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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, ' APRIL ' 9, 1803. While in the East last month our buyer, Mr. Phil Gevurtr, concluded arrangements With a large sewing machine manufacturer, whereby this store becomes the exclusive depot for the sale of these machines in' Oregon. We shall buy-ffom the MANUFACTURER -direct and ship-in CARLOAD LOTSr Having made a marked success in the steel range business , by this method, we have no doubt that we-shall repeat the result in the sewing machine line. By this, means , .v THE CONSUMER OBTAINS, FROM - -4 TTTTT is . This machine has all the good qualities of all the cele brated and highly advertised makes combined into' one. THE EXPIRING PATENTS NOW. PERMITS THIS. , NEVER IN BISTORT HAS OPPORTUNITY OFFERED TO SECURE A SEWING UACC1NE EQUAL TP THIS AT THE PRICE. V ' The machine is a high-class, high-arm, lock-stitch. with the new ball-bearing stand and all the latest im provements. trc.-.T! -t - n o t n n o DURING THIS SECOND INTRODUCTORY SALE, COMMENCING MONDAY ON THE SPECIAL TERMS , OF $1.00 DOWN AND wm ' " - : ! pj fa. ins is tee : Ill jm - I Laminated . f ., Finished Golden W FrCC Oak Woodwork ( Attachments f Guaranteed for five years aEaiitat I , 4 Sr IMiaWIUICUO. imperfections in either workman- . V,v' l II i - r - . II Ill . llilf -, .i.u l f i it It is not a department store machine, simply made to -- sell cheap. - v ; ;,; .. This new High-Arm Sewing Machine is of the VERY V HIGHEST ORDER, built exclusively from the very finest of materials, in a most accurate and perfect man ner. Its design embraces every latest feature of con i struction, and its simplicity is almost marvelous. .. No woman in Oregon should longer be without a - high-class sewing machine, after learning ot our extraor- : dmary oner of a . ... ; ... WTY C Era! IPffi W mi Come in any day this week and examine this great machine and witness its demonstration by lady operator. See 1. window display. Do not hesitate. Everybody is invited to accept this liberal offer. . We expect to do the sewing machine business of Oregon. COUNTRY ORDERS ACCEPTED. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND FUR . NITURE CATALOGUE. - , . , ; Free nickel-plated ateel attachments at follows are furnished with each machine: Ruffler. tuck er, binder, braider, foot ahirrinK tide plate, four assorted b e m m e r e. quilter, foot hemmer and . feller. Needles, screwdriver, oil - can, bobbins, etc, are in- duaea. - LATEST RIPROVED MECHANISM This machine has the improved mechanism, combining all late improvements with the powerful, positive gear motion, something never before attempted. No springs, but positive action throughout The needle is self-setting, cannot be wrongly adjusted, and is held with the latest patented form of needle clamp. ,, " The Automatic Bobbin Winder! a marvel to old sewing machine experts. . The feed is unquestionably the best . ever devised. It is double, extending on both sides of the needle, is absolutely positive is its action, and has a full four-motion movement. i ...... , - . The shuttle is of large site and is absolutely self-threading. It ia held in the shuttle cradle in such a manner as to prevent all rattling; and clicking, which is a frequent source of annoyance with other machines. , - , Those Sewing Rlachines Arrived The. second installment of Sewing Machines, arrived last week and we , are now prepared to fill all orders filed with us during the past three weeks aa well as accommodate all others who desire. . . . . ' $60 Sewing Machine for $25 THE HOU3EFURNISHER3 173-175 FIRST ST. 219-227 YAMHILL SECOND MACHINE SALE NOW ON Our great .sewing machine sale was a marked success, and quickly. wiped out our stock. We immediately .ordered 350 more of these great machines and they are now ready for delivery. To accommodate all who were unable to secure a machine during our first introductory sale, we shall renew the easy terms. lYonneed pay but $1 Down and 50c Per Week ' Anybody can afford a sewing machine on those easy terms. - ST. JOHNSCOUfJGIL IT- T0IJIG1 City Starts on Another Adminis .' tration Era This Evening . To Make Plans. MARSHAL. ENGINEER AND ' ATTORNEY TO BE NAMED Division of Sentiment No Longer Exists Regarding Official- Attitude . Towards Saloons and Improvement - Plans to Be Given Attention. Tontcht the old Bt. Johns council will formslly deliver, the town irovernment to- ths recently elected officers, the work of, the yeer wlU be closed, the - new officers will be sworn In and plans made for the future. , - It in expected that Mayor-elect Fred '.valentine wlll.tonlsht name not only the standing committee of the council :t but the marshal, city engineer and town ' attorney. Charles Brederaon la at present .marshal. City Attorney Oreene , will probably be again appointed and II in probable that tike present city engi neer will continue in orric. ' Reoorder-elect Thorndyke, one of the . . editor of the 8t Johns Review, will. Is L; addition to his place as recorder, hold that of police Judne.and justice of the ( L t5i Caking V y tt Powdar ;)) ; 7 Twice aa good I VV v otK price ef others. . 