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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1906)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY . EVENING, APRIL 9, ; ISOO. n FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOP. BALBOA Jersey heifer eU 4 'il bsvtsua are., eit-Tsbor. Or. week eld. Full SALB cheap. ) aUlsra plane esrtlflcst Sud 9oO AUCB voerx Criificw a. earn price. .FkoM Mala.WSd, ar.addres. V l, OWewt. ' ICB CllEAlf fountain, wltk ellTerware and, -i . .... t. I.,, a,he It Ct - lsa raiaurint onllt, on 14 foot " ot 23-foojl . kbDu Mala BlttB. N ASOUNB launch far sal chaap: about 10 Iim carrrltte capacity. o. ega- PERSONAL. MMB. ANNA I.HCKET A NO MRU. 8. WOLFB, sol sgenta for Mm. Unhiai Hydro-Vsc treatment sort bust developer. - Tut to the moat sclenttdo ' treetmrut for removing wrinkles and. fallal blemishes: aba fir bust development. No seed of hiring wrinkles . any mar. Fstlents received, with board and ' treatment. Full Hiw of bathe. BsUsfsrtloa guaranteed. Ttilluaoalala fro in leading . phrelelsns. IS Lsnge Hotel. Sixth aal Waebingtoe ale. - PboD . Main Mil. CKADUATI aiaaaanr win to 1 row bom . and alt treatment: refereaoes gives. Bast 2801. - ' - , 1 . DOLL'S HOSPITAL . - Repairing and dressing.' 181 YamhiU at. BUITg pressed, while yon welt, BOo. Ladlea' aklru pr re sell, Cue. Ullbert, 100 '4 Sixth, ft.. But to Quelle. Phone tactic .OB, DR. WOKLET BENJAMIN, the Foot flpeetaltat. . oSOU, WaihlngLou at, . Hooo BOi. nor feet made Bound. BINC1 CHOONO. Importer of Chinese root asedl rtaea; arlla Chinas tea tbat Is.eertal core for all 'dlaeaae. , 1 Second bet. Yamhill 'and Taylor. , ' . DBTBCT1TB AOBNCT Confidential . Investt . rttkB; reports made oa any ladlvldnal bast. pees or property; missing rslstlvas located: ,. , bed debts collected: charfee reasonable! eor. ' respondeat solicited. Oregoa. Detective ' Service, office 814-X1B Columbia bid-., MO .- Washington eL Pboaa Mala BUB. ... BACKACHPJ and kidney ar bladder . dlaaaaea eared wltk Qregoa barbs; trial ataa tot 10 - la stamps Plomnjer. MA Third at. WIT ricrr are daaavroas. Webfoot ttocklac hi abaolataly Mlerpraof. IfANLT n jor restore! by Dr. Pjaberts' Nerr Olotmlee. One month 'a treatment. Ms I month. (8; sent eeearelr sealed by aaatL v Aceata. Woods rd. Clarkp A Ca PartUad. Or. US, Palm Tahleta mske yoa sleep perfertlyt they rare BrTTontneM an! nake yoa atronti - price SO a bos. boxes t 60; raraaed. . All drncs-lara, ar addrea Brooke Drop; Get, T North Third St.. Portland. Orecaa. . CRBB ta eat f tsars patrons, oar latest cats lopaa of faacy srorb. pillow tana, crater Plorea, ahlrtvalsts and aaraltlea. The Herd! Craft Snap. 803 Washlnptoa at.. Portland. Or. ANT maa ar main ess be strong and happy lMcil bp Bsina mn , i a boa. Address or a iw.. an .ilk mil snsrsnta. 1 call J. A. CWaMpena. draulst. I and Yamhl-.i ata.. Portl.nd. Or. ear. Second HIOrT-GRADB portraits; speda) offer for fear -days; cabinet alas, cards or folder. It far M: oasllty and work the best. D. M. terens. SOS Ooodneufb bldf., Plfth an TamhllL - ' BALM OP PUIS for all female d Beat Belmoat, Phone East 08. 'rORniDPEJI PRUIT." ."A Oar LotbarKi." "Pterf af a Plava." "Fanny .1111.." fApaea," -Wamsa of Fire.' S0e eaah; I lata free, A. w. acBmsi c.. TZ9 nrst at. Tl'RKISR BATHS. Oreponlaa bMf.j Udlea asys, pentleawa nlphta. Msia lasa. DR. G. T. KETCHUht care pepnirtrTrcls dlaessca. k hitter, nerroos. sJna and aprelal femsl troubles. Call orsrrlte. Red C Dispensarr corner TWnfand Aah rli PI racirie ant. DO yoa mint to marry If an. Jot ear society; we here hundred of member, either seij matrlaioatal replster. 