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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APHIL 11. IZ2X II u fODAY'S POTATO 'DER TRY TO HOLD PRIGE -i Combine of Dealers Tries ; to Keep Shipping Stock Down TT. to Forty CentsT" T STIFFER FEELING IN EGa MARKET TODAY v Salmon Season. Opens Sunday at ' - Noon and Special Reports ta-The Journal Indicate a Good Initial Run a .Very Slow. In Hope. , , . : rroal Street. April U-The principal featuree ef Ik Portland wheleeale market Kgg saarxet la suite, stiff Balmea aeeaea prh en Bonday.. , ' .;. ttreat searctty f " WW' . , Poultry- trrlvll setting liberaL , Veal le eemtag nxere -lively, j - rotate combine would hold prleee. , v .V. Onion market ha gaining rtrmneea. , , But Httle doing hep ' ' f Oresmi Mpuiiw coming '"Wl ' v, v Caiiforala tonmroe better akape. . Tw ra Banana du tad. - .- Wkeat aa4 flew trade w. , - V"Fta Ca-kh- WU Mil'--, Tha combine of the potato men k gaining la strength. Nat nly m there a combine of aaoia ' ef the larger dealer, bat the prodneers are -'-getimg together and are holding for aa ad vance. ' la Ike eplatoa ef the buyer tber eae ' net afford t pay asora-tbaa Oe (or -ardtnary potato which are for eastern shipment. There la. however., a range at pneea for fancy node '. sad aa hlh ae 86c being paid for-At eurekv ' Th demand fee notatoea continue la ood rears, eaatarn erdere eommg Jtiat aa lively aa - the prerkna week for fancy food the C1 , font la markets are doing better and priced are i.. loo lag ap. . ' ' ' " " : . Onto are gaining ta pnattlon every day and naaera are am eager ta da boslneea arouou imnt valnee thaa the were short tlax age at a material decline. ' ' V .... - " Saimea a.aaaa Opaaa tonaay. At the aoea hoot RaadaJ the aprlac-aiialaier I aalaua mil aloa the Columbia apraa. 8pe i rial irporta rerlM from the lowor rtrar hr ' I The Journal tedlcate Chat tha Initial catenae will be olte liberal. ' , - . ' laat at praaeat there la a acarrlty . la all ; llnra at ftnh eawpt hallbnt. Tha latter ta In : w4' mnnli at hr. A few ehad eoBtlBaa ta i nw from tha Sarrameatn rlrer. Baaor clam v .- jra rarr acaroa oa aecomit of atorma off the 7at. Crab flahara. ha daaerted their Bern 1 patKm along Shoalwater ba for the parpoaa t of traaapUntina: oyetere. i,. V... i . - Eg HaAa fa' albi' aHlff. t ! Price la the If asarket are qalta attff then V diye. Tha extra demaad canaed by Kaatar. , Haoetpta are not libera! enough In meat oar : tra, althaogh aaate eilaloa en aora :. , Sia thaa aanaL Many dealer aay they cannot . ,r imr laws for ecu. while othera aay I aoM aalea are made aa high aa 17c. Bout prleea era therefore Booted. ) ., Anmawaat Biore liberal arrtrala are ahawa hi ; .the pamltry market today aad demand remain -nana- imerai bdq au roaMpis . wy I the .prlcee qootad by The Jonraal. . Rprtnge !. eren aMnrer In. coming.. Keaiaod beat la tbhf i- l,i .:. ,,r 99thK ittibu Teal."' V .' k While aouie dralera are abort of draaaed veal ; the market today amag Vtoat treet baa better V auiBBllea and tha lone. aUhoach not weak, ta : not atilta aa gtmd. J'rl- ruling aa per journal $ S'naim'Zn la mora liberal arrrrala. bat the - acarrity canaed eTerythmf ta be cleaned ap . .today. Price aaate. " ." ' 1 . Practically no motion ta coming along the atreet Demand not of the beet. ; v Sat Itttla Bom to Kep Market, j with eappUea of hope m tola atata the emall ! eat In recent yea re, deaplta the heavy pradao ' tloa, there la bat little movement to the market at preaent. Thoae who etlll retain, hope are not aa willing to ell and dealer are, not bid- - ' ding high CBoagh far them. . Of the general - :, attaatlon tha lateat tame of tha New York Pro . durvre' Prlca Onrrent a ye: "There kaa been antra a little trading during , the pant week oa the meat market In poor .. grade eqeet bona at from ae ta 14e. Adrlcea ; from tha Pacific eeaat eontlnne to tndlcete a ' firm holding of the better gradee bat eery little Ifuslneae doing. The ronta la Oregon hare wln- . 1 tared eery well accord In ta early report from . the yerda. There baa beam little change In the . general eondltmna of tha market with tha poa , elbte aaeeptioa of a llttla atronger feeling on i the part of bolder of remaining lota la New ; Terk atate. and we hear of eatra la the Water 's Ttlle arrrloa at 10c aad He. i , . "The goreinmeiit report of the tat paid ea j beer daring Pebrnary aoowed S.460.0M barrel, ' I a agalnat t 47,738 barrel during the name aaonth to Jft08. an liacreaaa of O01.32S barrel. " Aa Important feature baa beea the large tn F'creae la the tax paid aa brer alt. through the ; winter, amounting ta l.Sna.M barrele during v December, ianuary and Pebraary, aa aompared with ame moarha a year aaa.'v r '-'.mat, imfl, etiolce. per lb. ............ It ' etiate. 106, good ta prime. ..,..,..,.19 . atata, ions, common to fair........... 6 ;nte. lt4. -per lb.. S Pacific reaet, I BOS. choice, per lb 1 j ..faclflc eoaet, liaw, good to prime.. ...11 " PaHflo meet. Ions, eommoa ta air, lb. 14 11 a t is 12 10 a : faclfM caaat, 1BU4, per IB aueefpra far we......,.,.i. , Receipt from September 1. ..... ', Reeelptn aatne time leet year.., Krport ta Kompa for week.... - Hanoi! frmn eWptambar -4 . aorta bum time laat year.... : ',: liTiport from Heptember l...., Import eaaM time laat year.... Bale. ....... 