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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
1 r. THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND,- TUESDAY, EVENING, APRIL 10. ' 1803. lovm Topics TOKIOHI I AMVUXZVn. Marqaaaa Oread.....: Frederick Werde Hallla "TW Hair te the Hoorah' Baker Mualcml Burlesqae Empire..... t "The ratal wtddinf Irte.........".....Dowm la haw Ham pah Ira' Grans' VaadsYllle lllar '. Vaadarllle . About tba quickest work oa ' record In adjusting a are loaf was that at 101 First atreet. between Taylor and Sal mon, today. Last night there waa a .lively flro naxt door to the clothing store at 102, where th,e big credltor'a ' sale had Just oloaad. and watar from tba nra boa completely daluged Uia now stock., of tba clothier. Kvary thing waa - thoroughly soaked, and thla morning tha . Inaurajioe adjusters, in leas than three hours, established the loss at 1X1,100. at the' same time permitting the man- retain all tta atock,-which la to be disposed -or at some price Da ' ginning on Saturday morning. There ''will likely be a great opportunity af forded there to secure some very fine suits of clothing at very trifling pricea. - There waa neither Are nor amoke in the room at all, so tha garments are dam aged by water only. But they're as Li. n JBVPfli ijnaiur va church south, and C. I MoCaualand, presiding elder of "Willamette district, tart on a trip Thursday morning which will Include Hearly all the promt nent points of the south.' Rev. Mr. Mowre goes In the interest of 'a church building enterprise. -He will visit Kan ' saa City, St. Louis, Louisville, Nash ville, Richmond, Roanoke, Birmingham, New Orleans, Delia.1 Phoenix, Los An a"les and Ban Francisco. Dr. McCauS land will be a delegate to the general conference, which meeta la Birmingham' in May. . . Mineral Springs I Total company, lea sees. Amos D. St. Martin hot aprlngs, Carson. Washington, la without doubt Mot mineral hatha for cure of rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electric lights and , ateara heat; fine trout fishing. Take steamer Spencer or Regulator boats. Clan Macleay, No. Vl, O. . CV will give an inynaiion - concer ana aance this evening in the'hall of the Western icadamr. of Kuair Second and Morri son street. "An attractive program of vocai ana inairumemai musio ana reci tations has been arranged.-to be -fol lowed by dancing. ' Eight hundred And twenty-four vot 'era registered yesterday, making a total of SO KB llataut a t tlm. far tha rinalna of the county clerk's office last-night. v i iicni.f rriiaiiauuo, -van - wara Republicans, 13S Democrats and i of various other political faiths. - r. O. Downing. E. R. - Halllg and Hugh C. Oearln have filed articles of incorporation for tha Helllg Amusement company. The company will have a I to operate theatrea and other attrac tion a In Oregon. . Articles of Incorporation for tha Ot . tenheltner Realty eV Investment com pany were filed Jn the county clerk's office this morning by Henry J. Ot tenbelmer of Salem, Cecil H. Bauer and iS tOO,00. ,, a y A Jury-In Judge George's court yes terday awarded a verdict for 127S in fa- v. xui lunaor nwn aanaiaciuniia company, which had aued C. -H. Norr lln for S40S on account of the alleged hlna, . ... sksuld Tfce Ctzilizlt bFUxL.t. . "I waat te a elected. Mr. Voter, it Joo al.aae. Tea, air, I actaallr bailers tka a niece of rbeeaa. Aad It la ar eplaloa that eaaet a law laaTaaMnc mtn wa about "Gas, -Sack,' Uia oug-at to haw.' Asd Ut bm tall r. brother (ok, say out I'd aot ahlrk). No nan or woman In Ike world akoald o have la work." - Bxpreasloae similar to these do rrary- whara abound, till we elaaaee the people's 11 ua at tba lama all reata a pound. Oar waa oaa daak ersnrwhere and we dolWar tba wa.talnt a Tar wa have atarchad aad Ironad everything sot re eulrad te be oona by baad. Tba ai paaaa te tba bouaabold .la ararealy av. captlbla. tlx caace s Bonad Is all wa Cbare. . 