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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1906)
the ) Oregon daily y journal, postlAnd. Monday evening, afsil 0. HERE IS THE LATEST IN SPORTDQM jfQ? T:f EDITED BY ' J. A, HORAN ' j J J ) L1 7 DnnTi Ann niAriToi PORTLAND ACADEMY STUDENTS TRAINING FOR THE MULTNOMAH TRACK TEAM ABOOnS DEFEAT SC1IILLERITES for v-:: : . m- , TIE 10TIIER AKD V2 TREAT MSN OtfLY Botabllshed 20 Years In Portland 2. PS I Uli 1 LilllU Ulfllliu Raisin City Performers Unable to I - Hit Henderson at Cor-. ?. V ' ' rect Times. , . v1 LISTER'S BATTING WAS ; I FEATURE OF THE CAME Giants' First Baseman Raps Out Pour ..Safe Hits Daring, the Matinee and I Scores Every Run for His Team I ' Story of the Contest. 7:'! iMmtl iMrflt aervtM.t ' - Fresno. April I. Ths Portland Giants ! 'cam through yeaterday again, and ad- ' ministered a drubbing to t&e local Ti gers by th score of I to 1. 'Henderson - was on the, tiring una ror tne viaitora. find bo succeeded In holding the locals down to four hit. Lister's betting was the feature of the game. Tbla clever performer drove out four safe blta, one! ot bla blta being instrumental in sena Ing lo -the runa that cinched . tba same, -and oni one two-ber, Sweeney, was sent across the plats for Portland's first liu;. , . - i- CartwrfafrtPraeao'e new flrai baae- man, played a. greet pni In the field, .... at the bat and on the bases, , The official score follows: . - ., . . PORTLAND. . .;. AB.R.H.PO.A.E. McHale. ef. ......... 11110 4 MoCredla, rf. 4 1 I I 0 0 Pweeney, aa. 1 1 . 0 . I S Mitchell If. ......... I l i bi t ' J, later, lb. 4 4.4 14 1 , 0 "McLean, a. .......... 4 4 114 ..Moore. Sb. 4 0 11 4 Watere, 2b. 1.4 4 2 4 1 . Henderaon. p. ....... 1 4 . i 4 4 Totals., ......... .21. ST It 1 ' " FRESNO. ' , . AB.R.H.FO. A.E. Toyle, et'. 4 4 14 4 I. t'aeey, 2b. ..,...... 4 ,4 .1 . 4 4 1 McLaughlin, It ...... 4 0 4 1 0 4 Kacaji, ea. . . ......... 4 . 4 - 4 4 1 I Arellanos, lb. 4 114 T 4 Delraaa, rf. ..........4-0 4 4 4 4 , Cartwrlght, lb. 1 1 1 14 4 4 liogan, e. - .......... . 14 4 I I 4 Bchmldt. ay II 0 14 J, 4 ' Totals ' . . I .... 24 I 4 IT 15 I SCORE BT INNTNOaV- Freano ... .......0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 Hlta 4 . ....... .1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 I Portland . . ......0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 I Hits . . ........0 1 1 S 4 0 0 1 04 ' ; -SUMMARY. ,' .' Tnt-Hun hit T. later. Threa-haaa tilt . Cartwrijht Flrat base on balla k3(T Hndernon, S; off 'Schmidt. 4. Struck out By Henderson, 1; by Monmldt, I.- I Art on baaea Portland, J ; Freano, 4. Don . Me playa Schmidt to Arellanea to Ea- fao to Cartwrlvht. " Sacrlfloe hits Mo lale. Sweeney. Mitchell. Doyle. Stoien laae Areuan& wild pitcn Bcnmidc Paaaed ball McLean. First bene on er ror Portland .1, Freano 1.. Time of Same-r-iwo Jioura umpire JuclPonala. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. OLTBS. . 