1.6.1!) .,b PHis3 .......100.M ....... a ..... ld.Wi.1 Oregon Aaparegue Coming Taatar. Vetter aopplie ere ahown la Oregon apn - ga. Prleea a trifle down.. I CaHrornla tomatoea are a mnrb better ahap. . t, An edreace la quatattoo. . j .' J Two car of banana were do daring the dy. Quality unknawn. , - rabnag la very cayca. Prtree mormg vp a . , fraetloa. ' ' v - t' The trade pay tha folmwmg price t rant ! atreet. - Price pM prodnoara are leaa regular ''ataala. near nat laatt':.'''' : ' v WBlAMhh. ear: red Buaalaa, 6ct blue- atem. c: valley, . 1 BAPLICT Peed. J8.0( Pan4, SM.Ml brew. tog. 2160 i CO N Whnla, 2T.OO arackad, faft.0 par i ton. RT 11.(5 aer ewt. " ' ' 04T Hrodacera' price No, 1 whir; 2( 00) vJit R Near eaatera Oram nahmt. a.taxua" a.aoi atraia-Bta, a4.wa4.ov, rinorc, 19 ikj0A 1U ralley, a.! franam. ,a, k wbot wheat, fl Tn; rye. nna. an not bale. fa.TS. ajriiTrrF Pra-. HT M aar - tout anld. cTtlera, IJTi.OO: hnrt. oeua'.ry, tJOM; eily, ' eie ttn- ehoo. (10.00. WAT Producer' price TlatoTrie. Willamette 'alley, cancr. f le.niajis no; oral nary, gT.ooej no: tare Oregon, a14.onQift.oo; mixecL t.O0OOi clover, (a. 00j, 00; grala, toeUuii .00; cheat,. a 0. . Battar, tggt al Peultry. ,." BLTTtB PAT-, a. .a.", Portlaad . lareet . ..reaMi. 'Jrt Boar.- Iflc. 1- BI'TTPhV 4'lty ereantev,' Mfrrt Z twtald lauey. imtr aioru, boit. , Kttaa K. .1 , freh Oregon. . MadM SH WEDNESDAY PRICES IN , THE WHEAT MARKET d Cliicat.v... .7 -1 .ntB 4 4 - Minn6B.p6li -aVa-aV- . ' d ' Duluth .71 " ..... i"l.lverptv4 ..... tn 1 4 1al Hfc Iula. -.7A. ..... 5 New Yorfc. -.e ,HM ;..M.;V.d rVltnilMrr. ' -"- " MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS . - Ther ha not - beea ail oh v d BcarcMy of flah in tha local mar-, d 1, ket pa aklata today tor. long d) dy . time. Practically every arlcly, d) d ' with the poanlbl ' exception of . d d halibut, la vary acarc and wa d) . are thankful that em hava ) d. the latter.. The opening of tha dy 'aalmon aeaaon along the Colum- ,. d bla river Sunday will be a won- d d . dcrful help . to tha ' market, aa ay d auppllea of aalmon V have - peen d) d ahort fop aotn time. - i-. -t-..- ' '' d d d d 4 r-RCItltB Wane Pun "ereaaa. data. ' laei Voun America. . ifci .chedJar. ISe;. CaUforal flat. ISHc. ; - . . '1 POCLtRk MUed ? chicken. - MU ' pee-, lb! fancy hen. I4c . per 1h; roaatera, : old. 10 lie per Jin etaga, tie per in) iryera, , uc nee fh: hrollera. 2S oer lb: dock. 10a aar lb; eeaaa. lOUOlla oer lb: turkey. ISAld per lb: dreaaed. Sle per lb; aqaaba. Z750.w per doa: puwona, n.w par aou. ... Xeye, Weal aad Bldaa. 1 NnPH Oontraete. - IBOa oroa. 10 Bar Ibl I90A Oree-oa. orlni ta eholo. lVlc: pot frade, bri Waaiilngtoa. 10i 1INH crop, , 7 Ue foe choice. ' ' WOtilr tuoa clip Valley, eoaraa to medlom, 23at2.V; fine, X.V j eaatera Oregoa. aOQ2Va. MtM.vinew, ziicixnc. - RKRPSKlNa SheuriBa; taiut abort wool, SoiBtoe each; medium wool, aoQ7oe ach long wool. T5ct1.0 each. , , TAIX0W Prix, pet la. IMiCJiai No. S aad gre. X01He.' V'' vnil-llM uann, ac per 10. BIDE Dry. No. t, ft Iha aad apNMttw ITe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. ta IM. lee; dry eaU, No. 1. under a lb. Ue aalted bldea, ataera, aouad. 0 lb aad otm. lOgJllcr eawa. ( a a and bulla, aound. neyiei a to. If to 0 lb. c; nlf. Bound, aedee 10 lb, lie! rreen, eaaeitea. le leeaj cuns. ir par as ! .neaehlrfea aalted earh. 11 2f)1.7B: dry. each. at mbi Bi mi. hiMM satfaattoi eoat akin. rommva.' aaca. lOOl&ei.. ,'JIoa. . each. ac 1.0U. ' : . : rruua aaa .Taauxaaian...-- POTATOK-Bet aorted. Toe per packs pro- dneera' price for ear Iota, nflc per cart; ordinary. ftfrc; prbuueer price. 4ottrc. KlllN jAhMna nrlra twean on. No. I,' (1.23; producer' price, So. 1. 1.00) Na. t, aaci garlic. il6r oer Ibf onion art. Te. KBESH FRI ITS Apple. tX003: arange, navel, 3.n0.1.7A; aeedltng, $2: banana. 4u be per lb: lemon, choice, MM per box; fancy. $3.7604.00 per box; lime. Neiice per 100: tanaerlne. tl.SSi ptneapplaa. Vic I lea a, (H-M:-Hawaiian. d.00. VBOTABI.BS Turnipa. new, tae par bbcbj carrot. 0ei7o eack: beet, awetai.uo pat aack; Oregon radhhoa, Jfc da ; cabbage, Califor nia. 2.2o per cwt; green peppera. f ) lb: California tomatoes, $2.2S: Uexlcan, I J 00 2.2ni paraalpa. oniaA1.00; atrlng beatta, c: cauliflower, . $3.2S - per- craW; greea peaa, lie - per lb: ' horaeradlab. Tc pac lot artlehekea, 8Bct$1.0o per doa; aotboua lettnr. 1.7B per Box: celery, - '"' Bar crata : numnklB. -llUes atmaah, ' le; aprouta, Be per lb rrannerrloe, Jrya, (14.00 par aei; ( oo nay aaa iiuamooa, piu.uui aaaan gue. California, per lb; Oregon. 7Ae doaeu tranche: rhubarb. Oregon, S4t4e par tti; eplnach, 7IVctl.O0 per box: green onion, Oregon. 50c rioaen buachea; hotbouaa -cacum-bera, I SO ooaen. -.-J DRIED PBUIT! apple. : eVBBOVBie-v JOW IV lb: aDrleota. Uaibc per lb; peaefcaa, 10V.4J 13a par lb; eaeka. Ve per lb Icaei nrunaa. to do, Hc: He drop aa aack etxteenth amaller alee; gr. California black. J7 per lb; CaHreeula white, per lb; data, goldea, a par Ib farda. 