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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
. ' ' THE OREGON TJAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY. EVENING, 'APRIL' 10. KZ3. 10 SIGHT BY AID OF RABBIT'S EYE Partial Success Crowns Attempt rof Surgeons to Restore , Vis- VJ- - on of Blind Man. CORONA OF BUNNIE'S EYE v CRAFTED UPON PATIENT Can Distinguish Light From Dark ' - ncss and Condition It 'Rapidly Im J proving Membrane From Animal ; Is Uwd. " ' . Journal Sdk-UI BmtIc. Wirnaioor-Aprtr-no. Parrtmt uf cess has attended the effort of surgeon I to. restore sight to Wilton Helnard by " grafting ttfe membrane and cornea of ,'a rabbit's eyes to hi. He can now dis tinguish : between daylight and dark- nee. i- Htlnard ' was operated ' upon two , months -ago. lie baa undergone aTeral ' minor operation since and .when the r bandage were removed from hla eyes ' he" could see faintly. The surgeons have maintained the , greatest secrecy .as to the result of the operations but -.. declared themselves satisfied. They olalm If Heinard's sight continues to ... get. stronger as rapidly as it has done In the past week he will soon be ahie ' to walk without the aid of an attendant. ' Tbey do not hope he will ever be able .'to 'read again. '- Helnard lost his sight more than ' year ago through negro highwayman throwing the contents of a can of lye - mto hiret7 XJ"""emt)rarhieh surrounds and lubricates the eyes was - eaten away by the-lye and the eyelids ..grew fast. to the eyeballs. Involuntary twitching of the eyelids caused blm the greatest pain. " ' ' Surgeons first operated on the eye . lids and to theinsldes of them grafted .. the mucous membrane of the eyes of a rabbit. This .was a distinct, success , and afforded hlra much relief. - - The -next -operation was to graft the ' transparent membrane of the rabbit's yeball to Heinard's eyes. An attempt was made to put in plnce the cornea of .;t rabbit s ejes.but this was not suc cessful and the operation was repeated - and only - the transparent membrane used. ' - COFFIN -THROWN INTO1 ; STREET IN RUNAWAY .. . (goeclal Oto natch to The Jaanal.l - - - Vancouver. Wash., April 19. Charles Goodwin, John Jensen and two other men, residing near Salmon creek, yes terday were thrown from wagon In a - runaway accident on Main street. They 1 were taking to Salmon creek a coffin for the burial of tbe late Charles God dard, a prominent phohlbltlon worker who died there Sunday. When their .team ran away the wagon was over- turned. ' None of the men ws hurt, but thereof fin was- damaged. -"j Jensen '.was arrested and fined 11.40. as It Is al leged that reckless driving caused the runaway. - . .. UNJTED PRESBYTERIANS rr-rlN SESSION ATrALBANY ' (Special- Mepetck te The Journal.) ' Albany. Or April lo. The Presby , tery of Oregon of the United Presby 1 terian church met In this city last even ing. Today the Woman's Missionary society of the same church met and In the evening a special missionary ser mon will be preached by Rev. Mr. Du Bois of Portland. This society has a part in supporting a speclHl missionary in India, one that Is sent from the coast 'and supported by the ladles' society of that church. '.' -. .. WOMAN DOCTOR SPEAKS J TO MEDICAL CONGRESS Joaraal Special Service.) ; Lisbon. Portugal. AprN 10. The ses sion of the International Medlrnl con ' gross was opened here today. The at- rtvillsed country of the world is repre- Like a Well-Drilled Army r- Our working (Organization it simply perfect. . . j .We. have two expert cut Iters, a shop foreman, , who knows his business like a book, and a force of journey men ; tailors ' working to gether like a clock. - The REALM FEMININE THROUGH THE LINES. ..We deliver suits prompt ly and in excellent condition. -All the saving and economy that comes of having a large, well drilled workshop we put into the clothes. . Just size up one of ur' made-to-measure suits for -$25 or $30 alongside gar-'. ments made up by the high priced fellows costing one third more. The Columbia Woolen Mills "Co. - invites ' companson. - - Suits o ,your $20 to $40. measure - The fashionable Blues and Grays. ','... .'"' . - r . We make ; Uniforms to measure at "ready-to-wear'1 prices. . TOLA (niu.C9 Elks' Building. Stark and .r- -' Seventh Streets Icebound, alone, besieged by winter's snows. . . The fsr horlson eold and, black with grief. Comes there no message from the ser ried rows Of springtime forces bringing me re lief? - - r-r : When, Just within the. shadow of my goal, ,' There suddenly springs forth a violet, frail as the mist, aye, as the sephyr --frail To bid my spirit hope, and woes for ; . get. , v . . ; The messenger of spring am L" it cries. ' "I bring you gladsome news to light the day. Take courage, friend, and let your spirit l The armies of the spring are on the .way. .. --. "Thy rescue from the winter comes at ---laat, i-- -- - ' - - Thy speedy freedom U la soon to The legions of the Vernal Queen are maased. And hastening by land and by the ', . sea." . And as he speaks this soldier of his jueen. .Caught by the Frosty Guards that hold me there In ealmness meets his fate, with smiling mien, .