1M05I LADNDHY saoojro in ooLimu, : Tel. Maim Sag. r t- SOLOr.lOiJ SEEKING INVESTMENT ForrTrer Portland Club Partner Comes to- Town Done'. . ' With Green Cloth. SAYS END OF PUBLIC " GAMBLING HAS COME FIRE : ESCAPE FOR HIGH SCHOOL ... i School Board Lets Contract to Have One of StainVa riety Built. SHAVER SCHOOL SOON y WILL HAVE ONE ALSO Principal -Da via pi - High ' School Wants . Courae , Extended to Four . Year Teacher Say Oiled Floor Soil Clothes. . Wouldn't Play a Came of Poker, Even With Tom Word, Says Sol omon Any One With i Legitimate Safe Investment Welcome. Cntii further notloe, commencing Sunday. April I. It0. tha Mississippi -avenue care-will cross -the river west erly over steel bridge and easterly over Burnsida bridge. Portland Railway company. The Salem office of The Journal is now at the Postal telegraph office, tit . 1'm.m.mI.I 'DImu U . l . J. Orders, changes or complaints will re ceive Immediate attention. . - "Butaera lawn' fertiliser ' rejuvenates the shabby lawn; hla aweet peaa and lawn graas got gold medal at tha fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor, Watches, diamonds and'' Jewalry en easy payments. $1 down and SO cants per week. All mainsprings $1; all watchea cleaned $1. Metxger aV Co., Ill Sixth st Wa are attll selling eye glass's at 11. a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metxger eV Co., ill Sixth atreet John O'B. Scobey waa thla 'morning omitted to practice in tha United States district court. ' . ' - Acme Oil Co. sella tha best safety coal oila and fine gasolines. Phone Beat ftl. Women'a exchange, lit Tenth atreet, lunch, II to L , Soft coal delivered at ! per ton. . Ring nip Main HIT. , ' Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear Marquam. Mr. McAllen Likes It. ' T. E. Beach Co.: Tour Japanese dusting compound is all you claim for It. Dust Is tha bans of tha storekeep er's life. This Is particularly true of dry gooda stores. We are highly pleased with results from ualng Japaaeaa Duat Ing Compound. M' ALLEN ft M'DONNELL, ' By DAN M' ALLEN. Milwaukie Country Club... " Los Angeles and Oakland raosa. Take Bellwood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. , - . Blka TempU a Salesx. flnlem . Or.: - ADtil -Id. Tha contract for the new Elk building has been let and work will proceed 'immediately. With the lot and furnishings tha build ing will coat about tfl.OOO. Easter Neckwear We've a beautiful line of . Neckwear, Jn all the new. weaves and 'coloring.' De signed to enhance the "joy' ' fulness of Ea$tertide. Hewett, Bradley & Co. Haberdashers 344 Washington SL Disclaiming any Interest in tha ap proaching election, announcing a resolu tion to rerrain from all games of chance and declaring that he waa seeking a buatnesa opening. Nata Solomon, one of tha former proprletora of the onoe-fa-mou . Portland club, returned to the city from San Francisco this morning. Mr. Solomon waa accompanied by Mrs, Solomon, who. waa with him during hla travela through Nevada and California. "It's no more gambling for me," he said. Tm done with -it -forever, and you don't need any smoked glasses to sea that the end of publlo gambling haa come. ' I don't mean In Portland in par ticular, but If s dead everywhere, and If I'm any Judge it'a going' to atay dead." A