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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
TIIS Or.ZCON DAILY JOURNAL. rOHTLAUD, TUESDAY, EVENING, APRIL 10. 1EC3. OLD OCCIDENTAL BURNS AT LAST '.'77 k '' : :i 7:V 7" 777 -7 -7-7 . 7, w .. 77" 7. 77 7 ' ' if' - , s - v.: - ' i 1) .t .-r Burning of the .Old Occidental Hotel. Photo by, Journal Staff Photographer. ( Fir which started in' the rear of the '.old landmark at th oorner of First and MorrUoiv .street . lata yesterday after noon left-, tut the , blackened ruins of ,what u once the finest and most 'noui hoatotry on; the ooast,, the Occl ... dental hotel. The structure has dona 'service for 89 years.' It, was in early .days the mecca of all those who sought good accommodations ' and 'its dinlng- hall was the scene of many a brilliant function. Old firemen say- it has ben-f boiling in evtry-Tit recti air mada1t ap-t was started by CapfaTh 'wmfani Baler visited by more fires than it was years eld. so manyt in' fact .that the number 'cannot be estimated..-, i Because each of .these until yesterday was of little eon- sequence, th place was long known as the only, .fireproof "frame, hotel In the -world. V ,- 1 ' .-, , Yesterday the structure'oit its repu tation. The fire started, .presumably 'from a flue leading- from a store in - which some waste material was being burned. Early 'In the day some un known man applied at .the fire commis sioner's office for a permit to "ootid a ,-jf lr and. destroy rublah. Ja. the. building. but ' was refused it. . Whether he built the .fire regardless of. thepermlt or not.' Chief CampbaUr has been unable to ascertain.' 80 frequently has ' box ' It sounded: an" alarm for the old hotel, re cently called the Morrison house, that when this number sounded yesterday the firemen knew what It meant. ., ' When they reached the scene the en tire upper portion of the building- was mass of flames that shot almost across the Street. .Volumes of dense smoke pear as if the entire block were being burned. Th heat , was so intense that people In a barber shop and some small stores opposite the building could hardly get out. The ironts of the buildings were scorched and an O. W. P. xar caught directly- in front Of the hotel was badly blistered. - ' . The flames raged persistently but within a half hour the fire department had them under control. When the ftre was completely extinguished ' only the charred framework of the structure re mained. . . i - , The- lose- waa-on thel building alone. as It was entirely unoccupied save for a small altar stead on - the Morrison street side. ' This was not damaged. Three weeks ago all . occupants were ordered out. It having been decided to tear , the structure down and. erect four-story brick.. The .contract for this work was let this morning. - - -The old landmark had a rather re markable ' history ' It was - one of the first buildings of consequence - to be erected '. In Portland. Its construction about' 1863. - It was 'completed and oc cupied as a hotel in 186 after 0. A. Clarke had become a partner with Cap tain Baker. - It was named th Westers hotel.-"--Ther'tirnlshlngs or were brought around the Horn 'in a sailing -vessel and wtre considered ' the finest on the coast In 1858 the property was bought by Samuel D. 'Bmlth,' whose widow -owns it now. The name was changed in 1878 to the Occidental hotel. Mrs. Bmlth leased it to a number, of hotel men under whose management It was popular. Among these were barcy and Holmes, and George B. Cook. HOrjORE CHOOSE FIRST DAY OF; I.MH TO PROPOSE 'Virginia Rowden Claims ; That 11: WealthChlcagoan: Jilted i JicWithoutaton-w- 1- jjy J(jnal "pedal' Berries.) ; ' ' Chicago AprU 10. That Ad rain C. .Honore, brother of Mrs. Potter Palmer, .chose the first day of the 'month- on " which" to propose marriage to Miss Tir glnia Rowden appeared from -the- dec laration' filed 'In 'the $50,000 breach of promise suit begun by the girl against the prominent ; real estate man. The propoaals-are alleged to have .been made Marotr 1, and 'May 1 the promises were repudiated, -if-Is alleaxWwIthcnit so much regard to dates. The time of the repudiation 1n the charge is "some time in the month of November, 1905." - The bill also alleges "that on the day aforesaid, -and ; cn divers times during the year 1805, the defendant made said promises' to .plaintiff, and-; although plaintiff requested defendant-to marry her the defendant did not, or would noj, at any time before or afterward marry thisjplalntiff." - - ; ;' Plaintiff,' who -is a remarkably hand some southern woman, makes It plain in Saloon . Keepers Forced to Shut UpShop Compel Other tne Diu tnai sne suu sianas ready toi , : ii, u. o- IhMTV the dgfendamra.t anv ttm-Tanit I ' I luuaw iu wiuus-OAiui plaoe. 