10c. P. O. Boa POP. anHOni. hnnka mtt sit kinds at hooka bonatit, sold aad axebanaad. iooas' Book itore, Sl - arKier at. i - D1REAPBP OF WOMEN saeeeaefntly trtd: .... maternity case eared far. nrlrala hospital: tralnxl annaa- eaunltatliai rraa. Dr. At arood. . tlUU P north St.. moa IB. Pbons Ilood 585. After ApHl 10 at raom B ll . bide. 550H Morriaoa at. BACHBLORJt. don't worry; we'll saw year bat tone est and do roar ateadlnc free: Boa t awsar: sre'U Iron yowr shirts aad collars t . tit year aerk. Try as. tirana lanMiy ub.. , iTtn aad qainor sta. noN itsa. LADIES' ' Tnrklah hatha, maaaap. bydtiatrla If parlcra; atrtcttjr "flrat-ctasa -plac tor ladlea only, rial A, not waeaiagtoa at., aeiwaea lotn aaa lltB sis. ' OENTLEMAN artahe araualntaare yeona lady haTlne small meana or own nonwi object matrimony. Add'ress Box Bl. city. TOl'NO man. attanaer la city, deetre acanaint . anca of youna lady., aa companion. Address w pa. car Journal. CALL at room C. 171 4 Morrlana at., and pet a free earn pie of California Medicated fiealrna- aoap. ror toilet aaa mib ana an aaw aia eaara. ' CIIIROPODT. manlcaxlnp. electrical aad mat' netle treats), nta at 13 Blxtb. ear. Alder, TltB BTEWART-14NDELL PABIOKR. room 10. Isna:a hotel. Blttb and Washlarton. re mora all facial blemtsbee; expert eleetrolr!. manicur ing, ahampootng. electro face and aralp maa aaae; aiolea and wart ruaored. Tel, Mala BUT. . . HOI.DEN'S RHUt'MATIC CURB Pore ear far d dtl J W .i 1 AlaTMilaM HH OtliU aX -. Vtl P(Pt - . jia.L1 J a ...- 1 .a.Tr1 Itni A .BS4 TTsariisa- ani wuap-i ai nmppt wyra mnmt In offlo-; naturopaths aatpatli or aucti Hk. Rpl7 A 21, car Jooroal. AUTOMOBILES. COFtJT CCKlK Motor far Co.. r-Btb aad Alder Ageata foe Cadillac. pHerea, Great ' Arrow and flterem-Dnrye motor-care; ma ' etirnas rested, repaired and atored. ATTORNEYS. A. II. TANNER, attorney. ) PomaMrelsl hit., . Srcoad and Wssnlngtoa rts. Pboae Msia B4t. J. S. WINCHESTER. attnrasy-Bt-lsw. notary. B0- Wsshlngtoa bldg. Phone Psclflc B32T. - ART EMPORIUM. PROFBPPXR R. MAX IfBTFR. M Alder. Portrait and landscape artist and teacher. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENflBfl. Architect. 11B Bocaad St. ASSAYERS. 'OARTTIf CTANIDH EXTRACTION CO.. aad ' Monti oa A may Office. IM MarHaoa at BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. PA TIB A KTIJTAW. MB-UI Bacaad t Blank book manufacturers; agent for joae ' Improred Leoea Lest ledger; are tb aaw Caret a leaf, the best a the mirtet. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKEVWALD CO.. B04-P0B Breratt at. Largest bntcbees' eanply benae aa the aoaat. BATHS MASSAGE. . MIPS RAYMOND giro baths 'and maaaag treatments. The baaajos, 2BSV4 Morrlsoa aU TOI'NU ladr glee vapor, alcohol and predicated bath. Parlor lT.mMH Stark at. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. PROF. NORMAN. CONSUf.T THE BEPT IT WTM. PBOP1 THE CHEAPEST I" THE END. Without asking a coast I tell eaary la. cldeat of your past, present and fntnre life! bow ta gsla onr deelree la hree. marriage. - dlTorcr, alckness. wealth, etc; loeatea lost " Willi, deeds, mortgage and abaent frlenda; tell yoa hew to tall if yowr a la cnatala or, all ar gae; fee within r.r af all. 1.1 Allsky blag. 28B Morrlsoa. car. Third. ORMONn!. tb great Egyptian seer, rem-red lo Wi, Waahlugtnn at.; reailrna erery Amf and Punilay. 0c, II. t2; by mall. 12: Wters wllbont fr and atamp Rot anawerej. ( MRS. STEVENS, Portland- lending palmist, atrologer and etarrroyaat. 1V Berestk at., - epp. Betel PsrOaad. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. CABHBUBJt t!-OYI Carpenier. Joiners and rsrriape wora. oa Bin ei. t noas rscine COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any ess ewe yoa awaey W entice bad debt or all kinda. Kortaweeiera uw , CollertloB Co., J Orand are., rooma 14 aad IB. Cltlsrae' Bant bld. Cat tbl oaf. ' Pkoa Esst SoB. CARPEV CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning C.. Isrgest plant a tb coast. lxrlog and Bsrdtng sta., tele- . phase Eaat M0 Carpets cleaned, reined, aewed aad laid: both steam and latest ceea priand air process: i eating mattresses Bad featberaa specialty. . SANITARY carpet cleaning, anctlon aad cms nreaaed sir cemblned: rarnefs cleaned on Boer without remeral. Msia 05.14. Mala 3200. HUNTER, ateam carpet and mat trees- cleaner, ban jerrcrarn. moa ajsia zis. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. T U. A. OTJNST CO , Dtotrlbotora af ; r: FINE CIGARS. Portia od, Oregoa, CHIROPRACTIC- CTRES apnandlcHla; no drags or knife. Dr. Era Hogaa. aui vmoa are. lai. wooaiawa aajajs ail Hi mil a..-fcLat.m..-ja COAL AND WOOD. rnrrp.rTTT.aT bhos.' hsra Darls at. to 42B Kearney at. aear lltht bl , now the largest waodyard la the city, eairy lng all klBd at wood aad real. Msia PPL ALBINA PCEL CO. r Dealers la cordwoed. coal and greaa a an dry aawaoa. m. h. sna i, Mbb are., i blocks eaat af ferry. East 8T4. WE8TEBN Feed A Fa el Co.. a Front, between eilsaa and Boyt, dealer la all I ktad.f -boose cos at aaa oiaoaemita aaaia. raaas . Msia 101a. . STEEL BEID0B FUEL CO. Dealer la coal, satdwood aad dry sUbwood. Pbone Esst 4S4. ORSOON FUEL CO. AU klnda of aaal aad wood. SOS AMer at. raaa msia an. KIRK HOOTER. Pit Water St. Wood aad seal. Pkeoe Mala 4BBS. CLEANING AND DYEING. Part land Bream Cleaning Dyeing Worki: prse. llcal batter la aoaBcctloa. 211 tb. Pacific L CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 1 per amnta. C sta aa Tailoring C B4T Wsahlngtaa st. B. W. Tt'RNBR. professional , eer aad cleaaar. - SOB leffersa st. Phawe Mala 25 IS. . SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles' and aaen- cleaning and preset ng. BOO w aaa. rae. isn, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE sroclsry sad rlaarwsr. Prsel, Regale Co.. Ion t ins Fifth. or. Strh St. CAFES. THE OFFICE 25 Waablagtoa at., pkoaa Mala T71, Bamnel vigaeasg. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ETEBDINO FABRRLL. prodoc aad eoaamla loa narrchSBtB. 140 Front at., Partlaaa. Or. Mala IT. CHINESE REMEDIES. MR". DR.'S. K. CHAN core prlrste and female dleeaeee with herba ana mora; remedies n inn leas; no easratlaa. 'Mi Clay at., cor. Tlilrd. , DRESSMAKINQ. PRICES way - low., guarantee aattafactloa. Minima Angela. Phone r-acine Htx. ai Fifth-at. . Btor open evening and H under a. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINEERINO Company, P Beraat St., portisaa. u. a,, rar everything la the electrical tine. Pbawe Mala I88S. . r PACIFIC ELECTB1C CO Eaglaeera. esatrac tors, repairer, uertrw winiig. eenpnee. Flrat. eor. Stark. Mala ofl. f. H. Tste. Bag. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Msnaraeterlng Compear v Manafaetarera af luraltur ror taa mm Portland. Or. FI'HNITCPE mairofactnrtng and apaclal order. ae fiarasy rarnirar mwt w . ,m . - C W. LINER BRO.. Stl at Faraltnre renslrlng, psrklng and abipping. waia nui. FURNACES. BOYNTON wsrm-srr faraacea aaee -feel. f. C Bayer Farasce Co.. IM Saaaa. Mala esi. FENCE AND .WIRE WORKS, PORTT.AND WIRE . IRON WOBRS S Pleader t., ear. Sd. Pee Mala SnoO. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO.. wholesale grocer. ees faeturera and aammlaalea ararchaata. Fearu aad Oak ata. .- ALt-RN s LEWIS, eommtajlsa aad peadae ae. pawl, rreat aad VaTh-ts pertiaB, vs, W7PHS mo.mivm wCEe - , ; GASOLINE ENGINES. -- SASOLINE.ENOINES - StatioaaVy and marine "Little Speda!" gasoline Isancb. flVS; seeond-hand lsc-U buaebes and bolls. - EEIIBHOX- MACHINERY CO.. 182-44 Morrlsoa st. GRINDINO. K. KARLS0N jk CO., expert grinder. J keny, corner Eighth. Phone Paelfle TPS. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. American plan; IS. tS par flay. BELYEDBRB: European plsai-dtb aad Alder ata. THE BROWN flrand aad Hawtberne area. HAY AND GRAIN. COOPER ' CO. Potatoes. - feed Its Union a. Pboae East 1S1T. HARDWARE. Porttand Hardwire Co. ao Helta aupotaHy te - awate prices. ) 1st it. .cor. Aider. Msia iSSd. INSURANCE. ISAAC b WHITE, fire laaaraaaa. SOB Dekaa IAS. Met. WOOD, employers' Hablllty aad lav dinaaal accident surety nonda ax au Biaoa. rr ea ki LOCKSMITH. J. R. RICHARDSON, locksmltt aad repairing. BRT Baraalde. Psrlflc 106. MONEY TO LOAN. ' HBADQTTARTERS FOR SALARY-LOANS. 42ft -P Mohawk bldg.. ear, Mjrrlsoa and Third. . Ladle sr Oentlemea. No Publicity. , If you borrow 120 yoa pay back 11.15 a week. If yoa borrow I2fl you pay bach 11 M a week. If yoa borrow $.10 yoa pay bach 12.00 a week. If yoa borrow 160 yoa pay back 3.00 a wsek. Pay Bleats napended In raae f tckaasa. Strictly Rilarr Loans. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO. ' 428-S Mohawk bldg.. ear. Morrlsoa aad Third. MONEY TO LOAN 0a Improred city property or for bplldlng pnrpoaea. ror rrota a to io year- time, with privilege ta repay all or part of loin fte two year. Loane approved from plaa ad sjoney sdvaaead as building progresses; ipsgaa- xasea ap aaa rep is pea. FRED U. BTRONO. FlnsucUl Agent 24 Btsrk at. THE STAR LOAN CO. Asv (alerted employe, -rage-earaer, cea get ' an his aota, without mortgage Month. M Month.' Week IMI.oA Rensy t as IM S! or IH ofl or l.l 125 00 Renay Is as I B S or M M I It. 00 Repay To 4.00 or 12.00 . . 210 McKay blag, j ,r CONFIDENTIAL loan ml salaries. Invars ac policies, piano, farnltnr. warehoase re ceipts, etc.: any deeervtug perana may seen re a liberal advance, reparlng by esay weekly or monthly Inatallmenta. . NEW EBA IX)AN 1 TRUST . COMPAJf I. 20B Ablngtod bldg. . MONEY ADYANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And other apoa their owa names without eenrtty: rhespaet rite, easiest payments; office la Bl prtaclpsl cities; sara fmiraslf money by retting ear rernw flrat. TOLMAN. 22S Abtngtoa bldg., tom Third St. MONRY to loaa oa reel, penaoasl and eolliteral eecnrity; epeciai etieatioa re cnattei..morr. gagea: Bote bought. C. V. pallet. 904-5 Featoa bldg., B4 SUtb at. HIOHLY resnectsbl place where ladle ana Ente ea nnrrow naey oa niamonaa no welry. . Cnllatersl Los Bank, ISO Waek. rtoa L Pboae Black Tl. MONEY to loaa en Clackimia eoonty landa. m m J m aj .11.. ara . - m.t " - mt r. ,n e. at. nnr, .ummivwr w vw LOWEPT rates en furniture and piano. Fast- era Loaa co 4 tneriork Bldg. t'acmo ziia. MONRY TO IOAN 00 all kind of aecnrlty. William Roll, room B, Waablagtoa bldg. 8EYERAL thoaeand dollars to msa at S per cent, city property! ptlvata. T a, Jonrsal. 3.4no OR LESS t bis a 1ty property; private. Aanres ai a, car aoaraai. TO LOAN Sam to salt an chattel security. n. a. rrsme, bi tne atsraasm. MAGNETIC HEALING. ALL of disease treated, chronic or erate: ecscMs positively cared. Prof. 1. C. Dlisjwad, Hart. I Reventb st. Main 417,1. L. II. MUSICAL. EMIL TH1RI.H0EN, pnpll at BEYCIK, Tlolla taecaar. aiaaia ih aiaca. xax. maia sous, PIANOS rapollsbed. eqaal to aaw. Prsctjcnl pis no-reps Irlng aad flnnrblag. J. D. JOHNHO.N. 271 Id al. Psclflo tSSl. MACHINERY. TWB H. CL ALBBB Ou, sawmtlhaj at. SM ,Oraad ar. IPPRLY MTBRS. machlnlsta aad else- trie tars; eleetrle eleratnea. electrical machla- ary aad aiaollna eaglnea epeclstty. SM Osk at. Pboaa Mala 1KM. BOAT eaeinea, gsssUae, Sheffield saarlnei any a peed; best .made; right price la stock ; a 'exhibitions ranalng In salesroom. Oall First aaa stark sta. riirpssna. me us MONUMENTS. NEC KINOSLET. MS First at. Parflaafl's leading marble aad granite work. OSTEOPATHS. f - DRB - ADIX NORTHRCP. 418-I-1T Dekaa bldg., TBira sna wssBingroa sis. rpaaw Mala 4. Ezamlnatlaaa tree. e-STB Mr. lady osteepith la tews. Dr. U a. JobBsoa. Balls IS. euiBg-unrsea aiaa. DR. PJKPCTS. oatropsth. vthratton nd the asw light. Hb Third at. Pbona Psclflc S07. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 40S-4 Miclaey bldg. Pbona Pacific 1W9. Res. tba Hill. PLUMBERS. DONNRRBBR0 RADEhtACH ER, aa plambar. S4 Feartb st. Beth pbiai. Itaxy FOX A CO., ssnltsry plumbers, Ml Secoad. bet. Mala lad Balwjaa. Oregoa Pheao Mala SOOt. F1NNIOAN BROS. CO. 28B Third St. Pbona Mala 2300. Plumoer an seating agi PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSING sal of Octal photographic view at exposition, aeavenlr postcarda. view book, etc., greatlr reduced prices. ExpseltisB Store. M0 Morrtsoa at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACH CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Oe. window -g lam aad glsalng. . IM First a. Phone ISM. ERNEST MILLER CO.. Secoad aad Taylor Wall paper, paint, all at market prices; area aenvery. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. ni Tt.ER S Concord bklg.; Mala M7S PATENT LAWYERS. GEO. W. McCOY. dnoeatlc sad forslga petente; - trademarks; notary public. 