real live promoter, one who haa something in the investment line that beara no relationship to the gold bricks. might do buslneaa with the' ex-gambling king, for ha has decided upon a career of quiet, but legitimate, commercial ac tivity. . - "There's no place on tha coast or any where else, for that matter, that looks quite aa good to mo aa Portland," saia Mr. Solomon. "Many ex-gamblers sxe knocking it and saying mean things about tha old town, but they'll travel far before they And ita auperlor in any respect. Mr. Solomon bad spent the past few months in Ban Franolsco in tha hope that . tha California metropolis . might offer something in tha way of an in vestment and occupation worth connect ing with, , Previously he spent several months In varloua towna in Nevada. Tba Orants. Jack and Pete, hla former part nera, are-interested In several ventures In tha Nevada towna. "Nevada"! V"cominiiMitale.,ir'aald "Mr, Solomon, "and will likely be on of the greatest mining states In the union, but if there ever waa a state overrun with would-be and baa-been sports It la cer tainly tha state of Nevada. But even in tha cam pa of that atate followera of tha game don't always find fair weather. "However, If s all off with me, I wouldn't play poker even with Sheriff Word. I registered this morning and am going to vote. ' Up to thla time I haven't decided whether or not I - will vote for Mr. Word." ONLY 5184,859 STILL DUE ON COUNTY TAXES Makes New Record Ferguson 7 Turns Over Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars. Another record was made in the finan cial history of the county when J. W. Ferguson, chief deputy in the tax- collecting department of the sheriffs of fice, made hla report to Sheriff Word. It waa shown that only I1S4.SS waa due the county for lt0 taxea, the least sum that haa bean due from property owners at this season of the year since Portland haa' been a big city. And Mr. Ferguson yesterday turned over to County Treasurer John Lewis the largest sum ever transferred at a single time from one county official to another. Thla amount was 114. IS, the amount for taxea collected between March 1 and 11. Tha liol taxroll called for tl,0T.t3 to be collected. The following la the report made by Mr. Ferguson: Paid treasurer .11.715.11 1.7 J Cash on hand llt.UJ.J Rebat 1.14 Unpaid 1IMS.7 Total I,07,IM1 DAUGHTER' IS WITNESS " AT MOTHER'S WEDDING Charles Fahrenwald and Elisabeth Fahrenwald were remarried today after having - beerr divorced for about four yea re. The couple are going back to South. Dakota to Uke up life anew, the groom having arrived In Portland about a week ago from Tankton. When they appeared at the courthouse this morn ing and asked Deputy County Clerk Fred W. Prasp fer a marriage license ha asked them If they had a witneae to swear that tha bride-elect waa ever 1 yea re of age. "Tea, I'm tha wltneaa." spoke up a pretty young woman. She waa . tha daughter of the couple.- BaUroad Surveyors a Aberdeen. - Aberdeen, Wash., April 1. A railroad surveying corps Is now working In Cos mopotla surveying the Una directly through the heart of the town from east to west. No Information can be ob tained aa to whom tha men are work ing for. '-Tha Northern Pacific la con templating Improvements to Ita property here and will replace tha wooden part of tha bridge serosa the Wlahkah rlvsr with steel and la considering plana for enlarging .tha depot and freight ware houae that will deubla UtaU capacity.. The Portland High school, four stor ies high, will have a fire, eacape. At the meeting of the board of achool dl ractora laat night a contract waa let to the Portland Wire ft Iron worka te erect one stair fire eacape on the Mor rlaon " streejt side of the building for 1800. One waa thought to be sufficient on thla building but the chief of the fire department may think differently. Blda will be aaked for a fire eacape to be placed on tha Shaver achool. This action . haa been forced on - the achool board which objected to the ordera from the executive board to furnish the pu pils' of thla school with an avenue .of eacape from the third story.