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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1906)
oiuzcon daily jounriAU Portland. mondaV evcnino. april 0. ircx BETTER III TIIM BALL UJlLL DROP Mow 0 xoinasr Ajfuiacurri. Marquasi Grasd. IUtll.... B.kf .... Raiptr. liu ... rtwdtvlrk Werde The Brir ! tb. lloarak" kfiulr.1 Rtirtaaque ... Saul Waddlne" "Umi li Kaw Ilamixblr." .......... . . VmMmIIU . VeaferUlo Lieutenant John K. Lalng. an old rca--laent of Portland,- died yesterday at his home.) et Union end Holladay ave nue. He wa born tn Main In lilt . " and served with distinction during tha ' civil war, taking a prominent part In . tho battles of Winchester and Fisher's ' UUt lie cam to Portland In 1171. II via survived by tha following children: Mrs. J. C. Johnston, Pufur, Oregon; - Edward Lain. In tha aervlca of tha Southern Pacific, and Everett Lalng of the Northern Pactfle Espreaa company Funeral services will b held tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock at Dunning chapel, East Sixth and Alder atreets, . under tha ausplees . of Washington lodf No. 4s, A. F. A. it., and; um- her post, G. A. R. . : y . ' Careful measurement by a nan who knows how, careful cutting by an e ... perlenced cutter, careful , making ' skilled tallore those are the reason -why our garments always fit well, look ; well and wear well. We carry on of - the largeat stocks In the city. Gray ' worsteds and blue serges ar the proper - thing for this spring, and our price, remember, is only $25 for any piece of . roods In our store mad t your order. ' This la something no other - tailoring ,flrm In the city will da. Com in and examine our work and "look the goods over whether you wtih "o buy or not , You can ae then what we ere able , to do. Unitiu Tailoring Co., tOI Stark, . . near Sixth. ' ' "Rev. A. A. Morrison,' 1. T.. will lee . lure- tomorrow evening at the Fourth . . Presbyterian church. First and Glbba street, on 'Criminology and Its Rela tion to Psychology."- The. lecture will ' be . given st T:SO o'flock. A musical -' program has been arranged Tor the occa sion. This will be the eighth lecture of the eours given this season by the . South Portland Library association, and a cordial invitation la extended to the PUbllC. .v.--. . ' , . - A list Of th granges which will tend . representativea to th state grange at - Albany May 21 has been prepared by Mrs. Mary 8. Howard, state secretary of the Patron of Husbandry. In tha Jurisdiction of th state, extending oifsr IT counties, there ar t granges and . .4 members. Thirty-three -represent ' tatives will attend the state grange, ac cording to th report. Funeral -service - for th late James K. Cbldwell. who took his own life by -: shooting near the Portland sanitarium, '. will be held from the late residence, (4S-Larabe street, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Tb services will be ".conducted by Rev. Dr. Hope. Interment ..will occur at Greenwood cemetery, tb Masonic commandery having. charge of th ceremony. . ' ' Th membera of tb rock-pll gang ;: i from the county Jail prisoners did not go to Llnnton today to work on th road there, owing to th fact that th at earn beat which transports them la on tho way for repairs. The men were marched down to th dock before any ; word had been sent to th county ofH- ' elaia regarding th boat' being laid elf. ' , Mineral Spring Hotel company, f es , sees. . Amos D. St. Martin hot aprlngs, Carson,- Washington, is without doubt th beat health resort In the northwest. Hot mineral baths Tor care of rheuma tism, stomach, liver and kidney trou blesv Excellent table, eleotrlo