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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. TUESDAY. EVENING. , APRIL 10. 1S08. V r' I..- It .3 ;t 1 : " DHOOKE & KIERNAN 1 TXIKD STBXXT. -.1 ' S .'. . w oyT5000 Improved. r corner' n Alder r, : 94T,50O--iuarter "block 8. K for. d and Couchn-tory brick.: Tin ' corat $406 per month. 960,000 Quarter block 8, W. Cor. trn , ana jonnaon. .. income s rt: ; per month. $62,800 Quarter block X R. Cor. ' .7 Id and Couch. Income Itzt par .. . month, v . ' .r' y. . 985,000 Half block, n Irving be- ' ;.ui.Ttwa $th and 7tn. ...'.-.. ... 22,500 Half block on Irving- be tween Uth and 14th.' ' 21,000 Four flat on 10th between Morrison and YamhllL Income :; v ---i-H40 per rjnonth.' - - .............. 97.500 JCew houae, very attractive, .on St lb below Kearney, f bad-'- rooma. .' ' ' tA-w Loana Collectl6neBrokeraca 1.... :Ji K, HOSMER. Prealdent. X am4 311 Alleky BtUlalaa-. 7 hone acate IW . Wa are aeota for the INMOST 0 Bun, Coma and aoa a, complete work' In modeL It la of great Intereat to IONbOWIU. ". Jiotaxy Public Reallllaute Patenta : Obtained -fatenta old. - 1 mllea from lira town. ,li aerea eulttlvated,' Una 7-roofn houae. good barn, chlcken-houaa. (10x70), -fine aprinaT of pure water, young fruit, eta. Will Bell for IZ.JOO caah or will ex -change for auburban property. ' Good bier aawmlll with t(9 aerea tlm ler land i9.0O0.00U. feetl.only f or ahort time will aall at 110,000. Bee quick tBOOIBT BTOBS. lot x80 gooda and all for $$.000; rapidly growing com munity.. Don't mlaa the chance! If you have 160,000 to lnveat It will pay yoa to aee ua! Toe Tor JOHNL.RANP .- v kepnbUoaa. Oandldaia 7or T : C O N G R 13 5 "ZzZ, . leoon Olatrlot) " , A the Prlmarlea AarU 10.- GREAT BUY Contract out till next Tueaday night. .If property la not then Bold It will be withdrawn from market. Particular private, but I will aay that the building la new. renta for 1Z per cent net qn the price, which la in the neighborhood of 131,000, or It per cent on the amount of caah neceaaary-to carry the denL Call on me and I will tall you all about It and aell It to you. R. M. WILBUR - Jit SECOND ST. NEAR WASHINGTON .WEATHER REPORT. A rldga of high puaauie exteada from tba PacISc coaat eaat to tbe lakoua and tba weatber baa cleared la nearly all portion of the north Pari be autea. It la macb cooler tbta -aaaralaa-ta I4ab and light froata occurred la aoathera Oregon and tba Bound country. A a mall dlatarbauoe la noted over aoathera Nevada; It baa eauaed light rain In central 1 alllorate and at scattered placee la Nevada. The dlaturbaare yeaterday over Chicago kt now eearral over the lower lake region. It baa caueM heavy ralna In the middle Atlantic and tbe New ' England" autea. in - the 1 northern port tee of the New England atarea tbe pre tlpltattoB wae.ln tbe form of pnow. ' " Tbe ladlcattooa are tar generally fair' weather la thla dlatrlet tonight and Wedoeeday, etcept In eoutbern Oregon and aoathera Idaho, where ebnwera are probaMe. It will be warmer to lght In eeatern Orrgoa and aontbern Idaho, ; ObaervaUona taken at a a. ai.. Padflc time! . TeBip fttatlone Mat. Mia. Preclp. Haker City. Oregon fwi 28 :.o Keelon. MaeaafbiiaetU . 42 St4 .M 4 hlcage, Ullnola no Vi ,ii , Dearer,- Colorado. eg 42 .0 Kanaaa City, . MlMMinrt..,,, 7 ea ,e ' le Angelea, tallfornla.,,, m ' tui .6 New Orleaaa. Uailnlaaa..; 70 m T New irork. Newlork....'M- 44 c 9 rortiano, Oregon. f2 42 Roeebanr.-rjregoir. rrrsrsTT-aa " !W- -,t .02 .04 T T .Kg .0 1.4l Ph. Lonle, Mtaavuri. ...... 7" 4d 7n It4 HO M 6 Malt Lake, uub Kaa rrandef-s, Callfivnla. 1 ftpofcaae. Waahlngttm..... ..12 :ta in 42 Tamma, weehington. Walla Walla. Wanhtnftoa. en Waehlngteo, f. ,C. t2 V: - MARRIAGE LICENSES. j oorar Paul rvtnene, $1; uertrude Jack atedt, 22. - " ' ' . Jacob Cllae. HoPjror, Oregoa. SI; Jeaale A. Oiier. an. Alreenee B. Greenly, 48; Jennie E. Chan- Ho. ' . R. Harper. 21; Illa E. Mee. 1. K. D. Lynch. 50: Jennie MrConneTI. $2. -' M. D. ben. 2: Mettle 'fofflemlre. 2S. : ' '. B. Olmeted, 80: Mattla Richards - C, II. Malcolm.. 47; Mary E. Peraun. 47. " ; D. J. MarCreedy, 30; Jennie Louie Bel- Clyde R. VIchoraoB. Bnale J Reld. 2X " Kov.T. Bb-ka. 24; Effle Lura Michael. 21. llllam Kemp. 30; Mary Anna Krkerta. ST. , Cfearlee Fabrenwald. Yankton, Houtb Dakiita, Wit fcltaaheth Fahrenwald, 41.- , w Frederick Blorkmea, 11: Brlra Oreo 1$. T. 0. Heneley, Troutdale, Oregoa, 21;. Alma tawfnrd. IW. j ;' Weddlac Oarde. W. O. Smith O.. Waah (nrtoa bldg.. cor. Fourth aad Waablngtoa ata. Mtea Bertha Martin, room $12 Allah e bide. gtamptea and $oe needlework I leaaowa flvea. BIRTHS. OR RIMiKf-I.R -Apctl a te Mr. and Mra Aag net oberdnrfer, HN9 Everett atreet, a daugh ter. " . V..H I'RTE. wrtl 1. ve Mr. and Mra. Alexander ieur Sw Tarler atreet. a daughter, -TRAM IIKI. Virr- 2. e Mr. and Mra. Jacob Tra4cl. N flnyt atreet. a ana. ' V I M Anrfl A. la Mr. and Mra. B. 11. West, . Ike Halgtat alreat, a eUugbtw , , Cascade Company . ' rv--r-- t- I ,,, BIRTHS. HKIOERHON April f. to Mr. and Mrs. Thorns Mrlgvrsua, 432 Cut Morrlaoa street, a daugh ' ter. KKS8I.KY April 4, to Mr. Mn. P. C Keeslry, Mountain V lew Park, a daughter. . SMITH April I. la Mr. a ail Mr. Frank 8mlk 'of HI, John, a daughter. WOOD-Apr II J. to Mr. and Mn. William' T. Wood. 627 Cant Twentieth atreet. a daughter. DEATHS. ERICKHON Ajirll a, Syrens Erlcheoa. aged 78 . year. .IIS North Twentieth otreet; cause, pneumonia. Burial at Ban Frsuctacs, Call- roraia. SFKAUl'E-April . Claris Rprscue, aged 73 years, 748 Missouri avenue; cum, aatliiaa. . Burial at New berg. Oregon. BURNETT April 8. Mary E. Burnett, "aged 38 feare. 