7 ft. octlaod " fiaa Fraaetaee ....... toe Aasahe ......... Seattle Ol w oaaians .............. fraaae liMt M O HEATER WILL TRAIN - WILLAMETTE TRACK MEN (BneeUl DkiDatch t The JoaraaL) -8alem. Or, April" t. Because -Dad Moulton waa unable to coma north until 1 May. the track anaaacament doomed, ft necessary to aecuro another coach in order that the .team misht have s -month's lons-er tralnina. Roy Heater , pervloe have been aecured, and. ha haa twen puttlns the boys through the pre.. llmlnary work during the past week ' and is spandiaf lots or time with the men. Captain Lounsberry Is ' showing , tip In fine style In the high Jump, oross- Ing the bar eaaily a feet 1 Inches. SOUTH PORTLAND TOO - STRONG FOR BROOKLYN ' Tha South Portland a .trounced the JirooHyna the score of 31 to 6. The line-up: .flouth Portland. ' ; H. Twlss .0.... Adams ...........p.... J Byan . ... ... . Ray Watklna 4 ... .as , . .1 , . Brooklyn. ........ Batten Touhey .Smith n... - .Hembree Win UiTTM ....0...a ; " Peas '. 0 . im 2b, Oeorgo ... . ..... .If, M. . eer ti-. j ... . cf . , IL tsmdenberger . .rf . . . . Mox .-.r B. Rickey . ... McKlnley .t. lie rar land ....... Tetton TomH Tss . looking - for Easter Toys . -, Were Jmrt opened nobby Haa. - MISSION : SSCE: $3.50 -Aa4'." Ikry wtar QUALITY BAT $2.50 "goc -'v Saved" ' Tcp & Cssa Shop SOS Waalilngtoa St. S S1.0O0 0 8 1.000 0 a 1,0(1 0 o .000 0 o) .000 1 00 T1 a -5 - Reading -Pfom Xeft,to JSightAxo ' t '.-'''':'.' Il'O-OAII lOOfiilALlEIIT o;i , QBEGOII ALLEYS . Gold Leaf - Bowlers - Have Good Lead in Commercial r J League Race. - A-' two-man tournament will bs bald on the , Oregon alleya this week. - It wUl begin Juat aa aoon as all .the en tries are in. It will bo a mixed affair. that la, each olaas A bowler will ae lect olaaa B bowler for a partner. ' In this way it will give all the bowlera who enter a chance at the prises. " MoMenomy is arranging to - have- an endurance ntch April 1. ., The en tries will do two-man team a ana were will be 12 hours' bowling without a letup. The team nnlahlng with the highest number of pins at the end of 11 hours wins the contest. It Is a new style of conteat, which Is meeting with success In the eaat, some of them back there bowling 14-hour matches.- - On team (Urook ana jaaiesi has aireaay enured.' It la expected that at. least six or eight teams will enter. The Commercial league . . season , . Is praeticaUy-ended; one match la all that remains to be played. There is some talk of organising a summer league of two-man teams, and the chances are It will be gotten under way In th near future. About It members of th Com mercial club vlalted th Oregon allays yesterday and took their first lesson at th tenpln game. .They all expressed themselves aa liking the game.-. ' The atandlng of th Commercial leaau to date; Club. won. lioet. , P.c. Goiu Leafa .,7:. 4 - 14 .711 Montavlllaa . . ....... .14 24 404 In.a Vllaa . 84 24 .B7 Oolden Waata 84 24 .667 Woedlarka . . ...... .,.10 " , If ,, .& T.l.min. 17 84 .474 American Guilds ......17 11 -.450 rtnM Rnnda . ......24 . 14 .4 Honeymana . . '. .20 ' 40-r'. Brunawlcks . , 17 41 . .281 WILLAMETTPS OUTLOOK ON BASEBALL DIAMOND (Special DUpatrk te'The Jnoraa..) Balem. Or, . April . Willamette' J baseball team haa had a hard -Week ol practice and every man is playing s fsat gam. ' ' King and Slmpaon ' are pitching fancy ball, and their assort ment of curves would punls more than aa amateur. Rhodes with. tha Dig mitt la there with the rood, both at the bat and on th throw to second. Cary at first has a whip to third that would make a profesalonal Jealous, Radar digs them out of the dirt at second and paaaes them on to first In good shape. Coach Coleman la playing, a wonderful game at short and he burns them to flret with th speed or a bullet, cap. tain Naoe at third Is playing a good gams ... and has tha ' highest ,- batting average of the team.' - Long and Matthews at right Held are both ' fast fielders and hard hitters. Parcel covera - lots of ground In the eenter garden, and Grannie at left with a perfect . throw homo, completes th team. ' Every man - Is playing a fast gam, and Willamette expects to give every amateur team la the northwest a rvn for their money. 