2T1V Morrlsoa. PHYSICIANS. DR. F. W. BLOHM, drngless pbysleUa.' II Toaray bldg., aeeoad and J ay lor ata. rbone Msln B21P, - PRINTING. THE MODERN PBINTERY Artistic printing. 26 Hansel tildg., loarth and Morrlsoa. . Pboaa Part fie ISIS. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. - lllhographlng. blaak hooka, pboaa Mala IT. St Alder St. WELCH. DAVIS ft CARPON Printing tbat perl lbs payer. Rooms 80S and 104 Steerne bldg.. Sixth and Morrisoe. Pboae Mela 414T. RUBBER. STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. B4P Alder at., pboae Mala T10: robber stint pa. ersls, stencils, baggage, trade ehocka; eend fee estalogae No. Sa. . R00FIN0. TIN ROOFINO, gartering, renelrlag and ge tabbing. J. Losll. Ill Jsffsreoa at. STREET PAVING. WARREN Cool traction Co.. street psvtng, 1d wslks and crosslaga. TIB Ore goalee bMg. THE Barber Aanhatt Pirlag C. af Pertlaad. rnc ana Worcester bib. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window letterte. cteth bssners. ef ell nr, Fifth economical aiectrM sigas sag sigw klnda made aolrklr. Fneter ft Pleli gad Breratt. Paeae Exchsage so. W. P. Br:h'lRK SONS, 34 Pbone Psclflc 22.12. Yamhill St. i SCALP TREATMENT. OR AY, falling hilr, daadraff trestrd: shampo. lag, maniiwring, rnirepoor. lace wars. air. B. P. Kyae. ttt Fourth, ear. . Morrlsoa. Room M. Pboae rscllr tJt. SAFES. Dir.ROI.D SAFES ALWAVS RF.t.IARIJI. ant In TRl'PT. Norton snd Burkrye Jscks. Metii Oflc Flxtnrea. Repairs, rbone Msia IflAB. John N. llsvls. Agent, d Third St.. SHOWCASES AND - FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every dieertptlon; bask, ber ssd store literee Binds to order, lbs Latke Alaaafaetattas C, Partis, FINANCIALBANKS. TJJJ"i "pi 1 g sjrT Jit' i 1. b; i.m.ri. a -i ifnj-ni-.-- iji n i r----- pirns STATIB lATIONAIi BAjrX BP PORTLAND. 0B IO0N. -I l. - , . . Co. . Intrd nn4 Oak Sta. 1 . TVsaaaoU a Benaral Bankuig Sualaeaa. DttAFlU I8HIIED An liable ta'AIT CttleS at the United Slates aad aurupe, Ueogaoog end Manila. Celleotloa kUdk aa Tarormhls Terna. President ...jT crAIhd W0KTH Vlea-Presldeat....... r. W. A VKK Vice-President ........It. LEA BARNES Cashier.. .... W. . S4 UMBER Asslstsnt Cashier ....A. M. WK1HHT Aaalitant Caahlir..., W. A. 110LT T'KB BABX OP CALrFOBBTA Eamkllahad lid. Heed Oflos. Baa Fraaalaaa, Calif orala. I Capital paid ap ... OOlSurplue and andlvtded BroPte S.TT0.14d.H A Oeaeral Baaklng aad Elcaaage Buataasa Traasacted. SAVI.NUS DEPARTMENT. Interest ea time deponlta. Aeeounte opened for pams al 110 and Oswald. . Partlamd Brant h Chambec of Wat. A. MACRAE. rIBST XATI0NAL BANK OF PORTLAND. r Dealgastad Depository snd Flaaaclsl Afsat ef the, Vq(Ud ''"-a. President . A." L. ' MILLS Cssblsf.". : .V, i7. ......... .y. W. X aaiHiini vaanier v. v. ALVUHu Becona Aaawtanr liiuier su- e. Lettara et Credit leaned Available In Europe aad the Eaitera States. .... Sight Eiraaege ssd Telegraphic Tranafere sold oa New York. Boston. Chicago, St. LouJa. St. Paul, Omaha. Baa Franc leco aad the pried pal paint la the Northwest. ' ... ' Sight and time bllla drawn la saws ts suit oa London. Parts, Berlla. Frinkfort-oo-the-Mils. Hongkong, Xokahama. Co passages, ChrlaUaala. Stock holm. St. Pstanburg, Moacow. Earlca, Honolulu, .. .. ' LADD TTLTOir. BAKKIES (Established la 1IM.V ' , Traasacta a Oeaeral Banking Busiaasa. Csllectloaa aude et all solute oa isvsr. able ternae. Lettera of credit lasnsd svsllsbt la Europe snd aU points In tba raited States. Sight Exrbaags and Telegraphle Tranafere sold on New York. Waahlngtoa. Chicago, St. Louie. Denver, Oman. Baa nclao aad Mpataaa aad British Columbia. Exchaag koM oa London. Parte, Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hunohil. MERCHANTS- NATIONAX BAJTX, POBTLAND, OXEOOsT. J. FRANX WATSON. prosldsat R. U DURHAM. .............. 