208 North Twenty-fourth atreet; cause, uherrulosla. Burial at Ola die,' Kanaaa. LAI NO April 9. John K. Lalng, aged on yearn, ' 878 Holiaday avenue; eauee, heart dleeea. Bursal at Luna Fir cemetery. MILK April a. Howard A. Milan, aged 43 years, at Ht. Vincents boapltal: cane, pneu monia. Burial at North Yamhill. Oregon. COLLI KM, April 7, James K. -Celdwell. aired 67 ream, at Mount Tabor; eauee, ..gunshot wound leub-tilei. Burial at Greenwood rente- ... ,ery. , ... ., JOHNSON April T. Christina Johnaon. aevd M) Teara, xa Kierenm atraer; rauM, ' rantrr. Burial el Rlrerrlee ermeietjr. MA BIK April 7. Jainea Mable, eed 8 yoara. . at iood Hamarltan boapltal; cauae. aunalHH wound . (accklenull. Burial at Blrorrlew, cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Holman ft Co.. the leadtnf funeral dlreetora, bare the leeef aatabllabment, th noeat (ooda, the Boaat reblclea and' the Boat reaaonable prtrea. floe broadcloth -covered eaeketa, $29 and 10, Tba flneet wood foada Blade, tmm IIS to $20. I'arlora 220 and 123 Third atreet, coraer aaliaoa, INx-tiaad, Oreaoe. , J. P. r laley - eV aoe. -Yunerat dlreetora and emhalnrra, corner Third and Madleoa atreeta, Ofdce of county coroner. Telephone Mala a. Dannlnc, MrEntee at Ollhaogh. : nndertakera and embauaere; niodera la every detail. Aeveatb and Pine. Mala 430. Lady aeatataat. A, B. Hemetock, nndertaker and embalmer, Eaet Thirteenth and limatllla are. Pbooe Sell wood . . . , . Clark Brea for (owera. 2S Morrlaoa atreet. EITEBTIIW CEMXTEXT. Slagla'gravea $10. PanHy lota $78 to 1.0n0. Tea only cemetery la Portland which per petually melBtelng aad earea for lota.. For full tnformartoa apply to w. RT-Mackenvta, Wor eeater block, city. . W. M. Ladd. prealdeat. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . T. Oreg g To Oeorger. Poteet. lot T, ' hbx'k .4, Park addition .nfunrn.x, V-,100 Same, to, aame, lot , block 4, Park ad- ditloa ,100 Mary A- Wllbelm to Ira Cobura. lot S, block ft, tlellwood f ,900 Mary II. Couch to Nora XV Barker at . al lot 4 and eaat 10 feel lot .""" block 2o. Couch addition ............ '1,100 0. O. (iammana and .wife to W. W. Woodworth. lof 12, block 11, Evelyn.. ' 240 Arleta l and Company to Anna M. Voaa, lota 27, !,- MM. HO.-block 10. Arleta . -Park No. g i..... J. A. lllgglna to Maria Brace, lota 12 and 1$. block 15. Ktoael Park . ... 400 100 William lion and wife to T. H. Smith, lot , block U, Kern Park J Joha r. Caplae at el. to I. Krledeathal. lore t and 3, block 15, Couch addi tion K.000 Uaala Mitrthenberger and buaband to rtr Hturkle and wife, eaat 20 t eet r lota T aad i, block 200. city g.SOO Arleta Land company in Cbarlea Rut- . tli.fh. lot 6, block 40, Arleta Park No. 1 ISO Peter linear! and wife to Ell Oeekpaum, " kill S. 4, block 1. Mount Tabor I'lare. 228 Mra. Aaale. kklnwee l Hinlr Artwt- nanm, lot 1. block 1,. Mount Tabor Place ,. ... 17$ Mra. Robert Hk Inner to Sarah A. Creek-' . . pauca, lot 2, block 1. . Mount labor " 'Place 1TJ J. Frldewthal and wife to Q. W, Tav lor. lota 2 and $. block IS, Couch ad- ditloa 22,000 Robert A. Skartle to Charley Norrnom and wife, weal tfc lota 2 and 3. block 0. Doerher'e ftecond adrlltkia 1,360 Robert - Awleewa and - wife-la Oeo 1H - llolea, lol 0 and 0, block 2. Orpba 1 Park -a ' 110 Nellie Squire and buaband to J. D. Meyer, undivided 1-2 of weat block ' 14. North Portland 2,060 L O. Iiavldnoa and wife to Joaepb C . DrUenll. Iota S and 4, block T, Eaat Irvlactoa 1 C. W. Uay and wife to Joaepb II. Pen- .. , , aey, t acre net inning in mat norta .. and 98 feet weat aontheaat corner : K. B. Davldaoa donation land claim, aertlua Ul towuablp 1 aortb, ranee 2 eaet ....,.....,....- $o0 H. B. Llrhtentbaler. to J. D. Meyer, . undivided 1-$ of weat l block 14, -North Portland 2,0M Orace O. Pierce and buaband to I. D. . Meyer, undivided 1-0 of weat y, block ' ' 14, North Portland 1,232 Joaepb H. Penney and wife to O. V. and SWH feet weat ef aoutbeaet corner E. B. Davldaoa donation land claim, aectloa $1. , towaablp 1 north, range 2 eaat .' 1,000 Joaepb H. Penney and wife to 0. P. Mcbroeder. eaat U of aame property 1,000 Joale L. Slater and buaband to J. II. .Meyer, undivided weat block 14, North Portland 13,233 Calla Keaney and buaband to Lena C. at. Clair at a I.. 1 acre beginning 2!i feet aofthweat Of -aorrhweet corner William Htoddard'f donation land " claim, arctlon 1. townablp 1 ' eoatb, range 2 eaet - 300 John F. Welch and wife to R. It top per, lot T. block IB. Central Alhlna..430 John F. Welch and wife to HV Stopper, lot 10. bb'k 13. Willamette 1B0 Henry Petera and wife to Charlee P. - Harma, Iota 1. 2. . 4. S, block 5. Menlo Park 10 Newton L. Ulllaam and wife to William D. Woodman, lot a. block 3, Ollbam a Second adilltlon - S00 B. Keonetb Beckford and wife to Simeon . dell et al., lot IB, block 1, Beckford. , Park , 1 Frank P. Walker and wife to American Treet Inveetment company, a aorea . ' ' Winning center' of conntv road 20.7 ebalna weat and 2H.S2 cbalna north of aontheaat coraer W. J. Van Hchqyver donation land claim, towbeblp 1 norlb, range 1 eaet I Title Guarantee Truat company i Pacific Btatea Telephone A Telegraph onmpany, lot 2. block R. Alblna AiiO Portland Troet company e C. K, Shep herd, lota 17 and I. block 12, Porta awnlh Villa Eitrnded 100 George W. Force 'and wife to Charlee E. Shepherd, lot 3. block W Porta- - month Villa fcF.ilended 1.SS0 Walla and wife te .lieece n. - Forbea. lot .- block 28,- AlWne -r. ,rr ,-4,000 W. J. tioy and wife to E. W. Hall, went ftB feet lota 4. 9. and all lota 0, 0, 7, a hloi'k a. Llnwnod addition 1,300 Jane O. Buckman to Samuel Stratum, eaat V, lot 1. Eaatwood 300 Leonard r, Jonca. agent, et al., to Clyde . Cometork, lota 1. 2. 3. 1U, UKM'K j; lola 7. $. a; 10., Work 2: lota n. 4. blc-k 3. Edwin A Wataon'a addition. - 1 William F. Joiiea and wife to Clyde H. t'omiitnck. Iota 1. 3t (I, 10. block 1: lota 1. n, 9, lO, block 2; lota S. 4, block S Erwln A Wataon'a addition. ."l.SOO Ouat R, Bevlund to J. A. flnatafann ami wife, writ ' lota 7 and H, block 2(ifi, ' Holladav a addition 1.000 William .Menial and wife to Anna A. FrrtM'h. lota 10. 