light and team heat; fin trout fishing. Tak steamerjSpncr.or Regulator boats. This evening at 4:10 o'clock, th But- terworth Conoort company will give concert at Taylor Street Methodist church. . A general Interacting program will bo given. The company constats or Harry T. . Butte rworto. naaso; Mlaa Marie Whitney, violinist, .and Mabel Wallace Butterworth.. reader. . - William Brimmer. A. E. Drinker, F. A. ; Voertmann. .E. 3. Christie and M. Van Alatlner this morning filed articles of Incorporation for the Composite Pressed Brick company. Xh capital atoek of "thmew company is 120,000. ' Articles of Incorporation for th Seventy Shar Inveatment company have been riled In th county clerk's of fice by PhU Meteeban, W. M. Killing. . wortb and J. Vi BeachtTh capital k-i-fn,oo. . Until further notice, commencing Sunday, April t. 1(0, th Mississippi .avenue cars will cross the river west erly over steel bridge and easterly over Bumald bridge. Portland Railway com psny. . . Dr.' Brought Would Vota for Word as Shsriff in Pref erence to President. . HE MAPe PROMISES AND x.i KEPT THEM TO LE.TTER "V. S . ' Judge Lowell Says Eye of Interior Are Upon Portland and City Must Be Object Leuon Word Saya He Will Continue to Enforce Law. JUST AT Then - Watching . Marlrjefl.My Set Clocks Without Making Trip to Town."":-: '.; WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE CUSTOM HOUSE Timeball to Be Three Feet in Dlam ter, Suspended Forty Feet Above Roof of Building and Have Drop of Twenty Feet Through Space. Th Salem efflc of Th Journal is ' now at th Postal telegraph office, fit Commercial street. 'Phone Main 401. Orders, changes or complaint will re- . civ immediate attention. , ,: ' County Judg Lionel R. Webster this morning appointed Mark O'Neill. Henry W, Fries and Martin W. Gorman to act - a appraisers of -th estats of th late U I Hawkln. - Watches, diamond and Jewelry on easy weekly payment. II down and 10 cent per week. All mainsprings 11; all , watches cleaned ii. Metiger Jk Co., ill .. Sixth trt. . . . -f . Butter's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates . the shabby lawn bis sweet peas and lawn graaa got gold medal at th fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor. Concrete Construction Co., T01 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone block. Contractor for all kind of cement work. Tel. Main 110. : - Walter H. Brown, cashier f th Bel vlder hotel,' ha been tendered a clerk ship 1' th Bank of California, located in th Chamber of Commerce building. " and ba accepted. He enter upon hi STEIIWM a. a. oxAsa. aammaoir, ' stabs, itxbum, - - sawaa, Aa4 OIsst Thmmam. innn rajto niTXM, . . AJroaxvs rxAJros. . Victor TcKdno ; lsfccliincs Thousands of Victor Record a Every thing In Sheet Music All Small Mualcal Instruments. . Everything kt the' loweat price and en th easiest terms. . Diindore Piano Co. 184 tetawsy Oealera. tT, On OUwOsTXA. "If Prealdent Roosevelt wer running for . sheriff of Multnomah - county. : would vote against him and in favor of Tom Word. This is because Word, be fore his election, made certain prom lBoerand- ha has kept every on of them to tn iuar." ' Thifs words, spoken by Dr. J. Whit comb - Brougher yesterday afternoon at a maes meeting held In the White Tens pie for. th purpose of dlsousslng th com lng campaign - - from - the reform standpoint, called forth -vigorous ap plause and marked . the climax of enthusiasm which had been growing since the opening of the meeting. "Civlo Righteousness" was the theme -of - tho day, and in addition to Dr. Brougher, tha banners of reform wer held on blah by Judge Stephen