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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1906)
- -r f ' ' THE OREGON "PAILX JOURNAlJ, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 9. 1808, It j NEW TODAY. BROOKE & KIERNAN .,.4 v - - i- r-T m I' i! ! l : T6000 Improvad. cornsr on -Alder : , - (, cioss in. , . . . v M7,500 4urtw block 8. B. Car, 34 and Couch: 3 -story brick. In- , com not ptr month. 60.004 Quartsr bfocV 8. W. Cor. Cta and Johnson. Income $175 .'..':, par month. . r. S62.SOO Quarter block N. K. Cor, 3d and Couch. . Jnootne $430 par , " ... month. , - . ; " 965,000 Half block ' on Irrtng be tween am ana nn. S22.SOO Half block en Irrlni be- r ' inMi inra.n-1rti: 921tOOO Four flat on 10th between Morrison ana lunmiL income . 1140 par month. . . " 50 New houss; very . attractive, an 16th below Kearney, S bad- , .room. i. . , MAKE YOUR BANKING HOME . WITH J17 " THIS ' -BANK. -. We want Individuals,' Firms, Corporations and Treasurers of Societies to glance over our - lm - financial statement,7 -learn ef the man who constitute -our board of directors and : realise the safety for, funds deposited : bar. - -r- j--, Xm nsUaas 1 Teai - maaoaUcerOrer SleBOO, Portland Trust Ccnrpanj oLOrejoii M.M. Ooraar Third sad Oak grs. . . -nmm Bvflhang-o VS. , - PEN J. I. COHEN..... ....v.... ...... .President R. I PITTXX'K Vice-President . LEE PAOKT. ............ Heeretur i. 0. GOLTRA AaalaUat Secretary It M. WILBUR 110 2nd Near Washington Offers corner lota at Sfd 'and Kearney well suited for residences, flats or busf ness. No lots within a quarter of mile can be bought for less than $600 each more than I will sell these at i eOslOO m Thurman, between 2 2d and 2 Id $1.(00. ,i ' .. . . fsOtloo on. Savler. Justleastlof .' JBtb 1.700. Quarter blocks in same vicinity. Prices vwry remSonable. 1 . 100x100. N.'B. cor. toth and Bavler. line Income from 4 good houses. Thin Is . a Tery attractive piece of property, . la a bargain now and will surely ap preciate rapidly In value on account of its favorable location. Only 1,- 600. V . ... ; . '" ' ' ' BUY Contract out till next Tuesday night If property is not then sold It will be withdrawn from market. , Particulars frlvate, but I will say that the building a new. rents for 11 per cent net on the price, which Is In the neighborhood of '122.000. or It tier cent on the amount of ceah necessary to carry the deal. Oalll on nie and I will tell you all about It nd sell It to you, : . . R. M. WILBUR 110 SECOND ST. NEAR WASHINGTON BEAVERTON Tmrm tor aala, It - arraa, all la ealtlTgtloni So orchard of ewrtrd fmtte. botiaa. -bara 00x42. half Blia from Houthera PactSe dr--ot. nidVwalka from depot te farm; alckaeae aakoa aale of place at a aacrince aomaary. Price lea thaa coat of rlcaHng aad building. ., ; k. at.- WILktrf, , lift rlccmd at.4 near Waahlngtoa. 4 WEATHER REPORT. - Bloc froda ' morning a email dlMurhenre - ha moved fmtB the - PaHflc - enaat acme Hrltlah Coiumbte to Albena. fltnne warning . . were ordemd for tht dlatartaanre at B:l a. m. Bnnday, and the foltowlng mailmam wind etertttea wciirred Bunday afternoon: North : Jtaed. ex) mlir, -wxitbraat; Tatooah tland. M mllae. aoath, and Beattle. -M mile, aouthaaet. : Thl atom eanaed moderately heary ralna la the Berth PaHflc etala. " A eecond dlittjrtf eore ef- nVoided diaractar la rentral : thla , aaarnlBg Beer (.'hieago, and graeral ralna bare i. cFtirred In the tipper" Mlaaimtppl valley, the . Oble valley and flie lake region. ' ' A high eramre era central eff the Berth California eoeat la Bwriug anrtheaatward, and - It will can clearing weather In thla dlatrlrt - tonight, wtta light rroat la expoepd plai'ea . Ja w rater Oregon - and vrntera Washington. . ; It will he BaaHAedly cooler tonight In cant era Oregon, eaatera Waahlngtoa. and Idaho. Obeerratione Ukea at t.a. m.. Pacific tlma: ' -Temp.- , Btaticm . -:,. s Max. Mia. Prerlp. Baker City . OregoB . .. If) , m ,.6 Boa toe. , Maaaachtnetta..,. 42 Mr .0 ego, - UllBola M , 4 .M S Kanaaa City, Mlaaoerl. .... A l Aneelea. California... TO 4A .0 4D A 42 Saw Orlaane, Lonialana... S2 1 Tirw York. New Xork...... 64 Trtlaod. Oragna en -, Tloeeburg. OregoB ......... ret t- lamia, Mlaaoerl........ TO v Hart Lake. Utah..... tin . Ban Fraartaoo. - CaHforala. do Knot ana. Waahlngtoa ...... 00 . .0 T .an .10 .0 .0 .0 .14 .40 T .24 ht 4d i 62 40 " Walla Valla. WaahlaftoS. M r 42 Waarilngton. D. C! 62 ' Wedding Card. W. 0. Bmllh A Oa.. Waab tngtea hldg.. eor. Fourth and Waahlngtoa ate. . Mia Bertha Marti: room Big Allaky hldg. tamping and Bn needlework! leaaaaa glrea. BIRTHS. MM t April B. to Mr. and lira; H. V. Mill, 141 Kaat Forty-etxth a treat, a ana. ' a.Lr:lt April . to Mr. and Mra. Martin B. Mela. V North Fifteenth atreet. a eon. JKHB.IKA April J. tn Mr. and Mr. Thome ui B tl'HT nrfl a, te Mr. ana Mrs, ory c il.irnft. kf, azt Unas atreet, a aoe tlNfCVT- Atwll t. to Mr. and Mra. John Via. (est, 101 erU BeveaU ftieet, a daagater. DEATHS. r WRENN April 8, Katie ft. Wrees. aged SO Sear. S23 Corbett atreet; eauee, caxclnoeia, ii rial at Kl .ervlaw . Bl'EL April s, Georgia Huel, aged yeare,' inurniB eireot; ciih, pneumonia. ' Burial at Eaat Tawaa. ' Mlrklxan. " fix April 0. W. r. .Fit., aged ST yeare. at oooa Baaiaritaa boapttsl; oiat, pneuinoaia. Burial at '.enietnn. IditK. DUNN April . Jeff Puan. aged CO yr. Ill cut naiiooa atrmt; nut, tubercakisle. Burial ac huhhbiiii cOMlrr. . BARTB Anrll S. Jnna llartau ml M mit. at . 