- Superin tendent of Conatructlon Jonea reported that repairs were being mads to tha fire eacape on tha Couch achool. . . Principal Davla of tha High achool haa aubmlttad to Superintendent Rlgler a plan for a four-year course of atudy lnatead of a three-year eourae, which be would like to have adopted. The matter was referred to Chairman Slt ton. Superintendent Rlgler and Director Beach, , - .'.. .. V - Superintendent Rigler haa been mak nlg a canvass of tha principals. Jani tors and teachera to learn their atti tude toward oiling the floore of the achoolrooma. He - reported - last night that tha principals and Janitors favored oiled floora, while the teachers objected- The teachers complained that tha oil not only soiled their clothes and gave the rooms a dingy appearance, but penetrated the solea of their shoes, making their feet cold. The superin tendent wUl continue Ms canvaae. Twelve petitlona to have puplla ' ex cuaed from vaccination were read, but the membera of the board were unanl moua tn their opinions that the rules should, be strictly enforced. . FORMER LEADER IN COXEY'S ARMY COMES TO GRIEF M. Fitzgerald, Found Hurt on Sidewalk, Wanted for Pass ing Worthless Checks. Suffering from a gantng acaln wound. from which the blood was freely flow ing. M, Fitsgerald wad found by Pa trolmen Endlcott and Oalbralth lying on tha sidewalk at Fourth and Davla streets at 1:30 o'clock laat night. Whether the Injury, was inflicted by a fall or wun-a Diunt instrument wielded by a tnug is not known. Fltsgerald waa tha leader of tha Port land brigade of Coxey's army whan the -4 famoue movement to Washington waa begun In H4. Ha gathered together a rabble rout or vagranta, unemployed workmen, cranks and calamity howl- era and started toward the national capital. At Boise, Idaho, he waa ar rested with a number of followera and thrown Into Jail.. That broke . up the Coxey movement ao far aa Fltsgerald waa conoemed. ' For several daya Police Detective Hartman aearched for Fltsgerald, aa ha wanted him for two crtmea. . He la ac cused of. passing a spurious check for 125.60 on Charted Ferry, proprietor of the- Key -C1ty hotel, in- Lower Alblna. He obtained a number of meals, a few nights' lodging and t in cash. He la also charged with stealing a - suit of rlothlng from A. F. Dodds at the Pacific .hotel on Railroad atreet, and selling it at a pawnshop for 2.b0. The suit haa been recovered by the owner. An examination of the wound on Fitx gerald'a head ahowed that tha skull Is not fractured. - The cut was dressed by Drr Spencer, the city physician. Flts gerald is Unable to. remember how he waa Injured, aa ha waa drunk at the time. He will be taken before Police Judge Cameron tomorrow morning. ELKS WILL ENTERTAIN THEIR WOMEN FRIENDS Tomorrow night will bo ladles' night at the Elks clubrooms and many frtenda of tha members will be entertained.' An Interesting program has been prepared. Efforta are being made by tha Elka to secure 1,000 steins. There are al ready more than tOO.' It la hoped to make the collection one - of the most valuable and artiatlo In tha