20. 21, 22. 23, 14.., . blo.-k 24. Maple addition 1 A. Neppach and wife to Anna A. Freneh, leta 5. 0, 7,., JO, 11, block 1, Mar ' lem .... '- 1 Xlcolal Brna. company to Anna A. French. Bwllvlded let I. eectlna la. townablp S eoatb. range 3 eaat, 120 acree , . . ttx , . . ... ... Klrolal "Hr.e. mmnatiy .to Anna A. French, lot" 10 and II. block l.V Proeh atel'a anhdlvlalon. lot ."blo-k 6. Wood. lawn lielghle; lot 14. block Z Kt-. - eeletnr "" J Sarah II. Oapkell to Mra. Tina B. Kerr. 4flHKtf) feet beginning eaat line nertloa IB. B.4S feet enntb of a atone af . aeetWn cornera of aectlone. 7. 3. 17,' ta, townalilp I eoatb. range 2 eaat.. 2T.0 Edward I!. Moore et al. to J. i. Price, bit 7. blork 74. F.aat Portland 2,100 Jamea It. Rlnehart and wife to Emma . M. Mkkeraon, lot 12, block IS. II- - lamette 300 Nellie H. Ran'nrd et al. to J.) P. Miller and wife, d.ta 17, 1. 19. block 3, Prua- dale addlllou ,. . 1 Port I ad Lone Fir Cemetere mmpane to F. U Bunting, lot 171, block M. ceme tery y, , - 40 I OX your Ifteuranr end abstracts to real aetata ten Ike Title C: ...... t a. n asaumwa aueai, aaraer Bocooa, NOTICE. KOTICI or rlml,l'TION. Portland. Orecon. Mtrch IT, iatl w-Notli-e la korebr la tkat . tba aopartnerahip Oniric nuaineaa anner in nana of the Hlllejr Hmlth llarneaa Compaay kaa thla day dlaaolrrd, and that C, A. Wilier and Jfba t'ptoa bate Succeeded to the bua. aeea of the trm, and will collect all debta and pajr all Ue llabllltlea of the am. . C. A. WIM.ET. ' F. M. aMITll, -DOLPHUa HiJT. KOTK'K. 1 Notice to hereby (Irea that the anderal(iiel . baa 00 connect loa wltb the firm of Clyde at Klrqr. baTiiw leaally and abauhitely with - ilnaa fata aald ftrui more tliaa all montna ' aro and alnce turn baa bail bo conne'tlon or 1 Intereat In aaine wbatauerer, II. 11. Kl.SU. - 1'ortland. April , IWW. MEETING NOTICES. WANIHSOTON CHAPTER. No. 1. H A. M. Regular eoBtocatlon Uedneadey evening. April 11, mn. at 7:H0 o'clock ebarp. Maaoulc ball. Burkliard bkla. t '.onalileratiun of prooaltlia to Inreat funda In new txmple, aiul Kor.l -rrli decree. - Vrtllora wvlvonie. Br order E. It. I', K. B. HI1AR0.N, Hecretaryr- WAXHINtiTON IxHlfe. No. 44. A. F. dr a. M. Kpecial eommanK-aiion "thla (Tueailay, afternoon, 1-K) b'clock, Burkbard bnililtinr. to con dnct the funeral of Brother John K. La lug. late of Ilureb Lodge, No. VX Unciln. Me, Interibeut Looe rir cenirtery. All. M. M. cordially Inrlted. By, order W. a!-. J. B. RICHMOND. Secretary. . LOST AND FOUN rOf'ND Thnraday night. April 6.. one fay hnree. lotiulre Package Delivery to., 0o4 Beat Oak. : . , - , LOST April , ,4-lcaf-clover brooch with dia mond aettlng. Return to Oellnaky, ;n4 Eaat Bnrnalde. Reward. HELP WANTEDMALE. SALESMEN WANTED For one of the largeet nureertee la-tbe weat: caah advanced weekly an ordera: good territory open. Addreaa Waablngtoa Nuraery Co., Toppeulah. Waah. WANTED 1,000 men, share and haircut free. . 24 Conch at. We teach the trad.. LI VI eenvaeeer for choice territory; outnt furnlahed free; big an a p. For full particular addrea Oregon Nuraery Co., Balrm. Oregon. AGENTS WANTED to aell unerlor, hlgh-grad nuraery atock; complete out fit furnished free.; caah weekly; write today for ebole of ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery Company, Salem, START mail order buaineaa: yoa easily make . $10 dally; we furnish supplies and teach fregf Aluminum Hanger Co.. Chatfleld, Mina. WANTED Reliable newapaper ranraaaer; steady poallloa -for right party; city and conntrir work; muet, glv referanc. Addreaa O, J. Agent, Vancouver, Waah. WANTED A boy about If, years of age for ateady faetory work, at 49 North Front aC, "cor. Par la. ' ' - MEN and women to learn barber trade In eight weeka;- graduate earn from $10 to $23 weekly; einert Inatructor; ratalogu free. Mobler Syatem ef Cullegra, 36 North Fourth at., Portland. ' . WANTED A reapertahle boy abont 17 yeara of age. t learn the, florist buaineaa. Eaat . 22d aod Morrlaoa, opposite Lone Fir cemetery. WANTED Mechlne man. cabinet-maker Bad auleber. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co. - MACHINIHT wanted. H. C. Alboe. Co., 24 tjrand ave. - YOLNfV man, about 1$. for office work, with knowledge ef typewriting. 3U Sherlock bldg. WANTED Rotter-maker, tor a-amall creamery: - married ma o preferred;- good wagea.. Call addrea Nwtoa .Coorter LatourvUe Falle, Oregon. . WANTED Traveling aaresman to carry our . line south and eaat of Portland; good core mission to a good aaleamaa. Addreaa Taooina liounge 4t Mattre Co.. Tacoma. Waablngtoa. WANTED I Ion eat ateady voting Dan to Invent $MO In good paying biiMlneaa and attend of Be and take cash. Address W 88. care Journal. WANTED Stenographer; emell wage to alart; ran take outside work. Oregoa Law A Collection Co., 417 Fentou blk. ONE flrat-claa Inside flniaher; none but a - good man wanted. .Eaet 16th aU, bet. Bel' mont nod Taylor. , . WANTED Young man to aernre member in our magaiin and mualc bureau: blgb-claaa propoaltton; commlmton: good aalary guaran teed. I, 35, ear Journal. WANTED A machinist at 360-362 Eaat Oak at. WANTED Boy to work ea machine. 4o4 Davla at. - - - WANTED Firat-claaa coatmaker. 160 Sixth at., upatalra. TWO - flrat-claa carpenter wanted; also a - few laborcra. Apptyoa "premtoea. Nortbrtlp treet near 2lat. at large new building. WANTED by Y. M. C. A. employment depart ment, two carnentera. one traveling salesman. i" pslolr , severs! Ishnrera, Qua aiaaulln . engineer, one good solicitor, one assistant engineer and all No. l uoya. uui ana asa for Employment Secretary, Y. M. C. A. bklg. WANTED Bricklayer, to build cistern, day or fr contract.-and laborer to do carpepter work. Call Sunday. Clark a place, Mount r.ion. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 W Waahlng ton at., cor. Seventh, upatalra. Pbon Mala 9tM9. -Fal- help wanUd. - . COMPETENT cook for faatldloua trade; mnat have tools and furnish references. The Manltnu, 201 Thirteenth at. GOOD (ilRI. for conking and housework; amall family; good wage. 49A Eaat Davis at. OIHL to aaala with light housework. 089 . East Alder, near Twentieth. WANTED - A girl tn assist In general bouse ' work. flU Eaat Alder St., near 20th St. WANTED flirl to do general housework; wage -$23. 4i I4ih at. - . , ' 1 . 1 n A 1 - L. In .family: wagea . Apply Jr. Labbe . roauicnce, ..nrau vi is,cjoy si. WANTED Idy to work on ladle' coata. Ap ply 4:12 Waablngtoa at. WANTED rtklrtmaker; $12 per week. Apply 482 Waablngtoa et. WANTED At on co. chambermaids Matlblretn hotel. 2i)4 Madlaoa at. -. WANTED A Iady-"Pook: good wagea. 4'all Home Ladlca' Agency. 23 Itnseel bldg., K - Fourth at. . Phone Main t29. WANTKIVr-41lrl who would like to travel; ex perience not necessary. Tapestry Paint C., 'lWtV, Third t. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HKLP wanUrl nntl tipplir1, mat or r-iniil. R. U. xrraiHr, atw -tfj r Muiup Bk. r bujiuii aai v WANTirn YtiMiif mrn unrt woarfti Co BivparA , lur (HtII arrTlre examlriei Llua life iwaUiutga; teiurlT Hpaarr tiro"- itat povlllo wanted. I Ufl, far afrmrrwl. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FENCES and sidewalks built or rough carpenter work. Address P. O. Box -804, city. Yol'Nd Kraudlnavlan, strong and willing, aneaka and write Engllah, wauls work of any kind; prefer 'Something where there wonld he some chance t advancement: ran ftrrnleh ref erence. Addreea I, 26, car Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WOMAN wanta day work. Call p evenings. Phone I'a.-lnr Hid ! , ' ii.i'. WANTED A position hv slriH.frsnher : " will - fnrnlah-best vf rrfercacc. Address W ib, aax Jeuraal , SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LADT of education would Ilka to be roinpanloB to eiocriy lady; good with alrk or lu valid. Adtlrrea L 2$. car Jooraal. LADY would Ilk oceupatloB from a to 9 a. . m. and 4 to a p. m. ; aa axperlenced mualc- teacher. Addeaa A . care Journal. THE HOME LA DIEM' AtiENCV furnlabe all klnda of female help. 2$ Rtiae1 bldg.i JH k'ourtb at. lhone Main S82tt. WANTED AOENTS. WANTED Agenta; anmetblng new: goad aallart -waaea 30g .McKay . Bldg. i WB waat reliable men In eeery towa Ib Oregon to aell alek ' aod accident Insurance. Paclde Aid aaeoclatlon, aw Dakuat bldg. FlKfT-tXASS agenta In Portland and throngu atate; big wagea to ruatlera. 410 ronton nidi;. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Employment Co.. tOSVb Morrlaoa -at. t'nona racinc zsw. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CB. 'OU MEN. 24 N. Seeaad aL . Phone Mala 152a. BIO FOL'R EMP. AGENCY Help aupplled free. 1 North Second at. . I bone hi In laio. WANTEDREAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot In eirbange fur eonlty la 9 or 7 -room bouae, Pbon Eaat Sd41. 100 REAL aetata flfma can aell your property autcker than one. Pacific Ileal Eat at Kl., 222 Waablngtoa at. Mala 132S. WANTED, for caah, lot or fractloa; aouat be cheap, a 44. car Jooraal. MA NC1I Partly improved; full description; cheap, eaaa. .,j-aacarajpufuaj, ... WANTED From owner, $ or n-ronin honae and lot, eaat aide, walking distance; nave raaii buyer. Bee E. J. Uelaer, 221- Morrlaoa at. l'hon Pacific 044. " WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO -RENT HOIRES. COTTAGES, FLATS, BOOMING HOI 8K. STOHS8. ETC. Our rental department baa .been enlarged and provided with additional ataff. W Invlt - Hating from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrustsd - our rare. 1 PORTLAND TRI ST COMPANY OF OREGON. R. cor. Bd and oak ata. rnone m. tb. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, sprsylng and whltewaablng treea, baseaients, barna. docks, etc.; largest gasoline spraying outfit oa th coast. M. O. Morgaa -at Ce,t 322 Calun ata. I'bosa East 1T. - - W ANTED-fStocks' of general merchaatllae or idrygoods, boot a and ahoea. etc, for which I ' will pay caah; will deal wltb actual owners only. Address P. O. box D. Elgin. Or. E. N. MORGAN, pioneer snraysr and whlte waaher. Call East 6248; remember tb name H. N. Morgaa; II years la ausiaesa In Port- land. . WHO IS M. G. MORGAN At CO.t HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID foe furniture la any quantity; also take ame on .eommlaetoa and guarantee beat reaulta. The Portland Auction Rooma A. rVhubacb prop., 311 First ' St. Phone Msln $0oB, WE WILL Bt'T. HELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO-. 927 929 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 793. I POSITIVELY guarantee yoa th beat trade ' price for household. - hotel or restaurant furniture; be aure to conatilt m before dla- posing of your gnod elsewhere; thia beats selliug br" auction. Addreaa or call. Ok, care Gaiild A Kline. 8. W. cor. Front and Bnrnalde. Phone Mala 307. IF-von want to buy aa- sell a Bribing, fils your - Hat with IV M. Coory Ce-.a33t Fifth , room- 8. '. HIGHEST caah paid for bottle, fruit Jars snd Junk of every description. Crane Bottle Co. 14th and Couch St.. phone Mala 22KS. WANTED Child to hoard; reasonable; good borne: -Tel. neott-1240, WILL pay $1.50 a share for 100 te 100.000 stiarea Improved Smelter Co. stock. Answer W 33, care Journal. WANTED Second-hand, 12-gauge. double-barrel abntgun. B. L. Leonard, 331 12th at. Pbon Main 3W9. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT IF yoa are for cleanliness and daylight take a room at the Glrard, 8224 Stark, coraer 81 lib; electric light, free batba. THB RICHELIEU. 8314 NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnished, strata -heat and baths. THB GRAND. 46 14 i.orth Third St. Booms for gentlemea $1.26 per week aad ap. THE KING. 809 Jefferson at. Nicely furnished room, jwlth gaa or electric light, beat and hatha. 