8t. Vlnrvnt'a fcoapltil; caaaa, araeoila. llurial ai inaianapoiia, Indiana. BCKRHNON April 4.. TbMrlora Erkeraoa. tf m 7en. D75 (YrniB itraat; eaaaa, aniiie ax- 0RAMIC8 April ft. Thandora Orauwa, fn4 U ritare, w4 wasninaMn airaat: cauaa, aia balra. Unrla! at Han rTanplatw. Cal. LK KeTBK April , allUie Le rarra; caaaa, nnnnmtila. HALUM'K April 6. Homer TT. Ballork. ' aaM ou Tcara, la t aimmr or rnminera nnunios; fi. leaping from bulldlus. ' Burial at RlTr1r-w oemeterv. Ml kl'HIC AprU , John P. MurphT. ai4 10 aara. in wcona atrat; nuaa, roaaaiatMiB. lurlal at Rlrarrlew etmatnr. -FUNERAL NOTICES. - MORRIS Oa gatnrda nlht. April 1, 1008, the mint bt. Banjamta wiatar Morrla, V. v.. at hla raaitf-aoa. Out Krrrett atraet, la tha alffb'tjaraath xar of hla aa. Punaral aarrlraa at -Trinity rbnrrb, o'rVx-k Tua day afteraooa. iDtaroxnt at lose Fir cm etary. . , JOHNSON Iri -thla elty. April 7. IHOfl. Mra. nrianna jonnaoa, motnar or uinr w. ana Mima Nltlena V. Johnaon. Fanaral aarrk-ea at rMldraca, SM HlTmiU at., April 10, at :i)0 e'clock a. ai. Interment arirata. COLDWEM rrlrada, and acqaalntaDeea era icvi,uii lariiru . io aiiauu in, innerai aarrrna f J. K. Coklw.ll, whl-h will ha kld at tha family rrlH-ncr, 4tn Larribra aireer. if lt "a. u Taeaday. Berrlcea at th arira. vrlTat. UNDERTAKERS. Cdward Holniaa A Co.. the htadtnc fanaral dlrartora, hare-the Oaaat MtablUhaant, . tka Saeat foada, the Saeat rahlt'laa and tha moat raaeoaabl arlraa. . Fine broadcloth-eovered eaakcta, $26 and (Ml The Inaat wood good) Biade, from 019 la 120. Parlors 230 and 222 Third atraat, eornar gajuaoa, Portlaad, Oregon. I. P. Ptnler A Bon. fanaral dlreotara aad embalniera, aorner Third and atadlaoa atreeta. Of flea of county eoroaar. Telephone. .Maia S. Dnanlng. hfeBntae A Ollhaneh. andertakara aad cBbaTntani; nodora la erer; detail. Beraath aaa fine, aiaia eao. Lady aaaiataat. A. B. Haaiateck. andartakar and annalm Eaat Thlrteeatk mm Uaatilla are. Paoae Ball. J MITEkTUW CmiTERT. . ; glaale eraeaa 110. ramll Iota tns tm SI Ann. Tha oaljr eanwtary in Portland which aar patuallr aiatntalna and caraa for lota. For roll Information apply to W. B, Maekanala, War eaatae Mock. city. W. If. Ladd. praeldeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' Arle-ta Land company to Minnie P. Woehrle, ut 7, blocks, Leatar Park..! 169 P. Mryar and wife to Chaxlae Peldan halmar, andlrlded two thlrda Interaat B eaat U. block Id. North Portland 1 Oeorga W. Brown ta A. V. rarroaoo, lota lit, 11, block 4, laiorelwood Park 108 game to Loalaa Pabrlqaa. lot 20. block 0, aame addition go T. 3. Braadee to C. H. Korell. tot a. -block 4. Brnah'a addition - 1 Chrlatlan Hcllman at al. to the public. parrot iaee Beginning m reel eouta or - aoutheaat eornor block "A," (Irand View, thenc aaat to aouth exteoatoa . , ; went Una Mllwaukl avenue In Urace land r 1 J. Bdwln Webber to Hannah Calrna, lota . at, block T2 (no addition glrm) . . - -, 4o0 Portland Lone Fir Cemetery company to I. A. Oleea and wife, aouth H kit 10. block "E." Lone "l rematerr . . . . . . Bl Laclede Roae et al, t Theasa C. !- lln, lot T. block IS. Eaat Portland. .. 10 Xlma Btedge to T. J. Brandaa. lot t, ' oiock a. Brass's addition, Eaat Pert- land .-,..... i v.virf rt ; v,v,Trf ii A, Waddle to T, B. Oalbralth. lata 4,- B. block 18. Piedmont 1 Xttle Htelgerwald and hueband to H. D. Slater et al., lot 6, B. block B, Clorer- dale extanalon t,170 . VV. Rllry and wife to City of Port- , land, aula land 25 feet wide off want aide and atrip 20 feet wide off of and acroaa entlra and extreme aouth aide 10 acre beginning point in Una be- 1 twees eactlona 12, 18. towuablp 1 aouth. ranae 1 eaet 1 Title tiuararitee A Trut company to Mary - M. Mock, lota 4. B. block 2. McIJouaall' aubdlTlaloB ' TO Joe a J. Cole to Amanda g. Dennte. lota 12, 18. block 0. MlUcr'a addltloa te'' Mellwood 650 g. BIlTerfield and- wife to W. T. Tor Bar et al., aouth 20 feat Weet 60 feet lot T, block 206, City 1 8, Bllrerfleld aad wife to aame. all weet H lot 8 and north 90 feet ef waat u, lot 7, block 2S, City 15,000 0. V. Oaalenbeln and wife to A. C . Meyer, kxa 1, 2 la eaat V tract "U" M. Xatton'a tract,,...,... " 800 C. M. Meradtth and wlfa to R. R. Mor rill, lot 1. block 2, Aner'a addltloa 1.000 1,400 Wi tienpng eod wl lot B. bloik 1. Daneke B. Lee Paget and wife iC C. Adama, tela S, B, block id. Highland Park 1. V. Alcorm to B. U. Co, lots 8. 4, 400 block .11, Unnton I Emma M. Drewe to Wellle McCsmbrMg,- lota 7. 8, block 12, M. Patlon' tract.. TOO hi. 0. Grlswold and wife to f arrle Clark. eaat V lot , block 11. Jtlnc'a gecoad addition .-. S.008 John ii. But to et 1., troatee. to George - Btenger, 37xS0 feet beginning aonth line - . . Alder atreet Bear sorthweet -corner lot. "-', block 2 IS.ftOO B. H. Croaler and wife te A. J. 0111. lot 8. block 2. Oroeler'a addition 1,200 P. J. Carter and wife te J. W.. Anderenn. J'JOitOi feet beginning weat corner lot '8, block 6. Oak Park add1ftott:.Tr-.TT7r-0T 0. Kitchen and wife te Namr una eom eanj, lota 11. . II, block- 8. Pultoa f Ad Moor 'end' husband to Flora ' K. s Btahl, lot T, Block a, r-at roriianu Ilelgbta . ." j...... Peter - fV-bmeer and wife to A. Strong, eaat feet weat '4 lot B, B, block 803, Alkcn'a addition Flrland company to A., Berg net, lot 16, klneb 1 . f'lrlaad BOO 1,254 0ace M. Ackley and baaband to W. tt. Barber et at., io o. owe ii, umii 'Psrk annex e. M. 1 Redmond to Rd Ind, lot 18, block 860 8O0 Ha, woooiawn ........... ... ......... . Campbell A anB to (wrl A. Carlaon et 400 I., KT O, Dim . " . - . ' . M. r. Thompeon and wife to William T. " Pigeon and wife, aoate ITH-feet'lot-' . aud north IB feet lot 8, -Meet 82, Central Alblna 860 Thorns E. Aabley and wife to . A. An . derson and wife, lot a, moea oe, fat ten' Second addltloa f . 