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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
TODAY'S MARKETS Minnifn 01 in HIIUIJIl.ll Uk-IIUI. Ill I UI(A(iltl( Nlllit Standard Biscuit Company ' of -T-San Francisco 4s th Latesti " Aggressor Hers. . f RONT STREET BUTTER - - -IS AT TWENTY CENTS V vity creamery Are ruing uj-wii- .... ter whk.k iwcmy-iwo ma a t- Half Scarcity" of Vea. '"TV.:-::; ''Front Ktmt, April 10. Tin principal ftnrea ef Hie Portland Unless le market loUr are: Crecaer aar la oo faln. - , front iltftt batter at SWc. . ' j Onion market a trifle blflier. 5 ' I'sgi'ornle steeuier briefs produce,' ; ? Uxal cauliflower Is In market. -Km are hlier; receipts smaller. ' --.. V Chfe-ken market food at I be price. it ; Scarcity of veal and hoes. Cracker War la Merrily Oa Arsis, The ever-anoeartna cracker war la asam wltb -. The latest trouble baa been canned by tb action of tbe (Haudard Biscuit company in ear ttnc lie suotstlons en pacsaaa soods 6e. Ai jet there baa been no rhauae In bulk aodaa, liut thn Droanecta are Indeed brlatat lor trouble. "Common aodaa In bulk at T'je a pound at wholesale -that la when packages are full weight. This latter puss of tbe sltusflou la ruln morn trouble than any other. Ketallera are uu In sruis of what titer term .tbe persist reuey ot eoma tnsaufaetarers to eaarss them for three pounda of erackera which tbey do not - receive. Tbere l( eoma calk of tnitltuttne a boycott" oa tbla by eoma of tbe membera of tbe Retail Orocers' aaaorlatlon, but tbe Jorlly of tbe membera arc not In favor ef any .suru action at tbla time. Tbey believe that each-member -abould apeak for blmaelt snd nut litnd I be aaaorlatlon aa a wbols. Soma membera bare already apoken In tbla retard and barn rut out all sootls that do not coma Bp to tbe -rwebjhta tbey. pay- 2 - . ---- . Front Street Batter Twenty Ceata. Alone front atreet today the Tory beat butter ti beitif aold at 0c a puond, -and the market ) not any too firm at that flyur. Thla pale the outalde branda la line wltbcne eat to XlHe announrod by tbe rtry creamerlea late tyeeterday. afternoon, Botn. er taeee -aetiona .were aaclnalralr foncaated br Tbe Journal Our itne tbe neat' week.' In tbe rltr butter In nlllna up very faat. Preaent prlcne are oa a par for atnrlnc purpoaea. bnt the atocka da not bare the keeplna oualltlea aa yet on aeroont of tbe general lack of annablne. Tbe lower prloe ba furred ahe ('allfornla butter entire T out of thla 'market and tbere are reporta that tbe local product will aooa be (olng la a aontbera dlrec .tkm. There are eomewbat more liberal anppllea of loral rheeee In tbe rront atreet marketa. The .California product ta very plentiful along the atreet and la celling 2e a pound ander the Ore gon atock, - .- -u muter oemaaa joroee xgga nigner. Kaatrr demand for egga ia alwaya greater than at ether tlmea and tbla la earning a alight draaoe u rule la the local market today. Ilecelpta ere not ae great, country ehlppere evi dently holding for tbe expected blgber valuee, Acenrdmg to tbe trade tbla la a kalng pronoel- .tlon. aa egga loae euallty eery faat taeee day , and tboae that bold generally loae eonalderably on account ot the rejected eaee. Tice today .rale between iae and 17c. with aalee at both .fiaurea. Moat at the former today. . Vor poultry a very good demand eonthraea to rule around printed quota tlona. Few anrlnga .-rtiTltnt demand rn thm line beet. Borne call . for itua etMl miw Imi, Ml Hnrk. On lorn Market a Trifle Higher. . The expected upward morement In the en lea market haa begun. Tbe Imnrerement In the rail from the California marketa and the higher hrlM rnllne thor mrm .iiHlne Ilia )ui..h - - to nta up ou tnetr raiuea. rancy atock at fl bur lug price at country polnta. Call for fancy potatoea from California pom I a la now eery liberal and aa advance of be ta ahrtwn In the hnrhi rHm k.M hul. V.. ordinary atock tbe aaatern demand la ntlll on iw a roaiiuwii'w namm or anipuienia are " being made to Arleona. Texaa and -New Mexico polnta. Prlcea en cheap ahtppmg atock un changed at 45c. t Leeal Oaallflewar U ta Xarket -i- . Some ery fancy cauliflower waa received thla morning by Davenport Broe. from Tualatin. I -oral atocka are beginning to arrive more freely and will eoon force tbe eeuthera product out of tbe market oa account of Ita far eu per lor nuillty. A dollar a doara for boat. - The California eteemet stuff was due during the day. Moat at tbe market cleaned ap on tbla account. . .