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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
V-"' ..i .'. : r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY. EVENING. APRIL) . 10. 14 S7 A DAY, BUT (10 HEN1 FOR JOB Lack of Masons Seriously Hani' f pering Progress of Irving-; ! ' ' ' ton Sewer. - ' SCARCITY OF CEMENT IS CAUSE OF BRICK BOOM Many Xontractort"dri"TJast Sid "i Chang Plant and Demand for ; Brick Layer I Great Big Drab Will Be Completed on Time. i Ar you a Bisop7 11 yu axe. wicr la 17 a day waiting for you on" on east aid Job. '- The demand la for man who van lay Wrick, lay them fast and keep up the pace eight hours at a stretch. .. .1 The biz -Irving-ton aewer ia being da- laved because, there ar not enough ni aona to keep the brick work op to the pace aet by th digging gangs, and while the seal ia 15. GO a day, for masona, the superintendent' will pay 17 for men who can work fa at and do a -satisfactory job. . The scarcity of masona la being- felt generally on the - taut . aide since ' the cement famine, cauaed a boom In the brick trade.. On many building brick foundation are being placed Instead of concrete, and masons, apprentice end helpers ar ln great ' demand. ' Brick foundations,. walks, even eurba and pave menta, ar to b tha Order If aome relief la not eoon -discovered In the cement situation.' Ther ar half a dosen brick blocks to be alerted la Rt. Johns, anu aeveral large buildings of tha same mi terlal ari- to 00 up In the central east side district. All of- thse works hv.o caused the demand for brlcklayera-te become so aharp that thcr la a Ursa competition among the contracts tor masons, and generally a mason van secure. $1 a day more than the union scale calls for.- an-1 most any sort -if a mortar dauber can get If a day. The Irvington aewer, though ham pered, by lack of maaona-la In o'het ways' progressing In a manner piost satisfactory to the contractors. - The work haa been completed to Thon-pson street, the stretch from I'nlpu avenue. on Ban Rafael to Kast Seventh, and (ram there-north to . Thompson, having been finished since the temporary check ex perienced a few weeka ago, when cemfirt could not be secured. A atraight stretoh -f half a doaen- block trow eon fronts th contractor and this will has ten the work, much time being aived in the operation -of -thv dlrt-carry'rat ma- cliln If there ara no eurvea . . Tha work 1 now going ahead ht a rata that Insure the sewer being com pleted within the specified tins , : Th long tunnel through Montgmery gulch to the river haa been completed aome time and th aewer built In It. The conduit, th . largest yet constructed in this oity, will gradually decrease In diameter from this time on, and by the time. It -reaches th remote bounds of Irvington, where It will terminate, ' It will be but an ordinary drain. For the present, the sewer will be much larger than the district needs, and at the most rapid rata of growth .the conduit - will serv It territory for a decade, EXPERIMENT A SUCCESS. ample Dredger rill oa Saws Bid Will . , Zj4 to LMf'wa Contra. At th regular session of the East Sid Improvement association this even- ' ' ' STATKMENT OF THE CONDITION OF : ' ' The United States National Bank yu op portlx-- OREGON. , j r. t . .it CALL pF COMPTROLLER, APRIL , H0. : 1 " . - ASSETS. . .. tioana and discounts. v. .$J,ltl,ll.BT U. 8. bonds to secure circulation 600,000.00 U. S. and other bonds ' and premiums -Tmn . ,-4sr..;57.ll Real estate , 11,087.11 Office furniture and tlx- ' ture . 4.500.00 Bank building v. ; . ; s ; . . 1 2S.000.00 Cash anddu from banks, 2,44. 021. 2 UASXUTX2SV Capital . '..'.'. Surplus and undivided profit . ... i ......... . Circulation . . . . . . . Dividend unpaid Deposits .