1 ' Ftefened Vtoek Oessed Allan Xewts Best Brand. - Labor's rolitloal Bureau. - (Joersal BpMlal Berrlce.) , - Washington.. D. C April 10. IC the plana now ' being laid are effective, or ganised labor's role in the next con gressional elections will be far-reaching. A political bureau, under the direction of .the -American Federation of Labor, will soon be established in this city and will try to make its influence felt in every congressional district.'- ALL BUSINESS CLOSED AT Male ;aM lappy at 83 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham-Fournierr Aged 83 arid 78 Years. Respeo tively, Who Recently Celebrated - Their 57th Weddine Anni- ,v. versary. Attribute Their Health, Strength and Longevity to Duffy's Pure Malt . Whiskey, i Which They Have Been Using ; for. Years- r f. . . " ' - ;'-. MR. AND MRS. ABRAHAM FOCRNIER. " They take great pleasure In giving full credit ' to Duffy's for1 having pro 'longed their lives and kept them well and strong. ''Both my wife and myself are well on toward the century mark of life, - thanks .0 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which we have always used, tarn past .'88 and my wife is over 78 years of age.. We are both robust and happy, and are only too glad to tell anybody tat Duffy's has prolonged our lives by a good '' in fa ft y y Aiei. "We celebrated our 57th wedding anniversary on November IS, and trust '. with the aid of your grand medicine to live to celebrate many more." ABRA HAM KOLRNIER, 111 Hickory BtreeU Syracuse, N. T-. Dea 4, 1905. Bully's lc MpfeKcy If you wish to keep strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whlskeytregularly, according to . tlons, and take no other medicine, it is dangerous to I1U your system drugs: they poison tne Dooy ana oepress .. the heart (quinine depresses the heart). while Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky tones 'and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. - It Is the only whiskey recognised as a medicine, and contains no fusel oil. This I a guarantee. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has stood never teste for 49 years, and has always been found absolutely pure and to contain great medicinal proper ; ties. "t ' OA0TiOWwsrhe you ask your drag ; else o grooer for Duffy's 9nv Male Whiskey be sure) you gee th genuine. It's . the n absolutely sure sadietual whis key, and Is sold only la sealed sottles ' saver In sulk.. lVook foe th trade-mark, .th "Old Chemise," ea th label, sad saak sure that the seal ever th cork is uabrokea. Mee, tl.00. Kedloal booklet d doctor's advio free.. Duffy Malt Valskey Co SVoastesv ST. T. gloi direr 1th Wt '--i- pctat Dlapetrt te The ml.V ' , Rainier. Or April 10. Las t Saturday notice was served upon the saloon-keepers, by the Anti-Saloon league to either keep their saloons closed on Sundays or appear- before) the court' to answer' the charge of breaking th state Sunday closing law.' . The leader of this move ment Is Rev. Mr. Kemp of the Metho dist church her. The saloon-keepers. among whom are Miles Bheiin, Otto Kappelle, AI Lee, J. Pierce. Ed Clark and Jo Doherty, held a consultation and decided that ' all other - places of business must obey the state Sunday closing law. . As a result, all business places were closed last Sunday, includ ing olgar and fruit stands. W. J. Diets being appointed on th committee to keen watch over the stores. The logging camps and many of the mills are five or six miles out of town, and th employes claim that to do their trading they must take a day off and if they cannot trade on Sunday they must lose a day's wares whenever tbey wish, to do any purchasing, - A similar but vain attempt at Sunday closing was made two years ago by R Mr. Thorpe, a Methodist preacher. SALVATION ARMY CHIEF ' SEVENTY-SEVEN TODAY Journal gneetal TYlee. 