1 Portland Trust company ef Oregon to John F.d. lot 4. B,. 8, block , n..taefc Park addition ............ 1.000 C. Bengstnk and wife to F. C. le-maa, ' lot 8. block 88,. Couch' addition ' . " 1 T. T. Morgan et al. to F. 1: Ollpatrtck and wire, eat i nioc , anira a dltlon ....1,000 T. T. Morgan te T. M. Morgan, lot 20 . to ZB laciusive, eioci J . ummmir , Park, and waat block 8, Mlltoa'a - addltloa ... .i..i i ' e.OOO Oet year Inanranc and abstracts te rel eatete from the Title Gnarantee A Trnat eempany. 240 WashlnrtoB treet. earner Becoad. NOTICE.), MlTICC OF BTtM'KHOLPEBS' MKETINO. Tha first meeting of the atockboldera of pea Rlrr Trnpnrttion company la here br called to be hold en Thursday, the 12th dar ef April, I008. at 3:.t0 o'clock p. tn., at " room 14 Newmarket block. In the city of Portlsnd. Oregon, for ' the piirnoae ef eleet lng director and for transacting eiioh other business as may lawfully com before tha meeting.' ' . Hated April B, WOO, ' henby vans, - ;"''."' . J. A. SMITH. . , , -r . r A. U. ItEVKRH. Iacurperator. POTIOR (if IMR01.imoN. Portland, Oregon, I March IT. lend Notice I hereby given that tha copartnership doing business ander the name of the WOley-Bmlth Ha roes Company fcsa thl dsr dlaaolved, and that C. A. Wilier nd Jon Cptna bav eneceeded te the hnsf. eaa of tha Arm, and will collect all debta and pay all the liabilities of the Arab !. A. WIU.KV. t T. M. SMITH, , aJWLPBtg ( WILUT. ...i.t,ii. .',',.--; , .... MEETING NOTICES. WASniNOTOM fllAPTIE. Na. It, R. A. at. Ragular voaTocatina Wednraday arenlng, AprU 11. 1WM, Mnrkhard Mdg. Onaatdrratloa ot propualtloa , w Inveat , t uuda In naw lauinia, aad Hoyai Area earea. Vlaltora welcome. Mr order B. H. V. B. ai. BiiAHU.i, aecratary, BARMONT'IADOB, No. 12. A. P. a A. M. -Mlatao comraunlcarKin thla Mondar) aTcnlrvf. 1:30, Ma " Btnile tamplip, Third and Aldxr . aia.- vtora la M. m. oegraa. ah M. M. wrlroma. Br ordor W. U. - Bl FTa R. BAl.U Hecretarr, AN aaaamMy-of tha Maflatlat partr of Ortfoa wtn aoia a conrimtioa on uonnay. jipru in, JO a. m., at 3H IMrla at., at Portland, Ora- axin, to namlnata rtndldataa lor uuitoomaa county offlcve. - LOST AND FOUND. LOST A large pointer pop; white marked with naca, agra mooroa; mm pern owi, auti Vmmt Ht.rk. Thnradar eranlnt : 110 rrward Kaat iUl. IrORT A .SS-eallhar rifle, aoaiawhare berwaoa Eaat Twenty-eighth and Burnaida ana Twenty-third aad York, kvtura Journal. Reward. POUND Tboraday night. ' April S, one gray horaa. loduire t'ackaga IwiiTery to., oo Kaat Oak. HELP WANTED MALE. SALEStlRM WAJfTEO For one of the lareeat auraarlaa in tea waat; eaan aarancaa wveair on ordera; good tarritorr open. - Aridma Waahlngtoa Nurar Co., Toppenlah. Waah. WANTKD-1.000 men, ahare and halreat free. - 284 Conch at. Wa teach the trade. LIVE eanreasers ' for choice territory; outfit farntahed free; big snap. , For full particulate addree OregoB huraery Co.. Balam, Oregoa. AGENTS WANTED to ell annerlor. high-grade anraery atorkj complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for f bole of tor- ' rltory. Capital City Muraery Uompany, Baleaa, Oregoa. - WANTED Live end energetic boy te learn ' optical boatoee and lena-grfpdlng. Apply 211 Macleay bldg. START mall order buaineaa: yea eaally make 810 dally; we furnish aoppllea and tech free. Altimtnunr rl anger- Cct. v'hstftrtd. httTm. WANTED Relieble newspspar csnvssaer; ateady poaltloa Tor right party; eicy ana country work; must give refareneea. Addra O, J. Ageat. Vaacouver, Wsb. WANTED 2 flrat-claaa eolicitor wb kv hd experience la house-to-house canvassing; good ' aalary and com ml salon te right panic. Ad dre. slating former experleace and reference, . G. 86, care JoornaL WANTED A boy about IB year of g foe steady factory work, at 40 North Front at., eor. Davl MEN and women to learn barber trad la eight weeks: graduate earn from 816 to 1 115 weekly; expert Instructor; catalogue free. Mohler Syatem ef Colleges, SB North Four l at., . Portland. : ... .. WANTED A reepectable boy shoot 17 year of ag to learn the florist buaineaa. Kaat 23d aad Morrtaon, opposite Lone Kir cemetery. WANTED Machine men, rablnet-aukera aad flnlihera. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co. WANTED For United Statea army, able-bodied unmarried men between ge of 21 and 36, rltlaena of United State, of good character and temperate habit, who ran apeak. red and writ English. Apple to Recruiting Of. Brer. Alna worth blk., Third and Oak ata., Portlaad, Oregoa. MACHINIST wasted. H. 0. Aloe Co., 24 Grand are. . " "" "-- " . - - BOY. IB year old. for (tore work, ate. Ltoa Clothing Co., lOd Third et. TOCNO man. about 11, far office work, with knowledge ot typewriting. as Sherlock Biag. GOOD boy - wanted at Dnnham'a, : OOVa First a. SOll, - HELP WANTED-FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 H Washlng- ton sL. ear. Bsreath, n pat sir. Pboae Mais 20H2. Feml help wntA COMPETENT cook for fsstldlous trade; must hsre tools and furnlab refereacee. Tha Manlton. 201 Thirteenth st GOOD GIRL for cooking and hoosework ; email rimuy ; gooa wsgee. aim Kaat uaria at. GIRL to aaelat with light hooaework. 