- . - ' His duty done sod ' knowing no de .. spalr. J. . : v Whft nobler -mission hath the world Indeed . Than this, which, when the soul doth blind! ygrope, Brings through the murk a loving word . . of heed - -- - (-- - - And makes the darkened spirit glad with hope?' 1. , -p-John Kendrlck Bangs; DRINK AMONG W0MEN7' sented by delegates. Among them are many-of the most -noted authorfttes-tn various branches of medical aclenoe. Among the matters to- be discussed by the congrees will be the case of the lawyer Patrick, who is charged with having murdered M'iniam M. Rice, one of his clients. For the first time In tbe history of the International Medical congress a womsn physlclsn. Dr. Jennie McCowan of Davenport, Iowa, will de liver an address. ' Preferred asoek OaaaeS flroeda, Allen Lewis' Beat Bread. i Wife Charges BrntsJlty. - (Spedsl 'Diapatrk te TU Journal.) ' Pendleton. Or., April 10. Clara M McFarland has sued for a divorce fronr E. B. McFarland, on the grounds of neglect and brutality. They were mar ried In 19, and havS seven chlldran. Saturday Mrs. McFarland wss examined on the charge of insanity by her hus band, but the charge waa not sustained the children and ISO a month. j - -mi-l-i T Hi m Tiinrn . n.-m-n , IM si The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been x la use for over 30 years, has borne the slraatnre of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy, Allow no one to deceive Ton in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Just-as-good" are but " Experiments that trifle with and endanger tbe health of -Infants and Children Experience against. Experiments What is CASTOR IA rJasfe;rw is a harmless substltu'e for Castor QU, Fare- gorfc. Drops and Soothlnjr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor other N arcotio substance. IU age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms " and allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 'Tolic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep ; l The Children-s Panacesv-Tho mother's Friend. Genuine CASTO RIA alvayo r r Beart the Signature of i. . The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uco For Over 30 Years. r, . .' ' The ease and rapidity with, which women belonging to the non-producing classes are adopting the praclcee of jmejLln the aame class are remarkable. If they continue to acquire momentum at the present rate for any length-of time the results will be sufficiently dis astrous to awaken our prophets from evil from their slumbers. .... ' News from New York under date of March SO makes . mention, of ..three women, -all of them well to do, who were found suffering from drink. One of these lives In a fashionable liotei and can write her heok for many thou sands. Another lives In a high-class apartment hotel and was able to go to Hie police court In a cafrlags. The third pleaded that bridge wblat had brought her to drink. ' A woman who gave the fictitious name of "Mary Kllen" was found staggering on Kighth avenue with two valuable dogs In leash pulling her about the streets. She wss taken to the West Forty-seventh street station, where, after giving tbe dogs costly lace hand kerchiefs to chew, insisted .that they be sent to her cell with her. A doctor of West Fifty-seventh street balled her out and declared it would be criminal to give her name under the cir cumstances. He averred that ahe was a woman very well known In society. Later she drove to the west side court in" her'csrria'ge and was severely lectured by" the magistrate. She begged to be discharged because, her husband would disown her If he knew of her dis grace. It Is hardly to be supposed she would have contemplated disowning him had he been guilty of a like lapse from sobriety. . . . t A woman calling - herself Beatrice Morton, fashionably ' dressed, was Ister brought Into the ' west side ' court charged with Intoxication. She had been staggering on the steps of St. Raphael's church at 1'ortlelh street and Tenth avenue. This Is her testimony: "For , three weeks I hare been playing bridge whist even- afternoon. You haven't the least Idea how much whiskey and wine women drink at theae gatherings. The spirit of gambling is in the air and It takes strong drink to calm the nerves. "I left my friend's house and thought I was going to my carriage, which was Wflg for ms. I became lost ana went into the church to prevent meeting some one who might know me on the street. It w14-ruln me If my address-wers known." . -,- The working woman tias her troubles and the business woman her responsi bilities, but they are safe from the temptations that beset the Idle woman with nothing to do but find self-diversion, Alone- with gambling and drinking we are not.'Surpriscd to find smoking.