1 - : London. April 10. From every coun try of th civilised world messages con veying congratulations and good wishes poured -in today upon General Booth, founder and head of the Salvation army, on the-occasion or his 77th birthday Though in th early part of his career General Booth was the butt of ridicule? and insult and not infrequently was pelted with rubbish when he appeared in the street, no Englishman has been more signally honored than has th head of the Salvation army In late years. He has been patronised by King Edward. received in ' audience by the rulers of many countries, and on his return fronf Palestine last year he was granted th freedom of the city of London "in rec ognition of hla great work for the moral and social elevation of the people," an honor which' the city of London has been accustomed to bestow only - on members of royal families, military and naval heroes or statesmen of marked preeminence. EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR WALLA WALLA WORKERS (ftpeeUt Dlspstck' t The JearssL) Walla Walla, Wash., April 10. Stat Labor Commissioner Charles . Hubbard was in Walla Walla yesterday and noti fied ; Mayor Hunt that he would expect the state law, prohlbitlngSlaborers em ployed on public work to. work more than eight. hours a day, to be strictly observed hereafter. - The city has been working the men nine hours, a day at the rut e of li -cents an hour. .The. com missioner was inclined to push a esse agalrat several .heads of departments for past offenses but Mayor Hunt as suror! him the law would be observed hereafter. Th law will f feet , some to men that are-being hired to work on th new water system besides many city employes in the street and water department. . , Y rir Destroy Tale Salooa. (Spsetai tHapatrk to Te Jmrrasl.) -Ontario. Or., AprU 10. The Head quarters satoon- at Vale, conducted hjr C C. Kllburn, , was destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The loss Is es timated at 11.600. The building was owned by D. C. Wells. Th origin of th fir Is unknown. There, was no In surance on th property. Moss Oood- rich' barber shop wag also destroyed. PLAY BALL! BOYS A eoaaplee Ua of Baseballs, Caeehers' isatts, VUldan 0 loves. Masks, see, Foartk. nur iiisllssO prtoee im town. Kax1l of ail klade a Uttl prtoe aavd marble season Is. aer rourtk floor. 7 Courts cl C-zz j ,i Sptdxtty Shc?s. A Unique Group cf Sfy.Y trJ Quality Expositions. -. STORE OPENS At A. it THE "DIFFERENT" STORE , STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. a ANOTHER MASTODONTIC BARGAIN EVENTI A CARNIVAL OF BEAUTY, FASHION AND VALUES ECLIPSING ANT SIMILAR TRADE MOVEMENT EVER PLANNED AND CONSUMMATED BY ANY WESTERN HOUSE! THE THIRD IN THE SERIES OF MONSTER SPRINO SALES .PLANNED AND PROMISED MONTHS AGO I -. ' ' -- - Last fall the executive corps of the house came together and agreed upon the most aggressive campaign of value-giving for this sea-. eon ever . known to' Portland.-Plane were laid by our "Board of Governors" and the buyers went into market,' each with instructions to "do - (things) or die" (in the attempt). Every former effort of our own or others-wnust be surpassed. The biggest values in history must be found, and, earning or no earning to the store, the largest sales must be made and the greatest distribution of unparalleled Values given ever known to western house. We announced some weeks ago, as the results of . this determination and execution, a series of such sales as , would stir Portland's shopping public tct Its very center. Two weeks ago we opened the campaign with ' a record-breaking sale of fine em broideries. . Last week we followed this up with the greatest sale of beautiful ribbons ever held by any western house. And today we an nounce to open THURSDAY MORNING A SALE OF FASHIONABLE EASTER " MILLINERY THAT WILL SURPASS ANY SIMILAR EVENT EVER ATTEMPTED WEST OF CHICAGOI In fact, we much, doubt if ever better values were given by any house in America at the start of new season.' - The Millinery Sale will cap the climax of startling sales given by this house this season. Were we not positive of this, do you suppose we would announce it two days ahead, giving our good confreres in the millinery business of Portland that much time to get a ssle ready to compete with this? THIS SALE WILL BE BEYOND ALL POSSIBLE -COMPETITION! NO 8TORE IN THE CITY HAS THE STOCKS TO COMPETE WITH IT! Sure, there will be trailers as usual but who wouldn't rather ride in. the observation coach? WE HAVE PREEMPTED ROOM FOR THIS SALE FROM THE GARMENT SALONS. - Scores i-oL extra salespeople-have been engaged o-wait upon-thongs.THE-4 Near the Washington street elevator, on special tables, ranged through the center of the big salons of drees. - . 