'r ". COTTAGE GROVE MEIr ; ORGANIZE SHOOTING pLUB aaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . (Snaeial DiaoaMl te Th laaraaM ' Cottace OTOve. Or- April A num ber of Cottage Orov aportamen hav organised a Rod and ' Gun ' club, ' John Barker was 'sleeted - president, "Henry Yestch secretary and ' Harry Metcalf treasurer. Tonight th club will meet to eonalder by-laws. ., At . preeent 40 members hav Joined. Good; shooting grounds hav been secured and two flrat-class traps wfll ' ' be' ' 'purohaaed, which, with on already on hand, will furnish- ample . shooting . accommoda tion a. . .,-'. ANGELS TAKE SECOND v GAME FROM OAKLAND - fJaeraal BdVelal Sarvlce.) Los Angeles, April 0. Th Angels soored three runs la th. first and aee end Innings and thereby won the game, th OaklanAers being unable to get more tnan one run acroea tu piaia in ami Inninga r- Th score: XLTt V. Lo Angeles ... .1 1 4 4 4 0 0 I ) Oakland 4 0010000 01 I 1 Batter! Toser and Eager Hopkins and Haokett - Umpire Knell. t . Varks Waa Poena. . .... .. Th Parka ball nine of this city chal lenges any team under II years of age In or out of Portland to a match. - Call ,ns Ianager Steppa, Mala 1211 FM HaiSamucl Mt7t Harold Reed, -J ' ' - M . a ' BILLIARD EXPERTS TO MEET T International i Competition Will BeglnThls Evening at Mad- . . Ison Square Garden. ' (Joeraet Special garrtee.!- New. York, AprH . With appetites whetted by the recent world's cham ptonahlp match between. .Willi Hoppe and George F.Sloaaon, students of th green tabla sport are on edge In an tlclpation bf the opening of tha great international billiard tournament In Madlaon Square Garden tonight.. Seven of tha greateat maatarV of the cue and balls will figure In the tournament Tbey are Willie Hoppe, George F. Sloa aon. .Jacob Bchaefer, . Orlando Morning- star, . Oeorge Sutton, Iu1a Cur , and Albert Cutler. - .'. ..... . The game-will be at 11.1 balk line, a atyls of play that is more Interesting to watch than the mora difficult 18. L. The seven entries mean "that tl games will be played, which will reoulre 14 days, without maklnr - allowance for tha play-off of poaslbl ties. -. The games will be - BOO points up, and th winner will receive a gold and ailver tropny.-worth 11,000. -emblamatio-of th world's championship at lt.t billiards. There will be. in addition, cash prises to tha valu of $2,600, which will be divided 80 per cent to the winner and II per cent and. IS per cent to the sec- and third, respectively. LIPMAN WINS INMAN i ;r MEDAL: AT-THE TRAPS Will Upman won th Inman medal yeatsrday by breaking 22 out of a pos sible 25 birds' at the Multnomah Rod and Gun club shoot. A f alr-sised crowd was out at th traps. Th scons were: Shot at Broke, P.C. Collier..... .,..100 41 ; .41 Abraham . ...........100 41 .41 Collins . . 100' ' 40 ' .40 Culllaon . . ....... ....140 80 84 Toung ......... .......100 ' 87 "'.87 Llpman . . ......... ...100 IS .85 Ainalle . . 100 84 ' " .84 Long . . .. .iTTT. ..riViilOO-T84 .84 Hlllla .. 