1.W per 15-lb boa. -r-" aiaaatlai. JTuta, Zta. Ptia AN Back baela Cube. 7 Oot powdered, ;KBO; frMl araanlatad. lA.aOt dry eranalaieri. ik NO! eonf. A. t& Bii- beet eranalated.. kSO: extra u, asav; goiaen v, u rue". t.10; bbto. 10c;. H kbto. Wl boa. War ad vaace oa aack baal. lea toe per cwt fa eaea. IB daye; maple, 14Blo per in . (Aboe nrlcea eonly tu le of leae thaa ear lota. Car lota at apeelal price Bnbjeet te auetuatlobe.) , ' ' . V HONKT fxn per evare. '-.J ' . OOPrEIC Package brand. gl ta. . BAf.T Caaraa Halt rrounaa. HBBJ. ST.m) per toa: table, dairy. 50a. 11 Oft; 10Oa. IIO.Tft: lm- po-ted ttverpool, ftfla,; 100. t1 So; tif, $1 00: extra tn. bbla. 2. nu, lea. t4.&0 50; bulk. 230 lb. M.onnt.OOt aacka, boa, fSoc; Uverpool lomp rock. 1LM per toa; 60-Th rock. I7O0, 100. $0.75. ,, tJRAIN BAtin-t-aicutta, mm. . . ntf-F tmnarlal Janaa. No. I. . get FT, t. ICKllic; New Orleana bead. Tct AJX. ie HIeAIH Small wnire, .1T0ay ..; rvru white. M.2H-. olnk. tt.Tfl; bayou. M.SO: Uau. lo.7n; btexicaa ran. hc Nl'TB Peanut, jnmbos, te per Tb Tlrglnla, itttiKm ner lb: roasted. iTHe per lb; eoeoanuta, HndyOOr per doa; waiHom, l'OlBHe per lb; plneuute. lOQllHa per lb; hickory antx, lo par lb; chretnat. eeatern, lBOIa par lbs Braall anta, 14 oer lb; alberta, 14015c per lb; fancy necana. 1SHOKH! aHaonda, KHtl afata, Ooal 00a. Kt. NOPE Pare Manila, 14ei ataadard. ltUe; alaal, lie ' , COAL OIL Pearl er Aatral Caaas, 1H per gal; water white. Iron bbm, 14e par gal; wooden. ITe par gals beedligbt.. lTO-deg, aaaaa. I1H per ral. ' OABOLIKB m deg, aaaea MVk par gal. trea Kf!Tl1f-Uif. a Per gal. too bbla 1 He per gel. tttrpkntink 1b caaea He par ral. woodea bbla Me per gal. - ' " ' " WH1TN LKAD Tea lota. Te per id nw-ia lot. Be per lb; leae lota, t"e per lb. . WlltP, NAH Proeeat-ba! at t2aB. '. UNSEED 01 b Pore raw. In B-bbl lorn, Br; 1-bbl Int. Met eeeee, nS per gal; gaanina kettle boiled, eaae. BOc per pall bbK lota. 4e; J-bbl lot, 68 per gall ground rake, ear lota, (20.00 per tons leaa thaa car lota.. (90.00 pa tea. ataata.. lah aad riawaalaaa, PKEBH MBATa front atreet Beef ataera. 40&c per lb cow a, Ue per tbr bog, block, V per lb; packera, SSe per lb; bulla. 4iS per lb; veal, extra, Tti be per lb; ordinary, 6Vi'it7 per lb; poor, 6&!e per lb; mutton. fancy, buiic per io. Heal ft BACON. ETC. Portland park flocall ha ma. 10 to 14 lba, lsfie per lb; 14 to lb. l.",Uc per lb: breakfaat bacon, 14H1SV per lb: picalc.' 10c per lb: ottre, !0e per' lb; regular abort clear, aaaanoked, lOtfe per. lb; moked. ll4e lr lb; clear backa, q net ok ad. luHe per in ; amoaeu. iiac per in; ubmb duilb, 10 to It lba, nnaaaoked. te per lb; aaaoked, ear . lb; rlear belli, unemoked, lie pat Ibl amoked, U per lb: aooldera, c per lb. LOCAL LARO Kettle leaf, 10. per lb; 6. R4 per lb;, 60 lb tin, ll!e per lb; Mteem rendered. 0a. llMc per lb; 6. Iliac v lb: compoatrKi. loa, th- ' ' CANNED BALatON Colnmbta river. 1-lb talh Jl.aor 2-lb telle, (ITbf- faaeyj l-lb iaU. fl.tfl; l ib fancy tat. $1.15: faey 1-rb era l. $2.75: leak ufle. Pink, t680e; red, (1.B0; aaaalaal , tail. ... PiBH Bock end. Te per lb: flonndera. Be per lb) halibut, 6c per lb; crab. l.&0 per do; atHned haaa. Hue ner lb: eatiUh. T per Ibl aalmon, froaen, 7 He per lb fraah autalde aalmon. I2Vi per lb V herring. Be par lb; aolea, ae per lb; shrimp, IOC per lb; parch. Be per lb; black rod. Tc per lb; tomrod. To par lb Oolambla river amelt, 8 per lb; ailver emelt, Te per lb; tobater, 15c per lb; freah aaekarl. ne per in;- crawiian, per avi Bacraaaenia ahad. Be per lb. . - ' . -tJTflTKBS-Kboalwater bay, aar gat, $2.K; par ack. $S.TB. :- CLAMII HarcJaben, par , bog... (2.00 raaor atoau. (2.00 par hoc. - 4 COffiDN I FUTURES THREE V' TO TWELVE POINTS OFF New Tork. April It. (lotto future eleeed polnta kiwer. ... Overberk, Btarr As Caok barely ateaily, 1 12 Ofaclal auotatloaa by company; ......... Closing Open. April ..,;....., UM Blah. 11L-0 113A iiir now Ijow.- V CO. 1mm. 1120 1124 , 1114 lll May ...... 11H7 lune .a.-- .' . July TOM ,1124 11X1 lll II IN lilt 1121 hit 11U1 Anxoet ........ .. nil aeptember Octnter 1088 November p . . leeember ........ 10AB Jaauary ......... Jooa) JIOI 11IKI - .1., lon iot:i toad ions kiah loni iom nm imT loot K)T iwh pisg loot lo&a io4 VNITES BTATtB 0TIlniXT B0ND(. New York. April 11. Oovernment bond Dte. Bid. Aa. Two, reglateeed. ........... IPC) .I'M do coupon.;, ............. 1l lo4j v MM 104 Three registered... do eonprm. Tw.w. aeiall bu1a... ..... Im Hkiv . 14 ..... liaM 14 to. ..... .... :...V."iaof io4 LPonrs, registered, .i. tiu, rexlatt-ted. ..(...,.,. to-JX Jl IMU da entipoa 14 l.TI 13Z' rHatrb-t e( Columbia (4Aa. .... ' lid . Philippine -4a.,. ........ ..1. 11 1114 GOOD FRIDAY IS A HOLIDAY T Chfcajo Market to Be Closed as Well as Europe Exchanges . Today Wheat Is higher. zii MARKET SEEMS TO BE f i s GETTING OUT OF RUT May' and 'July Each an Eighth Cent HigherSeptember Same aa Tuea ' day Government Figures Leave Wheat on DebaUble Ground. . ItfUnvr WHEAT v-ALl'aS- V Cloee "- Close . Close :V Wed. ' Tnes. - ipoo. ' (lain Wed.. ( ."" , . .K May.. ........