1,000 HATS1N THE MONSTER SALE THURSDAY MORNINQBesf Values You Ever Saw Up to $10 CHOOSE FdR $5 Every hat In the record-smashing sale is of the newest vintage, correct "in every authoritative style detail, fresh from the. boxes, dainty ss the buttercups on the hillsides. BUT. ONE OF A STYLE. Did you catch that? And that style up to the minute,-made by the most skilled and expert milliners in America. Materials of straw, horsehair braids, allover and Valenciennes laces. : with moline or chiffon facings; ostrich plumes, quills, winVs, flowers and ribbons for trimmings. A grand color assortment to choose from, embracing gray, , '" ' . . old rose, light blues, pinks, tans, Alice blues, navy, greens, browns, prunes, lavenders, black, white and well, every color you can think - of that fashion has thought of. Every shade that's wsnted to match the pretty Easter gowns. . The prettiest lot of trimmed . CC f)f hats you ever saw that you could buy and pay up to $10 each for here on Thursday morning at............. ..;Ul REMEMBER THAT EXTRA ROOM HAS BEEN TAKEN AND THIS SALE-WILL BE HELD IN THE SUIT SALONS on Second Floor, near Washington street elevator. Sale opens at 8 a. m. . Be on hand early for though there'e plenty of hats, you know the cream will be skimmed first, and you MAY, avoid the crowds if you come early. HAVE A PEEP AT THE HATS IN WASHINGTON AND 'FIFTH STREET WINDOWS THREE GREAT WINDOWS DEVOTED TO THE SHOWINGS ALL DAY TO- CC sll MORROW. A hat for every face, every age and every gown. Choice....... ......J)JJJ - AN IMPORTANT SALE OF WOMEN'S O Moveiij Tmlmed --An alluring display of the newest styles in spring's most fashionable creations on sale Wednesday at "'. - . .1 . . One-Fourth Off. . $32.50 Suits for.......... One-Fourth QU. f 24.38 $45.00 Suits for. .... . ....... .....f33.T5 $35.00 Suits for. ,T.: ..T.T.T. .77. . . . '. f 28.25" $4gJ0 Suits for. .. ..7. .T7. ...... 7. .7.7. f36.3S $38.50 Suits for f 28.88 $52.50 Suits for. . . . : .'. ... .... i .... . f 39.38 $42.50 Suits for........................f31.88 $55.00 Suits for. f 41.25 Today and tomorrow two days of a remarkable continuous offering a pre-Ea'ster event that per petuates the demonstration of this store's mntery in value-giving. Here's an exhaustive showing of all the new effects in smartly tailored Suits for dressy women, in the "Pony" and half-fitted jacket ef fects; stunningly handsome garments for the Easter parades, built-with a rare bargain .reduction jut t when you want the Suits. ' j ' 7, ? .-v r-,i . About 300 Suits, Your Choice of Any a One-Fourth Off Regular Prices as Above ' The prettiest styles within the rsnge of resson and refinement. : Suits are built from dainty mix tures, exquisitely tinted Panamas, sturdy homespun and ' chic French flannel effects in beautiful woolens.. .So many suits, so many styles of trimmings including braids, buttons, laces and velvets : make, up this sale that every woman will find here the very type of Suit she has pictured in her visions of spring loveliness for Easter wear. Every approved color is embraced;' grays and gray mix tures, light checks, plain colors that include Alice blues, corals, greens, black and navy. The choos ing is generous indeed. Early selection is advised. Values from $32.50 to $5500 inclusive, in. the grand convention as printed above Choose today or Wednesday at ONE FOURTH OFF. SWELL LEATHER NOVELTIES 6th Street Annex, First Floor ...... AOOOMVAMZMZSTTSJ TO gXAXT BASTSB OOWTTg.-- - wxm baos,tob a Aaron.- - They're just stunning and so suitable for us with the pretty Spring Suits and Light Dresses. W are ahowlng a big line of these fancy white linen ,and whit leather Bag. Priced at, each ....75) to 83.50 '", 7 7 coiomas castas sags. A line of Canvas Bags In white, tan, lavender, pink, blue and green. A (decided novelty for Summer wear. Price, each...... T5 Taney Imported Japan Xratas Bags In various colors and dragon designs; strap handles. Price, each 83.50 leather Belts to match. Priced at each....'.;................. $1.25 leather mrsea and Bags In all kinds of leathers and colors at surprisingly v low prices. .