5-Pees Ideal R. W. H0TT Csshlsr OEOR0B W. HOTT .distant Oaahle Transects a General Basking Builsaae Drafl and Letters ef Credit Issued Arallabl to All I'aru of the World. Collectlona a SpecUlt. - TRUST COMPANIES. POBTXAPTD TRUBT COMPANY OF OBIOOX "Tba Old Treat Oe ny' la Oregoa " REHOCRCES OVER 11 6110 000. Oeaeral baakiiur. - Exrhann ea all Bart ef the world. " - ' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time ceHllcalea, 1600 r ever, I to 4 par cent. CsU for book . asA ak kts. Phaao - BEN.T COHE5T B. LEB PAGET.., PreskleBt Becretsry SECURITY BAYTX0S TRUST O0BTPAXT SM Morrtoaa Street, Portlaad, Oragea. . Tranaaeta a Osasral -nklsg Baslneaa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intsrsst Allowed , a Tims sad Savlsgs IU. Acta aa Traetea tor Estates. Drafts r A Letters at Credit - Available la AU Pare at the World. . a FY ADAMS... Presides! U A. LEWIS. ,Jtbtt Tloa-Presldeat A. L. MILLS Soeoad Vlce-Prealdeat B. O. Jl BITS Bsorstarf ' . EO. F. BUBS ELL ..Aaalitant Becretry 'I'HE M0XT0A0E atJAXAXTXX TRUST OOMPAXT BANK. I Btecks, bonds and Mortgsgsa Boagkt aad Sold, lotereat Paid ' CAPITAL. 0. W. WATEBBCEY. Prostdaat a. LOGAN BAxB - Elks Templs, Sseentb sad Stark BONDS AND M OEXIS BmOfL IBS rirat Btreei. Tarflaad. Oregsaw Offer qilt-Edg Investments la Mtildpsl and Ballread 'BoBdg. Writs r CsTL ' I ITXE OUABAJITEX ft TRUST OOMPAXT I MORTGAGE LOANS aa Partlaad Real atracta DOWXIXB. XOPXtXS OOc Wbaal and 7 ' ViwMM A ftmmmniA sTI Ovcrbcck, Starr Si Cooke Co. airx, pxorrsioKS. oottow. btooxb and boxd . 4 ' WX SO A STRICTLY OOkUOaVJIOX BUSINESS. Conrlnooo Market by Prtvsts Wtre, Qtrtck crs. and United Htatea Hstlonsl asna or sing LOUIS J. WILDE MUNICIPAL SCHOOL. AND ' CORPORATION 1B0NBS Hlghsst Bataras ta Is-reetara PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN BOMB SECOND-HAND GOODS. fjOODB'S Faraltare Bsass Hlgheel prlaaa paid for eeeoad-bsBd rural tare, bib aiesna a. Pboae Paelfle 4PS. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, ptaaoa and famltars maved. packed ready par shipping - is eaippeai in were guana teed; Urge, l-etery brick, firs pa eat wsreboaes tag storage. Office IBS First at, 0. M. Olsaa. Pboaa MsU S4T. THE BAOOAGS ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. car. Sixth aad Osk sts. ; Baggage caeca a tram hotel ar seat diss direct to iestlsatUal paaaaagara therefore aeald rash and aaaap Baca at depot. Privets Bxebsag M. 0. O. PICK, afflea IS Pleat St., setwise Stark aad Oak sta., pkoa aba; ptaaoa aad faraltare ajored aad packed for (ktpplngi com seedless brick we re hoses with separate area reeaaa. FVest aad Clap ata. OREGON TXANSFBB CO.. 14 North Btxtby nM Mala BB. Heavy sealing sna stars ga. POST SPECIAt DELIVBBY M. tOO Weak iBgtea at. Pboaa Mala aas. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb. 1 par Bsoatb. Portlaad Laaadrr aad Towel Supply -Co., Ninth aad Onaea. Pboaa 41. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters. n sashes, rented, aM aad repaired Cnttt Ageacy, Ml ark. Tsl. I401, ' TELEPHONES. Tns only oxchtatvs telephoa ha ess. B.-B. Bleetrir .ft Telepheae lUaataetarlaB eeaa peay. PI Fifth sC WHITE FLOWERS. Jasala Lynch In Paclf a Homaataad. ' Ona should always hava a variety of whit flowsrs In hr oollaetlos; thay look well with any color, are fins for planting between shades that do not harmonize and are always nice Tor bou quets, weddings or funerals. In early BDrlna we may have white hyacinths, ' narctaaus," crocus, fuehalag? atkr of Bethlehem and snowdrops. Latter eome perennial candytuft, ly eentachla clethlodes, also a hardy .per ennial which blooms In July, a very graceful flower for cutting and remalna fresh for a long time. It has long aplkea of small white blossoms with brown Btamene. In the fall the leaves aasum lovely shades of crimson and gold, brown and yellow. ' Dorrcaa Corotta. another July flower, produces lovely. delicate, lacelike f lowera. - Achillea. Alba, ft fine perennial, begins blooming in June and continues until after autumn froata. . It Is graaallke In bablt of growth, and the blosaoms produced In pretty cluatera. Feverfew, verbenas, pinks, phlox, petunias, alya aum, asters, chrysanthemum a, gladlolaa, yuoca. dahlias snd many others are aU fine for cutting. -- Be sure to grow some gypsopbUa; nothing Is more