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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
'THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY. EVENING, " APRIL' - 10. 1803. J i POOL 10L1S LOSE LARGE SUn ronHort "Rpiott6(riorHaV Run and - Bets - Ar- Paid - in New York. SKILLFUL WIRE TAPPING 7 . r: ACCOMPLISHED DEAL "Large Amount! Wagered on Fenian i and First Premium the .Former -; , Finishing Last, but Bets Were Paid i Rightful Backers Will Be Paid. Uosraal Special Hervl--) New York. April 10. Wire-tappers "woikei the Oreater New York poolroom for big boodle over the fourth race at New Orleans yesterday.. The rooms paid on the wrong horse, and they will have to par again tomorrow to the backers of the winner. The backer of The win ner have lost nothing. The mlxup ha put a Crimp In the bankroll of the bookies to the tuna of from $50,000 to Nt 100.000. . ... ' -- The favorite la the fourth race vu Drat Premium. All the big bettor ptaced their money on htm and by all calculation he should have won. , Mean time there waa a steady play on Kenlan In the New Tork poolroom almost ex clusively, and the price backed, down from 11 to 1 to to 1.. An official message reached alt the New York poolroom to, the effect that Fetilan "won and all bet were duly paid off. Later it was learned that Fenian ran last. The fact that the Fenian In cldent wa confined to New York 1 taken- a atrong -evidence " Of Wlre-ta ping, . At. Blew Orleaaa. (Joeraal Bpedel Service.) New Orleana, April 10. Fair ground race reunite: , Six furlong Blue and -Orange Won, . Maverick second. Bed Raven third; time. : l:l l-e. .... Half. a ' mile Dorothy ,M. won, Dry ' Dollar second, Laverntta - third; time. 0:49. : . ... MH and 70 yards Lemon Girl -won - Main- Spring second, Pelmore third time, 1:46. -v-' Seven furlong -Flrt Premium won, Itily Henrietta - aecond. Gold Enamel third: time, 1:27 1-6- ' Mile, selling Flavlgny won,"' Kenton . Second, Invincible third; time, 1:40 4-6. Mile, and -70 .yard Barkel more won Jungle Imp second, Baikal third; time, s:i. ' i.Jv - atprlnga. ,. .; u (Joaroal Special Servlce.V Hot Spring. Ark., April 10. Oaklawn race results:. Mlle Don't Ton Dare won, Anlmoalty econd. I. Samuelson - third; time, . 1;42 1-6. ' ' ' - ..- Four furlongs Deoro won, Mnntgoni' ery second, Edwin T. Fryer third; time. 0:49. - Mile Rather Hoyal won, George P, McNear second, Taby Toa third; time, l:l. . - v - - - Btx furlong Barbara won, Concert "second, Excitement third; time, '1:13 1-6, .- Three arid a half furlong Mia Ca- sarion won. Captain Jarret second, Wll len third: time, 0:43. Mile end a, : sixteenth Band lgo - won, -George Vivian second, Dollndav third; -time. 1:43. ) AMERICAN WINS FROM - FRENCH BILLIARDIST Journal Boedal Service, t .? New York. April 10. Play wa begun last night In Madison Square Garden for . the world' championship billiard tournament, 18-lnch balk line, two ahot In. The first match went to Morning star of Indianapolis, who defeated lxul Cure of Par!, 600 to 463. Twenty-one game will be played. The other entrlea are: Willie Hoppe, George Slosson and Oeorge Button, '.all of thl city; Jacob SchHefer of Chicago and Albert Q." Cutler of Boeton. - , Opening the Oolf Season. (Journal Special Service.) Washington. April 10. The first open gulf champlonBhlp ot llieJ3Jatjlct Columbia opened this morning On the links of the Columbia Golf club. There are 72 holes to be played and Jthe prize "amount to $50. . The number of entries is quite large and the attendance ex ceptlonally good. The match, which will last two days.promrse to be very ; Interesting. Nearly (00 amateur and professionals are taking part In the match. " ' Emperor William Olve Cap. Berlin. April 10. The yacht raoe for -the kaiser cup and other prise will tart from Dover to Heligoland on June 13. The cup donated by Emperor Wil liam for this occasion Is specially ami