country. Frederick Warda, who waa entertained at the club last night, waa presented Ith a handsoma stein of peculiar de sign. The presentation waa made by tfovernor Chamberlain and Mr. Wards spoke Interestingly in responne. f . BTew Portland Somes. Building permits-were Issued yester day aa follows: A. J. Serene, cottage, Sacramento street, between Rodney and Union avenues; Tibbe Bros., repairs to four cottages, Flanders, between Ninth and Tenth streets, coat f 1.100 :v E. J. Bennett, cottage, corner Twenty-sixth and I von streets, coat $100: J. J. Reed, residence. East Madison, between Fif- "Wiaamette" S swing; Machines-1 5 Models at Pricea from $18.00 Up to $35.00 w Trunks and Traveling BagsLargest and BesTSelectcd Stock on the Coast The Meier Frank Store Easter Sdo--Men's Clothing j ' ' i ' " ' ,. SECOND FLOOR. III n m ! 1 - Black Salts for men at greatly reduced prices all this week Handsome dress clothing In the best styles and materials Just the apparel you want for Easter wear and at a saving every man will appreciate-' Black Unfinished Worsteds and Black Thibets Cut straight front, round-cut sacks and double-breasted styles Every garment well made and finishedThe best product of the leading makers in the land. $16.50 Black Thibet Suits. ...... $10.85 ' eg " pf Mi $18.00 Black Unfinished Worsteds. .$13.65 $20.00 Th bets and Worsteds $22.50 Unfinished Worsted Suits... $15.33 ...$17.65 $25.00 Unfinished Worsted Suits. .$20.15 An immense showing of new gray Suits in the latest fashions, tut and style round 'cut, double breasted and" straight front sacks' all new weaves ..,,r...fl5 to f 35 New Spring Trousers in very large variety , to New Spring Vest, latest styles,. each ..1.25 to f5 Spring clothing, for young men Suits, and Topcoats in complete va- lcty at prices trom i i.av up to W9 New "Hawes". Hats for paster Derbys and Telescopes, in black, tans and grays, new blocks ; always, each! $3.00 Women's $3.50 Oxfords, $3.48 eamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , ' ' "aewSBSSBaaaaamaaawasaai mmm aa.aB.eeaaaaBBm. We place on sale for tomorrow only a special lot of lOOO pairs -Women's HigS-Crade Low ShoesTn patent leather, vici kid patent tip Chocolate and Tan Russia Calf Light or heavy soles -Every pair standard quality and best style and of this season's manufacture All sizes and "widths t AQ Regular $3.50 values at: ty&HtO - c r: A Saving of $1.03 Pair Your Easter and Summer Shoe needs should receive attention today. ' --' Lace Department Round-meh Val. Iaoea and Inaerttona, 1 to Z Inches wide; very prettiest pat terna and areat variety: val- a, q - ues up to 11. 2S dos. yards, at... JVC Point de Paris Itce and Insertions, In the best styles, 5 to 6 Inches wide; ' regular. JOc values, on sale. a at this low price, yard 1 VIC Point de Paris and Imitation Torchon leaves In attractive pattema and treat assortment, t to I Inches Wide; values up to 15c a yard, on sale at this low price, yard, . Baby Irish Allovers, $ 1 .43 Special lot of white Baby Irish Allover Iaces, tn all the new desirable de- alfns; good variety; regular $2.25 values: on sale at this' .a low price la 5c Great Easter Millinery Sale . , h : . , .All Pattern Hats Reduced Easter Sale extraordinary In the Millinery Store this week A magnificent stock of attractive) styles at prices never before known this early in the season Yon can save from one-third to one-half on the prices prevailing around town by purchasing your Easter headgear at The Meier P FranTTStore. $20.00 Hats for $9.50 'Great special 16t of 600 'superb Trimmed Hats all thr new: shapes and trimmings,- copies