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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 9,j 1SC3 , . 1 TIEW PARTY DEU1G WEEK OF fflSTIIIG ORGANIZED The Ladies of the Gity Were Out Earlandin Force at the Great Labor and Reform Organizations "ThretTThousand Two: Hundred Start the Nucleus of National Political Body. r ; : Seventeenth Anniversary of Passover Celebrated. - PUBMC OWNERSHIP OF UTILITIES INDORSED . JUOilG JEWS i KUBELIK 1 -o. I" .FIRST CEREMONIES AT ! . DINNER TIME TONIGHT -V' . ... , ... . ' ' , ."' 'For Seven . Days, Only Unleavened ' Bread May Be Eaten Special Ser. , vices Jin All Local Synaf ogue Dr. Wise, Preaches Tomorrow. --Observance of the three thousand two .hundred and seventeenth anniversary of v-;,-the "Peeaach" commencaa today among !V. the Jewe of Portland and throughout ' '-the world. Tha celebration la commonly . railed tha Paaaover. but la alao known . ln Hebrew aa tha "Uhag Hammatsohth," - or fount of the unleavened bread.' The ' holiday commeneee on tha fourteenth day of the .Hebrew month Nlaaan and - continues through eight daya. During even daya only unleavened bread la eaten and wo leavened bread la permit- ted te be upon the premlBee ef en-or-v thodox Jew. -, - " ; '. Ektenolve pre pa ration have been 1 made by the orthodox Jewa of Portland to obaerve the feaat according to the customa which have been tn vogue for mofe than , yeare. Tha firat cef- . monies will be. performed tonight -at 'dinner time and later there will be .services tn the varloua aynagoguea ssnd meeting housaa.- . . I . Tha feaat of the Paaaover com mem o ratea the paaaing over of the deatroylng ..'jingel and tha deliverance-of the Jewa from bondage In Egypt. - When the 1 tint born of all the lamlllea in the land ' wer to be killed, the doorpoata of tha 1 i ..- V 'War. ar,i-4nkld With blood : tfVWIHI. rw m-w r and the deatroylng angel paased over these places. Moees then led. the chil dren of Israel across he Red through the wilderness ana in i 7 promised land of Canaan. Bach year since this' event the Jewa have obaerved jthe feaat of the Paaaover. ' ... . a " Oeroonlos ymkoUeeJ. ,, v The ceremonlea of the holiday eeaaon care all aymboTlrat -of the escape from ' Krypt and incldenta that happened on ' the a-year Journey to -the - promlaed land, la otden ttmee the feaat waa called the feaat of unleavened bread, be- - Ilah authorities. ' V.UM, VW."." - - - - i when the children of larael were Jonr- -'ntying from tne tana o ne nn -they had no time to bring their bread te leaven, oonaequently they were com- manded thereafter to obaerve the oc : 'caalon by eating unleavened bread. A -custom which . waa formerly obaerved ' - .... i,niin. e tha vaa-al lamb. Thla t -waa iuq ..,... a -" - " - ! cuatom grew out of the faot that Moaea. who led tne jewa irom ' ' idolatrous country. Bought to win them . fam Mnlatn h havtna them kill "the pascal limb to teach them that 11 ' waa not acred; waa not a deity, aa they ' had been taught to neneve in r-irt". T Thla ceremony baa been discontinued. -:i Tonight and tomorrow night the moat ? strict rellgloua cuatoma will be ob i' served In the bomea of the Portland : ;- Jewn.-eepeelelly at-4ha dlunaraabla.. On . aeparate plate wUl be placed three - loaves of unleavened bread called "Mat Ah . Hru. aihlrli will he acattered bit- !ter herbs, the lattef being symbolic of ' . . . . . .La 1l.,a n . Tawa it. .xne oiiivrnvve m. y - " V bondage. A piece of roast meat will "mixed almonda and apples and other " inina la ayniDoiic or me rouni oi terlal oaed by the Jewa In the mauu ... fracture of brick In Egypt The mixture la called Charoaaeth.. ... s ; ; j r:v "t.