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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
n j.j .h.-.ily jouriAL. rcTL.:.D. Wednesday evening; april n. izzi. i FINANCIALBANKS. :...;juassffic$. FC3 E2TAT2. $4110 BEACTirt'L building lot, ee Thirty-first, ly 1 block from ear; $5u cash. reaoaluOef f 1U per month. lOTf TUlrd t. BKIXWO"l Lore, M dowe aad $8 month) , from $ t 100. hell wood Towaalt Co j H. P. Palmar, uii. Fbue But 4.04. ll.UO to A CUTS, it mltos froa Portland, near IB U. w. . line; (Id wll om UBS). Third St. LOT oa TUlMMok, chole IpcaUu, $880. Mils 40. Phone $1,000 FOB tble eplendld 8-rooa modem reel dence, m Hlfthlsnd rboil, But Ninth at., N.; high and aigatiy; luOxlOO corner; tearue. J. rraak Porter, i Washington at, oornsr ' Fmrt, room . ACBB TRACTS. , Good rand, cleered. rudr to 1C M pwwu, wau'T wumr 1 7 ; on" rerun. HEN BY A. TOWN8END. '' W Berenth at., betwua Stark and Oak. , MfTBT hT aeoney. I bar got a eottsgui ia a. mice tot caak at half cash: rvoma each (700; all plutered. water, tru. large . Be owner. Jo tilth, at Nautili ad- aiuoe. as, ma MtHt Boott ear Una. ' BOalOt PBBT In block IM, Lolraralt Park, bmi carllM, 30O. tW sanaa, i bloeka frota UoatarllU ear; , H acra la fralt. (Ins a-roooi houae. barn. r rklrkaaionaat air kom and rBaay at ft dOHU fart, with saw S-roa honaa. mnrrata ouaoient. batbl aaar car, Mont t villa: tl.Buu; t aab. batear lit a month AIm toolbar, a Httl largar, at $1,400; auO . 100 fact Bar on Rut Slzta St., K., I Buck. Ur wall! Ivao. - - . M arraa. Id ekirM. d amu 4 atMwfcM. rla; 1 nllas IrMB Daad. la Yamhill rouatr; part bottom, part hill Sand: tbla la al alnat laad; fS.Sud. 100 acra la Waablnctoa eattaty. " nil oil roll In ; wlU rat t.OOO.Ond fwt timber and M nr th Tnalatla rlrcr, mod lofalnf atraaai; T.0 par ten; bar flT of tbu in anna rrnto. . LAl HUBLBCT. til AMBfftoa bid ABB TOO INTBBBBTBD IW BT. JOHNS t .. w Br Partland BNuloBHr far praparty n Trr part e( that preaperona rttjr. W . bar rtrer Tlw. baatawa and r4dea lota froa tm ap tkat cannot ba dopUrtd bf mmj Br saoT. it will par OB ti a u wi tvu aw Twu io our ., .. UAOaUiArtN BLANCHABD, -' I rutk at. , ;. bcio noiim COBNEB. rloH In, west aid, "tw" acraa witn rery B)oorB con inia lot m aaalir worth tb monav Haajatr BUachard. 1 Plftk at. , ta.mio 14-mom boon, raodera cflarenlenore. 1 rood readltioa. oartlr furnlabad an aoad Imi """ . aoPr Mt BacmBB BlaBchan, FOR SALE FARMS. GctaMcccof Md , T Bcraa, 1 wile fraag Woalar; about M kcru uodrr caltlratloa, T Acre la bearter - . aCTaa m itwv aewiowa and Bpltanabarss. run old; rrt la creek bottoaa, toodl atrua rana tbroaab tb place, S ara sow bti r lured tor pUntla, 1. 000 tru oa head reodr for urrtac oo4 '- . also eoatortabl booM tor help, r bvB Bad fair outbolim, laraa "i" Pfe 13 pr cr. ' 0 acru. t anllea from Moalarj 18 acrea " odr- rBlllTrtfcra, In oit. plant af timber fr wood, H arrea aBder ronr. about t ' !" ' cBard, b kuUdlBta. Prlea V' Vi.Boa .- , , to acru, t allu from La Cantor, t Clark eouatr; 10 arru a Oder eultlrailoa, ' ' ?y In soil for anlou; alu abVBdaaca . . f bay bu ba ralud; all Ullabt. abont wow mrrw ib oraiara. bm stream near tb ' plac. T lul eattl. 1 bora and all tk turn . tool with tba place, T-room bouu aad . aooa para, aleo entbulldlnaa. I Tic $2,100. no acre la Columbia county, but ciata- aaaiar au aaa - pun iorea BIT, so J . cleared aad fenced, BOO bearln fralt tru. tba Bout of soli, aaakaa acUat pdtnr now, aooa boou aaa oarn , a rrcat pportunit t a tart a dairy ranch. Prica $4 per acra. acru la Cowllts coooty, la allu . froa Kalaaaat all lerat. 11 acru under raltt- .. rattoa. 40 acru But timber aajtabl for r""ajt mwk b acre in errnara, wii an ,, crea a pi, email aenu aad bafa,- B. r. D., 1 bora and all tarn took) ao Wltk - the Blar. Price II too. - - 3d ecru a tb Bau Una road, aalr It bbiiu tras in center or I'ortiano; ail Meet ' and aadar cJ rirat Ion, '" all frea acboot. V Toun orchard. T room bouu, new t BVMlera barn and all ether outbnlldln, team. cowa. chlckeaa and all the f arm ' lapwaaau ,wiia ,u nee, rnc di.oua. . , '. j LAJo'OlLtl RAND, . . ' - It Blitk at. . ... , CHOICE BUYS f tS.ftOO M acru f back loaa, dO ler blthly raltlraUd, M lira alaahed. plau aU Bireiy renceq ana croea-rancea, food IH , atory bara. TH allu from Vaacourar, 114 vim m WW 1111 u, . , M. i laeludlns allk cow, boll, T rurllnre, alt aoa. bicB and ether ponltry. eood team, - wa oa. back aad U (era Implaaaatt aacu. ' ' aary to raa place. t8,O0O 10 acre oa Lwb) rlTrr bear th placa all aloely fenced, t acre orchard, i . bona, M bama, X Mparator bBlldlnaa, 3 work v ahopa,' M sill froa laeorporaied towa, M hud cw. tl.t00-M aero. ' all froa Vneaat .. good lerel ararled wad all tba way; jo acru . ib eBinrarjoa, nice lamtiy eccnara, gooa wen, a new neat rooa bouu aad alcely painted bara MiU: tba I a buotlful plae w ' - bcantlfal diatrlrt two WO cru,- BO anu froa'TorHanJTt - - aiies tru rallru atauoa: 10 crei w- rtured, nw timber, balance ually cleared ; email auk and rood antler, a. all froa cbool; but f soib bica 101 tw Ilea prepued- iotrw rallrud: al. BMt lerel; will I It : tbU a only o pr acr. i aiA an u - ii mum " - a 11.1 OB aula coaatr road, graraled and lerel; Is acru cleared, small errbard, buDdtnr tmraed, son good gre timber, all lerel sod rood Mil. H fenced with good wire, H all t acbool, B alle to rallrud r station; gtrs Kin,) m mrwmniti ewj. $00040 acru. M allu froa Portlaad. U allu froa rallrud atatlo. 