and orlitinal model, immenae variety, atylea to please every fancy; valnea up to $20.00 19 SO Special lot of 300 black Prea Hats in 2S styles. All thin season's moat fashionable crea- qw tlona. Wonderful values at Thousande of now Tailored Hate In every new shape , and trimming. The largest and best showing In the city, at prices from, each... 95 np to $9. SO .BO Beautiful Pattern Hats tha original models from the most eelev Jbrated artleta 140 JO to 175.00 values on sale at -'r - $20.00, $35.00. $29.50 and $35.00 Each The handaomest creations aver offered at th. price. Trimmed Hats at $4.95 1,000 handsome new Trimmed Hats: every late style; every becoming shape In all the new straas and trim mings and leading shade; black 'and colors. The greatest asaortment and the best hats Ol ever offered at thla low price.. fV" Special lot of S00 Trimmed Ighnma for children. Handsome styles, attractively gotten ' ' m K( up; marvelous value, at thla low price. ..... JU Chlldren'a Fes Cape, Middy Caps. Napoleon Hats. Mar- quire Hats. Sailor Hats, etc., at all prices. ' Entire new line of Infanta Bonnets Second Floor. Weall Eye 5 are strengthened' bv -the dally a at of Pond's Eirtract diluted with aa equal quantity ol water. - The irritation -caused kjrd-iar-and tand trhick tre carried to the eyes through tha air can b quickly allayed by .uainf Pond's Extract.- The mucoua Bnera brane of tha eyes becomes Inflamed by tha presence of foreign matter, and tha danger and unpleasant feeling caa be readily removed by tuing Pond's Extract as directed. ; . Witch Hsmtt is tt tit tsmt thing On mufyth trvtmtf tamfUt tf Witch Hmlirtd tu " tit tsmt thing1 "iftf-tvi nuert thrum tm ttntmin moid ; ar ftrmuldthydo r heth. , Jvtid danger tf fuming hj using . j . ' : - v PDrinTExfRAC IFe Portland PORTLAND. OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY jHEAIXJUARTKRB FOR TOURISTS TRAVLJRS. Everything to eat and drink, and It coata no more In the Portland Hotel ' than elsewhere In the city. Every weekdax. night from :J0 to 1J. - , - M. O. IOWIBI, Maaaa-sr. Dr.VUliam Austin Cox THE IICII ip THEATRE ifjt". nciLiu - r?T Waahinaioo - Mala I. Tkur., TH., Sat, aTicata, Aartt i. IS, 14, "OS. Special PrW Matlimr Satiir4ay ADVANCK SALM TOIA - - L Hot orflre The ileitis TbMtre, 10 a. at. Oiifloal Prodaetaa at tha Dplaadtd Mwali-al . . ElUlTiflnu, : . . fa I a . -T- I I ee L IhhAr in lAiinn1 UQUU III IU IQIIU M Tae klfinl nn. Ira I artraetlos ot the aeaaaa. RVKMNU PKICBS Lnwer ilonr. first 10 row a. ft; laat a rowi. 1.6fl. Baleoar. ftrac 4 rowa. S1.0U: seat I rawa, fl.OU; laat 4 rows. TSe. Entire Gallery, SOe. MATINKR FKlceUwer . finer, first 1 rows, SI AO: last a rows, Sl.00. Balconr. first 4 rows. I.O: aast rowa, 7&-i la.t 5 rows. fiOe., tollrs tisllrrr. 35. TUB HBIL.IO THEATRE 14th and Wasblnstoa. 1'h.iiie Mala 1 Toalaht - Tomorrow Kperlsl-mea Hid aTtock Nlfhr Mat. Ti.aaiwinw Xlrke 14 Shalls Oaaapssr la Paal Armatraag'a Ooaasaj orajaa. . "THE Kill 10 TM HOOaUK." ..... -rVKKISU PRICKS II. BO. St. T5r. SOe. 5e. ' MATIN EE mirK) lwer Buor. 1. 75c. Bat- euey, T6c, oor. tMiierr. r. Seats now acllliig for satire ena.ateat. MARQUAM U It AND THEATRE. CHICAGO PAINLESS DBIST1STS 3031, Wash. SU Cor Fifth St. 22-K Gold Crown.. $3.00, $5.00 Bridge Teeth $3.00, $5.00 Gold Fillings ..$1.00 np Silver Fillings..... .-...50c Onr practice Is limited to hlh-ra.Vi work. Nnthlnf bat the best anamina tion free. Ht-yesr snarantes. Bank refarcaee. Opr. arealncs aad Baadaja. teenth and Eaat Sixteenth streets, coat $3,000; Mr. Weaver,. 