- ' ' l-ear glaeaea ef Wta. t; I w Four . glaaaea of' wine and .: drunk vintage symbollaing the four expressions In the Pentateuch In regard to the de ' Vllveranoa of tha Jewa from bondage. . Finally prayers called Harggadoh are read, Theae are hlatorio of the deliver " vence gleaned from ' the Bible and the , Talmud. Psalma and other poetic eaered wrltlnga are read. Tha final prayer opens with an Invitation to every one ' who la hungry or who may wish to do i ao. to partake of the feaat. and closet . with an appeal to Uod that in the year The Greatest Violinist will appear at the Belasco WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL lo Knabc Piano Used Remember, when auch famous pianos aa tha Knabe. Everett. Fischer, iiaru- man. Ludwlg, Mason ft Hamlin. Conover, Packard and otnera or use are being Sacrificed In price thla month iHr-omUr to reduce, Our larga stock pre ininr. in turnina' over 4he businesa te Sherman. Clay A Co.. our aucoeaaore. the nrat or stay, n ujm w . . tense Interest In piano buying. It la kUiiiu na t aav vou can secure more- plane- value- for you money than you can posaioiy ooiun certificates accepted. Eaay paymente If . dealred. " . Second Hand Pianos We have lota of them and they must be closed out thla . month. A little beauty outfight. $00; Light Co., (76; . i a ,nl4iiiti S7K a Mind. feldt. nice walnut case. $86; Bterling upright. 1100; Weyman, mahogany case. llvu; timse, okk at". na new, another, French walnut finish, seme i . . aniiB.. - ...ti- .n.pi.L bibb: m Milton, mahogany case, lb; a Bmltn Barnes, very nice, iud; a namiiiun. tn walnut caae, almost new.-is; i i t l aaa 1 9 7 S ' M (hlck rai a.iui in i-a - , - - - - . . . . ) r. n - a Vluth. ma. ennx, "" .'-. L ; j hon.ny. In fine condition, 27S, bealdea many otnera. 11 voir can a..u hand piano you can secure one at al most one-half lta true value Juat now Easy payments on all.- - r - - New and Second Hand ORGANS : Wa have about fifty In atock and every one must be eold thla month. No reasonable offer will be rejected. You will find uiem from 110 up and all sold on easy payments. i Allen & Gilbert- Ramaker Co. COtL tXZTat AlfD scosmieosT. Platform Declarea for Initiative artd Reierendum and for the Recall of Men Elected Who Prove False to Pledfea. : ' r . " WooraaT TklaiSerrle.) . a ..u a nixtv. three labor organlsaUons ..and . reform Maoclatlona met yeaterday and launched a new po litical organisation, to be nncleua of the national political party committed to certain principles In politics that are counted upon to secure Justloe to la bor and the middle classes In the admin istration of municipal, state and na tional affairs. . . r, jv The local branch la called the Chi cago Progressive alliance. It is in ne the forerunner of the national progres sive alliance, it inoorsss . ," . . v. MiinuAi ana tele- menc owiwi.hii' . . . . raoh systems and municipal ownership if etreetcars, lighting and water plant and otner puono . It declares for the InltUtlv and ref erendum In teglalatlon and for a recall of men elected in pumice they betray the lntereats of heir eon- n.niitta before ac- BllUns. juuvii - ------ . crptlng a nomination Is reaulred to elgn a pledge thai ne win ronnu, contest and effect no alliance with any other parties or persons. - , Some reasons- giyen as w wnyi". new party la neeoea a arer Insurance scanaais, oes vu vestlgatlon, railroad rebate scandals. Ju dicial servility Tn ths Issuance of In junctions In labor Disputes, ayproprw tlon of publlo funda by publle efflolala, m . ! -iif lam eatatea - In volving millions of dollars and" letting publlo contracts ny rnanipuiswun fraud to turn money Into the poeketeof political bosses. WIFE OF RACETRACK f.lAH ELOPES WITH JOCKEY Mrs. May Yeager Runs Away With Eugene , Hildebrand, Who Was Suspended. ..tine. Thlg "ventng-and -tomorrow- morning here will he sneciai eervloea in all the local synagogues. At Temple Beth Is . raeU Rabbi Wise will deliver a sermon tomorrow morning on the subject, "The Springtide of the Sou.'