'la new building. $8-60 and $10 per - month. NICELY furnished room at 242 Grand ave. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MITCHELL, F lander and S renin Room, housekeeping and traaaleat; con venient; prices re sau cable. $1.26 WEEK BP. cleaa, furnished housekeeping room, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, tar - Bce beat. . 203V Staatoa at. U car. SLEEP1NO and housekeeping rooms for rest. Me 11. H. Ulgley, room ttO, 227ft Waablng toa at. ' $1.00 PER WEEK Large, cleaa, furnished houaekeeplng-rooma: Isundry and bath. 181 Sherman, -oVmth- Pertlsnd, SIJEEPING and housekeeping rooms for rent. 5.1H Rnaaell at. Tbe McKay bldg. NEATLY furnished honaskeeplng snd sleeplng rootna, $1 week; bath. M cars from irnloa depot to North 20th St., tara right 260 feet. 364 North 29th at. THE HALL. 414 Fifth Rooma, single or as - suite, furnished (or light housekeeping lloCSKKEEPING-ROOMS Lowest ratea; eler. trie light and phone Ipcluded. 1 801 H Water at. UOOM8-tlouaekeeplng, single; bath, gaa; . reaaonable. lbs Macon. 222 Crosby, corner Holiaday ave., one bkick east steel bridge. Paraia East 2214. . THREE housekeeping rooms for rent; us of pbon Call 030 Seventh. 3 GOOD housekeeping rooms, eaay walking distance; water and gaa; reasonnbl rent. Apply 807 Slilh ! , 47f ALDER Nice bonaekeeplng-ronms; gaa stove, Itath. phone, close to busluesa; reaaonable. 272 MONTGOMERY", between Third snd Fourllt ata., fnrnlehrd front room for light, bouse - keeping or for aleeping. $tt per month. ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOM snd board : modern conveniences; working persons preferred. 024 Esst Morrison. DEHIRABLH rooma wltb board; en front anile; res sons hie rate. - 443 Jefferson, . Pbon Mala 042&. , 1 tae 471 ALDKR Large front parlor, bath, phone, board If desired, walking diatance,. reasonable price. 893 12TH Large front rooma; gaa. -bath, phone, walking dlataace; prlvats family and noma - comftirte. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. - AT half price, furniture of 9-room house, 10 mlnntta' walk from pnetofflce; mint be sol at once. Addreaa L 20. car Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN 7 room house, nlv painted Bud pa pered; 407 Tenth si. Annly to F. L. Bunk Ins, room 40 Worcester bldg. SP2 BEi'oND ST Modern arocra heaa. . Key 974 First sU t beat Mala 4464. ' - ' . ' -- -.. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO., neempt and re. Ilabl plaoa and furniture mover; lb tor- age, t'hooe Mala lana. ornce lie rt. jnu-e. Till CONTINENTAL COMPANY . .243 STARK BTl INSUBANCB. RENTALS. SEB LIST. 10-ROOM booae. with . aa aimer dining altuated 07 North Ittb at. lnaelre 204 Mac - ley bldg. , GOOD Broom cottage, wltb baaemcat: clna tn, weat alt); fis with water,, Pbon ,. Pacific 1440. . . FOR RENT Snbnrbe: qnarter bloek; houee 9 - noma; cloaeta, pantry, aqnare - ball wltb eeat, aeet and cuahkma la dlnlngroom. attic, bath, furnace. fl rep lace, floor Onlebed,' ahadee. wood 1 1 ft; $1S. 1'arrlab Watkloa. h 2uO Aider at. , ' SEVEN rooma, clean, furolehed cottage. ft$4 aoiun rourta at. . 'I EI.EilANT horn, completely fumlehrd. until - Oclober, 1Bo7; apoclal rate to dealrable t en ema; references, vd Eaet 14th et. Phone Eaat - 4-tftP. FCRNIHHED new arid modern cottage of 4 or R roonta ; nice quiet place; bath, hot and cold water,- phone, atatlonary tab. 360 Lincoln at. FOR "HENT ltona-rif- ttToogia.modern 1m- provementa. xui I2tn at. Apply at 27 I2ta. NEW 9-room cottage, 'completely mrnlehrd. - weeLvide. 3 bloeke from rarline. Pacific. 1342. HOI FEB fnrnlaued aad anfurnhibed In all parte of the dry. ' F. T. IMck, 90 Heventb at., be tween 'Klark and Oak. FOR RENT FLATS. ROOM gat, MB Corbett. $13: 9-room vat. 85n4 Corbet t, 812.60; 8-room eottag. 888 Eaat - Market, 813.601 T-room. cottage. Stat Eaat Third. $15; e-room cottage. 3r)t Eaat Market, $17.60; 6 room cottage. 31 1 I nlon ave.. $16; -8 room-gat. fHi7 Marshall. $2t.30. - UK. Thompaon A Co., 228 Third. FOR RENT T-room modern new flat. B47M Sixth St.. near Jacksoa. Ph.aj Paclfl 883. - A. H. Msegly. 210 Fourth t 8-ROO.M flat for rent. $18.60; water paid; . amall children. . 623 MIIL 8MAIX flat, oompletely furnbihed: piano; phon, bath, baeemeitt. yard; also light airy rooma, elngle or ea aulte; central. Phone Mala 900. FOR RENT New 8-mom lower flat,' atrlclly modern: good view; on car line; rent $18. SO. Jonea' Drug 8 tor, Front and Globe. Pben Main 31MJ. NEW modern: rent Include heat, water; $30. Th Garland. 021 Waablngtoa, near 19th. MODERN 6 room flat. 2 block north of steal bridge, fronting river at.; ateel and gss range; ahadea oa wlndowe, 28 Larrabe. - FOR -RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB roome. aafurblahed rooma and aample room tor rvL Ooodnoagb bldg. Apply ele- vator. -- r-- . " DESK room. 6,"1 Worcester blk. - FOK ItKN'T -Nice storeroom, good location for ' barber, grocery or any other buaineaa; very reasonable. F. - Fitrbe. 14v, Flrat at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BEKTe-ln city, 84 acres suitable for gardening. Inquire 208 Fourth. GASOLINE launch for hire; length 38 feet? will carry 13 tone; speed 8 miles. Inquire lsnnch Eva, foot of Savier st. BUSINESS CHANCES. A SPLENDID little business, consisting of groceries, cigar, tobacco, butter, egga, milk and cream: also well equipped to serve meals; sods fountsln; sleo llving-rotHns; rent $20 ' per month: the cheapest- and bear little buai ' nesa for the money In the city; $700. A - pic little-delicatessen, eloee la, gnod bual .neaa; kitchen and !ceplng-ronm: rent $10 per month: price $800. 3 well located reststirsnta. - $si and $dt)0, reepectlvelyi would consider eicbang for a roonilng-bouae on tbe-$tloo restaurant. Boardlng-houae 18 rooma, full of boarders, well locsted: wonld consider exchange for auburban property for part of It. OTTO 4V CROCKETT. . 