4H allu froa koatlasdlnr; 10 acres eleared, I, T a acru Broea ' timber, balanc sully cleared ; ts acre lerel, SB acre bottom laad, don't OTr6orT but ., of Mil: small Broom boom, small stabl. 0 acr, allu froa Vaucumar, oa In f rraeelrfl road! ii acru iuro, io aero , ' fiearardara. all cleared, balanc 10 acru la n awale; aaall t-room knu, good bara, email family orchard; tbla I a Im place. plenty f mod ael(bbnra, t all to railroad atatlea. all t school, R. T. D.; will . eichanro- for dtp property: there I a new wagoa, btirtr, karnua, plowa, barrow, bona, hold fnrnltnr. rant coat 150 new; tnTeorl gat tbla; 3d- burlng fruit tree. Tarletr yoang tru la good abapa; i alia to scbool, T ' pleaty of good aelgbhnre; creek mn tbrengb placa; tbla I a apteadld bay; good aba tract; C will (It trm. fno 4 rooa bum aad lot TV blocks fra iTnloa st. car, oa Soraaa at.1 will take as part payaent tearn drlrlag bors, balance on Inetallmear $10 per month. v WAHUIN0TON A 0RE0AK RKAtTT CO., - SUH Wublnrton st. Roama 11 aad . 12, Portland. Oreanai and 00 Uala at., Ttacoarar, WMblsgtoa. 0 ACRES ' 7 s ' - is acrea m cnltlTarloa, It alaahed, balanc . timber,- Br and cedar; goo) d-rooa booee, rood pring at tb booee. paap la: plac watered by creek aad spring, goad chick en - aeon and yard, good rootkaama and small '' shop: tar garden faac picketed, ' lu around tb bcmii; bara aad abed. 1 good . turn aad double baraeM, 1 new t. Inch - Mltcbell wagon. old au; 1 back, t plowa, J harrow. 1 l-tnoth caitleator, t good cowa, heirera, lot chlckeM arythu aad aaHocka, all kind of farming tools, snod orchard and eome amall fralt, cedar timber enough for . . aO.OOO post. R. t. D. mall, pkona ta konu, . tk cruk I llrlng water th year rone 4, ' rau through rklckra-yard. - Price t,000; . :- W. W. KBPIT. ' - Rooa 1 Haalltoa bldg. 11 ACRES 10 scru in yoang tearing orchard. eru or BOO apple trees. Mm cherry w. ' balanc prnnea; If toss of .pranu takes off ' tb orchard last yean sewage balldtass, good - feadng, abaal S allu froa VencaeiTer ferry, a lu View of Portland sod mrrronBdlng oonatry. . Prlc liono; terms. I acres. all from railway atatlea I all ander raltlutleei, all feaced, 1-atsry d-roeta boaae, full baaement, good wall at bouee, . barn, thicken konae, sheda, t.OOO strawberry plants, some yoang Simla treu, seer rood ; eckoeU 1 rant far ta Portlaad, balldtng Talned 12.000. Prlc of property oa applies , tll weald erchansa for cllrw-owte. . OTTO CROCK ETT, 5k6V Tlublngtea St. - T20 ACR KB WlU sabdlTrd) 4n0 tdul frslt and grata landl la cultlTstlont good - bolldlnaai Beer towa; Inon.noo fut pin , eaw t . fce; I rewn Rotw Rleer tailey . e ; f ""I rllraat u earth. , , i tveodrllla, Oraroa. FOR SALE FAR1I3. . BAB'IAl.NM IN ACUKAUE - llila la certainly im of tba finest sdfeurbsa homu around Fori land; 8 mluvtee' walk ( Wooustoek car Una,- 7Vj acru. finely Imprarad; r all kind fruits, flower. ie.i heely s-ronm dwelling: all kiada building, water works, bora, bustle, cow, chli kena. Dlacona: everr. tklna guee, 0T.&OO; Improvement worth er-r o.u! an tnir eun, Balance B par caul : Internet u long Boa want. J". PRAc." hi POUTER. ' . Boom . 223 Wuhlngtoa at., ur. First. rOB BALI loo par acre, clrarad laad la the (rest fruit bait along tba Columbia rim, (In lft or 20-aer lot. .Apply Bui l, I. la, Weablagtoa. LOOK HEKB 1 ria 10-ecre timet: la cultivation. 4 block! to to fare, f.w $.1,800: ouy tarsia. ' itUMU. iw riiut .-".-.- FARMERS AND H0ME8KEKERS ir you wane want a awd tarr soar Portland, or "a In Orraoai or Waaklnftaa. Iaaprt t bar f tin ; 1 eaa aallafr tbt poof anjrwhrr ' atr uat -BBd BMltbT. F. PT7CBB. IwV, tint at. PABhl FOB SALE A .boantlfnl country rut. due wltbla 4 allu of Vancouver; HO acree of land, llrlng water, stock and all kloda of fara aachlnery; all for $10,000; un pro paud atreetcar 11m. Por further particulars aDply to P. , 0.. 0 Mala St., Tancovrrr, Waahlngtoa. ' .-' PABM POB I A LB . ' , . Ml a or re Beer Logan,- oa dear-creek: TO acru la enltleattoa, its a ere paatnre. 4-room bnuu, larg bara aad other bulldtnga,- rood orchard, crop, too la and machinery, at $77.60 Per acra; one half down, balanc at I per uat. IOIIS PBANh;. Orogoa Oty, Rout No. ! SM ACBM In Clna- county near Lebanon, $30 per acre STS acru in Uncola county near . Kuhrtll. $3,000: BftO acru ra Celambla ccmnty, Waah.. IMr Uayton. HH'pcc acre. ' Thu are good bargains. . K hue 11, 002 Coat- BMrctal blk. .. '., , .. FOB BALD 190 acru laad. watered, 11 allu from YaneoaTeri goad roads; $1,000, two - thirds cash, balaac time wltboot lntereat. .' Owner, L SB, cara JonraaL fi.ioo so antra, worra 92.000. near dtej wlll ull for $4,100; term) g acre cultivated. -. eel nor uetly cleared: mw boob, oa county road; a few days only. W. 1. Day A Co., jwS rwio i. , roona aa. T- TO EXCHANGE. EQI'TTY Denrer Income pronerty for raach. 6hsa 'oeeet men t Co., BBl Wort Worcutoc blk. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ' HOBKB, karaaea. llrbt warn, goad rig, for sunn rarm: aiaa oaar,' rrun not saontb. O B-. aUcb. 6 blocks aoath Moatarllla etatton fOB I ALB Handeoaea Btodcbaker runs boot; - mut aw. Apply roaur di aklelur a labia. rinn aaa ammc sta. , FOR BALE 9 goad logging turns sad 1 good norm etna wason, b bow mi oounio aarnaas; all good roadltlon; work her la City; aa ba aem at able No. 80 u;'ter atu, foot Moat' gosaery. 