beautifully designed in commemoration of the silver wedding of the emperor and the erapres, and will bear portrait of their majesties and King Edward. Barns 1. Salle It. (Special Dtapates to Tbe Joornal.l The Dalle. Or., April 10. The base . ball game at Dufur between The Dalle team and the Dufur wa hotly con tested. The score waa 13 to 13 In favor of Dufur. The Dalle boy are not dis couraged, but will practice, and say they will win the next game. ANcwiStock MISSION SE0E $3.50 "Ail - they wtsr QUALITY HAT : $2.50 "so Saved" Top & Bottom Shop 304) Washington St, if BOTH FOOD ' - AND AlEblCINE. We like best to call Scott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a teirtn that aptly describes the character and action of our Emulsion. ' More than a meHicine more than a food. T Vet cbmbimrigthvital"prin- cipies or. Dom. ' it is ior mis reason that Scott's Emulsioa has a , distinct and special value in all wasting diseases." There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of inv Eerfect growth and delicate ealth in children. The action of Scott s Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak ness ana waiting in adults. SCOTT ft BOWMK, aa Pearl Street. New Vers. PACIFIC UKIXERSITY TO HAVE A GOOD NINE Captain Califf Expects to Put a Rattling Fast Club on Dia-r . .. mond This Year. (Special Dispatch to The Jonrsal.) Foreat Orove, Or., April 10. Pacific university' baseball nine ha been doing aome good practice work during the laat few day' good weather. The outlook I for ..a good i)inaia.ji8url4auijnauy L William Califf; Captain of Pacific's Baseball Nine. ----- men are out for position. Captain Will Califf. better known as "Blnk," "expect to win many of the game already scheduled. Blnk is one of the best men the -university ver hd( playing - the position behind the, bat, and get the spirit of., the game from his brother Kvjlynn, who is with Portland' team In the south. ' The men and their positions will no doubt be as follows: Califf, catcher; Bailey and Huston, pitcher; 8 park a, flrat base; Huston and Bailey, second base; Drake, shortstop; Ward, third base; C. Huston, left field; Williams, center field; White, right field. Other good men that are out practicing are Peterson, who has been known for sev eral year a "Pacific' Southpaw' and Gwynn, who ha few equal at short. Games have been scheduled with Port land high school, Albany college, Wil lamette university, Columbia university. and the team from Foreat Grove. CHAMPION WRESTLERS TO MEET TONIGHT New York, April 10. Tom Jenkins, the American champion catch-aa-catch- can- jiestteTT-nnd Fretf Ortihn.-the -peer-j of all grappler in . the British Isles. meet tonight In Sulaer's Harlem Caaino in what 1 expected to be one of the most scientific and sensational wrest ling content that have ever taken place In this city. - The contest Is for the heavyweight championship of America, best two out of three falls to count If at tbe end of an hour the 'men have not obtained a fall, the referee shall have the power to name the winner of that bout, picking the man who, in his opinion, has scored the most points. Tim Hurst will act a referee. SPORTING GOSSIP. In the - senior handball tournament at the Y. M. C. A. last evening Living ston beat Morrow 21-4. 21-17; Barrel defeated Jackson 21-15. 21-4. Barrel afterward beat Morrow ll-, 21-3. -.