Lowell, candidal for United States aenator: E. 8. J. MbAllla ter, Sheriff -Harvey Brown of Baksr county, Robert O. Smith and Sheriff Word. . - . - " "I believe It la right that th church should b reoognised aa a power In poll tics." continued Dr. Brougher. "Tb. devil and his forces aro doing every thing possible ' to oppose reform. . and tb church . should work Uk the devil. too." He spoke at length on the admlnla- tratlon of Sheriff Word, saying that the sheriff had expended 11,000 of hie own money In the Interest of reform and had refused offers of large sums If he would glv up hi crueade agalnat gam- oiing. . ' OlVU migkMOBMU B. S. J. McAllister Utked on "Oblige' lions f Cltisenship.- "Admlttlng that government la baaed on th consent of the governed," he said, "people cannot afford to dlaregard and treat -with indifference the forcea that form that government. - Th artificial conception of government,- that some people have special prerogative to rule, has passed away. It Is now recognised that w ourselves must select those we believe will formulste and minister lews wisely. . Th sooner we break away from the old form th better. "There ar many policies which were recognised expedients- In the past that we now find it wise- to abandon Gambling is on of these. It was only comparatively a abort tlm ago that churches, college and commonwealth reeorted to form of gambling to raise funds. This waa dona away with, . Then the exeuae waa mad that gambling helped business, but it baa been demon tratedthat gambling of all klnda is pernicious. Gambling Is not a kind of business; It la a sort of thievery." PorUamA aa axample. ' Judge lAwll spok on "The People and- the; LewJNr Ha . pointed out that th Interior regarda Portland aa th social, financial, political and industrial center, and warned that If Portland did not eet an example of good govern ment th city would blight th remain der of th commonwealth! ' W eay that lawlessness 1 prevalent, but th great danger lie In laxity of law enforcement." declared Judg Low lL "A an example to th younger gen eration, we muat ae that our laws ar obeyed. Th remedy for present condi tions I not more laws, but tha abl and conscientious enforcement of thoeej we have. - We muat have an awakening of public aentlment. Our motto ahould be .Tb same law for every man, and vary law alive.-" . . . Sheriff Brown- of Baker county and Robert O. Smith gave short addresses. The sheriff was present, and was called upon to address th meeting. Tou perhaps would like me to stste my policy if elected." he aaid. "All I can eay la that I shall go on as I have In the paat I shall continue to enforce the lawn to th beat of my ability. I have no pet laws to act upon, but will endeavor lxonestiy to enforce ralinaa and to aerv faithfully in th name of th people." , H. W. Stone, secretary of th Young Men's christian association, maae short address, calling for money Tor campaign purposes to be used by th Municipal association In th eaus of reform. Subscriptions were taken on cards, and about J00 waa raised. new duties April 1. Mr. Brown has been an employe of the Belvlder for more than nine yeara, acting In th ca paclty of cashier for tb greater part of that tlm. , We ar still selling eyeglasses at It. a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger at Co, ill Sixth street. Acme Oil Ca sell th best safety coal oils and fin gaaollnea. Pbon Eaat 7i. C K. Walborn. furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. Eaat llll. Women' exchange, ill Tenth atreet. lunch, 12 to S. . TOT BURNS TO DEATH BEFORE MOTHER'S EYES " 1 ' 'If-- (seeetal trtssateb te The Jeareal.) Heppner, Or., April I.