100 84 .84 Geiaer..... ........ ,.,100 ..'PI - .81 Thorn 2t JO , .80 Mr a. Toung ,140 75 .78 Norwood . . .". 00 " 47.78 Redfleld . . .......... .100 , 70 . .70 Fechhelmer . , .100 ' 46 .86 Shangle . ............ 45 """20 '.45 Batemaa ............ CO , 82 . .44 Walling. It It.' .40 Banka 104 t .84 Mrs. Collier BO ; 1 37 ' .84 BrUf Jtems of Sport. - The Portland Whlat club will be rep resented In the annual northwest tour nament scheduled at Seattle, on-April 10, 27 and 28. . .... The alngles In the handball tourna ment at the Multnomah club will begin thla evening. Holbrook will tackle Bel linger, Jone will try Wlckersham and Heuaner will engage Stooktoa this eve ning. . ' :' ' The only Multnomah olub men to go to Spokane on the return series of the Inter-club contests , are Edgar ; Frank and Henry Mlcken, Frank will repre. sent Multnomah on the mat and Nloken In the ring. The matohaa will take place either on May 4 or 11. Oregon Kid. J, H. Bennett Chler. and several other horses that ran. through Saturday'a paper ohase, were thoroughly fagged out at th end of the run, owing to the long run In at the finish. The rua was a trifle too long. , . . , . .,. , V , owera kTlne Tlctora. The ' Powers ' baaeball - team won - Its flrat practice game easily yeaterday by the score of 7 to 1. The entire team played good ball. .. Next Sunday they will play the Portland Trunk eompaajr'e team. ....;.-.'!'. ) t4. ' - - , - i '' ,. , 'v ' .. ..- -.' r ""'f -!! . ... ...... . i ' H. L. Keats ia His 1900 S'. .',,,'... Harfy Plavel Hamilton Corbett and . ' . . - - ..,.,,;,- WHITMAN STUDENTS Oil flELO AHD TRACK . Class Men Engage In Dual Meet .' That Is Productive of .Some nUZSplendid Marks.J L.-.' - IBn!! IManatfa te T Jaaraal.l Walla Walla, April -0. A acrub track meet . was-held on Anheny field Satur day afternoon between . the ' even and odd numbered classes.. The meet was cloee and exciting throughout and re- aulted la a victory ror the Junior-fresh man-third year-flrat year combination by the doe margin of: three polnta. A high wind all the afternoon prevented the men from making better marka But aa a -whole-the marks nfade ware very good and Indicative of a very good track team to reault later. Phllbrook mads the beat Individual record of the afternoon,' winning flrat place in the high hurdlea, th high Jump, the broad Jump and the - ahotput Cox got - first In the abort daaheev-but aould not quite equal Phllbrook In the Jump. Captain Graham earns out ahead la hie apodal ties. the. pole vault and hammer' throw The final acorewaa-SI to 65. Th marks In detail were mad by the fol lowing men In-one, two and Ihree order 140-yard Cox, Soha Lymna, Dutcher; ume, eao 1-6. , , Half,, mile run Oldrlght, T. Fancher, woods; urns," i:is 4-i. - - Pol vault Graham, - - Felthoiise, ITutcker; height 0 feet 0 Inches. . 120-yard , hurdles Phllbrook, John Lyman; time, 0:17 4-5. Hammer - throw Graham, - - XMmlck, Phllbrook and John Lyman a tie for third; distance. 100 feet 0 Inches. 220-yard . daah Cox, Jamea . Lyman, John Lyman; time,. 4:24 4-6. Discus Dutcher, Phllbrook,' Grahamt distance, 104 feat 10 inches. - High Jump Phllbrook, Cox, Felt- bouse; height feet 4 Inches. 440-yard dash Oldrlght Or ah am. Walker; time, 0:58.) Shotput Phllbrook, Dlmlck, John Lyman; dlatanca. It feet 7 Inches. - Mile run Fancher, Woods, . Ryan; time, :od i-. - Broad Jump Phllbrook, Cox, Dlmlck; distance.