11 ' V 5rS!' Try It I It as aeeSea . ( 1 1 Wt w,,aV' mma. ; ff. . . Ml Brsnri ' 'K ' Jl peace, opening hie first atwalon of court tomorrow morning. During the last six months the Illness of Recorder Hanks has left the town without a reg ular recorder. Minute of the council have been signed by Recorder Hanks. Deputy Re ourder O. E. Learned. DeputyRecordef O. R. Downs, Deputy Recorder Thorn dyke and Thorndyke recorder pro tern. In the last few months and the reault ha been that the town' official bust ness I considerably, involved. There la some question regarding the salary to be paid the recorder and police Judge, the former's wage being $40 a month, but the charter allowing the city to pay up to stow a month for the service. Mr. Thorndyke. to provide- with the town charter, expect to sell hi Inter est In the Review and to secure an ade- quat lary. .ti-. . Jir - .- The officer who will tonight take their Beats are from mayor to last councilman candidate of the Cltlsens' ticket and are for the moat part busi ness men who. have - property invest ment In the town and who are thor oughly acquainted with the paat politi cal trlala of the place and the disad vantage the outgoing council haa la bored under owing to a division - of sentiment regarding the saloon ques tion. The Incoming council I united for high license, and It general policy 1 announced to be one of Improvement. Though the financial affaira - of - the town are In much better shape than they - were . a year ago. the need for economy la pressing owing to a low tax levy and a number of outstanding warrant and other debt. 1 ,t Mayor W. H. King 1 the only mem ber of the present council who wtll continue In office, he being on of the new - eouncllmen. Fred ' Valentine, mayor-elect, for the past year haa been city treaaurer. - S IS METROPOLITAN NOW. Sraw SXUlrooa - Tmin Tkaa t. Jokma ropl Hoe Oars Did. Bt. John haa assumed new metropol itan airs with the opening of a grillroom. The management of the 81 John hotel, which recently completed a 11S.00Q two story brick block in the business center of the town, yesterday admitted the, pub lic to a cafe, after spending ala months In deooratlng the rooms, arranging the cuisine and securing a cook. . It was the promise of the company when It secured its license from the council that the establishment would compare favor ably with any similar place In Portland. ana wnen the grill was later added to the original plana of the company the same idea, was carried out . Up to thla time, 8t John haa been content with lunch eountera and hotel meals served family style," but when the Inhabitant tackled the flrat course dinner served by home talent yesterday they knew a new era had dswned. To day the tow l putting on more airs than It did when the bos cart arrived. Toe aew grill presents a nana card that I aa complete aa that of the pre tentious city establishments, and from waiter In full dress to cut glass and linen the appointments of a metropoli tan place have been given. EASTSIDEJ,OTES. Bids have been aaked for the construc tion of a schoolhouse at Eatacada to coat not more than $6,000. Bid will close April 14. - Tonight, under the auspice of the Montavllla Improvement association, a musical e, followed by the play, "Trial by Jury,'1 will be given at Wood ward a haU. in the suburb. - , The first livery stable ever conducted In St. Johns will soon be started by Cochrane Brothers, In the old Poff V Covey building, now the property of the Htar Brewing company. After meeting 10 Portland bowling teama the Montavllla organisation cloaed second in the tournament, and the mem ber are nightly Haunting their home alley to get Into such trim that next time they can go to the very top. Just a the JSstacada council was ready to cloa a deal for the purchase of the town water plant from th prea ent owner, a petition algned by a large number of th taxpayers waa'p'resented opposing th purchase of the system at the agreed price and asking that the voters be given a chance to determine whether the plant should be bought and at what price. If It was decided to secure It.- The deal Is off and an election will determine th question. Bleated at SVosUa. Lostlne, Or., April t. In th Lostln city election the following officer were elected for the ensuing term: J; H. Haun, mayor: Charles Melquist and George Hunter, counollmen; K, W. Mo. Kensle, treaaurer; O. P. Maya, recorder; Robert Davis, marshal. ! . J NEW SHORT LINES TO SOUTHWEST Railroad to City of Mexfco From Chicago and One From Den ver to the Gulf. PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF IMMENSE ARID REGION B. F. Yoakum Syndicate to Spend Seventy Millions Shortens Dis- . tance Several Hundred Milei Rock Island to Control St Helens Cream Contains more Protelds than any other Cream on th market. Bet ter for Bablea and Convalescents. Dilute by adding equal part of warm water. Sweeten to suit taat. ; Mary fed her little lamb a much advertised cereal breakfast food. He seems no better. ' . (To be Continued.) Mary's Little lamb (Journal RMeial' Rervlee.I Chicago, April 9. With two big rail road deal Just completed toward es tablishing a new through short line from th Great Lake to Mexico City, and a aystem of line which shall bring