-New-4 ton Newklrk. a writer In the Boston Post, thus discourses on the tobacco habit among women: A real countess, the wife of a promi nent physician, also the daughter of a university professor, ail or Chicago, have - been asked what they think of women smoking. All three are reported to have said that they consider It a woman's privilege to smoke If she de sires, and that the woman who smokes Is not necessarily any worse than the woman who does not. This Idee, of women smoking has been weighing on our minds of late. .Some how or other-we cannot get used to the picture. It may be a woman's privilege to smoke. We believe In women's rights and lefts and wrongs, and yet our sense of propriety Is shocked when we sit down and try to picture a beau tifuUwomaa wHh a pipe In her mouth, or a cigar, or even a cigarette. Fancy a woman at a ifashlonable drawing-room function approaching you with a clear which nas gone out, ana saying, "Pardon me.-but-hears yo-af The widow-of-Richard P- Bland the L - match T" Imagine sitting down, you husband, to read the evening paper after dinner In the sanctity of your own home Im agine your, wife sitting with her fancy work across -the table -from youIm agine her filling up her . meerschaum and sitting there puffing away as she plies her needle! . Imagine her being such a "connoisseur of the weed that when you leave home In the morning she would say to you, "And Ned, bring m home a bos of. perfectos.- medium strong. I didn't like that Inst box you brought me they smoked like ropes." Imagine seeing on trains, steamers and in railway stations such labels as 'Ladles'' Smoking Room," "Women's Smoking -.- Compartment." "Smoking Room, for Women Only!" Imagine a placard hanging up In the ladies' smoking compartment of a Pull man which reads: ')Iadles who are not smoking will please not occupy seats In this compartment to the exclusion of ladles wishing to smoke" end Imagine the ladies who are not smoking living up to it!, , Imagine sll men becoming go dis gusted with seeing women smoking that they stop smoking themselves, and then Imagine such a reading notice as this la pubUa places; , "JLadieg .W1U Please The March dividend of $2.25 per share was paid to all the holders of the J, C. Lee Co.'s stock on the first day of April HERE'S SOME THA T DID: Independence, 'Or.,-' April V 1906. The, J. C. Lee Co., Salem, Or. Gentle men: J, have just received your check for the month ly dividend- on my J. C Lee Co. stock. To say I am well satisfied with my" investment, I - could - not express my feelings other wise but that you may in the future,, as well as in the past, prosper in the ST ett mining industry in which -you are engaged to the highest of your an ticipations for the good of yourself and all you? clients and friends. Very respectfully yours, ' - H. H. JASPERSO Undertaker. - Monmouth. Or., April 4; I0. The J. C. Lee Co., Baiem, . Or. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned stock holders In the J. C. Lee Co., each beg to acknowledge receipt of your check for f 1.16, In payment of March dividend on one ahare of J. C. Lee Co. stock, and note with pleasure what you say In regard to in vesting of surplus funds, which we trust will prove a -wise Investment and help to Increase the dividends of the J. C. Lee stock. - We are well pleased with the monthly dividends re-, celved so far, and will con fidently look for larger re turns as soon as ths vari ous properties you are operating begin to-produce. If you will pardon a sug gestion, we would suggest a strlot conservatism as to investing the - surplus funds. A good surplus In the i treasury of any com pany Is In our judgment a wise .provision against any contingency that might arise... . Thanking . you for ?our promptness In send ng our dividend checks, we are yours truly, 8. M. DANIkL, Dry Goods. J. H. HAWLfcT. Pres. Polk Co. Bank. F. T. MULKET. ; . Capitalist, 1 Salem, Or., "April 4, 1906. The J. C. Lee Com pany, Salem: I am pleased to acknowledge receipt of your monthly dividend for March on j. C. Lee Co. . X -. .. . ; stock. ' Your statement certainly looks good to me and the amount of the dividend is justs little bet ter, than anything else I have if bringing me. Wish ing you all manner of sue-J cess, I am yours truly. . Portland. Or., ; April 4. 