- ,. -- e - ' - Jones defeated WIckersham in the M. A. A. C handball single lost even ing by the ecores 31-4, 13-21 and 21-10 Holbrook and Heusner won xrom Bel linger and and Stockton by default Finals in the doublee are aet for -Wed nesday evening, when Holbrook and Moore tackle Dunne and WIckersham. Racing at the Meadows In Seattle will begin on June IS and close on Sep tember t. These are the dates asked for and the Seattle' people think that they will be granted. Wonder If Port land Is-to- have a race meeting -thl year? . - - -,. Willie Hoppe. who defeated Slosson In the world championship billiard match recently, wae t yeare old when he first began playing. It Is not so long ago that he had to climb upon the table to make Ms shot, but now he i ha a good reach. ; The youngster's I pubtfo career has been brief, compared to Slosson's, but successful. " When a new knight of the emerald expanse ap- pears he Invariably comes In for com- parlaon with older stars. Hoppe has Schaefer's ease and naturalness of man ner and also tbe wlxard's light touch. n Pari they any hi style is Fournlr : ll over again. The movement of the arm that hold the butt of the eue I more a lift than a shove, and the. tip. cf the- cue dig gently Into ths balL It Is a sura stroke, and the boy make: i 'V . ..5"'U J I " .: (,- i 'mm i . ' . ' i few mtscues. The other day he made ,'13 shot without ulnf ; chalk. ! It ha been finally derided that the circuit of the new Northern Copper I Country league will comprise Winnipeg, j fargo. Grand rorka. Dultith, lAk Mn J den; Hough .on, Hancock and Calumet, .' ," ' r'i' FIRST 00G SHOW OF THE SEASOf loinfeftrExhlbltforrWilt Oper Tomorrow With Many- En tries and- Prizes. EDCECOTE PEER ONLY PORTLAND DOG ENTERED LargV -Clate' of Crack ' Bull Terriers ' Are Benched Coeiip From Differ v ent Cities That -Will Interest ths Fanciers. : Th flrat bench shew on the Pactfle ooaat . thla.- aaa oaiM.w Ul ope n .. a t Lo Angel tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. It keld under the patronage of the Southwestern Kennel club and will be the third affair given by thl aaao- clatlon. There are many cup and spe cial prize on hand this year . for the winner and the -, greatest enthusiasm prevails. . Jame Cole of Kanaa City will Judge ell breed and the how will continue until Saturday night. The only Portland dog entered In the lx Angeles show l rranx ju. waiRine champion Edgeoote Peer. Watklns' dog among other will go up against Tedcot wonder, aired by tagecoto feer, and last vear' winner at Io Angeles, The bull terrier class In the exhibition will attract more- attention than . any other class In the show. The Bull Terrier club of San Fran cisco will hold a one-day show on Satur day, April 33. Entries close on April 31. with Dr. W. II. Watklns, 1(06 Stock ton twt The" 8arisTTla.raTKennerelub - show dates are May 10 to 13. The premium lists will be issued next week. Norman J. Stewart of San Jose Is secretary of the club. James Cole ha been engaged to Judge the show, which will be beld In Turner hall, San Jose... The Seattle Dog Fanciers' associa tion show at Seattle Is dated for Mar 23 to 2t. JamesCole is also-booked n 4,iA Vi. Anm VM . Portland Allows with the Portland Kennel club show en May 30 to Juno 3. Major J. M. Taylor and John Bcadshaw will make- and break dog owners' hearts with the ribbon distribution, The San Francisco Kennel club show. the principal affair of lte kind west of the Rockies, come on at tn Mechanic pavilion June to f. Oeorge Baper of Uomeraal, England, wll) act as Judge. ; The Portland Kennel club will hold meeting thl evening In Ladd TUton'a bank. SOUTH PORTLAND BOYS - DEFEAT SUNNYSIDE The South Portland team' defeated flunystde on Sunday by the acor of 13 to 7. The lineup: South Portland. Sunnysfde. Wood ......... ..If. ...... Thompson Thome ...........,,........ - Locke Walkenhelmer ... .Zb.. ...... .J. Craig Scott . . . .......... cf ..... . . . . v Miller Weber c. Fleming Taylor ...... .. . ." ,1b ,.D. Craig Harwa , ...P Cox Ryan .rf Rogers Simmon .3b. Acker BASEBALL GOSSIP. - The Philadelphia Olant are the cham pion colored baseball team of the world. Their record last year waa 144 victories and 4 tie games out oft172 games played during the aeaaon. '." The South Texa league has limited the free Hat to 220 for the entire league for the coming season. '.'' Boston fan complain that the ex Champs are carrying too many heavy weights. e - Baltimore and Providence of the east ern league are having trouble in securing the signature pt several player who Were with the team laat year. SEARCH IRRIGATION PIPE FOR G. W. GEORGE fSoeclal PtaDeteb to Toe Joeritl.t Wa 1 1 a-Wal la,- Waeltn-A pril-i u. SOU believing. tbat.aWOeorgethe etate line farmer who disappeared from his home west of Walla Walla several month ago wa foully dealt with, friends of the missing man Sunday and yesterday explored the pipe line of the Walla Walla Irrigation company at the point where it crosses pine creek near Touchet station. The search so far ha proved, unavailing although the big pipe haa not been thoroughly explored owing to the Inability of the ditch ten der, to thoroughly drain the pipe of water. Yesterday a man with a rope about his body, was lowered Into the pipe a distance of nearly 200 feet with out encountering anything. The under taking was rather risky owing to the sharp Incline and the foulness of the air. The pipe drops nearly 2(0 feet In overcoming the Pine creek ooulee. . WeJloirm W. a T. V. (pedal piapatcs to The JearaaLI . Enterprise, Or., April 10. Dr. Annie W. Williams, state organiser of the W. C. T. U.. ha organised a Wallowa coun ty W. C. T. U. with officers as fol lows: President, Mr. W. W. White; vice-president, Mr. -Ida Conley; local vice-president, Mrs. John McDonald, Wallowa; Mrs. H. B. Starr, Lostlne; Mrs. J. 8. Houck, Joseph; Mr. Bertha Crcnln. Knterprise; corresponding sec retary. Mr. R. W. Holmes; recording secretary... Mr. F. W. Fltipatrlck', treasurer. Mrs. T. D.- McCuIly; county superintendent of I T. I, Mr. T. & Zu rcher. ' ' 1 r , -"- - 1 ... .To Balarg Oataurlo' 3WbeeL (Special IMapaVh te Tee JaauraaL) " Ontario. Or., April 10. At a special election held In Ontario 3T.500 bonds were voted, to build a four-room addi tion to the Ontario brick choo build ing. -The building contain-eight room t present . UAXTX jm TOVTX. Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age. Herblne, taken every morning be fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, fit you to ward on disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, fever si :n. liver and kidney com- rlalnts. It purine the blood and clear he complexion. Mrs. I. w. smith. Whitney. Texas. writes. April 3. 102: "I have used Herblne and find It the best medicine for constipation and liver trouble ft does all you claim for It I can highly recommend It" Price lc . Sold by Woodard. Clarke A Ce. AN AILING GIRL JSemarkably Qniok Cure Aftar oysl- Xad railed to Xaa the Faia. - 4- - MUBTID AT OSfOOS. ' Whcs' 'bats tat nroDSF t ii rt In her beauty' dreads -dlaaaaa. Hr cheek and eye are the barometer of health. From them the moat trifling complaint will rob brightness and bloom. - Thousands of women are aeeklng the magic touch of health. .Their faces are sallow, their eye heavy and feeling of freight and ' oppression surround them. Tbey have dyapepala and may not know It. To eat t miaery and to fast Is worse. Sick headache, a fueling vi uiaircss in me oigeauve tract, Bil iousness,' belching, . heartburn, "tbe blues," cold feet and hand these are some of the symptom. ' . - No woman or jnan can afford to dis regard the warnings of nature. Dys pepria .weaken every vital organ and paves the way for more . serious dis ease. ' -..... .. Told in simple language and in a few words, here la the experience , of one ung gin; 71 Wall St., New Tork City. June Ith. . 