1 inquira Tor d. ger. FOR SALE TIMBER. 'WWant We bar cash bnrar for larg ssd saull tract of good Umber la Ore goo. Wsahlagtoa sr vsiiiotbis. . . . , - Pbob Uala tsos. tlf-U rantsa bldg. WB bar a fr eholc aoamstsad claims waaoa ana BbannaB aoneiM.- ama a timber clalaM, yellow pto. our 1,000.00$ reet, write ps aa ror ran pamouiara. . bh oob km c., I ne paiia, ur. . CBBTTPIBB a Tin. aay alu vteeui price, w. I. Howell, aas ruaap ag ua WANTED Proa oa mi. ullamth hole timber lslm; Bir fall paruerjlers. U I. -rare - Journal. . SNAP -440 aeru timber lands 00 drlrsMe arream, aix aiaa troa role mote rtror. au Worceefer bldg., PortlaBd, Oregna. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BAXRSlngl wood bed. poring aad Biat- treaa. 2; burua $ 172 Montgomery, our. fourth. . - BAFB- mebold. soubm door.' good sa now; wtll trad ror small oa, wsstsra BiTsa lo.. ae7 waaaingtea a. - POB SALB OR RBNT NEW AND SECOND- HAND BEWIKD MAtliinr.B. BTkp Itanu BEWINO MACHINE AQBNCX. H. . JONBa, SflO . t AMM1LX, UC BIIXIARD AND POOL Ublsa far no ar for Mle oa hit paymears. TUB BBUN8WICK-BAUCB COLLBNDBR CO, . 4 Third St., rortlaad. TBAhf but1naplant. sultabls for spartssmt Bo out aup; win uaa urcsieou prer ta rut. IOS rourta, at. - . BOOKS boor Tit. Mid aad xebaagsd at th Old mb Btora. S3S laahlU WB Beod forrrltor aad will pay fall mbs. Phoe PseTSc TPS. wtru aairaga v KIT WeehtastoB at.- -.. . .- - WE8TEBN OClaVOOM MININO A MIXMNtJ CO. budauartetut a took rer ul aaa iBraraaiioa at 180 Pint St. Pbo Mala 1S24. SHOWOABBw AND PIXTURKS mad t rdu cond-hand good tor MM. leravoa a nau at rose. tKS Ouch at. Pboa CUy tTL MANTJBB by watoaJud or saiload a 0, W. P. By. PBoaa lut saw. SHOW esMa, counters, drrnre bougbt. sold 0 scbaaged. Wutera Balrag U0-, bit waaa, lsgtoa at. Pacta TBI. POB IALB 24 foot la track, upeclty 14 pe eons, qalpped WlU t-borupowar par awwau en etna, eotnolete. Blilfl lanaiau f the) TeTf but. Isqnlra tit) PIm eC WB print rear aaa a 90 Mlltng sards, proper SBe SBO eryi, SO, jne-rwiena eenw, i. A. W. Scbaal Co., X'M Plrat, Portland. Or. AlOLDEN'fl RHRUMATIO CUR menroettem. boki or aai eruea1""- roR SALE Pins a yeter counter and abllag alu door aad sub; Beap.r aus rnra si. fl.M POR W.rasMsr 100 strut pa nu, $c an Biaos aowr aaa Texaiasis aoaabto. Mala Till. to It a. POR BALE Seeoad-aand uprlrbt boiler, rait. ana ror woodnw. roater aviawsr, imi aad Errtt- ata. PINB aw top Burry. only 80S; asm new wagon. Portland wauBouM araniar vuw, M But Waahlngtoa at. IOR 8ALB Oaod dry 11 Ta 4-foot Ir la two-cord order er mar, st kit. To per card, - deUrerad and pfld at residence, m xt will au that you bar 'your aeaaars, oerer, lit Water St. Phoa Maid 4CaM. PCBNITCRB sad household poods of all kinds for Mia; party waring city. - sap mwms St., BUT WIUlsBU STS. . - S6B RILRRS ptaa errtltcaU cue p. Pbaa 1WT1 POR SALB Portable h. p. m1ra and batler; guarsatudl o intra it eiu. v. ax. s i gott, lawyer, d Mulkey bldg. $00 El I, KB It credit check far Ml at $t0. $$ Talae t. LAW I.IBBABT C. S. Psc. I R. A. tad 8. W. Rpt. sad tostbooks: Tr oo roa. 1 Butlonal bookcase- sad ofac furnltor! sash ar real Mlata. t. J., cur Journal. $1M WORTH d hrand-aew famltar of B horte. aeeping-rosa. aair pne; party aB taiy; ul lzta st. POR UA1M S good rem ng fresh sows. In qnir aiooeiy star, jsto ana npring, rori laad tfelgbm.. Pboip Mala t3M.r MOVINO-PICTCRB aachln. Bias, raa ea- rblau, news, song alines bonsht. Mid, rented sad sxebanrad. I46M SIsU St., rooa i. Pboa Parla ITU. . POR SALB Chlcberln graad ptaso st a ucrt- aoet win taaa upriasi la part pay men 1. Roping, liooaid sad M 111 la an. Phu Pacid PERSONAL. DOMS HOSPITAL r- epalrlBB aad drssslBf. Ill TaakiU Pi , a I I " 1 v PERSONAL. afME. ANNA LLCKBT AKD MRS. 9. WOLFE, sola a rente lor Mow. Orabam's Hydra-Vacu treatment and buat deulopw. Thla I th moat aelantlfle treat me nt for remorlng wrinkle and facta! blemUbe) also for bust deTaloproeat. No need of baring wrlnklu any more, Patleara raceleed, with beard and trutment.' Foil Una of baths Batufactloa guaranteed. . Tcetlmonlala from - lead!"! phyalrtaa. IB I a are Hotel. Blxtb , am Waabinctoa sta. 1'boo hlala SOU. OBADCATB aaaaaor will go to your bom nd aire treatment; Teferencu glran. BUITB nr eased while- you wait. SOc. Idlea .skirts preased, BOe. ' Ollhort. 108'4 Sixth am. aast to uuaiie. i'boao racin sow. . DR. WORLET BENJAMIN, th Pool BpectaWet. M0 -4 Waahlngtoa at. Boos tod. tWrs feet Bad Bonad. , BINtj CHOONO. Importer of Cblaua root medl. cim: Mil CblnoM tea that a certain cur for all dins. Ill Secoad bet. Tsmhlll aad Taylor. - . DBTROTTTB AOBNCT 0afldarlal tBTutb autloM; report aud en any Individual bual. - aeu or property; Biasing relative touted: bad debta oUeted; cbargu reesouMel cor rupoadeaee solicited. Orgoa DetootlT Serrlcc, offlcu 114-SII Colnmbla bid., tit - wssoiBgtttB at. Psoas Mala MltV ' TACXACRB and kidney ar bladder drwaMS cared wltk Oregoa hartta; trial etu fur 10 IB stamp. flnmmer, 100 Third st. Wrt PERT sr daerarnu. I abwlntaly waterproof. . Wsbfoot btocklBg MANLT vhror rsalasad rrr TV. fUnurta PTarU - Ok lea. Oae aioatb'a trutment, $ll $ . Bautba, SB I seat eeenrely uld by .mall. . Areata. Woodard. Clarka A Oo Port U ad. Or. XEB, Palaw Tablets make roa sleep perfectlyi they cur Bereoosnau end make you stroagl prlc BOe a boa. 4 hoses $2JM; rnaraateed. . All dragrtsta, ar addrus TJrmhe Drug 0s, BT nana xnira r. fortians, oregoa. - BRER to out of town patrons, oar la tut cit logu ,f fancy work, pillow, ton, center ; Pieces, shirtwaists and nor 1 tie. Tba Mudl ' Craft Bbep, ga Waahlngtoa at., Purtland, OT. ANT Ul ee emeneei aaa'ha arenost aad hatna bf Ming leitn Pill, th Brest tonlei prtc 11 bos. bona an. win ran guaruBre. ' Addru r Mil J. A- Clsmenso. drugglat, - oor. Iisond aad Tamhin sta. PortUad. Or. BIOH-OBADB portraJta: special offer for few days; re M net slse, urua ar folders. 