080 Eaat Alder, near Twentieth. WANTED Lady or girl for company of rrtghta; caa go to erbool. Pbon Wood lawn 27. WANTED Middle-aged German woman te do houaework for family of two: inquire at 887 Tillamook at. WANTED A girl for general hrmoewonr. - In quire 160T East Thirteenth; Sellwood ear. THE noma Ladlea Employment Agency will register you free. We furnish female help for all kinds ot position. 2.1 Ruaeel bldg. Tsk atalrway neat the Y. U. C. A. blug. Puone Mala 6K28, . WANTED A girl to aasnt In general henae .work. 688 East Alder al.. near With at. WANTED Girl te do general hooaework; wage $25. 486 14th at. GIRL or elderly woman wanted to assist in bonaebold duties, or man and wife for coun try near Oregon City; state wsgee; atesdy employment; a good home to right party. Address route S, box 88, Oregon City, Or. WANTEIWMltrl to do general hetieewerkr-tww In fsmlly; wsgee $20. Apply Ir. Lebbe' - residence, bend of Love Joy at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, mil or female. R. G. Drake. 209 H Washington at. Paclsa 1870. WASTED Young men and women to prepare for civil service examination: llf positions; atudy spare time: slsle postttos wanted. I 88, car Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AN experienced carpenter and contractor want employment by the. day ot. contract. Ad dree W 82, Journal. FENCES and aldrwslks built or neigh carpenter work. Addreae P. 0. Bog 804, city. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Position aa housekeeper by mlddle sged lady, city or country: ne. objection to 'children. Phone Main 3084. WANTED AGENTS. I WANTED Agent) something new; good aUr I big wages. 2od McKay bldg. WB want rllble men In every tows la Oregoa ta aell eick aad accident Insurance. Pacta Aid aeeoclatloo, 000 Deknm bldg. FIRKT-CXASfl agents fn Portland and through tste; J)lg wge to rustler. .410 Fen ton bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE portlaad Employment Co., 206 Vk Morrlaos at. Phone PaclBc 2.18. ... HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB. FOR MEN. B K. Second at Pbaae Mala 1328. BIG FOUR IMP.' AGENCY Help supplied free. IB North gocoad st. Phone Mi la 1818. JAPANEPE-CHINKB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Henry Tahara. 2BT Everett St. Phone Pa- elfle 540. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot ta exchange for equity Is 0 ae T-roona boom. phone East 8641. 100 REAL aetata flrma eas aell your property quicker than one. ' Pacific Real Ealate Ex.. 223 Waaulagtoa at. Mala 1C2S. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED, for cash, lot or tract loa; must be cheap. 8 44, ear JenraaL . RAN Orl c'heap. -Partly improved: full dexeiiptloa; rash. D Si, rate Joureal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. PLATS, ROOUING-ROUSKtl. STORSS. ETC. Our rental department baa been enlarged and provided with additional staff. 1 W Invito Hating from LANDLORDS, offer parsons! attaatloa to and eontlnuoua supervision Brer all property In trusted ear PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, - 8. H. ear. 8d and Oak its.7 Pboae Ex. JA A MWDLE-AOED gentleman want te-bnard ana room witir widow May witn a mau cottage: bo objection Xo being a little dis tance out.-' Adires U 2. csr Journal. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, (praying and whitewashing treea. baarmenta, beraa, docks, etc.; largest as sol ins praying outfit on the coast. M. O. Morgaa A Oo.,22 Union are. , phone Kaat -'011. WANTED Stocks - f general merrhandlae or drygood. boot aad hoe. ale, tor wbtca I will pay cash; will deal with actual owner only. Aoarea r . v. uox u, a.igia. vr B. N. MOROAN, pioneer aprarer and white washer. Call Et 6248; remember tb name E. N. Morgaa; 11 rear ta business la Port land. - ' . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A OO.t BIGREST CASH PRICE PAID for furniture la any quantity: also take aame en commission and gnarantee beat reanlta. The Portland 'Auction Rooms. A. Ncbubaca prop.. Sit First at, Phoo Mala 6669. ,- , , WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADR ANY OLD THING. ' WESTERN oALVAtiR CO., BIT. 028 WASHINGTON. PACIFI0 703. WILL pay 0 1 a (hare, for 100 te. 100.000 ahare iniprovea smeller ve. stock. Asewer s v, care- Journal. I POSITIVELY gnr4nte yon the beat trad frlce foe household, hotel or - restsurant urnlture; be sure to consult m before dis posing of your goods elsewhere; thl beats Bailing by auction. - Addree or oil. Oke. ear (Jsuld A Aline, 8. .W. cur. trout aad Burnsld. Pbone Mala S07. IF yon waat to bny or aril anything file year , list wits V. si. Lxmry at uo., lout rim at.. room e - HKWBcVP cssaoald foe -hottlea. freit-- inn I or every description. rsne nottie CO.. 41b and Coach t.. phone. Main 2288. WANTED Child to nosrd; . ressonabla; good aume: lei. book ixew. WILL pay fl.Mi a ahare for 100 ta lOO.OOO narea jmproveo emeiter vo. stock . A Dswer W 88, rare JoarnaL CAN teach American hove the Chine T langusge; Bra is experienced teacher. Ap ply X43 econo nt. rnone main auzj. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT IF yea are for deanllneea and daylight take a room -at tne uirara, near, cornar Slxth; eleetrle light, free bath. . - THE RICHELIEU. S8H NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnished, steam heat aad nataa. THE GRAND. 464j l.orth Third at Room for ...flem.n gl.26 nar weak and nn. . THE RING. 800 Jefferson at Nicely furnished rooma, with gs or awctric light, aeat ana hatha, in sew building, .50 aad $10 per month. - NICELY fnrnlshed room at 242 Grand ava. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MITCHELL. FIaadr , aad Bevestb Rooma. boneekeeplng and uaniiaati aoa vealent; prices reasuaabla. - lr- f 1 29 WEEK Bp, cleaa, furnlahad hooaekeeplng room, with yarn, parlor, launory, oaio, iur Baca beat, 208V Stantoa at. U car. . BLEEPING and hooaekeeplng rooma for real. nee H. a. till ley, room m, ffl y waaamg- ton t. "' ' 1 $160 PER WEEK Large, clean. fnmlehed DQaBekeepieg-rooBie; launory ana .oau, , so Sherman, south Portland. . SLEEPING and honaekeeplng rooma for rant. . of , , . . nu . i. , j wrwu m, ins ncB.f NEATLY farntahed honaekeeplng and Bleeping- rooma. f 1 week: hath. M car from Union depot to North 26th at., turn right 290 feet. 884 North 26th at., THE HALL. 414 Fifth Room, (ingle or CB ulte, furalahed for light housekeeping. HOUSRK ERPING-RO0M8 Lowest rate; elee trle light and pbone Included. 801 Vh Water at.' ROOMS Honaekeeplng, elngle: bath, gaa; reaaonabl. The Macon, 222V& Crosby, corner Hollsdsv ave., one block et -steel bridge, Pbone Eaat 2214. THREE housekeeping room tar rsnt; aaa ef phone. Call 036 Seventh. .... . g GOOD huwwhe diet a nee:- - water and Apply 387 Sixth st. Ft RNISHED boueekeeplng-room: see ef tele. phone nd gsrden:. $7 per. month; on flrit . Boor; at Peninsular station. Take St. Johns car. Phone Eat 6761. NICE furnished or unfurnished housekeeping room or tent; fruit and shsde tree. Pbon Esst 4128. H. C. Barter, Moont Tabor. ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOM and board; modern convenience; working persons preferred. 024 East Morrteoe. LA RGB iloeva" rooM "wlthr bitii is4"tMrd for 2 gentlemen; reference required. . 680 North rop at., car. 18tb. t DESIRABLE rooms with board; one front anttu; ressonabla rat. 442 Jefferson, Phone Main 426. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICR room, unfurnished rooma aad ssmple room for rent Goodnongb bldg. Apply ele vator. .'' DESK room. 6M Worcester Wk. FOR RENT FARMSr 126 CULTIVATED. 211 paatnre; go delay; give experieneea, particulars and reference os appltcatloB, D 8ft. care Journal. Yoiilrea;Iime: . . . Merciait:: the vroRKiNo nouns - or -TOUR DAT ARE TOUR 8TOCK- IN-TRADE. POSSIBLE FOR THE HOURS TOU HAVE TO SELL FOR THET" ARE WORTH MORE TO ONE BUYER THAN TO ANOTHER, AND IBVERTISING'Will" MAN. TO WHOM THET ARE 7 A ' I FOR RENT HOUSES. MOlrHRN T-rooia bouae, newly palntad aad pa pered; 47 TeuOi al Apuir taJC LBoiit lug, room 40 Worceter hldg. , ' KADKERI.Y TRANSFER CO.. prompt and re liable piano nd furniture stovers; kto ator age. 1'bvaa Main lasS. Office 110 N. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY Mel ATA H 1C BXs INBURANCR. RgNTAIA. PER LIST. 10-ROOM houaa. with aammer dlntng- altaated BT Noeth 14th St. . lauotre 204 Mae. leey hldg. FOR RENT Cottage; alaa aulta bouaekesplng - room. iSO Sherman. 682 SKCOND ST. Modern B-reoa houaa. Key 674 Pirat t Pboae Maia 4404. ' BIX -ROOM modern beoae, earner lot; Eaat . 84th. near Hawthorne and Richmond car. line; 817 per month to good tenant. 40. Com mercial hldg. Phone Pacific Bio. GOOD 6-esom eotuge. with basement; close in, weat aide; 815 with water. Pbone Paolllc -. -1440. . , IX)R RRN'T--Rurmrb; aaarter block; bouae S rooma; 6 closet, pantry, eon re hall with aeat. teat and cashkma la dtnlngrootn, attic. betlh ferae, Sreplaoa. tluor. flnlshad, hade, woodlirt; fl6. Parrlata A Watklna, 250 Alder at. SEVEN rooma, cleaa. furnished cottage. - B84 South Fourth at. NEW '8-room cottage, completely furnished, weat aide, 8 block a from car. Pacific 1348. VERY Bice 6 -room and bathroom cottage ia excellent condition. 231 Sheridan at. In quire William Denbolm, 226 Falling bldg. FOR RENT- S-room cottage and cellar; rent $10 month. ISO Carnthera. Pbone Mala Baift. FOR RENT-FLATS. B ROOM flat. B48 Corbett $10; S-room Bat. 860H - Corbett, 812.60; 6-ronm cottage, 808 Eaat Market. 812.60; 7 -room cottage. BOH Kaat Third. $16; 8-room cottage, am last Market, $IT.6; 6-room cottsirs, 311 Union ava., $16; - a room Bat. 007 MsrahsIL $22.60. L. B. Thompeon A Co.. 2B Third.. roR RENT t-room modern new fiat. 8474 Sixth at., near Jackson. Phone Pacific BfU. A. H. Maegly, 210 Fourth at. j. (-ROOM But tit rent, $13.60; water paid; Be email children. 625 Mill. . - 8MAIX flat, completely fnrnlahrd; pHaa, phone. Ingle ar"ultTrntrL Pbon Mala BWX FOR RENT New. 6-roam lower flat, atrlctly modern: good view; on car line: rent $18.60. Jonea' Drug Store, Front aud Glbba. 1'hone Main 880.- . , ; - - - -- NEW modern: rent Include beat, water: $30. The Garland, 021 Washington near 18th. 6-ROOM list with bath, gsa and electricity. 161V,. North 17th. Inquire Wakeflald-Frlea A Co.; 220 Stark at MODERN 6-room fiat. 1 block north of ateel bridge, fronting river at.; steel and gaa range; ehadea on windows. 288 Larrabee. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT gardening. -In city. 8H acres soluble for Inquire 208 Fourth. : GASOLINE launch for hire; length 88 feet; : will carry 12 toner speed S mile. Inquire , launch Eva, foot of Savler at. FOR RENT Plsno: $8 par month to respon sible party. Phone Main 0278. .BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE One half Interest In dairy; 46 eowa ' sold at a orifice If cold thl week; owner leaving country. Call et Y. I. Smith' dairy, 8t. Helena road. , near American Inn. GROCERY taking Is 846 to $88 per day. all cash trade and ae oppoeltlon; most go at in voice, about $000 to gst It. Address 11 North Fourth at. FOR BALE A large. clean stock of harness and ' eaddlery. toola. machinery and fixture ' in good farming country, with building aad ' lot if desired; reason for selling owner going - eaat; half cash, balance time; night make soma trade. A S. care Journal. . PORTLAND suburban drugator for sals, dree H 4, rare Journal. Ad- WI have wheet lead, atock land, frnlt land. acreage, unproved nnouutmiwoeefl city property, and a good exchange list. Bee a betor - buying. horthwast Lead Co., 204 Ooodnongh bldg. ' . LARGE or amsll roemlng-heai ' term by H. H. Hlgley, , Washington . at. ; for eale ea so. $4,000 BUYS a Splendid paying cigar, tobacco, newa and billiard-ball bnalneaa. Addraea C. K. De Neffe. Sumpter. Oregoa. FOR SALE Restaurant with a good paying bnalneaa; a nap If tkn t once. Apply International hotel. Third aad Everett. IN order to settle the estate ef E. E. Char man, deceased, the City Drug Store will be old at a bargain; good' cleaa atock, well lo cated. In a brick btitldtngr Call or address T. 1a ChannaB. exacutw. Oregus City. Or. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.! FOR SALB Blacksmith and wagon nop: well equipped with power and machinery; sur rounded by good terming country; plenty nt - work; only bup In town. Geo; A. Mlckel; ttervala. Or. . . FOR SALE Good grocery buaineaa. Is good town; price right; owner desire to aell on account of health. P. O. Box 08, Lafayette, ' Or. .-. ONLY $320 for cigar and confectionery etore; good location; cheap rent. A 85, care Journal. HAVE you $1.000 to Invest (not epeeulate) In tha beet manufacturing monopoly west of the Rocky mountains! , Address A 40. Josxnal. $4,000 INVESTMENT will bay a half mure. In a incrattve bnalneaa proposition too mer- - rhandlse), the applicant to furnish good ref erence to- be accepted: the monthly retnrn will be provp aatlafactory and very progt. able beyond any quest km ef doubt. For par ticulars see J. Kraemar, Commercial block. FOR SALE All or half Interest in grocery; good location; reaaonabl rent aad paying trade. D 26. rare Journal. A SNAP! The best cash wood buslnee In Portland: household furniture Inclnded; party going east. For psrtlrulara Inquire at room 208, Allskv bldg. Third and Morrison. $278 BCYS a dandy, cigar and con feet loeerv; everything un to date; must Mil; com quick. ; Owner, 180 Madlaon St. WANTED Good a Icemen to handle a money making proposition ; must hv small amount of eeali; ae competition. Call forenoons or evenings. Bailey, Merchants', hotel. $360 DOWN bur 10-room lodgina-bons cloee to Portland hotel. See H. II. Hlgley, room 80. 227 "4, Washington at. , A 12 ROOM furnished house nn Park St.. sear Wasbingtnn. for asla for $70n; rent $18 per month. See II. II. Hlgley, 22714 Washing ton at., room 30. BARGAIN tn gaakaiu. ceutial location.-tea; thla Is a snsp. Call tomorrow forenoes t 8314 Sixth et. FOR SALE 22-room house, all fnll: eentrally located: new building,, modern: price $4100; $3s cash, balsnc $M) per month; so agents: .sr ties going east. Call 3701 E. Morrlaoa t.. or phone Esst 1364. J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $300 LARGE level lot 60X120, 22d and Powell, 1 block to car; city water and gsa. Phone East 0066. Owner. LOT os Tillamook, choice location, $860. ' Pboae Mala 40. FOR SALE New swderS groom honse, Esst 14th and Aakeny. Also H block. Esst 12th 'and Taylor. Owner, phone Esst 1888. ' I HAVE a few 5-ecre tract of very fin land, . very eaay te clear; '0 miles esst of Portlsnd, and only on mile from O. W. P. eleetrle Itne, that I Will aell at from $00 te $76 per acre, on very eaay term. Addree V 14, ear Journal. $3,20010 ACRES wglMmproved, half beaver dam. good N-room bwae, running water, fam ily orchard: located at New Erie. Oreeea. i lVfVt Third at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. XJne-Fourth Block Merc cr Less For Spot Cash, Between tne River and Seventn St., Burnslie , and Madison, on East Side; Write Full Par ticulars and Price. If You Are lUSht in Price Will Buy. W30, SEVEN ROOMS, . modern, bath, bowl. . toilet, fas; corner lot Bonis); a large mill treea, 2,000; terms; Sunnyslde.! Brlggs-Ford Realty Co., 18SH First street. . (-ROOMS, new. modern, good location, close . to two car line, flu corner lott $1 IW0: $160 down. . Brlggs-r ord , Re.lty Co.. 13314 First street, room X - 4-ROOM honse. bath, pantry, hot and cold water, cement basement, bars, chicken-house, corner $0x100, fenced, cloee to ear, $H60; $4O0 .'down; Brlggs-rord Realty C., 138!4 First . atreet, room 2. FOR SALE Along the north bank railroad, a . large llat of farma. orchard,, aawmilla and buelneea property. Inquire of D. W. Hutch inson A Co., Wasbougsl, Was hi r NICE modem groom house, Hollsday'a addi tion; close in. choice location. Apply ewnar, 815 Cherry at. ' v . . . W. H. MOREHOUSE, , ' '1870 Eaat ISth t.. Sellwood. ' . ' - Phone Sellwood 74. The Ikrgeit list of Improved jiroperty la Sellwood. Homes from $600 to (S.OUO. Roe addition, tha great factory aite; leta $S eowa and $6 per month. 6-ROOM cottag. modern, quarter block; fine frnlt and rosea. 840 Eaat Alderw A beau tiful borne. . ONB lot near Alberta, on Weodlawa and Ver non line. Address 858 Northrup. , ' $1.800 SOUTH - PORTLAND New,- 4 rooms, gaa and etertrle llghte, 1 block from school no car; term, vlnquire owner, m Fourth, on Grand Ave., a Business Lot for $3,000. This is a Central Location, r For Further Partlculars,-- See BEVER,'4M East'" AMcr or.Piioie. East "491 7," :ACB TRACTSl --- ;--:T:--rr- OCR SPECIALTY IB ACRg TRACTSl FaD-alaed atreeta, water ta each acre. ' TERMS $18 PER ACRE CASH . . 