( ,TA ( -7H'4 (1.144 July.......... , .7SiB .7o.B ,87 Brptember..... .77 ' ,771k ' ..... ' Chlcaao. . Anrtl ' 1. tber m every Indication that wheat trading la getting out of tb rut and that a good, natural action may be ex pected. The official f1gure-f yesterday after bring thoroughly studied by the trede era not construed ae bnlllah or hearmli, but lev tha market an debatable ground wltb toe price oc future between So and 3c over the low point of - yesterday, , Tm abort evidently aeein ta think they have lost some af their backing inc the crop figure were lower than the prevloua reports from private source suggested. . In creased local activity t likely to be followed by larger public interest In the market. .... .. ayrewiBg vera irngM, v There la growing strength In 4he corn trad and future mad alight gain' for the day. Local receipts ere. email. Tha caeh market I firm ana higher. The perioa or rata weaiovr may take tbe edgn off of the present bull mar ket. I.ard la allowing engdal strength. Official quotation , by overbed, aiarr at Cooke company: . . t.. . .. . w n ail . , Xfm.'.',' High. "Low. , Clo. Msy.....$ ,.7H , ( . .7" Mi ( Jaly , .7il , .T.i , Sept.. . . ; .!'. ' TTH iniA , a ,,ieA .77'i .T7 .45 M .tin ' .t014 . .. CORN. ' .' fsy.;;.; .4ST4 .4i4 iuly. . . , . .451 ; - .4i4 ... ', . -. '. . OATH 4 V -.4dV " -.ta '. .2m H.22A It. 30 A 10.50 ' - I . TO . 5.M ".. . . B.T , t nn t.BftB 8. 81 .. OATS. May.,..', jii .112 -. .i -r V July.,... ; .flo'a Bepl..... . ,.,gp II EM PORK. May.. July.. Sept.. 16.15 l.SO 1.S0 16.2R 16.1 15.WI ld.25 i 15. SO 1J0 J-". LARO. ' 5.T5 M UPO p. AO '-"- a. oo - a2 BHOP.T RIBS. Msy..... 8 TO Jnly Ball fcapt...,. 8T May...'.-.-" (.to ; P.B . ... .r: niy,.. A.tS B.B5 5 SO cpt....,, 8.55 , . B Pt : 8.52 xrKBooL eiAur majikit.. Liverpool, April 11 Official prleea: - , ' tt ; WHBAT. :. m ; .'.'."''Open', t Close Cloaa Oetn .,, wed. Wed. Tnes. Wed. May.. ....... .a M a 7U1 . Pa 7Vd Vs'l Jaly......,v.. Td Oe 'd na 8d A September.. ..6a 6d ' a avid V.I COBS. May.'. July.. ...... 4e 4Ud a 4id ....... 85d 4a S,d 4a 4Ud ea 3d rmniAJiT bajm motjhemt. . - " Chicago, April 11-Prlmary receipt: i Today - Jfear ago . .' itusn. Bnah Wheat .231 004 Cora I... U48.000 2K2.000 74u,OOD 17,000 am, ooo Hblomenta: 1 Wheat. , .i. 222,000 Oora '. ..61.000 Amencan ciearsnces; rinest. aM.OOO bushebi; corn. 147.000 busbela; eata, 67,009 bushels; flour. B.74T oarraia. ., chicaoo xHtanr cab lotb. Chicago, April 11. Oraln ear tots: ' ' ' i . ' Care. ( Grade. ' W. 1905. Wheat ............... 18' T U Ji Corn 110 .. VM y&l Oata t.. fl :-ta VI '- M Wheat rare totlsy:. Minneapolis 146.' DnlnUi 82. Year ago: .Minneapolis 116, Duluth 66. .;,..; ..: , . ,,,.-- '.' v Duluth nan Market. Duluth, April 11. Caab flax, (1.13) May, (1.17. ' , MlpBeapolla Cash, (1.16. : j ' ' CATTLE ' VALUES ' RISE 25 - CENTS AT YARDS . Sheep-. Are Same Amount, Up in Local Market Hogs Firm v -Some Shorn Sheep Come. Portlaad I'nloe atockyarda, April It, Live stock receipt s-r-r- . r - linn. '. Cattle, Sheen. Today ,, 25 ... 101 Week ago 4 T i, ... Month ago-.., r, a. --, 1 , . --- - , . . year ago aa inn 1 A sharp advance of 25c waa made Ta ail rattle v a life today, best steers bring armest at Be, Sheep are alee ae alow In coming that price are again 25c higher. Among recent arrival are a born sheep, which find good call at Be. .. . v. ... .f , Official livestock prleea: V - Hoera Best casters -Oregon. (TB blocker end cklaa fate, t 75; stackers and feeders, $4.50. .. Catllp Beat ..eastera Oregoa steers, $4. 7(1(8 too; best row aad blfers. 3.SO34 00; Ught and medium ateers, , (3 B3aT4.00; light cows, $2 6042 75:' Blockers and feeders,. (8.10S3.25; bulla, (26Ot5.00. , . ... i t - Bbeep Wf there and lamb,, 6Vc; , mixed abeep. Sc- ahorn sheep, or. Calvea Oood veal. ISO to 200 pounds, tti tough, and heavy, 4le. e LAMBING ' SEASON . CLOSES. Increaae ef Xoade4 Tit Can SAportd ' f";-,'..5.'jBi CVllUajn. ''(': (Special Dl pa tea t 'the Journal. 1 :. Arllnaton, . Alrll II. Lambing aeaaon baa "ynst cloaed and In aplte of the cold anap which visited tbla vicinity March 12 and 18 and killed the eras, to a great extent the moot prominent aheepmea in Ullllam county report aa average Increaae of 1U ner cent. The erase on tk rang haa revived end there le aa abundance of. range feed at preaent la fact, tbe beat la years. Bmytba and Smith, two of tbe largest sheepgrowers In the county, have atarted their large abesrlag plant and amoved the men out today. Thla plant is ran by machinery, was butlrrtbls spring and Ita owners expert -to sheer about 40,oou head of abeep during tha next. 10 days. t, a.t,, . . ,.; ,, ;- ., '. EABTXaUt BOOS STBOMO. ' i Chicago, AprH ' 11. IJveatock reeetpU: .... lt,ia battle. MKeea. Chicago ....,...'i...,l'l.0iNI iltl.OiiO 20.000 Kansas City ....... .18 0"0 .10.000 , t.AOO ilnaba 6.000 ' A.&ta) l.Ms Hoga Opened strong at yeaterday'a beet price with 650 left erer- Receipt a year ago ner m.tssi. Cattle Strong.,,. .," t r:. , . Sheep Slow,. 4 ' ' V. EDDTTILLI KOBAJB. " ("pedal Dtanatrh ta Tha Jenrnar.Y Fldrvllle, Or., April 11, The Eddyelll Me. kslr pool of 5,000 nevcea waa anls) yeetarday ny opea oia to niitsm sraws at x.- at -nairxa, oregoa, ror . rents 1. o. Ya. , , FOBTLAVWn BANB BTATIMtNT. Clearlnaa . . t.A., -a.-.