--,- - ....... . . -faacy Leather Belts In all colors and latest styles. Priced each, ' from T......T;;.";-..7rrr7.-;ivi."nv.-r.Tr7rr.'v.".,.".....35) to $8.06 ill. The re- will share In Renalasanc GREAT "MAY MOVING SALE" OF LACE CURTAINS -', Uaosnal Sal Fit Tomrta mow.-' A fortunate underprlc purchase from a well-known Eastern m : ductlons mean aavlngs to hunoreas or mnriy nom-ioia who them by choosing now. The ourtains ar in urusssta ana effect in full length and width- Regular II.0 value. Special, the pair.. KpeciaL in, pair Special, th pair Special.-.the. pair... Bpeclal, the pair, .....,,...-.. Special, the pair........................ Spwlal. th pair Regular IS. 00 value. Regular It. 60 value. Regular 14.00 value. Regular S4.S0 value. Regular tt.00 value. Regular It. 00 value. 1.8T .25 .63 8 .4T Tl .49 ft S3. n SPECIAL SALE EASTER N0VELTlES3d Floor Eggs and Figures; special, each................ Chickens with Cart and Baskets; special, each..4..e Bisque Eggs with Figures; special, each JJJf T? T . U ir1J.-a m4 l.'iirnr- In.i-ill 1C 1Z Unv inJ Chilrn- anrial. earn 15 ... .IV .. WA P1IV b . . . . n . . , f'-. , - - ' Vases, with Animals: special,, each Babies and innkel iioiaers; special, eacn. Large Egg Ornament and Vase; special, each....25e Aisuiicu oauira, r-n .................. . ' Double Egg Vase with Babies or Rabbits; special. eacn .......... . r.. , -r Two large fixtures of special Easter, Novelties. , . rtTT CLASS FOR EASTER. Entire .room full of Cut Glass, hundreds of articles to choose from, at f . . o . anvoiil reHured 'nrire. Special Sale manufacturers' sample of Decorated French China at v HALF PRICE. Odd afticles of hundreds of useful Easter remembrances in choice deco- - . . .. - u l rt.: ' - rations oi rrtnia vnmi. 4y SURPASSING EASTER STYLE SHOW lit SPRING FOOTWEAR -The Shoe Stores Along the Fair Way" Sixth Street AnnexFirst Floor. A brilliant style ' show, of shoe fashions." A presentation of all that's most desirable, new and beautiful in' footwear for man or woman. The exposition of dainty feminine footwear . is especially fine distinctive. Here's authentic shoe Styles. Such alto-, gether is the Olds, Wort man & King dis play now ready for your delectation. And never were styles more varied. - They range in the women s shoes from the most daintily feminine - to the ultra mannish. . Oxfords, with wide, ribbons will be in great demand. All leathers. Match any gown you wish. A few mentions for example of thousands that await your inspection. The frreatest display of down-to-date style in footwear ever shown in Port nd by any store. - -' ' ; 1 Women's Patent Colt Blucher Oxfords Wittvhigh arch, close edge, straight toe last, nice dress heel; a shoe with style and comfort com bined. Price, the. pair , .83.54) Women's Fine Patent Colt Four-Button Oxfords With hand-turned sole, high Cuban heel, plain toe, mat kid top; good style for drrss wear. Price, the pair ................................. 84.00 Women's "White Canvsa Oxfords Blucher cut, turned sole, military heel. Price, the pair... f 1.50 Women's White Canvas Oxfords Blucher out. Goodyear welt medium . extension sole, military beel, ribbon lace; a splendid street shoe. Price, the pair...:.J...i .8 2.50 Women's Gray Canvas xfords-rBlucher cut; a regular beauty.' Price. the pair .83.00 SPECIAL SALE OF GARDEN HOSE THIRD FLOOR S-ply Malf-Xash O ard em Hose. Special at, for 0 feet S-ply Xalf-Iaek (tardea Mom. Special at. for (0 feet SVply Vara Qaartar-lBaa (tardea Bee. Special at, for SS feet T-ply Malf-Iaea Oar am Boa. .Special at. for (0 feet...) T-ply Tar Qaartor-Xaaa SMrdaa Cos, "peclal at. for SO feet. . . . . . Bstra QnaUty sasslsss MUdew-Vroof OoMra earda Bos - Half-Inch Hose. Rpeclat at, for 60 feet. Three Quarter-Inch Hose. Special at. for SO feel Oardea Boos Beeis.. flDeclal aw each ...... Lan Snrlakbn. goeclal at. each 40 ' Hpeclai at, esch i -v S4.T5 !5.2S .2 4.76 T.60 ?4.ff0 ...hit mX.ti 9 to P SPECIAL SALE CF Ct:iCL7S WHITE C. Beeoad rieev, Hear Aims. ' They wer used for decorative purpose during our Pyrin t M are slightly mussed and dust soivd: but on washing will m. toen f.t -i and pretty as new. ftlswe S to 14 years. Our 1. SK to 12.10 values. I rl;t Our 11.10 to 14. S values, f slal Onr I ft. 00 to le.BO vl'is. I erlsl Our t.T9 to 11.00 v.:is. 1 ,clal j.....