- It teet 8 w -Inches. ;.. Relay won by "Even" team, Fancher, Old right, Graham and Cox, v. Dtmlok, Phi l brook,- John Lymaa and Dutcher. YELLOW KID PITCHER:?' r" BEATS WALLA WALLA (Special Dlapatck te The Tnernal.) Athens, Dr., April t, Walla Walla could do nothing with Oaburn, the Tel low Kid -'pitcher,- in -yesterday's - game and loat by a score of 1 to 8, Oaburn striking out 10 men. .Walla Walla uaed two pitchers, Gregory and Bunnell. The Kid aoored Nordlne in the second In ning on a aafe hit and an error . by Crocker. In the sixth two scores were made on two hits and two errora. Walla Walla's two scores came In the alxtb ea two hits and two errora.. Th gam was well attended by Walla Walla peo ple, who cam on aa excursion ; train. The summary: Athena 0 1 0 0 0 t 0 0 t"B 4 Walla Walla ...00004100 01 ft Batteriea Oaburn and Shea; Gregory, Kunneu ana fauiKara, EUGENE HIGH TEAMS TO V TAKE PART IN MEET (BpeaUl D1iateb t Tba Jttraal " . Eugene, Or., April 0. The local high achool track team la arranging to tsk part. la. th Junior athletic meet to be held at Portland April 11 under the auspices of Columbia untveraity. The team Is now In training, having the' uae of the track and gymnasium at the Uni versity of .Oregon. - . , v Model Oldtmobile. . .. ...... ., , .j.. Opening Game jri City Amateur League Goes to the Lively ; ' East Siders. ;'. KIZER WAS SUPPORTED c IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Mangold Shows .How to . Handle the Cwklns; .OutTwo Tri ' pies Raia Interferes With jiie Con teat in the Pifth Inning. . . : The Maroona adnlnlafainui & mkki. 10 xnw ecnuiara in the opening game of the City Amateur Baseball league at Recreation . nark . V0aMtafllr1aiaT SI tPHAAte The game waa rather one-sided and n one aiea or neart I allure caused by over excitement the" Maroona ahowlng the better form and aupported Klaar In fin Btvla. Jnm V.nrnlrl Ih. u. .kil baseman, diatlngulabed himself aa a ciuumr oi awiiuy uirowa oaua Dy lining out twt three-baggers to th center field fence. ' Other - filnut.ra . wm Umwi. Pool and Foley. Hlggina, for the Schil ler a, was In fair form aad received mod erate eupport evidencing Jack of prao tlce. Rain put a atop to the 'game in the fifth inning, the ball becoming too wet and soggy to uae. Umpire Rankin handled -tha. team In a- hualnaa.iilra manner.; Next Sunday the Maroona and that North weat Aun AAmnanw will . form..' Tbeae games will be put ea at Portland team throughaut the etaeon. I ma narz aunnf tn. uhiim nf ih. . . . MAROONS. - ir n W TCI. A W Gaines, cf. .....A... 8 8 1 2 0 0 Hankie, If. ; , f 1"1 0 0 0 Trowbridge, lb. 118 14 Gray, sa. .... a rill 0 .1 Campbell, lb,. 1114 10 Mangold, lb, ........ I .1 1 0 0 1 Riser, p. 1 'o 0 1 0 -0 Brock, o. . ........ t 0 0 1 0 0 Smith, rf..Jf, ....... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Totala-,....'. 28 ' t S 141 . SCHIXLERS. ' ' ' - ; - in n. h vet a. si. urreriy. ir. 2 i e -1 o pool, Ib. ............ 8 I'l l Mcllwala. rt ........ 1 10 0 Emerick. e. .......... I 11 4 Fleming, lb. 10 11' Foley, 2b. ........... 1 0 10 Price, lb. 4 0 0 0 Brawn, lh. . .... . . - S a . A t 8ater, ss. 1 0 0 1 0 Higgins. p. ...w 10.001 0 To'tala . ...........11 I t 12 4 1 SCORE BT INNTNOS. Maroons . , , Oil I Hits ....2 0 3 4 I Schtllera rT .n-,; . . n ,rr.l 0 0 0 4 4 Hltaf ' ' e e e . a e e el 1X9 ' K?V- SUMMART. . V., Earned runs Maroons. I: flehlllers. 