-. (l.nftT 4.0S Balaacvs lll.m.eO Potato Combine Trying to Hold Pries, of Cheaper Grade Potatoes : at Forty!. Csrits a Sack as Dsalers East Will Not Pay .Mors. I 1. fl Advance All Through ' Stoplc , . M arket Today---U. P. Three j v. and .Eighth Up. ," TW04PER CENT FOR : V ; MONEY AT THE CLOSE BuM Interest Seems Confident of Ita Position - and , Senda. .the Entire Market SkyhighBig Riae in Cop. rra--5meher Common 'Vp '. : 1- . Anaconda . ... Amalgamated Atcliuwn ..... NBT 0A1NS. Southern Pacific. Colon Pacific... Oeaver ... ltoromotlv Brat Hugar Smelter ...... Cr A Pouadry.... l . do 2d nreferred nrooaiyn-......... M Baltimore ........ . - do iat" preferred 4 am 1 Oulo. Pua S i Kt. Paul.., 1H O. aV N. W. ...... H Clutaapeaka ...... i .rear vtescern... Illinois Central.. Louisville ....... Mexican CeatraJ. Katy Canadlsa 1, 00 preferred cow. at Boutharn. Missouri Pacific. PenBsytvanla liKorfolk Pacific Mall...... 1 N. X. Central.... Pre seed Steel Car. 1 Resiling .......... 2l Rock Island. ...... f. do preferred. . . 4 Southera Railway. 5 Ontv Weatert. Kubber li. B, Hteel...... do preferred,.,. Heavy buying of Colon Pacific by narrlman manipulation, and t per cent money forced a very heavy advance In tha . . ,h. . The Hsrrlman crowd waa a very heavy buyer ofl'nlon Pacific, which waa uaueually active senaationai gain or a point over the previous rkailBg.' AU through the market prleea readily responded to tba re markable break in, call money from 25 to 8 per cent. The usual heavy gain of & was made by- Anaconda and H polnta by Amal- Ismatad Copper. Bmeltey, common, advance. 14 polata over yeaterday and Northwestern 4H points. Tha market closed tonight area more bn 1 1 lah than after tba drop la money Official quotation by Overbeek, Btarr A Cooke company: DMCBIPTION. Atchison, com... Am. Car A rand7r'eoia.' I?7rd lolioo l,! m. Baarsr. com... ta !,. , ...... . ? 43 42 M, Am.1 Bagsr, Am. Smelt do preferred ,.... Baltimore A Ohio,. jcom. , Brooklen UmttiA i. fcbl, A Alton, eoaa.... ' - do preferred. . ..1 ChL A Ot, W eat., com.. Mil, A St. Peal... Oil m wi. 174a-ll7t - - - - . . u . , ,, , Cbl. Taraalnat. Bw 2uT)i 211 " Chesapeake A Obio.!I!! core, ruei A iron., cob. Colo. South., com. ...... do 2d nreferred. ...... as lat nr.fwMa Delaware A Undso...,' 211 2Ul2i0H 01.. Lacka A West... U. A B. ., com....... do nreferred. ... . Brie, com.....:. . do Bd preferred....,,. do lat preferred...... Illinois Central ., LflulBVilla At S'aaBalll Metropolitan Street By,. Mexican Jentrel By...;. M1bb at. p. A. B.a. ma . Mtasourl Padac M., K. A T.. com...... do preferred New Tork Central Cotton OH... Pederal Bmelfeea . 108 S2 A 61 4 1411 4 Norfolk A Weatera. eta. no prcierreu North . American ......... N. T Ont. A West.... Pennsylvania By....... P. O., L. A C. Oa...... Preaaed 81 eel Car, com. do preferred..,..,.... PaclBc Mall Bteaxa. Co.. Beading, com. ...... ... do 24 preferred do 1st preferred , Rep. Iron A Stapl, com. do nraferrad........ . -. SOU 102 V lOJSx Rock Island, com. 1"T 66 do preferred.......... Southera By., eon.,..'.. V.' neefereed . . Soothers PscUe. ........ do prererrea... ,, St. le A S. P.. 2d pfd.. St. L. A B. W com I1SW HTt 1'Z do ptrferred . ; i-.'iJV.'iT Trxaa m facioc. Tmk IVmI A, Imm . T., St. U A W., com i 86H 00 prererred. . . . .. ,.. Union ParlSc. 00m. .M do preferred......',. Central Leather,' coax, . do preferred......... V. H. Robber, com...., U. a. Steel Co., com... 60 preferred......... rVlseonsIa Central, com do preferred. ...... W Mai era I' nine Tal . . . 55 (IK 153 068 1B814 HOVkl Ha 44 441 104U 104 61. BZH at 1 ai i.., ..u:,v 12' 5 P24 22 a5 Wabash, com.,,. 23 221 do preferred Am. Locomotive....... Netlonsl Lesd H mm Call money, 233 per cent. ; ToUl aalea for day. 840.700 share. - ; BAB FaUBCTBCO 8TOCX IXCHANOB. . Ban Praaclao. . April . 11. Wining stock, morning closing: Bid. ' Bid. National Bank .,8 .4f lenve- ,.1nL- Belmont ....... $8. Cash Bar Golden Anchor.. .80 Kcllpee o Home ,zt Jim Bntler .... IMS McNamars I Midway 2.00 Montana ....... 3.85 North Star .... ,M Ohio -4.1 Ton. Extra.,.. 8.00 Nevada ..18 00 Weat End 8.4B ' Adama .,.. .OT Atlanta ....... v .14 Bluebell ....... ,ll Booth ........ ,B2 Colnmbla Mt,... .!B Conquer ....... .11 Pismondlleld .. .87' ptxa. ...... ; .08 ( id ....... .40. Jumbo ......... Ins Inmbo Bxtes... ,18 Hold Bar....... j.eo ' O. Bull rrog.-r,-, - ,80 Htelaway 41 Con. Cal.-Ta.... 1.IW Opblr B.STV Mexican ....... I IS Caledonia -..., . ,85 ; Bxcbeqner ,: , AT .Sorcroa . . . u.l,05 . floldea Crows,,. .31 Oreat .Bend..... .00 Hescn , .15 Black Butte Ex. .08 Tramp ......... 1.12V, Onld Belmont .. . .AAA Montgomery ..." ,ko Bimaet .,,. .28 Hceptre ......... ,4A Manhattan ..... . .18 Baylor Hnmprey. ',.2H Dexter rA Kendall i-r a.r-".8o- Laguna ...'.Id Msy Oneea .... .USA Mohawk ....... .M Hirsnny ,24 Mold wedge..., ,iwa Lone Btar ...... .It Ot. Bend Kiteh. .18 tit. Bend Annex. .10A Red Top ....... I Tttt Banna torm .... l.Jn Bllver Pick..... .XI Bt. Ivsa .81 .iff . .19 .40 Cowboy ....... Jumping Jack.. BOBTOaf COPPXK MABXIT. , Borteo. April 11. Official copper closing: Bid Hid. Adventar t 20 Alkmea ...... 88.00 Arcadian . , ' 8.M Atlantic . 30.AO Hlngham ..... 30.00 Calumet. 700.00 top par Range. 