1902., Chase Mf . Co.. Newburxh. tt.Y. Dear Sirs: I want to write to you shout a quick cure obtained . by your D.Vspepaia remedy. My nleee Is li years oia, ana sne got autre sick from stom ach trouble. She visited' her' physician four, or five times, and he tried differ ent prescriptions. , I heard of the case and brought over nnii di one or your ow-ceni Domes, which waa all I had loft. . Hha took u all, but -waa completely' well before it wa used up. I always keep It In the nouse, ana nave reiieven a grent many people by giving them 'a single dose. It is certainly a great medicine. ; ' . ' , I'ours truly, ; , . JOSEPH BtSCHOFF. Chase' Dyspepsia Cure (a liquid rem edy l, by regulating digestion, restores appetite, ambition and general health quickly, pleasantly and permanently. Obstinate cases overcome. . . ' Why do you suffer With dyspepsia or stomach trouble when you can be cured T We offer you a remedy that lias never failed. It ha cured thousand andwlll cure you. - GUARANTEE: If any eufferer after giving tne remedy a fair trial la not bene ItooW money -wta be- eef w l.are 60-cent bottles at druaalsts. or ent prepaid, on receipt of prlce. "HA8B MFG. CO.. Brooklyn. N. T. - For sale In Portland by W'oodard, Clarke & Co. . - FALLS FROM AEROPLANE IN Airship V Capsizes " When ; Two Hundred Feet Above Earth but" . .. Aeronaut Is Not Hurt. - (Jeemal Special Service.) Atlantlo Beach, Fla., April 10. The sport . of ballooning came near adding to lte list of victims yesterday when Charles K. Hamilton of New-York, who flew across the North river laat sum mer, almost met death in hi huge Lud low aeroplane. . A a preliminary to the Atlantlc-Pa bio Beaon auto race. Hamilton decided to utilise the facilities of the beach to try out eome new ideas which are In corporated in hi latest aeroplane. The ship waa all ready for trial at 6 o'clock and two powerful automobile-were en gaged to tow him with the aid of a long rope. When the word to go was given the airship rose gracefully .and aoon attained a height of 200 feet. A strong wind caught the aeroplane and carried it out to sea. but mercifully turned it landward again. Suddenly the aeroplane turned completely over and crashed into the surf, but Hamilton landed on bis feet and waded ashore, declaring: "I will show you something better on Wednesday, when I will remedy the de fect which I found in this aeroplane. CHARGED WITH THEFT OF CLOTHING AT DALLES fftnMla! Dlanatch te Tba Journal. t The Dalles, Or., April 10. Oeorge Al len was arrested here thl morning by Marshal- Wood when about to take the train for Portland on a charge of hav ing stolen clothing from rooms in "tbe Chapman block, He waa exarnined be fore Recorder Ftlldon" and "bound over to tbe circuit court in the sum of $500. JaryWinMt2Wier. (fiperlal DIapatrh t Tbe Journal. Rainier, Or., April 10. The three masted barkentlne Mary Winkle of San Francisco Is at The Rainier Mill- fc tomr bercompany'-dock mading-atn - rder for (00,000 1 feet of lumber, which will be taken to San Pedro. lum Blood Starke. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood Iri the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchant of Bae, Kentucky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhage of the lungs and was near death when I began taking Dr. Kings New Discovery, It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since." It eur-is Hemorrhages, enronto Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lung. Bvery bottle guaranteed by S. O. skldmore tc CO., aruggists. evo ana ei.vv. inu bottle free. Another Dig Cut in Dental Prices - All -work fully guaranteedr - " All operation performed by the latest PAINLESS METHODS. We are prepared .to . give .you the finest of dental work at the following prices, and we will re fund your money if your work is not satisfactory: Solid Gold Crowns,... ..$4.00 Bridge Work ........,..