Denver in touch with the gulf, and the gulf territory In touch with the orient through Paolflo ports, it come to light that th B. F. Yoakum syndicate I about to accomplish on of "the really great railway achievements of recant year. The whole plan - ia part of an enter prise to develop the southwest, and in lta execution th Rock Island and 8t Louis tk San Francisco systems are Involved In a vital way, , To date the project ha Involved the expenditure of f20.000.000 and the ultimate cost will be olos to 170.000.000. Th Chicago-Mexico City line will re duce th traveling distance between these two cities more Jban 100 miles. There will, la fact, be two line be tween th lake and th Mexican cap ital, one by the way of St. Louis, New Orleans. Galveston and Brownsville, the other via Kansas City, Fort Worth, Brownsville and th National of Mex ico. . . - Th' connections will bring the I. J CASTOR I A Tor Infants md CMldrea. Th fki Yea Kan Ahrajt E::jU Bars the Signature of Toakum syndicate lines Into touch with all th gulf porta, aa well aa 'all of th St. Louis A Ban Francisco, Eastern Illi nois and Rock Island llnea into touch with the aom porta, and with old luexico. When these plana are eon pleted th Yoakum line probably-will com' Into control of th Rock laland. giving It th most comprehensive ays tem of railroada In thla country. WASCO SOCIALISTS HOLD HARMONIOUS MEETING (SDecU! Dispatch to The JearsaL) The Dalle. Or.. April . Th Social ist convention for Wasco county met Saturday in th city hall and adjourned tnat evening, after - adopting certain resoluuma. Th meeting waa called to order by the county chairman, L. L. McCartney, and C. K. Barsee waa elected permanent chairman, Resolutions were, sdopted accepting th national and state platform as passed at their recent conventions and pledging allegiance to the International Socialist movement; Indorsing the ef fort th women of Oregon are putting forth "to throw off th yoke of bond' age Imposed upon their sex by our ante diluvian ancestors -that they be ac corded th full rights of twentieth cen tury cltlienshlp ; condemning th "kid naping and admitted Illegal extradition of the Western Federation officers In th Colorado-Idaho affair, and demand lng Just and fair play In their trial"; indorsing, "the Roseburg Spokesman, paper of Coos (Douglas) county, one which has .given us- a column lor So cialist new and propaganda,", and th Chronicle of thl city, for "th recent and present Socialist discussion permit ted. The following waa th ticket' nomi nated: Representatives, A. - B. Negus and B. J. Mldelwarts; clerk. Len nox; sheriff. L. L. McCartney: treasurer, George F. Buakull; coroner. F. A. Relch- lelm; surveyor, E. R..DaIy. CRUISER WASHINGTON OFF FOR TRIAL TRIP (Jaaraal Special Bemre.f Washington, April I. The armored erulaer Washington haa left Newport News for her official trial trip, which takea place thla week on th Rockland (Maine) oourse. Th Washington and her slater ship, the Tennessee, are th two moat powerful vessel of their type on thl aid of th Atlantic and th navy department la much Interested in the showing, that will be made by the Washington on her trial trip. The Washington was constructed bt the New Tork Shipbuilding company 'at Camden. New Jersey, and la the first big war vessel to be built by that firm. Her length on water tin 1 02 ret; breadth at tnad water line. 73 feet 10 H Inches; displacement, 14.100 tone; r" draught on. trial displacement, : ' . Ifellows Is the most critical in the selection of food productsdemand- ing the highest degree of purity and quality, a most import- ant point for consideration of particular folks. Below you will find prices of a few of the many good things we carry:, V GROCERIES 10-pound Sack Corn Meal..20) 10-pound Sack Graham - Flour . . ...... ...... . . . .20 Pound Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate . ...... ........30 Can Baker's Cocoa .........2Q 1-pound box Soda Crackers .3fe -pound box Soda Crackers. .60 ' 100-pound Sack Dry Granu lated Sugar 95.35 "Bone City" Flour, th be . 91.18 . 11 ana Condensed. Crsaov, ,t)0 : Round Steak, pound Mutton Chop, pound .... Pork Chops, pound ...... Prim Rib Roast, pound. , MEATS -r .-104 Boiling Beef, pound ....... ..)) .12Ht Pot Roast, pound 8 12He Hamburger, t pound ......25 ...12r' Pork Sausage, pound 10 FELLO W S West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2598 We Arc Willing to Show Onr Colors -..-, . , . ...... because we know the quality and dura bility of BAY STATE PAINTS, and art ur of their giving satisfaction. t you will lavor us with a call and ask for a color card, yeu will be able t pick out the exact ahade yon want. Good grade paint of all kinds ready mixed and In bulk. Oils, varnishes, ' putty, brushes, eto too. . , TO BIO) A2VT STOBB. Rshcr9Thorsen & Co. rmosnr asm m ommisoar am. By Our Method We can prepare those sensitive cavities for gold fillings and take out nerves without pain. : " WI3E DUOO.s Dontlzti Psintrts Extracting. s Third snd W' '-'.nn. Open evenings till 9; Sundays t',1 12. mean draught at maximum load, 7 ft; roal bunker capacity, 2.000 tons. Th steaming radius at 10 knots will I t ) knots; steaming radius at full Her-l't I I i