10 PER . ACRE PER MONTH, c - Yob ge te these acres ee the nit w, pay tha as me Be far the lot maa pays- The let maa la year aelghbor, ant be to- re atrlcted In majority et features that auk a true eubnrbaa home. '-" " " ' - Opea Wedaeeday aad Betarday svaslBgs. t, A. C CBtJRCHILL A CO., IMa 110 Second St. . IP YOO want to brrlld, bey all rese materials at the American Inn; yon will ssv 78 per cent; fine door, window, plaster boards, rustle' or aiding, -flooring, atalrs. timber and lumber. Pbone owner. Pacific 1078, - 110.000 BEAUTIFM- Mock, close In oa the Weal BUie; pienuiu lor iiaia. iwi niru m. FOB BALE AT A BARGAIN - A flue atock range, containing a beet B.B0B acre; all nader fence; nruaiea near noee. ; burg. Oregon, ea S. P. B. R.I thla I eae ot tbs best stock range In tb county; I ale k.n another Bood stork range containing 1.420 acrea, which will be aold at a very low Brlc. For Bsrticaiare aaaress . aw suinw a. owner, Rpeebnrg, Oregon. $3 000 NEW modern S-room honse. oa Esst Morrtsoa; SB elegant home; half caes. 1071 Third et. 4-ROOM fnralahed house asd S tots, cheap. Phone Eaat 41)10. 8-ROOM bona and enarter block at tha corner of East 14fh and Beacos. ata.. $1,800. - W 8. care Journal. . 14 LOTS t St. Jehna. facing car line; a good investment for anybody at $1,000. 1071, ffblrd at. FOR RAI.K By owner, two sew modern honaaa, belwees 22d and 24th, en Wasco, Holladay Park:' else furnish lot and build. R. R. Rice. 882 Sandy road. Phone Eaat 1086. ON TO HOVBRI ' VP THE COLOMBIA! Regular steamers from Portiaadr - eh ea prat rata 'from the eoeat te Inlsnd points; ae seed, beery aoll, perpetual water right with eecb tract, earliest product, largest price tb CsUfornl of th Northwest. Writ ' HOVER LAND CO.. ;,.';; Hover, Waahlngtoa, FOR SALE CHEAP 4 and T-room honaaa; mod era; part cash. 870 Oarfleld ava. Take Woodlaws ear. Pboae Eaat 8641. DO YOU WANT .TO BUY city lota or aereegel IP eo, see Esst Side Resl Eatete Co. Beat Id property a specialty. 407 Hawthorns v.. seer Grand. Pbon Eaat 1067. -ROOM hone and 11 lota for asla oa Port land Height: Phone Mala 6041. . $3 oooSO ACRES fin eoit 1 mllee est, Ber in O. W. P.-carJInei convenient to achool. ' KffH Third t- - - -- ;- :- - ' ' FOR SALE 4 lot 80x100, Column! Heights - Penlnul orchard and lmprovmeBtj ex cellent cr servlee $1,800. Owner, E 14, ear Journal. ' ACRES. Improved. Be fere; frnlt; aell cheap; so agenta. O BO. care Journal. , NEW 2-atory modern house, aontbeest corner v Minnesota end railing. Apply owner, next door. - - '.'"' $400 EACH-8 lots BOxinO os 20th and Iron, bween Clinton and Division rts. Call aad aee owner, oa the place. No. 706. 0 000 200 ACRES cleared bottom Jand; dairy or Block ; good 8-room honse, large bars; 8 mile ot county seat. Boa 222, Kalama, Washington. ' ". COTTAGB homer eoema. full corner Jot fruit, lately cost $2,800: $1,700 cash or $1,750 esse terms; near Mount Tabor rar, little eaat e Bunayald. . u jo. carw - loo BEAT'TIFFL building lot, on Thlrtyf1rt, only 1 block from csr; $60 cash, remainder $10 per month. 1071 Third at. SELLWOOD IAXTS. $6 down end $6 a month; from $76 to $200. Sellwood Townalte Co H. P. Plmer, aingor. Puone Ksst 4704. so bgo NEW 6 room modern honse and sightly corner lot. Ksst. 84tb ner Hawthorn are.; very eaay terme. W 23. rare Journal. CHOICE building lots. East 84th St. near Haw. thorns and Richmond car, only $.176; terms to ult. W 22. cr Journal. I BAVB 8 Bice 8-room house ' on earllne, good rekience district; both, toilet, cement founda tion; will aell for $1,230; $400 down, balance on monthly paymenta. Geo. Felgbner, Ivaa hoe a tat loo, Woouetoeh. A SNAP Reantlfnl Boteie; frnlt end brnb1iery; oeth 82.200! for $l.on: -oo down and $20 p per month. Phone' Mala 0278 PORTLAND Helghta. lOOxloo for $1,160. Front at., corner. BO4e). $3.W; Income $.18. First t.. 100x100: Income 860; $4.1iV, K I.N 8 ELL, 02 Commercial blk., Mala 223. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $l,lMe to AI RES. 13 mil,- " from Portland, . near the O. W. P. Una; flue eoll . (seme oulon Is ud). M107H Third t. ' 200 FARMS, smsll tract and lota; bargain as 0. W. P. electric line, a R. .Add too. Lest. Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car. Be. FOR SALE FARMS. ,. FARM BARGAIN. ' lat4 aerea, all good land; nearly - level! well drained; half black loam; no waste Isnd; nearly sll under plow; crop rstsad. wheat oats, velch, clover, corn,, pots toes ; (rood fl-room house, well flnlahad; g good erne, and all outbuildings; frnita and: berrle; flue well ef wster, with mill and fon-e pump; R; p. 0. and telephone; good road; hair mile to school, half mile to rail- ' road. 8 mllee to atatton. B ml lee to-Albaay. Oregon; 1 span good work aad brood mares; -' 2 colts, 18 high-grade Jersey cows. 8 heifer, . 1 J-rsey hull. 4 dosen full-blood Brown Leg horn chicken; 1 wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 seeder 1 cleaner, 1 mower, 1 hay rake. 1 prtng-tonth harrow, 1 bay fork and car rlers, 1 rrm separator. 1 grindstone, 1 sad dle, l plow, 1 gardes plow, 1 tel barrow; a apleudld farm, and wall equipped. It aold by April 16 price, including all cropa, atock and Implements. $6,640, , . r IIBNRI.E A BAKER. '"'- '-'- J21T"Ablngus Bidg."" 1001 Third Bt. FOR SALh-$100 per acre, cleared land la tb great fruit belt along the Colombia river, . in 10 -or 20-acre Iota. Apply Box 10, tyla, . . Washington. ' ' ' . ' .. . 