-. Anotber car ef eraages doe tomorrow. Car bananaa due today. Treewd vaal cwillanee ecarce. with Talnea allffer but same. Dnnri bnga, too. ; The trade pays the following prices to Front street. Prlcea pair produeera are leas regular comuiteaioDa: Orala. Flear ant Feed. - WHKAT Club, : red Ruaslaa, Mel bine stem. lc: valley, c. ' abt.e VwTim. tn an- mii4 Mini, k tog. .123.6 - . . wvuk.. eeo.uw - IW ' ton. -- RTf l 68 per cwt. 4 ' OATH Producers' prloe Ko. 1 white. I3S.0O: gray. 7!S0. FLO I; R New eastern Oregon patents. (SpftQ t.ftA: atralrhta. S.1.40atS.M: emort Sa An.a u. vallev. S.1.&S: eraham, Ua. t3.Ko: wbole aiuat. IS.fn; rye. Una. .1 .00; be lea. 12.75. i MILL-njrraB,,, im per ton - arid dllnga. tW OO; ahorta,- eoaaar, 130.00: city, fin on: chop, gia.oo. ' " HAT Producers price Tlmotbv. Willamette valley, fancy, llA.noQlt.nO; ordinary, T.OOB 00; eaatera Oregon, H4.OOQis.00; mixed, IS.noeo.OOi clover. a.OOOt.00; (rain, 8.oU 00; cheat, 4S00. " Batter, Eggs asa Tenltry. BUTTCR FAT r. e. b. Portlaaa Sweet cream, sict anur,- 'iwe. HITTK.R City creamery,- 22Ves - ou raids - Kill) No. t freah Oregon,- candled 14 -l7e. - - .-. . - ,. .. ' CHBEM New Full eream, nam. ISe Young America, lc; Cheddar, ltc; California flats. 1.1 Sr. I'OCl.TRlf-i-Mlxed . ehlckena, 1JU per Ibl fancy hena, 14c per lb; rooatera, oM. 10U!a lie per Ih; ataga, lie per lb) fryers, SO? per lb; broilers. SKe per lb; ducka. Ids per lh geese. lOUCHe per Ibi-turkere, I refute per Ih; dreeeed. 21c per Ih; minabe, I2.7IU3 M per dos; pleeoua, 12 00 ner doa, Hope, Wool Bad Hides. riOFS -Contracts. loe crop, toe per Ibl 1U6 Oregon, prime to choice, - Hc; pmi grade, be; Washington, 10c; I0O4 crop, lit ",e for choice. .--.- - - Wooi-ittoe clip Valley, reams- to medium. MOHAIH New, 372n, , gHKKrHKIMS Shearing. S0e rat; short wool, 2BQ40C each; medium wool, euatfie each: Irme win, TAcetll.oO each. TAIXOW Prlas. per la, HOci Ha. I and greaiw. JCiUc. CHITTIM BARlt-te per 7b. r1-" BIDF.9 Dry, he. 1, 1 lbs sad ap. lHd I7e per lb; drr kip, No. 1. te lb Die. Ic; dry calf, -Ke. ,r ander lbs, lies salted hides. TIIFSDAY PRirFS IM THE WHEAT MARKET dd44d4 May July .1 .7 T, $ .7IHB . .;$ha ..... ." ..7$', ...J$H ; . '..74 ...... . .t$a- ..t.: . n7,d a$id e Chicago . ... fit. Louis..., Milwaukee ,. Kenan a fit)'. Minneapolis . Liverpool .. thiluth .71', H ..... . Kasr York .-. . . I$HB Ban Francisco. M l 7 . l.$B Barley. Itceinber. t JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS By-MoKlnley Mitchell. ' Tbere ' la better - feell In the onion market and prices have moved up a fraction. This has 4 been expected for aoma time... -" The potato market ta saining In tradf but la by no meana run- ring away with' ltaelf. There la' -- better demand for fancy storks d from California but they: want d something- better .than we have d to offer at thla time. They will. however, be forced to take what 4 la offered them. . For ordinary shipping- stock the demand la ' food from the aouthwest at preaent price, but beyond them we cannot move-at preaent. stsers. eeusd. M lbs and aver. lOAlle: tVtQOHc; stsga sad bulls, suund, dalle; ktp. If to go Ibe, Be; ealf. aouad. aader lb lbs. lis; freen. ansslted. le lees; culls, le ner lb has; orsehldes. salted, each, f 1 r01.7Bi dry, each, ll.O0OI.e0; colt hlnra. SfcIW)cl got sklna. common, eack. lOQleci Vagota, each, aacdj 1.0... ' - Fruits aad VegstaMse, POTATO Kd Beat sorted. 7Se per sarki prc ducera' price for ear lute, n5r per cwt; ordinary, 6V; producers' prloe, sSr&0c. ONION Jobbing price Oregon. No. 1. fl.35; producers' price. No. 1. ,7jse6c; Ko. 2, 7U4iJci garlic. bttlOc per lb; on km sets, 7c. ' FRESH FRUTS Apples, 12.003; oringe. navel. fS.IWjlS.7fi; seedling, 2; bananaa, 4U be per lb; lemons, cliol.e, $.1.00 per box; fancy. S.7BB'4.0O per bos; llmea. Mexican per 100: tangerines. 1 1.2ft) pineapples, 1 ex leas, 4.M; Hawaiian, fd on. . VK01TA BI.HS Turnlpe, sew, Tbe per aark) earrota, J7Sc sack; beeU, aorCJd.Od ae aark; Oregon radlabea, 2b dos; esbbags, Callftr nla. $2.23 per cwt; green peppers. ( 1 lb: California . tomatoes. 12.00; Mexican, $2.00 02.23: parsnlpa. WVII.OO; string beans, 20ci cauliflower, I2.2A per - crate; green Ea, 11c par lb: borseradiah. W1 li artichokes. 85cJttl.OO per doa; botheuss ace, tl.60at.7li per box; celery, 4.00 per crate l pnmphlnsi tttet aiaeaW. 1 et apron ta, sc per lb; cranberries, Jerarrs. 114. 00 per bbl: Coos bay and Tillamook, iie 00: aspsrs- Sua, California, SUBc per lb; Oregon, c oaen' buncbae: rhubarb. Oreeon. 14 4c per lb; spinach. 7lk-$1.00 per box; -green onions regon. 20e dueea buuebes;.- hothouse cuouin hers. 12 12 60 doaen. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evansrared, 1X0 15e lb; sprlcots, I2ainc per lb;, loy lRe per fbv -eecka. H per lb leeal srnnee. (0 to 40. Hc; Ue drop en each slxteentk smsiier alas; Bra. California btac'a. etJ7e per lb; Calltoenls whits. oe per lb; dates. gDldaa. e per Ibl ferae, (1 .11 net la-lb kea. . ...-.'. Ormrlea. Vata. It RirQAB Ssrk bsaia Cube. 17 OS; pwece.l, tS.BO; fruK gTanolated, $3.80: dry graaaiate.!, S.0; roof. A. IJ-K0; beet granulated, 5.ori; extra C. 10.80; golden C, $S.20; D reUow, $5.10: bbU, 10c; bbls, 25c; boxes, BOe sd vaaes'oa seek basis, leas 23c per cwt for cask, tf da ya; maple, 14llbe per lb f Above nrleeu annlv to aales ef less fhsa car lota. Car lots at spedai prices subject te aactuatinna. i RONCV gASO per crate. COFFEE Package brands. 1 . SALT hoarse Half sroonn. Hms. 17 no ner ton; table, dairy, 80a. $11 f0; ions. $10,711; "1m- ported Liverpool, Cos, $17.00; 100s. glS.RO; S24s, $10.00; extra fine, bbls. ta. be. las. $4,000 80: balk. $20 'lbs. $4.0oeA.0O; sacks. 00s. noOMc; Uvernoel lump rock. $l$.Bo pet tear ao-io rocg. gT.oo, iuos, -. GRAIN BAGS Calcntta. 74s. RICE Imperial Japan. Ke. 1. Oct Tta, t, IQSHc; New Orleans head, Tel AJx. Be; Creole. 51e. - BKANB - white. - $S.TBt4.on; hrge whits. $$.; pink. $1.71: bayou. $4.00; Lisas, Mexican reos. ee. NfTTfl Peennte. tumbos Be ner th': Vtrelnla. ner 15: roaatea. aei8u,e per lb; ceooanuia. eSSIOOc per doa:. wantnra. l0O1$e per lb: rdnenuts. lOfttiUa per lb: hlckorr ants lOe per lb: rhretuuts, eaatera, IBOlde per Ihi B reel I ants. 14a per rh; fllberta. ISOlbe per lb; fancy peeena, lBmia,e; alooada, IdViO IB He. relate. Coal 011a. Ete. ROrB Pare Maalla. 14e; rtaoaard, ISKes alaal, Ue. COAL OIL rear I er Astral flasea. lHe per gal; water white. Iron bhm, . I4e per gsl; woodea, ire per gait besaiignt, iio-neg, ziHr per sat. OAMOLIKB M-dsf, easea 24H per gal, in bbls ISr per gal. BENr.IK MB 3-deg, rases gSe per gal. Iron bhla laue per gal. TCRPENTTNK Ia eases gSe per gal. woodea bbls Sc per gaL WHITE LEAD Ton lets. 1 per lb; BOO tb lota. Sc per lb: less lots. Stte per lb. WIRR NAM Present basis at $2.. UNSEED OIL Pars raw. In B-bbl lota. See; 1-hbl lot. 53c; caaea. 58c per gal; genalne kettle boiled, caeca, OOe per gaf; Bnbi lota B4c; 1-bM lot. Bfie per gal: ground rake, car lots, $20.00 per toat lses tbaa ear lots. $30.00 per toa, Keats, risk and Provisions. FRESH ML ATS Front street Beef steer, 4U&c per lb; eews, Si4e per b; bogs, block. SViitOe per lb; packers, 8 ao per lb; bulla. aoc per id; real, extra, ruse per id; ordinary, 4n)7c per lb; poor, BtgbVie par lb; mutton, fsnry. Sttie per lb. HAMS, BACON. ETC Portland psck (local) ha ma. 10 to 14 lb. lio per lb; 14 to Itt lb. nte per lb: breakfsst bacon. 14 '4 a 18 H per lb: picnic, 10e per lb coxiase, jiiia per 11; regular short elesra, anamoked. lOVe w Ibl ked. lle per id: id. live uer lb clesr backs, anamoked. 10Me per lb; smoked, 10 to IS lbs. nnamol UUs per Ihi Lntou botts. BDsmoked. ae per lb; smoked. Be ner- lb: clesr bellies, awsmohedi 11 Pee lb; smoked. 12c per lb: eboulders, Oe per lb. LtNJgij i.tau-ivettie tear, lua. Me per lb: Bs. !2Uc per lb: 50 1b tlna. llUe per lb; Steam rendered. 10a. UUe per lb; Be, 11SC per lb; compound, 10a, TUc.. " CANNED SALMON Colnnfhla rlvef. J-lb tn $1.SO; 2-lb talla, $2.75; fancy, l ib Bats. fl.PO; ra-m rancy aata, rancj i-id oram, eiDj Alaska tall. Pink, UOOOc; red. $1.B0; nominal , tsii, ez.ou- FiSH Rock cod. Te per Tb: Sounders. Be per lb;-halibut,' Be per lb; crabe. 1.0O per do; striped basa, 12Vc per lb; cstSsh. Te per lb: eelmmt. 1rrn. 1U ner lb: freah outalde ealnion, 12Vc per lb; herring, Be per lb; soles. Oe per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb: blsck rod, Te per lb; tomeod, Te per lb; Columbia river smelt. So per lb; silver smelt, Te per lb; lobster, lSe per lb; frbsk mackerel. Se per lb; rrawtlsb, 28c per dos; Sacramento shad, c per lb. " OYSTERS uboalwatar bar, pet gal. $2-2B; air sck, $S.T. CLAMS Hardahell, per bag, $2.00; raaat elaau. $2.00 per box.' LIVESTOCK MARKET IS IN ; VERY GOOD FORM Receipts Small Except in Cattle -Latter Line Has Good Ar rivals Sheep Scarce. tat) land L'nkn Stockysrd, ' April 10. Uve- ttork receipts: .'Hog. Cattle. Rbeep, Today i..... .777.... 87' 181 week ago. ....... ......... nu ea ise Mnntb eo.. u tear ago. lira s.imt while no rhange were anowa la livestock E rices today. -the entire market M In very rood nrm. Continued kick of eheep arrival Is kelp lug tb tone there. Hnga ana rattle firm. 4fflelel livestock prbesi - Hog Best esatern Oretnn. $7.25; blockers and chin fsts, $0.73; stock en snd feeder. $..