80 .AO Daly Weat.... 14.75 Franklin ..... ,18 75 Ureena Con... 30.75 Black Mt.,,.,8 U.oe -(a I. A Pitta... llt.oe , Oaceula 1O4..10 - rsrrot ....... ; Phoenix ' stiZ Uulncy te.iio Aoyal 8X00 ' Tsamrark 108.0)1 , Trlolty ...,...12.OT . United Cop.,.. B7.15 I I tah ......... ea.oo Wlnne ;,... T.75 . Wolverine .... 188.00 l. B. Mining!, 80.2.1 Tenn., t'op.,., ' 48.00 Boston Con.... 28714 Orenhr -I'A87W Mohawk ..... BOTH Nsvsda Con... 1T.IVJV North Butte., n w Potto Coal.... 85.A0 Old Dominion. 44.80 atoBstary Bataa, ' - - ' KMr ' fork.' April 11. Bterltngr" Deaiaad. 488.2S; 80 daya, 480 M, Market very weak. , . ' '"'' .' Hew Yerk0a!h Osffee.' ' 'y';-. J. New York, April II t aak coffee: ' Jo t Rio, Br; No. 4 tiantoa. 8tc. , .. . . .. rfarra Stock Caanad Cood a. ' ' I; Allen Lewis' Uc8t Urand. ,.t , 111 iri nnimn JIHJUUUbll 11,10 PACIFIC EOllRDS HELD 10 - GRO JURY ' U". a..": ' , ce'. - j 1 ;f Judge van(TProsecutor Both Ad mit They 'fhinlcr He Can- ' -" ' not Be Convicted'. "'7TT7 IT-IS CHARGED THAT A Kl ? HE ROBBED S. G. SMART Deputy. Dittrict Attorney Brand, aa r Reason for Asking- That Edwards 'i Be, Bound Over, Saya That Judge William Reid Wanta It Done. " 7 R Q. EJwnrda waa bound over to the grand jury - by . Police Judge. Cameron thla morning-, on a charg of robbing 8, G. Bmart, though tha Judge frankly ad mitted that he did not believe any Jury would convet , on the evidence offered on preliminary examination, and Deputy Dlatrlct . Attorney lirand axpreaaed tlio ami opinion. 7' -i 7 " " : "I don't bi'lievp'tha man can be con victed. In fact, I 'feal .positive -of It." aaid Mr. Brand, - i'but Judso '"William Reld, who.-ls attorney for Hmart, wanta him boy nd. over.''. ; - , . , Thla means 4hat .Ed wards'. bond must remain up until' tba caao la finally de elded. 'r'r '.'' ' ,'. y ' rollce Captain Bailey waa placed on tha .witness-stand thla , morning, and asked by Mr. Brand If 1 he recognised Smart and Edwards' aa the , two .men taken to the city prison -the night the larceny, la aald to .have been committed. He replied in the affirmative. . t "Waa .the plaintiff, Bmart. drunk?" aaked Mr,- Brand, t , .,... ' t t r "Tea,, aald Captain Balley,""he waa ao drunk he had to ba helped out of the patrol-waBon and , aupported ; ; while he waa belnB'- taken , inside. I had hint placed in a cell in the belief that when ha waa aober he might be able to el) what -had hasppened.'' . , Both proaecutor and court looked aur, priaed. C- J. Schnabei aald he would like to introduce' evidence allowing that Smart, on finding that the' barkeeper at the Lob Cabin aaloon would corroborate K1frarda teatlmony that three lnatead of two men' went into the a loon the night of the alleged larceny, failed to aubpoena Mm. lie had the barkeeper preaent for the defenae '. but' Judge Cameron would not hear hia teatlmony. "Patrolman Porter a wore that Smart waa drunk and eo did Captain Bailey,' he aald. "I think that nettle a It I don't believe thla man oan be convicted on the teatlmony of ar-dninken man. What do you have to aay for the die Irlct attorney, Mr. Brand. . ... , . . Mr. Brand thereupon made a plea, that the defendant'ahould aro before a jury. TAYLOR PLANS ROW ' OF MODERN FUTS II. P. Taylor haa begun the oonatrue. tlon of a row of modern flata at Mont- fromery and Seventh Btraeta. ' Tha build ng permit waa laaued yeaterday. J. Olnen la - the' contractor and the con sideration Is 88,000. . Other -permits la aued yeaterday follow: 'n,.'-'-'-- ";"'.' ,. ' William Oaten, cottage, Michigan ave nue between Beach and Shaver streets; coat. O, IC. Robin eon ahed, corner East Stark and Eaat Eleventh streets, coat, $300; P. Carroll, cottage, corner East Thirty-first and ? Eaat Ankeny street n, ooat, 8240; Honeyman Hardware company,- -wagon-shed.-- comer Hoyt and Ninth streets, oost, 81.800; Charles V. Frank, residence, corner Cleveland ave nue and .Albert streets, coat, 11,800; P. Jones, realdenoe, corner Eugena and Vnton avenues, cost, 13,500; Arlington club, repairs to clubhouse, corner Went Park and Alder Btreeta. coat, 'I709. . ' Arm Srokaa Booking SVoga. . V C. H.' Moeller's arm wta broken In two places at Columbia City yesterday j while be was bucking logs In a lumber : camp. He waa brought to Portland and taken to Oood Samaritan hospital. Tha man le reported to be resting comfort-j ably. . . i - J BAIT . rAAlf (rfSCO 100AI MOCKS. Baa Prancatea, April 11 .Official morning dosing: ., ,,,, -, . . ; .. - ' ' . ' ., Bid. Ask. Contra Costs Water.., 4M aimif vaney - a. Slav aa at Mutual Klcetrlc. IN14 t e. UlaBt Powder............. 80 80 '4 ttawaimn tommerciai. .. Honokea Rngsr. . ....... Hutchinson Hugar....... Onomea Bugsr. ... Paanhaa Hugar.,., Mskswell Bngar. I nlon Bngar. Alaska Packers'..,,.... ........ K ........ 18 ' 28 IK'A 85 17, "'11! anij M4 California f mlt.. .108ii California Wine..,.. , rwH .. , 624 -5A .....103S. loati Associated on. Pacific Btatea Telephone. irew tokk corrEi haaxxt. - New fork,- April 11. Coffee- fntare rtoeeil 8 polnta lower.- .rrt ' ArriMel aravf' ; : . . 1 , - Bid. Ask.f " April J....$8.45 86 BOfOclober Mar ....... 8.50 e. AS! November Hid. Ask. .t VA tl OO T.tin T in June ...... e.nn e.UAl December T.15 7.20 July ....... fl. 10 Tr. January .... 