1 Stolen basea Maroona, t; Sohlllera. 2. Baaes oa sails Off Kiser, 4; off Hlg gina,- i. Struck -out By Klier, 6i. by Higgina. 4. Two-baa hlta PooL Fo ley. Taree-base hlta Henkle, Man- fold 2. Lft oa baaes Maroona, 4; ohillers. I. Hit by Ditched ball Kiser. Paaeed ball Emerick. Wild pitch Higgina. nm or game -una nour ana o minutea, umpire nankin. Bcor- ILebo and Smith, SEALS TAKE TWO FROM r : THE SEATTLE TRIBE (Jaaraal gaeelal Bervlee.) Can Francisco, April 4. The Seal a captured both game yeatsrday In good atyla from Buss Hall's Seattle tribe. The ecoree: . v . Morning ram ' R.H. TL Seattle.. 0 100 0 0000 1 f 1 San Francleoe.. .0 0 010 010 I t 1 Batteriea ' Jones and Slankenahln: Shea and Street. . . i ' ... , Second xame R. H. K. Seattle.. ......10404440 8 S 1 Ban rranolaoo...4 10 0 0 0 01 47 4 - Batteriea Vlokers snd Blankenahlp; uugnea ana street, umpire rerrine. HONK HONK NOTES. Last week was a rather busy.ons In automobile drclee, tha fin . weather giving the bualneas a great Impetus. Every ear la Portland was kept going all day and most of every night In the effort to handle the many persona who wished to enjoy the out-of-town Sights In an ante, rr--r-.. , -r v . . e e- Tt la remarkable to eee how many machines are being ahlpped lnt the email towns of the northwest." - said H. Ik Keats, th other day. Ta pro portion to the else of the cities, Port land has fewer machines than meet ef the email towns of this section, Port land will have to get busy if the boom In the auto trsds Is kept apace of other cities." . .... . ., e ....,.-.' Covey Cook sold a CadlHao touring car last week to Walter Cook.. 4- ',.:.'. :' . e' e ' ' A carload of Stevena-Durrea car ar due from .the east this -morning - for Covey Cook. . ' .. . :; . To. thoss who1 look ahead. It seems certain that thettlme muat oome when the moat apeedy and efficient vehicle of transportation, the motor car, wiU bo given the flrat call on th highway, will have' Its right of way In th mid dle end the tew remaining horse-drawq vehlclea will be relegated to a aid road. If the automoblllete would get together and build a few private InUr-clty speed- ways. they would furnlah an object lesson which would do mora than - all argument to hasten the day when tha bleaalngs of th motor car and ita right to exerclae its power will be acknowl edged In the manner Indicated. .--, -: It was at the Boston ahow that 9 man, atandlng by ' a buck board. - waa heard to make this Ingenious argument: 'Why, it takes four cylinders to drive that 1500 car over there, and It takes onlv one to drive this thins, and It coats 1100 laas at that e e . Automobile hearses are not 'apt te be popular with those of Calvlntstio be- llefe, unless they are bunt so that they cannot be speeded. A . gay driver of a motor heerae had to be cautioned by th Bonce while on hla - war - to the cemetery recently, and the -widow was greatly shocked beosuse soms unkind peraons remarked that "Jack always wss bound to acoroii- , . ..'' ; . Why do. men bay astomoblles capa ble of traveling from 10 to 10 miles en hour when, if they are law-esidlag. V v;.. THOUSAWUI , You want a PERMANENT "T i T"Xursf - We can ACCOMPLISH IT, If ll aave vlelata the lawa ef health and are eon arietta et a eoutaat 4 rain w SBderaualng your arttam, cam ta aa bafora Jo beM a aarvoua nd nhralcal If roe are weak, I Win and deamndXit. bar bad dreama. dapreaatd. lack