-o. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steer. $4.5441 4.7.1; beat cows snd heifers,; Hrlit snd medium steers, ...IBflrxS; light cow, 2. .1044 2 60: tnckrs and feeders, $J.003 10; bulls. tiMti 2.85. Sharp V. ethers sud Ismbs, .QHo mixed beep. Sc. Calves flood veal, t.Vt ta 200 pousds, BHO rough and beevy, 4Bc. . . . IASTXER- MOOS STROVtt. Chicago, April W. Livestock recelpla: 1 Hose, fettle. Sheep. Chtregn ....... t. ........ inimO 4.onft Ksneas City . . .. f, ...... ,. 18 noil ll.Otet Omaha .................. 7.000 g.ouO lft.ftO .0)10 Hogs opened strong and Be higher with 8.700 left ever. Receipts s yesr sen were lO.onO. Prlcea: flood. .4S42.U; rough. .e3$.40, light. M,xi.3.IW. . , CsHle Steady. ' , Sheep Steady. PORTLAVO RARK STATEMEXT. rlesrlns , .. Balaacr .... ..$I.SM, 883.11 .. , ...J, - .. - - re- -..--- - " THE OnEGOri- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - TUESDAY. EVENING. APRIL 10, TTM"BHgBgrF'f-s'wgaBg 1 1 ' aaWaWaWaWnWaWaWgaaatV, . Maaaaanaanaang-SMaaggggaBgHgB . " G0VE(iEIT 10TE CAUSED RISE Sharp Advance . in , Chicago . Wheat . rVlarketLAfter Bullish Report-All Options Higher EIGHTY-NINE ONE TENTH , . T PER CENT CONDITION '-A::.::.:.:. ' , ' ': Short Caught Napping in the Va rious Linei May Haa Movement , of Three '. Quarters July Five T7!tt.. e a. 1 V T -1 f . x.ituui gcpicmon a xiii. t - RELATIVE. WHEAT VALUES. Close ' Cloae i Clone Caw Tura. kton. 1H0S. ' Tuca. May....... iuly September. .1 .7Ht S .7NUB tl.144 ' S .00. . .77iA .. .0tH .. .779B . .TT ... -Wb Chicago, April 10. Wheat' traders were look Ing for - an average condition ef growing crop at aaywbere from 92 to M. Thla expectation wss founded ea the very hlgk etsts re per la flren out recently and the very excellent crop slk from sll quarters for weeks past. Wlien the official report today gave tbe average con dition at MM ner cent It had a decided Ir bull iah effect , for the moment. Derail ee the local trade was largely oversold and because the figures were considerably under what waa ex pected. Tbe trade became a little excited and the fast buying nurry of the local trade In duced considerable outalde bustnees to follow In the same direction. Tbe mills were good buyers W-wbest -at-Mwieeapelle -egeln -Sorter. It tat claimed that Argentine shipments will be lighter - because freight ratea have been au van' The corn market takes efferlnea ef lena eora from those who are taking profile and prices hold an. Tbere baa been no auch reaction from FHevatnr Beanie sold earn moderstelr tedsr. Tbe market at the close ahows light gains, ,1a oata the local recelpta were very light. Official onotstloas by Overbeck, Starr Cooke company: WHEAT. -',t--' -, Open. (ay.....$ .78 July.;.,- ,774, High Low " Cli $ 7tn .7741 .78ji- - ... iiyvej ' .mt4 CORN. - - - - 7'" : .481 ;4X4, .48 M 1 . .4ll .46 . .48A r .4 --. t-t41. -.4V4 -OATS. . a IH-1,. ' .314 .soi .so "" .sou .2PM, .28'4 .2A MESS PORK. . 1U.32 18.27 18.32 7, -a. 16.40 -r- 10.02 .. 18.40 18.23 16.23 10.23 LARD. " j S 70 " 8 80 S 8A " 8.88 . $.78 " 8.808 00 ' 8.87 $.2U SHORT RIBS. 8.82 8.7B 8 80 - 8.02 , S.8S ' $.87 May..,.. July..... Sept.. ... My.., July Sept My..l.. Jul.r..,., Sept May...,. Jlll.r..,.. Sept May.,,;. July Scpt..i.. .4 .80 .20 18 SO 14.S2 Hi. 23 $.87 8.78 S.SB 8.77 8.87 8.85 $.80 8.87 rRXataRT flRAIR MOTEXJEVT. " Cbleager April 10. Prhnary Tecerpts: j ouej xear age -Bush. - Bnah Wheat....... Cera........ Hhlpments: Wheat.,...., .Soe.OOO 197.000 .202,000 340,000 4- .200,000 208,000 .301.000 " 818.000 Corn American clrsranees: Wheat. 8.000 bushels; flour. 8.OO0 barrels; com, 184.000 bushels; oata, BOO.OOO bushels. BRADSTBEET'S wRaTir REPORT. Chlcsgo. April 10. Brxdstrset's report ot grsm vision euppi; , . Decrease Bushels 1,600.000 - l.MM.OOO Whest . Europe snd afloat. East ef Reekle. . .- Total .......... Com Oata ............. 480.000 2.321,000 2,068.000 Increase. trruipoor. oraix market. - "Lrrerpool, April 10. OfflcUl prices " WHEAT. .- - - Opea -, Close Tuea, Toes. May ,.... as SHd : Ss 7d July ...As 7id Ms 8d September.... be 61,d As $Hd CORN. May.... 4 44d 4 4'sd Jul..... 4s 8,d 4 8d Close ixiss Mon. Tues. Ss 84d ,d a d k.l a Hi -, .d 4s4V,d "" i 4s 4d d eOTERVMXNT CROP REPORT. Washington. April ' 10 Government crop re port says: "The condition of tbe wheat crop on April 10 h 80.1 as against 01.8 per cent April 10. IMiB 76.5 per cent tbe same dels hi 1104 and 82.8 per- cent U a r erase April condition during 4be past 10 years." CHICAOO OSAIV CAR LOTS. - Chlcsgo, April, 10. Orala car wtt: -; : Cara.irads Et.. Whest 10 4 10 1804. 