- Fir destroyed th bom of W. B. Barrett of Sand Hol low, II miles northeast of here, and burned a 1-year-old child to death Sat. urdy evening. . Mr. Barrett 1 In a ser loua condition as a result of the shock and being burned on th hand and arme.... .- - The fir was started by children wtio wer playing In a woodshed and quickly spread, shutting a email child In. It elothes soon caught. Hi chlld'a crtee attracted the mother who rushed to the woodshsd but could not reach the baby. She tried to cut th wall down with an ax but was unable. 1 The fire burned rapidly and the house waa eon In flame. Barrett waa out on the rang with his sheep apd no help could be had. Mrs. Barrett waa unable to da anything and had to atand and see her child burned and her home deatroyad. Barratt re turned in the evening and could find nothing . but fragments Of the little child in the ashes. Vote Against Benson. Th Booth-Kelly company, havinar been ousted from the control of th Roseburg land office by the federal au thorities, bow seek to control the state land office by nominating and electing F. W. Benson as secretary of stste. Preferred Stock Casaed See a Allen Iftwie Beet Brand. - ; Portland will soon toe one of the few oities in the United States having a government timebelL It will be sus pended at a pelnt about 40 feet above tha top of the custom house Duucing and have a drop of 10 feet. . ' William H. Ledbetter. In charge or tha local hydrograpbio offlos. received Instruction from Washington this morning to prepare epeclflcetlona. As soon aa thla work has been completed, bid for building the apparatus will be soliolted. Roughly speaking, the ball will be three feet in diameter. , At II o'clock noon every day tha sphere will drop, electricity being the' power by which - IV wilt be released. Th- bell will be able to be Been from almost every point In the city. While th tlmeball will prove of great convenience to trainmen and. the general public. It 1 being eatablianeo principally for the accommodation ef the mariners visiting port. When they want to set their watches correctly it will not be necessary for them to com up to the city.. Near the noon hour all they will have io do will be to keep an ere on th .sphere suspended In , midair above the eastern house building,- When It drops they may eecure tb right tlm and act their timepieces. Captains of ships and of river team era have long seen the advantage of such an arrangement being established at Portland, and It was lsrgely through tbslr requlst that th matter of obtain lng one was taken up by local repre sentatives of th government. Senator Fulton was requested to do what fa could. Member of th chamber of .com merce, board of trad and other, bust neas organlaatlona gave their support Some wer In favor of having tb ball placed at some more elevated point In the city, but it Is argued that no better point for marine men could have been chosen than the custom house. Th custom hous can b seen more plainly from the lower harbor than any other building In th city. :" v CHARTERED FOR FIR, Schooner w. T. ami Will Carry Carre of fcumbee to Fa Baa. Tha schooner W. F. Oarma we char tered thia morning te load lumbar at Portland for the far eaat. 8h 1 now In th orient and la expected to arrive by th middle of th summer. She has a carrying capacity of 1,100.000 feet of lumber. Th Germs 1 well known at Portland, having been here a number of times during, the paat two or three years. Nearly every trip ah took lum ber ear aoes to China. - Exportera aay that ' tb demand Tor lumber In all - parts of the -world ta greater than it has ever been. A a consequence, they ar expecting to make heavy shipments during tha remainder of th season. Several large carriers under charter te load .ar expected to put In an appearance ahortly, ejpong them the British steamship Oceano, which was taken a couple of month ago by tho Pacific Export Lumber com pany. She will tak out close te 4,000.