245S Washington at. FOR SALE One half Intereat. In dairy; 46 cow old t aaerlflce If sold this week: ownet , leaving country. Call at Y. D. Smith's dairy, St.- Helena road, acor America Inn. FOR SALE A larga, clean atock of her nee aod aaddlery, tools, machinery and Saturna in good farming country, with bulldiug and it If deelred; reason for selling owner going esst; half caah, balance time; might make . som trade. A 8, car Journal. PORTLAND suburban drngator for sale. Ad - drea B 4, car Journal. WE bar wheat land, stock land, fruit lead, acreege. Improved and ' unimproved city property, and a good eicbange list, Be n before buying. Northwest Lead Co., 209 Ooodnoagb bldg. . LARGE or email roomtng-bonsea for sals oa terms by II. H. Hlgley, room 80, 227ft Waahlngton at. $4,000 BUYS a aplendM paying cigar, tobacco, news snd billiard-ball piailnee. Addreaa C. K. De Neffe, Sumpter. Oregoa. FOR SALE Reetaurant wltb a good paying buslneeai n-snaa If - taken -at-- one. Aon.y internationsi no tel. 7mra and averatt. IN order to settle tbe estate of E. E, Char man. deceased, tb City Drng Stor will he sold at a bargain; good elesa stock, well lo cated. In a brick building. Call or addreea T. L. Charman, executor, Oregoa City, Or. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO.t - FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon ahop; well equipped wrth power and machinery; aur- - rounded by good farming eonntry; plenty of work ; only shop la town. Geo. A.. Mlcksl. (larval. Or. FOR SALE Good grocery buatneae. ' In good town; price rlrht; owner desires to sell on account ef health. P. O. Boa 08. Lafayette, Or. . ONLY $820 for elgar and confectionery atore; good location; cheap rent, A 86, ear Journal. HAVE yon $1,000 to Invent (not aneculate) In the De. r maTiuracruring monopoly west or the Rocky mountalna? Addreea A 40. Journal, FOR SALE All or half Intereat In grocery; good location; reasonable rent and paying trade. D 26, ear Journal, - A SNAPI The beat caah wood business In Portland: hnnsehold fnrwltnre- Included: " party going east,"- For partlcnlar rnontr at room 208. A ussy nmg. Jnlra ana Morrisoe. $350 DOWN buys 1 8-room lodging bouse clo tn Portland hotel, see H. Hlgley, room 30. 227ft Waahlngton st. . .- A 12 ROOM furnished honae on Park St.. near Washington, for sale for $7u0: rent $16 per month. See II. II. Hlgley, 227ft Washing ton at., room 30. FOR HALE 22 room heuae. all full; centrally located: new bnlltllng, modern; price gfttn; $:ww caah, balance $30 per month: no agents: pert lee going esst. Call 870ft E. Morrison St.. or pnow East 1264. FOR 8 A I.E Th beet cssb bualnees en Coos bay, the coming city of tb west. Addrea box 74. Marahfleld. Or. . BEST-PAYING amall reetatirant and bincb ennnter on Waablngtoa st for asie. AOdrrai Ar -an, rare Journal, - . , . FOK RENT Owing ta illness, established pay ing private hoaruing-nouee. Cheap. Addreaa W 34, care Journal. FOR RALE Meat market In cwnnertloa with grocery; aret-oiaaa location, no competition. Cor. Eaat 84th and Division ata. WANTED Partner tn comer aalonn; $400 and service: good chance for three days. Gregory. . 122' Grand svs. WANTED Salesman who baa ability and a little money. to handle s giaxl aelllng article: ' large profits. Bslley, Mercbsnts' betel, 1 to a p. m. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S- ROOM modern house la Bunnyalde, corner lot, for till week l.7tl. 1 3 acre In North Alblna. Improved, 8 room houe, pleniv fnilt: snap: prhe $:i,0u0, VKItUotU, U.k Uraad are. FOR SAL&r-REAL ESTATE. DON'T OVERLOOK THEHR .. IMPORTANT ttKFEHlNGS: $3.300 Beautiful new and at.vllab T-room bouae. strictly woderu eonveulences, Nob Hill dlatrlet. Tar lor at., eaat aid. . . $l,8Nb-8 beautiful lota oa Denver' are. Bear Willamette boulrvartl; cway 7 -room rot tsf. modern oaavenleuces; a awell bom for tbe money. $i:nu0 Splendid up to date g-acre poultry ranch; seat 8-room collage, good bare, 9 larga poultry-booses; all eunloped to do B ' bla bualnee: ale aardea. abundance fruit. berrlea. etc.; 0 mtauuw' walk to lectri care. i,B-itr iv a- aera on id miianietiv. Just tb plac you are looking for: charming aandy beach, romantic banka, gradual rls : and, amp from th rlvec, eek, eatwara, altlar. aau. niapl, nr aod cedar tree; at the lout of Courtney are.. Oak Grove; yon should not fall to loveattgate this- $1. 2IIO2 full lot, fruit and berrlea, 4-room collage, oa alaet 30th St., 1 block, electric cere. $t0OV block, 8 'room eottaf e; 18 On targe fruit treea. . THE DUNN LAWUKNCB COMPANY, 14UV klrat at. FOR BALE New modern 9-room bouae, Eaat 14th and Aakeny. Also H block. Eaet 12th and Taylor. Owner, pbon Eaat 1889. 1 HAVE a few 9-aer tract of eery floe' lead, very eaay to clear; 0 mile east of Eortiuod, - atia only one mile from O. W. P, eleetrle line, that I will aell at from $A to $76 per acre, on eery eaay . term. Addreaa Y 14, ear Journal. . $2,20019 ACRES well-lmprovel. half besver asm, avoo a-eam Douse, runpuig wster. rsm lly orchard; located' at New Erie, Oregon. 107I Third at. SEVEN ROOMS, -modern, bath, bowl, toilet, $2,000; terma; flnnnyelde. Brlggs-Ford RealtI V.O., isata nrai atreet. S ROOMS, new, modern, good location, close 10 two eer line, fine corner lot, gl.HOO; biao dowB. Brlgga-Ford Realty Co., 133a First street, room 2.. 4-ROOM boos, both, pantry,' hot and cold waier, cement basement. brn, ebl4ea-hotie, corner toi Hal, fenced, cloea to car. $Mfto; $400 dowa. Briggs-Ford Realty Co., .133 First street, room 2. FOR BALE Along tl north bank railroad, a laraav-iiaa-ws larma. orcharoa, sawmills and. hnslnesa property. Inquire of D. W, Hutch Inson at Co., Waahougal, Wash. . NICE modern 0-roore bouae, Holladay'a addl- tHia; eloae in, choice wcatloa. Apply owner. 