32 241 87 Corn........... 2H1 .12 240 Oat ISO 81 ' 1ST AW TRAM PISCO snRUTtt IICHAR4E. San Prsnclsco. rloalnf : April 10. OfBclal morning Bid B(L .. National Bak,.$ .44 Henver I.8S Kcllpae ........ 1.00 Belmont . . ..... $3.82 ti l ain Hoy . .IDA Golden Anchor.. 1.00 Home 2.1 Hold Bar ..... 1.33 .22 .40 1.S3 8 37 Jim Butler..... l.RA O. Bull Proa.. McNamara .... .80-, Midway ....... 3.1B Montana ...... 2.K7H North Ur M Ohio .......... .44 Ton. Exteu ... 10.00 Kevada ........18.00 Weat End ..... S-30 : Adsm -....... Atlanta ....... .10 Bluebell , .14 Boot he 83 Columbia Mt ... .23 Conquer ....... .13 niamondaeld .. .40 . Dixie .OS frt.l.lfleld ...... .34 Jumbe ........ 1.03 Jumbo Sites... .10 Kendall .88 lguna ........ .17 May Queen . ... .88 Mohawk .38 Red Top i-.i.-. . l.TS Sandatorui .... 1.23 Silver Pick 23 St. Ives .82 Ntelnway Con. cal.-Va... Opblr ........ lleslcsa Caledonia .. . Kxcbeqiier ..... Norcrose ... l.H) !ou - i., 1.10 .40A r t S - Gold Crown, (treat- Bend. Rescue .18 Black Butte Ex. .08 Tramp 1.10 Oolden Belmont. .61A Montgomery ... .81 A .28 .o .16 . .2ft l.OO .24 -.18 .12 .1S --.18A, .27 .18 Huneet Sceptre , Manhattan Saylor Humprey. Iiexter ......... Oranny ........ tlold Wedge.;... uen star ..... t.t. Bend Exten. Ot. Bend, Annex. Crescent ....... Cowboy .i , AX PR AMCISCff "LOCAL STOCKS. " San Franc mko, April 1Q. Official mornlus cioing:: . i Aik. 874 18 80 i 12 137A 28 1814 83 Contra Coata Water.... Nnrlng Valley Water... Mutual Kleetrle.. ...... 37S , 1H , ... .fT 7esi 8ru, HH ..r... ia - - --. 1T4 . 84 43 ........... 38Vt ......... ...102H an . 86 Olant Powder.:; . . . . i .r Hawaiian Ommerelal.. Hnuokea Sugar , Hntcklneon Sugar. . : . . . Ononie 8nxar..n,,..., Psashan ur. ....,, Makawell Sugar , In Ion Sugar..... ., Alaks I'srkera' ('Ilfomla yrult. ....... California Wine..,...., Asaoclsled Oil..., , ITRTCZO STATU SOYERVlfEXT ROVDS, New York, April 10. Government bonds: . - Date. Bid. Ask. Twos, registered. ........... 10 do coupon 110 Threes, registered .--.. ., lw do coupon IPOS Twos, small hAnde... , . . . . roar. regHitered ..... 1007 do coupon IU07 ronr. resiatered. ...... ..... 1WS.1 10.1 W8H l"8i, 104 10 103J4. 10s'- 104 104 I04 104. ioi" 104 K2t4 132 iii'vi 1.12 do ceuion 182 132 M.irlct of Columbia $63.. ,... 118 rblllnolae 4 .... 1104 Soma of the Largest Mohair Pools Will Be Sold the Latter Part of the Week and Both ' Buyer and - Seller Are Awaiting This Event. OOTIIER BREAK SECURITIES Stock Market Somewhat More - Active but Feeling Is Again Rather Weak. HARM IS EXPECTED : 1 FROM COAL SITUATION Call Money Fates Move Rather High With Opening- Today at Twenty " Per CentCoppers Aril Hit Hard .1 Union Pacific Loses t Full Point. NET LOSSES, ' Anaeosda a - 2 anted .... tZ bty, ptd. Amslgsi Sugsr Smelter North American.. . . Norfolk Pennsylvania ..... ' Reading ,. Rep. Steel Rock laland.i.i.-.r- do prsf erred .... Southern Rallwar.. it'.'.'. lry,.. lit do preferred Csr A foundry nrooxiyn Baltimore (ok.. Fuel fuel , V k l3 a ........ H Chess neske Southern Pacific.... I ana dla St. L. at S. W p. Union PacISc 1 Colo. South Denver .......... Erie , H Great Weat ,, U Loulsrllie ........ IH V. S. Rubber....... U. 8. Steel.- do preferred..,.. Wsbaak NET GAINS. c a v. w....i Centrsl Leather. Cotton Oil...... e aiiiuuie venirei X V Missouri PaclAe. N. Y. Central. Erie. 2d pfd...... 1U People's Gss Texss A Psciac, I, Pressed Steel Car. - Whiconaln Central. W do prsf erred..... Vs do rferred...".r -'i" - ' '" Trading - today wse eomewbat more active In the atock market. Tbe tone of tbe market waa weak and nearly every atock on tbe Hat eloord wltb a lo. . Tb resumption of th conference between the coal operators snd min ers snd the possible disagreement caused some apprehenslod among tb trade, this being one ef the can of- totay1 break. Moncr rates wsre agsln. very high snd tbere eeuM so statement from thst trouble. Calls opened t 20 per cent snd held near thst Sgure all day. - Otacial -flwtstleas - by- Over beek, Starr- Cooke company: - DESCRIPTTON. Anaconda Mining' A mil. Copper te 2Hi2Tl 100 ll llOii 201 1071, r26o Atchison, com. . . . , . do preferred...., Am. Car a Pound., com. do preferred. ........ Am. Sugar, 00m. ....... Am. Smelt., com do preferred . . .' Bsltlmor a Ohio, com. do preferred..., Brooklyn Rspld Transit. Canadian PacISc, com. . . Chi. Alton, com . do preferred , Chi. a Ot. West., ram.. Cbl Mil. a St, Psul. Cbl. a Northwest., com. Chi. Terminal Ry.,.M. C?hsapesks a Ohio.,,... Com. Fuel a Iron, com. Colo. South., com...... V 2d preferred. do 1st preferred...... Delswars a lluiloo..,. Dels., Lsrkf. a West.,. D. 4 R. G., com ,. do preferred Erie, com .....'