- ooo reel r nr. . HARRY MORSE GETS CREW. Wore Tbb Thaa weeded Amaleua te Slake Trip to Beetom. Before United State Commissioner Barnes, a fulLcrewjpf sailor signed this morning to maae tne voyage on me American bark Harry Morae from Port land te Boston. More tars than needed were anxious to mske this trip. The Harry Morse is loaded with about 10, 00 feet of lumber and a quantity of scrap Iron. She will leave for the sea Wednesday.- Laden with a cargo of fir, the British bark BalmoY left down this morning bound for Genoa, Italy. Many -of her seamen are making the -trip In order to visit their native land. They will be paid off immediately on their arrival. and after finishing their visit will re turn to Portland, where they have homee. Few of them ar xprtncd seamen. The British ateamship Clackmannan- shire lg still abort a crew. Ae soon as full' complement or men can ne se cured she will leave down bound for Port Plrie with a cargo ef lumber. BERLIN NEARLY, READY. Will Take Spplieg ead Stores aad Tws KuBdred stem te Aleak. By Wednesday the American ship Berlin will be loaded and ready te sail for Bristol Bay, Alaska. Sba moved to the Ainsworth dock yestsrday, where the rest of ber ehlpment will be com pleted. She le taking on cannery sup plies and a great quantity of stores. which will be valued . at more than 1100,00. - ' - A stall le te be bunt on the main deck today for a milch cow, which will taken north, a snipment of pigs will also be placed on board. After the completion or ber cargo, tb Berlin may be delayed in aatllng a few days, waiting for men, Th com pany 1 anxloua to employ 100 white and about 111 Chinaman, the former to do the fishing and latter to work In the factories. It : la said, however, that nearly all - of th handa needed have been employed. . It la claimed that the veeset will get away this week. - She will be In .command of Captain Salve een, who le an old-time mariner In Alaskan wmtere.,- ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Captain Cash Weir I having a new .boat built In the Graham yards on the eaat aide. It I probabl th vesael will be placed In service en the Willamette lough. Th steamer stranger, ef the Regula tor line's fleet, came down from the up per Columbia river this morning to have her boiler waahed. - She will go out again thl evening. : The boat le car rying supplies to the various camps along the north bank road. For a while yeaterday afternoon the Columbia river bar was rough, the wind blowing at North Head at a velocity of 10 mile an hour. There was a -mil blow at Tatooeh nd l-mlls wind at Seattle. District Forecaster Beal had np torm warning arlyln th morn ling He aay It le seldom auch atrong a Th3 Greatest Ctoyei Pa-chta Mdtr O Frct: StOT ever pcrticiyttcd in 3Q00 p&irt of "VearV red French IG3 i Cloves boaght t a tacriflce by"the largett tad best, retell ttore fat- Buffalo, Denver ead Portland. Our thxn of 5000 pcirt now ca tilt at a pice ridkclocxly low, tpiality and ttyle contideree! Deautlfsl glovo cf the best fashion and a coiaplete range of mat Cbce, Kid, iPiyie Overseen, pada with two colored Pearl clasps of novelty ellect. three double rows of Peris polat stitching to laatch claspsShads are tlic!t,whlte, pods browa, champagne, cream, tan, lavender, coffee, elsctric, navy and bistpra every y T jftT pair of gloveFin the lot lUgular $2.30 V II )s value, on scla at Grandest Caster Clove Exrgtia ever offered. Sale Will Continue Until Further Notice. Mall ordsrt will be promptly filled. Order Today. Easter Cat Glass Specials $1.50 Cut Glass Nappies, with handle, ach...;... $2.75 Cut Glass Olive Dishes and Spoon Trays. . $2.75 Cut Glass Vases, 6-inch, special, each'. ....... $4.00 Cut Glass Vases 6-inch, special, each. .....'