airy or graceful to use with delicate flowers. Nothing la finer for funeral wreaths than eupherbla or snow on the moun tain. It begins blooming about the flrat of August. The bloaaoma are email, but, as they open the margin of the Warts turn white, making the whole plant look like an Immense flower. There are alao many shrubs snd vines producing white flowera. Our native eyrlngaa (mock orangea). sperls or arrow wood are worthy a plaoe In our yard, If we have room Tor shrubs. There is also another sports, which dlra down to the ground every year) It rows along rocky river banks In the Coaat mountalna and blooms in June nd July. The great perennlala of creamy, white bloaaoma are lovely. The plants are eaally pulled off the rocks on which they most always grow; the roots sre large and aprangly. and nearly aura Id gfow If planted In s partially shaded spot on the lawn and watered freely until they beooms accustomed to their new home. .Welgelta and whits lilacs srs two Other pretty shrubs easily grown. Among vlnea we have clematis, wis taria and Madeira vine. ,jf cottrerv we won't forget the white foaea.' which. If of the monthly er ever blooming sort, will give us bloaaoma ths entire summer. . . , :.,', v.- Commsrce building. . JUL. BI'RTCHAEIjL.. ABststat Msaafsr 0BXBOW. ' ' : B to d per cent; ahort-call special eertlftrate. of -ILLCBTRATIONS." Soatheast eoraei Third Prtvaka - F.aehang - V .... i ...... Tvica-Prealdeax Aaalitant Secretary H. u finot:,,.. J. v. 1.1 aa . .11 nO.OOO.UO 0. W. MILLER .Ylce-Presideat Aasistsal Beeretary Streets. Pbons Msia IBd. INVESTMENTS. 240 Waialngtea Street, Corner Becsod. Nststo at Leweat Bate.- Title Insured. Ab- Farnlabed. tsefc Brafcer. (Established 1BPS.) ssasr Atmks. attl fm mast, IMomber Chleag Beard at Trade. ) lot Third St., McKay Bid.. PartUad, Oragea. Sarvloe. REFEBENCEI Lsdd ft Tlltos, Bask- maa. t, d sad B La FaretU bldg.. eor. Sixth aad Wash. Sta, Portland, Oregoa. . DIVIDEND BANK AND . CORPORATION isioces: Censlatsal Wlthv Abeerota Safety.- ' TELEPHONE ft T SUBGRAPH SBCUBITIES X Wm ft Clowe Bhawe fop Beds. , From the Cleveland Leader.' Congreesman Bade of Minnesota still looks back with horror to an experience ho had with ft Scandinavian audience in his state last campaign. It was np In the pins woods snd the ether orator of the evening was a stllwart Norseman who waa to Speak in his native tongue, This man failed to arrive, and the com. mltteemaa asked Bede: Do you speak Norwegian still r Bede unthinkingly replied In the affirmative, though he knew only a few phrases. When he faced the audience -of about 100 big, blue-eyed ehapg of the ole and Nels class he determined to get oat of the difficulty aa best he could, so he said: "As many of you as cannot understand English stand up." All were ashamed to make such an acknowledgment and not a man moved. "All right, my frlenda,- said Bade, "aa it makes me J10 0 talk Norwegian-fop any length of time, m just address you In Bngllsh, which you all know and will appreciate as well." . Convents tn Belgian. 1 - From the London Tribune. Th n bar ef roarer, ts and monasteries la Belgians, aad especially at Bruges, baa bv eraeaedwKh wonderful rapidity. In IBeS tbere riLlrlsi ir'.'." oarrtlp et U 000 saen aad womea. la '00 "-"tutlonT wr"me! ttetl " ""ew ' A.. Bi sett fat r I'7' J.7lcid 00011 It sight, ssd I Btrer badged out ef my chair tutu 2 o'clock ui is sWrrnmf,' -Goodness I Waa It tbat lBtarestla4-r' "Q, but I dlda't wake ap an til that ttm." 1 Snapshot ef O. W. Psrklns, partner of J. P. Mprfftn, Idtvlng the V York court after he had beea released from arrest for larceny tt : of his contribution to the Republican campaign fund out of I.'