-r-- At Temple ..Ahsval Eholora services will be held thla '' evening. Tuesday evening, and on Tues day and 'Wednesday mornings. " Rabbi " Wlllner will preach on Tuesday morning on "Tha Oppressor," and Wednesday on At the Conareaatlon Novah Zedeck Talmud Torah aynagogue Rer. J. Bhapo will prealde Toeaday morning and even ing and Wednesday morning. Rabbi O. Halperlor of Toledo, Ohio, who 'la a guest of the congregation, will lecture on Tuesday morning. r- i - - . ' TWO KELSO MEN BADLY' i HURT BY FALLING EARTH - . , aa mmmm , " i '(Special DUoateta te The Joorsal.) ' t' Kelso. Wach., April . tt. K. Kllgore and Aleck Day were badly Injured, by a falling embankment which they were excavating r.ear here. .The . earth fell without warning, completely covering Day, who In addition to Internal lnjurtea had an ear torn off. Kllgore waa knocked against a wagon wnicn was oeiog toaaea and had both legs broken, the bone of one 'belna- very badly shattered, he New Orleane, April Eugene Hildas brand, the weii-anown jocsey, i May Teager, wife of Joe Tracer, sloped from Hot Bprlnga, and have alnce been .u i.,.th tn rthlcaeo. Stories Wfl a-v... - of the alleged elopement have been cur rant tar a ween, out leaavr km " friends tried to keep the matter qnlet . k. Umnhli laat sorlnc K W eommon gosatp that Mrs. Teager showed admiration for Hildebrand. When the Jockey was Injured by tHe .tn . kAM. - Mrs. Yasser was first at his side, and ive him personal attention nnui ne wt.. brand went east, got Into trouble .and Mrs. Teager' waa Miss May. Bird e-f Atlantic Iowa. . Teager married ner t... aaara aa-T ft .r h. flSd mBdO half a million In three years plunging on the races. ... i - STRAIN TELLS ON DOWIE (Continued From Fag t One.) a.i . a.-- ianMtf.wiit nnH mlamiinAri I. ood that in the year one -being very - ' " ;,-f iohn Alexander Dowle they, to raay ttpnsae.a p. lea. nturr waa utKasaus-s...--,. ' . m"nl- ' ' holdtnn the present leaderahlp Of Z woxaaa Seeks Treedom. Eugene. Or., April . Mrs. Nellie R Oosser of Eugene has sued Fred P. (Josser for divorce, alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment. : She alao aaka for the custody of an Infant daughter and 110 n month for the support of the child. They were married In Eugene on August It. 1904. - - - - ' - . CJ ' !h "Jr "' ., r'ftf 4 i r - " rvv , . The ctaritia snd her aoni ' She will attempt lo prevent Jewish massacres .iliiri.. lTasee - "We followed Dowle as long as he led nS in the right, nut aroppeo mm as soon aa we discovered his aina and . attrnMiiramml." Bald ' ReV. Charles A. Hoy, pastor of the local Zlon ennrch. today. "After bringing before the congregation yesterday the facta of . j w ,2 ... . -A It .h.. Veer, nn (Mi lick we will not hare Cant's xv. on m piug i ess aisut siv worth of these smoke and water damafed food, left at the end of three mora days. Our ls4VV13, and 974 counterf pre the centers of ttraction for many doens of shoppers, but pshaw tha house la ao full of bargains that br found in every nook-in the center, in every corner end npatmirs end downstairs end all around everywhere. There was never auch a sale as this In Portland before euch an outpouring of people Jo participate in the clearing out process in a store that has been the unfortunate citadel of a severe conflafTarion and mingled with the disaster tous ar the twin comforts that the fairness of the insurance adjusters enable as to offer I i ii "" 'i I ' ' i ' ' ' ill' MafccHess - - - en as lXveirytilaii oar ilgBil the Mooes wa WAm.n r.nrrhjnjir deoartfl from Our plact with a sMtiile of tt- ADQ CTfSay -iau w ww-. r " w . - (.faction mantling their happy countenance.. Our long career of square dealing has counted for something In this time of calamity, and we are only too glad that the public has spprecUted us by believing our advertisements snd responding quickly to our invl- , Utions. " They start at Fifth and Yamhill end rue north to Burnelde, and thence to our store. SdccUcis tlay Hz ttzit From 5 1 Kcrchdlsc "Shoes and Shoe Supplies. ; Dress Goods, - Bedspreads, Sheets, Pillow . Cases, Table Covers, etc. - Corsets, R. & Hosiery for Ladies and Chil dren, Knit Underwear i6f Ladies and Chil- - dren. V .v., .'r-'. ';,,';.