$3.00 Full Set Teeth . . . . , . . .... $ 5.00 These prices are good until April 20 only. Call at once for free examination. Telebaoae Mala t78. - leT. Oypeelte auerg xnaae Sense 1 1001(1 MILLIONS H1 18 nOdTIIS Fabulously Rich NvadaMln$ - Purchased by - Benson and Cook of Minneapolis. ... MINER GUARDED CLAIMS FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS Discoverer , Only ' Took .': Out High Grade Ore and Shipped to Smelter Never Left Mines V J)ajr During Three Decades. , " . . (Jenraal Saeelal-gerviee. ' ' San Franolaco, April 10. C. .W. Benson and -George H. "Cook, two, capitalist of Minneapolis, Minnesota, arrived at the Pa race-hotel yesterday afternoon from Nevada, where they just completed the purchase of rich claims In Jefferson canyoa. These claim lie around the famous Old Jefferson mine, out of which 3l, 000,000 was taken in 13 month during the early day before water rendered- It impossible te work It. In all Benson and Cook have 17 claim, three water rights, one townslte and two mlllalte. They Intend to Install ma chinery at oncei and have 100 stamps working within a month. The story of the purchase o' this prop erty 1s i) unusual one. . For 30 years Charles Konrahat' occupied the claim In Jefferson canyon and guarded them with a shotgun. He haa taken out only high-grade ore and aent ltt the smelter.' Mining men cam from every where with offers to purchase, but they were rerusea oy tne eccentric owner. yinalry-nbortt-n year aso arr old m drifted In amd Konrahat gave him shelter. This-miner Interested Konrahat In J. P. Fitting, a Denver mining man, and he finally came and obtained an option on the property.- $)enson and Cook heard that Fitting waa ready to sell tbe property, and quickly bought It. - ivonranat Jias r.ever been away- from the claim more than a day or two at a time for 30 year. He ha never seen sn electric light. He I coming to Saq Francisco next week to see the sight. RESIDENTS FLEE TO HILLS WHILE DYNAMITE BURNS Half Ton of Explosive Goes Up in Smoke Without Explod- . . ing at Wilkeson. Tacoma, Wash., April 10. On thou- and five hundred and fifty pound of dynamite burned up in the powder house of the Wllkeaon Coal tc Coke company a few day ago. The powder house is located in the suburb of Wilkeson, a mining town situated In the foothill. 30 mile east of Tacoma, and that It did not explode and wipe the little city oft the' map I reckoned a one of the curious and Inexplicable freak of the explosive. Workmen in tbe vicinity of the pow der house noticed that It wa on fire at 11 o'clock a, m. last Thuraday. The Are ie believed to have been accidental ly started by miners who quit work at that hour and left their tool at the powder house. Tbe building wae 20x46 feet and a .number of men were in and about it at the time. Without watt ing to fight the flame the men ran a speedily a possible away from the place and spread the alarm In , Wilke son. . Pandemonium reigned for a short time while every man, woman and child made the distance between them and the powder house great a possible. There were five barrel of oil In the building and Its burning made a spec tacular sight. The people watching the spectacle from the top of hill ex pected every minute to witness a tre mendous explosion, but it did not come. Why the dynamite did not explode can not be accounted for. Had this par ticular story been true to tradition there would have been an upheaval that would have wrecked the major portion ttle town and wouldprobablyi have made the people of the sound cities think Mt. Rainier waa trying to follow the-eaample-ef- -Mt, Vesuvius. RUSHING WORK ON BIG DTCH AT KLAMATH (Special rnapatrh te The 7em-sah) Klamath Falls, Of., April 10. Mason. Davis aV Co. have doubled their force on the government' ditch the laat week. The weather has been favorable and good progress Is being made. Only two camps have been established so far. - A number of Indians from the reservation with their team have been taken on at the lower ramp. They have had ex perience In constructing irrigating ditches on the reservation. Mr. Jacobs, to whom the tunnel ws sublet, ha a force of 20 man already at. work. Four shaft five by seven feet are being sunk and six cut or sec tions of the tunnel will be worked at the am time when the shafts are com pleted. The first la already down 70 of the 110 feet necessary to reach the lower level of the tunnel, excavation for which, Including the concrete lining. must be 14 -feet 3 Inches by 11 feet 1 inch. - TOLEDO SCHOOLS HEAR SUPERINTENDENT TALK 7 (Svectat Trtioatr te Tbs fra.!. Toledo. Wash., April 10. The deputy tate superintendent of public instruc tion. Professor " H. B. Dewey, f Ta coma, lectured here Saturday to a large -and -appreciative-audience, - He said:.....