18 fnr - a; susuTT aad wora to mil i e. 1! Ptoua, oa aptb bldg., rifth aad hill. BALM OT PIOB fnr all feme to dh - Bast- Balmut. Pb eensnmnee mmr-n m a Oar Lothario "tore ml a Blaee IfaiHii Hill.- "A . "Waenaa of Pin," B0c uch; lata tru. A. W. Scbmala Cw 82 First st.. - TTJRBISH BATHS, BOO Oragooiaa Mdg.t Isdtsa days, gentlamea abjhts. . Msla lBtB. , DRO. BETCHUM rana promptly priest . dluaass, kidney,, nerron, shin, aad spedel ' Facto'auL " rk .a- SCHOOL boohs sad all kinds af books bought. Mid and asehangad.. Joans Bona ntor. awt A Mar at. 1 . . -.... DISEASES OP WOMRN sncceesfnlly treated: snatorulty ceau cared for, prlea t BnepllaJl trained Buraul onaaulUttoB frp. Pr. At. . wood. lUOtk MorrUoa at., room $. Pbeu Hood Btt. . . . ... ..... . .- BACHELORS, don't worry; we'll mw soar but . tc oa - and d your mending tru: doa't swear: we 11 iron yoar skirts ana collars ts fit your seek. Try as. Ore ad laundry Co., lTth aad Qulmhy ata. pboa 1401. LADIM' TBrklsb baths, assug, hydrlatrl parlors; strictly Irat-clau plae for ladlu only. Plat A. BM Waahlagtoa at., betwwa loth aad ITU ata. - ' 0ENTLEMAN wlabes aconalntanc young lady asTtnr amau bum nr cwa 00m ; aajoci matrimony. Addreu Box $1, city. DR. K. T. COLE. teS Eaat IM St.) astcrnlty au; 01 sum or worses, rneoe -raaor ill. CALL at soma O, 8T14 Morrtsna at., and gwt-a rru umpi or uaurornia Mctiicatea Hunng noap. a or 101 lei aaa psts and an asm eua- CHIROPODT, aanlcurtng, flectiicsl ssd mag. neuc creaimenm at laovk nixta. cor. sioer. THR BTEWART-LINDRLL PARLORS, rooa 10. . l-anre hotel, Hlxth and eVaabHtrron, laasna all racial blemmhui expert electrolysis, ana nl cur- ln7. shampeolBg. electro face and clp mu aaye; mows ad warts remored. Tel. Msla OUT. - BOLDRN'B RHET7MATI0 fJURB Burs ruumstarm. Hold by all drugglat. AUTOMOBILES. CO YET A COOK Motor Car Cev. P-"eath and diner Agent for . radlll, r terra, erut Arrow and Storau-Darye SBOtar-carsi aaa. ehmu reefed, re pel red and stored. ATTORNEYS. A. R. TANNER, attoraer. BOB Commercial blk.. neooua bu w BMingcou rx. rsosu maia bssl . tL WINCHEBTRR. at tor aey-at-lsw. notary, 80 WMblngtoa bldg. Phon Pad da 88ST. . ART EMPORIUM. PROFEffiOB R. WAX METER, 848 - Alow. Portrait and Mndsup artist and teecber. ARCHITECTS. - R. tt. MHN0R8, Arctiltect, 118 Be rood St. ASSAYERS. flABYIN CYANIDB BXTRACTTOrT CO.. and Montana Aauy Oflc. IM Morrtnoa at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWBL DAtIS KITJRAIf, tOB-tll twesad t Blank book BMaafacturerai age at for Jones 1 at prove uooaa iar ieaeru; e tb mw Buret lef. tb but on tb market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. . BIBRENWALD CO.. 804-808 Brerstt St. Lsrgut butchers supply bouu tb uut. BATHS MASSAGE. MIR RAYMOND a leu baths snd massage Oearooe. BtlSw Morrlaoa aL treatment. Tb TOUN0) lady gteua rspor, alcohol aad Bad lea tod Mine, rarmr ar, bbbh Btara ef. TWO yeon ladlu give nmuags, tub sad vspor nstn. iioh rveirta at,, Mr. wawiagtan. MA DAM E YABHTT, aagnetlc buler; whiskey and tobseco habits cured; full Una af baths. Room a, stilH Third at., cor. Taylor. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES aay Ml ewe yoa super t W ullfict bsd debts er an kind. Northwestern Law m Col lectio o., 121 Qrspd a vs., rum Id d in, vinaenar naaa bldg. Cat thla sai r; CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. PHOP. NOBM.VN. , COJiBIT.T THE RK8T IT WILT, PROVE ilia) uir.araai 1.1 IM B KSD. . Wltbont aaklns a auuttou I tclt ererr In- cident of your put, praecut and future life; bow to gala your dealru In lore, marrls, dleoro. el-kneea, wealth, etc.; locates ltt . wills, de4a, uurtgaaua and alwent. friend; tell yo bow to tell If a mlno onntalna ore. 011 or au; :i within rtack of all. S23 Allaky bid. 2da Morrison, cor. Third. TferBMOMtE, the gmt Ksyptlaa eeer. re mured "I l.'H. 1 ft' l, . . . , 1 a " " nwiiuiiia e-i rmainaa erery aey and Hunday, boc. $1, $2; by mall. $2; letters wiiBoui iu ana aiasnp aot auawrd. MRS. STEVENS, Portlaad's trading palmlet, Mtrol.iaor sad clalrToyaab 14V tereath at. opp, noiei roriiaa. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WABHBL'BN A PLOTD Carpentera. fcMner and rarrtaga wers. as sta St. fkon fscine lion. CARPEV CLEANING. H STANDARD Carpet Clraalng Oa.. Urgut plant au tb ooaat, Lorlng and Bardie IOJ., tele- paooa nasi sbo oarpvm ciuoed, restteo. Sewed aud laid 1 both alum and latest eosa. air process: r- jratlog sMttraaaMa ssd 1 s specially- ANITART urpet dualng. Mctloa aad ea- preaad sir combined : earpeta alsssed aa But witoout romorai. Mala Boa. Mala MOO. J, HUNTER, steam carpet and matt r lesser, boo Jefferaon.- Phoaa Mala Bid. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OUNST A CO. , Dutrtbstor sf yPINR CIOARS. Portland. Oregon, CHIROPRACTIC. CURES snpendlcltla; BO drag or knife. Dr. Be Boras. $61 I'nloB ire. Tel. Wood law PT. coal And wood. CHURCHLET BROS, bara reaeoeed from feet Writ M. to 42P KMray at.. Bear llthi I aaar the taryut weedrard ta th attr. Miry, la aU kind of wood aad ooal. Mala ML ALBINA rUBL CO. De a lore ta eordwood. anal sad gma and dry slabwood. B. B. aad Ab blaS ar., f blocks out of fury. Eaat 674 - WESTEBIt Peed A Pael Co.. as Front, bet us wnaaa ana noyt, suiers is n llaos of bouu ewe la aad biarkaailtk aoal. Pbou Mala 101a.- ., . STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO Dutor la eoat. sibiiui aaa ary auowooa. I neu cut as. OB BOON PCEL CO All kinds of coal aad wood. SOI Alder at. Pbou Mala da. - : KIRK HOOTER, lit Water at. Wood aad aaaL - Pbeae Msta 4 SOC CLEANING AND DYEING. Mrtlsad B team Clunlnr A Dyeing Works; pre. tlcai ksttor to aaauUoa. ail uth. Pacific 107. CLOTH KB cleaned sad pi 1 aad $1 pee aacatb. vBiuuu 1 aijorin vo., set rresaiDTO as. . B. W.'.TTTRNER. afwfeaadonal ,. err sad sleaa. SOB Jaffa ana St. PboM Mala B91I. SARTORIAL Tailoring C Ladlu sad men's creaaiBg aaa preuing. 000 Waaa. Pa. HIT, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE! rtt-ry ant) vlavww. Prml, arfmiw m bj).. iw w jurj rina, aor Miars at. CAFES. THB OFFICE BBS Wautagtea St.. PbOM MalS in. namui vigauos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ST BTRRDtNQ A TAB RBLL. produce sod commie. eioM aHRTonaa. aev intsi sa., ruruBBU. vr, Phoa Mala 1T. CHINESE r- REMEDIES. ? curu Private and fcrna I rt lassie with herbs sad roots; resxsdlu barm leu; no aoeratloo. 888 Clay at., car. Third, DRESSMAKING. PRIORS way low. guarantu ' Mttsfactlon. Madame. Angeles. . Pbona Pacific BM2. 248 Fifth at. Btora opea Tnlng and Bundaya, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIESX' BORTHWEBT BLECTRIOAL EBOINEBRIN Company, P Besoath St., Purtlaad. a K. far rytbiBB to. U euctrlul Jim, PI PA CI TIC BLBCTBIO. CO. Btifineer, soatraa. tnra, repairer, ajeein wiring, uppuu. a First aor. Stark. Mala BM. R. H. Tate. agr. FURNACES. BOTWT0N wara-str farnacu Mra faeL . 0. - Bayer ruiuaos Cew SOS Sieoaa. - FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREOON Faiiilluf MBaafactvIng CoapaaP"o aiaBaractarsrs a iwaitars ror ins trao. rsruaad, ur. FCBNITUBB maenfeerurlne and anadal L. Raveaaky's faraltara factory, $70 Front at a W. LINES A BR0 84 8d . Paraltur repairing, psckrn and shipping. Mala dm. -' FENCE AND WIRE, WORKS. PORTLAND WTRR A IRON ' W0RRB SBt Flaaden et., cor. Id. pbona Main 8000. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO., ' wheleule grots is. msnu. facturer snd uaaleelo BMjrchaata. Fourth aad Oak sts. - . ALLEN A LEWIS, eoamtalsa sad BeJ YgePf) a $Jnv Portland. Or. chaata. imt ssd Davie sta.. GASOLINE ENGINES. BASOLINB ENGINES Btatloaary and marine; "Little Special" raeollne tannch. $188: secoad ha ad alec tr It baaehu and bulla. BEIEBPON MACTTINBRT CO.. " ' 1 182-4-d Morrlun St. GRINDING. X. B. XARLflOW A CO., export grinder. Aa heny, oemer Eighth. Phon Psclflc T8B. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. Amoriua plaa) $$.$8 par day. BELYBDEBB; Europua plaa; dth aad Alder sta. THE RR0WN Oread and Hawthorns svu. HAY AND GRAIN. 8. 0. Soar. COOPER A' CO. Pntatou, feed and) ltd I'nloa ee. pbou Beat lilt. HARDWARE. Porflsad Hardware Csv o licit appai laidtr to - oust prlcu. 18 lt St.. cor. Alder. Mala its. INSURANCE. IAS. McT. WOOD, mplorere' nihility Bad to dleldttal soddent surety bonds mt M kinds. T. ang MeHay siog. . LOCKSMITH. 1. H. RICHARDBON, loekaroltt , Sad rapaJrlSB. nai Barasias. rsaus 11m ISAAC I WRITS, fir I Bureau. SOB Dnkaa bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. HBADQTTABTRS FOR SALART LOANS d2l Mobawk bid., on. Mjrrlsoa aad Tbtrd. uidlu or Uentiemea. - Me pnhltdty, ntlemea. Ne Pnblldty. !'.tl yow pay back II Its a wmh. sa yo pay-back f I d a wuk. no ya pay back $2 no a work. $A0 you py hark $100 a wuk. ir ynu wtnie '.-ti yo pay pact: ir you Borrow ir yeu borrow $.no ya pay If yea borrow $00 you pay Psynwnta, ensiiended- 1 rue f Bwlctly salary loans. . . THR CRMCBNT LOAN CO. dSS S Mohawk bldg., cor. Morrkma aad Third. . MONEY TO LOAN Oa tm pr need city property er fnr Building pnrpoeea, for froa I to 10 yum time, with priTllrge .to repay alt er part ( loa after two yur. Lose a approeed from plau and money edraoced batldlng pcegrmaas; BKrtsu taken up sad replaced. FRED U. STRONG. PUaacUl A gut. , Ii.. . ... ... .. . a Stark at. - - ; -TH STAR LOAN CO. Any ularled employ, -rere-uraar, US get aa his noto, wliboot amtgage Honrs, n hobtb. wua aa III M or $d u M M aa i $ B ar tVH ar i 4.0A r I2.00 r ii.ot on.eo.nepay. ta aa ar ei w n.ney to 10.00 Ranay to 110 McKay bldg. CONPIDENTTAL loans a ulsrlu. I policies, planes, furniture, warehouse re , celite, te. : y dsurelng prua may aecur a 11 here I advance, repaying by May wekl or monthly Ineta llmenta. NEW Ell A LOAN TRfST COMPART, aot Ahlngtoa bldg. , . MONEY ADVANCED 8ALARIED PBOPLB Aad other anon . i:iir w sau wltboat aecatttyi cbeasut rates, ualut paynwat: offlcu la 8$ principal citlu; an yeureelf moneT br aettln Mr teeeaa. Bret. TOLMAN. S2t Ablngtoa bid., 101V, Tbtrd MONET ta loaa en rut, personal sad collateral security; asocial attention to chattel mort. gagu; notu bought. C. V. Pallet, 104-$ Pentoa bldg., P4 PJIlth at. HIOHLT respectshle pise erhr ladlu n Ente UB nor row mouej en aiBBBonen eee a-ctry. Collateral Loan: Bank. 20 Wash jrtoa st. Pboa Black Tl. MONEY to loan- on Clackamas county lands. B. r. aaa w. B. nirty, aug Chamber a uas LOWVBT ratca on furniture' and piano. Raet rs fmm uo.r 10 aaerasca oiag. recioo auie. MONEY TO LOAN aa sit kind of Security. William Holl, room B, Wuklagtoa bid. - 8BVERAL tbooune dollars M loaa at S par T u. JeoruL rant, city pmputy; private. TO LOAN Basoa to eult u chattel Mcuaity. K. A. rrauMs SI, the Maruaaa. - MAGNETIC HEALING. ONB frea treatment to aay on anewwrrng this ad. ! a. Hart ann J. t'. anaaiaad, law Kerentk at. Phon Main 41Tt. MUSICAL. EMU. THIELHORN. pirr.11 sf BEYCIK. Ttalla tucber. stadia IN Sixth.