The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 08, 1906, SECTION FOUR, Image 37

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'irHAM5ERre ro!sr ' LULUi 'Dh, Letndef, LOOK OOTI 'Y6a r-T . 5.- popper. -Your enpgement and wedJInt ''
1 : lh hrd luck postponements o( our mirrUre- I'm ' 1 iw foolish blunder rt you about to mikr 1 JLEANDERr "W-E-E-E-O-Wr ' ' ' killing Popptrl OIW Leander, why, oh WHY did . --with Lulu Is off forever. Skldoo! Z3(- 1
lolnr to take the bull by the horns! No niore ' ' nowr , ' . ,", - - --. poPPERj ! thought I heard a nolser What's you do Kr Jl '- - ; , , . , LULU: "Oh, I knew It would come to this
deUy 4'm.folnf to- tatist that Lulu lont.-'-LEANDER' ;-Lulu.-in3ritIenc h atan end.'- -:a!l this Who-said flyrCrcat ScotU - BURGLARS)'' LEANDERt ' "WHWP - -4-- LEANDERi "Ye rods! Romance and Lovel
tr,.,--r . 1. ....... v Jt - T -r t , - - POPPER: "HELPl MUROERI THIEVES! Ye 8QSH1 Ma for the 1 illentjombr
' : : ' . '',.', y, thlnts-and fly;w1thTmariyty,jcarriawIJTwaitlnfrr : ;-; .' ' )'". '' ' ,' - " that lobster Leander 1 Imow his voice-" L 1
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