7 25 7.:io August .... 8.78 8.851 fenrusry ...7.85 7.40 Heptember 8.- 8.801 March ...... 7.40 7.43 UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF C. Wo The Great Chinese Doctor AtNo. I62i first St., Cor. Morrison Na ailsiaaauug ststsmeute to the afflicted. I guaraate a complete, sa fa and lasting cure In the quickeet poslbl time, aad at the lowest euet noesihle (or BoBest and snicuas fol treatment. I enr catarrh, aetbma, mag, throat, rheumatism, nervoasoesa, stemaca, liver, kldaey and loat manhood. rSJtALX TB0UBLE8 AND AIX P Bit ATI DIBIABCA hfy remedies are harmless, enmpoaed of ronta. herbs, buds aad harka especially selected aad imported direct by a from tb later toe of Chlniu . IP TOW AAI AITLIOTXD IIOW'T BUAT. DELATB ARB DANOEBOVS. If yea raonot call, write for a sip torn blank aad elrenlar. 4 cenra In stamp. ' CONSULT ATIOat TBEB. v Tae f). Wa Ohlnaae Med loins Oa leVH Th-t at., Ooraar Morrises, t ertlaaa. Or. - Pla see amative thm paper., J IP. ' Thoae aofferlng f rem wees. nesaes Which tap tbe pleasure of life should tale Juven Hllla, t ine nox will tell a glory of marvel mi a results. This medicine haa more rejuvenating, vltallilng force than haa ever been offered. Sent postpaid In plain package only eo receipt of thla adv. anrl 81. t.Marte by Its originators C. I. Howl Co., 'pr pnelvr Bond's UariaparlUa, Lowell, Alaaat TRANSPORTATION. ...ip... . .1 . 1, . - - - NOr.lE OClllE 5. i SEKAf Q June I . are TlekaU Mow. : SCam-tASTBBT. mXASXA BOTTTat. From Seattle at 9 p. nan. . for Ketchl. kan. Juneau. Skafwny.' White liorae, Dawson and Falrbank.. ''; B.. A,', pity of ScaUlav April ' :7 a. -8. JiumboltK, A!prl' 5-16-25. " 8. a CotUrfe City IvHi Sitka). April B-Zt, .. AX.ABXA SCt7BBa09T8. -S. 8.- Bpokane, June' t-atl; July 8-W. . Auguat 2. '.' '" c ' 'V' .' t' ' 7 .' .'-..,.M . M.,j,.a vtv-atmrvtv v auaar - vat" From Sonttl at a. m.j-liiBatHJa. April av v went iw a i w m - --r - 1-18; Queen. Aprl(,'i3; City ot To pelt.' April 1S-28, '".""'"". :.! ' JrUand 'Offloe,' 4 vTaaWnfto ft. v ala aa aiaia aa. r ' B, Jaaa. A T Aft. 'J ;7 . r, o. v. aI, -. '.-.'t ' urke-t St, . Sam Wmnoleno, a. kg u o. 9. suiTAirar, , 10 Knrket Q ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR iTSAkiaini'a '- - -:..-:. Leaf -Seattle '-7 TC 'mmo,' April j, ,T,. r. a f. ., .. via WiWBgle, . v ,' -r . n -f v-l ' - ' "UOLPHIK," ArU Jti'a8. ,l -j '"', ' ' '-:" ''CALLINO : AT 5 "7 7 7 Ketchikan, Juoaaiv Imoglaa',. Balnea Bkag wa, I'onoscU with W. P. A Y. ronU for . 1 Atlln, Uawaoo. Tanaaa, Nome, etc, i , . For All BoutLaaatBra Alsaks Porta,, Call oir'aena) for "Trip to WoooVefol Alaska," "Indtaa Basketry." ."Totem Poles." , i. ',: THE... ALASKA. . I. CO,,. .7, .lt;? rraok.;Wwlsy Co r Axants. Sa Oak at. . ; ; , for Head, Or. . Worth Pacific S: S. Co. STEAMSHIP .; .. ,-t- .-. . ... r- - v s. -J Sal) a for BTntSfXAr-Stn tFranoiscoanti Z.0S : AirOlBMiBV Thursdsjr. "April 12, Thursday April 26, Thursday, May 10, at I p, m. Ticket oRlce., 133 Third atreel. pea? Alder: r ; Phone Main 1S14. A M.Vt'h-rky'-X. ICi-.TQVNO. Agent., Steamer Chas. R. Spencer '.- , .'..; FAST TIME. - Vt THE C01UMBI A THE TIWEtT TBI IM . TKX UNITED BTATTB. , J' tea vearx Oak -atreet rtiw-k a. nv .Mondays. Wednesday and mdays. arriving al The Dalles- 4 p. m j ' . Leave The Dsllea 7 a. at. Tuesdays.'-Thurs days and niturilaya arriving rortisnd 11 p. -Offlc and wharf ' foot Oak atreet. - P Main aneo. , , ,. CHAXLXB . BTIEtSlOTH, AOEWT. S.S. F. A. Kilbnrn 1 - for Coo Bar, Xarela and 8sn fraaclacn, . Wextaaillng from Portland, Sttnrthty, ApHl . Next sailing from Ban STauclaca, lion., April 8. f. L. OBBBNOUOH.' AgU .' tireanwlch . Poek Ho. A Pnona Mala IBL . - O r SPICES, c o CC?FEE,TEAv DAIflNOPOtYDERe FLccn::.o EXTPACTs; UtwUhMly, flntsi Flivor. CLOSSETaDEYERS . BflDTI ANn.nDrefiM. . .J LEE YUEN: ao. so ran st., poxtx.atd, os. CHINEjE PHYSICIAN ; rin I dmo; fmtrn ttn arr wtcl taoctxieTi pt China. ' . ' He cures all aervone, chronic, .end-- private disease sf atea and womea, '. - . . He . eomnoaada and puts np ; for. ,a bis rcmedlea, ' the ' Ingredi ents of whli'li S'S caref fully eelrcted. My rem. clips will not destroy your stomach or . en danger your Ufa with an (.Deration. ' You take B risks, aa 1 nae a polaona or drugs. 7 Insure quick result at tb lowest pee. stnle coot. - a Call aad see me If vmi are afflicted. - ,. rf--T.-OOirsrtJTjTAI10BI TJUBJJ. -'0;: gsTmm-mm--8--mT.f.wlBmnrm The true way to cure all Blood LWaxei Bassell's Native J Herbs drive out pois ons, slkaaes, erteuhoea. Beat far 8a.aMa.allc, Stomach, netwet, Kadaey and Liver Bautki. Pvnbf Vasraakle rem say. Ms ami tl at Drug Sloes (si Back aaaaa.) Wna sj, pgec BaMHI's Native Hera Co. .. . a-11 .it 11. Plea, at , -. sea r.ilaia. Cat - INJECTION BRO.HJ- WILL, Cl'R-K ' GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHER TBKATMKMT . Sold by sill Druggists -, s-. eMICHtTge)' BMSLiaM ' ' ' " ssv nun pjti win n jrursuuna-. alar Uri tf.4 eUealel MtaJHej 1 JrHb MM riBatjaBei. Takkat sVtll ae. B li mlta. 4a. la fff Uejaar. R.B erf fMea7 frrwtjea. i 1 aiaa w Partewlra.TaHmai lata aaa S.H.r fWr Laaiea.". ww. twaw ISatL. 1 BOB tHUBMaw -M Sf aSBTauUi.. rkleheaehea.eela, aaeas. Jaadlee aaaw Paul LA, PA R.OANOEC& -aaw- I mmm wasaai I i TKAK2PORTATIQN. 