-..... ... r , "We are here tonight la the interest of the bovs and girls. We have listened to the High school'orchestra. Twenty- one year ago there wa no uch thing aa a High school orchestra in the ter ritory o Washington. There were no High schools. Now almoat every town In the state has ita High school. There Is 10 times as much money, expended for tobacco and liquor than for edu cation. Flrat. w should have-, better buildings; second, better libraries; third. better teachers qualified, and laat but pot least, expert supervisor.' Svmpter Teaohere Chase. - ; (Acwrlal tXapalrk te T Journal.) Sumpter, Or., April 10. The following teachers have been engaged to teach I Bumptar for the coming term: Prin cipal,- Professor Smith; assistant prin clnal. Mra. Clara Mir I.lhv: fifth mrui moone 8, , 'Tith grades Mla Madge Mansfield; third snd fourth. Mies Hortense Larson; (second end third. Mis Jet Evan a. and i primary, Mlse Anna Kvana, Your. Thirty T-nCAUMINTABTCAMAL. i. !- 1 . - rf aBaopeVagan) tame-Mpe) wkicb fmy h iaavd Uam -U tlaroAt tw trie) 4ancK v. Ceerdeac esrel atf McaeKt ft. Pyloric end of eteMiacK 4. fr4wiMiii . rell M4- teBali tatsnti ; f Cmvmi-. III uewenaiMg coioet, is. cvtf leioir nejxuvei ret MM. 14. Asleie. flM dodlleja It CMttftiMMM wttk t mall lAtetiN. The tmil tmmtm tiRDtiM titta thej . Iarf Utcseta) ce4oa af 0e cmcm. TKe eer eHceM the riii the) cMtemO ayf tfce beyeieU maw take la ajmahig ltaiiillMiiMHtrf( OU havt thlrr fet oflntestlnesl What maVes food travel through them? v A set of Muscles that lino the wall of theee Intestine or Bowel. When apiece cf Food rub the well of the Intestine these Muscle tjthftn behind It, and thus Itatarta a Mucle-wave which drive it through the whole length of the Bowel. I It should lake about 12 hours to do thl prolyTeoarTiTrMtlous-part--e -ther tood may have time to be digested and abiorbed. . Bui, If It takes twice or three times that period the food spoil In passing-, and becomes as polaonou as If It had decayed before being eaten. v Now, the came of delay (Constipation) MEM -for WE - CHILE AND-WX TREAT MEN ONLY Established 25 v earvr- ' If rns Bar vMateS the laws ef bealtn and are enaertona ef i eonatant Aral wklii H aDdernlalng foot arnteei, eoae- to aa kefoea ym benme s serreua and phalral wrack. It vna ar weak, (hmnur an4 deasoadent. have bad areama, dapraaaaa. lack amMtlee sad eaergy, anabla te eoncratrete four tboasHta. lack vim. visor and vitality, eeme to na at !); nnr treatment will, atop all 4ralua ae meenuma all weaknensra and poaltlrely re. tore yon to atrengtb and health. We bar enrad thouaan-1. of weak nn. THOSE WHO M ATI BEE It OISAPPOIVTED BT tntagriLKD SPECIALISTS ' AStX XAEVESTLT nidVESTZD TO INVESTIGATE OVB METHODS AVD TUMI WITHOUT DELAY. VniCH HAD THET SOME Ut THE BEOIgJCIMO, WOULD SATE SAVES IHIM TIKE AJTS MOVEY. r A LIFE LONQ CURE FOR BLOOD POISOK, SXIV DISIASBS. SOmES. triXEBS, STKIOTVKE VABICOCEXE. 3TT SROOELE, MEBVOVS DECLINE, WEAKNESS, PILES OB CHBOBIO DISEASES OP THE XIDMXYS AND PBOSTATX. SPECIAL DISEASES Nawl coatraMed and rbnrale eaaae earad. Alt bmnmf. f-n- Inr and Inflammation atopped la 4 boate; eerea effected Is T daja. WE COVEXv THE EirrntE pixlo op special and chbovio. . deep -sea ted, complicates sisv EASES. - WBITE If pen eaaaot eall. All eorreepflndence etrletlf renftdentlal aad all replies neat tn plain eavelepea. lie aasM, raaaa. letters or paetograpaa et patlaata peMktked ec - expoaad. ' ' . " WE CHAISE TO CTTIES ONXT. Va a aat axpot r-f far airr aarvtoaa cnlaaa we ear a patient Banna aa wall, aa that he will be entirely aatiaflad, an will aerar agata aav te ba treated far the name trouble. INVESTIOATK .AND 1EABB THAT .OVB WORD IS AS GOOD AS OUE BOND. OUB PINANCIAL STANDING IS SOLID AND -OTTB LINO EXPERIENCE IN TIE ATTN SPECIAL DISEASES OP MEW INSURES YOBT - OP MOJEAN, SCIENTITIO TXEAIMXNX IHAI WILL ACCOMPLISit A CUBE.