....,,,,. 11m 82. 93 92 108 103l 43 101 : 158 i 121 103 103 43 41 loo. 134 42 1'-H 137?s 1331,5 119 112 94 84 17114 13 138 121 119 112 iia II 86 '86i 83 "IH 1T1 ill 01 71 20 21 U 81 20 173 li 170)4 174 174 7 wo 0t zuo 10 68 - 00 84 4 89 BR 00 34 49 60 611 67 69 34 34' , 49 70 4a 19 44B 45 88 4M U)V 78 48 88 , 67 78 C8 444 os 44 75 do Id preferred do 1st preferred..,. Illinois Ceatrsl t 78)4 112 171 146 i 136 170 147 113 - Lotitsvills a Ksehvlll. 1484a 148 168 ' 23 187 '90' Metropolitan Street Rr.. Minnattaa Hyrt. . .. Mexican 'antral Rv. rlSB 136 - 24tfc 44 84 4 24 24 Minn., Si. P. a Ste. M. 10O 133 do preferred. ... Missouri PsclSe... 180 94 84 84 714 M., K. a T.. com do preferred.... New York Central 84 83 71 71 72 142 H 142 148 Cotton Oil. S8 S -I 33 88 Federal Smelters. joe 104 103 103 Norfolk a Wuw aa.4 88 aw aa 88 ... 90 98 60 4, 00 preferred . , North Americas 80 1 89 88, 80S N. V., ont. a Wt.. nils 141 b4'A B3 42 01 I'ennaylvanls Railway.;. People- .. L. a C. Co. 141 140 ?ia 94 ?'. (8 Pressed Steel Car, com. 33 00 prsrerree ,. Pacific Mall 8. S. Ue... ua 41 42 133 Reading, com 18 137 134 do 2d preferred ...... do lat preferred 88 98 98 29 98 90 80 Rep. Iron a Steel, com.. do preferred. ......... Rock Island, com....... do preferred 81 102H 102 102 101 on it 20 63 8 2 89 99 67 '4 Southern Railway, com.. do preferred Southern Pacific.. 40 OS 8 87 do n fci led tinT4rin ttr7 St. L. a 8. P.. 2d pfd 47 47 23 30 S3 'ih 68 47 47 ot. I m m. w., eom. ... 23 30 32 83 33 23 53 88 34 23 8.-1 32 de D referred , . . . Texaa a Pacific Tennessee Cosl a iron.- 148 Tol., St. fi. a W., com. 83 64 do. oref erred TJnlon Pacific, eora..., 133 138 1.12 18KV do nreferred , 90 44 vn 44 114 42 1S ' 28 42 28 3.1 92 22 i S2'I 93 61 44" Centrsl Leather, com... do nreferred. ... , 104 TJ. 8. Rubber, com 32 31 do preferred... ., 114 113 40 106 11314 C. S. Steel Co., eom..,. 41 41 io do preferred 108 Wheel, a L. E.. com.., 1" , 42 28 83 98 22 49 67 18 26 42 92 22 '! 49 66 do 2d preferred do lat preferred 10 42 271, 64 9li Vs. 40 67U 5l3 Wisconsin Central, cam. do preferred Western In Ion Tel...;.. Wabash, com...,,,,,,,, do preferred . , Am. Locomotive. ....... National Lead , Totsl sslsa for dv. 1.023.AO0 share. Tennessee Cosl a Iron ex-dtvldend 1 per cent, C II money closed Jt 20 per cent. BOSTOJt OOmi KAXXIT. Boston, April in OfSrlsI copper clorlna - Bid. Pid. Ail ventur ...$ 7.0c) Allnaes 89.00 Roral ........I " Sants r..... 1.824 Hhsnnon 7.00 Arrsrtlaa ., ... 4.00 Atlantic ..... Sn.BO Tamarack .... 107.00 Calumet ..... Trlnllr United Copper. li.oo-. Centennial ... 28.60 84.75 Copper Ranee, an on 1 tan Victoria Winona ...... Wolverine .... 1-. 0. Mining.. Tenn. Copper, 82.25 iir wesi,,. is.ozua -. 8 00 : 7.75 moo 88.50 Kim Klver .. iUSi rranllln .... i.oo Oreene Con.. SO.BO Orsnby ...... 18.00 44.00 28.410 Mas ........ - Mlcblfan ... 18.00 Mobawk ..... 00.80 Nortb Bntte., . un n Bow ton Con.,, cel. Arts... Jin. on cil. 4c Pitta... M.00 U S. Pitts. sn.iiA Tltts. A Dnlur21.00 ; Jonctlon ..... 23 28 Slack Mt..... 11.00 Kly 6.0V Old Oomlnkin. " 44.25 Osceols 108 .00 Parrot , 87.00 Phoenix 1.00 A Qulncy -1 $7.00 1 . Xsw Tsrk Sliver Mark.t. - Mew- Terev April ia Silver,-.asije, - leadea gllver Ksrkst. London, April. 10. Silver. t. , ' COTTON FUTURES SIX TO FOURTEEN POINTS UP New Tork. Anrll 10. Cot tea future closed S to 14 points np. OfBclsl euoutlona bjr- Overbeck, Sun Cooke oompanr . dosing Open. Hlab. Lew. Toes. Mnn. . 1118 1105 April Mar ........ 1123 HIT 1118 1101 lnftO 1038 ioai 110 1113 1117 1121 II04 loot 1O08 iooi 15 1124 1117 1117 I ICJ lor. loos ioiai 1003 11.12 1118 June ....... Juir ilia 1 Sink 1121 mi! Auaoat .... llnl in September October . . . . 1073 HXM I 1(J0 1(4 1 1(l 10(13 1011 ion I lo 100s , November... Ileeembee ' .. Jsnusrr , .. Liverpool Cettea Jfitrksr. - ' t.lverSnol. Anrll lOCottoa futures rkised S le $ point ap. - . - ; -. . . PLENTY OF HOdEY for missions Columbia River Branch of Meth ' odist Workers Haters En " couraging Reports.' - THOUSAND-DOLLAR GIFT v FOR THE BUILDING FUND Mite ' Box Secretary Reports Thst - " Seven Hundred Boxes Have Been Called for Already This Year Nearly $5,000 InTreasury. ,. The Columbia river branch of foreign missionary workerg Jn Uie ilethodlat church was pleased tbla momlng with the excellent reporta of tha first half year'g work. , The treasurer, lira. U. . Whitney of Tacoma, reported that the receipts had exceeded thoae of the tlrat