. $8.75 Cut Glass Vases, 10-inch, special, teach. . .. . . $6.00 Cut-Glass Bowls, fancy cut, spec!al,each . $3.50 Cut Glass Bowls, on sale at, special, each.... $9.00 Cut Glass Rose Bowls for this low price, .... $15.00 Cut Glass Flower Centers for low price of. , Easter Vases in great variety all prices. ..V.fl.23 ....$2.23 ....82.23 ....$3.10 ....S7.10 r,rJ4.77 . .86.78 ...$7.18 ...811.07 Easter Sale of Toilet Articles Colgate's Dental Powder in glass bottles and nital- boxes; great value at this special low price. ........ I "fC . Free with every box of the above,: a cake 'of Cashmere Bouquet Soap. The genuine article take advantage. New stock of Sponges, at prices from, . , . . . . ..It- to 83.00 Scissors and Shears, guaranteed, all sizes, pair. ...39 Special lot of Pocket Knivesat this low price, each.. ...30 Hard Rubber and Celluloid Dressing Combs, special, ,33 4-row imported Tooth Brushes, special, each ......... . . Sift pecial lot of Rubber bponges, grand value at. ........ . .ZJf r Great Easter Stationery Sale ." XXX Cream Wove Envelopes, 6x6-inch ; regular 10c f value, on sale at this low price, per package. ......... fC Fountain Pens, 14-K. gold pen ; every pen guaranteed FQ satisfactory or your money back ; special. . . ...... ... Visiting Cards, Announcements, Wedding Invitations printed or engraved at the very .lowest prices here. r Latest styles. Memorandum Books in complete variety 5t to 81.00 Faber fine Lead Pencils, 5c value, two for. ,5ft Burnt Leather Souvenir Post Cards, special, each. 5 -New-Box Stationery-in-all grades t lowest-prices. GREAT EASTER SALE OF Laces and Embroi(i2rie3 Another week of phenomenal bargafas b Lacas and Bmbroideries Special values of unusual merit thet are keclag bnslaesa in the lace section at fever heatT Round-mesh VaL Laces and Insertions, 1 ; to 2 inches widej-very prettiest patterns and great variety values up to $15 dozen yards at.. .M. Point de Paris Lace and Inacr-- tions, in thebest styles, 2 to 5 inches wide ; regular - 20c ' ' values, on sale at, this low price, yard. . , . ... I vC Point de Paris and Imitation Torchon. Laces in attractive patterns and. great assort ment; 2 to 5 inches wide ; val- ues up to 15c a yard, on sale at this low price. ...yard.... Baby Irish AUovert, Special lot of white. Baby Irish Allover Laces, in all the new, desirable designs, good va viety; regular $2.25 values; on sale at this low price 81.42 Great EnibroiJcry Bargains Swiss Corset Cover Embroideries in fine patterns ; new t jnu lot ; values up to $1 a yard, on sale at this low price. .C Handsome Swiss Embroidery in English designs, 12 to 18 in. wide ; val. up to $1.2o yard, on sale at low price. OJC 5,000 yards of Cambric Embroidery and Insertion, 2 to ' aT- 6 in. wide ; values up to 15 cents a yard, on sale, yd. . . . 5C JSwiss and Cambric Embroidery. in..attractive patterns, rjci 5Io'12rin. wide ; values up to 85c yard, for, yard. .. .etfvC 5c 5" ) X i w am Easter Sale of Groceries and Provisions Phone Exchange 4: ll-ounce bottle Queen Oltvee. ......... ...... E-ounce bottle Queen OUvee t-ouiace bottle Stuffed Ollvee , . JeU-O Ice Cream Powders for............. H -pound can Baker's Cocoa ............... t can A mason Table Peaohee. ...... casa Alpha Cora. for... . S peckasss Beeded Raisins Trr,an French Sardines, ean.i... S cans Rosebud French Sardlnee. ........... Kl g-Prune - or Poa turn Cereal bare Oasene Soap for t cans Griffin's Assorted Soups.. t J -lb. cans Griffin's Pork end Bean...,... 