- HOURS t a. m. to I p. in.; Evening. T to 3: Sundav. a. m. to 13 noon. ST.LOUIS UED1CAL AND SURCICAL coBxiB aaooxrs astd tajcktxx Blood, Skin Nervous and Special Diseases of Men . WE DO NOT TREAT ALL DISEASES of the human race, but make a : specialty of treating and: curing NERVOUS DIS EASES, BLOOD DIS EASES, SKIN DIS EASES, JKIDNEY DIS EASES. 'BLADDER DISEASES and all affec- - URINARY ORGANS of r jrnen only. i53 Hen Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely ' Thar la absolutely no Inconvenience, lose of time, hardship or uncer tainty, while the reaulte ar direct, Bpeeriy and permanent. We cure you of disease to stay cured. We want to talk with every man who sf- -fera from those afflictions, due to any eauae whatever. vVe want to ex plain our methods of curing dlseaa and all aliment of the kidney a and . bladder. Our offloe la equipped with everything science- ran devle and money ean buy that will assist us In curing diseases w treat. We ere true specialists, and do not attempt to treat all diseases, but cure all we treat. Our methods of curing are original, positive, abaolu le. , All Medicine Frte Until Cured Should you desire you mar deposit the fee with any bank er btielneas house In Portland, to be paid to us after vou have bem restored te health; or you. may payln monthly pnymenta if you prefer. ; CONSULTATION ALWAYS FHEG Office Houre a, m., te t p. m.j Sundays and hoi'" " 'lim, ill, DR. W, NORTON D ' Cffloe U Tea Srey Cetet, Mt Thlra t Feet of Bowels I simply Weakness, r Ladneas &e Bowel-Muscle. : . ' Vnt cLEierclsa, Indoor Employment, weakens these Bowel-Muscle, Just aa It weaken Arm and Leg Miisiles.-: Castor Oil. er Choerine, will grease the passages for one load of Food at a time. but these lubricant can't help the Cause of Delay, ., ,..;, v,.. "Physio" Uke Salts. Calomel. Jalap, Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Waters, sim ply flush-out the Bowels for the one occa ; slon only. - : - v .. They do not remove the Cause of Con stlpatlon. . , , Moreover, ihey wul so much of the ' precious Digestive Fluids, In the flushing . process, Jha? ft Jakes a. jigger dose, areryj, succeeding time to move the Bowel load. But It Is different with Cascareta. Caacarets act on the Muacle of the - Bowel and Intestines. They act Just as ' Cold Water, or Exercise act on a tary ' man. :' . v. '. ; ' -; ;-. They act Hke exercise. : ' , A Cascaret produces the same tort of. Natural result that a Six Mil walk In the country would produce. " - 1 . - . The Vest Pocket Box la sold by all DruggUts, at Ten Cents.' : " ' j-.. Be very careful to get the genuine, mads only by the Sterling' Remedy Co., and - never sold In bulk." Every tablet stamped 'CCC." v . - ; .y-'-- ritxat to ovr fiucnosi W wast t etnd to ear friends SWeMTl Prenca-sesiraed, GOLD-PLATED BOrlBOivX. aartf-namIea la caton. It is s eesstr fcr tke drettiag table. Tea cents la staain u aaka as a sseuar ef geod Wtk sad t eever cost ef Cascaret. WlU wluaTElstytrlsJietislaedae. .-' TU Send te-aay. eMatleaiag tkls eer. Ad'eea SterUag aenaly Ceajsaay. Caicsge er lew lei. $ Years In Portland 50 CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREATANY SINGLE. UNCOM.' PLICATED AILMENT FOR I12J0 ' -. FOR THE FEE. , .,;;;:'r; U ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Come Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special lets who number their PERFECT Cures by the' THOUSAND I You want a PERMANENT Curel We can ACCOMPLISH IT. DISPENSARY btbists, pobtIvAbts. obumbt. Ms- -"3" J