half of last year by $644.45. From dues and offerings there Is $1,788.30 In tha treasury, and tha building; fund has been Increased, by a Rift of $1,000, to 11.827.07, making a total of $4,713.87 In the treasury. The gift waa tnado by a woman . in 'VVobdburn. who has been in terested in missionary work through Mlas Austin of that town, who has re cently gone to Gujarat, India, on mis sionary work. ... . ...... . - The Columbia- river, branch Includes the seven conferences of Oregon, Wash ington, Montana and Idaho. - The an nual meeting will bo held in October at Wilbur Memorial church. Walla Walla. The mite, box aecrctary, Mrs. at. A. Hard, gave an encouraging report." Al ready over TOO ml te boxes have been called for, while last year the .total number- for th-whul-.y eax was only a little over $00. Last year tha mark fixed for the mite box offerings waa placed at $00, but this year an effort Is to be made to raise it to $1,000. Miss Anna Farrell, secretary of sup plies, read a report shawlng receipts of $210.12. and expenditures of ' tlCS.ZB, leaving $14.07 on hand.. "" Mrs. A. Ifrt Fisher, corresponding . secretary,-- read Interesting extraota from letters from workers in the foreign field, and some from Japanese and Hindoo girls among whom the work is progressing. Mrs. Amadee M. Smith sang.' The program this afternoon consisted of" de votional exercises, greetings from va rious societies,- and an address by Mrs. Wllma Rouse Keene on missionary work in China, The, officer of the branch were all present: Mrs. M. C. Wire of Eugene, president; Mrs. A. N. Fisher of Portland, corresponding seccptary; M,ra. W, H. TaylosVfif Portland, record ing secretary; Mrs. M. E. Whitney, of Tacoma, treasurer. , About 100 women were present. !' Inspects Adaiirer. Miss Edith Montgomery of ICS Fifth street reported to Police Inspector Bruin this afternoon the larceny of a gold watch and chain and a gold ring, set with an opal, from her room. Entrance, she believes, was effected with a skele ton key. - Miss Montgomery said" that a man had been following her around the city for about annonthrand she-thinks be may be responsible for the theft. ' Johasoa are Frosecated. , W. A. Johnson waa not tried today on any. charge for bla alleged assault on E. B. lper and other employes of the Oregonlan on March tt. The case was set fof trlartnls morning, but "upon the request "tf the complaining witnesses it was dropped. Mr. Johnson gave peace bonds for $200, and the matter was stricken rom ths records of the circuit court. Jsebekafcs Vuu Delegates. (Siclst Dlapstek to Tbe Journal.) Milton. Or.. April 10. Milton Po mona lodge of Rebekahs has . elected Mrs.- Belle- Berry and Miss Jennie Dykes aa delegates to the grand lodge convention which will be held In Port land May it. The I. O. O. F. lodge has elected Gent Mllhorn and Henry Grotb as delegates to this convention also. I jriw tc-kk corrzi xaskzt. Kevr York. A mil 10.-Ooffee tiitnree closed 8 points ap to 6 points down. Official prices: Bid. Ask. I Hid. Ask. April MM .&. October . .... $7. K1 $7. Ofi star ....... & November .. t. IO 7. 18 Jnn. ...... SOU 8. 7il December ..r7-20 "T.a Jolr ....... 8.70 711 January .... 7.25 T.80 Anrnl-n.. 8.W rrornary ... SepUnber . 8.80 S.5,Usrrk 7. 44 T.ttO t ww Terfc Cask Osf. : Ttevr Tork, April 10. Osk coffee: Rio, 8c; No. 4 Santo. 814c ire. T . - - Monstary Eatae. " : r Stw ToTk. A prtt to. sterling i- Demand. 483.78; 60 dare, 481.26. St. Helens Cream The Cream of Quality. Made of - milk - from -'cowi pastured on upland mead ows. The best of clpver forage. Mary consults the grocer. He - advises her to use . , ,-f. ST, HELENS CREAM ; j for her little lamb. - (To be Continued.) Mary's Little Lamb. ytlTERlUZePt 1S03, ff - pff Toivle's Log Penoche Syrup it has a flavor peculiarly its own. It is prepared "With the greatest 4;are-f rom absolutely purel West India rcane sugar a sugar that has no rival in its exquisite sweet : ness and deliciousness. ? . ' . "Log Cabin Penoche is as high class, pure andi wholesome as Log Cabin Maple Syrup. ; ': Th name "Penoche" is a Spanish word meaning "a dainty confection." That is exactly - what Penoche Syrup is. , ''' : x - It is . not ; unlike ' pure maple but costs less and makes the most delicious candy. : : . " ... 