. V . Life Insurance money. " ' VATER-USEfiS'ASSCS'AT:::; r OF KLAMATH f'EETS - First Annual Session Finds Flour fishing Conditions and Old Directors Reelected. (Special nispatdr to The Jooraal.) Klainath Falls, Or., April I. Orea.1 Interest was manifested In the flrat an -nual meeting of the Klamath Mater Users' association whloh was held at tit ' opera-house here Daturduy afternoon. . ' Tbls 11,000.000 corporation, which al ready ha 145,000 shares aubeciihed at $20 a ahare. has been managed fur the year at a coat of ld.IM.30. Much of this was for incorporation, filing and ether . fees, and office equipment, so the ex- . pens of the year to eome will be much. -less. Two asseasmenta have been made during the year, one of J cents and an other of S cents per share. It Is eetl- ' mated tbat for next year an assessment of I eents a share, - with what is de linquent from this year, will run the organisation, . and ss there are about 10.000 acrea of private lands yet un subscribed which can only eome In on paying a penalty of at least to eents . an acre. It Ik possible that no. assess... ment may be necessary for the year. Mr. Lippeneott. supervising engineer-, with Engineers Murphay. Taylor and Humphreys have beea going over the project the past week. : This project is the largeat in area the government has yet undertaken, coveting U 1,400 acres. aifd the eheapeet In point of cost per acre, from 111 to $20, or an average; ef about 111 per acre, to be paid In It annual Installments, " the first not dUe until first crops are marketed. W. D. Murphey's appointment sa project engineer became effective April 1. Mr. Humphreys, who formerly had Charge, will be his principal assistant. . ' Engineer William Sergeant has charge of division 1. Including the tunnel and head works. He has built tunnels In the San Bernardino valley and aaalsted on the Trucks -Carson project " J. C Clau aan, who has had -work of experience in irrigation construction In Salinas - valley, and more recently working oa the Turns project. Is in charge of divisions - and I. being eight miles of the main canal below the tuhikeL James Adams, who has had years of experience In tun nel construction, has been appointed In spector of the tunnel and head works, . Harry Cad an Is in charge of cost keep ing and comea from a almllar position is the United States nary, where hs wu aselgned to the Union Iron Works... Mr. , Lippeneott announces that other new . assignments will be made to this project , at an early date, and It la probable that new contracts will soon be advertised for. aa f 2,000.000 la already available and the -unanimous sentiment on tile part of the land owners Is for the speedy completion of the entire project. The old directors ware re-elected and ths capital stock Increased. . - XMpe cold Air rroxa Wens. Helena, Montana, dispatch' to thsNew Tork Sun. The town of ' Thorn peon. ' Falls, In Missoula county, has a strange ' system of cold, storage. In the hottest days In summer it is possible to keep living rooms at a temperature of It degrees, and butter, eggs aad meat are kept oool and fresh without the least trouble. The best part of the cold etor sge system Is that It costs absolutely nothing after the plant has bean ln- stslled. Thompson Falls has a largo number of wells tbst furnish cold, fresh air, which rushes upward all summer kmg. The wells are dug for water, but the gupply of cold air Is fully aa Important. . Ths wells of Thompson Falls are a little more than 0 feet la depth. The water veins srs found in ft gravel for mation and are doubtless fed by- the mountain snows at some distant place. The gravel Is porous enough to 'admit of ft freely moving current of air, which during the summer time rushes upward in currents strong enough to snuff out : a match held over the wells. The utility ef the cold air .currents waa flrat observed In IBM. when the Thompson Falls ' Meroantlle company uaed the cool air to- keep butter, eggs and meat In largo quantities. . The air can be piped In summer to rooms ef ' bouses. The wells are covered over tightly at the' top, and large pipes tap the current a few feet below the sur face of the ground. These pipes eoa duot the air to different rooms Is nearby buildings. . .. For cold storage plants, a nouae is built above the well and the sir rushes upward continuously, keeping the tem perature at an unvarying point. .-VP I- J 4.wceJ