'residence, corner Twelfth artd Weldlcr atreets, cost $3,050; R. B. Rice, cottage, corner Clackamas and Twenty-fourth atreeta, rost $1,700. Many a man who Is honest from prin ciple Is honorable only for effect. EASTER MILLINERY ADEQUATELY EQUIPPED with a competent corps of ex pert,' careful, painstaking trimmers, we are prrpared to execute spe cial orders with haste and satisfaction UNEXCELLED is our stock of trimmings and pntrimmerj sailors and dress shapes in all the wanted colors. . - Special Values In Trimmed Hats F.ndless variety street hats, up from "Gage hats, .absolutely correct, tip. from..,.....,. Our own trim street or shirtwaist hats, up from..,. Eastern Pattern Hats, each one a gem, up from.... You know what the rush will be the last of the week Come early , . . . ... - -. and avoid it. .......... .fa1. ..,.7T..M.7o S3.0O. fS.OO Formerly Becker's. THIRD AND SALMON. SPECIAL EASTER SALE TOMORROW ONLY We have made royal preparations for Easter and our store is bubbling over with Novelties. A fas cinating display of dainty shaped - Baskets - and Boxes and Decorated and Painted Eggs in silk and satin all to be filled with our famous Sweets. To the children Easter is a second Christmas. ' The gaily colored eggs and the gifts of toy rabbits and chickens are treasured for. many a day. - We have whole ' regiments of them in :allsorts of shapes, for. filling with candy To Induce Early Buying We will fill all Easter Toys under 50c each with Dainty Sugar Egg Free of Charge Tomorrow Only In other stores you pay for "the eggs here you get them free tomorrow. 10c to 23c gives wide . choice. The earlier you come the larger variety you'll have to choose from. GET THE RIGHT PLACE-We Have No Branch St&res f Swetland & Son - rcronxCaC-wAJLBB. Taesear, Aarll I nt T. allM "Tee - Harahsst ef saiea.' Weeaaaeay Xatuiaa. Aarll 11 "Tka Waaaaa 4 Shsasipaars ' Wsaaasdar' Vif t. April 11 "Jalhia- Ckaaar;" I'ndrr the anaplres of Kalfhta of PrtbUs. PRICE Lamar flonr. fl aad TSv Bakaar, Tfir and SOe. Boxes anal Inses, Bale of arata sow ayes. Marquai baa efflea. Baker Theatre W LfkaiSr Tamhin aad 84 Sta. Paone Mala 1S0T One aolld wet -a aery araaina at S.I0. Matlaeee Wednesday asxl Saturday. - CHERRY BLOSSOMS': Tba On Berleaajna Bbew Tar Only la the tire upraarlnoaly fasay bar lea ansa. .'THI W10MO OOWWT T0SCO" sad "THE ftUAJiaELSOMl HIOHJOmS." .. - Fas. aloslo and Pretty Glrle. Wedneadar Batlne. Baryila Ds. 2fM te lay seat. Ssturday Matinee, lie, SVe. 8Se. 9r. Mat artres. S3e, SV. 6r. Ttm. apaelsl etcwlss perforajawe SatnrHaT Blast. . ' Vast Week "THa MEtatT MAIDIM." Empire Theatre; lltb and Horrtaaa. Pbee Mala 117. IlII.TON W. NKAMaX. afaassar. .' Psrtlaad a raeaiar xiajraawaa. . Toalfht. All Tbla Week. Matiare Hatarday, Tha toiaMrtsl melodramatic sareasa. "The Fatal Wedding" Jaae Kaltaa aad a Saa CfcaV" On ot tba beet f bwmWb aaeaWaaiai. A thrllllos wy. patellae with all elsaaea. era. slate aeenle prodartloa. Matinee Satnrday. Krefitna Prtcaa IS. JBe. 35. BOe. MsUae. 1rtW-'TlOAll0K."' . 273 Morrison St. A ZKJS STAR THKATtX. Waak af Aartt t HALO". Tka Susada. . Laayltt Drew Saea. Was Isabella tnmm. Mr, Cherlae Xstsaa. tarseaaee, . Op Te any seat - aa the boeae atcept ' bote- We. GRAND TKXAI1K. Was ef Aarll Maeelal S ture Art, DARKDKVIb l'ATKI.i.HS Stsddard 4k Waasa. Ohartaa K. AasMa. VIM Ella WUaaa Ol. Barth JSsaah. Xlsa Vary arald Bedf. Saiallaaaa. iu lu tmim anil auadat, IM. 3 " . - . i . i . ta. - an,, an. Matlaaaa, lae ' aaat esreyt heaea. la aa L.YRIC THEATr:j (oiKna Motnr. apm, s. i. Kwrf M t-rmm and ;.. ' parllaad'B I otenar i-a I Et'RAL tViSCFDY r.Ai. I. - v ix riTS Arra. tsllast the On";d. .tvwlle urn f ' i AdtalsaeM le; KrrTed . , i