1908. J. C Lee Co., Salem, Or. Dear Sirs: Toun let- of the first containing div idend Na. 3 Just at hand. Tour ' management of - the J. C. Lee Co. la certainly wise and conservative, and I am pleased to give It my hearty Indorsement.- In these days of rotten corporations - and extrava-. gant management, a' com pany like yours, - making good "every promise and do ing all you agree and more, .la worthy of encourage ment. ; ' I note that you are open-, ing offices In the east, .to keep pace with the increas ing demands - for your se curities. I can't out pre dict a- bright future for 4 he company, as your spirit is progressive and your gen erous dividends must soon convince the most timid in ventors of your ability to carry all you -undertake to a successful issue. - I have a number of friends who expect to add their names to your sub scription list within a very short .time.- Yours - very Jruly, B. C. ELY. ; . Terrydale, Or., April 4, 1906. The J C. Lee Co. Dear Sirs: This is to ac knowledge " the receipt of your dividend check No. 566 of $2.25 for share on J. C Lee Co. stock, this bemg'-tht; third- consecuv liyeinonthly dividend on the stock, and according to the financial statement accompanying this divi dend, you certainly will be able to continue-and even increase the dividend in time. - You people seem, to be filling a - long-felt want, in the way of pro viding a legitimate mining bureau.' Yours " truly, D. L.KEYT.t llie Combination Oiler of J. C Lee Co.'s.SfocI at $100.00 Per Share IS THE BEST OFFER EVER SUBMITTED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION S -. GET IN AT BOTH ENDS AND REAP THE PROFITS FROM PROMOTING AS WELL AS OPERATING -4T Trustworthy, experienced and reliable management, capitalization, $50,000 stock fully ' ' 7" patdand non-assessable. ' Incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon. DON'T SIDE-STEP THIS OPPORTUNITY OUR DIVIDENDS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN $2.25 PER SHARE MONTHLY ' Only a few shares of this stock left. .While it lasts we will give you with each share bought and paid for a bonus of 400 shares of : mining stock. '100 SHARES OF GREAT NORTHERN WOO SHARES OF STERLING TTI,:- Atftv fMfrrslsew;IO0 SHARES OF STERLING I HIS Utter InClUaeSitOO SHARES OF CROOKED CREEK 100 SHARES.0F FREELAND C0NS0UDATED . These are all active stocks. ' Great Northern paid its first dividend in September of last year, 'another in November and will be a steady dividend payer this year. Sterling will pay its first dividend in May, and Crooked Creek will enter the. dividend list during the season's, run. : . . 1 OUR OBJECT FOR SELLING THIS STOCK We are asked every day why we offer this stock for sale when it is paying a dividend of more than 2 per cent monthly. We are determined to build up the largest brokerage business in the west, having already established permanent offices in many of the eastern cities. It is often "necessary, in offering stock for sale in the properties we are financing, that -we be able to furnish as references. the names of responsible business men not only at home but in their own Communities. V With this object in view, we placed 100 shares of this stock upon' the. market and give with each share as a premuim 400 shares of stock in .companies that we have financed. . 'y ; ' '; Realizing that if the holder of these stocks is receiving his dividends regularly that he would recommend The J. C. Lee Company and their methods of doing business to all who inquired. REMEMBER That in buying this stock you are protected - by actual cash assets - of more than $2.00 for . every $1.00 invested. Trie J. C.LerCdm pany's statement to Rr Gr-Dunn &Xo., made recently, show9 their assets above all liabilities. to be in excess of $100,000.00.. Our books are open for inspection to all propective buyers. Our assets consist of real ISridjtersonal pfopertyr stocks and bonds 11 active. A schedule of which will be furnished any one on application. OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee this stock to pay a dividend of at least. $2 per share every month until you have received the full amount of your invest- -nent and at any- monthmp ia thattime-lhatlyouldo " Jiotireceiyela. divu dend check of $2 per share you are at liberty to draw on us with the 'J. C. Lee Company certificate attached. for the. Jull amount paid for same," we will pay the draft and allow you to keep the stock given you as a premium" as well as the dividends you have already received." The guarantee is GOOD, we can furnish you the names of one hundred business men, including bankers and professional men who will tell you -sot Send your application today.