111 V-Trains to the East DaUy-3 rkroug Pullmaa taadara ana toarUt alee. r"" eallv to Omaha. Chlcags. apeksasi Srliis elepTog-ere ally to Kaaaaa rttr, " Tknmgfc racllntsg ahalraart aea(a tree) U ' rv"'lo1'Po . Leave. Arrtve. Vortlaa Bpeclal for KiJ." i Huntington, dl. t:ll B:8B V1. rlr fw-Stera .' tJlu21g. -'Walla Walla, , . ' v . 2m. ..NoIbr "'nts. gsllr. 8:18 - ! eat 1 Huatlnelon. nails., 8 18 rm Tftt BI " ' a- ar.0''.rMB' RlTBft riTIiri!t. t,mLz iorit'u Mnla. conaectlBg wlrk V,''' torjiwaco sod Nortfc Brack, alssms . ?""--t. dock, learea Bo m, dallr, Ih!San,,'"' tarda . It av Arrlre about t a. m.. exesnt Bnndsy. - . -..., ' TAMHILL BIVEB B0TTB. "rt". Oregon Cltj and lamklll rivet C.2r4.,Mmr! ""t Mo,loe. Ask-st, dock. .- 1 e c p t .Bu ndt y (water r nd7 i 1J0 ; lly. , r Bil,..ljr1,.'"- !"- n1 war golnta frnnl Itlparl. Wsah.. steamers Bpokane mni lewis, to? IT?.. 0 or noon arrlvsl Train i.n.-""T. J'TJ't Balnrdar. Arrive 4 aw "v except rr11ev, . , ' .Ticket pfflce. Third and Washington ate, . 1. . ' v i T'leplwae tlaln T'8. ' a r c. . f. "'T"S0'"H. Cite Ticket Afsat. f A, L. CRAIO. Oeasral raaaaager Agent. EASTvu SOUTH I own Bt.tfcn ' ' Leave. Arrive. yvarisBS Kxprees Trslna ' ' . tor aaiena, Hoeeliarg. Aah- ' 4 ' ", "aeesmoBto. ()in, j , t 1 , - . . . an rraBclaco, Stock toa. 1 " Lc Angeles. Kl Pas. ' ' J ' . Kew Orleans and tke eet 8.30 aw o:5 pm ITornttig trsln eoanecta at . ; . , ; WoofhurB dallr excent ' "day with trsln foe, .r Moont AngeL-' Bllverton. Frewnsvllle. nrtBefleld. ' I Wenilllng end Natron.... 8:4S pm ., T:2 am cugene' paaaengee on, . . n-cts at Wnndbnra with ' .;'i',7 ' Meant Angel and Bllver. ' '" ton loroU.. ...... 4:1ri 'lerM sal rorvslli peeaeeeer. ...... 'MlOin : 8:Mpm .. SherMen paaaeneet. , . . . .. 4 :.vtpm I B is roree Orove pseaer. . T'10r48 -in 1 111:40 i- nsflv. HOnllr eveept Bflndsr, - JUrrERBON-STRrKT BTALON.- Pot . Pallas ami - Ititerinetllete points dally . :1S . m. Arrlre Portland 10:10 a. m. . Tor time rrd of Oavrego anhorhan. tralnt 1 apnlv at City Ticket fifflce. or station; V Tli'kets to Faatern polnta and r"'trne. ls , isnan. rajns Pennlnla and Anatrslla. ' CUT Ticket Office corner Third aad Waa Inatoa at-reefa. phone klnta 818. - 0. W. STINOriR, . A. U CRAIO. City Ticket Agent. Oan. raaa. Agent. TIMECARD OF TRAINS; Portlands - Union Oenoa Leave. Arrive. Tellowstone farkKssssa Clly-BI.-A"s Bpeelel for. tl.ivm rhekslls Centralia. i'trrn. . . . . . . 1 pla. Grays Usrhor. Boath ri, r B-o a. Tscoms. era me, nw, ... kaa. Lewlaton. Bnttf, Bit- ' ; ' Hogs, Denver, Omshs. Kaa- . . : aaa rtty. .- Bt. Lool aa " Snntbeast, dally ..,,8:80 am North Coast Limited. ' ele.- ; , ; , trie lighted, for Tseome. .dJtpai r-siiie,- cjwaaiie, nun,, Minneapolis. Bt. Paol and the Eaat, dally............ t oe pa 7:00 sm Paget Bones i.tmiren. ror . .. , Chehalts. Cenlralln. Tseoma w eieshtle nnlv. ua lly . . . 4:80 pat 8:40 pm - Twin Cltv Express foe Ts- ' -enma, gesttle. Bpokane, ..... -1 '. : llekaa. Butte. Bt. Tenl. . .. t v . Mlnneapoll. Lincoln, 8t. . , , ; Joseph. Kanaaa City. Oma- ,-., .1 - , ha. St. Ialt. - wHIwnit , ''-, change ef ee.., Direct eo- . vt : neetlcn for ll points ' .: gast and Boutheaat. dal'y.. 11:48 pm 10:81 pax ; A. D. CHARLTON. Avals tan I Oese-sl paaeea ger Ageat. 2KB Morrison street corner Third. . PortlsmL nr. . ;-v- ' ; Astoria & Columbia J River Railroad Co. T7B1c--IJpofr- : r"TBv-TTAirre For Mkgers, Rslaler, Cist, ksnia. . Weat port, Clifton. .' Astorls, Wsrraatnn, Pla. , veL Hammond. Port Btev. ' - . ae, Oeathart Park, taaalds 8.00 am .11:30 am . Astoria and Seashore,, ex press deny T :00 pm 8:50 pat All rralna dally. : i. C. MAYO, O. P. and P. A." Astoria. Or. 1- At" BTBWART," fommerelal Agsat.. 348 Aider street. Phone Mala 808. ;;; the coMroRTAsix way. f 2 Overland Trains Dally O ''Tke Oriental Limited, the raet stall-' IA BBATTI.B AKD BPOKANB. ' V D-llr. v ' " : - '-. Leave, Portland time eenedule . - ' " To and from Spoil a as. . .''.;.- Bt.' Paol, -Mlnneapolle,'t'--!;?,,r'"T tmlntb and ell polata Eaat. via aesttl 8:80 am 7-00 im , . 11148 pa 8:08 pa Tn and from St. Paul iv'".,v. " . allnueapolla. . Duluth v. , . i and all point . Esat via Bpokane 8:18 pm 8:08am Great Uortkera etaamahlp Os, ': ' Balling from Beattte for - Japan and China, ports and Manila, carrying pas. aeagera aad freight. ."-:-. 'y?- - 8. a. aflnneaota, April t. ' ' ,7 ""S. A DahaU.'Jana 7. -"-v-!- - . VIPPOB TU8E1T KAI8KA , (Japan Mall Btesmshlo Co. '-'V . 8. S. Bhtnano ataru will asll from Beattla about Mar IB for Japan and China porta, carrying 1 pesaengera and freight, t - - For tickers, rate. Berth reserra 'ttona, ate. call 8 or address r H. SlCxaOaf, 0. . I. A. 18. Third at,, Portland. Drag an, mass XtalB sav. REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles;: Portia i :Astorla Navigation Co rVmie leave fnrtlsnd and ; The 'tmiiee dally, except. Sbnday, Bt 1 a. m., arriv ing about i p. m., carrying freight and' nnsengera, . "plentWd - accommodation for outfMe nd livestock .. . Dock root of Alder s rortisnd root , , or wonrs ex., i nn xraiies. . j . . Jf hoa Xnla tie, Jfortund. unt5S) I Q loot i. tiuauJ - I , CleV i 4 V