818. Cherry at. - a W. H. MOREHOC8E. 1970 Eaat 1.1th at.. SeXwood. ... pjwo Sellwood 74. ' The-Targeat Hat of Improved property In Sellwood. licence from $600 to S8.00O. Roaa addition, tb great factory alt; lot $3 dowa and as-per asoetb. - . ONE lot near Alberta, on Weodlawa aud Ver non line. Addreaa 839 Northrup. -..,,' ACRE TRACTS! ; .v 0CB SPECIALTY IS ACR1 TRACTS! ' . Fall-alsad atreeta, wster to each a era, ' TERMS $10 PER ACR1CASH ' , 919 t;EB ACRE PER MONTH. Tea ge tn the acres ea tbe earn par, Cy the aame $e far th lot msa pays. The I msa ta your aslghhor. ' but be la re trie ted In majority of feature that make a tru enburb a bom. Opsa Wednesday and Saturday evealag. A. O. CHURCHILL A CO., INa 119 Secoad St. IF YOU waat to build, buy all youe materlabi at tbe Amertcaa ma; you win as ave 79 per ' cent; fin doer, window, plaater boards, ruatl or elding, flooring, atalra. timber aad lumber, phone owner. Pacific 1079. iio oiav-BEAI'TlFt ! ti block, close In en the west side; splendid for flsfa. lQ7ft Third at. FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN ' A 8 oe atock range, contatntng abont 2 909 - acres; sll under fence; altuated Beer Hose ' burg. Oregoa. B S. P. R, It.; this ta ens of tbe best stork ranges In tbe county; I ale have another goon stock range containing 1.420 acres, which will be sold st a very low rice. For particular addreaa 1. B. Sulber 11 a. wner, evoaoourg. urraus, $S,ora NEW modern 8-room " house. " on Eaaf - Morrleou; aa elegant borne; half cash. 107', Third st. 4-ROOM furnished house and 2 lots, cheap.' Phone Eaat 4918. 8-ROOM bona and qnarter block af rh corner of Eaat 14th and Beacon ata, $1,300. , W 8. rare Journal. 14 LOTS at St. Johns, facing car line; a good . Inveetment for anybody at fl.Ot"). 107ft Third at. FOR SALE- Ry owner, two new modern houae. ' between 22d and 24th. on Waecn, Holiaday Park; also furnish lots and balld. R. R. Mice. 882 Sandy road. Pbone Eaat 1083. FOR SALE CHEAP 4) snd g room booses; mod ern: part caah. 870 Garfleld svs. Take Woodlawn car. Pbone Eaat 864L DO YOU WANT TO BUT city lola or acreage If so, see East Side Real Est at Co. Eaat aid property a specialty. 407 Hawthorn av. near Grand. Phone Eaat 1087. $3.011020 ACRES fin soli, 7 miles not, near the O. W. P. car line; convenient to acbool. 107ft Third at. I ACRES. Improved. Be Tsrerfrultr Belt cheap; no agents. G 80. care Journal. NEW 2 -story modern hone, southesst earner Minnesota ssd Falling. Apply owner, next door. $400 EACH 2 lots Soxioo on 2nth- snd Iron, between Clinton snd Division eta.- call and aee owner,- on tbe place. No. 708.' $8,000900 ACRES cleared bottom land; dairy ' or atock; good 9-room bouse, large barn; 8 mllea of county eeat Box 222, Kalama, "Washington. . $400 BEACTIFl'L building lot. on Thirty-first, only 1 block from car: $60 raab, remainder $10 per month. ' 107ft Third at. , SELLWOOD I -On. $5 down and $5 a month; from $76 to $200. Hellwodd Towaalte Co., II. P. Palmer, manager. Pbone Eaat 4704. I HAVE a nice 8-room house on carllne, good reldence district; baih. toilet, cement fnnnda - tlon; will sell for $1,230: $460 down, balanc monthly payments. Geo. Feigbner, Iran station. Woodstock. , , . . ' bo PORTLAND Heights, lOOxtiai for $1,260. . Front at., corner. 50-48, $3,000; Income $.18. First at., KSHIOO; Income $atl; $4,260. XiN8EIL.-nii9 Commercial blk. --Vain 2823. $I.16A at). ACUf . : J3 miles from I'orllsnd. peer the o. W. P. line; 'fine soil (some onion lend). ' 107ft Third at. $10.00 PER ACRE $10.00 ' IRRIGATED LAND Crook county, Oregon. DEED direct from gtat. WRITE for pamphlet and map. . B. R. COOK at CO.. - 261 Alder St.. Portland. Oregoa. LOT on Tillamook, c boles Iocs tlon, $860. Pbon Msln 40. . ' STOP PAYING RENT. I bsve three 4 room herd flnlahed new houses, city weter'. 3 bbs-ka carllne. 10-mlniite car servtco; 2 lot with each house; will aell - separately: price $1.2i each sad 2 lots; terms. $140 down. $13 per month. Csll room 40 I .shoe bldg., corner Second snd Waahlngton sts. ACKN TRACTS. Good land, r lea red. ready to plant, $30 down, balance month!-: on rarline. HKNRY A. TOWNREND. 90 Seventh at., between Stark and Oak SNAP -8 room cottage, full Int. In ' Lincoln car; prlc Park. 2 blocks from colon av. $1.1-4); :t"0 cash, bslanee lnata I Intents. Csll 221ft Morrison at., room 9. FAXON PARK te now en the market. Let at acreage prices. IaIs 801200,;,,,, ,,.$100 , IK lootino.. ,.......,...$200 e lsf ni290 $400 These lot., ar all la enltlvatlon, level snd sightly, on a graded street; 6 ml notes' , walk to good I0-room school at Lenta: 8-eeat far 4 any part f Portland; wster free. Teresa. O. R. Addltorv owser. Leak. Ore gon; take Mount Scwtt ear, 6c. I MI ST have money, f have got 8 rnttagea; will aecrlflcw f eaah or half caah: 9 ronma recti $750; nil plastered, water, treea. large lots, flee ewecr. Joe Nash, at Ns-bvlll ad dition, ea lb Mount Soett catUsa.. .-r- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - FOR BALE-60.100 m, Benton near Dupeat, blo,ks from steel bridge. 1 block from Lwsr Alblua caca. 604 Hawthorns ave... , ' BEAI TIFCI. lota below value, near boulevard .. aad St. Jobna-earr ay terma. Csll white cottage. 1 block wrat Arbor Lodge Halloa. 0RPI1A PARK-Tha moat beautiful building apot on th Mount Scott car line, I now oa the market. -Near carllue aad new 10-rom schoolbouse; three lots era right la Lenta sad are bring sold at $8 dowa and $8 per month. Also bargains la ready-built heuaea. 1 to 10-acro tracta near carllne a aperlilty. Mount Scott Raal Eaiata Company. Lea la. Oregoa. .