- Tea. Mala avaa. ? I PlAKOB repollabod, eoual to bow. rnnicii piaeo-repainna ee ivewnna J. D. J0HNHON. 178 Id al. Faciei 8881. MACHINERY. THB H. fl ALBBB (XI MwsslUa, ata. Bad araaaT aaa. HIPPELY A MYBRS. maeklnlet and eme. trldant elect He a lees tore. ictrtui maeh le ery aad gssolla englnu a apselalty. 88$ Oak st. Pbona Mate 1X30. f BOAT engines, raeolln. Sheffield aarlMt aay spud: bt medei right price; la stock i u exhibition; running I seleeroom. Call Ftrat ssd Stark ata. Fairbanks. Mm A Oa, - MONUMENTS. KBU A KINOBLEY, 888 Pint t Fnrtlaad'l . leading marbl ana granite works. .OSTEOPATHS. DBS. API. A NOBTHBCP, 4IB-18-1T Deuua ' bldg.. Third aad Waahlngtoa Pbeo Mala Bu. KxaalnatloM free. TBS fury but tody Mtospath la town, L. O. Johnsoa. null IS. SeUla-Hnrci DR. PIERCE, osteopath, vibration snd tbs MW light. 81 tk Third at. raous racing but. PRS. OTIS A MABEL AK1S, 408-4 Miclea bldg. - rbon racinc iswi. ku. laa Bin. PLUMBERS. D0NNBRBRR0 RADEMACHBB, ualtary - pbimBera. 84 Fwartb st. seta pa mm. POX A CO., sanitary crameera. Ul SieesA bed. Mala aad Salmon. Oragoa Pbou Mala 8001. FINNIOATf BROS. A CO. 88 Third at Mala trv0. Planner sad heating agieera. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSINtl Ml of trial pAocosrapbl rleer t sxnasltlou. eouvenlr nutcard. Tlew hooks. , etc., greatly rsducsd prlcu. bPalUa tors. Bu aornaoa at. PAINTS, OIL AND OLASS. ERNP8T MILLER A CO., Second aad Taylor . waii papas, mih, Ml st aurkM prieu; rru deHeery. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. BUTTER 88 Concord rJdg.i Mstn 18T8. PATENT LAWYERS. 0EO. W. McCOT. acuMstk) aad foreign Be tea re; tmdemsrks: aatary public. 8T1H Morrlaoa, PHYSICIANS. DR. P. W. RLORM. druglou phyatdsa, til To ray bldg,, giooad and Taylor sts. . Phon Main (13 1 H. ; PRINTINO. THR MODERN PRINTERY Artlett print Is. . 28 Kueeel bldg.. Fourth sad Morrtoaa. Phoa Paetfl 1B8S. ANDERSON A DtJNIWA Y COMPANY, prfatta UthograptalBg. hlaak hooks. Pboa Mala sua Ataer su WEtH. DAYIS A CABON Printing that ws: ars the payer. Room 803 and $04 8 turn eiixtn aaa erorr keen. aoee asm 41'. RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS. 848 Alder et. pkoM Mala no: rnoeer stamp. mm, teBiis, aagga xraa eneese; uea roe ntaiogu ne. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttorlng. renarrla. sad genoral fobbing. I. Lull. Ill Jeffecaaa St. STREET PAYING. ' WARREN CoMtrucfloa C.. street paring, ad. Walk snd cpueel. fl8 OreganMn bldg. THB Berber Asphslt Psrlng Co. at PerttesA Ofdu AAS Worceeter blk. SCALP TREATMENT. 0RAY. felling hslr, dsndruff tru ted: ehaapeo Ing, nunlcurlng, chiropody, fau ururh. Mru, at. r. n.yue, in rosrtn. cor. . Rooa 81 Pboa Pa else KM. SI0N PAINTERS. SOLD BIONS. window totterl. rtnth economical slectrl slrn sad slru l kind mad gulrkly. Fustor A Rletur, tad Everett . Phoa Kxabssg 88. . Fifth TV. P- RERORR A SONS, 884 Phon Pacific 8281 YsmblU tt. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES-of reery deocrlptVMii beak, ba and stor Bxturu aad to 11 dap, Tk Lath . aUaafaaturlBA Cut Portland. XITID STATU BATI0BA1 BARK OF .onnweet 'tw, Traaaaeta a Sansisl Bankle Buslasss, the raited atalea and Aurspe, lionakon and Pruldeat i.. .. ... ...4. M. airwuii t vre-rreeioeur . , . , , r . . ( Aeelatant cuhler LEA BAkNPd ....A. M. TVUlcJHT TV BARK BP OATTrOBanAZaaakllsked 1 U Capital paid; ap $4.(100.0. 00-Surplos and audlvlded proBt..... $4 1 ' A lieneral BeeklHO eed t4,M Sknalaea Treneect. Ba VI M . : nrili Iatrut M Uaa depvelts. , Acsoual epued tor Chamber of UnsntM nutmina. WM. A. MA CRAB.,.., M a as gee. J. T. BtRTtfl AttJ.. . .. . Aaslstsnt M Bjre PRBT BATI0WAT. BABBT OF POBTLABTJ, OBESOB. ' , . Dulgaatod Depoattory aad Ptusnclsl Ageat ef th Iklted !-". PrMtdut.-. A. U Ml LIB Cuhler....... ..J. W. Assistant (settler. ........... .V,, .. ALVORD 8ooad Aaaletant Caak la. ...R. F. lUu.'l . Lattrrs af Credit Issued AralUbU la Europe ad th Eaatera metes. Bight Itchanje and Telesraphle Traaafer Bold oa New York. Bee too, Chicago. St. LeaM. St. Paul. Omaka. Ban Prsnrtare aad the principal points la the North vest Blgkt had tlaae bllM drawn la seasa to salt s Londos. Parle. Be til a. FraAArt4w b-Mat. Hnackug. Yokehaaa. Cepukaa. . CkjMtlaals. gtockkolm, St. Plrburg, Mosu-r, Surlch, Hoaolulu. LADS A TT1T Traasaei akl. . TltTOB. BAJTBIl RsV-fEstohlbasi it a Saaaml liallu Biiale able terms. Letters of credit Weued statu. Sight Exehaaa and Telea-rsphl Trsnstor Mid New Yorh. WaahlBctoB. Chleefi. St. Leo la. Denver, Omaka. Baa ranclaco and Montaoa and Rrltlah Calambla. Erchaag' sold on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort. Bongken. Vokohsms. Usnlla aad TrWIiil. , BRCHARTB" VATTORAt, lABX, PORT rnsnn naisu.1, W. HOYT Pruldeat Cuhtor usasu . Traseaets B Boural Bank In to All Part f tb Worti ror id. CollectloM