1 pound can Curtice Bros.' Jam 1 euart MacNally'a Olive Oil for Quart bottle C. B. Lucca OU.. 1-pound pall Ml Hood Lera H-pouad eaa X.owmeys Ooooa foe 1-poumd eaa Xwbst's Oeeo for, . ir.n. . 1 pottad Bakefe VBeweetemed Oboeela..., i poaad Baker's Ooooa for Was. M. Bakers Tasveeteaed Ohoeolate, lb.. . 1 gallon Ix( Cabin Maple Syrup,,....,.,,, I caoa Carnation Cream for....... ....... ........104 10 .20 f ....... ...25 .4 25 20 ..i 26e) 25e - 25f 20 ........ . om 65e ........ooer, ..: so mm. .404 32 ....... .A04 20 91.2S 25 cans Pioneer Cream for......,;..................54 lU-lb. eaa ripe Ollvee for....... 20 IS poaaas dry araaeJated Ungmt. , ...$1.00 Keler Si Traaki Taauma Hooba and A , Java Coffee, peaad a4C Celebrated Victor Flour, . aack. ... 1-pound can 8hrimps, 101 J-pound can, -lb. eaat Tabls Blaokberrtee.v. i . t i . UftMn .Vllr ivr ,MMfuii Quart bottle ef Blaelar fo. .............. Blue Label Catsup, bottle........... 1-quart botUe C. at B. Vlnecar., Van Camp's Catsup, bottle Durkee Salad Dresslnr Walnuta at, par pound , Quart Cooper s Olive Oil. for..........;.... t packaea Force for 1 paekaa-ee Malta Vita for. . Lrlbbys Ham or Veal lMt. . r. m tsvrri . S Jare McLaren'e Cheese........ Ba polio, 7e: Bon Ami. t for Ubbr's Lunch Tongue t 1-pound cane Corn Beef for -pound Jar Heine Apple Butter...,, .., fl.10 20 ........ lO 2 r H w ....20 25 .20 10. 25 x ai.oo .........25 25 v;viiii..l ,......25 ........25 20, 85 25 ........ 40 wind ar xpriencd o late in the season. . . - Tha French ehlp Crlllon ehlfted yes terday te the Oceania dock. Aftsr tak ing en 1.10 tone ef wheat ehe will leave for Teeoma t eoiilplete -the cargo for Eurona. v Nearly a year out from Kewcast1-on-Tyn, th German ahlp Emille, Captain Wllm. arrived yeaUrday at Aatoria. She la brlnelnc a cargo ef coke, pig iron ana m.r.i freie-ht. The Emllle bad to nut Into Port SUnley for repairs. The French bark General Neumayer was placed on the aryaoca mis naroin for cleaning and painting. She was raised without any difficulty. ' Thia afternoon the French berkFran eola d'Ambole wUl tr-ive to Columbia dock Na U where sne win ibks on a grain cargo for the United Kingdom. MARINE NOTES. Atorla. April . Arrived at steamer Columbia, from San Frsnclsoo. San Franclaco, April 1 Arrived, steamer Senator, from Portland. ' Aatoria. April I. Arrived down at midnight and sailed at 1:10 p. m- Ger man ateamer Arabia, for Honrkong and way ports. Arrived at lt:5 a. iru. German ship Emlll. from Newcastle. Ban Francisco, April .Arrived steamer Bedondo, from Portland. eureka, April T. Sailed at 1 a. m. Steamer Alliance, for PorUand. Aatoria, April 7. Arrived at 4:1 and left UP at :! P. m., eisamer uaisy Mitchell, from San Francisco, Arrived down at 7:10 p. m.. barkantlne George C Perkina, , San Franclace. April 7. Sailed, steamer Roanoke end British ship Bar dowle. for Portland. Point Lobos, April t. Psssed bsrken tine Fullerton In tow ef See Rover, for Portland., -Aatoria, - April . I. Condition - ef th bar it I i m., - rough; wind eoutb; weather cloudy. Milwaukls Country Club. - Lo Angale and Oakland noes. Tak Sellweod apd Oregon City can at First aad Aide CUT RATES SAVE MONEY Come at once and have free eiamlnatlon. WE EXTRACT TEETH FRKK; SIL VER FILLINGS, tto UP; OOLD FILL INGS. 7 to UP: SET OF TEETH. 