$ 500,000.00 ' 542, 600, 1, 6,704, 209.S0 000.00 060.00 ia.i t,l,9SaJI I X : - $,951,058.5t - Attest correct: : . Piles Quickly; a: Cured at Home Inatant .Relief, Permanent , Curt Tfial Package Mailed Free to All In Plain Wrapper. ; " Pllea I a fearful dlaea, but easy to our if you so at It right An operation with tha knife Is Sanger? oua. cruei andrarely.a jermaien uo- There Is Just on other sura way to be cured palnlesa. safe and in the privacy of your own horn it Is Pyra mid P1I Cur W mall a trial package free to U who writ. T "-. . It will give you tntant relief, wiow you the . harmless, palnleaa nature of thla - great-remedy-and -a4avr-y-wl on th way toward a perfect cur. ' Then yo can-get a ruu-Biseo no from any druggist for 10 Cents,; and often oil box cures.. " If tb druggist trlea to sell you some thing Just as good. Jt la because h makes more money on the substitute. . Insist on having what you can ror. The cure begins at once and continues rapidly until It ia complete and perma nent. v ' , You an . go 'right ahead ' with your work and be easy and comfortable all tha .Urn. u..w--i, : ,. - . :' It Is well worth trying. Just send your nam and address to Pyramid Drug company, 3467 Pyramid building. Marshall. Michigan, and re ceive f re by return mall the trial pack age In a plain wrapper. . ' Thousands have been cured in tins easy, palnleaa, and Inexpensive way, in the privacy of tha home. .- No knife and its torture. - No doctor and ki'a bills.,. 'r ' All druggists, 60 cents. Write, today for a free package.-" TOWfJ TOO FOR 17ALKIHG STATEvTBMSIIRER" MY PIATFORM ! IF ELECTED . : . t I pledge, myself to pay over, to the state every dol lar of the interest earned on state funds. This would result in a'saving to the taxpayers of . from ten ' to twenty thousand dollars per, annum. 1 will reside' at t r Salem and give my personal, undivided attention to the duties of the office. No state Junds. shall be depos- - ited in any institution in which I have any pecuniary r - ., . . . -v-i t interest. I; E..V.CMTEK:. tCMDIDATE lor toe NOMINATION of STATE TREASIR lng full " reporta will be made on th work of th Port of Portland dredge. now filling th lowlands near East Sec ond treet. Yesterday -the 10 days' ex perimental teaf was completed' and th auccesa of the venture was so thorough ly demonstrated that the property-own er Intoreated entered into negotiations with th port commission that will re sult In a contract being signed keeping the dredge at work until the marsh dis trict 1 brought above high water grade. Recently the d red ire has been making a most satisfactory showing, sinoe it haa penetrated the gravel bed of th river bottom and haa reached fine 'Sand. NEW COUNCIL IS IN. ft, Johna Body " Installed and W. M. Klna; Ohosea aa president. The .new. 8t. Johns counoll took office last night, tha old body formally turn ing over the city's unfinished business. City Attorney Oreene delivered the oath of Office to th following recently elect ed officers: Mayor, Fred Valentine; recorder,-W.'-vU. Thorndyke; treasurer, O. M. Mall; eouncllmen at large, W. H. King. L. E. Walker, W. W. Raser; eoun cllmen. first ward, 8.' C. Norton, 8. L Doble; eouncllmen, aecond ward, P. A. Bredeen and Hewitt. W. H. King was choaen president of the council and the session adjourned until Wednesday even ing, when the mayor will announce his atandlng council committees and his ap pointment for marshal, city engineer and city attorney ; : V STEEL BRIDGE OPENED. rirs Oars la a Month Crosa tractnr i ' Greosral Traf flo trail Sarrcd. ' Sunday afternoon th first oara were operated, over the steel bridge that have crossed the - atructura since Tl Wat closed' a month ago for redecklng. No general traffic has been resumed over the bridge, the Lower Alblna ears west bound being th only vehicles allowed to oros. 1 1- waa neoesaary to- relieve th congestion en HolUtday avenua aa soon aa possible and for this - reason the L cara coming to town were aent across the bridge aa soon aa ' the new rails were laid and th first course of pUnk nailed on. , Going out the 'L car still use the Burnslde bridge, and tha other steel bridge lines. St. Johns, Upper Al blna and Irvington, will not be operated over the bridge until it Is opened for general traffic, which will not be for a week or more. , . ' Vollo Sk Verio Boy. The police were asked yesterday by an official if the Southern Pacific Rail way company to arrest a negro boy, aged about 14 or 16 years, and any one be may be found traveling with. He Is said to have robbed the railway office at Weed, California, of 1230 On- April f and to be beating bla way north.