ambltk ible t eaua.ntrate rear tbooabta. wmw, w. im.Mii win wwm wu waaa man vrooane all weaanaeeaa aad DoaltlTtlr re etaveyoe to atmiatb and baaftb. Wa bare enrad thouaanda of we.k mm. T0t WHO HAVE BtEW DltArroiWTID BT UMSKTLLID STBCTACl'tTO Alt SakSleitT KCOUEtTyo TO IlTV8TIOATX OUS briTHODS A1TD TUM WITHOUT ---A -UIFE UOIVQ CURB i FOR : -1 , slood roiaoir, ikiv dwiases. ookxi. trLcras. stbictttse. takxoooxle. ht- JaooxLx. kx&yovt decuvi wxAXxxaa, 8iLxa ox ohxomio suxAtxs or HX XIDkXTS AND rXOSTATX: mmmmm ym I " SriOIAL DISKASKS Newly twuHelted and-ebmie eaaa eared. -' All trarnlnc, Itrh. ina and innaamatloe atnppad la 84 bnara: core effected ta T daa Wl COVEX THX xgTtxx nxu or special axb chxokio, SIXSXATKO. COMUCATID .. BIS-. wmrrX If yew eaaaot call, eeot In plala eoaelopea. Me aan aaDOMxI. wa vauea ivi vviu uati. eara a patieat aeeaa aaa wait, ee teat aa i a aatUat aaoaa aad walL aa that ha kava ta be traatad far the earn tmbla, woxn is ai eooD as oua bond, ovx rixAjroiAi, stakdimo is solid asd dux loVo xxrytrrwex in TxxsThro ifxoial diseases or men instxxs tou or MooxxvTsoiijiTiria txxatkxst that wxll accomplish a cvxx. . HOURS- 4 s. m. to t p. m. Kvenlnge. t to I; SundsysM a. m. to 11 noon. . St. LOUIS IIECICALAND SUSGICA1 ooxnx sxooarn ajto taickixx. D b ctors W ho C lire Ws Trsat and Cur) Catarrh i and atomach" troubles, nervous diaeaaea, kidney, dleeasea, bladder "troublea. heart' dlseaae. diaeaaea of the stomach and bow el a, bronchial or lung troubles,', blood dleeaees, - speoial dlaeaaee, dleeaaes 'of th prostat giand, -aorofula and all forma of nervoua and chronio dleeaaes that are curable). CONSUL T A-T ION ; FRaUfi. CALX, OR WRITS. .. . Homo CurAS by M nil : Do not deapatr because you live " at a dlatanoa from the city. Our new syotem of HOME TREAT MENT makes I eaay to get ex pert advloe and treatment at . home.' Their new aymptom blank covers every symptom of dlaeaae.' which nables them to dlagnoae- ?our ease -and . tall what ..your rouble la, what can be done for', you and what the eoat of a cure . will be. WRITE for .their new aymptom Hat altd take advantage of the FREK EXAMINATION. Whether you take treatment or - not, the advice oosts you nothing. weak: men If Ton suffer from any Of the weakneeees or diaeaaea pa uaed by ignor ance. esceea or contagion YOU ARB THE VERY PERSON .WE WANT TO TALK. TO. - ,. r . ., ...... v PAY;WHBN;CURED ' We cure you first and then ask a REASONABLE FEB- when you ar cured. You can depend upon our word; thouaanda of patlenta have in doraed ue. NOW, WB WANT TO CURE YOU, with the dletlnrt under- -atandlng- that we will not demand a FEB until we cure you. This ap pllea to loat vigor, organlo weaknees, apermatorrhea, varicocele, diaeaaea of the prostate gland, contracted dlaorders, atrlcture, etc.,.-. contagious blood poison and ALL WEAKNESSES of men. 4 , All Medicine Free Until Cured ' Consultation and advice FREE by letter or in person. CALL 5r WHITE. . - , - -..., - - Office Hejrs lsi. tolp.rn.llu sjdayS and holidays. 14 a. m. to 1 1. ' Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. 1 THE iajADtNd SPECIALISTS OF, THE NORTHWEST. . N Office la Tarn Hoy Xto-eel, eai, Third St, Ooraer Fine, Portland, Or. , they cannot driva" them faster than" II miles an hour anywhere,' and In moat placea not more than 14 mllesT, Why not make ft a crime to tfulld a epeedy vehicle and compel mankind to return to th good, old one-horae ahay, or th ox-cart T As . It Is. - the'.snen who buy hlarh-DOwsred automobiles can use only ens third of what their- psy for In th way of power and agreed Are they corae-ens"T -.