14.00; SPLENDID SET. M 00; OOLD CROWNS. 11.0 TO le.OO; WHITE CROWNS. t.l TO 11.00. All work guaranteed for ten year, BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS tllVe Morrison St.. Opp. Meier Frank and Postof flee, . 'fJJfiffrfl JEW NUN WILL NOT BE TRIED THIS TERM Jew Nun will not be tried for the murder of Lee Tlcf Tee at thle term ef the circuit court. The second trial of the prisoner on the charge ef mur der tn the first degree waa te have com menced thle morning, but owing te the lllneee ef Henry E. 'McGinn, leading counael - for the defendant, the ease waa postponed until Mey 14. . - When the eaae wa called thla morn ing by Presiding Judge Arthur L, Fra ser, Deputy District Attorney Gus Moser declared that the state' waa ready for the trial. Mr; Moser eald that th stat had gen te a great I ef aspense in getting witnesses for t -case, and he did not wish to agree i th poetponement of th trial unices defense would stand tbjs burden. 1 area agreed te. - AKvi THE, . HCfl IP THEATRE Wartlsstea t Kals 1. Tv., m, let, 1hts. April U. Is, 14, N. pwl.l Prtw lldlnM ttardiy Aiva.vca balk TOMoaaow. Box Office Tb. Hslllg Th.tre. 10 s. si. Origlsel Predaettna of the Bplesdld Msvlesl - Kstrsncesss, . . Fl I . T I I f NMs in toYiand M - - m mm TI.NIMO PBKse Unrvr tStxrr, tint 10 lews. $3; lest tmrs. l.ftO. Balrear. lint 4 row. U.M; seit tows, 41.00; UN I eve, Tlk. Entire U.Uery. B0e." KiTINCe PKICM Lowrr flnor, flret 10 revs. ll.SO: lul 4 row. 41.00 Balceer, flnt 4 row. 11.00; next rows, TBel last 4 row., Oe. Satire UtUwr, BSe. TMBATR8 Pkeae Vein 1 Tnal.kt TUV ' BMeUl-rrlc 1:14 e'Clork We4sMdey. Mat. WedBM4f klrke la batl. Owsaar a Fast Ansstnag TriB ME1L.IQ 14rh a4 Wasfatnrtoa. TM4UT i la saeOe Queasy la Tasl Ansst) Onawlr Praia, - . , . rmiriNi Prices Vomit tux. lido. tl.09; B.lrnry, $1. 00, TH. 0e: Oallwy. Sfca. waiNaiwf MaTinib prick L.w flow, 41.00. T4t Baleeor. He. 0c; Oallary, k. Beau eaUlag 4w eatire eseaeasaeeC ltts sad Morrises. UT. EmDirc Theatre InLTON W. 8IAV ATf. Kaaaeef. . rertlaad's eala Ftayaaaae. tf-Jul sW-M.'He"--cl-Jr'"'' The Fatal Wedding" 'V .-! with - - . t :: , Jam Xettea aad a Cass. thriUls. j-e-tae with .MJ-J-' C- BTTeain rrKw-w . lor, 16c. Me. ; Bws Waia irswava OTAR nCsATkX. TS-k ef Ajrt I r--r. Brew a fteaa. toe eay sest la " the wmh ' 4- v-f MARQUAM ORANO THEATRB. nSDMMXOM WaUE atesdar, April (Ilk.' VlektWTae Wit sad , wTaem ef afcakeapojwe's To.1.." Taeeday, April 1 (. W P. lt) "Tbe . Morekast ef oslo.." VMaeeiay Kattaea, April IWTaa Weaiea ef ISBtasAia." yeiaesaay Vlskt, April IWftlla Oseasr." Vn4rt the aoepires ef Kalrhie ef PytklM. PBJCESUreor floor, 1 a.4 T4e. Balcoar. T4e as 40e. Boxes aa toeee, T 0. als el eaete new epos, ktarenaa soa efflce. Baker Theatre P2zJzzr- Xsakin sad Id Bts.' ffeoae Msla MOT Ose' eerie twl every evenlnt st $:t , - Mattsoee Woeseeday aa BAtaHay. : "CHERRY BLOSSOMS'! ' Tk One Berleaeee Show Tao Oely ' the two sproariouslr raaor tortoises, int. waunu ctjvst TOASOO" aad . " -TUM tUAABJOsOKg VaUOBJOia. . Fes, Maele as Pretty Owls. WiAurii, U.ttu. . M.I- fu. M. A- et. Bararaay MatlnM. 14r, av. it?, (aw. bum pncoo ase, see, soe. Tie. Bpecial eiuainf porforsiaix-e 8atur4ar Dlant. Baal Wk ' TlCa KBkfct KAIMVa." COAND "TKbATKS. wreok ef April Bpwtal tore Act, - , ARF.ltVll. - C ASTKI.CAT'W atoadajd Wllaos. Okarios X. Aaatta. Xlss Ilia WUaos 0. BarU B "sty Raiela a?ef f. eraailaaowa. PBK CS Titne .i4 Buaeara, lv, 4e sue aosoe a. Maueeea. is to ear t-.t nfnt hiH LISTEN! We eell all grades f house eeela. Tin. blacksmith coal and coha. We bare die the product ef every mine that asar ksts in Portland, and t-r y that i7ir.:r " .