a Bpaclalty. TRUST COMPANIES. P0BT) RK Sa 0BTLARO TRT7BT OOnTPXBT OF BY.B0 REH0URCKS OYER $1,800,000. Oeneral SAVING!! irrni!TX TIm. eMIInta 1588 at rear. 114 to 4 per wet. Call sur hook aaa uas sts. moM BENT. . COHEN.,,., B. LER PA0ET. ...... , , . rrutdMt . ary XOVRITT BAYTBOa A TBTJ8T OOMPABT ra aae era a uenorei .K.ain HiuI.m. Ttaw and Barlasa - ' ."a. Acts as AeelUKle Im All IV. ADAMS...... Pruldeat - L. MILLS. ..Second Ylcs-Pruldaat : . BEO. F. Rl'BBELL.., J e Ixt WAlTSAax aliaixeri a. una I Stocks, Boada and Mortgagu Boaghl sad CAPITAL 0. ft, WATIBB0RT.. .....Pruldeat n. LOUIN HA in RlkS Temple, Seeeuth aad Stark BONDS AND M Otmil BlOsWltt Ttrst Btrt. Buttd. . Oaigia. - Offer Ollt Bdg lavutatnt la Munldpst ' I '1TIX SUARABTEB TRT8T COMPART I M0RTGA0S LOANS M Partland Bui tract r0Wimra. HOFXXRS A Cc-What and tt on - Boom 4, Oraand Flaer, OYCrtcck, Starr & Cooke Co. BaUaTV, FBOTIBTOVB. OOTTOsT, ST00XB ARB B0HDS- mjUiA aiRXOTLT OOMhLTBBIOR BUSIBKSS. - , - fVmtlnuoua Market trr Private Wlr. ' Qntch r, and United Statu Rational Bank of Bag LOUIS J. ;MTjnciPAL SCHOOL AND CORPORATION 1B0NBS: Hlgbut Retnras to larutor ' PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB SAP DIEROLR SAFES ALWAYS BELIABTJL not in TKUBT. niortoa aaa Baeieya esca. aerai Oflu nxtaru. Repairs, rbon Mala IdM. Joba R. Davis, Agent, Third ST; -SECOND-HAND OOOD8. QOODB'S FuTBttnr Bouu High set prtcu Bald Tor MBBd-BBd nnraitar.. Bin aeMsna sa. Pheae Putfl 408. TRAN3FER AND HAULING. SAFES. bUbm and - furniture ase-red, pa skid rua n aaippias aad uipou; n weri guaranteed; large, Mtorr brick, firs prul werehouu tor alarane. Office lit First at 8-atoc ura. t Pheae Mala 84T. sr. Sixth aad Oak ta. ; baggage ekeckei . froa hotel ar rul dines direct to deetlutlui - psssaagsr tawerore aeota ruoa aaa aase law at depot. Prirato Backs 88. , a O. PICK, office 88 Pint St.. between Stark aad Oak ata., phu 808; plaaoa sad furniture aoeud sad pecked for shipping; com mo alu unes warcBouu wita u par ate iron sum Front aad Clap at. . . OBROON TRANSFBR CO.. 184 North Sixth, - Phee Msla 88. Bury btallnf aad rear re. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ma, Sola Wash Bgtoa st. Phon Mala 888. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DATLT Ooaab, brush, sup. 81 pu BBoatb. Portland Lasadry aad Towal Bapply Oa.. Ntofh Bad Couch. Pbona 414. TYPEWRITERS. BBW Ii pseiitleia. all ask, rested, sstd sad rape rru lent arency. ssi stera. Tea, isur, TELEPHONES. Blectrto A TaletJan MaseUBsturlBB ass. pear. 88 Fifth ee. - - "J At AtoaurloaB jUba " Prom tho Now ToTk Ttmus. . "Swan lalands. U. 8. A.," la th stamp Whloh sppdArs on ranF lottara paaalng through tha Mobil and Nw Orlnmna DostofTlcaa, colnx to and from two tiny Islands altiMLtad soma 1(8 mllsa south of tha wastorn and of Cuba, la th Cap- lbbaa-n . ' ' Fsw paopla know of thalr atlatsnea, and of th fact that, whlla not eUlmad br th Unltad Ststoa. thay still elnlm our ' 0Yarnmnt aa tholrs. '' Tears act tha Pacific Ouano company ownexi ana o pa rat si thas lalands, shipping much phoaphata rock, and, as rumor has It csrrlsd . en a luoratlva bustnsss; but, owtnx to mismanagement or on profit able speculation, tha Paolflo Guano com pany ceased to ax I st, and tha Inland want to a Mr. Adams, formarly a oltt scn of Boatori but row (anall-l sar king!) of Swan lalanda ' . With 48 laborars tralnad to ao tnatr duties with military precision, with bis boats craws uniformed and drilled ta pull a beautiful stroke, ha oomes very near to being a kins in fact His word ta law, and there ta no escape from the ialanda when one hired for a term of years, Xing Adama baa with- him Tils conaort and hla prince, and her they dwell year In and year out, with aa occasional break when one of them rlalta . a relative in Brooklyn, or the son takes a trip through th Central ot South American states. A llghthoua la maintained on the lalands for th guldanc of steamers, )n return, for . which then steamers carry . mail and provisions, and occa sionally on of the royal famllyL- as supercargo, It is a moat bappy ar rangement for each party. - It was during the Bpantah war that an old . muaale-loadlng cannon ' wa placed in ' a position commanding tha landing, and loaded with shot, eld lead, acrap Iron and what-not . .The king wat very patriotlo and determined to give at least a show of resistance should BpanlsH ship appear there. Since the Spanlah-American war. advance have been mad to th owners by th naval representative ot a growing Kuropean nation desiring a foothold and a coal ing atatlon in the Caribbean, to buy the lalands, ' but the offers wer re jected, and tb would-be purehaaer aim ply referred td John Hay,-then secre tary of state. . .It la a lonely llf there at beat, and ne wblcL. few Americana, would cars to Uv. However, It, i of lntereat. aa general information, to know that we have such poeaeestons, and that there is an American kins exltting , V0RTLARD, OBtOOR. . aoiru ids uaa BIB. - SHAFT 1 IHct D callable I AO C'--e cf Manila. Celleoileua tkads M Fare"., t 1 xw-rraeiocal W. B. ' Ca.hler. B. w a..;. .....W. A, 1 Aulstaat Caahter. . BTead sVfSoe. Be. rke cv... sssm f $10 and aperard PerUaad btse a ta 18B) "' ' ' aae Collections made ' at an Batata sn .eeer. arallabl la Karoo and all folate ta the Felted LAVS, 0REOOB. , i . B. L TllKUAM. ......... ......t Peuldent 0EOR0B W. HOTT. , mtsfaat canr Drafta sad Letter mi Credit lescad Aral lab Th Obtoat Trast 0 . ap to Oreuu.' banking. Exchange oa all parts f th world. s to a nee eal' .hore-eelt sncll urtllrate. of ILLCTBATIONS Buuthuet ucse Third rn-rat r icnane ts. h. u pirriH i..,,,, .Tww-Pruldut . Asslitsnt limitary J. O. OOLTBA.. 