail. guaranteed to cure every thma from panpiee to paralyeas. aeitherdolmeaa laat asothaf pill wblrk brreda the pill ksbeu" my remedy is a cere tor one thing a spacino which never fails. By smtlr tonetng th digaeUve onraas so that they perfmm thetr netural f aoctkms. It restore them afi to health aad straoata. relieve hn mediately and m a short time ' "The THE II0RE THE LESS one - roe avold the organs to the pill. R to do na duty.' Physician snpeuon si an uie uuiuai c nearly eepe all eeery. and makaa We a burdea; it opens tha doom s all nra i ,the Body to wak to rusit taam. - - THE VELVET WORKER Boat Shaffl along with this gisat baedeal LIFE WORTH LIVING Ho man er i with torpid liver, oooetlpated bowels and aceaoaed braw aad Serve ever feel like the. Go to yoar drwt aad set a bottle of to yoar rial yew 1 a fair trial and tne te not sa tt is mosey wttowat ejueetjoa or mgnment. Ia SSoenta. FREE To any reeilmr who ewd s kie er her ejsme aad addreea with Sre atempa to cover paste capeneee. we wiH at ence mafl a fug etoe 21-cent bottle nf Chase's Const ipattoei Tablet a. th velvet woTker that ear). Not a earn pi a. mmd, bat a fall-ae M-cent bottle. Let ua prove tt to yoa. V rue Uxlay. ei- ee inrwp arfc . ere . 4 g j Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM "PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12.50 r . 7..' v v , POR THE ' PEE. . ADSOIwUTJC GUARANTEE : NO PAY UNLESS CURED Coma Today to the SUCCESSFUL Spaclal, 1st who- number their PERFECT Cures by tha . THOUSANDI You want a PERMANENT Cure! Wa can ACCOMPLISH IT. aad are eeaseioaa ef e essstast Srsls which ts NSARY tbitb. mbtivasT9, Cttaatnr. . cares Coaatipattoav aaora vow take the leae yrm seef enrll yen yon are cwrea. aty error eil alooa evil of the ordinary remedy which p ampere aslanr already weak aad so make the i patient hav long laonauleod tha fact rha ma. It Thia new diatovi'y Is m email tahleta. eaaffy taken., aad they ar packed mwstca-ehejp bottlae whioh St the veat pocket. The tablet hi mild, sll resets hie, arm gripe or mtwra th moat delicate orsaaa. Brtlt does the stork I hn aatorally and aoothinely they sttmnla aad retralaae Mdetrengthen the ther have nicknamed ' Tbe LittJai Vaie WniM Be healthy, be strong, be happy. - w rme men v aver worsmfrMTpmr.tTvetowete are renlar aad the eJdaara are active end kealtkv. what a lev tt ia ts Ilea. iter Yon set ep ht th morning- feeling rested and bnht after good alaht a aleen. with a keea appetite for breakfaet end a healthy reiiah for each mowthfot, and whea yo roe the air smells sood sad yoa Sll yewr ronsa with pleasure: the sua abate. . the brrrt arn. yonr every snee I acnt aad appreciativ. the blood bounds Orroturq yowr tern, carrymg life end ertlvrty to very mmste cntt and tiaeoe. yoar bopee are hih. yom mind clear, yowr epfnta hish. yoa etep bwoyeat. aed vow thank Ooi that everrthtnar ia ao beeatif ol and thel It at ae ennd to 11m. Chaw Ceaatlaatt Taktete, atvl If after M Piaeaaled to be. yonrdrerewt wta rrnl watch shea bottles, that St th vest packet. I here aewrajaedChs'S Co wet feat.' tfon Tahlna. and aaclins Ave stamps tat full ataed bottle. , lly drusgtat ZTt n,"" Kame-..-Addreas ..., 4siS) aV 4 CTty.....r.- eaa Mf drugslt . u e. 1