-";-. Dress Skirts, Petticoats, Wrappers, Kimonos, Cloaks, Sun Bonnets, Knit Goods, Muslin Underwear, Children's and Infants' Dresses. Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Neckwear, Ruches, Cushion Covers and Art Goods. ' , - Drv Goods. Notions, Drusr Sundries and Sta- tlonery." ' .- " ' a . a a a a. " Lace Curtains, Bedding, window snaaes. Hardware, Tinware, : Graniteware, , Poultry Netting, etc. - ' -u-' ; '"' : -Crockery, Lamps and Glassware. Men's Complete Furnishings. Toys of All Kinds. f : ;.- - ...i,...; Rubber Boots and "Shoes. - V --- --fr- -Garden and Flower Seeds. i :' Butterick Patterns, the reliable. kind, 1 Furniture your home' furnished throughout. Pictures. - Trunks and Valises. ". :v;"-r;;r,r;;""v High Art Millinery. All JJinds of Woodenware. ; ' . ' mmm 539-541-543-545 WILLIAMS AVENUE '('; t FOR GENTLEMEN nn I a II1U11, BM.CVU .V - holding the present leadership Of Zlon. I-- . . , . l nn.u a.a Ian f nnd snd blesalncs followed. In his great waate of the people'e money, and hypocrisy Ood left him. We realised . l... . . m,,a, aka B Stand fOT GoA Snd truth. When t waa sent out in charge of the work In Nebraaka seven years ...a laaAa BaM 'KollOW Dll Only lO so far aa the holy spirit shows you that I am lOd Or UOO. IHWlwni ma. na waa no longer led of Ood. we have cut i . kl. laaarahtn tA be led by a man whom Ood greatly blessed In salva- an1 in heslin or inoussnav in Australia In the past live years Over "We have been kept 1n lgnoranoe of the evlla of thia man Dowle that are now coming to light. He did so much good that he Winded us to his wicked ness. Our people as a .body, ecclesi astically, financially snd educationally are rallying to our new leader. . - "i wish to correct certain statements made by me In the preae several months ago In defense of Dowle. I waa honeot In my opinions but was misinformed. His shameful waate of the people's money had been concealed by him from hla officera and Indeed the facta of his gross mismanagement were not fully known until after he waa atricken with paralysis. Hla former general financial manager, entries 1. Bernard of thia city, waa ahamefully abuaed by Dowle, who used him aa a acspegoat. , T . "Our people will atrongly 1 adhere to the word of Ood In learnings regarding salvation, healing nd holy living. Everything bids fair for the work no go forward rapidly from now on. We will continue to hold meetlnga In Allsky hall, - where those seeking blessings In healing or In spirit are welcome." Mr. Hoy belieres that the arrest of Dowle aa aooa aa ha reaohea Zlon City la, Inevitable. , .. KILLED BY CAVE-IN AT MINE IN MONTANA (Specif! ilspstr te The Jnersil.l Helena, Mont., April . Claude For tune, aged 2. has been killed by a cave In at the Hodel coal mines near Culbert aon. Fortune was working In a new opening 40 feet from hla nearest asso ciate when the cave-In came without warning. Companions heard his screams and ran to tha scene. It took half an hour to extricate the body, death haying ensued tn the meantime. The body waa taken to Harlem for burial. Fortune's parents reside at Moorehouse. Mo Semeetle Bookkeeping. THE BEST $3 HAT in the World And wtest's yme reesne fm- hMnvHig the t.on' wages, prtrl" kr rrtene asked. narasss oT bniM4 resir'"1 - esssesM. and f wast te shew kla they de set." 20,000 SOLD Not One Complaint' BEN SELLING v Leading Hatter v L SIBALDI KOT