- .Baldwin's Health Tablets. Tak them tonight be wall tomorrow. Cures constipation. J&c - Drugglata. Are You Prepared Young Men, ..This si the Correct Shape - . . for Your NEW SPRING SUIT. Gray Worsteds Gray Tweeds Blue Serges $7.50 to $25.00 The Swellest lineof Spring Clothing, Easter Ties and Gloves shown in the City - T ' ' ' ' ' '."' ' Tha i FF Hit n Z IS PAYING DAILY DIVIDENDS OF -I IIC LLC. ndT 3T J)Q SATISFACTION TO ITS. WEARERS FREE! SKATES; WATCHES AND RIFLES. With Boys' Clothing rrzTJis, wills MORRISON Co&ftxsrsr .. -r.r Patrolmen Find It Practical Im- possibility to Enforce Ordi nance Recently Passed. NEARLY TWO HUNDRED CARS PASS HOURLY To Make AH Vehicles Slow Downld ' Speed ofWalk In Turning Corner, Patrolman Aiserts, Would Greatly Smbtrrtat Traffic. .;' So rapid baa been. , th increase In population of Portland, with th re sultant betterment of the street rail way service, that the police department flnda it Impossible to enforce a recent ordinance dealing with tha traffio prob lem at street Intersections. : Thla n9vel condition of affairs was revealed In a report mad at headquarters last night by Patrolman Wilson -f th prosalng quad. .. ' v A short tlm ago tha city council adopted an ordinance requiring auto mobiles and all wheeled vehicle to cross streets where street, cara turn at a gait no raster than a . norse wouia walk. One arrest -waa made for violar tion of th ordinance. .A general order waa Issued by-Chief 'Oritimacher that the terma of the 'new ordinance must b compiled with- V ' ' Th policemen found themselves eon fronted with an unexpected problem r the streetcar traffic -waa found to have Increased. to such proportions that rigid enforcement of ordinance provision would In certain dlstrlcta practically paralyse th arm of Industry. Tb fol lowing1 excerpt is taken from the report of Patrolman Wilson, made to Captain Slover, and by him turned over to Chief Orttxraacher: , ., . , . "From peraonat ' observation- I find that on th Mfth street car line 40 cara pass every hour, and on th bridge lines about 10 oars. This make about 110 cara per hour or two about every minute.' On account of thia tremendous traffic H - is -almost - impossible to -require drivers to observe tha atop ordl- TTN . TI.TI Mi 111. Mm In addltlontoi the. car-enumerated may be included those of the Portland Heights, SIxteeriTTT and Twenty-third street lines; so that at th point men tioned. Fifth and Washington streets, from 176 to 200 cara pass every hour. To make air driver walk their horses while, passing th comer would -delay streetcar traffio-and seriously- Incon venience th traveling public. ' Ther hav been no aerious "accidents and comparatively Jew minor ones sine Chief Orltsmacher adopted tha plan of stationing patrolmen at the busiest crossings. The congestion of traffic at Third and Washington and Second and Washington streeta la aa noticeable a at Fifth -and Washington streets. MAD TEAM DASHES DOWN ALB1NA FERRY SUP Another Runs a Mile, Loses Wheel, Throws Occupants, 7 iRuns Another.Mil If Jonathan Bourne Jr. had con- findhimelf t his own campaign for the Republican ' nomination for United States Senator, and left the selection of a legislative ticket Tor this county .to the people, where it prop erly , belongs, ..there would not have been any occasion on ' the part of othef candidates to offer any opposi tion to him.But.wheo hc,,was.