-. . ' $4.nno 5-ysar, per -cent first mortgage, gilt, edge, by prlvata party; no. discount. W 89, care Journal. . . . , BARGAIN In 2-story bouse: a rooma, easement, bath, pantry, electric light, laws. Phone Eaat 0208. . . SUNNY SOt'TH PORTLAND $.'160 buys a beautiful, alghtly lot en Baa- croft ave.; It reqnlre little or no grading; . city water; we bare etbera up to $l,0uo; get awav from the factories and smoke of the - North End. Inquire 419 McKay, our. Third sud Stsrk. ' 9 LOTS tu 4'pper Alblna. prices $278 to $000 - each r comers and Inside; want to rale money to bnlld; sell eacrlflce, part dowa, balaace psyiwent. Aooress w- 31, rare Journal. FOR SALE FARMS. J FOR SALE $100 per acre, cleared land la tbe great fruit belt along tbe Columbia liver. In it) or 2o-acre lota. Apply Bos 10, Lyle, Waablngtoa. . 720 ACRES Will gnbdlvld 400 Ideal fruit and. grala land; 20 In enltlvatloa: good nttlldlnga; near town: 2.000,000 feat pin eaw iimoer; in ramoua Kngua River valley eonntry; most delightful climate oa earths Address H. B Box 117, Woodvlll. Oregoa. FOR SALE $0 acree unimproved land. 19 mile , .iK-utrr, 9tWV. V. nStr WJ J 11th st tsnrauver, Waablngtoa,, FINE atock ranch near Slaters. Oregon, for sale or eicbange for towa property or timber land. 0. J. Mesley, Foster, Oregon. LOOK HERE ' Fine 10 acre tract: g a cultivation, 4 blocks to 8c fare, for 83.30wt easy terma. r V.. FICtlS. lest. First at. FARMERS AND. HtfRENEKKERS . If you want a good farm near Portland, er anywhere In Orrgoa or Washington, Inspect my Itet of bargains; 1 caa satisfy lbs poor . sad wealthy. - ... . F. FlCII,'l49ft First St. '." " " " '"'" FARM FOR SALE A beautiful eonntry reef dene within 4 mile of Vanconrer; ao serve of land, llvlag water, tock and all klnda of farm machinery-! all for gin.nno; near pro- -posed streetcar line. For further particulars apply -to P. C 10$ Mala at., Vaeeeuver. Waehlngtoa. ' e FARM FOR SALE ' - 248 aerea near Igan, ea -Otetrr creek; TO acre In 'cultivation. : aerea pasture, g-roora - kowee, Isrg barn snd etuer bulldlnga. good orchard, crop, tool and machinery, at $27.90 per acre; one half down, balance at 9 per cent. liOl'IN FRANK. Oregon city. Rout Nov 2. TWO HOMESTEAD REI.l NQI IHHMKNTS Only $200 ea. b; about 33 miles from Portland. ACREAGE $l.oo lao- aerea near Keep noose - Iwm ion acre north of lllllsbera. v $8,28014 acre. Mount Scott. F. C. KINO, 809 Commercial blk.. 3d and Washington ata. 28 ACRES In Linn county near Ibannn, 9.19 per sere; 33. acres trt Lincoln county Beer Nsabrille. $.1,000: 2BO a-'ree in Columbia county. Wash., near Dayton. $1N per acre. Tbeee are good bargain. - Kueell, 602 Com mercial blh.- TO EXCHANGE. FOR StLE.OR EXCHANGE for Portland Property All or part ef too aerea. wltb new - house, barn, etc.. mllea from Vancouver. Addreea 110 Fhyhth St., Vaaraaver. Addreea Owner, tto West ; Eighth St., . Vaaeenver, Weahlngton. - - . EQI'ITY Denver Income property for ranch. Glob laveatment Co.. A81 Worreater blk. TO KXCHANOE A piano aa good aa sew for a vacant bit. W 32. care Journal. .1' 11 11 111 " HORSES AND CARRIAGES. TWO work teams, chain harness. 2 scrapers, $260) all new; will eell part. J. W. Powell, rlrvlewL OregonL 16 miles out on o. R. 4V N. JlonHF., harness, light wagon," good tig, fur amall farm; also row. fresh next month. O. K. Rsche. 8 bbirka south Montavllla slatlou. FOR SALE Handsome Stndehaker runaboot: al . moat aew. Apply Poster 4V Klelser etsbls, Flftb snd Everett sts. s FOR SALE Mr quiet saddle pony with aad . die and bridle: 8 years old; s besuty for children; chesp for cssb. Address L 24r care Journal. - ' FOR SALE Handsome Stndebaker runabout: al most new. Apply Foeter A Kir leer stsble. Firth snd Everett sts. FOR SALE TIMBER.- Wnev caah buyers" for large Ino-imaTI" tracts of good timber la Oregon, Washington or California. ' - Panne Mala 8.103. ' 817-18 Kenton bldg. FOR SALE Logging ramp: ebutea. roadways, akldwaye. bridges, alable. hunkbouee all In. . ready Immediate operetlon; section nncnt green timber. I.IVhi.ikS) feet hgs, 4&.taNj feet piling, on river bank la tide water; big demand loga and' piling; a bargain; logging -.outfit and 2 good teem of borae if wanted. J. II. Nbrfaeld. 109 Second St., third Boor. -: WE bars a few choice homestead claims n - Waac and Sherman count lea, alao a 'ew timber rlatma, yellow pin, over g.OOO.Oi" feet. Writ to u for full particular. Hud eon Land Co- Tba Delias, Of. CERTIFIED serin, sny sire piece; lowest price. W. Q. Howell, 838 Chamber of Cam- WANTED From owner, rellnqnlahment for . rholce timber claim; give full particulars. Addrea U 33, care Journal. v - SNAP 440 seres timber lend on drlnfll stream, tlx mile from Columbia rlvr. 2c9 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Single wood bed, spring and wai tress. $2; bureau $3. 273 Montgomery, cor. .'. Fourth. . -.'. SAFE Dlebold. double door, gnod aa new; will trade for amall one. Wester Salvage Co.. -827 Washington at. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES, STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. H. D. JONES, 280 YAMHILL ST. BILLIARD AND POOL tahlae fer reat er for - sale on easy psymente. . THB BRUNSWICK -BALER COt. LENDER CO. . 49 Third St., Portlssd. STEAM beating plant, suitable for apartatent boaeo; a an: will taka purchase price la rent. 109 Fourth at. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at the Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill at. r WE need furniture and will pay fall value. Phone Pacific 788. Western Salvage C., 927 Washlngtoa St. WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. headquarters! stack for sale sad In for ma tto t 180 Flrat t. Phon Mala 1829. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made) to order; eeeond-band gnod tor sale. Csrleo A Kali stmm, 288 Couch st. Phono Clay 971. MANUBE by wagonlnad or carload oa 0. Vf. P. By. Pbone Eaat 2319. SHOW rase, reenter, ft litres bonght. Bold or exchanged. Weatern Salvage Co., 927 Wash , Ingmn st. I'sclfle 793. . FOR BAI E"?l(. foot la nock 1 on. .-II. la . ' sis. eqntpned with 8-bersepeaer Far 9 Binrea I enr'ne, complete, aprmrteiianrca ef luB ve. ' ' UsL laquh 310 flu eV'J: '