-- There - are- only -a -few - shares-Ieftr- - If your "application: reaches, us too late we will return your money; v THE J C; LEE CO SALEM, OR. Not Smoks In-ths. Prescnos of OsntU- Wouldn't that b a fierce stats of affairs? Wouldn't It Jolt you But noturlUistandlng this rather dis couraging ptcturs thera are women toy ths thousand doing noble work fir ths world, using their fine energies not In bridge whist nor burning them up In whiskey and tobaooo but In good work, many of them In origins -wosk. laying out fields of labor In hitherto untrodden wsys. Ths extract that follows Is one of the encouraging slgns of ths times and more then offsets the dark picture of the foolish. Idle woman, following in the footsteps of the foolish. Idle man. "Silver Dick" of the lS-to-1 era and ths man who, but for the spectacular ap pearance of Bryan In his "cross of gold and crown of thorns" act, would probably have been - the Democratic nominee .In 18VS-4s carrying on In Missouri a work of real beneficence. . She Is opening up to the people of her stats ths splendid possibilities of an 80-acre farm. With out other resources, from that little area she derives a handsome income, which enables her to maintain two establish ments, one in St Louis, and ths other on her farm. She has studied ths science A BAVBT rOS SVaUTS. Dr. Bergin, Psna, 111., writes: - 1 have - used - Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended It to my friends, ss I am confident there Is no better made. 'It Is a dandy for bums.' Those who live on farms are especially lisble to many accidental cute, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Know Liniment Is applied. It ehould always be kept In the house for cases of emerg ency. Sec, c and ll.S. Sold by Woodsrd. Clarke Cot 3 of agriculture, horticulture, stockralslng and the chicken-yard. --Hler farm Is di vided Into sections. One of these is devoted to a large orchard, the ground of which is fertilised by "ploughing under' crops of cowpeas, etc.- Another section Is given to small fruits; another to garden truck: others to timothy, clover, corn, oats and wheat In a scien tific rotation. She has a method of her own of sowing bonemea at the same time with wheat, and Just before harvest ing, sowing the ssme land with clover, which Is later turned under. Her fruit trees and Tinea are regularly sprayed she attending to the mixing of the solu tion herself. . From her two acres of strawberries, lorrg rows-of-smath fruits; heavily laden orchard, vegetable garden and hay and gralnflelds, she gathers crops which are tbe envy of all her neighbors, and which she markets in St Louis at the highest prices. - When In the olty she directs by telephone tbe opera tions of her farm near Lebanon; when on tbe farm she deals with elty purchasers through the same instrument. . Mrs. Bland la making four or five times as much money off that so acres as the average farmer makes oft IM or MO... In fact, she. is demonstrating that almost any farmer la better off If he concen trates his time and expenditures on a small area. Ths example she sets adds another to many which demonstrate that ths government, in continuing Its free allotment of 10 acres to every home steader, goes far beyond the bounds of a wise liberality. Better out that al lotment in two. 2!jJ.G.PecKv S .'ST f f U TTJ v ". i ' . . A Lucky VestnUstrees Is Mrs. "AltTander of Csry, Maine, who has found rr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried- for keeping the Ktomach, Liver and Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree with her If you try" these painless nurlflers that Infuse new life. (Jnaranteed bv tL n ajkidmors -4s ., Amf gists. Pries tio. 6.WWEATHERLY. HKCarlock.' COALanoCOKE ol'iOrrison DkAna Pset OA A. : rilVIIV WlJIrfc-TT, -r. WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD LESS OF "COMBINE OR COMPETITION BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc. . PORTLAND VIRE & IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST, Near Third Marry A. Thoiaaa SeaA. fUlem. Or.. April IS. Harry A. Thomas, aged it years, died, at his resi dence here yesterday eftefnoon. He wss a native of Ohio and came to Ore gon when child. Jls wsus married, in 114 to Miss Jennie Douthlt snd leaves two children, Aibert Thomas of New port, 'and Ethrl Thomas of this citrt'' The furral . will take plnce from the lodge room of Chcmaha No. 1, t O. X Tf UUs aXtsrnqoB, : ' . f