720 ACRES will subdivide; 40 Ideal fruit nd- grain . lend;". 200 in enltlvtioaf good buildings; jioar town; 2.000,000 feet pine aw timber; In famoua Rogue .River -valley country;, moat delightful climate on earth. - Addree H. B., Box 117. Woodrllle, Oregon. FOR SALE 80 acrea unimproved land, 10 mile irom vaucourer. 9-tou. u. A. Wastar, 1013 11th (t., Vancouver, Washington. 288 ACRES In Linn county near I .e ha son, gag per acre; 2T8 acrea in Lincoln count near Naahvtllr. $8,000; 2X0 acrea In Columbia county, Waah.; near Dayton. $18 per acre. ' , These are good bargalna. Rlnsell, B03 Cam nierrial blk. . , . FINE stock ranch Bear Sister. Oregoa. for aaie or exenaoge for town property or timber ' land. O. J. Mealey, Foster, Oregon. 40 ACRES, 20 mile eaat of Portland; $180o7 MA .1 . . . . -, , .v iiuwii, Mum wm nie. jsy owner, aiu Second ftt. TO EXCHANGE. EQT'ITI' Denver Income property for ranch.. arrester Blk.- " TO EXCHANGE A- plane aa good a vacant lot. W 32. care Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TWO work team, chain bsrnees. 2 scrapers, . $260; all sew; will sell part. J. W. Powell, Falrvtew. Oregon. 15 mile oat on O. R, A N. BORSR, harness, light wsgon. good rig, for msll farm; also cow. fresh next month. O. ft. Rache. 0 blocks south Montsvllla ststlon. POR SALE TIMBER. ;-'WtWant -Timber- We have cab buyer for larg end" smsll tract ef good timber la Oregon, Washington - or California,- - - - Phone Mats 8303. BIT-IS Pontes bldg. WE have a few choice homestead elalme wi Wasco and Sherman eeontlea, ahm a few timber clalme, . yellow pine, over -1.000.000 -feet. Write to oa for full particulate. Hud son Land Oa., Tha Pailee. Or. CERTIFIED arrin. anr else nieces: - prto. WG- Howell. 6d Chamber ef On TIMRER relinquishment. 8,600,000. pine; rail road 8 mils; Improvement. B 18, Journal. WANTED1 From owner, rellnsuUhment for choice timber claim; give fall particulars. , . Addree O 88, .care Journal. SNAP 440 acre timber . land en drlvw stream, six mile from Columbia river, 202. Worcester bldg., Portland, Oregon. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB Single wood bed, eprtng and mat . treaa. $2; bureea $3. 272 Montgomery, cor. Fourth. . 1 v SAFE) Dlebold. double door, good a new; will trade for email one.. Wee tern Salvage Co., 827 Waahlngtoa at. , . ' FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND : HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD . SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. B. O. JONES,. 280 YAMHILL ST. , BILLIARD AND POOL tables tot rest a tor , aale oa eaay paymenta. THE BRL'NS WICK-BALKS COLLENDBR CO. 40 Third at.. Portland. STEAM beating plant, eei table for apartment boueei enap; will take uorcha arice In rant.. 100 fourth et. , BOOKS bonght, - aold and exchanged st the Old Book Store. 220 Yamhill at. WR need fumlrnre aad wtll pay full varus. - Phone Pacific 783. Westers Bslvaf. Ce-r-027 Washington St. WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. headquarters; atock for a I aad in forms Ilea at ISO Flrat at. Phone Mala 1828. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order; eerond-hand goods for Bale. Carlson A Kali from, 288 Coach at. Pboae Clay 871. MANURE by wsgonlosd or carload oa O. W. P.' Ry. Phone Eaat 2316. SHOW eaaea, omintera, flxturea bonght. eold or . exchanged. Western Sslvage Co.. 827 Waah Ingtna t. Parifle 70S. WB print your name on fiO calling card, proper ante and etyle. 86c; 20 hualneea earda, II. A. W. Scbmil Co.. 22 Flrat, Portlsnd. Or. BOLDEN'N RHEUMATIC CURB- -Bare cure fee rhnmtlBk Sold by all druggists. FOR 8ALR 23i.4-foot launch, rapacity 14 per eons. euulBned with B-horaepower Fay A B engine, complete, appnrleoancee ef the very beet. Inquire 810 Pine at. FOR SALE Fine oyster counter end shelving; also dour sad aash; cheap. 208 Fourth at. $1.60 POR $0 roe; 100 weet pea aeeda. Be; all kind flower and vegetahl aeeda rea aoaable. Mala 7181. 0 to 12 a. m. FOR BALE Second-hand aprlght boiler, errlf , able for woodaaw. . Foster A Kletser, Fifth . and Everett ate.. FINE sew top buggy, only $88: ahw new wsgon. ' Portlsnd Wsrehouse A Transfer Co., - S42 East Washington st, , , FOR SALE Good dry live 4-foot flr weed la two-cord ordera or more, at .76 per cord, delivered and plied at resldsnce. so . you will e tht yes hve your messur. Hoover, BIS Wster st. Pbone Mala 4600. DAMAGED csn goods from the recent Are. go per dosen cane, (.'all quick. 20 Second at. $70 EII.ERS plane certificate reasonable; mak " aa offer. E 17, care Joornal. ... FOR - SALE Upright holler, 8 horeepower, 1 cheap. Addree 287 Burnalde St. FURNITURE and honnehold roods of an klnda for aale; party leaving city.. 28B Sellwood t near William ava. $n F.ILERS glass eerttflcai naaa ion. ' EILKRS credit check worth $dS for sale st liberal discount.- Address F. A. Davl, ' Beavertoa, R. F. D. N. 3. AUTO 1 horsepower Rambler toorlng-esr; rns ntng order; sests B: cart $1,350; ksrgsl; $3M cash. R 14, ear Journal. FOR BALE Plane certificate en Ellera. $20.. discount. Call or tddreae 01 Monroe et. $180 WORTH ef brand new furniture for $00. Come at euce, party leaving town, 881 ; 12th street. FOR SALE Portable 8 h. p. engln and holler; gnranteed: one third It value.-C. H, Pig" 1 gott, lawyer, 4 Mulsey bldg. $70 FILERS certificate for $2.60; $68 oaa fug aoe S'.'.-i Allabr klile. . . i V. )