4You can obtain Log Cabin Penoche from your grocer. ' ' Send for the book "Penoche. , V Secrets" free with 100 new : : : candy: and dessert recipes- The TowU . Maple Syrup Co., St. Paal, Minn. Makers of To wl's Famous Log Cabbi Molasses . A Shortened Conrtahlp. rrom lb Houston Post. "Sir, I nndersisnd tbere to a sort of a eeiut sblp on between 70a and my danchlerT" -"Yes, sir, 1" ."Well, I doa't approve of R; eat it hart!" and thst nlfht the roans mss eloped wltb ths object of hi tffeetlon. - BRILLIANT BARGAINS WOOD MERE Tbe Irxwttlest of AU ' ,- . BeeJdenoe nb TV 2 il j'L Momes, buns te salt paroliaaara, sold on easy monthly payment. LOTS 150 - $3 DOWN $3 A MONTH rotdtiTely the cheapest property la ths idnity of Portland. Kiglt QualiUsa and low prices are eenpled here. Co Out and See What a Little Money Can Do gvery ooBTenlenoe ia WOO DM ERE CEO. W. BROWN , 03 railing Bldg Third and ' Waabington Itreets. Take Kt. Socrtt oar. 1st and Aides arts. Agent always on ground, rain or . - shine. Goode's Auction House 215 SECOND, COR. SALMON." Over oa tbe otbrr street tbe ''Bis Fellows" would rheree von from 20 to 50 per rent mors to rurniaa jour nouse tnsn tns eeroe uins won Id cost' If Bonght from us. Tbls is he rsuae the "Bt fellow" have a combination on price and ws srs not la on thst desl. We on not want to be In on It. ""' never will be. W. deal ta both new sad eeoad-bad furnltur and , We Can" Famish a House or Office At ' price fr he low any 'eomblnstlOB' fnmt hire ben tn Portland. Ke truer word were ever, apoken. Cash Paid For Household Goods i--i Household rood aotd st surlloa ea enmmlaalon. Evory Woman Minseresiea snn snouia snow aoouitns wenderrnt MARVEL VlurN-i Spray s new vasiBU srrSJse. HiJt. rx en4 .wrr)is. lias-far. est Most Convenient, Ileum. If bv rnnoiat rT iti FI It V K Li, VOsppC BO othr. but tnd tuuns to lHUwtmtevi boofc SShlsal. ftfl-Nsf full nevrttoalavra and 4treHtorva its. 4 n. rr.. Miw tuRH. f. . IKIDMORK CO., 151 TRIED ST SKIT, , AMD WOOIA&D. GX.A&JUB OO. &m W J UU ' i k Sam sWe- V A Cabin , is a delicacy you wilt thoroughly enjoy. It has flavor' jmpossible to ' describe and gives ,a . toothsomcness - to pao - cakes, ' hot " bread and sirailaffoods--ihatyott , can obtain with no other syrup. . . ' : Unsurpassed in qual , -ity,l purity and whole someness. Y o u yt 1 1 never tnistake this.syrup UKPRECEOENTED SUCCESS Of C.GeeWo The Great Chinese Doctor At No. I62i first St., Cor. Morrison Ma mltlesdiiut ststemssts lo ins .f flirted. I fuarsnte a complete,' ssfs sad la tins' core In tb quickest possible time, and - st tbe lowest ecst possible fur konestasd stweeas ful treatment. I ear estsrrn, astluBS. bins, throat, rheumatism, eervensasaa. . ststaaca, -liver, kldnrr and Umt Bianbood. . .- ruuis . xaouBi.ES ad au yarrAxa DISEASES. My remedies are bsrmlea. eomnoasd ef roots, berba, bud snd barks eapeelallr selected snd Imported direct by as fzooi tbe lutsrlse e( Cbtne. IT TOT AM! " AnTIOTttr "TrSlTT - BXIAT. , v-DElATS A&S CANOESOUS. tf yoe ranuot rail, vrrlte (or ajmptoai hlsaS aad ctreulsr. Inclose 4 rents In stamaa. OON80LTATIOH TSEE. Tb. a eer We Obtnsss xfsdieln Co., ItSHi Tlrst St., Cornsr Morrison, sTaitlaad. Ox. Pleaae mention this s 0T. SPECIAL SPECIAL To Aaaure prompt and ' -. Careful Attention r : ....;'':,'..' CAXZi ' jOsTxtr nu, . - &bnel'aclfio7"ir Prices for the Next 30 Days -Per Load. Green Slab Wood. ... , .gl.SO Pry Blab Wood ..!.;..... .2.25 Inside Blab Wood . ..... r.ia.25 mixed lab Wood 1.T61 BLOOD poison FOR MORI TIAM TWIITY YURI ' we have made tbe euro of blood poison a siiectsltv. Prlsaary.flseendarjr or Ter tin y Bleed Pelaea fermanentlyCured. Yon can be treated at home under sama suaraatr. Capital 8600.000. We soltelt tbe noat obstl aata eases. It roe have exhausted tbe eld methods of treatment, and at 11 1 have aches and pains. Mncua Patches la Month. Sore Throat, Pimple. Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on anv part of tha bodv. Hair er Eyebrows (all Ins out, writs for proof! of eurea. lOO-pace Book Free. - COOK REMEDY COr '- -lass uute nnnt. cutat, Scott's santal-Pepsin C2dsl':3 A POSITIVE CURE Vorlnflaaiantioa erOntsrrho tb Blsdd.r snd Diseased kM. nays. SO ODSB 88 Af . t ares qnlrlilr and semienentiv ihs worst rw er sarts id eBlewe, esmsiteruf t.m ni standins. arm lea. Sold ar urtUMTtsta. "w si.'.., er "T ei.i. . said. ai.OO, I boxes. St.). THE SAMTAL-PEPSMC1 M,iietsie. Okie. . Outs A Chb RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH . Tanay Wafers OrW al and only nuine Put ap la yellow vrappsr -and VCrowW trademark. For sale by the . LKADINO DK4OGI8T. . mttn stows tw - Katrsot el Unbebe ae)4 Tarrant a Kawaot el twbebe . (sir-i lift. , 1 sum. e. i 9 m to sr. I r 1 w. t. s I M " t ' ' - . . ' I Wl'--'-l 3h' ; 4 li. i '' M - - ffet Sale W J II t.. 1'or'lss.l, "".; or if "-' li itu .. 3 artuit lo.. dt liuwd at, x - u