-not satisfied .with-aeekinsf the nomination for himself for the highest office in the. gift of the people of thtt state, but' selected an , entire legislative ticket for .Multnomah county, con-1 taining the names of some men with unenviable political; records, and be ing, a mixture of , Democrats, Popu lists -and-Citizens," Jie interfered with the rights" of .'other - candidates and with the rights of the people, and set ., up a new political .Lj'machine" with himself as "boss.T " The people of Oregon have declared themselves against "machines" and "bosses," and at the primaries to be held April 20 will smash the Bourne machine,! legislative i ticket, and .. H other machine tickets, for the people propose to select, their own candidates.-"- -.. 4 -'' -;; -:'',''f -" r.. :"B6umer claims t6haye"nointerest in the campaign other than the-election of 'statement. No. 1 men to the legislature, but in his circular con taining y his slate ' he deliberately omitted six or seven Statement-No.-! men., ';..;-...'('! . '' ;-: The election of the Bourne 'slate means the creation of a new political machine of the old stripe,' ; . -INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES FOR LEGISLATURE . - By Managing Committee. . . Two f aerious runaway occurred on the east side . yesterday and In each in rtance the accident bad a spectacular finish. A team belonging to th Slur phy livery table, at Delay .street and Goldsmith. ' took fright and dashed down the slip of the Alblna ferry. Leon S. Robinson, th driver, was violently thrown from hi seat and painfully though not fatally Injured. Freed from all control, the team dashed over th sliding ... approach -. to the ferry and plunged into the river, which at this point is more than 20 feet deep. The heavy wagon dragged down the horses and they drowned before they could ba rescued. The dead team and wagon were at 111 In the river thla morning. .The other frightened team broke th local record for long-distance running. A delivery team attached to a neavy wagon started In Alblna and dashed down Xnlon avenue for more than a mile. , At East Burnslde street a hub struck a rpost .and smashed the front axle. At this point tha driver and a companion, who had stayed with th wagon, abruptly left, landing In the street. Tha team waa not even checked by the loss of a wheel, and dragged th wagon on th three remaining wheels a .mile distant. While headed at full speed for a deep basement at Haw thorne avenue and Union, it waa turned aside by colliding with a telephone pot Had the-post -not tntetvened 1 some Of the big fore of men working in the basement would probably have been killed. After colliding with- the post the team was so used up and tha wagon was such a wreck that farther: flight waa out of the Question, and the crippled driver in an hour or so gath ered in th remains. MAINLY PERSONAL ' W. A. Grant of Baker City la regis tered at th Perkins. . II comes on a business trip. ' J. II.' Watson of Umatilla la meeting business acquaintances and talking poHttufl at the Perkins. -- A. It. Ellison of Corvallls la regis tered at th Imperial. : - Business is excellent and 'prospects better at Pendleton, says Charles Q. Bownson of that city, who la In Port land on a business trip. : Frederick H,JHunt of F.osebnrg says his part of th stat Is greatly Inter ested in stat politic. H la registered at th Oregon. "The eastern part of the state I keep. lng it eyes on Portland during this campaign," said Edward S. Harris of Huntington, at th Portland hotel yes terday. "She la th state's great city, and reh has to set the pace. We are ready to follow." . : MR7AND MRS. TAYLOR HAPPY QUARTER CENTURY Mr. and Mrs, II. F. Taylor of il Wheeler street celebrated their twenty fifth wedding anniversary yesterday, and friends and relatives deluged them with congratulations. They wer mar ried in Memphla,Tennssee. by . Bishop Qutntard. bishop of Tennessee. They came to Oregon 23 years ago, and sines the-4rt-dy ftheir-arrlval hav re sided at their Wheeler-street home. Mr. Taylor ha been a member of the police department, a deputy sheriff, and haa been engaged In commercial pursulta. 