MURDERER OF - B. VIURDD Detective Day - Denies That Ha - ?. Put Up Check When Man Was Arrested. I-red aibeldl has been positively Iden tified by Deputy Sheriff John Cordano as msn known te the officer for the last five years, who waa In Portland at the time B. Vtlsrdo was killed and dis membered In Bnn Francisco, supposedly by Pletro Torturlcl. . On the strength of tbls Information and the fact that 81 baldl does not bear much resemblance to the picture of the alleged aasassln, SI baldl was released by the police. . It Is alleged by Slbaldl that his sr rest was due to malice.- The voMce are pusxted over the affair, Inasmuch . as Slbaldl was pointed put and Identified unequivocally aa the murderer of Vll ardo. -t have never been In San Franelaeo." said "ibaldt, "and can -easily prove an alibi tn this caae." - ' .. The atory that I put up a ! check when this man was arrested Is a canard. pure and simple," said Detective Joe Day this morning. Two Fnaerals a Xngane. ' tBaaeaat Dtassteb te The Jsaessl ) - Eugene, Or- AprU I. W. p. Tates, aged 41 years, a prominent Lane county cltlsen. died at his horns at Irving. April , and was burled yesterday In the Mulkev cemetery - near - Eugene,' - He leavea a widow and one son. -The funeral of Mrs. Ruth T. Woo former Lane oonnty resident, who died at Hansford, Texas, one day last week, was held at the home of ber father. Palmer Ayers. north pf Eugene, Sunday afternoon and the body Interred In tne Gillespie cemetery. , BnOdlns1 n Ooetage Orovw. . MneeUl Dtsaateb to Tke .earaaL) Cottage Orove, Or.. AprU I. Many new cottages are being built here and several large brink buildings are being planned. Main street property Is un dergoing repairs and several building sre being painted. A new addition to the Christian church la being buUt and will greatly enlarge the structure, .mi Traffic eiASaa on4L (Special l"Bira a. .aa ami. Cottage Urove. Or, April t. The Ore gon Southeastern Us 11 road company baa a force of men at work here re building some of Its gravel and dump. I ii B VJanr m liivv vmeni ve . . ling logs, wood and lumber. Tha In-1 uuTJiTTia ooicyAjrT maTmsf vUTTXTiiaf.ooicPAarT EASTER NOVELTIES FREE TOMORROW Tomorrow afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock wc will give an Easter Novelty to every child under 8 years of ag"cThe only condition being each: child must be accom-f panied by an adult; and' only one: present to each Remember, 3 to 5e; AND DRESSES FOR EASTER ,-..j - - .;. . . Stylish Sailof Suits of duch and chambray linen, and White Presses of Persian lawn, 'dotted Swiss and imported mulls . ,:are amont the beautiful thing we offer in this department. f " Oiir .showing of. Children's Coats is the best in the dty Bring the children tomorrow and well fit them with" gar-( ) ments of the latest style and the . price will ; be very .:".'; moderate and-the terms easy. ,rf"- -r---T--.. y -.'.'..:,'. ' ' '": X ''-'l', ;'; v . - i - ':. .i-"... , ' '-'...'.'.-.. ."' 1 -. ' Eastern Outfitting Co. : J' r Thi Stof. Wh Your CrtdH U Oood Washington and Tenth STEEL CEILINGS MANUPAC TURED BY aJe Ve ORNAMENTAL FIREPROOF REASONABLE COST Phones Main -401 308 finoond Ht. creased ' freight trafflo en the road makes use for all the cars the company has.--- 7 - - Tha company has also purchased sev eral new flatoars and boxcars for use en Its Una. All of these cars will be loaded with rails to be need on the e tenalon of the road Into the forest re serve. - - . , . Men shake your hand If yon win and shake you If you lose. . UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 7 GIVEN RESERVATION LAND ""wASinNaTOf, April I. The senate passed the bill granting the University of Utah - land from the Fort Douglas reservation this -morning. , , . - ' Alas, tTie more a man reads the mora useless knowledge he soqutres. - ' l