84 Merrlsu Strut, Portlaad, Oiugav, iat Nfli dipaitxint. intarut ni Truatu for Bats tea. PrafU r A Letter of Credit aC Ik, U7o.i4. U A. I.BWIS .,,..4-..Ftrt Ttea-Prutdsnt B. O. Jl'BITZ decretory AiHstant Secretary ; mweivr lisr. Bold. Interest Paid S Tlaa DepaaJt. C W. MILLER .....;...TIw-tu-B ( Asstetent ejoerutary Strut. Pkra Matn 154. INVESTMENTS. and Rallrud Bonds, ' Writ ar CaTL 80 Wuklagtoa Btrut. Domer Becoad. ' BaUt at IsywMt Batos. . Title Issuud. Ab. Furnished. B Rresare. (BstabUsnsa 1888.) Chmb. f Com more. ' m T Z<tl1 Beeetce. REFER EN CIS . Ldd A Tlltda. BSafe- land. Rooa 8, d aad 8 La Fkystta bldg.. Mr. Blitk ... sad, Wish. Btsn Pwtlaad, Oragoa. . DIYIDBKD 1SIQCIS BANK AND CORPORATION -- 1 ....... 1 OoMlatut With Abulat afatF. - ' -. i TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SECVRrTtXS' BVeia gttcka $14 TJtohraUekB. . ' ' From the New Tork Bun. : From - the heavy, cumbrous rain sticks of 1704 to th dainty umbrella of l$0i Is a long jump. JCaeh succeeding year finds changes In umbrella styles, usually confined to th handles and up per adornments of th rod. - This year's ' style have many beautiful . fancies, worked out in gold,'' sliver, pearl and Ivory. Tb finest silk spreads over the rib of these rain shields, and they ar -stout enough for th us they receive, but would probably give very ehort aervto to th New Torker jprho rldce in . tb subway twice a day In eruwd time. . ' It Is curious to observe what a dif ference exists between these wlr steel ' and pearl - creations of today) and the ' ftrat umbrella ever made, that erected, in the literal significance of th word, by Jonas Han way of London In the year 175$. -. . j Mr.. Haaway detested th cold drip ping of London rain, so he set about th making of' a rain stick, which, when completed, weighed a good "It pounds. " and on Its first appearance over th head of th redoubtable Hanway caused a eoramotlon among beholders. Over Han-' . ways bead his tentlike arrangement, the cloth of heavy cotton, extended Ilk s. great roof, sufficiently apacioua to slml-' tor seven people. Its ribs wer of heavy whalebone half an Inch thick and hraoad with bars of wood. It required a man of muscle to accomplish a , five-mil stroll with that first umbrella. In a month after Its appearance a few others had bravely eotne forth to defy -publlo opinion and th rain, hut it wa not until ST years later that the urn. brello was seen on the streets of old : New Tork. .." . v ..... In a modeat shop In Philadelphia th ' first -umbrellas ef an American make ware turned out In 1788, and New Tork - : faehlonable of th period might have . . ten seanrtha m year" walk tn g tn -thr rain, delighted - with tb unwieldy ar rangement, whloh they called a rain stick. Its real recognition aa a bumaa neceesity waa synchronous with the In- ventlon of th steel rib In 1819. From that time forward th umbrella Improved In shape and usefulness. -though no very radical changes have . been made. Its principle Is just th same now as It was a hundred years - ago, and occasionally, . when a hurrying New Torker struggles with his rain stick In a pouring rain, he feels a doubt about . tha superiority of th anodsrs artlrl. '. .' . Th Ootrk of W reeks. " From the New Tork Herald. . When an Sngllah vessel ta.wreckel sn Immense amount of red tape-must b - gone through before the case is finally closed. It depends a great deal, of oourse, on the nature of the wreck, but supposing, for argument's sake, that . a vessel carrying a valuable cargo, has " been wrecked by being eaat ashore and that no Uvea ar lout. The Tlrt thing to be don 1 for one of th officer In charge of the vessel, th captain or a subordinate, to make hi way to the receiver ef wreck and todg a report of what ha happened- tn short, make a deposition. . . : This must give full particulars. In- . eluding the name of the vesael. Ita num ber and tonnage; name and address ef owners; age, rig and build of ship, de scription ef cargo, number of crew, who the shippers ond consignees are. 1f any passengers, how many, and whether the wives and children of eny of the offi cers were on board. There raust also be ttetet) the draught of water at th time of sailing, th hour ef nailing. state Of tide, weather, winds. limits ef of casualty. 'Thea particulars tot use In th admiralty court. v - collisions at sea ar fruitful er menu litigation. Owners - endeavor t obtain photograph, . where poulble, a evi dence. --The receivers, tn addition to obtaining depoeltlona. have to keep a . constant - lookowt . for driftage, for which sn owner mar be found er whlcli may be converted Into coin. If -anybody should chance t re cue anv wreckage, or -"driftage,," Is It 1 tec an Ually termed, n the ehape ef bar rels of beerj oil. or r " ' of timber, from - th water fi? the ' reaette f tn Thtmea he wtll f . receive a p r centae of jlh sr .4 value In the m .y of nalvag mny. provided, of c-"-e. that be deliver up me g 1 authorities. ' He ts not I' ' ' ia arrythlnc. but It la cur such s r. f ot 1 kind ef irtw . 't ' on the river, ire varto ec '