11 I a natlv of Virginia. , .. Vote Against Benson. T Th Booth-Kelly company, . having been ousted, from the control of the Roseburg land, offlc by th federal au thorities, now seek to control tb state land offlc -by nominating and electing F. W. Benson as secretary of atat. ILL, DESPONDENT. TAKES CARBOLIC ACID, DIES ; - ' --' . 4 '; -. Mr. Mary Dwyer, 64S Fifth atreet. committed ' suicide yesterday - by swal lowing the contents of a bottle of car bolic acid. Sh had been 111 for aev eral month, and her affliction la said to hav cauaed temporary insanity. -;. lira. Dwyer arose from her bed yes terday and told ber 13-year-old son to wait while ah went Into th kitchen for a moment. Sh returned presently, and the lad detected something Strang In her appearance. He aaked her th cause. She threw herself upon th bad, telling him that ah had taken poison and waa dying. A physician was turn-1 moned, but ah expired before lit ar rival. " -- -. -; - , - ' Mr. Dwyer leave a husband, Phil Dwyer,- a- well-known mailcarrier and three children. She was a' member of a local circle of th Woman of Wood craft. " - " r -t - Coroner Ftnley'waa notified of th woman's death, but will not hold an inquest.- " Strength from the Ocean's Storehouoo &r W Weak The best known vitalizing- Food Is a scientifically prepared emul sion of Cod Liver Oil, in combina tion with Glycerine, Guaiacolnd the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other food substance is to rich in. health-giving and dit ease-resisting energy. J J Ozomulslon Is KttarVs FtoJ It fattens by feeding the impover ished nerve and blood cells. It stimulates digestion and over comet torpid Livers without-the distress of so-called bilious drugs. There era twe isw I es. and IS-es. Bettlest th Forsmla is printed ia 7 Isng sage oa each. OZOMULSJIOM LAIORATORIKt . at ruf ti fw Tort. - .''fW ( -.,. r r.-.rr --f . 1 k . ..... .. ' ' 1 X . . ' N - V . '. We :Mund Is one of the most popular, of the Soft Hats out this rseasontt' Has that easy, .comfortable appearance while at the same time it appears neat and dressy.' Made of excellent felt, with - soft, graceful lines. Colors black,', fawn and pearl, in two qualities $3,50 and $5.00 All the other new hats are here In great variety also. ; Knox Soft and Stiff Hats at . . . . . ....... . . ........ .' . . . . f 5.O0 Warburton Soft and Stiff Matt at. ........ f 5.00 Stetton'avJIsJSjHsit at. : .. .. . . . .. . ,.f 5, f 6, f 10 B. and B. Special in Stiff and Soft Hats at...... ...... ...f 3.50 - '.'...' '.'!. ''.- ; .I" ' . 311 Morrison SL, Opp. PostofOce OTTf iTTiJici oonTAarr mumx ovit man coi EASTERTIME GIFT TIME ThcEastcrn Outfitting Company, famous a slfHomcl outfitters to Jm c h, women a ri d children, now offers an attractive and w ell cribseri line of fiiiO Combs and Hair Ornaments of .. the latest approved designs. ' i.higliaclass Watches, Chains.Rings, Pins, Table ware, Silver ware, Deco rated China, Cut Glass, Hand Bags, Belts, . Combs and Novelties. Every article in this cbllectiori comes from rfactories making onlytrieltin their respective lines. - Few-e iclusiye jewelry housesishow a more - varied line, and surely none a more dependable line. Anything you select may be: had fbra srriall amount down and ; the balance in unmissable driblets of a dollar or 50 CENTS A WEEK There is no xtra charge for credit. An attractive and up-to-date line ladies'. BelU in all sizes. Wtches-$1 AVWeek. Eastern Outfitting Co. -y Tb Btort Whtrt Your Credit U Good 1 Washington and Tenth By Our. Method We can prepare those sensitive. cavities for.fcold fillings and take out nerves without pain. - WISE DR03., bentirfts Tainless Extracting. Third an Washington. - . .---Open evenings till 9; Sundays till 12. 9 .