-r'i"-"::.:.:. ' . . e e . .L ... . . That the Importation of foreign cars will ceaae entirely within the next two Bears la a prediction mads by Oeorge N. Pleroe, the manufacturer, of Buffalo, New. York., . ..'..-.?'','.'. Salem Boys Win. (Spatial Dtapatcb te The Journal.) ' Salem. Or . April 4. In the Willam ette university gymnaalum on Saturday ths Salem High sohool boys defeated th Albany High achool five in a game ef baaketball by the score of 24 to I. ; '-' WMStlsrs 40 Xfawav ." " On -next-Wednesday evening at Ore gon Ctty Strangler Smith and Ed Mor riaaer will wreatle, catch as catch can. at 144 pounda. Conslderahls Interest is being taken m the event,, 1 ''.I - .., ' Worth Oentrala Teee. The North Central Juniors lost the first game of the seaaoa on Saturday to tha "East Twenty-eighth -street Juniore by the score of II to 20. - ' . . " ' ' Toae Toy . . JOHN L. RAND v ' awpuhlioaa Oaadldaee o CONGRESS Y :., (Seeoad Blsttlot) ' j" At the lvrlssaites AyrU go, . DgrOSsCabCwDay.Ciar CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM , " PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12.30 1 v..'. . FOR THE FEE. . AOSOLrUTlX GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS 5 CURED ' Come Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special ists who number their PERFECT Cures bjr the whlek la wreck. lack vtai. 1 d ltall. m. t am. ... All earreapeadacwe atrtclly eoaftdaatlal aad all replat a. eaaaa. tatter ar pbotograpbe et patleau pabllabad at Wa.Sa eat aiaaul uv fav .ut uniM. wa will aa antlral miMM. nl will mm, win aa entiraly aetltriea, IS VXSTIOATI .Ann ITlia THAT ona DISPENSARY irtiiTa, fobtxajtb. oBaaosr. OUR MOTTO Ikw Fee, Quick Our. hrUd i Fsialeee TieaimenV Call or " , write. :'- 'mDrinkxSdbcHcrry" Any article of diet may he Indulged in If followed by a done of CHAflEaVTY8--PEPfilA CURB. Relief In one mlnnt for Indigeatlon. naueea, heartburn, flat ulency and all atomach troubles. ' NEGLECTED DYSPEPSIA frequentlv leada to ulceration, and not Infrequently VJP!tr.rlbl4 o' all dlaeasea CANCER OF THE STOMACH. DO -NOT NEOLECT IT. DO NOT SUFFER. TAKE CHASE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. a alngl bottle will convince you of its merits. . ' ..... ( , CHASE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Is ths kind that cures by asalatlng the digea tlon of the food, and at the earns time toning and building up the dlaordered tlaaue of the atomach, and reatorlng the Impaired dlgeatlvs. organs to their nat ural condition. , CHASE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB will poaltively and permanently cure any knd every caae of stomach trouble that' Is curable. When you have tried all other remedies for dyapepala snd atom ach trouble and your caae ia given ap by doctor, then take CHASE'S DYS PEPSIA CURE. It our where All othere fall. IT, NEVER FAILS. Aak youi1 , Druggist for' CHASE'S DYSPEPCIA CURB (A LIQUID REM EDY), nd take nothing aaid to be "Juat aa good." 60c AND fl.00 a BOTTLE. Prepared by the Chase Mfg. Co., Brook- ' lyn. N. T. , . ; For. sale .In Portland by Woodard, Clarke a Co, - ' - - - CC7F2EfTEA Iwtl S k J b fmf S" W f tVawSAa nc-:jEimrwrk . ' it v v''.t